Job 15110

Return at most this many characters.
Start reading the log from this character.
debug: Starting computing the channel derivation
debug: using open-inferior
debug: Acquiring advisory session lock: latest-channel-instances
debug: Finished aquiring lock latest-channel-instances, took 0 seconds
Updating channel 'guix' from Git repository at ''...
debug: Releasing lock latest-channel-instances, spent 9 seconds
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
guix-data-service: computing the derivation-file-name for x86_64-linux
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
The following derivation will be built:
@ build-started /gnu/store/09f279aaway94f17x6m1niz59pim0svp-compute-guix-derivation.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/09//f279aaway94f17x6m1niz59pim0svp-compute-guix-derivation.drv.bz2 6415
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/09f279aaway94f17x6m1niz59pim0svp-compute-guix-derivation.drv -
Computing Guix derivation for 'x86_64-linux'...  substitute: 
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%

guix-data-service: computing the derivation-file-name for i686-linux
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
The following derivation will be built:
@ build-started /gnu/store/kg9vnw9k85gyfr1sp4wyb2fznbsm56sw-compute-guix-derivation.drv - i686-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/kg//9vnw9k85gyfr1sp4wyb2fznbsm56sw-compute-guix-derivation.drv.bz2 6454
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/kg9vnw9k85gyfr1sp4wyb2fznbsm56sw-compute-guix-derivation.drv -
Computing Guix derivation for 'i686-linux'...  substitute: 
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...  25.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...  50.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...  75.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/9vqhv4qc2gakws6ypszr4rwfs93i7bwm-git-2.25.2.tar.xz substitute
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/spsy2w8hfpkxhh6bbgcmqv5y1xhyfhb0-curl-7.65.3-doc substitute
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/c9y0df8f14qsxh25l8sydhcxqi9d1rq1-binutils-2.32 substitute

 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB                   0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 git-2.25.2.tar.xz  5.6MiB               0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 git-2.25.2.tar.xz  5.6MiB           799KiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 curl-7.65.3-doc  580KiB                 0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               2.2MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   1.5%
 curl-7.65.3-doc  580KiB             2.0MiB/s 00:00 [#                 ]  11.0%
 git-2.25.2.tar.xz  5.6MiB           3.3MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  12.3%
 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               2.7MiB/s 00:00 [###               ]  16.9%
 curl-7.65.3-doc  580KiB             2.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 curl-7.65.3-doc  580KiB             2.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/spsy2w8hfpkxhh6bbgcmqv5y1xhyfhb0-curl-7.65.3-doc
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/jymj5rgdgm7p1968mwrzr8cxyz6py9cb-ed-1.15 substitute

 git-2.25.2.tar.xz  5.6MiB           4.9MiB/s 00:00 [######            ]  35.7%
 git-2.25.2.tar.xz  5.6MiB           7.2MiB/s 00:01 [##############    ]  80.3%
 git-2.25.2.tar.xz  5.6MiB           8.4MiB/s 00:01 [##################] 100.0%

 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               3.3MiB/s 00:00 [######            ]  36.9%
 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               3.4MiB/s 00:01 [#########         ]  55.4%@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/9vqhv4qc2gakws6ypszr4rwfs93i7bwm-git-2.25.2.tar.xz
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/ylwvlaxsmjlfmvcf55cv61im05r62pxs-file-5.33 substitute

 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               3.6MiB/s 00:01 [#############     ]  76.9%Downloading

 ed-1.15  56KiB                          0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 ed-1.15  56KiB                      3.8MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 ed-1.15  56KiB                      2.3MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/jymj5rgdgm7p1968mwrzr8cxyz6py9cb-ed-1.15
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/b6xlb4mg7lzf62rlald0jdrng2syrykh-gdbm-1.18.1 substitute

 file-5.33  251KiB                       0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 file-5.33  251KiB                   4.1MiB/s 00:00 [####              ]  25.5%
 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               3.2MiB/s 00:01 [###############   ]  84.6%
 file-5.33  251KiB                   3.1MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/ylwvlaxsmjlfmvcf55cv61im05r62pxs-file-5.33
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/yhcx0s3qqvidwzz94v8f63xpy8zmz99m-gmp-6.1.2 substitute

 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               2.9MiB/s 00:01 [################  ]  92.3%Downloading

 gdbm-1.18.1  200KiB                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 gdbm-1.18.1  200KiB                 3.3MiB/s 00:00 [#####             ]  32.1%
 gdbm-1.18.1  200KiB                 3.3MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/b6xlb4mg7lzf62rlald0jdrng2syrykh-gdbm-1.18.1
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/b8d2fwndv0shnyk2474lzd9mjvr4vpwr-grep-3.3 substitute

 gmp-6.1.2  590KiB                       0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 gmp-6.1.2  590KiB                   3.1MiB/s 00:00 [#                 ]  10.8%
 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               2.7MiB/s 00:02 [################# ]  99.9%
 binutils-2.32  4.1MiB               2.6MiB/s 00:02 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/c9y0df8f14qsxh25l8sydhcxqi9d1rq1-binutils-2.32
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/8vddgng00gkifcg6zb16sz86sih0pwzw-libgc-7.6.12 substitute

 gmp-6.1.2  590KiB                   3.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%


 grep-3.3  226KiB                        0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 grep-3.3  226KiB                    4.3MiB/s 00:00 [#####             ]  28.3%
 grep-3.3  226KiB                    2.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/yhcx0s3qqvidwzz94v8f63xpy8zmz99m-gmp-6.1.2
@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/b8d2fwndv0shnyk2474lzd9mjvr4vpwr-grep-3.3
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/17m6lxnlv19im9vzd1m36hixcxnqrkq5-ld-wrapper-0 substitute
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/zjh4jhkijgg9p7n2x4id34gl9wfllf7j-make-4.2.1 substitute

 libgc-7.6.12  300KiB                    0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%Downloading

 libgc-7.6.12  300KiB                3.9MiB/s 00:00 [###               ]  21.3%
 ld-wrapper-0  10KiB                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 ld-wrapper-0  10KiB                 8.4MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 ld-wrapper-0  10KiB                 1.1MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/17m6lxnlv19im9vzd1m36hixcxnqrkq5-ld-wrapper-0
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/g42fjk0dxgy986ghz1mbd7a14ljqwnn0-gzip-1.10 substitute

 libgc-7.6.12  300KiB                3.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/8vddgng00gkifcg6zb16sz86sih0pwzw-libgc-7.6.12
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/x8nm10k6zdh32rwcr8nxggjjkwbz1fng-mit-krb5-1.17 substitute

 make-4.2.1  419KiB                      0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 make-4.2.1  419KiB                  4.3MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  15.3%
 make-4.2.1  419KiB                  4.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/zjh4jhkijgg9p7n2x4id34gl9wfllf7j-make-4.2.1
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/n8g6pr9r1r9xmhqbbj9a5ycjq4ypaj6z-guile-2.2.6 substitute

 gzip-1.10  82KiB                        0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 gzip-1.10  82KiB                    3.2MiB/s 00:00 [##############    ]  77.9%
 gzip-1.10  82KiB                    1.8MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/g42fjk0dxgy986ghz1mbd7a14ljqwnn0-gzip-1.10
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/79alh0l57jrn5i59y6mbr9kbb52m20kx-module-import substitute

 mit-krb5-1.17  1.1MiB                   0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 mit-krb5-1.17  1.1MiB               3.3MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   5.5%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 3.3MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   1.1%Downloading

 mit-krb5-1.17  1.1MiB               5.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/x8nm10k6zdh32rwcr8nxggjjkwbz1fng-mit-krb5-1.17
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/hivd6h6rfc4m3gvb9pvxwlrf4b619rbv-nettle-3.5.1 substitute

 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 3.6MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  14.6%
 module-import  334B                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 module-import  334B                  74KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 module-import  334B                  63KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/79alh0l57jrn5i59y6mbr9kbb52m20kx-module-import
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/jnhmnxf4w3j2qr3qp4i6xncwplw90da6-nghttp2-1.39.1-lib substitute

 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 4.6MiB/s 00:00 [######            ]  37.1%Downloading

 nettle-3.5.1  302KiB                    0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 nettle-3.5.1  302KiB                4.2MiB/s 00:00 [###               ]  21.2%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 3.8MiB/s 00:01 [########          ]  46.1%
 nghttp2-1.39.1-lib  97KiB               0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 nghttp2-1.39.1-lib  97KiB           2.7MiB/s 00:00 [###########       ]  66.0%
 nghttp2-1.39.1-lib  97KiB           2.0MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/jnhmnxf4w3j2qr3qp4i6xncwplw90da6-nghttp2-1.39.1-lib
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/zwxw3disj9y8jmz794p6vjnsmk0ijbpj-module-import-compiled substitute

 nettle-3.5.1  302KiB                2.7MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/hivd6h6rfc4m3gvb9pvxwlrf4b619rbv-nettle-3.5.1
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/jrm7rqllmj4pydv4acf49lg1xsdj2nk4-openssl-1.1.1c substitute

 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 3.2MiB/s 00:01 [#########         ]  51.7%Downloading

 module-import-compiled  168KiB          0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 module-import-compiled  168KiB      4.4MiB/s 00:00 [######            ]  38.1%
 module-import-compiled  168KiB      2.6MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/zwxw3disj9y8jmz794p6vjnsmk0ijbpj-module-import-compiled
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/aj4cab3imvy4lkzi2lvk0dnpdhkmazj0-patch-2.7.6 substitute

 openssl-1.1.1c  2.1MiB                  0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 openssl-1.1.1c  2.1MiB              4.3MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   3.0%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.9MiB/s 00:01 [##########        ]  57.3%Downloading

 openssl-1.1.1c  2.1MiB              5.5MiB/s 00:00 [##########        ]  56.5%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.6MiB/s 00:01 [###########       ]  62.9%
 patch-2.7.6  115KiB                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 patch-2.7.6  115KiB                 3.2MiB/s 00:00 [##########        ]  55.8%
 patch-2.7.6  115KiB                 2.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/aj4cab3imvy4lkzi2lvk0dnpdhkmazj0-patch-2.7.6
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0 substitute

 openssl-1.1.1c  2.1MiB              5.9MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/jrm7rqllmj4pydv4acf49lg1xsdj2nk4-openssl-1.1.1c
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/05m9zv13kynih949lqm1a01yqmmflznp-readline-8.0 substitute

 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.5MiB/s 00:02 [############      ]  68.6%Downloading

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                    0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                3.2MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.5%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.3MiB/s 00:02 [#############     ]  74.2%Downloading

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                3.8MiB/s 00:00 [#                 ]   7.0%
 readline-8.0  397KiB                    0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 readline-8.0  397KiB                3.3MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  16.1%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.2MiB/s 00:02 [##############    ]  79.8%
 readline-8.0  397KiB                4.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/05m9zv13kynih949lqm1a01yqmmflznp-readline-8.0
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/0pfs5gq0gvlrsbc7kp4hxjdp0yhakgzh-cyrus-sasl-2.1.27 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                3.5MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  12.2%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.1MiB/s 00:02 [###############   ]  85.4%Downloading

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                3.5MiB/s 00:01 [###               ]  17.8%
 cyrus-sasl-2.1.27  243KiB               0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 cyrus-sasl-2.1.27  243KiB           4.3MiB/s 00:00 [####              ]  26.3%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.1MiB/s 00:02 [################  ]  91.0%
 cyrus-sasl-2.1.27  243KiB           2.9MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/0pfs5gq0gvlrsbc7kp4hxjdp0yhakgzh-cyrus-sasl-2.1.27
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/vrbf44wzlqwd6a82r0wp9qr1nzbqvv34-bash-5.0.7 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                3.2MiB/s 00:01 [###               ]  22.1%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.0MiB/s 00:03 [################# ]  96.7%Downloading

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.8MiB/s 00:01 [####              ]  24.4%
 bash-5.0.7  1.2MiB                      0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 bash-5.0.7  1.2MiB                  3.9MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   5.2%
 guile-2.2.6  5.6MiB                 2.0MiB/s 00:03 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/n8g6pr9r1r9xmhqbbj9a5ycjq4ypaj6z-guile-2.2.6
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/pka0m4k02grzsl7g5dcpc59jnpgyxay8-sed-4.7 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.6MiB/s 00:01 [####              ]  26.8%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.4MiB/s 00:02 [#####             ]  29.1%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.3MiB/s 00:02 [#####             ]  31.5%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.2MiB/s 00:02 [######            ]  33.8%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.1MiB/s 00:02 [######            ]  36.2%
 bash-5.0.7  1.2MiB                  5.6MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 bash-5.0.7  1.2MiB                  5.6MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/vrbf44wzlqwd6a82r0wp9qr1nzbqvv34-bash-5.0.7
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/sg276p2l9js8l9b9v9m7hag8bjscg95y-gnutls-3.6.9 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.1MiB/s 00:02 [######            ]  38.5%
 sed-4.7  227KiB                         0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%Downloading

 sed-4.7  227KiB                     3.2MiB/s 00:00 [#####             ]  28.2%
 sed-4.7  227KiB                     3.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/pka0m4k02grzsl7g5dcpc59jnpgyxay8-sed-4.7
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/7k9iq6ag2134vvsj85864wiwi23ibaan-zlib-1.2.11 substitute

 gnutls-3.6.9  1.6MiB                    0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 gnutls-3.6.9  1.6MiB                4.3MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   3.9%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.0MiB/s 00:03 [#######           ]  40.9%Downloading

 gnutls-3.6.9  1.6MiB                6.9MiB/s 00:00 [################  ]  92.6%
 gnutls-3.6.9  1.6MiB                6.7MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/sg276p2l9js8l9b9v9m7hag8bjscg95y-gnutls-3.6.9
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/d5hb6y9zz7skl8y5zjchhpb04fh1cypz-openldap-2.4.47 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                2.0MiB/s 00:03 [#######           ]  43.2%
 zlib-1.2.11  83KiB                      0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 zlib-1.2.11  83KiB                  3.4MiB/s 00:00 [#############     ]  77.4%
 zlib-1.2.11  83KiB                  2.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/7k9iq6ag2134vvsj85864wiwi23ibaan-zlib-1.2.11
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/vag1zzbhv4y0jzkj16mha97fgb2yfqwh-libxml2-2.9.9 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.9MiB/s 00:03 [########          ]  45.6%Downloading

 libxml2-2.9.9  1.1MiB                   0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 libxml2-2.9.9  1.1MiB               4.2MiB/s 00:00 [#                 ]   5.6%
 openldap-2.4.47  1.2MiB                 0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 openldap-2.4.47  1.2MiB             4.2MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   5.3%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.9MiB/s 00:03 [########          ]  47.9%
 libxml2-2.9.9  1.1MiB               4.1MiB/s 00:00 [###############   ]  84.1%
 openldap-2.4.47  1.2MiB             5.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 openldap-2.4.47  1.2MiB             5.0MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/d5hb6y9zz7skl8y5zjchhpb04fh1cypz-openldap-2.4.47
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/44sdci2mizpvd70zyvbfs9ai0maw255z-curl-7.65.3 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.9MiB/s 00:04 [#########         ]  50.2%
 libxml2-2.9.9  1.1MiB               3.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/vag1zzbhv4y0jzkj16mha97fgb2yfqwh-libxml2-2.9.9
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/ybagpca8x3zsg20x35zj7dvnw15qfq3f-gettext-minimal-0.20.1 substitute

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.8MiB/s 00:04 [#########         ]  52.6%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.8MiB/s 00:04 [#########         ]  54.9%Downloading

 curl-7.65.3  432KiB                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 curl-7.65.3  432KiB                 3.2MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  14.8%
 curl-7.65.3  432KiB                 3.7MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/44sdci2mizpvd70zyvbfs9ai0maw255z-curl-7.65.3

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.8MiB/s 00:04 [##########        ]  56.8%
 gettext-minimal-0.20.1  2.1MiB          0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 gettext-minimal-0.20.1  2.1MiB      4.4MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   3.0%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.8MiB/s 00:04 [##########        ]  59.6%
 gettext-minimal-0.20.1  2.1MiB      6.5MiB/s 00:00 [############      ]  68.2%
 gettext-minimal-0.20.1  2.1MiB      5.7MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.8MiB/s 00:05 [###########       ]  62.0%@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/ybagpca8x3zsg20x35zj7dvnw15qfq3f-gettext-minimal-0.20.1

