Language | Title | Body | |
New | de | Befähigtere | Wo der Kernel dies unterstützt, kann Guix System nun POSIX-Capabilities an die Anwendungen vergeben, denen besonders vertraut wird. Capabilities bieten eine feinmaschigere Alternative zu den klassischen setuid- und setgid-Berechtigungen, die auch verfügbar bleiben. Um dies deutlich zu machen, heißt |
en | More capable | Where the kernel supports it, Guix System can now assign POSIX capabilities to trusted executables. Capabilities offer a more granular alternative to the traditional setuid and setgid permissions, which remain available. To reflect this, | |
nl | Capabelere | Waar de kernel dit toelaat kan Guix System nu POSIX capabilities toewijzen aan vertrouwde uitvoerbare bestanden. ``Capabilities'' zijn een fijnmaziger alternatief voor de klassieke setuid- en setgid-rechten, die ook beschikbaar blijven. Om dit duidelijk te maken heet |
Name | Version | |
sugar-river-crossing-activity | 1-1.0abbeb4 | More information |
emacs-helm-css-scss | 1.3-0.2169d83 | More information |
emacs-sv-kalender-namnsdagar | 1.0 | More information |
go-github-com-libp2p-go-nat | 0.2.0 | More information |
perl-minimumversion | 1.40 | More information |
rust-libspa | 0.7.2 | More information |
go-github-com-ipfs-go-verifcid | 0.0.3 | More information |
rust-pipewire-sys | 0.7.2 | More information |
go-github-com-libp2p-go-msgio | 0.3.0 | More information |
rust-libspa-sys | 0.7.2 | More information |
mpich-ofi | 4.2.2 | More information |
sshguard | 2.4.3 | More information |
go-github-com-containerd-fifo | 1.1.0 | More information |
emacs-tinysegmenter | 0.1 | More information |
emacs-ruby-electric | 2.3.3 | More information |
go-github-com-mohae-deepcopy | 0.0.0-20170308212314-bb9b5e7adda9 | More information |
go-github-com-yuin-gopher-lua | 1.1.1 | More information |
sugar-cellgame-activity | 5-1.4a22fd1 | More information |
sugar-commander-activity | 11-1.a018652 | More information |
checkmake | 0.2.2 | More information |
go-github-com-charlievieth-fastwalk | 1.0.8 | More information |
zycore | 1.5.0 | More information |
zydis | 4.1.0 | More information |
go-github-com-go-quicktest-qt | 1.101.0 | More information |
go-github-com-containerd-typeurl-v2 | 2.2.0 | More information |
go-github-com-libp2p-go-buffer-pool | 0.1.0 | More information |
go-github-com-mattbaird-jsonpatch | 0.0.0-20240118010651-0ba75a80ca38 | More information |
fyi | 1.0.3 | More information |
sugar-turtlepond-activity | 10-1.e460fc4 | More information |
emacs-rbs-mode | 0.3.2 | More information |
go-github-com-muesli-cancelreader | 0.2.2 | More information |
go-github-com-evanphx-json-patch | 0.5.2 | More information |
python-klaus | 3.0.1 | More information |
shfmt | 3.9.0 | More information |
go-mvdan-cc-editorconfig | 0.3.0 | More information |
go-github-com-containerd-typeurl | 1.0.2 | More information |
prrte | 3.0.6 | More information |
go-github-com-google-renameio-v2 | 2.0.0 | More information |
rust-pipewire | 0.7.2 | More information |
font-atkinson-hyperlegible | 0.0.0-0.1cb3116 | More information |
sugar-classify-cats-activity | 2-1.83aa897 | More information |
perl-ppix-utils | 0.003 | More information |
go-github-com-elliotchance-orderedmap-v2 | 2.2.0 | More information |
guile-qr-code | 0.1.0 | More information |
helvum | 0.5.1 | More information |
hunspell-dict-el | 0.1 | More information |
go-github-com-libp2p-go-netroute | 0.2.1 | More information |
nss-rapid | 3.103 | More information |
go-github-com-gofrs-flock | 0.12.1 | More information |
pantheon-photos | 8.0.0 | More information |
guile-web-driver-ng | 1.0.0 | More information |
go-github-com-huin-goupnp | 1.3.0 | More information |
biblesync | 2.1.0 | More information |
emacs-llama | 0.3.1 | More information |
emacs-ssh-deploy | 3.1.16 | More information |
go-github-com-google-subcommands | 1.2.0 | More information |
go-msgio | 0.3.0 | More information |
glua | 1.1.1 | More information |
openpmix | 4.2.8 | More information |
python-httpauth | 0.4.1 | More information |
go-github-com-koron-go-ssdp | 0.0.4 | More information |
Name | Version | |
go-github-com-direnv-go-dotenv | 0.0.0-0.4cce6d1 | More information |
gobject-introspection | 1.73.1 | More information |
Name | Versions |
sonnet | |
libgccjit | |
plasma-firewall | |
kitemmodels | |
bluez-qt | |
emacs-casual-calc | |
plasma-desktop | |
go-github-com-spf13-cobra | |
go-github-com-go-playground-locales | |
emacs-gnosis | |
guile-zlib | |
ocean-sound-theme | |
emacs-org | |
xurls | |
knotifications | |
emacs-emacsql |
guile2.2-dsv | |
knewstuff | |
kglobalacceld | |
yq | |
emacs-org-re-reveal | |
kwallet-pam | |
kgamma | |
networkmanager-qt | |
emacs-xr | |
ksvg | |
emacs-empv | |
emacs-ebuild-mode | |
kparts | |
xmrig | |
plasma | |
go-github-com-mattn-go-runewidth | |
gcc-objc | |
ecl-ironclad | |
emacs-casual-dired | |
