Required. The commit to use as the basis for the comparison.
Required. The commit to compare against the base commit.

News entries

No news entry changes

New packages

ecl-listopia0.12.0More information
sbcl-listopia0.12.0More information
cl-listopia0.12.0More information

Removed packages

No removed packages

Version changes

No version changes

Lint warnings

cl-listopia (version: 0.12.0)

New warninginput-labels

Identify input labels that do not match package names

label 'sbcl-prove' does not match package name 'cl-prove'

ecl-listopia (version: 0.12.0)

New warninginput-labels

Identify input labels that do not match package names

label 'sbcl-prove' does not match package name 'ecl-prove'