 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:05 [###########       ]  64.3%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:05 [############      ]  66.7%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:05 [############      ]  69.0%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:06 [############      ]  71.4%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:06 [#############     ]  73.7%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:06 [#############     ]  76.1%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:06 [##############    ]  78.4%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:06 [##############    ]  80.8%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.7MiB/s 00:07 [##############    ]  83.1%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:07 [###############   ]  85.5%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:07 [###############   ]  87.8%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:07 [################  ]  90.2%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:08 [################  ]  92.5%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:08 [################# ]  94.9%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:08 [################# ]  97.2%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:08 [################# ]  99.6%
 perl-5.30.0  13.3MiB                1.6MiB/s 00:08 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0
@ build-started /gnu/store/z5lp0mwnkkhchv9qgagqifac66yjlfhh-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv - i686-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/z5//lp0mwnkkhchv9qgagqifac66yjlfhh-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv.bz2 6677
starting phase `set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH'
phase `set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `set-paths'
environment variable `PATH' set to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin:/gnu/store/ybagpca8x3zsg20x35zj7dvnw15qfq3f-gettext-minimal-0.20.1/bin:/gnu/store/mb6zzm2fhamc5dsif3mp41mrxyjlm0ys-tar-1.32/bin:/gnu/store/g42fjk0dxgy986ghz1mbd7a14ljqwnn0-gzip-1.10/bin:/gnu/store/y2d1c2r6251w0a8vig49kg3isyircz1f-bzip2-1.0.6/bin:/gnu/store/mjjnkw8hxkp37w46bmi6g44wyd7sxcy4-xz-5.2.4/bin:/gnu/store/ylwvlaxsmjlfmvcf55cv61im05r62pxs-file-5.33/bin:/gnu/store/89zdsi61gdwwzdvm0hp8d1irr09cshbq-diffutils-3.7/bin:/gnu/store/aj4cab3imvy4lkzi2lvk0dnpdhkmazj0-patch-2.7.6/bin:/gnu/store/j990732ml61j3zzwika63n26rld86n7v-findutils-4.6.0/bin:/gnu/store/bi86qs0f3v1a97rbirfd7p00pda3vbyn-gawk-5.0.1/bin:/gnu/store/pka0m4k02grzsl7g5dcpc59jnpgyxay8-sed-4.7/bin:/gnu/store/b8d2fwndv0shnyk2474lzd9mjvr4vpwr-grep-3.3/bin:/gnu/store/dj463mzis4papd5wxwivanafigwi4wy9-coreutils-8.31/bin:/gnu/store/zjh4jhkijgg9p7n2x4id34gl9wfllf7j-make-4.2.1/bin:/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin:/gnu/store/17m6lxnlv19im9vzd1m36hixcxnqrkq5-ld-wrapper-0/bin:/gnu/store/c9y0df8f14qsxh25l8sydhcxqi9d1rq1-binutils-2.32/bin:/gnu/store/y7dd2178bbpy7pl09fdn1r9412rc2mm3-gcc-7.4.0/bin:/gnu/store/f2xz8fhfsb559xnpqxqik5y121svnhdg-glibc-2.29/bin:/gnu/store/f2xz8fhfsb559xnpqxqik5y121svnhdg-glibc-2.29/sbin:/gnu/store/44sdci2mizpvd70zyvbfs9ai0maw255z-curl-7.65.3/bin:/gnu/store/qj8yf52kxkw2d95kpw912mq1zzsshkmk-expat-2.2.7/bin:/gnu/store/jrm7rqllmj4pydv4acf49lg1xsdj2nk4-openssl-1.1.1c/bin:/gnu/store/vrbf44wzlqwd6a82r0wp9qr1nzbqvv34-bash-5.0.7/bin'
environment variable `PERL5LIB' set to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/lib/perl5/site_perl'
environment variable `BASH_LOADABLES_PATH' set to `/gnu/store/vrbf44wzlqwd6a82r0wp9qr1nzbqvv34-bash-5.0.7/lib/bash'
environment variable `CPATH' set to `/gnu/store/ybagpca8x3zsg20x35zj7dvnw15qfq3f-gettext-minimal-0.20.1/include:/gnu/store/y2d1c2r6251w0a8vig49kg3isyircz1f-bzip2-1.0.6/include:/gnu/store/mjjnkw8hxkp37w46bmi6g44wyd7sxcy4-xz-5.2.4/include:/gnu/store/ylwvlaxsmjlfmvcf55cv61im05r62pxs-file-5.33/include:/gnu/store/bi86qs0f3v1a97rbirfd7p00pda3vbyn-gawk-5.0.1/include:/gnu/store/zjh4jhkijgg9p7n2x4id34gl9wfllf7j-make-4.2.1/include:/gnu/store/c9y0df8f14qsxh25l8sydhcxqi9d1rq1-binutils-2.32/include:/gnu/store/y7dd2178bbpy7pl09fdn1r9412rc2mm3-gcc-7.4.0/include:/gnu/store/f2xz8fhfsb559xnpqxqik5y121svnhdg-glibc-2.29/include:/gnu/store/44sdci2mizpvd70zyvbfs9ai0maw255z-curl-7.65.3/include:/gnu/store/qj8yf52kxkw2d95kpw912mq1zzsshkmk-expat-2.2.7/include:/gnu/store/jrm7rqllmj4pydv4acf49lg1xsdj2nk4-openssl-1.1.1c/include:/gnu/store/7k9iq6ag2134vvsj85864wiwi23ibaan-zlib-1.2.11/include:/gnu/store/q5dcwyi68d9vwhrr6lra0p9wz46vsq5l-linux-libre-headers-4.19.56/include'
environment variable `LIBRARY_PATH' set to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/lib:/gnu/store/ybagpca8x3zsg20x35zj7dvnw15qfq3f-gettext-minimal-0.20.1/lib:/gnu/store/y2d1c2r6251w0a8vig49kg3isyircz1f-bzip2-1.0.6/lib:/gnu/store/mjjnkw8hxkp37w46bmi6g44wyd7sxcy4-xz-5.2.4/lib:/gnu/store/ylwvlaxsmjlfmvcf55cv61im05r62pxs-file-5.33/lib:/gnu/store/bi86qs0f3v1a97rbirfd7p00pda3vbyn-gawk-5.0.1/lib:/gnu/store/c9y0df8f14qsxh25l8sydhcxqi9d1rq1-binutils-2.32/lib:/gnu/store/f2xz8fhfsb559xnpqxqik5y121svnhdg-glibc-2.29/lib:/gnu/store/hfr5yqxk2c2bj0xkc20n9by05m8s73nd-glibc-2.29-static/lib:/gnu/store/3wi3qp39vifn2rmj618m40l5qwbqfzys-glibc-utf8-locales-2.29/lib:/gnu/store/44sdci2mizpvd70zyvbfs9ai0maw255z-curl-7.65.3/lib:/gnu/store/qj8yf52kxkw2d95kpw912mq1zzsshkmk-expat-2.2.7/lib:/gnu/store/jrm7rqllmj4pydv4acf49lg1xsdj2nk4-openssl-1.1.1c/lib:/gnu/store/7k9iq6ag2134vvsj85864wiwi23ibaan-zlib-1.2.11/lib:/gnu/store/vrbf44wzlqwd6a82r0wp9qr1nzbqvv34-bash-5.0.7/lib'
environment variable `GUIX_LOCPATH' set to `/gnu/store/3wi3qp39vifn2rmj618m40l5qwbqfzys-glibc-utf8-locales-2.29/lib/locale'
environment variable `CURL_CA_BUNDLE' unset
environment variable `SSL_CERT_DIR' unset
environment variable `SSL_CERT_FILE' unset
phase `set-paths' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `install-locale'
using 'en_US.utf8' locale for category "LC_ALL"
phase `install-locale' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `unpack'
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/add-with backslash.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/add-with quote.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/add-with spaces.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/add-with tab.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/diff-with backslash.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/diff-with quote.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/diff-with spaces.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/diff-with tab.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/git-with backslash.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/git-with quote.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/git-with spaces.diff
git-2.25.2/t/t4135/git-with tab.diff
phase `unpack' succeeded after 1.0 seconds
starting phase `modify-PATH'
phase `modify-PATH' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `bootstrap'
GNU build system bootstrapping not needed
phase `bootstrap' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `patch-usr-bin-file'
phase `patch-usr-bin-file' succeeded after 0.1 seconds
starting phase `patch-source-shebangs'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/build-docdep.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/cat-texi.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/cmd-list.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/doc-diff: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/fix-texi.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/lint-gitlink.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./Documentation/technical/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./GIT-VERSION-GEN: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./check_bindir: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/usr/bin/env bash' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/bash'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ci/ changing `/usr/bin/env bash' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/bash'
patch-shebang: ./ci/util/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./compat/vcbuild/scripts/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./compat/vcbuild/scripts/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./configure: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/buildsystems/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/buildsystems/generate: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/buildsystems/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/contacts/git-contacts: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/credential/netrc/git-credential-netrc: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/credential/netrc/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/credential/netrc/test.command-option-gpg: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/credential/netrc/test.git-config-gpg: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/credential/netrc/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/diff-highlight/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/fast-import/git-import.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/fast-import/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/fast-import/import-directories.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/fast-import/import-tars.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/fast-import/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/git-jump/git-jump: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/git-shell-commands/help: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/git-shell-commands/list: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hg-to-git/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/multimail/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/multimail/migrate-mailhook-config: warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/multimail/post-receive.example: warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/post-receive-email: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/pre-auto-gc-battery: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/setgitperms.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/update-paranoid: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/long-running-filter/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/bin-wrapper/git: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/git-mw.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/mw-to-git/t/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/remote-helpers/git-remote-bzr: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/remote-helpers/git-remote-hg: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/stats/git-common-hash: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/stats/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/stats/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/subtree/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/subtree/t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/svn-fe/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/thunderbird-patch-inline/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/update-unicode/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/vscode/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./detect-compiler: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-add--interactive.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./git-archimport.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-cvsexportcommit.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./git-cvsimport.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./git-cvsserver.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-gui/GIT-VERSION-GEN: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-gui/git-gui--askpass: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-gui/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-gui/po/glossary/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-gui/po/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-gui/windows/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-send-email.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./git-svn.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./gitk-git/gitk: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./gitk-git/po/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./gitweb/gitweb.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/00compile.t: changing `/usr/bin/env perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/Utils/add_path_to_url.t: changing `/usr/bin/env perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/Utils/can_compress.t: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/Utils/canonicalize_url.t: changing `/usr/bin/env perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/Utils/collapse_dotdot.t: changing `/usr/bin/env perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/Utils/fatal.t: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/Git-SVN/Utils/join_paths.t: changing `/usr/bin/env perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/helper/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/interop/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/interop/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/interop/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/lib-httpd/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/lib-httpd/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/aggregate.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/bisect_regression: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/bisect_run_script: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/min_time.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/repos/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/repos/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/perf/run: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t0019/parse_json.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t0202/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t0210/scrub_normal.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t0211/scrub_perf.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t0212/parse_events.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t1509/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t4034/perl/post: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/t4034/perl/pre: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t4135/make-patches: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t556x_common: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t5801/git-remote-testgit: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7500/add-comments: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7500/add-content: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7500/add-content-and-comment: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7500/add-signed-off: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7500/add-whitespaced-content: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7500/edit-content: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7519/fsmonitor-all: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7519/fsmonitor-env: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7519/fsmonitor-none: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t7519/fsmonitor-watchman: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t9150/make-svk-dump: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t9151/make-svnmerge-dump: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/t9700/ changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/test-terminal.perl: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./t/valgrind/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./t/valgrind/ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--applypatch-msg.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--commit-msg.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--fsmonitor-watchman.sample: changing `/usr/bin/perl' to `/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--post-update.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--pre-applypatch.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--pre-commit.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--pre-merge-commit.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--pre-push.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--pre-rebase.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--pre-receive.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--prepare-commit-msg.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./templates/hooks--update.sample: changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
patch-shebang: ./ changing `/bin/sh' to `/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh'
phase `patch-source-shebangs' succeeded after 1.0 seconds
starting phase `configure'
source directory: "/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2" (relative from build: ".")
build directory: "/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2"
configure flags: ("CONFIG_SHELL=/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/bash" "SHELL=/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/bash" "--prefix=/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2" "--enable-fast-install" "--build=i686-unknown-linux-gnu")
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-fast-install
configure: Setting lib to 'lib' (the default)
configure: Will try -pthread then -lpthread to enable POSIX Threads.
configure: CHECKS for site configuration
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /gnu/store/b8d2fwndv0shnyk2474lzd9mjvr4vpwr-grep-3.3/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /gnu/store/b8d2fwndv0shnyk2474lzd9mjvr4vpwr-grep-3.3/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for working alloca.h... yes
checking for alloca... yes
configure: CHECKS for programs
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... (cached) none needed
checking for inline... inline
checking if linker supports -R... no
checking if linker supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes
checking for gar... no
checking for ar... ar
checking for gtar... no
checking for tar... tar
checking for gnudiff... no
checking for gdiff... no
checking for diff... diff
checking for asciidoc... no
Using 'grep -a' for sane_grep
configure: CHECKS for libraries
checking for SHA1_Init in -lcrypto... yes
checking for curl_global_init in -lcurl... yes
checking for curl-config... curl-config
configure: Setting CURL_LDFLAGS to '-L/gnu/store/44sdci2mizpvd70zyvbfs9ai0maw255z-curl-7.65.3/lib -lcurl'
checking for XML_ParserCreate in -lexpat... yes
checking for iconv in -lc... yes
checking for deflateBound in -lz... yes
checking for socket in -lc... yes
checking for inet_ntop... yes
checking for inet_pton... yes
checking for hstrerror... yes
checking for basename in -lc... yes
checking if libc contains libintl... yes
checking libintl.h usability... yes
checking libintl.h presence... yes
checking for libintl.h... yes
configure: CHECKS for header files
checking sys/select.h usability... yes
checking sys/select.h presence... yes
checking for sys/select.h... yes
checking poll.h usability... yes
checking poll.h presence... yes
checking for poll.h... yes
checking sys/poll.h usability... yes
checking sys/poll.h presence... yes
checking for sys/poll.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... (cached) yes
checking for old iconv()... no
checking whether iconv omits bom for utf-16 and utf-32... no
configure: CHECKS for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics
checking for socklen_t... yes
checking for struct itimerval... yes
checking for struct stat.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec... no
checking for struct stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec... yes
checking for struct dirent.d_type... yes
checking for struct passwd.pw_gecos... yes
checking for struct sockaddr_storage... yes
checking for struct addrinfo... yes
checking for getaddrinfo... yes
checking for library containing getaddrinfo... none required
checking whether the platform regex supports REG_STARTEND... yes
checking whether system succeeds to read fopen'ed directory... yes
checking whether snprintf() and/or vsnprintf() return bogus value... no
checking whether the platform uses typical file type bits... yes
configure: CHECKS for library functions
checking libgen.h usability... yes
checking libgen.h presence... yes
checking for libgen.h... yes
checking paths.h usability... yes
checking paths.h presence... yes
checking for paths.h... yes
checking libcharset.h usability... no
checking libcharset.h presence... no
checking for libcharset.h... no
checking for strings.h... (cached) yes
checking for locale_charset in -liconv... no
checking for locale_charset in -lcharset... no
checking for clock_gettime... yes
checking for library containing clock_gettime... none required
checking for CLOCK_MONOTONIC... yes
checking for setitimer... yes
checking for library containing setitimer... none required
checking for strcasestr... yes
checking for library containing strcasestr... none required
checking for memmem... yes
checking for library containing memmem... none required
checking for strlcpy... no
checking for uintmax_t... yes
checking for strtoumax... yes
checking for library containing strtoumax... none required
checking for setenv... yes
checking for library containing setenv... none required
checking for unsetenv... yes
checking for library containing unsetenv... none required
checking for mkdtemp... yes
checking for library containing mkdtemp... none required
checking for initgroups... yes
checking for library containing initgroups... none required
checking for getdelim... yes
checking for library containing getdelim... none required
checking for BSD sysctl... no
checking for POSIX Threads with ''... no
checking for POSIX Threads with '-mt'... no
checking for POSIX Threads with '-pthread'... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating config.mak.autogen
config.status: executing config.mak.autogen commands
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-fast-install
phase `configure' succeeded after 7.6 seconds
starting phase `add-PM.stamp'
phase `add-PM.stamp' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `patch-makefiles'
phase `patch-makefiles' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `patch-generated-file-shebangs'
patch-shebang: ./contrib/fast-import/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hg-to-git/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/multimail/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/multimail/migrate-mailhook-config: warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/hooks/multimail/post-receive.example: warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./contrib/svn-fe/ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
patch-shebang: ./ warning: no binary for interpreter `python' found in $PATH
phase `patch-generated-file-shebangs' succeeded after 0.5 seconds
starting phase `build'
GIT_VERSION = 2.25.2
    * new build flags
gcc -o fuzz-commit-graph.o -c -MF ./.depend/fuzz-commit-graph.o.d -MQ fuzz-commit-graph.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fuzz-commit-graph.c
gcc -o fuzz-pack-headers.o -c -MF ./.depend/fuzz-pack-headers.o.d -MQ fuzz-pack-headers.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fuzz-pack-headers.c
gcc -o fuzz-pack-idx.o -c -MF ./.depend/fuzz-pack-idx.o.d -MQ fuzz-pack-idx.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fuzz-pack-idx.c
gcc -o credential-store.o -c -MF ./.depend/credential-store.o.d -MQ credential-store.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  credential-store.c
gcc -o common-main.o -c -MF ./.depend/common-main.o.d -MQ common-main.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  common-main.c
    * new link flags
gcc -o add-interactive.o -c -MF ./.depend/add-interactive.o.d -MQ add-interactive.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  add-interactive.c
gcc -o add-patch.o -c -MF ./.depend/add-patch.o.d -MQ add-patch.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  add-patch.c
gcc -o archive-tar.o -c -MF ./.depend/archive-tar.o.d -MQ archive-tar.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  archive-tar.c
gcc -o archive-zip.o -c -MF ./.depend/archive-zip.o.d -MQ archive-zip.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  archive-zip.c
gcc -o argv-array.o -c -MF ./.depend/argv-array.o.d -MQ argv-array.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  argv-array.c
    * new prefix flags
gcc -o bulk-checkin.o -c -MF ./.depend/bulk-checkin.o.d -MQ bulk-checkin.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  bulk-checkin.c
gcc -o cache-tree.o -c -MF ./.depend/cache-tree.o.d -MQ cache-tree.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  cache-tree.c
gcc -o chdir-notify.o -c -MF ./.depend/chdir-notify.o.d -MQ chdir-notify.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  chdir-notify.c
gcc -o checkout.o -c -MF ./.depend/checkout.o.d -MQ checkout.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  checkout.c
gcc -o combine-diff.o -c -MF ./.depend/combine-diff.o.d -MQ combine-diff.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  combine-diff.c
gcc -o commit-graph.o -c -MF ./.depend/commit-graph.o.d -MQ commit-graph.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  commit-graph.c
gcc -o commit-reach.o -c -MF ./.depend/commit-reach.o.d -MQ commit-reach.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  commit-reach.c
gcc -o compat/obstack.o -c -MF compat/.depend/obstack.o.d -MQ compat/obstack.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  compat/obstack.c
gcc -o compat/terminal.o -c -MF compat/.depend/terminal.o.d -MQ compat/terminal.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  compat/terminal.c
gcc -o config.o -c -MF ./.depend/config.o.d -MQ config.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' -DETC_GITCONFIG='"/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/etc/gitconfig"' config.c
gcc -o connected.o -c -MF ./.depend/connected.o.d -MQ connected.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  connected.c
gcc -o credential.o -c -MF ./.depend/credential.o.d -MQ credential.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  credential.c
gcc -o csum-file.o -c -MF ./.depend/csum-file.o.d -MQ csum-file.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  csum-file.c
gcc -o decorate.o -c -MF ./.depend/decorate.o.d -MQ decorate.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  decorate.c
gcc -o delta-islands.o -c -MF ./.depend/delta-islands.o.d -MQ delta-islands.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  delta-islands.c
gcc -o diffcore-break.o -c -MF ./.depend/diffcore-break.o.d -MQ diffcore-break.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diffcore-break.c
gcc -o diffcore-delta.o -c -MF ./.depend/diffcore-delta.o.d -MQ diffcore-delta.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diffcore-delta.c
gcc -o diffcore-order.o -c -MF ./.depend/diffcore-order.o.d -MQ diffcore-order.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diffcore-order.c
gcc -o diffcore-pickaxe.o -c -MF ./.depend/diffcore-pickaxe.o.d -MQ diffcore-pickaxe.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diffcore-pickaxe.c
gcc -o diffcore-rename.o -c -MF ./.depend/diffcore-rename.o.d -MQ diffcore-rename.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diffcore-rename.c
gcc -o diff-delta.o -c -MF ./.depend/diff-delta.o.d -MQ diff-delta.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diff-delta.c
gcc -o diff-lib.o -c -MF ./.depend/diff-lib.o.d -MQ diff-lib.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diff-lib.c
gcc -o diff-no-index.o -c -MF ./.depend/diff-no-index.o.d -MQ diff-no-index.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  diff-no-index.c
gcc -o dir-iterator.o -c -MF ./.depend/dir-iterator.o.d -MQ dir-iterator.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  dir-iterator.c
gcc -o environment.o -c -MF ./.depend/environment.o.d -MQ environment.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  environment.c
gcc -o ewah/bitmap.o -c -MF ewah/.depend/bitmap.o.d -MQ ewah/bitmap.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  ewah/bitmap.c
gcc -o ewah/ewah_bitmap.o -c -MF ewah/.depend/ewah_bitmap.o.d -MQ ewah/ewah_bitmap.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  ewah/ewah_bitmap.c
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gcc -o ewah/ewah_rlw.o -c -MF ewah/.depend/ewah_rlw.o.d -MQ ewah/ewah_rlw.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  ewah/ewah_rlw.c
gcc -o exec-cmd.o -c -MF ./.depend/exec-cmd.o.d -MQ exec-cmd.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' '-DGIT_EXEC_PATH="/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core"' '-DGIT_LOCALE_PATH="share/locale"' '-DBINDIR="bin"' '-DFALLBACK_RUNTIME_PREFIX="/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2"' exec-cmd.c
gcc -o fetch-negotiator.o -c -MF ./.depend/fetch-negotiator.o.d -MQ fetch-negotiator.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fetch-negotiator.c
gcc -o fetch-pack.o -c -MF ./.depend/fetch-pack.o.d -MQ fetch-pack.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fetch-pack.c
gcc -o fsmonitor.o -c -MF ./.depend/fsmonitor.o.d -MQ fsmonitor.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fsmonitor.c
gcc -o gettext.o -c -MF ./.depend/gettext.o.d -MQ gettext.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' -DGIT_LOCALE_PATH='"share/locale"' gettext.c
gcc -o gpg-interface.o -c -MF ./.depend/gpg-interface.o.d -MQ gpg-interface.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  gpg-interface.c
gcc -o linear-assignment.o -c -MF ./.depend/linear-assignment.o.d -MQ linear-assignment.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  linear-assignment.c
/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh ./ \
	command-list.txt >command-list.h+ && mv command-list.h+ command-list.h
gcc -o interdiff.o -c -MF ./.depend/interdiff.o.d -MQ interdiff.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  interdiff.c
gcc -o json-writer.o -c -MF ./.depend/json-writer.o.d -MQ json-writer.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  json-writer.c
gcc -o levenshtein.o -c -MF ./.depend/levenshtein.o.d -MQ levenshtein.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  levenshtein.c
gcc -o line-log.o -c -MF ./.depend/line-log.o.d -MQ line-log.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  line-log.c
gcc -o line-range.o -c -MF ./.depend/line-range.o.d -MQ line-range.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  line-range.c
gcc -o list-objects.o -c -MF ./.depend/list-objects.o.d -MQ list-objects.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  list-objects.c
gcc -o list-objects-filter.o -c -MF ./.depend/list-objects-filter.o.d -MQ list-objects-filter.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  list-objects-filter.c
gcc -o list-objects-filter-options.o -c -MF ./.depend/list-objects-filter-options.o.d -MQ list-objects-filter-options.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  list-objects-filter-options.c
gcc -o ll-merge.o -c -MF ./.depend/ll-merge.o.d -MQ ll-merge.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  ll-merge.c
gcc -o lockfile.o -c -MF ./.depend/lockfile.o.d -MQ lockfile.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  lockfile.c
gcc -o log-tree.o -c -MF ./.depend/log-tree.o.d -MQ log-tree.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  log-tree.c
gcc -o mailinfo.o -c -MF ./.depend/mailinfo.o.d -MQ mailinfo.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  mailinfo.c
gcc -o match-trees.o -c -MF ./.depend/match-trees.o.d -MQ match-trees.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  match-trees.c
gcc -o mem-pool.o -c -MF ./.depend/mem-pool.o.d -MQ mem-pool.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  mem-pool.c
gcc -o merge-blobs.o -c -MF ./.depend/merge-blobs.o.d -MQ merge-blobs.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  merge-blobs.c
gcc -o merge-recursive.o -c -MF ./.depend/merge-recursive.o.d -MQ merge-recursive.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  merge-recursive.c
gcc -o mergesort.o -c -MF ./.depend/mergesort.o.d -MQ mergesort.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  mergesort.c
gcc -o name-hash.o -c -MF ./.depend/name-hash.o.d -MQ name-hash.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  name-hash.c
gcc -o negotiator/default.o -c -MF negotiator/.depend/default.o.d -MQ negotiator/default.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  negotiator/default.c
gcc -o negotiator/skipping.o -c -MF negotiator/.depend/skipping.o.d -MQ negotiator/skipping.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  negotiator/skipping.c
gcc -o notes-cache.o -c -MF ./.depend/notes-cache.o.d -MQ notes-cache.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  notes-cache.c
gcc -o notes-merge.o -c -MF ./.depend/notes-merge.o.d -MQ notes-merge.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  notes-merge.c
gcc -o notes-utils.o -c -MF ./.depend/notes-utils.o.d -MQ notes-utils.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  notes-utils.c
gcc -o packfile.o -c -MF ./.depend/packfile.o.d -MQ packfile.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  packfile.c
gcc -o pack-bitmap.o -c -MF ./.depend/pack-bitmap.o.d -MQ pack-bitmap.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pack-bitmap.c
gcc -o pack-bitmap-write.o -c -MF ./.depend/pack-bitmap-write.o.d -MQ pack-bitmap-write.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pack-bitmap-write.c
gcc -o pack-check.o -c -MF ./.depend/pack-check.o.d -MQ pack-check.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pack-check.c
gcc -o pack-objects.o -c -MF ./.depend/pack-objects.o.d -MQ pack-objects.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pack-objects.c
gcc -o pack-revindex.o -c -MF ./.depend/pack-revindex.o.d -MQ pack-revindex.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pack-revindex.c
gcc -o pack-write.o -c -MF ./.depend/pack-write.o.d -MQ pack-write.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pack-write.c
gcc -o parse-options.o -c -MF ./.depend/parse-options.o.d -MQ parse-options.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  parse-options.c
gcc -o parse-options-cb.o -c -MF ./.depend/parse-options-cb.o.d -MQ parse-options-cb.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  parse-options-cb.c
gcc -o patch-delta.o -c -MF ./.depend/patch-delta.o.d -MQ patch-delta.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  patch-delta.c
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gcc -o pathspec.o -c -MF ./.depend/pathspec.o.d -MQ pathspec.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pathspec.c
gcc -o pkt-line.o -c -MF ./.depend/pkt-line.o.d -MQ pkt-line.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  pkt-line.c
gcc -o preload-index.o -c -MF ./.depend/preload-index.o.d -MQ preload-index.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  preload-index.c
gcc -o prio-queue.o -c -MF ./.depend/prio-queue.o.d -MQ prio-queue.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  prio-queue.c
gcc -o progress.o -c -MF ./.depend/progress.o.d -MQ progress.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  progress.c
gcc -o promisor-remote.o -c -MF ./.depend/promisor-remote.o.d -MQ promisor-remote.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  promisor-remote.c
gcc -o protocol.o -c -MF ./.depend/protocol.o.d -MQ protocol.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  protocol.c
gcc -o range-diff.o -c -MF ./.depend/range-diff.o.d -MQ range-diff.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  range-diff.c
gcc -o reachable.o -c -MF ./.depend/reachable.o.d -MQ reachable.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  reachable.c
gcc -o read-cache.o -c -MF ./.depend/read-cache.o.d -MQ read-cache.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  read-cache.c
gcc -o rebase-interactive.o -c -MF ./.depend/rebase-interactive.o.d -MQ rebase-interactive.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  rebase-interactive.c
gcc -o reflog-walk.o -c -MF ./.depend/reflog-walk.o.d -MQ reflog-walk.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  reflog-walk.c
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gcc -o tree-diff.o -c -MF ./.depend/tree-diff.o.d -MQ tree-diff.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  tree-diff.c
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gcc -o unix-socket.o -c -MF ./.depend/unix-socket.o.d -MQ unix-socket.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  unix-socket.c
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gcc -o xdiff/xprepare.o -c -MF xdiff/.depend/xprepare.o.d -MQ xdiff/xprepare.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  xdiff/xprepare.c
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gcc -o xdiff/xemit.o -c -MF xdiff/.depend/xemit.o.d -MQ xdiff/xemit.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  xdiff/xemit.c
gcc -o xdiff/xmerge.o -c -MF xdiff/.depend/xmerge.o.d -MQ xdiff/xmerge.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  xdiff/xmerge.c
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gcc -o fast-import.o -c -MF ./.depend/fast-import.o.d -MQ fast-import.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  fast-import.c
gcc -o http-backend.o -c -MF ./.depend/http-backend.o.d -MQ http-backend.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  http-backend.c
gcc -o imap-send.o -c -MF ./.depend/imap-send.o.d -MQ imap-send.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  imap-send.c
gcc -o sh-i18n--envsubst.o -c -MF ./.depend/sh-i18n--envsubst.o.d -MQ sh-i18n--envsubst.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  sh-i18n--envsubst.c
gcc -o remote-testsvn.o -c -MF ./.depend/remote-testsvn.o.d -MQ remote-testsvn.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  remote-testsvn.c
gcc -o vcs-svn/line_buffer.o -c -MF vcs-svn/.depend/line_buffer.o.d -MQ vcs-svn/line_buffer.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  vcs-svn/line_buffer.c
gcc -o vcs-svn/sliding_window.o -c -MF vcs-svn/.depend/sliding_window.o.d -MQ vcs-svn/sliding_window.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  vcs-svn/sliding_window.c
gcc -o vcs-svn/fast_export.o -c -MF vcs-svn/.depend/fast_export.o.d -MQ vcs-svn/fast_export.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  vcs-svn/fast_export.c
gcc -o vcs-svn/svndiff.o -c -MF vcs-svn/.depend/svndiff.o.d -MQ vcs-svn/svndiff.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  vcs-svn/svndiff.c
gcc -o vcs-svn/svndump.o -c -MF vcs-svn/.depend/svndump.o.d -MQ vcs-svn/svndump.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  vcs-svn/svndump.c
gcc -o http-walker.o -c -MF ./.depend/http-walker.o.d -MQ http-walker.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  http-walker.c
gcc -o http-fetch.o -c -MF ./.depend/http-fetch.o.d -MQ http-fetch.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  http-fetch.c
gcc -o http-push.o -c -MF ./.depend/http-push.o.d -MQ http-push.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  http-push.c
gcc -o credential-cache.o -c -MF ./.depend/credential-cache.o.d -MQ credential-cache.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  credential-cache.c
gcc -o credential-cache--daemon.o -c -MF ./.depend/credential-cache--daemon.o.d -MQ credential-cache--daemon.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  credential-cache--daemon.c
gcc -o remote-curl.o -c -MF ./.depend/remote-curl.o.d -MQ remote-curl.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  remote-curl.c
    * new script parameters
    * new perl-specific parameters
    * new Python interpreter location
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rm -f git-merge-recursive && \
