Telegram Desktop
Telegram desktop is the official desktop version of the Telegram instant messenger.
Linter | Message | Location |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'python' does not match package name 'python-wrapper' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'alsa' does not match package name 'alsa-lib' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'catch' does not match package name 'catch2' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'expected' does not match package name 'libexpected' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'iconv' does not match package name 'libiconv' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'libjpeg' does not match package name 'libjpeg-turbo' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'qrcodegen' does not match package name 'qrcodegen-cpp' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'qt' does not match package name 'qtbase' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'webrtc' does not match package name 'webrtc-for-telegram-desktop' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'x11' does not match package name 'libx11' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'xcb' does not match package name 'libxcb' | |
input-labels Identify input labels that do not match package names | label 'xcb-keysyms' does not match package name 'xcb-util-keysyms' | |
formatting Look for formatting issues in the source | line 353 is way too long (93 characters) |