emacs-org-appear | |
kcmutils | |
go-github-com-gdamore-tcell |
emacs-know-your-http-well | |
plasma-systemmonitor | |
go-github-com-goccy-go-json | |
plasma-nano | |
plasma-vault | |
emacs-hl-todo | |
plasma-integration | |
emacs-persp-mode | |
emacs-llm | |
nginx-documentation |
kirigami | |
go-github-com-itchyny-gojq | |
emacs-activities | |
pdfgrep | |
plasma-welcome | |
modemmanager-qt | |
kwayland-integration | |
ktextwidgets | |
darktable | |
sbcl | |
bluedevil | |
kjobwidgets | |
libsecp256k1 | |
trealla | |
kcontacts | |
direvent | |
knot | |
guile-dsv | |
emacs-jinx | |
kiln | |
emacs-taxy | |
go-golang-org-x-sys | |
emacs-keycast | |
emacs-cpreproc | |
kscreenlocker | |
kiconthemes | |
emacs-forge | |
emacs-ghub | |
emacs-dape | |
kguiaddons | |
go-golang-org-x-time | |
emacs-magit-annex | |
emacs-bfuture | |
emacs-osm | |
sbcl-ironclad | |
kauth | |
go-github-com-elliotchance-orderedmap | |
kstatusnotifieritem | |
go-golang-org-x-term | |
emacs-casual-info | |
plzip | |
plasma-nm | |
libplasma | |
emacs-casual-lib | |
txr | |
go-github-com-goccy-go-yaml | |
kwayland | |
gojq | |
go-github-com-junegunn-fzf | |
go-golang-org-x-net | |
kdnssd | |
kitemviews | |
ksshaskpass | |
libcamera | |
kxmlgui | |
kwallet | |
ecl-cl-data-structures |
emacs-auto-compile | |
kdav | |
guix-data-service |
kde-frameworkintegration | |
go-github-com-delthas-go-localeinfo |
karchive | |
kmenuedit | |
krdp | |
knot-resolver | |
go-github-com-rogpeppe-go-internal | |
milou | |
powerdevil | |
emacs-saveplace-pdf-view | |
kdbusaddons | |
system-settings | |
kcompletion | |
emacs-chatgpt-shell | |
cl-data-structures |
chrony | |
qqc2-breeze-style | |
xdg-desktop-portal-kde | |
kde-cli-tools | |
ecl-clx |
go-github-com-gabriel-vasile-mimetype | |
kconfig | |
kio | |
go-github-com-google-renameio | |
racket | |
kwrited | |
emacs-taxy-magit-section | |
sbcl-clx |
emacs-tempel | |
ksyntaxhighlighting | |
monero-gui | |
emacs-git-modes | |
emacs-denote-menu | |
kwindowsystem | |
podman | |
kdeplasma-addons | |
go-github-com-creack-pty | |
kcodecs | |
threadweaver | |
librewolf | |
kcolorscheme | |
plasma-browser-integration | |
emacs-ellama | |
plasma-workspace | |
emacs-org-roam |
emacs-magit |
breeze-icons | |
easyeffects | |
emacs-mastodon | |
emacs-beancount |
gcc-objc++ | |
wireviz | |
yt-dlp |
emacs-no-littering | |
ktexteditor | |
racket-minimal | |
krunner | |
kdeclarative | |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers | |
emacs-moody | |
gpsbabel | |
kpty | |
emacs-pg | |
hdf5-parallel-openmpi | |
emacs-apheleia | |
ktexttemplate | |
kholidays | |
go-golang-org-x-text | |
print-manager | |
emacs-polymode-ansible | |
libkscreen | |
kpipewire | |
go-github-com-pelletier-go-toml | |
emacs-auto-yasnippet |
ki18n | |
emacs-relint | |
kactivitymanagerd | |
hdf5 | |
breeze-gtk | |
emacs-paren-face | |
kquickcharts | |
drkonqi | |
emacs-csv-mode | |
go-golang-org-x-exp | |
purpose | |
sbcl-cl-data-structures |
kcoreaddons | |
kdoctools | |
p2pool | |
kcrash | |
polkit-kde-agent | |
solid | |
emacs-closql | |
plasma-pa | |
kwin | |
libksysguard | |
go-golang-org-x-mod | |
emacs-orgit | |
attica | |
monero | |
emacs-org-mime | |
kunitconversion | |
emacs-prescient | |
kdecoration | |
kdesu | |
emacs-epkg | |
go-golang-org-x-crypto | |
kplotting | |
kwidgetsaddons | |
kapidox | |
knotifyconfig | |
gallery-dl | |
discover | |
emacs-geiser-guile | |
kinfocenter | |
kservice | |
kglobalaccel | |
emacs-corfu | |
kscreen | |
okular | |
gccgo | |
plasma-disks | |
nginx | |
emacs-with-editor | |
emacs-cape | |
go-golang-org-x-tools | |
kfilemetadata | |
emacs-marginalia | |
emacs-org-modern | |
opensmtpd | |
kded | |
syndication | |
kconfigwidgets | |
go-github-com-kr-pretty | |
kcalendarcore | |
gcc-toolchain | |
kanshi | |
libgit2 | |
baloo | |
emacs-consult | |
emacs-minions | |
qqc2-desktop-style | |
plasma-activities | |
breeze | |
oxygen-sounds | |
cl-clx |
go-github-com-itchyny-timefmt-go | |
cl-ironclad | |
kde-gtk-config | |
extra-cmake-modules | |
emacs-tramp | |
go-github-com-pelletier-go-toml-v2 | |
emacs-elfeed | |
ksystemstats | |
mu | |
go-github-com-fatih-color | |
kpeople | |
kimageformats | |
direnv | |
weechat | |
kidletime | |
go-mvdan-cc-xurls | |
isync | |
go-github-com-stretchr-objx | |
prison | |
breeze-qt5 | |
layer-shell-qt | |
miniflux | |
guile2.2-zlib | |
plasma5support | |
emacs-plz | |
plasma-activities-stats | |
kpackage | |
emacs-vertico | |
emacs-orglink | |
go-golang-org-x-image | |
openmpi | |
go-github-com-mikefarah-yq-v4 | |
kbookmarks | |
emacs-olivetti | |
emacs-pdfgrep |
fzf | |