ln git git-merge-recursive 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-merge-recursive 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-merge-recursive
rm -f git-merge-tree && \
ln git git-merge-tree 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-merge-tree 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-merge-tree
rm -f git-mktag && \
ln git git-mktag 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-mktag 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-mktag
rm -f git-mktree && \
ln git git-mktree 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-mktree 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-mktree
rm -f git-multi-pack-index && \
ln git git-multi-pack-index 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-multi-pack-index 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-multi-pack-index
rm -f git-mv && \
ln git git-mv 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-mv 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-mv
rm -f git-name-rev && \
ln git git-name-rev 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-name-rev 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-name-rev
rm -f git-notes && \
ln git git-notes 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-notes 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-notes
rm -f git-pack-objects && \
ln git git-pack-objects 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-pack-objects 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-pack-objects
rm -f git-pack-redundant && \
ln git git-pack-redundant 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-pack-redundant 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-pack-redundant
rm -f git-pack-refs && \
ln git git-pack-refs 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-pack-refs 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-pack-refs
rm -f git-patch-id && \
ln git git-patch-id 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-patch-id 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-patch-id
rm -f git-prune-packed && \
ln git git-prune-packed 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-prune-packed 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-prune-packed
rm -f git-prune && \
ln git git-prune 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-prune 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-prune
rm -f git-pull && \
ln git git-pull 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-pull 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-pull
rm -f git-push && \
ln git git-push 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-push 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-push
rm -f git-range-diff && \
ln git git-range-diff 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-range-diff 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-range-diff
rm -f git-read-tree && \
ln git git-read-tree 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-read-tree 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-read-tree
rm -f git-rebase && \
ln git git-rebase 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-rebase 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-rebase
rm -f git-receive-pack && \
ln git git-receive-pack 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-receive-pack 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-receive-pack
rm -f git-reflog && \
ln git git-reflog 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-reflog 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-reflog
rm -f git-remote && \
ln git git-remote 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-remote 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-remote
rm -f git-remote-ext && \
ln git git-remote-ext 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-remote-ext 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-remote-ext
rm -f git-remote-fd && \
ln git git-remote-fd 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-remote-fd 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-remote-fd
rm -f git-repack && \
ln git git-repack 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-repack 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-repack
rm -f git-replace && \
ln git git-replace 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-replace 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-replace
rm -f git-rerere && \
ln git git-rerere 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-rerere 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-rerere
rm -f git-reset && \
ln git git-reset 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-reset 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-reset
rm -f git-rev-list && \
ln git git-rev-list 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-rev-list 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-rev-list
rm -f git-rev-parse && \
ln git git-rev-parse 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-rev-parse 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-rev-parse
rm -f git-revert && \
ln git git-revert 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-revert 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-revert
rm -f git-rm && \
ln git git-rm 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-rm 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-rm
rm -f git-send-pack && \
ln git git-send-pack 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-send-pack 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-send-pack
rm -f git-shortlog && \
ln git git-shortlog 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-shortlog 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-shortlog
rm -f git-show-branch && \
ln git git-show-branch 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-show-branch 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-show-branch
rm -f git-show-index && \
ln git git-show-index 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-show-index 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-show-index
rm -f git-show-ref && \
ln git git-show-ref 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-show-ref 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-show-ref
rm -f git-sparse-checkout && \
ln git git-sparse-checkout 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-sparse-checkout 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-sparse-checkout
rm -f git-stash && \
ln git git-stash 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-stash 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-stash
rm -f git-stripspace && \
ln git git-stripspace 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-stripspace 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-stripspace
rm -f git-submodule--helper && \
ln git git-submodule--helper 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-submodule--helper 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-submodule--helper
rm -f git-symbolic-ref && \
ln git git-symbolic-ref 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-symbolic-ref 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-symbolic-ref
rm -f git-tag && \
ln git git-tag 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-tag 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-tag
rm -f git-unpack-file && \
ln git git-unpack-file 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-unpack-file 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-unpack-file
rm -f git-unpack-objects && \
ln git git-unpack-objects 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-unpack-objects 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-unpack-objects
rm -f git-update-index && \
ln git git-update-index 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-update-index 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-update-index
rm -f git-update-ref && \
ln git git-update-ref 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-update-ref 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-update-ref
rm -f git-update-server-info && \
ln git git-update-server-info 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-update-server-info 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-update-server-info
rm -f git-upload-archive && \
ln git git-upload-archive 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-upload-archive 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-upload-archive
rm -f git-upload-pack && \
ln git git-upload-pack 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-upload-pack 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-upload-pack
rm -f git-var && \
ln git git-var 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-var 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-var
rm -f git-verify-commit && \
ln git git-verify-commit 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-verify-commit 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-verify-commit
rm -f git-verify-pack && \
ln git git-verify-pack 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-verify-pack 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-verify-pack
rm -f git-verify-tag && \
ln git git-verify-tag 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-verify-tag 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-verify-tag
rm -f git-worktree && \
ln git git-worktree 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-worktree 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-worktree
rm -f git-write-tree && \
ln git git-write-tree 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-write-tree 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-write-tree
rm -f git-cherry && \
ln git git-cherry 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-cherry 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-cherry
rm -f git-cherry-pick && \
ln git git-cherry-pick 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-cherry-pick 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-cherry-pick
rm -f git-format-patch && \
ln git git-format-patch 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-format-patch 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-format-patch
rm -f git-fsck-objects && \
ln git git-fsck-objects 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-fsck-objects 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-fsck-objects
rm -f git-init && \
ln git git-init 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-init 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-init
rm -f git-merge-subtree && \
ln git git-merge-subtree 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-merge-subtree 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-merge-subtree
rm -f git-restore && \
ln git git-restore 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-restore 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-restore
rm -f git-show && \
ln git git-show 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-show 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-show
rm -f git-stage && \
ln git git-stage 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-stage 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-stage
rm -f git-status && \
ln git git-status 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-status 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-status
rm -f git-switch && \
ln git git-switch 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-switch 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-switch
rm -f git-whatchanged && \
ln git git-whatchanged 2>/dev/null || \
ln -s git git-whatchanged 2>/dev/null || \
cp git git-whatchanged
make -C git-gui  gitexecdir='/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core' all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
    * new locations or Tcl/Tk interpreter
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l pt_pt -d po/ po/pt_pt.po 
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l de -d po/ po/de.po 
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l ja -d po/ po/ja.po 
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l vi -d po/ po/vi.po 
550 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l ru -d po/ po/ru.po 
520 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l bg -d po/ po/bg.po 
543 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l nb -d po/ po/nb.po 
546 translated messages, 1 untranslated message.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l sv -d po/ po/sv.po 
520 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l fr -d po/ po/fr.po 
474 translated messages, 39 untranslated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l hu -d po/ po/hu.po 
565 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l it -d po/ po/it.po 
520 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l pt_br -d po/ po/pt_br.po 
547 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l el -d po/ po/el.po 
514 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl -l zh_cn -d po/ po/zh_cn.po 
520 translated messages519 translated messages, 1 untranslated message.
rm -f git-gui git-gui+ && \
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
	-e 's|@@SHELL_PATH@@|/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
	-e '1,30s|^ argv0=$0| argv0=$0|' \
	-e '1,30s|^ exec wish | exec '\''wish'\'' |' \
	-e 's/@@GITGUI_VERSION@@/' \
	-e 's|@@GITGUI_RELATIVE@@||' \
	-e 's|@@GITGUI_LIBDIR@@|/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib|' \ >git-gui+ && \
chmod +x git-gui+ && \
mv git-gui+ git-gui
if echo \
  source lib/class.tcl\; \
  auto_mkindex lib about.tcl blame.tcl branch.tcl branch_checkout.tcl branch_create.tcl branch_delete.tcl branch_rename.tcl browser.tcl checkout_op.tcl choose_font.tcl choose_repository.tcl choose_rev.tcl chord.tcl class.tcl commit.tcl console.tcl database.tcl date.tcl diff.tcl encoding.tcl error.tcl index.tcl line.tcl logo.tcl merge.tcl mergetool.tcl option.tcl remote.tcl remote_add.tcl remote_branch_delete.tcl search.tcl shortcut.tcl spellcheck.tcl sshkey.tcl status_bar.tcl themed.tcl tools.tcl tools_dlg.tcl transport.tcl win32.tcl \
| tclsh ; then : ok; \
else \
 echo >&2 "    * tclsh failed; using unoptimized loading"; \
 rm -f lib/tclIndex ; \
 echo '# Autogenerated by git-gui Makefile' >lib/tclIndex && \
 echo >>lib/tclIndex && \
 echo 'class.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'about.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'blame.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'branch.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'branch_checkout.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'branch_create.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'branch_delete.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'branch_rename.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'browser.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'checkout_op.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'choose_font.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'choose_repository.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'choose_rev.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'chord.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'class.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'commit.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'console.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'database.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'date.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'diff.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'encoding.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'error.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'index.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'line.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'logo.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'merge.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'mergetool.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'option.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'remote.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'remote_add.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'remote_branch_delete.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'search.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'shortcut.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'spellcheck.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'sshkey.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'status_bar.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'themed.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'tools.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'tools_dlg.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'transport.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && echo 'win32.tcl' >>lib/tclIndex && \
 echo >>lib/tclIndex ; \
381 translated messages, 4 fuzzy translations, 6 untranslated messages.
/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh: line 3: tclsh: command not found
    * tclsh failed; using unoptimized loading
366 translated messages, 7 fuzzy translations, 17 untranslated messages.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
make -C gitk-git  all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
Generating catalog po/pt_pt.msg
Generating catalog po/de.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/pt_pt.po -l pt_pt -d po/
Generating catalog po/ja.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/de.po -l de -d po/
    * new Tcl/Tk interpreter location
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/ja.po -l ja -d po/
Generating catalog po/ca.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/ca.po -l ca -d po/
307 translated messages311 translated messages.
311 translated messages.
Generating catalog po/ru.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/ru.po -l ru -d po/
307 translated messages.
Generating catalog po/bg.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/bg.po -l bg -d po/
317 translated messages.
Generating catalog po/es.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/es.po -l es -d po/
Generating catalog po/fr.msg
Generating catalog po/sv.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/sv.po -l sv -d po/
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/fr.po -l fr -d po/
184 translated messages, 46 fuzzy translations, 77 untranslated messages.
311 translated messages.
317 translated messages.
Generating catalog po/hu.msg
Generating catalog po/it.msg
311 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/hu.po -l hu -d po/
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/it.po -l it -d po/
Generating catalog po/pt_br.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/pt_br.po -l pt_br -d po/
Generating catalog po/vi.msg
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/vi.po -l vi -d po/
274 translated messages, 17 fuzzy translations, 16 untranslated messages.
277 translated messages, 18 fuzzy translations, 12 untranslated messages.
279 translated messages, 16 fuzzy translations, 12 untranslated messages.
rm -f gitk-wish gitk-wish+ && \
sed -e '1,3s|^exec .* "$0"|exec wish "$0"|' <gitk >gitk-wish+ && \
chmod +x gitk-wish+ && \
mv -f gitk-wish+ gitk-wish
Generating catalog po/zh_cn.msg
307 translated messages.
msgfmt --statistics --tcl po/zh_cn.po -l zh_cn -d po/
317 translated messages.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
make -C templates  SHELL_PATH='/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh' PERL_PATH='/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
umask 022 && ls *--* 2>/dev/null | \
while read boilerplate; \
do \
	case "$boilerplate" in *~) continue ;; esac && \
	dst=`echo "$boilerplate" | sed -e 's|^this|.|;s|--|/|g'` && \
	dir=`expr "$dst" : '\(.*\)/'` && \
	mkdir -p blt/$dir && \
	case "$boilerplate" in \
	*--) continue;; \
	esac && \
	sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
	    -e 's|@SHELL_PATH@|/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
	    -e 's|@PERL_PATH@|/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl|g' $boilerplate > \
		blt/$dst && \
	if test -x "$boilerplate"; then rx=rx; else rx=r; fi && \
	chmod a+$rx "blt/$dst" || exit; \
done && \
date >boilerplates.made
: no custom templates yet
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
mkdir -p po/build/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/ po/pt_PT.po
mkdir -p po/build/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ po/ko.po
mkdir -p po/build/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/ po/vi.po
mkdir -p po/build/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/ po/is.po
14 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ po/ca.po
3198 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ po/ru.po
3608 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ po/de.po
3521 translated messages, 1060 untranslated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ po/es.po
3887 translated messages, 502 fuzzy translations, 411 untranslated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ po/sv.po
4800 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ po/fr.po
4800 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ po/bg.po
4800 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ po/it.po
4800 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/ po/el.po
4800 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ po/zh_CN.po
4800 translated messages.
mkdir -p po/build/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ && msgfmt --check --statistics -o po/build/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ po/zh_TW.po
4800 translated messages.
4800 translated messages.
1038 translated messages, 3325 untranslated messages.
4793 translated messages, 1 fuzzy translation, 6 untranslated messages.
mkdir -p perl/build/lib/ && \
sed -e 's|@@LOCALEDIR@@|/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/locale|g' \
    -e 's|@@NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS@@||g' \
< perl/ > perl/build/lib/
mkdir -p perl/build/lib/Git/ && \
sed -e 's|@@LOCALEDIR@@|/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/locale|g' \
    -e 's|@@NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS@@||g' \
< perl/Git/ > perl/build/lib/Git/
mkdir -p perl/build/lib/Git/ && \
sed -e 's|@@LOCALEDIR@@|/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/locale|g' \
    -e 's|@@NO_PERL_CPAN_FALLBACKS@@||g' \
< perl/Git/ > perl/build/lib/Git/
mkdir -p perl/build/lib/Git/ && \
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gcc -o t/helper/test-trace2.o -c -MF t/helper/.depend/test-trace2.o.d -MQ t/helper/test-trace2.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  t/helper/test-trace2.c
gcc -o t/helper/test-urlmatch-normalization.o -c -MF t/helper/.depend/test-urlmatch-normalization.o.d -MQ t/helper/test-urlmatch-normalization.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  t/helper/test-urlmatch-normalization.c
gcc -o t/helper/test-xml-encode.o -c -MF t/helper/.depend/test-xml-encode.o.d -MQ t/helper/test-xml-encode.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  t/helper/test-xml-encode.c
gcc -o t/helper/test-wildmatch.o -c -MF t/helper/.depend/test-wildmatch.o.d -MQ t/helper/test-wildmatch.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  t/helper/test-wildmatch.c
gcc -o t/helper/test-windows-named-pipe.o -c -MF t/helper/.depend/test-windows-named-pipe.o.d -MQ t/helper/test-windows-named-pipe.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  t/helper/test-windows-named-pipe.c
gcc -o t/helper/test-write-cache.o -c -MF t/helper/.depend/test-write-cache.o.d -MQ t/helper/test-write-cache.o -MMD -MP   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"'  t/helper/test-write-cache.c
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|git|' < > bin-wrappers/git && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/git
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|git-upload-pack|' < > bin-wrappers/git-upload-pack && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/git-upload-pack
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|git-receive-pack|' < > bin-wrappers/git-receive-pack && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/git-receive-pack
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|git-upload-archive|' < > bin-wrappers/git-upload-archive && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/git-upload-archive
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|git-shell|' < > bin-wrappers/git-shell && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/git-shell
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|git-cvsserver|' < > bin-wrappers/git-cvsserver && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/git-cvsserver
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|t/helper/test-fake-ssh|' < > bin-wrappers/test-fake-ssh && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/test-fake-ssh
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|t/helper/test-line-buffer|' < > bin-wrappers/test-line-buffer && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/test-line-buffer
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|t/helper/test-svn-fe|' < > bin-wrappers/test-svn-fe && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/test-svn-fe
gcc   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' -o t/helper/test-fake-ssh   t/helper/test-fake-ssh.o common-main.o libgit.a xdiff/lib.a libgit.a xdiff/lib.a  -lz -pthread -lrt
sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh|' \
     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2|' \
     -e 's|@@PROG@@|t/helper/test-tool|' < > bin-wrappers/test-tool && \
chmod +x bin-wrappers/test-tool
gcc   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' -o t/helper/test-line-buffer   t/helper/test-line-buffer.o common-main.o libgit.a xdiff/lib.a vcs-svn/lib.a libgit.a xdiff/lib.a  -lz -pthread -lrt
gcc   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' -o t/helper/test-svn-fe   t/helper/test-svn-fe.o common-main.o libgit.a xdiff/lib.a vcs-svn/lib.a libgit.a xdiff/lib.a  -lz -pthread -lrt
gcc   -g -O2 -I. -DHAVE_SYSINFO -DGIT_HOST_CPU="\"i686\"" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H -DUSE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND -DSHA1_DC -DSHA1DC_NO_STANDARD_INCLUDES -DSHA1DC_INIT_SAFE_HASH_DEFAULT=0 -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_SHA1_C="\"cache.h\"" -DSHA1DC_CUSTOM_INCLUDE_UBC_CHECK_C="\"git-compat-util.h\"" -DSHA256_BLK -pthread -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_STRINGS_H -DHAVE_DEV_TTY -DHAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME -DHAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC -DHAVE_GETDELIM '-DPROCFS_EXECUTABLE_PATH="/proc/self/exe"'  -DFREAD_READS_DIRECTORIES -DNO_STRLCPY -DSHELL_PATH='"/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh"' -DPAGER_ENV='"LESS=FRX LV=-c"' -o t/helper/test-tool   t/helper/test-tool.o common-main.o t/helper/test-chmtime.o t/helper/test-config.o t/helper/test-ctype.o t/helper/test-date.o t/helper/test-delta.o t/helper/test-dir-iterator.o t/helper/test-drop-caches.o t/helper/test-dump-cache-tree.o t/helper/test-dump-fsmonitor.o t/helper/test-dump-split-index.o t/helper/test-dump-untracked-cache.o t/helper/test-example-decorate.o t/helper/test-genrandom.o t/helper/test-genzeros.o t/helper/test-hash.o t/helper/test-hashmap.o t/helper/test-hash-speed.o t/helper/test-index-version.o t/helper/test-json-writer.o t/helper/test-lazy-init-name-hash.o t/helper/test-match-trees.o t/helper/test-mergesort.o t/helper/test-mktemp.o t/helper/test-oidmap.o t/helper/test-online-cpus.o t/helper/test-parse-options.o t/helper/test-path-utils.o t/helper/test-pkt-line.o t/helper/test-prio-queue.o t/helper/test-progress.o t/helper/test-reach.o t/helper/test-read-cache.o t/helper/test-read-graph.o t/helper/test-read-midx.o t/helper/test-ref-store.o t/helper/test-regex.o t/helper/test-repository.o t/helper/test-revision-walking.o t/helper/test-run-command.o t/helper/test-scrap-cache-tree.o t/helper/test-serve-v2.o t/helper/test-sha1.o t/helper/test-sha1-array.o t/helper/test-sha256.o t/helper/test-sigchain.o t/helper/test-strcmp-offset.o t/helper/test-string-list.o t/helper/test-submodule-config.o t/helper/test-submodule-nested-repo-config.o t/helper/test-subprocess.o t/helper/test-trace2.o t/helper/test-urlmatch-normalization.o t/helper/test-xml-encode.o t/helper/test-wildmatch.o t/helper/test-windows-named-pipe.o t/helper/test-write-cache.o libgit.a xdiff/lib.a libgit.a xdiff/lib.a  -lz -pthread -lrt
phase `build' succeeded after 83.7 seconds
starting phase `patch-tests'
phase `patch-tests' succeeded after 1.7 seconds
starting phase `delete-svn-test'
phase `delete-svn-test' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `check'
make -C git-gui  gitexecdir='/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core' all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
make -C gitk-git  all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
make -C templates  SHELL_PATH='/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh' PERL_PATH='/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
: no custom templates yet
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
make -C t/ all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
rm -f -r 'test-results'
make aggregate-results-and-cleanup
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
ok 1 - open-quoted pathname
ok 1 - verify that the running shell supports "local"
ok 1 - initial setup
ok 1 - plain
ok 2 - .git/objects should be empty after git init in an empty repo
ok 2 - bad setup: invalid .git file format
ok 2 - setup
ok 3 - .git/objects should have 3 subdirectories
ok 3 - bad setup: invalid .git file path
ok 4 - success is reported like this
ok 2 - plain nested in bare
ok 4 - final setup + check rev-parse --git-dir
ok 3 - command line checks
ok 3 - plain through aliased command, outside any git repo
ok 5 - check hash-object
ok 6 - check cat-file
ok 4 - plain nested through aliased command
ok 7 - check update-index
ok 5 - plain nested in bare through aliased command
ok 5 - pretend we have a fully passing test suite
ok 8 - check write-tree
ok 9 - check commit-tree
ok 10 - check rev-list
ok 6 - No extra GIT_* on alias scripts
ok 7 - plain with GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 11 - setup_git_dir twice in subdir
ok 8 - plain bare
ok 4 - attribute test
ok 9 - plain bare with GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 6 - pretend we have a partially passing test suite
ok 10 - GIT_DIR bare
ok 12 - enter_repo non-strict mode
ok 11 - init --bare
ok 13 - enter_repo linked checkout
ok 12 - GIT_DIR non-bare
ok 14 - enter_repo strict mode
ok 5 - attribute matching is case sensitive when core.ignorecase=0
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - GIT_DIR & GIT_WORK_TREE (1)
ok 7 - pretend we have a known breakage
ok 14 - GIT_DIR & GIT_WORK_TREE (2)
ok 1 - setup
ok 15 - reinit
ok 8 - pretend we have fixed a known breakage
ok 16 - init with --template
ok 2 - write-tree should notice unwritable repository
ok 17 - init with --template (blank)
ok 3 - commit should notice unwritable repository
ok 4 - update-index should notice unwritable repository
ok 18 - init with init.templatedir set
ok 6 - attribute matching is case insensitive when core.ignorecase=1
ok 7 # skip additional case insensitivity tests (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
ok 5 - add should notice unwritable repository
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 9 - pretend we have fixed one of two known breakages (run in sub test-lib)
ok 19 - init --bare/--shared overrides system/global config
ok 8 - unnormalized paths
ok 20 - init honors global core.sharedRepository
ok 1 - sigchain works
ok 21 - init allows insanely long --template
ok 22 - init creates a new directory
ok 2 - signals are propagated using shell convention
ok 23 - init creates a new bare directory
ok 10 - pretend we have a pass, fail, and known breakage
ok 3 - create blob
ok 24 - init recreates a directory
ok 9 - relative paths
ok 4 - a constipated git dies with SIGPIPE
ok 25 - init recreates a new bare directory
ok 5 - a constipated git dies with SIGPIPE even if parent ignores it
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 26 - init creates a new deep directory
ok 10 - prefixes are not confused with leading directories
*** ***
ok 27 - init creates a new deep directory (umask vs. shared)
ok 28 - init notices EEXIST (1)
ok 11 - core.attributesfile
ok 1 - relative date (5 seconds ago)
ok 29 - init notices EEXIST (2)
ok 12 - attribute test: read paths from stdin
ok 2 - relative date (5 minutes ago)
ok 13 - attribute test: --all option
ok 3 - relative date (5 hours ago)
ok 30 - init notices EPERM
ok 4 - relative date (5 days ago)
ok 31 - init creates a new bare directory with global --bare
ok 14 - attribute test: --cached option
ok 11 - pretend we have a mix of all possible results
ok 5 - relative date (3 weeks ago)
ok 32 - init prefers command line to GIT_DIR
ok 6 - relative date (5 months ago)
ok 15 - root subdir attribute test
ok 33 - init with separate gitdir
ok 7 - relative date (1 year, 2 months ago)
ok 16 - negative patterns
ok 8 - relative date (1 year, 9 months ago)
ok 34 - init in long base path
ok 17 - patterns starting with exclamation
ok 9 - relative date (20 years ago)
ok 35 # skip init in long restricted base path (missing GETCWD_IGNORES_PERMS)
ok 10 - relative date (12 months ago)
ok 36 - re-init on .git file
ok 18 - "**" test
ok 11 - relative date (2 years ago)
ok 37 - re-init to update git link
ok 12 - show date (iso8601:1466000000 +0200)
ok 13 - show date (iso8601-strict:1466000000 +0200)
ok 12 - test --verbose
ok 19 - "**" with no slashes test
ok 38 - re-init to move gitdir
ok 14 - show date (rfc2822:1466000000 +0200)
ok 20 - using --git-dir and --work-tree
ok 15 - show date (short:1466000000 +0200)
ok 21 - setup bare
ok 16 - show date (default:1466000000 +0200)
ok 39 - re-init to move gitdir symlink
ok 40 # skip .git hidden (missing MINGW)
ok 41 # skip bare git dir not hidden (missing MINGW)
ok 17 - show date (raw:1466000000 +0200)
ok 18 - show date (unix:1466000000 +0200)
ok 13 - test --verbose-only
ok 19 - show date (iso-local:1466000000 +0200)
ok 42 - remote init from does not use config from cwd
ok 22 - bare repository: check that .gitattribute is ignored
ok 20 - show date (raw-local:1466000000 +0200)
ok 23 - bare repository: check that --cached honors index
ok 21 - show date (unix-local:1466000000 +0200)
ok 22 - show date (format:%z:1466000000 +0200)
ok 23 - show date (format-local:%z:1466000000 +0200)
ok 43 - re-init from a linked worktree
ok 44 # skip core.hidedotfiles = false (missing MINGW)
ok 24 - show date (format:%Z:1466000000 +0200)
ok 45 # skip redirect std handles (missing MINGW)
ok 24 - bare repository: test info/attributes
# passed all 45 test(s)
ok 25 - show date (format-local:%Z:1466000000 +0200)
*** ***
ok 25 - binary macro expanded by -a
ok 26 - show date (format:%%z:1466000000 +0200)
ok 26 - query binary macro directly
ok 27 - show date (format-local:%%z:1466000000 +0200)
# passed all 26 test(s)
*** ***
ok 28 - show date (format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:1466000000 +0200)
ok 29 - show date (format-local:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:1466000000 +0200)
ok 30 # skip show date (iso:5758122296 -0400) (missing TIME_T_IS_64BIT of TIME_IS_64BIT,TIME_T_IS_64BIT)
ok 31 # skip show date (iso-local:5758122296 -0400) (missing TIME_T_IS_64BIT of TIME_IS_64BIT,TIME_T_IS_64BIT)
ok 15 - GIT_SKIP_TESTS several tests
ok 32 - parse date (2008)
ok 3 - requested identites are strict
ok 33 - parse date (2008-02)
ok 34 - parse date (2008-02-14)
ok 4 - git var -l lists variables
ok 35 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45)
ok 1 - setup
ok 36 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -0500)
ok 5 - git var -l lists config
ok 6 - listing and asking for variables are exclusive
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 37 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -0015)
*** ***
ok 2 - . corner-case
ok 38 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -5)
ok 16 - GIT_SKIP_TESTS sh pattern
ok 39 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -5:)
ok 3 - . corner-case with -q
ok 40 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -05)
ok 4 - . corner-case with --quiet
ok 41 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -:30)
ok 5 - . corner-case with -v
ok 42 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 -05:00)
ok 1 - basic ordering
ok 43 - parse date (2008-02-14 20:30:45 TZ=EST5)
ok 6 - . corner-case with -v -n
ok 2 - mixed put and get
ok 17 - GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite
ok 44 - parse approxidate (now)
ok 3 - notice empty queue
ok 7 - . corner-case with -v --non-matching
ok 4 - stack order
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 8 - . corner-case with --verbose
ok 45 - parse approxidate (5 seconds ago)
*** ***
ok 9 - . corner-case with --verbose -n
ok 46 - parse approxidate (5.seconds.ago)
ok 10 - . corner-case with --verbose --non-matching
ok 47 - parse approxidate (10.minutes.ago)
ok 48 - parse approxidate (yesterday)
ok 49 - parse approxidate (3.days.ago)
ok 1 - Racy GIT trial #0 part A
ok 11 - empty command line
ok 50 - parse approxidate (3.weeks.ago)
ok 51 - parse approxidate (3.months.ago)
ok 12 - empty command line with -q
ok 52 - parse approxidate (2.years.3.months.ago)
ok 13 - empty command line with --quiet
ok 18 - GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite
ok 53 - parse approxidate (6am yesterday)
ok 14 - empty command line with -v
ok 54 - parse approxidate (6pm yesterday)
ok 55 - parse approxidate (3:00)
ok 15 - empty command line with -v -n
ok 56 - parse approxidate (15:00)
ok 16 - empty command line with -v --non-matching
ok 57 - parse approxidate (noon today)
ok 17 - empty command line with --verbose
ok 58 - parse approxidate (noon yesterday)
ok 59 - parse approxidate (January 5th noon pm)
ok 18 - empty command line with --verbose -n
ok 60 - parse approxidate (10am noon)
ok 19 - --run basic
ok 19 - empty command line with --verbose --non-matching
ok 61 - parse approxidate (last tuesday)
ok 62 - parse approxidate (July 5th)
ok 63 - parse approxidate (06/05/2009)
ok 20 - --stdin with empty STDIN
ok 64 - parse approxidate (06.05.2009)
ok 65 - parse approxidate (Jun 6, 5AM)
ok 21 - --stdin with empty STDIN with -q
ok 66 - parse approxidate (5AM Jun 6)
ok 22 - --stdin with empty STDIN with --quiet
ok 67 - parse approxidate (6AM, June 7, 2009)
ok 68 - parse approxidate (2008-12-01)
ok 23 - --stdin with empty STDIN with -v
ok 20 - --run with a range
ok 69 - parse approxidate (2009-12-01)
ok 24 - --stdin with empty STDIN with -v -n
ok 70 - human date 1251642000
ok 25 - --stdin with empty STDIN with -v --non-matching
ok 71 - human date 1251228000
ok 26 - --stdin with empty STDIN with --verbose
ok 72 - human date 1249932000
ok 73 - human date 1238660000
ok 27 - --stdin with empty STDIN with --verbose -n
ok 74 - human date 1220210400
ok 28 - --stdin with empty STDIN with --verbose --non-matching
ok 75 - human date 1214160000
ok 29 - -q with multiple args
ok 76 - human date 1196472000
ok 30 - --quiet with multiple args
ok 77 - human date 621660000
# passed all 77 test(s)
*** ***
ok 31 - -q -v
ok 21 - --run with two ranges
ok 32 - --quiet -v
ok 33 - -q --verbose
ok 34 - --quiet --verbose
ok 1 - put
ok 2 - put (case insensitive)
ok 35 - --quiet with multiple args
ok 3 - replace
ok 4 - replace (case insensitive)
ok 36 - erroneous use of --
ok 5 - get
ok 37 - erroneous use of -- with -q
ok 22 - --run with a left open range
ok 6 - get (case insensitive)
ok 38 - erroneous use of -- with --quiet
ok 7 - add
ok 39 - erroneous use of -- with -v
ok 8 - add (case insensitive)
ok 40 - erroneous use of -- with -v -n
ok 9 - remove
ok 41 - erroneous use of -- with -v --non-matching
ok 10 - remove (case insensitive)
