Name | Version | |
r-rcppziggurat | 0.1.5 | More information |
r-rfast | 1.9.9 | More information |
python-conda-package-handling | 1.6.0 | More information |
libsocketcan | 0.0.11 | More information |
emacs-explain-pause-mode | 0.1-0.2356c8c | More information |
clapack | 3.2.1 | More information |
libredwg | 0.11 | More information |
python-bottleneck | 1.3.2 | More information |
r-gaston | 1.5.6 | More information |
r-spatstat-utils | 1.17-0 | More information |
yeganesh | 2.4 | More information |
drawpile | 2.1.17 | More information |
emacs-kanji | 1.0-0.5e9d5b7 | More information |
r-spectrum | 1.1 | More information |
dbxfs | 1.0.43 | More information |
r-clusterr | 1.2.2 | More information |
kxstitch | 2.2.0 | More information |
phast | 1.5 | More information |
python-sgp4 | 2.12 | More information |
r-cpp11 | 0.2.1 | More information |
emacs-kana | 1.0.0-0.b239c3c | More information |
qtmips | 0.7.3 | More information |
r-spatstat | 1.64-1 | More information |
python-dropbox | 10.3.1 | More information |
python-devtools | 0.6 | More information |
r-goftest | 1.2-2 | More information |
r-spatstat-data | 1.4-3 | More information |
entangle | 3.0 | More information |
pandoc | 2.7.3 | More information |
pandoc-citeproc | 0.16.2 | More information |
libinstpatch | 1.1.5 | More information |
guile-srfi-89 | 0.0.1 | More information |
rttr | 0.9.6 | More information |
r-m3c | 1.10.0 | More information |
libde265 | 1.0.5 | More information |
python-pydantic | 1.6.1 | More information |
veusz | 3.2.1 | More information |
r-tensor | 1.5 | More information |
Name | Version | |
python2-conda | 4.3.16 | More information |
Name | Versions |
python-conda | |
mediainfo | |
nginx | |
xterm | |
r-compositions | |
srain | |
r-zip | |
libmaxminddb | |
python-stdnum | |
nginx-documentation |
guile2.2-mcron | |
r-stringdist | |
r-parmigene | |
r-ggdendro | |
sparsehash | |
r-performance | |
r-dalex | |
dovecot | |
r-pkgbuild | |
python-crashtest | |
acpica | |
r-expm | |
lmdb | |
r-radiant-data | |
r-ibdreg | |
python-aenum | |
r-ibreakdown | |
musescore | |
samplv1 | |
flint | |
r-bayestestr | |
r-shinycssloaders | |
git-annex |
emacs-esup |
khard | |
kdenlive | |
r-bit64 | |
libplist | |
lftp | |
php | |
links | |
emacs-lsp-mode | |
r-parameters | |
terminology | |
linux-libre | |
monero-gui | |
r-rgdal | |
r-xml | |
r-rms | |
python-typing | |
grim | |
musl | |
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus | |
linux-libre-arm-generic | |
libimobiledevice | |
r-dplyr | |
goffice | |
r-sf | |
evisum | |
r-epi | |
r-ff | |
r-deldir | |
gitolite | |
r-tinytex | |
fping | |
r-ingredients | |
seabios | |
kakoune |
r-seurat | |
r-pls | |
facter | |
strace | |
emacs-slime | |
vala | |
sslh | |
tumbler | |
r-arm | |
openfst | |
mcron | |
spread-sheet-widget | |
pigx-bsseq | |
emacs-with-editor | |
r-adamethods | |
linux-libre-riscv64-generic | |
r-quanteda | |
ghc | |
r-assertive-reflection | |
r-fit-models | |
linux-libre-headers | |
emacs-guix |
weechat | |
ethtool | |
python2-typing | |
emacs-buttercup | |
xpra | |
r-assertive-datetimes | |
r-aws | |
r-fs | |
emacs-nix-mode | |
r-insight | |
r-ttr | |
r-rrcov | |
burp | |
linux-libre-arm64-generic | |
mu | |
emacs-treepy | |
aha | |
nano | |
innoextract | |
man-pages | |
gpsd | |
r-hmisc | |
pioneers | |
yapet | |
padthv1 | |
r-data-table | |
luakit | |
r-assertive | |
pspp | |
marco | |
r-raster | |
perf | |
libtorrent-rasterbar | |
uhttpmock | |
mlt | |
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel | |
sxhkd | |
flatpak | |
r-sys | |
r-fda | |
xonsh | |
libusbmuxd | |
drumkv1 | |
r-mice | |
r-effectsize | |
ltris | |
r-ggeffects | |
r-distillery | |
emacs-calibredb | |
bitcoin-abc | |
icedove | |
r-tmb | |
gtkwave | |
usbmuxd | |
r-gbm | |
gnome-boxes | |
gssdp | |
python-pycosat | |
python2-stdnum | |
perl-catalyst-view-tt | |
geos | |
gfbgraph | |
nextpnr-ice40 |
emacs-vterm |
r-nmf | |
ghc-distributive | |
waybar | |
r-car | |
r-bit | |
r-brms | |
cpuid | |
megatools | |
r-rstan | |
r-xfun | |
python-trezor | |
r-vctrs | |
bspwm | |
ola |
linux-libre-bpf | |
r-irkernel | |
mate-panel | |
qtractor | |
python2-pycosat | |
r-psych | |
r-remotes | |
can-utils |
r-rstanarm | |
r-devtools | |
synthv1 | |
r-rvest | |
gupnp | |
libmicrohttpd | |
fmit | |
r-tidyr | |
r-httr | |
linux-libre-arm-veyron | |
iproute2 | |
r-lavaan | |
r-dt | |
wxmaxima | |
freefall | |
libmatroska | |
emacs-org-superstar | |
r-rxnat | |
ifuse | |
ceph | |
httpd | |
x86-energy-perf-policy | |
r-hierfstat | |
r-ps | |
guile3.0-mcron | |
r-rcpparmadillo |
r-servr | |
cpupower | |
readosm | |
conda | |
libmediainfo |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | patch-file-names Validate file names and availability of patches | clang-runtime-3.5-libsanitizer-mode-field.patch: file name is too long |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 852 is way too long (91 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 833 is way too long (94 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | inputs-should-be-native Identify inputs that should be native inputs | 'python-pytest' should probably be a native input |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 591 is way too long (91 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | patch-file-names Validate file names and availability of patches | file names of patches should start with the package name |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 15911, column 30 |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | inputs-should-be-native Identify inputs that should be native inputs | 'python-pytest' should probably be a native input |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | description Validate package descriptions | sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 606, 945 |