go-golang-org-x-sync |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'util-linux' does not match package name 'util-linux:lib' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'lsp-plugins' does not match package name 'lsp-plugins:lv2' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | patch-file-names Validate file names and availability of patches | file names of patches should start with the package name |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 35213, column 0 |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 410 is way too long (102 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label '' does not match package name 'go-gopkg-in-yaml-v2' |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label '' does not match package name 'go-github-com-davecgh-go-spew' |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label '' does not match package name 'go-github-com-burntsushi-toml' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 104 is way too long (98 characters) |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 102 is way too long (97 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 286, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 276, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 277, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 278, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 279, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 280, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 285, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 292, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 293, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 294, column 0 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 295, column 0 |
New warning | source-file-name Validate file names of sources | the source file name should contain the package name |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | profile-collisions Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs | propagated inputs kservice@5.116.0 and kservice@6.4.0 collide |
New warning | profile-collisions Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs | propagated inputs kservice@5.116.0 and kservice@6.5.0 collide |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 1193 is way too long (95 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | tabulation on line 1085, column 0 |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | profile-collisions Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs | propagated inputs /gnu/store/i915fzxgqsivsnjj2cw7zfnhscmj3sjy-maven-wagon-provider-api-3.4.3 and /gnu/store/hxlcr5pcx17s9qwfw3sfpb152bi375j5-maven-wagon-provider-api-3.4.3 collide |
New warning | profile-collisions Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs | propagated inputs /gnu/store/mwriihhyiwg1m6zbk0i82r8a7kbqlmyb-maven-wagon-provider-api-3.4.3 and /gnu/store/mmklh6yh8nqr4s9cbgyx61jrx1vla26a-maven-wagon-provider-api-3.4.3 collide |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'hwloc' does not match package name 'hwloc:lib' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | patch-file-names Validate file names and availability of patches | file names of patches should start with the package name |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 366 is way too long (112 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'hwloc' does not match package name 'hwloc:lib' |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 658 is way too long (112 characters) |
Linter | Message | |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'qtmultimedia-5' does not match package name 'qtmultimedia' |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'gettext' does not match package name 'gettext-minimal' |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'xvfb' does not match package name 'xorg-server' |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'ps' does not match package name 'procps' |
Resolved warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'fontconfig' does not match package name 'fontconfig-minimal' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'glib' does not match package name 'glib:bin' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 690 is way too long (109 characters) |
New warning | description Validate package descriptions | sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 146 |
New warning | formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 676 is way too long (103 characters) |
New warning | input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'hwloc' does not match package name 'hwloc:lib' |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | inputs-should-be-native Identify inputs that should be native inputs | 'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | inputs-should-be-native Identify inputs that should be native inputs | 'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input |
Linter | Message | |
New warning | inputs-should-be-native Identify inputs that should be native inputs | 'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input |