ok 42 - erroneous use of -- with --verbose
ok 11 - iterate
ok 43 - erroneous use of -- with --verbose -n
ok 12 - iterate (case insensitive)
ok 23 - --run with a right open range
ok 44 - erroneous use of -- with --verbose --non-matching
ok 13 - grow / shrink
ok 14 - string interning
ok 45 - --stdin with superfluous arg
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - Racy GIT trial #0 part B
ok 46 - --stdin with superfluous arg with -q
ok 3 - Racy GIT trial #1 part A
ok 47 - --stdin with superfluous arg with --quiet
ok 48 - --stdin with superfluous arg with -v
ok 1 - setup
ok 24 - --run with basic negation
ok 49 - --stdin with superfluous arg with -v -n
ok 2 - basic help commands
ok 50 - --stdin with superfluous arg with -v --non-matching
ok 51 - --stdin with superfluous arg with --verbose
ok 52 - --stdin with superfluous arg with --verbose -n
ok 53 - --stdin with superfluous arg with --verbose --non-matching
ok 54 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg
ok 25 - --run with two negations
ok 55 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with -q
ok 3 - works for commands and guides by default
ok 56 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with --quiet
ok 4 - --exclude-guides does not work for guides
ok 57 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with -v
ok 5 - --help does not work for guides
ok 58 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with -v -n
ok 59 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with -v --non-matching
ok 6 - git help
ok 60 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with --verbose
ok 7 - git help -g
ok 8 - generate builtin list
ok 61 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with --verbose -n
ok 26 - --run a range and negation
ok 9 - add can handle -h
ok 62 - --stdin -z with superfluous arg with --verbose --non-matching
ok 10 - am can handle -h
ok 11 - annotate can handle -h
ok 63 - -z without --stdin
ok 12 - apply can handle -h
ok 13 - archive can handle -h
ok 64 - -z without --stdin with -q
ok 14 - bisect--helper can handle -h
ok 65 - -z without --stdin with --quiet
ok 15 - blame can handle -h
ok 66 - -z without --stdin with -v
ok 16 - branch can handle -h
ok 17 - bundle can handle -h
ok 67 - -z without --stdin with -v -n
ok 27 - --run range negation
ok 18 - cat-file can handle -h
ok 68 - -z without --stdin with -v --non-matching
ok 19 - check-attr can handle -h
ok 69 - -z without --stdin with --verbose
ok 20 - check-ignore can handle -h
ok 21 - check-mailmap can handle -h
ok 70 - -z without --stdin with --verbose -n
ok 22 - check-ref-format can handle -h
ok 71 - -z without --stdin with --verbose --non-matching
ok 23 - checkout can handle -h
ok 24 - checkout-index can handle -h
ok 72 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg
ok 25 - cherry can handle -h
ok 73 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with -q
ok 26 - cherry-pick can handle -h
ok 27 - clean can handle -h
ok 74 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with --quiet
ok 28 - --run include, exclude and include
ok 28 - clone can handle -h
ok 29 - column can handle -h
ok 75 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with -v
ok 30 - commit can handle -h
ok 76 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with -v -n
ok 31 - commit-graph can handle -h
ok 77 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with -v --non-matching
ok 32 - commit-tree can handle -h
ok 78 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with --verbose
ok 33 - config can handle -h
ok 79 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with --verbose -n
ok 34 - count-objects can handle -h
ok 80 - -z without --stdin and superfluous arg with --verbose --non-matching
ok 35 - credential can handle -h
ok 36 - describe can handle -h
ok 81 - needs work tree
ok 37 - diff can handle -h
ok 82 - needs work tree with -q
ok 38 - diff-files can handle -h
ok 4 - Racy GIT trial #1 part B
ok 39 - diff-index can handle -h
ok 5 - Racy GIT trial #2 part A
ok 83 - needs work tree with --quiet
ok 29 - --run include, exclude and include, comma separated
ok 40 - diff-tree can handle -h
ok 84 - needs work tree with -v
ok 41 - difftool can handle -h
ok 42 - env--helper can handle -h
ok 85 - needs work tree with -v -n
ok 43 - fast-export can handle -h
ok 44 - fetch can handle -h
ok 86 - needs work tree with -v --non-matching
ok 45 - fetch-pack can handle -h
ok 87 - needs work tree with --verbose
ok 46 - fmt-merge-msg can handle -h
ok 88 - needs work tree with --verbose -n
ok 47 - for-each-ref can handle -h
ok 48 - format-patch can handle -h
ok 89 - needs work tree with --verbose --non-matching
ok 49 - fsck can handle -h
ok 30 - --run exclude and include
ok 50 - fsck-objects can handle -h
ok 90 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored
ok 91 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with -q
ok 51 - gc can handle -h
ok 92 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --quiet
ok 52 - get-tar-commit-id can handle -h
ok 93 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with -v
ok 53 - grep can handle -h
ok 94 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with -v -n
ok 54 - hash-object can handle -h
ok 95 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 55 - help can handle -h
ok 96 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --verbose
ok 56 - index-pack can handle -h
ok 97 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --verbose -n
ok 57 - init can handle -h
ok 58 - init-db can handle -h
ok 98 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 59 - interpret-trailers can handle -h
ok 31 - --run empty selectors
ok 99 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index
ok 60 - log can handle -h
ok 61 - ls-files can handle -h
ok 100 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -q
ok 62 - ls-remote can handle -h
ok 101 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 63 - ls-tree can handle -h
ok 102 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -v
ok 32 - --run invalid range start
ok 64 - mailinfo can handle -h
ok 103 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 65 - mailsplit can handle -h
ok 104 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 66 - merge can handle -h
ok 67 - merge-base can handle -h
ok 105 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 68 - merge-file can handle -h
ok 106 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 33 - --run invalid range end
ok 69 - merge-index can handle -h
ok 107 - non-existent file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 70 - merge-ours can handle -h
ok 71 - merge-recursive can handle -h
ok 108 - non-existent file at top-level ignored
ok 109 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with -q
ok 72 - merge-recursive-ours can handle -h
ok 34 - --run invalid selector
ok 110 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --quiet
ok 73 - merge-recursive-theirs can handle -h
ok 35 - test runs if prerequisite is satisfied
ok 36 # skip unmet prerequisite causes test to be skipped (missing DONTHAVEIT)
ok 74 - merge-subtree can handle -h
ok 111 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with -v
ok 37 - test runs if prerequisites are satisfied
ok 38 # skip unmet prerequisites causes test to be skipped (missing DONTHAVEIT of HAVEIT,DONTHAVEIT)
ok 75 - merge-tree can handle -h
ok 39 # skip unmet prerequisites causes test to be skipped (missing DONTHAVEIT of DONTHAVEIT,HAVEIT)
ok 112 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with -v -n
ok 40 - test runs if lazy prereq is satisfied
ok 76 - mktag can handle -h
ok 41 # skip missing lazy prereqs skip tests (missing !LAZY_TRUE)
ok 77 - mktree can handle -h
ok 42 - negative lazy prereqs checked
ok 113 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 43 # skip missing negative lazy prereqs will skip (missing LAZY_FALSE)
ok 44 - tests clean up after themselves
ok 78 - multi-pack-index can handle -h
ok 114 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --verbose
ok 79 - mv can handle -h
ok 115 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --verbose -n
ok 80 - name-rev can handle -h
ok 116 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 81 - notes can handle -h
ok 82 - pack-objects can handle -h
ok 117 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index
ok 83 - pack-redundant can handle -h
ok 118 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index -q
ok 45 - tests clean up even on failures
ok 84 - pack-refs can handle -h
ok 119 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 85 - patch-id can handle -h
ok 120 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index -v
ok 6 - Racy GIT trial #2 part B
ok 86 - pickaxe can handle -h
ok 121 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 87 - prune can handle -h
ok 7 - Racy GIT trial #3 part A
ok 122 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 88 - prune-packed can handle -h
ok 46 - test_atexit is run
ok 89 - pull can handle -h
ok 123 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 90 - push can handle -h
ok 124 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 91 - range-diff can handle -h
ok 125 - non-existent file at top-level ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 92 - read-tree can handle -h
ok 93 - rebase can handle -h
ok 126 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored
ok 94 - rebase--interactive can handle -h
ok 47 - test_oid setup
ok 95 - receive-pack can handle -h
ok 127 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with -q
ok 48 - test_oid provides sane info by default
ok 96 - reflog can handle -h
ok 128 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --quiet
ok 97 - remote can handle -h
ok 49 - test_oid can look up data for SHA-1
ok 129 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with -v
ok 98 - remote-ext can handle -h
ok 130 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with -v -n
ok 99 - remote-fd can handle -h
ok 50 - test_oid can look up data for SHA-256
ok 100 - repack can handle -h
ok 131 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 101 - replace can handle -h
ok 102 - rerere can handle -h
ok 132 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --verbose
ok 133 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --verbose -n
ok 51 - test_bool_env
ok 103 - reset can handle -h
ok 134 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 104 - restore can handle -h
ok 105 - rev-list can handle -h
ok 52 - git update-index without --add should fail adding
ok 135 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index
ok 106 - rev-parse can handle -h
ok 53 - git update-index with --add should succeed
ok 107 - revert can handle -h
ok 54 - writing tree out with git write-tree
ok 108 - rm can handle -h
ok 136 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -q
ok 109 - send-pack can handle -h
ok 55 - validate object ID of a known tree
ok 137 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 56 - git update-index without --remove should fail removing
ok 110 - shortlog can handle -h
ok 138 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -v
ok 57 - git update-index with --remove should be able to remove
ok 111 - show can handle -h
ok 139 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 58 - git write-tree should be able to write an empty tree
ok 112 - show-branch can handle -h
ok 59 - validate object ID of a known tree
ok 140 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 113 - show-index can handle -h
ok 141 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 114 - show-ref can handle -h
ok 142 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 115 - sparse-checkout can handle -h
ok 143 - existing untracked file at top-level not ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 60 - adding various types of objects with git update-index --add
ok 116 - stage can handle -h
ok 61 - showing stage with git ls-files --stage
ok 117 - stash can handle -h
ok 144 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored
ok 118 - status can handle -h
ok 62 - validate git ls-files output for a known tree
ok 119 - stripspace can handle -h
ok 145 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with -q
ok 63 - writing tree out with git write-tree
ok 120 - submodule--helper can handle -h
ok 64 - validate object ID for a known tree
ok 121 - switch can handle -h
ok 146 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with --quiet
ok 65 - showing tree with git ls-tree
ok 122 - symbolic-ref can handle -h
ok 66 - git ls-tree output for a known tree
ok 147 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with -v
ok 123 - tag can handle -h
ok 67 - showing tree with git ls-tree -r
ok 148 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with -v -n
ok 124 - unpack-file can handle -h
ok 149 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 125 - unpack-objects can handle -h
ok 68 - git ls-tree -r output for a known tree
ok 150 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with --verbose
ok 126 - update-index can handle -h
ok 69 - showing tree with git ls-tree -r -t
ok 151 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with --verbose -n
ok 127 - update-ref can handle -h
ok 128 - update-server-info can handle -h
ok 152 - existing tracked file at top-level not ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 70 - git ls-tree -r output for a known tree
ok 129 - upload-archive can handle -h
ok 71 - writing partial tree out with git write-tree --prefix
ok 153 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index
ok 130 - upload-archive--writer can handle -h
ok 72 - validate object ID for a known tree
ok 73 - writing partial tree out with git write-tree --prefix
ok 131 - upload-pack can handle -h
ok 74 - validate object ID for a known tree
ok 154 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index -q
ok 132 - var can handle -h
ok 133 - verify-commit can handle -h
ok 155 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 134 - verify-pack can handle -h
ok 75 - put invalid objects into the index
ok 156 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index -v
ok 76 - writing this tree without --missing-ok
ok 135 - verify-tag can handle -h
ok 157 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 77 - writing this tree with --missing-ok
ok 136 - version can handle -h
ok 158 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 137 - whatchanged can handle -h
ok 78 - git read-tree followed by write-tree should be idempotent
ok 159 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 138 - worktree can handle -h
ok 8 - Racy GIT trial #3 part B
ok 79 - validate git diff-files output for a know cache/work tree state
ok 139 - write-tree can handle -h
ok 160 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
# passed all 139 test(s)
ok 80 - git update-index --refresh should succeed
*** ***
ok 9 - Racy GIT trial #4 part A
ok 161 - existing tracked file at top-level shown as ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 81 - no diff after checkout and git update-index --refresh
ok 162 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored
ok 82 - git commit-tree records the correct tree in a commit
ok 163 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with -q
ok 164 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --quiet
ok 1 - test-sha1 detects shattered pdf
ok 83 - git commit-tree records the correct parent in a commit
# passed all 1 test(s)
*** ***
ok 165 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with -v
ok 166 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with -v -n
ok 84 - git commit-tree omits duplicated parent in a commit
ok 167 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 85 - update-index D/F conflict
ok 168 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --verbose
ok 1 - nested aliases - internal execution
ok 169 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --verbose -n
ok 86 - very long name in the index handled sanely
# passed all 86 test(s)
ok 170 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --verbose --non-matching
*** ***
ok 2 - nested aliases - mixed execution
ok 171 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index
ok 3 - looping aliases - internal execution
ok 172 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index -q
ok 4 - run-command formats empty args properly
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 173 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index --quiet
*** ***
ok 174 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index -v
ok 175 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 176 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 1 - setup
ok 177 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 178 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 2 - put
ok 179 - existing untracked file at top-level ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 3 - replace
ok 4 - get
ok 1 - test basic SHA-1 hash values
ok 180 - mix of file types at top-level
ok 5 - remove
ok 181 - mix of file types at top-level with -v
ok 6 - iterate
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 182 - mix of file types at top-level with -v -n
*** ***
ok 183 - mix of file types at top-level with -v --non-matching
ok 184 - mix of file types at top-level with --verbose
ok 185 - mix of file types at top-level with --verbose -n
ok 1 - env--helper usage
ok 186 - mix of file types at top-level with --verbose --non-matching
ok 2 - env--helper bad default values
ok 187 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index
ok 3 - env--helper --type=bool
ok 188 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index -v
ok 189 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index -v -n
ok 4 - env--helper --type=ulong
ok 190 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 191 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index --verbose
ok 5 - env--helper reads config thanks to trace2
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 2 - test basic SHA-256 hash values
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 192 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 193 - mix of file types at top-level with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 10 - Racy GIT trial #4 part B
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 194 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored
*** ***
ok 1 - unit test of json-writer routines
ok 195 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with -q
ok 2 - trivial object
ok 196 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --quiet
ok 3 - trivial array
ok 197 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v
ok 4 - simple object
ok 1 - setup
ok 198 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v -n
ok 5 - simple array
ok 199 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 2 - safecrlf: autocrlf=input, all CRLF
ok 6 - escape quoting string
ok 1 - setup
ok 200 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose
ok 7 - escape quoting string 2
ok 201 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose -n
ok 3 - safecrlf: autocrlf=input, mixed LF/CRLF
ok 2 - check
ok 8 - nested inline object
ok 202 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 4 - safecrlf: autocrlf=true, all LF
ok 9 - nested inline array
ok 203 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index
ok 10 - nested inline object and array
ok 5 - safecrlf: autocrlf=true mixed LF/CRLF
ok 204 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -q
ok 11 - nested inline object and array 2
ok 3 - expanded_in_repo
ok 205 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 12 - pretty nested inline object and array 2
ok 206 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -v
ok 6 - safecrlf: print warning only once
ok 13 - inline object with no members
ok 207 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 14 - inline array with no members
ok 7 - safecrlf: git diff demotes safecrlf=true to warn
ok 208 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 15 - larger empty example
ok 209 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 8 - safecrlf: no warning with safecrlf=false
ok 16 # skip parse JSON using Perl (missing PERLJSON)
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 210 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 9 - switch off autocrlf, safecrlf, reset HEAD
ok 4 - filter shell-escaped filenames
ok 211 - non-existent file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 212 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored
ok 10 - update with autocrlf=input
ok 213 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with -q
ok 214 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --quiet
ok 5 - required filter should filter data
ok 1 - setup
ok 215 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with -v
ok 11 - update with autocrlf=true
ok 2 - diff -M
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 216 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with -v -n
*** ***
ok 217 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 6 - required filter smudge failure
ok 12 - checkout with autocrlf=true
ok 218 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --verbose
ok 219 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --verbose -n
ok 7 - required filter clean failure
ok 220 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - am
ok 13 - checkout with autocrlf=input
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 221 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index
ok 14 - apply patch (autocrlf=input)
ok 222 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -q
ok 15 - apply patch --cached (autocrlf=input)
ok 223 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 1 - setup
ok 224 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -v
ok 225 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 16 - apply patch --index (autocrlf=input)
ok 2 - tar archive
ok 3 # skip zip archive (missing UNZIP)
ok 226 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - filtering large input to small output should use little memory
ok 227 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 17 - apply patch (autocrlf=true)
ok 18 - apply patch --cached (autocrlf=true)
ok 228 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 229 - non-existent file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 1 - setup
ok 19 - apply patch --index (autocrlf=true)
ok 20 - .gitattributes says two is binary
ok 2 - renormalize CRLF in repo
ok 230 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored
ok 231 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -q
ok 21 - .gitattributes says two is input
ok 9 - filter that does not read is fine
ok 3 - ignore-errors not mistaken for renormalize
ok 232 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --quiet
ok 22 - .gitattributes says two and three are text
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 10 # skip filter large file (missing EXPENSIVE)
*** ***
ok 233 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v
ok 234 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v -n
ok 23 - in-tree .gitattributes (1)
ok 235 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 11 - filter: clean empty file
ok 24 - in-tree .gitattributes (2)
ok 236 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose
ok 237 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose -n
ok 25 - in-tree .gitattributes (3)
ok 1 - setup
ok 238 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 12 - filter: smudge empty file
ok 26 - in-tree .gitattributes (4)
ok 239 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index
ok 2 - eol=lf puts LFs in normalized file
ok 240 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -q
ok 13 - disable filter with empty override
ok 241 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 3 - eol=crlf puts CRLFs in normalized file
ok 242 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -v
ok 27 - checkout with existing .gitattributes
ok 243 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 4 - autocrlf=true overrides eol=lf
ok 244 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 28 - checkout when deleting .gitattributes
ok 29 - invalid .gitattributes (must not crash)
ok 245 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 246 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 5 - autocrlf=true overrides unset eol
ok 6 # skip eol native is crlf (missing NATIVE_CRLF)
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 247 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 248 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored
ok 30 - setting up for new autocrlf tests
ok 31 - report no change after setting autocrlf
ok 32 - files are clean after checkout
ok 249 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -q
ok 250 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --quiet
ok 1 - ls-files --eol -o Text/Binary
ok 33 - LF only file gets CRLF with autocrlf
ok 251 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v
ok 34 - Mixed file is still mixed with autocrlf
ok 252 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v -n
ok 35 - CRLF only file has CRLF with autocrlf
ok 253 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 14 - diff does not reuse worktree files that need cleaning
ok 254 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose
ok 36 - New CRLF file gets LF in repo
# passed all 36 test(s)
ok 255 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose -n
*** ***
ok 256 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ not ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 257 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index
ok 258 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index -q
ok 259 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 260 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index -v
ok 1 - setup test files
ok 261 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 2 - ensure UTF-8 is stored in Git
ok 262 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 3 - re-encode to UTF-16 on checkout
ok 263 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 4 - re-encode to UTF-16-LE-BOM on checkout
ok 264 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 265 - existing tracked file in subdir a/ shown as ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 5 - check $GIT_DIR/info/attributes support
ok 266 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored
ok 15 - required process filter should filter data
ok 267 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with -q
ok 268 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --quiet
ok 6 - check prohibited UTF-16 BOM
ok 269 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with -v
ok 270 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with -v -n
ok 271 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with -v --non-matching
ok 7 - check required UTF-16 BOM
ok 16 - required process filter takes precedence
ok 272 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --verbose
ok 273 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --verbose -n
ok 274 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --verbose --non-matching
ok 275 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index
ok 8 - eol conversion for UTF-16 encoded files on checkout
ok 17 - required process filter should be used only for "clean" operation only
ok 276 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -q
ok 277 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --quiet
ok 9 - check prohibited UTF-32 BOM
ok 278 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -v
ok 10 - check required UTF-32 BOM
ok 279 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -v -n
ok 280 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 281 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --verbose
ok 282 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 283 - existing untracked file in subdir a/ ignored with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 11 - eol conversion for UTF-32 encoded files on checkout
ok 284 - mix of file types in subdir a/
ok 12 - check unsupported encodings
ok 285 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with -v
ok 2 - setup master
ok 286 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with -v -n
ok 287 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with -v --non-matching
ok 13 - error if encoding round trip is not the same during refresh
ok 288 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --verbose
ok 289 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --verbose -n
ok 290 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --verbose --non-matching
ok 14 - error if encoding garbage is already in Git
ok 291 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index
ok 292 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index -v
ok 293 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index -v -n
ok 294 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index -v --non-matching
ok 295 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index --verbose
ok 15 - check roundtrip encoding
ok 18 - required process filter should process multiple packets
ok 296 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index --verbose -n
ok 297 - mix of file types in subdir a/ with --no-index --verbose --non-matching
ok 16 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-8
ok 298 - sub-directory local ignore
ok 19 - required process filter with clean error should fail
ok 299 - sub-directory local ignore with --verbose
ok 17 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-16LE
ok 3 - commit files empty attr
ok 300 - local ignore inside a sub-directory
ok 18 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-16BE
ok 301 - local ignore inside a sub-directory with --verbose
ok 302 - nested include of negated pattern
ok 19 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-16LE-BOM
ok 303 - nested include of negated pattern with -q
ok 304 - nested include of negated pattern with -v
ok 20 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-16BE-BOM
ok 305 - nested include of negated pattern with -v -n
ok 20 - process filter should restart after unexpected write failure
ok 21 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-32LE
ok 306 - ignored sub-directory
ok 307 - ignored sub-directory with -q
ok 22 - Commit UTF-8, checkout UTF-32BE
ok 308 - ignored sub-directory with --quiet
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 309 - ignored sub-directory with -v
ok 310 - ignored sub-directory with -v -n
1..0 # SKIP skipping Windows-specific tests
ok 311 - ignored sub-directory with -v --non-matching
*** ***
ok 312 - ignored sub-directory with --verbose
ok 313 - ignored sub-directory with --verbose -n
ok 4 - commit files attr=auto
ok 21 - process filter should not be restarted if it signals an error
ok 314 - ignored sub-directory with --verbose --non-matching
ok 1 - long lines without spaces should be unchanged
ok 315 - multiple files inside ignored sub-directory
ok 2 - lines with spaces at the beginning should be unchanged
ok 316 - multiple files inside ignored sub-directory with -v
ok 3 - lines with intermediate spaces should be unchanged
ok 317 - cd to ignored sub-directory
ok 318 - cd to ignored sub-directory with -v
ok 319 - symlink
ok 22 - process filter abort stops processing of all further files
ok 320 - symlink with -q
ok 4 - consecutive blank lines should be unified
ok 321 - symlink with --quiet
ok 5 - only consecutive blank lines should be completely removed
ok 322 - symlink with -v
ok 23 - invalid process filter must fail (and not hang!)
ok 323 - symlink with -v -n
ok 324 - symlink with -v --non-matching
ok 325 - symlink with --verbose
ok 6 - consecutive blank lines at the beginning should be removed
ok 5 - commit files attr=text
ok 326 - symlink with --verbose -n
ok 327 - symlink with --verbose --non-matching
ok 328 - beyond a symlink
ok 329 - beyond a symlink with -q
ok 7 - consecutive blank lines at the end should be removed
ok 330 - beyond a symlink with --quiet
ok 8 - text without newline at end should end with newline
ok 331 - beyond a symlink with -v
ok 332 - beyond a symlink with -v -n
ok 9 - text plus spaces without newline at end should end with newline
ok 333 - beyond a symlink with -v --non-matching
ok 334 - beyond a symlink with --verbose
ok 10 - text plus spaces without newline at end should not show spaces
ok 335 - beyond a symlink with --verbose -n
ok 6 - commit files attr=-text
ok 11 - text plus spaces without newline should show the correct lines
ok 336 - beyond a symlink with --verbose --non-matching
ok 12 - text plus spaces at end should not show spaces
ok 337 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory
ok 338 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with -q
ok 13 - text plus spaces at end should be cleaned and newline must remain
ok 339 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with --quiet
ok 14 - spaces with newline at end should be replaced with empty string
ok 340 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with -v
ok 24 - delayed checkout in process filter
ok 341 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with -v -n
ok 15 - spaces without newline at end should not show spaces
ok 16 - spaces without newline at end should be replaced with empty string
ok 342 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with -v --non-matching
ok 343 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with --verbose
ok 17 - consecutive text lines should be unchanged
ok 344 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with --verbose -n
ok 25 - missing file in delayed checkout
ok 7 - commit files attr=lf
ok 18 - strip comments, too
ok 345 - beyond a symlink from subdirectory with --verbose --non-matching
ok 19 - strip comments with changed comment char
ok 20 - -c with single line
ok 346 - submodule
ok 21 - -c with single line followed by empty line
ok 22 - -c with newline only
ok 347 - submodule with -q
ok 23 - --comment-lines with single line
ok 348 - submodule with --quiet
ok 24 - -c with changed comment char
ok 349 - submodule with -v
ok 26 - invalid file in delayed checkout
ok 25 - -c with comment char defined in .git/config
# passed all 26 test(s)
*** ***
ok 350 - submodule with -v -n
ok 26 - -c outside git repository
ok 351 - submodule with -v --non-matching
ok 27 - avoid SP-HT sequence in commented line
ok 352 - submodule with --verbose
# passed all 27 test(s)
ok 353 - submodule with --verbose -n
*** ***
ok 354 - submodule with --verbose --non-matching
ok 1 - test help
ok 2 - OPT_BOOL() #1
ok 3 - OPT_BOOL() #2
ok 355 - submodule from subdirectory
ok 4 - OPT_BOOL() #3
ok 5 - OPT_BOOL() #4
ok 1 - setup 
ok 8 - commit files attr=crlf
ok 356 - submodule from subdirectory with -q
ok 6 - OPT_BOOL() #5
ok 7 - OPT_BOOL() is idempotent #1
ok 2 - tag --contains <existent_tag>
ok 357 - submodule from subdirectory with --quiet
ok 8 - OPT_BOOL() is idempotent #2
ok 9 - OPT_BOOL() negation #1
ok 9 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF crlf=false attr=
ok 3 - tag --contains <inexistent_tag>
ok 10 - OPT_BOOL() negation #2
ok 358 - submodule from subdirectory with -v
ok 10 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CLRF attr= aeol= crlf=false
ok 4 - tag --no-contains <existent_tag>
ok 11 - OPT_BOOL() no negation #1
ok 11 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_mix_LF attr= aeol= crlf=false
ok 359 - submodule from subdirectory with -v -n
ok 12 - OPT_BOOL() no negation #2
ok 5 - tag --no-contains <inexistent_tag>
ok 12 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF_mix_cr attr= aeol= crlf=false 
ok 13 - OPT_BOOL() positivation
ok 360 - submodule from subdirectory with -v --non-matching
ok 14 - OPT_INT() negative
ok 6 - tag usage error
ok 13 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_nul attr= aeol= crlf=false
ok 15 - OPT_MAGNITUDE() simple
ok 361 - submodule from subdirectory with --verbose
ok 7 - branch --contains <existent_commit>
ok 16 - OPT_MAGNITUDE() kilo
ok 362 - submodule from subdirectory with --verbose -n
ok 17 - OPT_MAGNITUDE() mega
ok 8 - branch --contains <inexistent_commit>
ok 18 - OPT_MAGNITUDE() giga
ok 14 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF crlf=true attr=
ok 363 - submodule from subdirectory with --verbose --non-matching
ok 19 - OPT_MAGNITUDE() 3giga
ok 9 - branch --no-contains <existent_commit>
ok 20 - short options
ok 15 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CLRF attr= aeol= crlf=true
ok 364 - global ignore not yet enabled
ok 21 - long options
ok 10 - branch --no-contains <inexistent_commit>
ok 16 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_mix_LF attr= aeol= crlf=true
ok 365 - global ignore
ok 22 - missing required value
ok 11 - branch usage error
ok 17 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF_mix_cr attr= aeol= crlf=true 
ok 23 - intermingled arguments
ok 18 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_nul attr= aeol= crlf=true
ok 366 - global ignore with -v
ok 12 - for-each-ref --contains <existent_object>
ok 24 - unambiguously abbreviated option
ok 25 - unambiguously abbreviated option with "="
ok 13 - for-each-ref --contains <inexistent_object>
ok 367 - --stdin
ok 19 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF crlf=input attr=
ok 26 - ambiguously abbreviated option
ok 14 - for-each-ref --no-contains <existent_object>
ok 368 - --stdin -q
ok 27 - non ambiguous option (after two options it abbreviates)
ok 20 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CLRF attr= aeol= crlf=input
ok 369 - --stdin -v
ok 21 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_mix_LF attr= aeol= crlf=input
ok 15 - for-each-ref --no-contains <inexistent_object>
ok 28 - Alias options do not contribute to abbreviation
ok 22 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF_mix_cr attr= aeol= crlf=input 
ok 16 - for-each-ref usage error
ok 370 - --stdin -z
ok 23 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_nul attr= aeol= crlf=input
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 29 - detect possible typos
ok 371 - --stdin -z -q
ok 372 - --stdin -z -v
ok 30 - detect possible typos
ok 373 - -z --stdin
ok 31 - keep some options as arguments
ok 24 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF crlf=false attr=auto
ok 374 - -z --stdin -q
ok 25 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CLRF attr=auto aeol= crlf=false
ok 26 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_mix_LF attr=auto aeol= crlf=false
ok 375 - -z --stdin -v
ok 32 - OPT_CALLBACK() and OPT_BIT() work
ok 1 - detection of case insensitive filesystem during repo init
ok 27 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF_mix_cr attr=auto aeol= crlf=false 
ok 33 - OPT_CALLBACK() and callback errors work
ok 2 - detection of filesystem w/o symlink support during repo init
ok 376 - --stdin from subdirectory
ok 28 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_nul attr=auto aeol= crlf=false
ok 34 - OPT_BIT() and OPT_SET_INT() work
ok 35 - OPT_NEGBIT() and OPT_SET_INT() work
ok 377 - --stdin from subdirectory with -v
ok 36 - OPT_BIT() works
ok 378 - --stdin from subdirectory with -v -n
ok 37 - OPT_NEGBIT() works
ok 3 - setup case tests
ok 29 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF crlf=true attr=auto
ok 38 - OPT_COUNTUP() with PARSE_OPT_NODASH works
ok 30 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CLRF attr=auto aeol= crlf=true
ok 379 - --stdin -z from subdirectory
ok 39 - OPT_NUMBER_CALLBACK() works
ok 4 - rename (case change)
ok 31 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_mix_LF attr=auto aeol= crlf=true
ok 380 - --stdin -z from subdirectory with -v
ok 40 - negation of OPT_NONEG flags is not ambiguous
ok 5 - merge (case change)
ok 6 # skip add directory (with different case) (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
ok 32 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF_mix_cr attr=auto aeol= crlf=true 
ok 7 # skip add (with different case) (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
ok 381 - -z --stdin from subdirectory
ok 41 - --list keeps list of strings
ok 33 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_nul attr=auto aeol= crlf=true
ok 42 - --no-list resets list
ok 382 - -z --stdin from subdirectory with -v
ok 43 - multiple quiet levels
ok 44 - multiple verbose levels
ok 8 - setup unicode normalization tests
ok 45 - --no-quiet sets --quiet to 0
ok 34 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF crlf=input attr=auto
ok 383 - streaming support for --stdin
ok 46 - --no-quiet resets multiple -q to 0
ok 35 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CLRF attr=auto aeol= crlf=input
ok 9 - rename (silent unicode normalization)
ok 47 - --no-verbose sets verbose to 0
ok 36 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_mix_LF attr=auto aeol= crlf=input
ok 384 - existing file and directory
ok 10 - merge (silent unicode normalization)
ok 48 - --no-verbose resets multiple verbose to 0
ok 11 # skip checkout with no pathspec and a case insensitive fs (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
ok 37 - commit file with mixed EOL onto LF_mix_cr attr=auto aeol= crlf=input 
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 38 - commit file with mixed EOL onto CRLF_nul attr=auto aeol= crlf=input
ok 50 - --end-of-options treats remainder as args
ok 385 - existing directory and file
# passed all 50 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 # skip o_append write to named pipe (missing MINGW)
ok 386 - trailing whitespace is ignored
# passed all 1 test(s)
*** ***
ok 39 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr= LF
ok 387 - quoting allows trailing whitespace
ok 40 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=false CRLF
ok 388 - correct handling of backslashes
ok 41 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - setup
ok 389 - info/exclude trumps core.excludesfile
# passed all 389 test(s)
ok 2 - update-index --add beyond symlinks
*** ***
ok 42 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 1 - "git -C <path>" runs git from the directory <path>
ok 43 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 2 - "git -C <path>" with an empty <path> is a no-op
ok 3 - add beyond symlinks
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - Multiple -C options: "-C dir1 -C dir2" is equivalent to "-C dir1/dir2"
ok 1 - basename
ok 44 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr= LF
ok 2 - dirname
ok 1 # skip subprocess inherits only std handles (missing MINGW)
ok 45 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=true CRLF
ok 3 - normalize path:  => 
ok 4 - Effect on --git-dir option: "-C c --git-dir=a.git" is equivalent to "--git-dir c/a.git"
ok 46 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 47 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 4 - normalize path: . => 
ok 5 - Order should not matter: "--git-dir=a.git -C c" is equivalent to "-C c --git-dir=a.git"
ok 2 - start_command reports ENOENT (slash)
ok 48 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 5 - normalize path: ./ => 
ok 6 - Effect on --work-tree option: "-C c/a.git --work-tree=../a"  is equivalent to "--work-tree=c/a --git-dir=c/a.git"
ok 3 - start_command reports ENOENT (no slash)
ok 6 - normalize path: ./. => 
ok 7 - Order should not matter: "--work-tree=../a -C c/a.git" is equivalent to "-C c/a.git --work-tree=../a"
ok 7 - normalize path: ./.. => ++failed++
ok 4 - run_command can run a command
ok 49 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr= LF
ok 8 - normalize path: ../. => ++failed++
ok 8 - Effect on --git-dir and --work-tree options - "-C c --git-dir=a.git --work-tree=a" is equivalent to "--git-dir=c/a.git --work-tree=c/a"
ok 50 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=input CRLF
ok 9 - normalize path: ./../.// => ++failed++
ok 5 - run_command is restricted to PATH
ok 9 - Order should not matter: "-C c --git-dir=a.git --work-tree=a" is equivalent to "--git-dir=a.git -C c --work-tree=a"
ok 51 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 10 - normalize path: dir/.. => 
ok 52 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 6 - run_command can run a script without a #! line
ok 11 - normalize path: dir/sub/../.. => 
ok 10 - Order should not matter: "-C c --git-dir=a.git --work-tree=a" is equivalent to "--git-dir=a.git --work-tree=a -C c"
ok 53 - commit NNO files attr= aeol= crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 12 - normalize path: dir/sub/../../.. => ++failed++
ok 11 - Relative followed by fullpath: "-C ./here -C /there" is equivalent to "-C /there"
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 7 - run_command does not try to execute a directory
ok 13 - normalize path: dir => dir
*** ***
ok 54 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=auto LF
ok 14 - normalize path: dir// => dir/
ok 55 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=false CRLF
ok 15 - normalize path: ./dir => dir
ok 8 - run_command passes over non-executable file
ok 16 - normalize path: dir/. => dir/
ok 56 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 57 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 9 - run_command reports EACCES
ok 17 - normalize path: dir///./ => dir/
ok 58 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 18 - normalize path: dir//sub/.. => dir/
ok 1 - setup
ok 19 - normalize path: dir/sub/../ => dir/
ok 10 - unreadable directory in PATH
ok 2 - revision walking can be done twice
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 20 - normalize path: dir/sub/../. => dir/
*** ***
ok 59 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=auto LF
ok 21 - normalize path: dir/s1/../s2/ => dir/s2/
ok 11 - run_command runs in parallel with more jobs available than tasks
ok 60 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=true CRLF
ok 22 - normalize path: d1/s1///s2/..//../s3/ => d1/s3/
ok 12 - run_command runs in parallel with as many jobs as tasks
ok 61 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 23 - normalize path: d1/s1//../s2/../../d2 => d2
ok 1 - split foo:bar:baz at :, max -1
ok 62 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 13 - run_command runs in parallel with more tasks than jobs available
ok 24 - normalize path: d1/.../d2 => d1/.../d2
ok 63 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 2 - split foo:bar:baz at :, max 0
ok 25 - normalize path: d1/..././../d2 => d1/d2
ok 14 - run_command is asked to abort gracefully
ok 3 - split foo:bar:baz at :, max 1
ok 26 - normalize path: / => /
ok 15 - run_command outputs 
ok 27 - normalize path: // => /
ok 64 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=auto LF
ok 4 - split foo:bar:baz at :, max 2
ok 28 - normalize path: /// => /
ok 65 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=input CRLF
ok 5 - split foo:bar: at :, max -1
ok 29 - normalize path: /. => /
ok 66 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 30 - normalize path: /./ => /
ok 67 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 6 - split  at :, max -1
ok 68 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol= crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 31 - normalize path: /./.. => ++failed++
ok 7 - split : at :, max -1
ok 32 - normalize path: /../. => ++failed++
ok 16 - GIT_TRACE with environment variables
ok 17 # skip verify curlies are quoted properly (missing MINGW)
ok 18 # skip can spawn .bat with argv[0] containing spaces (missing MINGW)
ok 33 - normalize path: /./../.// => ++failed++
# passed all 18 test(s)
ok 8 - test filter_string_list
*** ***
ok 69 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=-text LF
ok 34 - normalize path: /dir/.. => /
ok 70 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=true CRLF
ok 35 - normalize path: /dir/sub/../.. => /
ok 71 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 36 - normalize path: /dir/sub/../../.. => ++failed++
ok 72 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 37 - normalize path: /dir => /dir
ok 73 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 9 - test remove_duplicates
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 38 - normalize path: /dir// => /dir/
ok 1 - ordered enumeration
*** ***
ok 39 - normalize path: /./dir => /dir
ok 40 - normalize path: /dir/. => /dir/
ok 74 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=-text LF
ok 41 - normalize path: /dir///./ => /dir/
ok 2 - ordered enumeration with duplicate suppression
ok 1 - strcmp_offset(abc, abc)
ok 75 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF
ok 42 - normalize path: /dir//sub/.. => /dir/
ok 2 - strcmp_offset(abc, def)
ok 76 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 43 - normalize path: /dir/sub/../ => /dir/
ok 3 - lookup
ok 77 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 3 - strcmp_offset(abc, abz)
ok 78 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 4 - lookup non-existing entry
ok 44 - normalize path: //dir/sub/../. => /dir/
ok 4 - strcmp_offset(abc, abcdef)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 45 - normalize path: /dir/s1/../s2/ => /dir/s2/
ok 46 - normalize path: /d1/s1///s2/..//../s3/ => /d1/s3/
ok 5 - lookup with duplicates
ok 79 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=-text LF
ok 47 - normalize path: /d1/s1//../s2/../../d2 => /d2
ok 80 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 81 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 48 - normalize path: /d1/.../d2 => /d1/.../d2
ok 6 - lookup non-existing entry with duplicates
ok 2 - dir-iterator should iterate through all files
ok 82 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 49 - normalize path: /d1/..././../d2 => /d1/d2
ok 83 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 3 - dir-iterator should list files in the correct order
ok 7 - lookup with almost duplicate values
ok 50 - longest ancestor: / / => -1
ok 4 - begin should fail upon inexistent paths
ok 8 - lookup with single duplicate value
ok 51 - longest ancestor: /foo / => 0
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 52 - longest ancestor: /foo /fo => -1
ok 5 - begin should fail upon non directory paths
ok 84 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr= LF
ok 53 - longest ancestor: /foo /foo => -1
ok 85 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF
ok 54 - longest ancestor: /foo /bar => -1
ok 55 - longest ancestor: /foo /foo/bar => -1
ok 6 - advance should not fail on errors by default
ok 56 - longest ancestor: /foo /foo:/bar => -1
ok 86 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - character classes (isspace, isalpha etc.)
ok 57 - longest ancestor: /foo /:/foo:/bar => 0
ok 7 - advance should fail on errors, w/ pedantic flag
ok 87 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 2 - mktemp to nonexistent directory prints filename
ok 58 - longest ancestor: /foo /foo:/:/bar => 0
ok 88 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 59 - longest ancestor: /foo /:/bar:/foo => 0
ok 60 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar / => 0
ok 8 - setup dirs with symlinks
ok 61 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /fo => -1
ok 3 - mktemp to unwritable directory prints filename
ok 9 - dir-iterator should not follow symlinks by default
ok 62 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo => 4
ok 89 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr= LF
ok 63 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo/ba => -1
ok 4 - git_mkstemps_mode does not fail if fd 0 is not open
ok 90 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF
ok 10 - dir-iterator should follow symlinks w/ follow flag
ok 64 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /:/fo => 0
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 5 - check for a bug in the regex routines
*** ***
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 65 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo:/foo/ba => 4
ok 91 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
*** ***
ok 92 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 66 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /bar => -1
ok 67 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /fo => -1
ok 93 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 68 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo:/bar => 4
ok 69 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /:/foo:/bar => 4
ok 70 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo:/:/bar => 4
ok 1 - hello world
ok 71 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /:/bar:/fo => 0
ok 94 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=auto LF
ok 2 - 0-length read, send along greeting
ok 72 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /:/bar => 0
ok 73 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo => 4
ok 95 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF
ok 3 - read from file descriptor
ok 1 - initial commit has cache-tree
ok 74 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /foo:/bar => 4
ok 96 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - skip, copy null byte
ok 75 - longest ancestor: /foo/bar /bar => -1
ok 97 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 2 - read-tree HEAD establishes cache-tree
ok 76 - strip_path_suffix
ok 5 - read null byte
ok 77 - absolute path rejects the empty string
ok 98 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 78 # skip <drive-letter>:\\abc is an absolute path (missing MINGW)
ok 3 - git-add invalidates cache-tree
ok 6 - long reads are truncated
ok 79 - real path rejects the empty string
ok 80 - real path works on absolute paths 1
ok 7 - long copies are truncated
ok 4 - git-add in subdir invalidates cache-tree
ok 99 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=auto LF
ok 8 - long binary reads are truncated
ok 81 - real path works on absolute paths 2
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 100 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF
ok 82 - real path removes extra leading slashes
ok 101 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 83 - real path removes other extra slashes
ok 102 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 103 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 1 - branch -d @{-1}
ok 5 - git-add in subdir does not invalidate sibling cache-tree
ok 84 - real path works on symlinks
ok 104 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=text LF
ok 85 - prefix_path works with absolute paths to work tree symlinks
ok 6 - update-index invalidates cache-tree
ok 105 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF
ok 86 - prefix_path works with only absolute path to work tree
ok 2 - branch -d @{-12} when there is not enough switches yet
ok 106 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 87 - prefix_path rejects absolute path to dir with same beginning as work tree
ok 107 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 7 - write-tree establishes cache-tree
ok 88 - prefix_path works with absolute path to a symlink to work tree having  same beginning as work tree
ok 108 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 8 - test-tool scrap-cache-tree works
ok 89 - relative path: /foo/a/b/c/ /foo/a/b/ => c/
ok 90 - relative path: /foo/a/b/c/ /foo/a/b => c/
ok 3 - merge @{-1}
ok 109 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=text LF
ok 91 - relative path: /foo/a//b//c/ ///foo/a/b// => c/
ok 9 - second commit has cache-tree
ok 110 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF
ok 92 - relative path: /foo/a/b /foo/a/b => ./
ok 111 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - merge @{-1}~1
ok 93 - relative path: /foo/a/b/ /foo/a/b => ./
ok 112 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 94 - relative path: /foo/a /foo/a/b => ../
ok 113 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 5 - merge @{-100} before checking out that many branches yet
ok 95 - relative path: / /foo/a/b/ => ../../../
ok 6 - log -g @{-1}
ok 96 - relative path: /foo/a/c /foo/a/b/ => ../c
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 114 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=-text LF
ok 115 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=false CRLF
ok 116 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 97 - relative path: /foo/a/c /foo/a/b => ../c
ok 117 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 98 - relative path: /foo/x/y /foo/a/b/ => ../../x/y
ok 118 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 99 - relative path: /foo/a/b <empty> => /foo/a/b
ok 100 - relative path: /foo/a/b <null> => /foo/a/b
ok 1 - setup
ok 119 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=-text LF
ok 2 - @{0} shows current
ok 101 - relative path: foo/a/b/c/ foo/a/b/ => c/
ok 10 - commit --interactive gives cache-tree on partial commit
ok 120 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF
ok 102 - relative path: foo/a/b/c/ foo/a/b => c/
ok 3 - @{1} shows old
ok 121 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - @{now} shows current
ok 103 - relative path: foo/a/b//c foo/a//b => c
ok 122 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 5 - @{2001-09-17} (before the first commit) shows old
ok 104 - relative path: foo/a/b/ foo/a/b/ => ./
ok 123 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 105 - relative path: foo/a/b/ foo/a/b => ./
ok 6 - silly approxidates work
ok 106 - relative path: foo/a foo/a/b => ../
ok 7 - notice misspelled upstream
ok 8 - complain about total nonsense
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 107 - relative path: foo/x/y foo/a/b => ../../x/y
*** ***
ok 124 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=-text LF
ok 108 - relative path: foo/a/c foo/a/b => ../c
ok 125 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF
ok 11 - commit -p with shrinking cache-tree
ok 109 - relative path: foo/a/b /foo/x/y => foo/a/b
ok 126 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 110 - relative path: /foo/a/b foo/x/y => /foo/a/b
ok 127 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 111 # skip relative path: d:/a/b D:/a/c => ../b (missing MINGW)
ok 112 # skip relative path: C:/a/b D:/a/c => C:/a/b (missing MINGW)
ok 128 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 12 - commit in child dir has cache-tree
ok 1 - url scheme
ok 113 - relative path: foo/a/b <empty> => foo/a/b
ok 129 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr= LF
ok 114 - relative path: foo/a/b <null> => foo/a/b
ok 130 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF
ok 131 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 115 - relative path: <empty> /foo/a/b => ./
ok 116 - relative path: <empty> <empty> => ./
ok 132 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 13 - reset --hard gives cache-tree
ok 117 - relative path: <empty> <null> => ./
ok 133 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 118 - relative path: <null> <empty> => ./
ok 2 - url authority
ok 119 - relative path: <null> <null> => ./
ok 120 - relative path: <null> /foo/a/b => ./
ok 134 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr= LF
ok 14 - reset --hard without index gives cache-tree
ok 121 - git-path A=B info/grafts => .git/info/grafts
ok 135 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF
ok 122 - git-path GIT_GRAFT_FILE=foo info/grafts => foo
ok 136 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 137 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 15 - checkout gives cache-tree
ok 123 - git-path GIT_GRAFT_FILE=foo info/////grafts => foo
ok 138 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 3 - url port checks
ok 124 - git-path GIT_INDEX_FILE=foo index => foo
ok 125 - git-path GIT_INDEX_FILE=foo index/foo => .git/index/foo
ok 126 - git-path GIT_INDEX_FILE=foo index2 => .git/index2
ok 16 - checkout -b gives cache-tree
ok 4 - url port normalization
ok 127 - setup fake objects directory foo
ok 139 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=auto LF
ok 128 - git-path GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=foo objects => foo
ok 140 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF
ok 17 - checkout -B gives cache-tree
ok 129 - git-path GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=foo objects/foo => foo/foo
ok 5 - url general escapes
ok 141 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 130 - git-path GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=foo objects2 => .git/objects2
ok 131 - setup common repository
ok 142 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 132 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar index => .git/index
ok 143 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 133 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar index.lock => .git/index.lock
ok 134 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar HEAD => .git/HEAD
ok 6 - url high-bit escapes
ok 135 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/HEAD => .git/logs/HEAD
ok 144 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=auto LF
ok 7 - url utf-8 escapes
ok 136 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/HEAD.lock => .git/logs/HEAD.lock
ok 145 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF
ok 8 - url username/password escapes
ok 146 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 137 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisect/foo => .git/logs/refs/bisect/foo
ok 9 - url normalized lengths
ok 147 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 138 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs => bar/logs/refs
ok 148 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 139 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/ => bar/logs/refs/
ok 140 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisec/foo => bar/logs/refs/bisec/foo
ok 141 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisec => bar/logs/refs/bisec
ok 142 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/bisectfoo => bar/logs/refs/bisectfoo
ok 149 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=text LF
ok 10 - url . and .. segments
ok 18 - merge --ff-only maintains cache-tree
ok 143 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar objects => bar/objects
ok 150 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF
ok 144 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar objects/bar => bar/objects/bar
ok 151 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 11 - url equivalents
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 145 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/exclude => bar/info/exclude
ok 152 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
*** ***
ok 146 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/grafts => bar/info/grafts
ok 153 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 147 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info/sparse-checkout => .git/info/sparse-checkout
ok 148 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar info//sparse-checkout => .git/info//sparse-checkout
ok 149 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar remotes/bar => bar/remotes/bar
ok 150 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar branches/bar => bar/branches/bar
ok 154 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=text LF
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 151 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar logs/refs/heads/master => bar/logs/refs/heads/master
ok 155 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF
ok 1 - sanity: $GIT_INTERNAL_GETTEXT_SH_SCHEME is set (to gnu)
ok 152 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/heads/master => bar/refs/heads/master
ok 2 - sanity: $TEXTDOMAIN is git
ok 156 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 153 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar refs/bisect/foo => .git/refs/bisect/foo
ok 3 - xgettext sanity: Perl _() strings are not extracted
ok 157 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 154 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar hooks/me => bar/hooks/me
ok 4 - xgettext sanity: Comment extraction with --add-comments
ok 5 - xgettext sanity: Comment extraction with --add-comments stops at statements
ok 158 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 155 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar config => bar/config
ok 6 - sanity: $TEXTDOMAINDIR exists without NO_GETTEXT=YesPlease
ok 156 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar packed-refs => bar/packed-refs
ok 19 - merge maintains cache-tree
ok 7 - sanity: Icelandic locale was compiled
ok 8 # skip sanity: gettext("") metadata is OK (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 9 # skip sanity: gettext(unknown) is passed through (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 157 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar shallow => bar/shallow
ok 10 # skip xgettext: C extraction of _() and N_() strings (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 11 # skip xgettext: C extraction with %s (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 12 # skip xgettext: Shell extraction (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 158 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar common => bar/common
ok 13 # skip xgettext: Shell extraction with $variable (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 159 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=-text LF
ok 14 # skip xgettext: Perl extraction (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 15 # skip xgettext: Perl extraction with %s (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 16 # skip sanity: Some gettext("") data for real locale (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 160 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=input CRLF
# passed all 16 test(s)
ok 159 - git-path GIT_COMMON_DIR=bar common/file => bar/common/file
*** ***
ok 160 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ ../foo ../submodule => ../../submodule
ok 161 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ ../foo/bar ../submodule => ../../foo/submodule
ok 161 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 162 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ ../foo/submodule ../submodule => ../../foo/submodule
ok 163 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ ./foo ../submodule => ../submodule
ok 162 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 20 - partial commit gives cache-tree
ok 163 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol= crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 164 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ ./foo/bar ../submodule => ../foo/submodule
ok 21 - no phantom error when switching trees
ok 165 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../../../ ../foo/bar ../sub/a/b/c => ../../../../foo/sub/a/b/c
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 1 - sanity: $GIT_INTERNAL_GETTEXT_SH_SCHEME is set (to fallthrough)
ok 166 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/addtest ../repo => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/repo
ok 22 - switching trees does not invalidate shared index
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 164 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=-text LF
ok 167 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ foo/bar ../submodule => ../foo/submodule
ok 3 - sanity: $GIT_INTERNAL_GETTEXT_SH_SCHEME" is fallthrough
ok 168 - test_submodule_relative_url: ../ foo ../submodule => ../submodule
ok 4 - gettext: our gettext() fallback has pass-through semantics
ok 165 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF
ok 169 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ../foo/bar ../sub/a/b/c => ../foo/sub/a/b/c
ok 166 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 170 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ../foo/bar ../sub/a/b/c/ => ../foo/sub/a/b/c
ok 171 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ../foo/bar/ ../sub/a/b/c => ../foo/sub/a/b/c
ok 167 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 172 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ../foo/bar ../submodule => ../foo/submodule
ok 168 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 5 - eval_gettext: our eval_gettext() fallback has pass-through semantics
ok 173 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ../foo/submodule ../submodule => ../foo/submodule
ok 174 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ../foo ../submodule => ../submodule
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 6 - eval_gettext: our eval_gettext() fallback can interpolate variables
ok 175 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ./foo/bar ../submodule => foo/submodule
ok 7 - eval_gettext: our eval_gettext() fallback can interpolate variables with spaces
ok 176 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ./foo ../submodule => submodule
ok 169 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=-text LF
ok 177 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) //somewhere else/repo ../subrepo => //somewhere else/subrepo
ok 178 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) //somewhere else/repo ../../subrepo => //subrepo
ok 170 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF
ok 179 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) //somewhere else/repo ../../../subrepo => /subrepo
ok 8 - eval_gettext: our eval_gettext() fallback can interpolate variables with spaces and quotes
# passed all 8 test(s)
# run 0: Perl Git::I18N API (perl /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/t0202/
ok 180 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) //somewhere else/repo ../../../../subrepo => subrepo
*** ***
ok 171 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 181 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/subsuper_update_r ../subsubsuper_update_r => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/subsubsuper_update_r
ok 182 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/super_update_r2 ../subsuper_update_r => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/subsuper_update_r
ok 172 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 1 - Testing Git::I18N with NO Perl gettext library
ok 2 - Git::I18N is located at /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/../perl/build/lib/Git/
ok 3 - sanity: Git::I18N has 3 export(s)
ok 4 - sanity: Git::I18N exports everything by default
ok 5 - sanity: N__ has a $ prototype
ok 6 - sanity: __ has a $ prototype
ok 7 - sanity: __n has a $$$ prototype
ok 8 - Passing a string through __() in the C locale works
ok 9 - Get singular string through __n() in C locale
ok 10 - Get plural string through __n() in C locale
ok 11 - Passing a string through N__() in the C locale works
ok 12 # skip GETTEXT_LOCALE must be set by for exhaustive Git::I18N tests
ok 13 # skip GETTEXT_LOCALE must be set by for exhaustive Git::I18N tests
# test_external test Perl Git::I18N API was ok
# test_external_without_stderr test no stderr: Perl Git::I18N API was ok
ok 173 - commit NNO files attr=-text aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_nul
*** ***
ok 183 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/. ../. => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/.
ok 184 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils ./. => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/.
ok 185 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/addtest ../repo => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/repo
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 174 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr= LF
ok 186 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils ./? ?? => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/? ??
ok 175 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF
ok 1 - git show a ISO-8859-1 commit under C locale
ok 2 # skip git show a ISO-8859-1 commit under a UTF-8 locale (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 187 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/. ../submodule => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/submodule
ok 1 # skip gettext: Emitting UTF-8 from our UTF-8 *.mo files / Icelandic (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 176 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 # skip gettext: Emitting UTF-8 from our UTF-8 *.mo files / Runes (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
*** ***
ok 3 # skip gettext: Emitting ISO-8859-1 from our UTF-8 *.mo files / Icelandic (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
ok 4 # skip gettext: impossible ISO-8859-1 output (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
ok 5 # skip gettext: Fetching a UTF-8 msgid -> UTF-8 (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 6 # skip gettext: Fetching a UTF-8 msgid -> ISO-8859-1 (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
ok 188 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/submodule ../submodule => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/submodule
ok 7 # skip gettext.c: git init UTF-8 -> UTF-8 (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 8 # skip gettext.c: git init UTF-8 -> ISO-8859-1 (missing GETTEXT_ISO_LOCALE)
ok 177 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 189 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/home2/../remote ../bundle1 => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/home2/../bundle1
ok 178 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 190 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/submodule_update_repo ./. => /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/trash directory.t0060-path-utils/submodule_update_repo/.
ok 191 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) file:///tmp/repo ../subrepo => file:///tmp/subrepo
ok 192 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) foo/bar ../submodule => foo/submodule
ok 193 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) foo ../submodule => submodule
ok 1 - sanity: $GIT_INTERNAL_GETTEXT_SH_SCHEME" is poison
ok 2 - gettext: our gettext() fallback has poison semantics
ok 194 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) helper:://hostname/repo ../subrepo => helper:://hostname/subrepo
ok 179 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr= LF
ok 195 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) helper:://hostname/repo ../../subrepo => helper:://subrepo
ok 3 - eval_gettext: our eval_gettext() fallback has poison semantics
ok 180 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF
ok 1 - normal stream, return code 0
ok 4 - gettext: invalid GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON value doesn't infinitely loop
ok 196 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) helper:://hostname/repo ../../../subrepo => helper::/subrepo
ok 181 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 197 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) helper:://hostname/repo ../../../../subrepo => helper::subrepo
*** ***
ok 2 - normal stream, return code 1
ok 182 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 198 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) helper:://hostname/repo ../../../../../subrepo => helper:subrepo
ok 183 - commit NNO files attr= aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 199 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) helper:://hostname/repo ../../../../../../subrepo => .:subrepo
ok 200 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ssh://hostname/repo ../subrepo => ssh://hostname/subrepo
ok 3 - automatic filename
ok 201 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ssh://hostname/repo ../../subrepo => ssh://subrepo
ok 202 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ssh://hostname/repo ../../../subrepo => ssh:/subrepo
ok 4 - normal stream, exit code 0
ok 203 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ssh://hostname/repo ../../../../subrepo => ssh:subrepo
ok 184 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=auto LF
ok 1 - perf stream, return code 0
ok 204 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ssh://hostname/repo ../../../../../subrepo => .:subrepo
ok 5 - normal stream, exit code 1
ok 185 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF
ok 205 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) ssh://hostname:22/repo ../subrepo => ssh://hostname:22/subrepo
ok 2 - perf stream, return code 1
ok 6 - normal stream, error event
ok 206 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) user@host:path/to/repo ../subrepo => user@host:path/to/subrepo
ok 186 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 207 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) user@host:repo ../subrepo => user@host:subrepo
ok 187 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 3 - perf stream, error event
ok 208 - test_submodule_relative_url: (null) user@host:repo ../../subrepo => .:subrepo
ok 188 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 7 - using global config, normal stream, return code 0
ok 209 - match .gitmodules
ok 210 # skip is_valid_path() on Windows (missing MINGW)
# passed all 210 test(s)
ok 4 - perf stream, child processes
*** ***
ok 8 - using global config with include
ok 189 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=auto LF
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 190 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF
ok 191 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 192 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 5 - using global config, perf stream, return code 0
ok 193 - commit NNO files attr=auto aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_nul
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup helper scripts
ok 194 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=text LF
ok 2 - credential_fill invokes helper
ok 1 - event stream, error event
ok 195 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF
ok 1 - helper (cache) has no existing data
ok 3 - credential_fill invokes multiple helpers
ok 196 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - helper (cache) stores password
ok 4 - credential_fill stops when we get a full response
ok 197 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 198 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=lf crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 3 - helper (cache) can retrieve password
ok 5 - credential_fill continues through partial response
ok 2 - event stream, return code 0
ok 199 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=text LF
ok 6 - credential_fill passes along metadata
ok 200 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF
ok 4 - helper (cache) requires matching protocol
ok 201 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 202 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 7 - credential_approve calls all helpers
ok 3 - event stream, list config
ok 203 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol=crlf crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 5 - helper (cache) requires matching host
ok 8 - do not bother storing password-less credential
ok 6 - helper (cache) requires matching username
ok 4 - basic trace2_data
ok 204 - commit NNO files crlf=false attr=text LF
ok 9 - credential_reject calls all helpers
ok 205 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=false CRLF
ok 206 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=false CRLF_mix_LF
ok 10 - usernames can be preserved
ok 5 - using global config, event stream, error event
ok 7 - helper (cache) requires matching path
ok 207 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=false LF_mix_cr
ok 8 - helper (cache) can forget host
ok 11 - usernames can be overridden
ok 208 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=false CRLF_nul
ok 12 - do not bother completing already-full credential
ok 6 - discard traces when there are too many files
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - empty helper list falls back to internal getpass
ok 209 - commit NNO files crlf=true attr=text LF
ok 210 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=true CRLF
ok 9 - helper (cache) can store multiple users
ok 14 - internal getpass does not ask for known username
ok 211 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=true CRLF_mix_LF
ok 212 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=true LF_mix_cr
ok 1 - helper (store) has no existing data
ok 10 - helper (cache) can forget user
ok 15 - respect configured credentials
ok 213 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=true CRLF_nul
ok 2 - helper (store) stores password
ok 11 - helper (cache) remembers other user
ok 3 - helper (store) can retrieve password
ok 16 - match configured credential
ok 12 - helper (cache) can store empty username
ok 214 - commit NNO files crlf=input attr=text LF
ok 215 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=input CRLF
ok 4 - helper (store) requires matching protocol
ok 17 - do not match configured credential
ok 13 - socket defaults to ~/.cache/git/credential/socket
ok 216 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=input CRLF_mix_LF
ok 217 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=input LF_mix_cr
ok 218 - commit NNO files attr=text aeol= crlf=input CRLF_nul
ok 18 - pull username from config
ok 14 - helper (cache) has no existing data
ok 5 - helper (store) requires matching host
ok 15 - helper (cache) stores password
ok 16 - helper (cache) can retrieve password
ok 6 - helper (store) requires matching username
ok 19 - http paths can be part of context
ok 20 - helpers can abort the process
ok 17 - helper (cache) requires matching protocol
ok 219 - commit NNO and cleanup
ok 7 - helper (store) requires matching path
ok 21 - empty helper spec resets helper list
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - helper (cache) requires matching host
ok 8 - helper (store) can forget host
ok 19 - helper (cache) requires matching username
1..0 # SKIP used to test external credential helpers
*** ***
ok 9 - helper (store) can store multiple users
ok 20 - helper (cache) requires matching path
ok 10 - helper (store) can forget user
ok 11 - helper (store) remembers other user
ok 220 - commit empty gitattribues
ok 1 - extensions.partialclone without filter
ok 21 - helper (cache) can forget host
ok 12 - helper (store) can store empty username
ok 13 - when xdg file does not exist, xdg file not created
ok 14 - setup xdg file
ok 15 - helper (store) has no existing data
ok 22 - helper (cache) can store multiple users
ok 2 - missing reflog object, but promised by a commit, passes fsck
ok 16 - helper (store) stores password
ok 23 - helper (cache) can forget user
ok 17 - helper (store) can retrieve password
ok 24 - helper (cache) remembers other user
ok 3 - missing reflog object, but promised by a tag, passes fsck
ok 221 - commit text=auto
ok 18 - helper (store) requires matching protocol
ok 25 - helper (cache) can store empty username
ok 26 - use custom XDG_CACHE_HOME if set and default sockets are not created
ok 19 - helper (store) requires matching host
ok 27 - credential-cache --socket option overrides default location
ok 20 - helper (store) requires matching username
ok 4 - missing reflog object alone fails fsck, even with extension set
ok 28 - use custom XDG_CACHE_HOME even if xdg socket exists
ok 21 - helper (store) requires matching path
ok 222 - commit text
ok 29 - use user socket if user directory exists
ok 22 - helper (store) can forget host
ok 5 - missing ref object, but promised, passes fsck
ok 30 - use user socket if user directory is a symlink to a directory
ok 23 - helper (store) can store multiple users
ok 24 - helper (store) can forget user
ok 223 - commit -text
ok 224 - compare_files LF NNO_attr__aeol__true_LF.txt
ok 25 - helper (store) remembers other user
ok 225 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr__aeol__true_CRLF.txt
ok 226 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr__aeol__true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 227 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr__aeol__true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 26 - helper (store) can store empty username
ok 228 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr__aeol__true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 27 - when xdg file exists, home file not created
ok 28 - setup custom xdg file
ok 229 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__true_LF.txt
ok 29 - helper (store) has no existing data
ok 230 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__true_CRLF.txt
ok 30 - helper (store) stores password
ok 6 - missing object, but promised, passes fsck
ok 31 - helper (store) can retrieve password
ok 231 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 232 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol__true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 32 - helper (store) requires matching protocol
ok 233 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol__true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 234 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_true_LF.txt
ok 7 - missing CLI object, but promised, passes fsck
ok 33 - helper (store) requires matching host
ok 235 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_true_CRLF.txt
ok 34 - helper (store) requires matching username
ok 236 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 237 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 238 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 35 - helper (store) requires matching path
ok 8 - fetching of missing objects
ok 239 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_true_LF.txt
ok 240 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF.txt
ok 36 - helper (store) can forget host
ok 9 - fetching of missing objects works with ref-in-want enabled
ok 241 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 242 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 243 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 37 - helper (store) can store multiple users
ok 244 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__true_LF.txt
ok 245 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__true_CRLF.txt
ok 38 - helper (store) can forget user
ok 246 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 39 - helper (store) remembers other user
ok 247 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol__true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 248 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol__true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 10 - fetching of missing objects from another promisor remote
ok 249 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_true_LF.txt
ok 40 - helper (store) can store empty username
ok 250 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_true_CRLF.txt
ok 41 - if custom xdg file exists, home and xdg files not created
ok 251 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 42 - get: use home file if both home and xdg files have matches
ok 252 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 43 - get: use xdg file if home file has no matches
ok 253 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 254 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_true_LF.txt
ok 255 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF.txt
ok 44 - get: use xdg file if home file is unreadable
ok 11 - fetching of missing objects configures a promisor remote
ok 256 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 257 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 45 - store: if both xdg and home files exist, only store in home file
ok 258 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 46 - erase: erase matching credentials from both xdg and home files
# passed all 46 test(s)
*** ***
ok 259 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__true_LF.txt
ok 260 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__true_CRLF.txt
ok 12 - fetching of missing blobs works
ok 261 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 1 - simple progress display
ok 262 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol__true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 2 - progress display with total
ok 263 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol__true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 3 - progress display breaks long lines #1
ok 264 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_true_LF.txt
ok 265 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_true_CRLF.txt
ok 4 - progress display breaks long lines #2
ok 266 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 5 - progress display breaks long lines #3 - even the first is too long
ok 267 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 6 - progress display breaks long lines #4 - title line matches terminal width
ok 13 - fetching of missing trees does not fetch blobs
ok 268 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 7 - progress shortens - crazy caller
ok 269 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_true_LF.txt
ok 8 - progress display with throughput
ok 270 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF.txt
ok 9 - progress display with throughput and total
ok 271 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 10 - cover up after throughput shortens
ok 272 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_true_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 273 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_true_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 11 - cover up after throughput shortens a lot
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - rev-list stops traversal at missing and promised commit
ok 274 - compare_files LF NNO_attr__aeol__false_LF.txt
ok 275 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr__aeol__false_CRLF.txt
ok 276 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr__aeol__false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 1 - adding test file NN and Z/NN
ok 277 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr__aeol__false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 2 - adding test file ND and Z/ND
ok 31 - helper (cache --timeout=1) times out
# passed all 31 test(s)
ok 278 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr__aeol__false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 3 - adding test file NM and Z/NM
*** ***
ok 4 - adding test file DN and Z/DN
ok 279 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__false_LF.txt
ok 5 - adding test file DD and Z/DD
ok 6 - adding test file DM and Z/DM
ok 280 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__false_CRLF.txt
ok 7 - adding test file MN and Z/MN
ok 281 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 8 - adding test file MD and Z/MD
ok 9 - adding test file MM and Z/MM
ok 282 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol__false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - adding test file SS
ok 283 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol__false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 15 - missing tree objects with --missing=allow-promisor and --exclude-promisor-objects
ok 11 - adding test file TT
ok 284 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_false_LF.txt
ok 12 - prepare initial tree
ok 285 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_false_CRLF.txt
ok 2 - 1, 2, 3 - no carry forward
ok 13 - change in branch A (removal)
ok 286 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 14 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 287 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 15 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 16 - missing non-root tree object and rev-list
ok 288 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 3 - 4 - carry forward local addition.
ok 16 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 289 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_false_LF.txt
ok 17 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 18 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 290 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF.txt
ok 19 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 291 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 20 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 292 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 21 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 4 - 5 - carry forward local addition.
ok 22 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 293 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 23 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 294 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__false_LF.txt
ok 24 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 17 - rev-list stops traversal at missing and promised tree
ok 295 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__false_CRLF.txt
ok 5 - 6 - local addition already has the same.
ok 25 - change in branch A (edit)
ok 296 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 26 - change in branch A (change file to directory)
ok 297 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol__false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 27 - recording branch A tree
ok 298 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol__false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 18 - rev-list stops traversal at missing and promised blob
ok 6 - 7 - local addition already has the same.
ok 28 - reading original tree and checking out
ok 299 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_false_LF.txt
ok 29 - change in branch B (removal)
ok 300 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_false_CRLF.txt
ok 30 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 7 - 8 - conflicting addition.
ok 31 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 32 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 301 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 302 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 33 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 8 - 9 - conflicting addition.
ok 19 - rev-list stops traversal at promisor commit, tree, and blob
ok 34 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 303 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 35 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 304 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_false_LF.txt
ok 36 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 37 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 305 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF.txt
ok 9 - 10 - path removed.
ok 38 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 306 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 39 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 10 - 11 - dirty path removed.
ok 40 - change in branch B (addition and modification)
ok 307 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 308 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 41 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 11 - 12 - unmatching local changes being removed.
ok 309 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__false_LF.txt
ok 42 - change in branch B (addition of a file to conflict with directory)
ok 310 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__false_CRLF.txt
ok 43 - recording branch B tree
ok 12 - 13 - unmatching local changes being removed.
ok 311 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 312 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol__false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 44 - keep contents of 3 trees for easy access
ok 313 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol__false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 20 - rev-list dies for missing objects on cmd line
ok 314 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_false_LF.txt
ok 13 - 14 - unchanged in two heads.
ok 45 - 3-way merge with git read-tree -m, empty cache
ok 315 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_false_CRLF.txt
ok 316 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 21 - single promisor remote can be re-initialized gracefully
ok 14 - 15 - unchanged in two heads.
ok 317 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 46 - 3-way merge with git read-tree -m, match H
ok 318 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 15 - 16 - conflicting local change.
ok 319 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_false_LF.txt
ok 47 - 1 - must not have an entry not in A.
ok 320 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF.txt
ok 321 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 16 - 17 - conflicting local change.
ok 322 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_false_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 48 - 2 - must match B in !O && !A && B case.
ok 323 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_false_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 324 - compare_files LF NNO_attr__aeol__input_LF.txt
ok 49 - 2 - matching B alone is OK in !O && !A && B case.
ok 325 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr__aeol__input_CRLF.txt
ok 17 - 18 - local change already having a good result.
ok 326 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr__aeol__input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 50 - 3 - must match A in !O && A && !B case.
ok 327 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr__aeol__input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 22 - gc repacks promisor objects separately from non-promisor objects
ok 51 - 3 - matching A alone is OK in !O && A && !B case.
ok 328 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr__aeol__input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 18 - 19 - local change already having a good result, further modified.
ok 329 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__input_LF.txt
ok 52 - 3 (fail) - must match A in !O && A && !B case.
ok 330 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__input_CRLF.txt
ok 23 - gc does not repack promisor objects if there are none
ok 19 - 20 - no local change, use new tree.
ok 331 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol__input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 53 - 4 - must match and be up-to-date in !O && A && B && A!=B case.
ok 332 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol__input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 333 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol__input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 20 - 21 - no local change, dirty cache.
ok 334 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_input_LF.txt
ok 54 - 4 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in !O && A && B && A!=B case.
ok 335 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_input_CRLF.txt
ok 21 - 22 - local change cache updated.
ok 336 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 55 - 4 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in !O && A && B && A!=B case.
ok 337 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 22 - DF vs DF/DF case setup.
ok 56 - 5 - must match in !O && A && B && A==B case.
ok 338 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol_lf_input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 339 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_input_LF.txt
ok 57 - 5 - must match in !O && A && B && A==B case.
ok 23 - DF vs DF/DF case test.
ok 340 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF.txt
ok 24 - repack -d does not irreversibly delete promisor objects
ok 341 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 58 - 5 (fail) - must match A in !O && A && B && A==B case.
ok 342 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 24 - a/b (untracked) vs a case setup.
ok 343 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_-text_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 59 - 6 - must not exist in O && !A && !B case
ok 344 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__input_LF.txt
ok 25 - a/b (untracked) vs a, plus c/d case test.
ok 345 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__input_CRLF.txt
ok 60 - 7 - must not exist in O && !A && B && O!=B case
ok 26 - read-tree supports the super-prefix
ok 346 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol__input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 347 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol__input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 61 - 8 - must not exist in O && !A && B && O==B case
ok 348 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol__input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 25 - gc stops traversal when a missing but promised object is reached
ok 27 - a/b vs a, plus c/d case setup.
ok 349 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_input_LF.txt
ok 350 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_input_CRLF.txt
ok 62 - 9 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O!=A case
ok 28 - a/b vs a, plus c/d case test.
ok 351 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 63 - 9 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O!=A case
ok 352 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 353 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol_lf_input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 26 - do not fetch when checking existence of tree we construct ourselves
ok 354 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_input_LF.txt
ok 29 - -m references the correct modified tree
ok 64 - 9 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O!=A case
# passed all 29 test(s)
*** ***
ok 355 - compare_files CRLF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF.txt
# passed all 26 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 356 - compare_files CRLF_mix_LF NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 65 - 10 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O==A case
ok 357 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 66 - 10 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O==A case
ok 358 - compare_files CRLF_nul NNO_attr_auto_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - read-tree --prefix
ok 359 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__input_LF.txt
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 1 - setup
*** ***
ok 67 - 10 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && !B && O==A case
ok 360 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__input_CRLF.txt
ok 361 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol__input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 68 - 11 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O!=A && O!=B && A!=B case
ok 362 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol__input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 363 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol__input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 364 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_input_LF.txt
ok 1 - two-way setup
ok 69 - 11 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O!=A && O!=B && A!=B case
ok 2 - 1, 2, 3 - no carry forward
ok 365 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_input_CRLF.txt
ok 2 - two-way not clobbering
ok 366 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 3 - two-way with incorrect --exclude-per-directory (1)
ok 70 - 11 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O!=A && O!=B && A!=B case
ok 4 - two-way with incorrect --exclude-per-directory (2)
ok 367 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 368 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol_lf_input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 5 - two-way clobbering a ignored file
ok 71 - 12 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && A==B case
ok 369 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_input_LF.txt
ok 3 - 4 - carry forward local addition.
ok 370 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF.txt
ok 72 - 12 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && A==B case
ok 371 - compare_files LF NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF_mix_LF.txt
ok 372 - compare_files LF_mix_CR NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_input_LF_mix_CR.txt
ok 6 - three-way not complaining on an untracked path in both
ok 373 - compare_files LF_nul NNO_attr_text_aeol_crlf_input_CRLF_nul.txt
ok 73 - 12 (fail) - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && A==B case
ok 7 - three-way not clobbering a working tree file
ok 4 - 5 - carry forward local addition.
ok 74 - 13 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && O==B case
ok 8 - three-way not complaining on an untracked file
ok 374 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 75 - 13 - must match A in O && A && B && O!=A && O==B case
ok 375 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 9 - 3-way not overwriting local changes (setup)
ok 76 - 14 - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case
ok 376 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 5 - 6 - local addition already has the same.
ok 377 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 77 - 14 - may match B in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case
ok 10 - 3-way not overwriting local changes (our side)
ok 378 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 78 - 14 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case
ok 379 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 6 - 7 - local addition already has the same.
ok 11 - 3-way not overwriting local changes (their side)
ok 79 - 14 (fail) - must match and be up-to-date in O && A && B && O==A && O!=B case
ok 7 - 8 - conflicting addition.
ok 80 - 15 - must match A in O && A && B && O==A && O==B case
ok 12 - funny symlink in work tree
ok 380 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 381 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 8 - 9 - conflicting addition.
ok 81 - 15 - must match A in O && A && B && O==A && O==B case
ok 382 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 13 - funny symlink in work tree, un-unlink-able
ok 82 - 15 (fail) - must match A in O && A && B && O==A && O==B case
ok 383 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 384 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 14 - D/F setup
ok 385 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 9 - 10 - path removed.
ok 83 - 16 - A matches in one and B matches in another.
# passed all 83 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - 11 - dirty path removed.
ok 15 - D/F
ok 386 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 387 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 11 - 12 - unmatching local changes being removed.
ok 388 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 16 - D/F resolve
ok 389 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 390 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 17 - D/F recursive
ok 2 - reset should work
# passed all 17 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - 13 - unmatching local changes being removed.
ok 391 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 392 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 13 - 14 - unchanged in two heads.
ok 3 - reset should remove remnants from a failed merge
ok 2 - blob exists
ok 393 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 3 - Type of blob is correct
ok 4 - Size of blob is correct
ok 394 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 5 - Type of blob is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 6 - Size of blob is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 395 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 7 - Content of blob is correct
ok 396 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 8 - Pretty content of blob is correct
ok 4 - two-way reset should remove remnants too
ok 14 - 15 - unchanged in two heads.
ok 397 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 9 - --batch output of blob is correct
ok 10 - --batch-check output of blob is correct
ok 11 - custom --batch-check format
ok 5 - Porcelain reset should remove remnants too
ok 15 - 16 - conflicting local change.
ok 12 - --batch-check with %(rest)
ok 13 - --batch without type (blob)
ok 398 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 399 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 14 - --batch without size (blob)
ok 6 - Porcelain checkout -f should remove remnants too
ok 16 - 17 - conflicting local change.
ok 400 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 15 - --batch-check without %(rest) considers whole line
ok 401 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 402 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 7 - Porcelain checkout -f HEAD should remove remnants too
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 403 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 17 - 18 - local change already having a good result.
ok 16 - tree exists
ok 17 - Type of tree is correct
ok 1 - setup
ok 18 - Size of tree is correct
ok 2 - multiple '--stdin's are rejected
ok 19 - Type of tree is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 404 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 3 - Can't use --stdin and --stdin-paths together
ok 20 - Size of tree is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 4 - Can't pass filenames as arguments with --stdin-paths
ok 405 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 18 - 19 - local change already having a good result, further modified.
ok 21 - Pretty content of tree is correct
ok 5 - Can't use --path with --stdin-paths
ok 406 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 6 - Can't use --path with --no-filters
ok 22 - --batch-check output of tree is correct
ok 23 - custom --batch-check format
ok 407 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 7 - hash a file
ok 24 - --batch-check with %(rest)
ok 8 - blob does not exist in database
ok 408 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 9 - hash from stdin
ok 25 - commit exists
ok 10 - blob does not exist in database
ok 19 - 20 - no local change, use new tree.
ok 409 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 11 - hash a file and write to database
ok 26 - Type of commit is correct
ok 27 - Size of commit is correct
ok 12 - blob exists in database
ok 28 - Type of commit is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 20 - 21 - no local change, dirty cache.
ok 29 - Size of commit is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 13 - git hash-object --stdin file1 <file0 first operates on file0, then file1
ok 30 - Content of commit is correct
ok 14 - set up crlf tests
ok 410 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 21 - DF vs DF/DF case setup.
ok 31 - Pretty content of commit is correct
ok 15 - check that appropriate filter is invoke when --path is used
ok 411 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 16 - gitattributes also work in a subdirectory
ok 412 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 32 - --batch output of commit is correct
ok 17 - --path works in a subdirectory
ok 22 - DF vs DF/DF case test.
ok 413 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 33 - --batch-check output of commit is correct
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - check that --no-filters option works
ok 34 - custom --batch-check format
ok 414 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 35 - --batch-check with %(rest)
ok 19 - check that --no-filters option works with --stdin-paths
ok 415 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 36 - --batch without type (commit)
ok 20 - hash from stdin and write to database (-w --stdin)
ok 37 - --batch without size (commit)
ok 21 - blob exists in database
ok 1 - setup
ok 38 - tag exists
ok 416 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 22 - hash from stdin and write to database (--stdin -w)
ok 39 - Type of tag is correct
ok 2 - multi-read
ok 40 - Size of tag is correct
ok 417 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 23 - blob exists in database
*** ***
ok 41 - Type of tag is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 418 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 24 - hash two files with names on stdin
ok 42 - Size of tag is correct using --allow-unknown-type
ok 419 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 25 - hash two files with names on stdin and write to database (-w --stdin-paths)
ok 420 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 43 - Content of tag is correct
ok 1 - setup
ok 26 - blob exists in database
ok 44 - Pretty content of tag is correct
ok 421 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - non-existent index file
ok 27 - blob exists in database
ok 45 - --batch output of tag is correct
ok 3 - empty index file
ok 46 - --batch-check output of tag is correct
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 28 - hash two files with names on stdin and write to database (--stdin-paths -w)
*** ***
ok 47 - custom --batch-check format
ok 29 - blob exists in database
ok 48 - --batch-check with %(rest)
ok 30 - blob exists in database
ok 422 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 49 - --batch without type (tag)
ok 31 - too-short tree
ok 423 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 50 - --batch without size (tag)
ok 424 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 51 - Reach a blob from a tag pointing to it
ok 32 - malformed mode in tree
ok 425 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 52 - Passing -t with --batch fails
ok 53 - Passing --batch with -t fails
ok 33 - empty filename in tree
ok 426 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 54 - Passing -s with --batch fails
ok 1 - setup
ok 34 - corrupt commit
ok 427 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 55 - Passing --batch with -s fails
ok 35 - corrupt tag
ok 56 - Passing -e with --batch fails
ok 2 - ls-tree piped to mktree (1)
ok 36 - hash-object complains about bogus type name
ok 37 - hash-object complains about truncated type name
ok 57 - Passing --batch with -e fails
ok 3 - ls-tree piped to mktree (2)
ok 38 - --literally
ok 39 - --literally with extra-long type
ok 58 - Passing -p with --batch fails
# passed all 39 test(s)
ok 4 - ls-tree output in wrong order given to mktree (1)
*** ***
ok 59 - Passing --batch with -p fails
ok 5 - ls-tree output in wrong order given to mktree (2)
ok 60 - Passing <type> with --batch fails
ok 428 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 61 - Passing --batch with <type> fails
ok 6 - allow missing object with --missing
ok 62 - Passing sha1 with --batch fails
ok 429 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 7 - mktree refuses to read ls-tree -r output (1)
ok 63 - Passing -t with --batch-check fails
ok 8 - mktree refuses to read ls-tree -r output (2)
ok 430 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 64 - Passing --batch-check with -t fails
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 65 - Passing -s with --batch-check fails
*** ***
ok 66 - Passing --batch-check with -s fails
ok 431 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 432 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 67 - Passing -e with --batch-check fails
ok 1 - setup
ok 68 - Passing --batch-check with -e fails
ok 433 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 69 - Passing -p with --batch-check fails
ok 70 - Passing --batch-check with -p fails
ok 71 - Passing <type> with --batch-check fails
ok 2 - read-tree without .git/info/sparse-checkout
ok 72 - Passing --batch-check with <type> fails
ok 73 - Passing sha1 with --batch-check fails
ok 74 - Passing -t with --follow-symlinks fails
ok 434 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 3 - read-tree with .git/info/sparse-checkout but disabled
ok 75 - Passing -s with --follow-symlinks fails
ok 435 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 76 - Passing -e with --follow-symlinks fails
ok 77 - Passing -p with --follow-symlinks fails
ok 436 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 78 - --batch-check for a non-existent named object
ok 437 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - read-tree --no-sparse-checkout with empty .git/info/sparse-checkout and enabled
ok 79 - --batch-check for a non-existent hash
ok 438 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 80 - --batch for an existent and a non-existent hash
ok 81 - --batch-check for an empty line
ok 82 - empty --batch-check notices missing object
ok 5 - read-tree with empty .git/info/sparse-checkout
ok 439 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 83 - --batch with multiple sha1s gives correct format
ok 84 - --batch-check with multiple sha1s gives correct format
ok 6 - match directories with trailing slash
ok 85 - setup blobs which are likely to delta
ok 7 - match directories without trailing slash
ok 86 - confirm that neither loose blob is a delta
ok 440 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 441 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 8 - match directories with negated patterns
ok 87 - %(deltabase) reports packed delta bases
ok 442 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 9 - match directories with negated patterns (2)
ok 88 - Type of broken object is correct
ok 89 - Size of broken object is correct
ok 443 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 10 - match directory pattern
ok 444 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 90 - Type of broken object is correct when type is large
ok 91 - Size of large broken object is correct when type is large
ok 445 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 11 - checkout area changes
ok 12 - read-tree updates worktree, absent case
ok 1 - setup
ok 446 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 13 - read-tree updates worktree, dirty case
ok 447 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 448 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 2 - 3-way (1)
ok 14 - read-tree removes worktree, dirty case
ok 449 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 450 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 3 - 3-way (2)
ok 15 - read-tree adds to worktree, absent case
ok 451 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 92 - prep for symlink tests
ok 16 - read-tree adds to worktree, dirty case
ok 93 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for non-links
ok 4 - 3-way (3)
ok 94 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for in-repo, same-dir links
ok 17 - index removal and worktree narrowing at the same time
ok 95 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for in-repo, links to dirs
ok 96 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for broken in-repo, same-dir links
ok 18 - read-tree --reset removes outside worktree
ok 452 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 97 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for same-dir links-to-links
ok 5 - 2-way (1)
ok 453 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 19 - print errors when failed to update worktree
ok 454 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 98 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for parent-dir links
ok 455 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 20 - checkout without --ignore-skip-worktree-bits
ok 99 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for .. links
ok 100 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for ../.. links
ok 456 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 21 - checkout with --ignore-skip-worktree-bits
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 101 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for dir/ links
ok 457 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 102 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for dir/subdir links
ok 103 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for dir ->subdir links
ok 1 - create base tree
ok 2 - enable core.protectHFS for rejection tests
ok 104 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for out-of-repo symlinks
ok 3 - enable core.protectNTFS for rejection tests
ok 458 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 105 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for out-of-repo symlinks in dirs
ok 4 - reject . at end of path
ok 5 - reject . as subtree
ok 459 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 106 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for out-of-repo symlinks in subdirs
ok 6 - reject .. at end of path
ok 460 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 7 - reject .. as subtree
ok 461 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 107 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlinks works for symlinks with internal ..
ok 8 - reject .git at end of path
ok 462 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 108 - git cat-file --batch-check --follow-symlink breaks loops
ok 9 - reject .git as subtree
ok 463 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 109 - git cat-file --batch --follow-symlink returns correct sha and mode
ok 10 - reject .GIT at end of path
ok 11 - reject .GIT as subtree
ok 12 - reject {u200c}.Git at end of path
ok 13 - reject {u200c}.Git as subtree
ok 464 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 14 - reject .gI{u200c}T at end of path
ok 110 - cat-file --batch-all-objects shows all objects
ok 465 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 15 - reject .gI{u200c}T as subtree
ok 111 - cat-file --unordered works
ok 466 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
# passed all 111 test(s)
*** ***
ok 467 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 16 - reject .GiT{u200c} at end of path
ok 468 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 17 - reject .GiT{u200c} as subtree
ok 18 - reject git~1 at end of path
ok 469 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 19 - reject git~1 as subtree
ok 20 - reject .git.{space} at end of path
ok 1 - setup modify/delete + directory/file conflict
ok 21 - reject .git.{space} as subtree
ok 22 - reject backslashes at end of path
ok 470 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 2 - read-tree --reset cleans unmerged entries
ok 23 - reject backslashes as subtree
ok 471 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 24 - reject backslashes2 at end of path
ok 3 - One reset --hard cleans unmerged entries
ok 472 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 25 - reject backslashes2 as subtree
ok 26 - reject .git...:alternate-stream at end of path
ok 473 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 27 - reject .git...:alternate-stream as subtree
ok 474 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - setup directory/file conflict + simple edit/edit
ok 475 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 28 - utf-8 paths allowed with core.protectHFS off
# passed all 28 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - git merge --abort succeeds despite D/F conflict
ok 476 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - git am --skip succeeds despite D/F conflict
ok 477 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - update-index and ls-files
ok 478 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 479 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - cat-file
ok 4 - diff-files
ok 480 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 5 - write-tree
ok 481 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - checkout-index
ok 2 - rerere in workdir
ok 482 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 7 - read-tree
ok 483 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 8 - alias expansion
ok 484 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 9 - !alias expansion
ok 485 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
not ok 3 - rerere in workdir (relative) # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - GIT_PREFIX for !alias
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 2 test(s)
ok 486 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
*** ***
ok 487 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 11 - GIT_PREFIX for built-ins
ok 12 - no file/rev ambiguity check inside .git
ok 13 - no file/rev ambiguity check inside a bare repo (explicit GIT_DIR)
ok 1 - setup
ok 488 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 14 - no file/rev ambiguity check inside a bare repo
ok 489 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 2 - add with -c core.compression=0
ok 490 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 15 - detection should not be fooled by a symlink
ok 491 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
# passed all 15 test(s)
ok 3 - add with -c core.compression=9
*** ***
ok 492 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - add with -c core.compression=0 -c pack.compression=0
ok 493 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup input tests
ok 5 - add with -c core.compression=9 -c pack.compression=0
ok 2 - autocrlf=true converts on input
ok 494 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 3 - eol=crlf converts on input
ok 6 - add with -c core.compression=0 -c pack.compression=9
ok 495 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 1 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out
ok 4 - ident converts on input
ok 496 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 7 - add with -c core.compression=9 -c pack.compression=9
ok 497 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 498 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 5 - user-defined filters convert on input
ok 499 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 8 - add with -c pack.compression=0
ok 6 - setup output tests
ok 7 - autocrlf=true converts on output
ok 9 - add with -c pack.compression=9
ok 8 - eol=crlf converts on output
ok 500 - ls-files --eol attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 501 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 9 - user-defined filters convert on output
ok 502 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 10 - ident converts on output
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - add a large file or two
ok 503 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out in empty dir
ok 504 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 11 - checkout a large file
ok 505 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 506 - ls-files --eol attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 1 - setup corrupt repo
ok 507 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 12 - packsize limit
ok 2 - setup repo with missing object
ok 508 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 509 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 510 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 3 - setup repo with misnamed object
ok 511 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 13 - diff --raw
ok 4 - streaming a corrupt blob fails
ok 14 - diff --stat
ok 5 - getting type of a corrupt blob fails
ok 15 - diff
ok 6 - read-tree -u detects bit-errors in blobs
ok 16 - diff --cached
ok 7 - read-tree -u detects missing objects
ok 512 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 17 - hash-object
ok 8 - clone --no-local --bare detects corruption
ok 18 - cat-file a large file
ok 513 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 19 - cat-file a large file from a tag
ok 9 - clone --no-local --bare detects missing object
ok 514 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 10 - clone --no-local --bare detects misnamed object
ok 20 - git-show a large file
ok 515 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 11 - clone --local detects corruption
ok 12 - error detected during checkout leaves repo intact
ok 516 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 13 - clone --local detects missing objects
ok 517 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
not ok 14 - clone --local detects misnamed objects # TODO known breakage
ok 518 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 15 - fetch into corrupted repo with index-pack
ok 21 - index-pack
ok 519 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 3 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: submodule branch is not changed, detach HEAD instead
ok 16 - internal tree objects are not "missing"
ok 520 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 15 test(s)
ok 22 - repack
*** ***
ok 521 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 522 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 523 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - create feature branch
ok 3 - perform sparse checkout of master
ok 524 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 23 - pack-objects with large loose object
ok 4 - merge feature branch into sparse checkout of master
ok 525 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 24 - tar archiving
ok 5 - return to full checkout of master
ok 526 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 25 - zip archiving, store only
ok 527 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace tracked file with submodule checks out submodule
ok 528 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 529 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 26 - zip archiving, deflate
ok 6 - in partial clone, sparse checkout only fetches needed blobs
ok 27 - fsck large blobs
# passed all 27 test(s)
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 530 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 531 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 1 - test preparation: write empty tree
ok 532 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 2 - construct commit
ok 533 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - read commit
ok 1 - setup
ok 534 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - compare commit
ok 5 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace directory with submodule
ok 2 - git sparse-checkout list (empty)
ok 535 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 3 - git sparse-checkout list (populated)
ok 5 - flags and then non flags
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - git sparse-checkout init
ok 5 - git sparse-checkout list after init
ok 536 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 537 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1 - clear default config
ok 6 - init with existing sparse-checkout
ok 538 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 2 - initial
ok 539 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - mixed case
ok 7 - clone --sparse
ok 540 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - similar section
ok 541 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 5 - uppercase section
ok 8 - set enables config
ok 6 - replace with non-match
ok 7 - replace with non-match (actually matching)
ok 9 - set sparse-checkout using builtin
ok 8 - non-match result
ok 9 - find mixed-case key by canonical name
ok 10 - set sparse-checkout using --stdin
ok 542 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 10 - find mixed-case key by non-canonical name
ok 11 - subsections are not canonicalized by git-config
ok 543 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 12 - unset with cont. lines
ok 11 - cone mode: match patterns
ok 13 - unset with cont. lines is correct
ok 544 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 12 - cone mode: warn on bad pattern
ok 14 - multiple unset
ok 545 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 15 - multiple unset is correct
ok 546 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 13 - sparse-checkout disable
ok 16 - --replace-all missing value
ok 547 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 17 - --replace-all
ok 18 - all replaced
ok 19 - really mean test
ok 14 - cone mode: init and set
ok 20 - really really mean test
ok 6 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: removed submodule removes submodules working tree
ok 21 - get value
ok 15 - cone mode: list
ok 22 - unset
ok 16 - cone mode: set with nested folders
ok 23 - multivar
ok 548 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 24 - non-match
ok 17 - revert to old sparse-checkout on bad update
ok 549 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 25 - non-match value
ok 550 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 26 - multi-valued get returns final one
ok 27 - multi-valued get-all returns all
ok 551 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 18 - revert to old sparse-checkout on empty update
ok 28 - multivar replace
ok 552 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 29 - ambiguous unset
ok 19 - fail when lock is taken
ok 30 - invalid unset
ok 553 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 20 - .gitignore should not warn about cone mode
ok 31 - multivar unset
ok 32 - invalid key
ok 33 - correct key
ok 21 - sparse-checkout (init|set|disable) fails with dirty status
ok 34 - hierarchical section
ok 35 - hierarchical section value
ok 554 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 22 - cone mode: set with core.ignoreCase=true
ok 36 - working --list
ok 555 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 37 - --list without repo produces empty output
ok 38 - --name-only --list
ok 556 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 39 - --get-regexp
ok 557 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 40 - --name-only --get-regexp
ok 558 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 41 - --add
ok 559 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 42 - get variable with no value
ok 7 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: removed submodule absorbs submodules .git directory
ok 43 - get variable with empty value
ok 44 - get-regexp variable with no value
ok 45 - get-regexp --bool variable with no value
ok 46 - get-regexp variable with empty value
ok 560 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 23 - interaction with submodules
# passed all 23 test(s)
ok 47 - get bool variable with no value
*** ***
ok 561 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 48 - get bool variable with empty value
ok 562 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 49 - no arguments, but no crash
ok 563 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 50 - new section is partial match of another
ok 564 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1 - shared = 0400 (faulty permission u-w)
ok 51 - new variable inserts into proper section
ok 52 - alternative --file (non-existing file should fail)
ok 2 - shared=1 does not clear bits preset by umask 002
ok 565 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 53 - alternative GIT_CONFIG
ok 54 - alternative GIT_CONFIG (--file)
ok 3 - shared=1 does not clear bits preset by umask 022
ok 55 - alternative GIT_CONFIG (--file=-)
ok 56 - setting a value in stdin is an error
ok 4 - shared=all
ok 57 - editing stdin is an error
ok 566 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 5 - update-server-info honors core.sharedRepository
ok 58 - refer config from subdirectory
ok 567 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 59 - refer config from subdirectory via --file
ok 568 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 6 - shared = 0660 (r--r-----) ro
ok 60 - --set in alternative file
ok 7 - shared = 0660 (rw-rw----) rw
ok 61 - rename section
ok 569 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 62 - rename succeeded
ok 8 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file
ok 570 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 63 - rename non-existing section
ok 64 - rename succeeded
ok 8 - shared = 0640 (r--r-----) ro
ok 571 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 65 - rename another section
ok 66 - rename succeeded
ok 9 - shared = 0640 (rw-r-----) rw
ok 67 - rename a section with a var on the same line
ok 10 - shared = 0600 (r--------) ro
ok 68 - rename succeeded
ok 69 - renaming empty section name is rejected
ok 11 - shared = 0600 (rw-------) rw
ok 70 - renaming to bogus section is rejected
ok 572 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 71 - remove section
ok 573 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 72 - section was removed properly
ok 12 - shared = 0666 (r--r--r--) ro
ok 574 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 73 - section ending
ok 13 - shared = 0666 (rw-rw-rw-) rw
ok 575 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 74 - numbers
ok 576 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 14 - shared = 0664 (r--r--r--) ro
ok 75 - --int is at least 64 bits
ok 577 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 15 - shared = 0664 (rw-rw-r--) rw
ok 76 - invalid unit
ok 77 - line number is reported correctly
ok 16 - info/refs respects umask in unshared repo
ok 78 - invalid stdin config
ok 17 - git reflog expire honors core.sharedRepository
ok 578 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 579 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 580 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
not ok 9 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file must fail with untracked files # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - forced modes
ok 581 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 79 - bool
ok 19 - remote init does not use config from cwd
ok 582 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 80 - invalid bool (--get)
ok 583 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 20 - re-init respects core.sharedrepository (local)
ok 81 - invalid bool (set)
ok 21 - re-init respects core.sharedrepository (remote)
ok 82 - set --bool
ok 22 - template can set core.sharedrepository
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 83 - set --int
ok 584 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 84 - get --bool-or-int
ok 1 - setup
ok 585 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 2 - gitdir selection on normal repos
ok 586 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 3 - gitdir selection on unsupported repo
ok 85 - set --bool-or-int
ok 587 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - gitdir not required mode
ok 588 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 86 - set --path
ok 5 - gitdir required mode
ok 6 - allow version=0 
ok 87 - get --path
ok 589 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 7 - allow version=1 
ok 8 - allow version=1 noop
ok 88 - get --path copes with unset $HOME
ok 9 - abort version=1 no-such-extension
ok 89 - get --path barfs on boolean variable
ok 10 - allow version=0 no-such-extension
ok 11 - precious-objects allowed
ok 12 - precious-objects blocks destructive repack
ok 90 - get --expiry-date
ok 590 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 91 - get --type=color
ok 591 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 13 - other repacks are OK
ok 92 - set --type=color
ok 93 - get --type=color barfs on non-color
ok 10 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 14 - precious-objects blocks prune
ok 592 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 94 - set --type=color barfs on non-color
ok 15 - gc runs without complaint
ok 593 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 95 - quoting
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 96 - key with newline
ok 594 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 97 - value with newline
ok 98 - value continued on next line
ok 595 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 99 - --null --list
ok 1 - modify same key
ok 100 - --null --get-regexp
ok 101 - inner whitespace kept verbatim
ok 2 - add key in same section
ok 596 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 3 - add key in different section
ok 102 - symlinked configuration
ok 597 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 103 - nonexistent configuration
ok 4 - make sure git config escapes section names properly
ok 598 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 104 - symlink to nonexistent configuration
ok 599 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 5 - do not crash on special long config line
ok 600 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 105 - check split_cmdline return
ok 6 - get many entries
ok 601 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 106 - git -c "key=value" support
ok 7 - get many entries by regex
ok 107 - git -c can represent empty string
ok 108 - key sanity-checking
ok 8 - add and replace one of many entries
ok 602 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 109 - git -c works with aliases of builtins
ok 603 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 11 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: updating to a missing submodule commit fails
ok 9 - replace many entries
ok 110 - aliases can be CamelCased
ok 604 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 111 - git -c does not split values on equals
ok 605 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 112 - git -c dies on bogus config
ok 10 - unset many entries
ok 113 - git -c complains about empty key
ok 606 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 11 - --add appends new value after existing empty value
ok 114 - git -c complains about empty key and value
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 607 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
*** ***
ok 115 - multiple git -c appends config
ok 116 - last one wins: two level vars
ok 1 - checking for a working acl setup
ok 2 # skip Setup test repo (missing SETFACL)
ok 3 # skip Objects creation does not break ACLs with restrictive umask (missing SETFACL)
ok 4 # skip git gc does not break ACLs with restrictive umask (missing SETFACL)
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 608 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
*** ***
ok 609 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 12 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: added submodule doesn't remove untracked file with same name
ok 117 - last one wins: three level vars
ok 610 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 611 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - include file by absolute path
ok 612 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 118 - old-fashioned settings are case insensitive
ok 2 - include file by relative path
ok 3 - chained relative paths
ok 613 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 4 - include paths get tilde-expansion
ok 119 - setting different case sensitive subsections 
ok 5 - include options can still be examined
ok 120 - git -c a=VAL rejects invalid 'a'
ok 121 - git -c .a=VAL rejects invalid '.a'
ok 6 - listing includes option and expansion
ok 122 - git -c a.=VAL rejects invalid 'a.'
ok 7 - single file lookup does not expand includes by default
ok 123 - git -c a.0b=VAL rejects invalid 'a.0b'
ok 614 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 124 - git -c a.b c.=VAL rejects invalid 'a.b c.'
ok 8 - single file list does not expand includes by default
ok 125 - git -c a.b c.0d=VAL rejects invalid 'a.b c.0d'
ok 615 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 9 - writing config file does not expand includes
ok 126 - git -c a.b=VAL works with valid 'a.b'
ok 616 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
not ok 13 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: added submodule removes an untracked ignored file # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - config modification does not affect includes
ok 127 - git -c a.b c.d=VAL works with valid 'a.b c.d'
ok 617 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 128 - git -c is not confused by empty environment
ok 11 - missing include files are ignored
ok 618 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 12 - absolute includes from command line work
ok 129 - detect bogus GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS
ok 619 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 13 - relative includes from command line fail
ok 130 - git config --edit works
ok 14 - absolute includes from blobs work
ok 131 - git config --edit respects core.editor
ok 15 - relative includes from blobs fail
ok 132 - barf on syntax error
ok 16 - absolute includes from stdin work
ok 17 - relative includes from stdin line fail
ok 133 - barf on incomplete section header
ok 134 - barf on incomplete string
ok 18 - conditional include, both unanchored
ok 620 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 19 - conditional include, $HOME expansion
ok 621 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 135 - urlmatch
ok 20 - conditional include, full pattern
ok 622 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 21 - conditional include, relative path
ok 623 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 22 - conditional include, both unanchored, icase
ok 624 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 23 - conditional include, early config reading
ok 136 - urlmatch favors more specific URLs
ok 625 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 24 - conditional include with /**/
ok 25 - conditional include, set up symlinked $HOME
not ok 14 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a directory # TODO known breakage
ok 26 - conditional include, $HOME expansion with symlinks
ok 137 - urlmatch with wildcard
ok 27 - conditional include, relative path with symlinks
ok 626 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 28 - conditional include, gitdir matching symlink
ok 627 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 29 - conditional include, gitdir matching symlink, icase
ok 138 - --unset last key removes section (except if commented)
ok 628 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 30 - conditional include, onbranch
ok 629 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 139 - --unset-all removes section if empty & uncommented
ok 630 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 140 - adding a key into an empty section reuses header
ok 31 - conditional include, onbranch, wildcard
ok 631 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 141 - preserves existing permissions
ok 32 - conditional include, onbranch, implicit /** for /
ok 33 - include cycles are detected
ok 142 - set up --show-origin tests
# passed all 33 test(s)
*** ***
ok 143 - --show-origin with --list
ok 632 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 144 - --show-origin with --list --null
ok 145 - --show-origin with single file
ok 633 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1 - read config: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig doesn't
ok 146 - --show-origin with --get-regexp
ok 634 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 2 - read config: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig exists
ok 147 - --show-origin getting a single key
ok 635 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 148 - set up custom config file
ok 3 - read with --get: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig doesn't
ok 636 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 149 - --show-origin escape special file name characters
ok 4 - "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME overrides $HOME/.config/git
ok 637 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 150 - --show-origin stdin
ok 5 - read with --get: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig exists
ok 151 - --show-origin stdin with file include
ok 6 - read with --list: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig doesn't
not ok 15 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must absorb the git dir # TODO known breakage
ok 7 - read with --list: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig exists
ok 152 - --show-origin blob
ok 8 - Setup
ok 9 - Exclusion of a file in the XDG ignore file
ok 638 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 153 - --show-origin blob ref
ok 639 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 10 - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME overrides $HOME/.config/git/ignore
ok 154 - --local requires a repo
ok 11 - Exclusion in both XDG and local ignore files
ok 640 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 155 - identical modern --type specifiers are allowed
ok 12 - Exclusion in a non-XDG global ignore file
ok 641 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 156 - identical legacy --type specifiers are allowed
ok 13 - Checking XDG ignore file when HOME is unset
ok 157 - identical mixed --type specifiers are allowed
ok 642 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 14 - Checking attributes in the XDG attributes file
ok 158 - non-identical modern --type specifiers are not allowed
ok 643 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 15 - Checking XDG attributes when HOME is unset
ok 159 - non-identical legacy --type specifiers are not allowed
ok 16 - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME overrides $HOME/.config/git/attributes
ok 160 - non-identical mixed --type specifiers are not allowed
ok 17 - Checking attributes in both XDG and local attributes files
ok 161 - --type allows valid type specifiers
ok 162 - --no-type unsets type specifiers
ok 18 - Checking attributes in a non-XDG global attributes file
ok 163 - unset type specifiers may be reset to conflicting ones
ok 19 - write: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig doesn't
ok 164 - --type rejects unknown specifiers
ok 644 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 20 - write: xdg file exists and ~/.gitconfig exists
ok 165 - --replace-all does not invent newlines
# passed all 165 test(s)
*** ***
ok 645 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 21 - write: ~/.config/git/ exists and config file doesn't
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 646 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 647 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 648 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1 - setup default config
ok 16 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file works ignores ignored files in submodule
ok 1 - create config blob
ok 2 - get value for a simple key
ok 649 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - list config blob contents
ok 3 - get value for a key with value as an empty string
ok 3 - fetch value from blob
ok 4 - get value for a key with value as NULL
ok 4 - reading non-existing value from blob is an error
ok 5 - reading from blob and file is an error
ok 5 - upper case key
ok 6 - reading from missing ref is an error
ok 7 - reading from non-blob is an error
ok 6 - mixed case key
ok 8 - setting a value in a blob is an error
ok 650 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 7 - key and value with mixed case
ok 9 - deleting a value in a blob is an error
ok 10 - editing a blob is an error
ok 651 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 8 - key with case sensitive subsection
ok 652 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 9 - key with case insensitive section header
ok 11 - parse errors in blobs are properly attributed
ok 653 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 12 - can parse blob ending with CR
ok 10 - key with case insensitive section header & variable
ok 654 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 13 - config --blob outside of a repository is an error
ok 11 - find value with misspelled key
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 655 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
*** ***
ok 12 - find value with the highest priority
ok 13 - find integer value for a key
ok 14 - find string value for a key
ok 1 - read early config
ok 15 - check line error when NULL string is queried
ok 2 - in a sub-directory
ok 16 - find integer if value is non parse-able
ok 656 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 3 - ceiling
ok 17 - find bool value for the entered key
ok 18 - find multiple values
ok 657 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 4 - ceiling #2
ok 19 - find value from a configset
ok 658 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 20 - find value with highest priority from a configset
ok 659 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 5 - read config file in right order
ok 21 - find value_list for a key from a configset
ok 660 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 22 - proper error on non-existent files
ok 17 - git -c submodule.recurse=true read-tree -u -m: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 23 - proper error on directory "files"
ok 6 - ignore .git/ with incompatible repository version
ok 661 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
not ok 7 - ignore .git/ with invalid repository version # TODO known breakage
not ok 8 - ignore .git/ with invalid config # TODO known breakage
ok 24 - proper error on non-accessible files
ok 25 - proper error on error in default config files
ok 9 - early config and onbranch
ok 662 - ls-files --eol attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 26 - proper error on error in custom config files
ok 10 - onbranch config outside of git repo
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
ok 663 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
# passed all remaining 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 664 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 27 - check line errors for malformed values
ok 665 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 28 - error on modifying repo config without repo
ok 666 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1 - uses --default when entry missing
ok 29 - iteration shows correct origins
# passed all 29 test(s)
ok 667 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - does not use --default when entry present
*** ***
ok 3 - canonicalizes --default with appropriate type
ok 4 - dies when --default cannot be parsed
ok 5 - does not allow --default without --get
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - set up a pre-commit hook in core.hooksPath
ok 668 - ls-files --eol attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 669 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 670 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 671 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 672 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 673 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - Check that various forms of specifying core.hooksPath work
ok 3 - git rev-parse --git-path hooks
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 674 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 1 - setup
ok 675 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 2 - create refs/heads/master
ok 1 - symbolic-ref writes HEAD
ok 2 - symbolic-ref reads HEAD
ok 676 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 3 - create refs/heads/master with oldvalue verification
ok 4 - fail to delete refs/heads/master with stale ref
ok 3 - symbolic-ref refuses non-ref for HEAD
ok 677 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 5 - delete refs/heads/master
ok 678 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - symbolic-ref refuses bare sha1
ok 679 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 5 - HEAD cannot be removed
ok 6 - delete refs/heads/master without oldvalue verification
ok 6 - symbolic-ref can be deleted
ok 7 - symbolic-ref can delete dangling symref
ok 7 - fail to create refs/heads/gu/fixes
ok 18 - git read-tree -u -m --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule recursively
ok 8 - symbolic-ref fails to delete missing FOO
ok 8 - create refs/heads/master (by HEAD)
ok 9 - symbolic-ref fails to delete real ref
ok 9 - create refs/heads/master (by HEAD) with oldvalue verification
ok 680 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 10 - fail to delete refs/heads/master (by HEAD) with stale ref
ok 10 - create large ref name
ok 11 - delete refs/heads/master (by HEAD)
ok 681 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 11 - symbolic-ref can point to large ref name
ok 12 - deleting current branch adds message to HEAD's log
ok 682 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 12 - we can parse long symbolic ref
ok 683 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 13 - deleting by HEAD adds message to HEAD's log
ok 684 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 14 - update-ref does not create reflogs by default
ok 685 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 15 - update-ref creates reflogs with --create-reflog
ok 16 - creates no reflog in bare repository
ok 13 - symbolic-ref reports failure in exit code
ok 19 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out
ok 17 - core.logAllRefUpdates=true creates reflog in bare repository
ok 686 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 687 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 18 - core.logAllRefUpdates=true does not create reflog by default
ok 688 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 14 - symbolic-ref writes reflog entry
ok 689 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 690 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 19 - core.logAllRefUpdates=always creates reflog by default
ok 15 - symbolic-ref does not create ref d/f conflicts
ok 691 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 20 - core.logAllRefUpdates=always creates no reflog for ORIG_HEAD
ok 16 - symbolic-ref can overwrite pointer to invalid name
ok 17 - symbolic-ref can resolve d/f name (EISDIR)
ok 21 - --no-create-reflog overrides core.logAllRefUpdates=always
ok 22 - create refs/heads/master (by HEAD)
ok 18 - symbolic-ref can resolve d/f name (ENOTDIR)
ok 23 - pack refs
ok 692 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
# passed all 18 test(s)
*** ***
ok 24 - move refs/heads/master (by HEAD)
ok 20 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out in empty dir
ok 693 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 25 - delete refs/heads/master (by HEAD) should remove both packed and loose refs/heads/master
ok 694 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 26 - delete symref without dereference
ok 1 - ref name '' is invalid
ok 695 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - ref name '/' is invalid
ok 27 - delete symref without dereference when the referred ref is packed
ok 3 - ref name '/' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 696 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - ref name '/' is invalid with options --normalize
ok 697 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 28 - update-ref -d is not confused by self-reference
ok 5 - ref name '/' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel --normalize
ok 6 - ref name 'foo/bar/baz' is valid
ok 29 - update-ref --no-deref -d can delete self-reference
ok 7 - ref name 'foo/bar/baz' is valid with options --normalize
ok 8 - ref name 'refs///heads/foo' is invalid
ok 9 - ref name 'refs///heads/foo' is valid with options --normalize
ok 30 - update-ref --no-deref -d can delete reference to bad ref
ok 10 - ref name 'heads/foo/' is invalid
ok 31 - (not) create HEAD with old sha1
ok 32 - (not) prior created .git/refs/heads/master
ok 11 - ref name '/heads/foo' is invalid
ok 698 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 33 - create HEAD
ok 12 - ref name '/heads/foo' is valid with options --normalize
ok 34 - (not) change HEAD with wrong SHA1
ok 699 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 13 - ref name '///heads/foo' is invalid
ok 35 - (not) changed .git/refs/heads/master
ok 14 - ref name '///heads/foo' is valid with options --normalize
ok 700 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 15 - ref name './foo' is invalid
ok 701 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 16 - ref name './foo/bar' is invalid
ok 36 - create refs/heads/master (logged by touch)
ok 17 - ref name 'foo/./bar' is invalid
ok 702 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 37 - update refs/heads/master (logged by touch)
ok 18 - ref name 'foo/bar/.' is invalid
ok 19 - ref name '.refs/foo' is invalid
ok 703 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 38 - set refs/heads/master (logged by touch)
ok 20 - ref name 'refs/heads/foo.' is invalid
ok 39 - empty directory removal
ok 21 - ref name 'heads/' is invalid
ok 22 - ref name 'heads/foo?bar' is invalid
ok 40 - symref empty directory removal
ok 23 - ref name 'foo./bar' is valid
ok 704 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 24 - ref name 'heads/foo.lock' is invalid
ok 705 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 41 - verifying refs/heads/master's log (logged by touch)
ok 25 - ref name 'heads///foo.lock' is invalid
ok 706 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 26 - ref name 'foo.lock/bar' is invalid
ok 42 - create refs/heads/master (logged by config)
ok 707 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 27 - ref name 'foo.lock///bar' is invalid
ok 708 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 43 - update refs/heads/master (logged by config)
ok 28 - ref name 'heads/foo@bar' is valid
ok 709 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 29 - ref name 'heads/v@{ation' is invalid
ok 44 - set refs/heads/master (logged by config)
ok 30 - ref name 'heads/foo\bar' is invalid
ok 45 - verifying refs/heads/master's log (logged by config)
ok 31 - ref name 'heads/foo	' is invalid
ok 46 - set up for querying the reflog
ok 32 - ref name 'heads/foo' is invalid
ok 33 - ref name 'heads/fu?' is valid
ok 47 - Query "master@{May 25 2005}" (before history)
ok 21 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: submodule branch is not changed, detach HEAD instead
ok 710 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 34 - ref name 'heads/*foo/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 35 - ref name 'heads/foo*/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 48 - Query master@{2005-05-25} (before history)
ok 36 - ref name 'heads/f*o/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 711 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 49 - Query "master@{May 26 2005 23:31:59}" (1 second before history)
ok 37 - ref name 'heads/f*o*/bar' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 712 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 50 - Query "master@{May 26 2005 23:32:00}" (exactly history start)
ok 38 - ref name 'heads/foo*/bar*' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 39 - ref name 'foo' is invalid
ok 713 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 51 - Query "master@{May 26 2005 23:32:30}" (first non-creation change)
ok 40 - ref name 'foo' is valid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 714 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 41 - ref name 'foo' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 42 - ref name 'foo' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 52 - Query "master@{2005-05-26 23:33:01}" (middle of history with gap)
ok 715 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 43 - ref name 'foo' is invalid with options --normalize
ok 53 - Query "master@{2005-05-26 23:38:00}" (middle of history)
ok 44 - ref name 'foo' is valid with options --allow-onelevel --normalize
ok 45 - ref name 'foo/bar' is valid
ok 54 - Query "master@{2005-05-26 23:43:00}" (exact end of history)
ok 46 - ref name 'foo/bar' is valid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 47 - ref name 'foo/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 55 - Query "master@{2005-05-28}" (past end of history)
ok 48 - ref name 'foo/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 716 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 49 - ref name 'foo/bar' is valid with options --normalize
ok 22 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace tracked file with submodule checks out submodule
ok 50 - ref name 'foo/*' is invalid
ok 717 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 51 - ref name 'foo/*' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 718 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 52 - ref name 'foo/*' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 56 - creating initial files
ok 53 - ref name 'foo/*' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 719 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 54 - ref name '*/foo' is invalid
ok 57 - git commit logged updates
ok 55 - ref name '*/foo' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 58 - git cat-file blob master:F (expect OTHER)
ok 720 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 56 - ref name '*/foo' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 59 - git cat-file blob master@{2005-05-26 23:30}:F (expect TEST)
ok 57 - ref name '*/foo' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 60 - git cat-file blob master@{2005-05-26 23:42}:F (expect OTHER)
ok 721 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 61 - given old value for missing pseudoref, do not create
ok 58 - ref name '*/foo' is invalid with options --normalize
ok 62 - create pseudoref
ok 59 - ref name '*/foo' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --normalize
ok 63 - overwrite pseudoref with no old value given
ok 60 - ref name 'foo/*/bar' is invalid
ok 64 - overwrite pseudoref with correct old value
ok 61 - ref name 'foo/*/bar' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 62 - ref name 'foo/*/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 65 - do not overwrite pseudoref with wrong old value
ok 63 - ref name 'foo/*/bar' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 66 - delete pseudoref
ok 64 - ref name '*' is invalid
ok 722 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 65 - ref name '*' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 67 - do not delete pseudoref with wrong old value
ok 723 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 66 - ref name '*' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 23 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace directory with submodule
ok 68 - delete pseudoref with correct old value
ok 724 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 67 - ref name '*' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 69 - create pseudoref with old OID zero
ok 68 - ref name 'foo/*/*' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 725 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 69 - ref name 'foo/*/*' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 70 - ref name '*/foo/*' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 70 - do not overwrite pseudoref with old OID zero
ok 726 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 71 - ref name '*/foo/*' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 71 - stdin test setup
ok 72 - ref name '*/*/foo' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 727 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 72 - -z fails without --stdin
ok 73 - ref name '*/*/foo' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 73 - stdin works with no input
ok 74 - ref name '/foo' is invalid
ok 74 - stdin fails on empty line
ok 75 - ref name '/foo' is invalid with options --allow-onelevel
ok 76 - ref name '/foo' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern
ok 75 - stdin fails on only whitespace
ok 77 - ref name '/foo' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel
ok 78 - ref name '/foo' is invalid with options --normalize
ok 76 - stdin fails on leading whitespace
ok 728 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 79 - ref name '/foo' is valid with options --allow-onelevel --normalize
ok 77 - stdin fails on unknown command
ok 729 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 80 - ref name '/foo' is invalid with options --refspec-pattern --normalize
ok 81 - ref name '/foo' is valid with options --refspec-pattern --allow-onelevel --normalize
ok 78 - stdin fails on unbalanced quotes
ok 730 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 731 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 79 - stdin fails on invalid escape
ok 732 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 80 - stdin fails on junk after quoted argument
ok 81 - stdin fails create with no ref
ok 82 - check-ref-format --branch @{-1}
ok 733 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 82 - stdin fails create with no new value
ok 83 - check-ref-format --branch -naster
ok 83 - stdin fails create with too many arguments
ok 84 - stdin fails update with no ref
ok 85 - stdin fails update with no new value
ok 84 - check-ref-format --branch from subdir
ok 86 - stdin fails update with too many arguments
ok 85 - check-ref-format --branch @{-1} from non-repo
ok 87 - stdin fails delete with no ref
ok 86 - check-ref-format --branch master from non-repo
ok 88 - stdin fails delete with too many arguments
ok 734 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 87 - ref name 'heads/foo' simplifies to 'heads/foo'
ok 89 - stdin fails verify with too many arguments
ok 88 - ref name 'refs///heads/foo' simplifies to 'refs/heads/foo'
ok 735 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 89 - ref name '/heads/foo' simplifies to 'heads/foo'
ok 90 - stdin fails option with unknown name
ok 90 - ref name '///heads/foo' simplifies to 'heads/foo'
ok 24 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: removed submodule removes submodules working tree
ok 736 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 91 - stdin fails with duplicate refs
ok 91 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'foo'
ok 737 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 92 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects '/foo'
ok 92 - stdin create ref works
ok 93 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'heads/foo/../bar'
ok 738 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 94 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'heads/./foo'
ok 739 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 93 - stdin does not create reflogs by default
ok 95 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'heads\foo'
ok 96 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'heads/foo.lock'
ok 94 - stdin creates reflogs with --create-reflog
ok 97 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'heads///foo.lock'
ok 98 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'foo.lock/bar'
ok 95 - stdin succeeds with quoted argument
ok 99 - check-ref-format --normalize rejects 'foo.lock///bar'
# passed all 99 test(s)
*** ***
ok 740 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 96 - stdin succeeds with escaped character
ok 741 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 742 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 97 - stdin update ref creates with zero old value
ok 743 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 98 - stdin update ref creates with empty old value
ok 744 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 745 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 99 - stdin create ref works with path with space to blob
ok 100 - stdin update ref fails with wrong old value
ok 2 - show-ref
ok 101 - stdin update ref fails with bad old value
ok 3 - show-ref -q
ok 102 - stdin create ref fails with bad new value
ok 103 - stdin create ref fails with zero new value
ok 4 - show-ref --verify
ok 746 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 104 - stdin update ref works with right old value
ok 747 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 5 - show-ref --verify -q
ok 25 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: removed submodule absorbs submodules .git directory
ok 105 - stdin delete ref fails with wrong old value
ok 748 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 106 - stdin delete ref fails with zero old value
ok 749 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 750 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 107 - stdin update symref works option no-deref
ok 751 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 6 - show-ref -d
ok 108 - stdin delete symref works option no-deref
ok 109 - stdin update symref works flag --no-deref
ok 752 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 7 - show-ref --heads, --tags, --head, pattern
ok 110 - stdin delete symref works flag --no-deref
ok 753 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 8 - show-ref --verify HEAD
ok 111 - stdin delete ref works with right old value
ok 754 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 755 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 112 - stdin update/create/verify combination works
ok 756 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 9 - show-ref --verify with dangling ref
ok 113 - stdin verify succeeds for correct value
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 757 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 114 - stdin verify succeeds for missing reference
ok 115 - stdin verify treats no value as missing
ok 116 - stdin verify fails for wrong value
ok 26 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file
ok 117 - stdin verify fails for mistaken null value
ok 758 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 1 - setup
ok 118 - stdin verify fails for mistaken empty value
ok 759 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 760 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 119 - stdin update refs works with identity updates
ok 2 - existing loose ref is a simple prefix of new
ok 761 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 762 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 120 - stdin update refs fails with wrong old value
ok 3 - existing packed ref is a simple prefix of new
ok 763 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 4 - existing loose ref is a deeper prefix of new
ok 121 - stdin delete refs works with packed and loose refs
ok 122 - stdin -z works on empty input
ok 5 - existing packed ref is a deeper prefix of new
ok 123 - stdin -z fails on empty line
ok 124 - stdin -z fails on empty command
ok 6 - new ref is a simple prefix of existing loose
ok 764 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 125 - stdin -z fails on only whitespace
ok 765 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 126 - stdin -z fails on leading whitespace
ok 7 - new ref is a simple prefix of existing packed
ok 766 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 127 - stdin -z fails on unknown command
ok 8 - new ref is a deeper prefix of existing loose
ok 767 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 128 - stdin -z fails create with no ref
ok 129 - stdin -z fails create with no new value
not ok 27 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file must fail with untracked files # TODO known breakage
ok 768 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 130 - stdin -z fails create with too many arguments
ok 769 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 9 - new ref is a deeper prefix of existing packed
ok 131 - stdin -z fails update with no ref
ok 132 - stdin -z fails update with too few args
ok 10 - one new ref is a simple prefix of another
ok 133 - stdin -z emits warning with empty new value
ok 11 - empty directory should not fool rev-parse
ok 134 - stdin -z fails update with no new value
ok 135 - stdin -z fails update with no old value
ok 770 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 12 - empty directory should not fool for-each-ref
ok 136 - stdin -z fails update with too many arguments
ok 137 - stdin -z fails delete with no ref
ok 13 - empty directory should not fool create
ok 771 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 138 - stdin -z fails delete with no old value
ok 772 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 14 - empty directory should not fool verify
ok 139 - stdin -z fails delete with too many arguments
ok 773 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 140 - stdin -z fails verify with too many arguments
ok 15 - empty directory should not fool 1-arg update
ok 141 - stdin -z fails verify with no old value
ok 774 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 16 - empty directory should not fool 2-arg update
ok 142 - stdin -z fails option with unknown name
ok 775 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 17 - empty directory should not fool 0-arg delete
ok 143 - stdin -z fails with duplicate refs
ok 144 - stdin -z create ref works
ok 18 - empty directory should not fool 1-arg delete
ok 145 - stdin -z update ref creates with zero old value
ok 776 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 19 - D/F conflict prevents add long + delete short
ok 146 - stdin -z update ref creates with empty old value
ok 20 - D/F conflict prevents add short + delete long
ok 777 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 21 - D/F conflict prevents delete long + add short
ok 147 - stdin -z create ref works with path with space to blob
ok 778 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 148 - stdin -z update ref fails with wrong old value
ok 22 - D/F conflict prevents delete short + add long
ok 779 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 149 - stdin -z update ref fails with bad old value
ok 780 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 23 - D/F conflict prevents add long + delete short packed
ok 781 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 150 - stdin -z create ref fails when ref exists
ok 24 - D/F conflict prevents add short + delete long packed
ok 151 - stdin -z create ref fails with bad new value
ok 25 - D/F conflict prevents delete long packed + add short
ok 28 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 152 - stdin -z create ref fails with empty new value
ok 26 - D/F conflict prevents delete short packed + add long
ok 153 - stdin -z update ref works with right old value
ok 782 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 154 - stdin -z delete ref fails with wrong old value
ok 783 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 27 - D/F conflict prevents indirect add long + delete short
ok 784 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 155 - stdin -z delete ref fails with zero old value
ok 785 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 28 - D/F conflict prevents indirect add long + indirect delete short
ok 786 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 156 - stdin -z update symref works option no-deref
ok 29 - D/F conflict prevents indirect add short + indirect delete long
ok 787 - checkout attr=-text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 157 - stdin -z delete symref works option no-deref
ok 30 - D/F conflict prevents indirect delete long + indirect add short
ok 158 - stdin -z delete ref works with right old value
ok 31 - D/F conflict prevents indirect add long + delete short packed
ok 159 - stdin -z update/create/verify combination works
ok 160 - stdin -z verify succeeds for correct value
ok 32 - D/F conflict prevents indirect add long + indirect delete short packed
ok 788 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 161 - stdin -z verify succeeds for missing reference
ok 789 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 162 - stdin -z verify treats no value as missing
ok 33 - D/F conflict prevents add long + indirect delete short packed
ok 790 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 163 - stdin -z verify fails for wrong value
ok 791 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 164 - stdin -z verify fails for mistaken null value
ok 34 - D/F conflict prevents indirect delete long packed + indirect add short
ok 792 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 165 - stdin -z verify fails for mistaken empty value
ok 793 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 29 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: updating to a missing submodule commit fails
ok 35 - missing old value blocks update
ok 166 - stdin -z update refs works with identity updates
ok 36 - incorrect old value blocks update
ok 37 - existing old value blocks create
ok 167 - stdin -z update refs fails with wrong old value
ok 38 - incorrect old value blocks delete
ok 794 - ls-files --eol attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 168 - stdin -z delete refs works with packed and loose refs
ok 39 - missing old value blocks indirect update
ok 795 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 40 - incorrect old value blocks indirect update
ok 169 - fails with duplicate HEAD update
ok 796 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 41 - existing old value blocks indirect create
ok 797 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 170 - fails with duplicate ref update via symref
ok 42 - incorrect old value blocks indirect delete
ok 798 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 43 - missing old value blocks indirect no-deref update
ok 799 - checkout attr=-text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 171 - large transaction creating branches does not burst open file limit
ok 30 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: added submodule does remove untracked unignored file with same name when forced
ok 44 - incorrect old value blocks indirect no-deref update
ok 172 - large transaction deleting branches does not burst open file limit
ok 45 - existing old value blocks indirect no-deref create
ok 800 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 46 - incorrect old value blocks indirect no-deref delete
ok 801 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 173 - handle per-worktree refs in refs/bisect
ok 802 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
# passed all 173 test(s)
ok 47 - non-empty directory blocks create
*** ***
ok 803 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 48 - broken reference blocks create
ok 804 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 805 - checkout attr=text  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 49 - non-empty directory blocks indirect create
ok 1 - pack_refs(PACK_REFS_ALL | PACK_REFS_PRUNE)
ok 2 - peel_ref(new-tag)
ok 50 - broken reference blocks indirect create
ok 806 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 3 - create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/master)
ok 807 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 808 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 4 - delete_refs(FOO, refs/tags/new-tag)
ok 5 - rename_refs(master, new-master)
ok 809 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 6 - for_each_ref(refs/heads/)
ok 810 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 7 - for_each_ref() is sorted
ok 811 - checkout attr=text  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 8 - resolve_ref(new-master)
ok 9 - verify_ref(new-master)
ok 10 - for_each_reflog()
ok 11 - for_each_reflog_ent()
ok 12 - for_each_reflog_ent_reverse()
ok 812 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 31 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a directory
ok 13 - reflog_exists(HEAD)
ok 813 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 14 - delete_reflog(HEAD)
ok 814 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 15 - create-reflog(HEAD)
ok 815 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 816 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 16 - delete_ref(refs/heads/foo)
ok 817 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 17 - delete_ref(refs/heads/foo)
# passed all 17 test(s)
*** ***
ok 818 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - pack_refs() not allowed
ok 819 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 3 - peel_ref(new-tag)
ok 820 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 4 - create_symref() not allowed
ok 5 - delete_refs() not allowed
ok 821 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 6 - rename_refs() not allowed
ok 7 - for_each_ref(refs/heads/)
ok 822 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 8 - for_each_ref() is sorted
ok 823 - checkout attr=auto  aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 9 - resolve_ref(master)
ok 10 - verify_ref(new-master)
ok 11 - for_each_reflog()
ok 12 - for_each_reflog_ent()
ok 13 - for_each_reflog_ent_reverse()
ok 14 - reflog_exists(HEAD)
ok 824 - ls-files --eol attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 32 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 15 - delete_reflog() not allowed
ok 825 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 16 - create-reflog() not allowed
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 826 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 827 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 828 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 829 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 51 - no bogus intermediate values during delete
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - resolve_ref(<shared-ref>)
ok 830 - ls-files --eol attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 3 - resolve_ref(<per-worktree-ref>)
ok 831 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 4 - create_symref(FOO, refs/heads/master)
ok 832 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 833 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 5 - for_each_reflog()
ok 834 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 835 - checkout attr=  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 33 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file ignoring ignored files
ok 836 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 837 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 838 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 839 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - no error from stale entry in packed-refs
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 840 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 841 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 34 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: modified submodule does update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 842 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 2 - do not create packed-refs file gratuitously
ok 843 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 844 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 3 - check that marking the packed-refs file works
ok 845 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 846 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - leave packed-refs untouched on update of packed
ok 847 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 5 - leave packed-refs untouched on checked update of packed
ok 6 - leave packed-refs untouched on verify of packed
ok 848 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 7 - touch packed-refs on delete of packed
ok 8 - leave packed-refs untouched on update of loose
ok 849 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 850 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 9 - leave packed-refs untouched on checked update of loose
ok 851 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 10 - leave packed-refs untouched on verify of loose
ok 852 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 853 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 11 - leave packed-refs untouched on delete of loose
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 35 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: updating submodules fixes .git links
ok 854 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 855 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 52 - delete fails cleanly if packed-refs file is locked
ok 856 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 53 - delete fails cleanly if write fails
ok 857 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
# passed all 53 test(s)
*** ***
ok 858 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 859 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - log -g shows reflog headers
ok 3 - oneline reflog format
ok 4 - reflog default format
ok 860 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 5 - override reflog default format
ok 861 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 6 - using @{now} syntax shows reflog date (multiline)
ok 7 - using @{now} syntax shows reflog date (oneline)
ok 862 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 8 - using @{now} syntax shows reflog date (format=%gd)
ok 863 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 864 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 9 - using --date= shows reflog date (multiline)
ok 10 - using --date= shows reflog date (oneline)
ok 865 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 11 - using --date= shows reflog date (format=%gd)
ok 1 - setup
ok 12 - does not invoke "--date" magic (multiline)
ok 13 - does not invoke "--date" magic (oneline)
ok 866 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 14 - does not invoke "--date" magic (format=%gd)
ok 867 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 36 - git read-tree -u --reset --recurse-submodules: changed submodule worktree is reset
ok 15 - --date magic does not override explicit @{0} syntax
ok 868 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 16 - empty reflog file
ok 2 - rewind
ok 869 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - corrupt and check
ok 870 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 17 - git log -g -p shows diffs vs. parents
ok 4 - reflog expire --dry-run should not touch reflog
ok 871 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 18 - reflog exists works
# passed all 18 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - reflog expire
ok 6 - prune and fsck
ok 872 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=
ok 7 - recover and check
ok 1 - setup commits
ok 873 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF
ok 874 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF
ok 2 - setup reflog with alternating commits
ok 875 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - reflog shows all entries
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 876 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_mix_CR
*** ***
ok 877 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_nul
ok 8 - delete
ok 1 - setup
ok 9 - rewind2
ok 10 - --expire=never
ok 2 - baseline
ok 37 - git read-tree -u -m: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 878 - ls-files --eol attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 3 - switch to branch
ok 879 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 880 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 11 - gc.reflogexpire=never
ok 4 - detach to other
ok 881 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 12 - gc.reflogexpire=false
ok 5 - detach to self
ok 882 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 883 - checkout attr=text  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 13 - git reflog expire unknown reference
ok 6 - attach to self
ok 14 - checkout should not delete log for packed ref
ok 7 - attach to other
# passed all 7 test(s)
ok 884 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=
*** ***
ok 885 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF
ok 15 - stale dirs do not cause d/f conflicts (reflogs on)
ok 886 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF
ok 16 - stale dirs do not cause d/f conflicts (reflogs off)
ok 887 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 888 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_mix_CR
ok 17 - parsing reverse reflogs at BUFSIZ boundaries
ok 889 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_nul
ok 1 - set up some reflog entries
ok 18 - no segfaults for reflog containing non-commit sha1s
ok 2 - set up expected reflog
not ok 19 - reflog with non-commit entries displays all entries # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - reflog walk shows expected logs
ok 4 - reflog can limit with --no-merges
ok 5 - reflog can limit with pathspecs
ok 20 - reflog expire operates on symref not referrent
ok 890 - ls-files --eol attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 6 - pathspec limiting handles merges
ok 7 - --parents shows true parents
ok 891 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 892 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 8 - walking multiple reflogs shows all
ok 893 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 38 - git read-tree -u -m: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 894 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 9 - date-limiting does not interfere with other logs
ok 895 - checkout attr=auto  aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 21 - continue walking past root commits
ok 10 - min/max age uses entry date to limit
ok 11 - walk prefers reflog to ref tip
ok 12 - rev-list -g complains when there are no reflogs
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 896 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 22 - expire with multiple worktrees
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 21 test(s)
ok 897 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
*** ***
ok 898 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 899 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 900 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 901 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - refs/worktree must not be packed
ok 2 - lost and found something
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 902 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 3 - refs/worktree are per-worktree
ok 903 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 4 - resolve main-worktree/HEAD
ok 904 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 5 - ambiguous main-worktree/HEAD
ok 905 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - setup
ok 39 - git read-tree -u -m: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 906 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 6 - resolve worktrees/xx/HEAD
ok 2 - fast-import: fail on invalid branch name ".badbranchname"
ok 907 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 7 - ambiguous worktrees/xx/HEAD
ok 3 - fast-import: fail on invalid branch name "bad[branch]name"
ok 8 - reflog of main-worktree/HEAD
ok 4 - git branch shows badly named ref as warning
ok 9 - reflog of worktrees/xx/HEAD
ok 5 - branch -d can delete badly named ref
ok 908 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 6 - branch -D can delete badly named ref
ok 7 - branch -D cannot delete non-ref in .git dir
ok 909 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 10 - for-each-ref from main repo
ok 910 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 8 - branch -D cannot delete ref in .git dir
ok 911 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 9 - branch -D cannot delete absolute path
ok 912 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 913 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 10 - git branch cannot create a badly named ref
ok 11 - for-each-ref from linked repo
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 11 - branch -m cannot rename to a bad ref name
not ok 12 - branch -m can rename from a bad ref name # TODO known breakage
ok 914 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 13 - push cannot create a badly named ref
ok 915 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 916 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 917 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 918 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
not ok 14 - push --mirror can delete badly named ref # TODO known breakage
ok 919 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 40 - git read-tree -u -m: replace directory with submodule
ok 15 - rev-parse skips symref pointing to broken name
ok 2 - loose objects borrowed from alternate are not missing
ok 920 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 3 - HEAD is part of refs, valid objects appear valid
ok 16 - for-each-ref emits warnings for broken names
ok 4 - setup: helpers for corruption tests
ok 921 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 17 - update-ref -d can delete broken name
ok 922 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 18 - branch -d can delete broken name
ok 923 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 19 - update-ref --no-deref -d can delete symref to broken name
ok 924 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 925 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 20 - branch -d can delete symref to broken name
ok 5 - object with bad sha1
ok 21 - update-ref --no-deref -d can delete dangling symref to broken name
ok 22 - branch -d can delete dangling symref to broken name
ok 6 - branch pointing to non-commit
ok 23 - update-ref -d can delete broken name through symref
ok 7 - HEAD link pointing at a funny object
ok 24 - update-ref --no-deref -d can delete symref with broken name
ok 926 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 25 - branch -d can delete symref with broken name
ok 8 - HEAD link pointing at a funny place
ok 26 - update-ref --no-deref -d can delete dangling symref with broken name
ok 927 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 27 - branch -d can delete dangling symref with broken name
ok 928 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 9 - HEAD link pointing at a funny object (from different wt)
ok 28 - update-ref -d cannot delete non-ref in .git dir
ok 929 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 29 - update-ref -d cannot delete absolute path
ok 930 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 30 - update-ref --stdin fails create with bad ref name
ok 41 - git read-tree -u -m: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 10 - other worktree HEAD link pointing at a funny object
ok 931 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 31 - update-ref --stdin fails update with bad ref name
ok 32 - update-ref --stdin fails delete with bad ref name
ok 33 - update-ref --stdin -z fails create with bad ref name
ok 11 - other worktree HEAD link pointing at missing object
ok 34 - update-ref --stdin -z fails update with bad ref name
ok 35 - update-ref --stdin -z fails delete with bad ref name
ok 12 - other worktree HEAD link pointing at a funny place
ok 932 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 36 - branch rejects HEAD as a branch name
ok 933 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 37 - checkout -b rejects HEAD as a branch name
ok 13 - email without @ is okay
ok 934 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 935 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 38 - update-ref can operate on refs/heads/HEAD
ok 936 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 39 - branch -d can remove refs/heads/HEAD
ok 14 - email with embedded > is not okay
ok 937 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 40 - branch -m can rename refs/heads/HEAD
ok 41 - branch -d can remove refs/heads/-dash
ok 42 - branch -m can rename refs/heads/-dash
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 40 test(s)
ok 15 - missing < email delimiter is reported nicely
*** ***
ok 938 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 16 - missing email is reported nicely
ok 939 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 17 - > in name is reported
ok 940 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 941 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - setup
ok 42 - git read-tree -u -m: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 18 - integer overflow in timestamps is reported
ok 942 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 2 - toplevel: --is-bare-repository
ok 3 - toplevel: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 943 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 19 - commit with NUL in header
ok 4 - toplevel: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 5 - toplevel: --show-prefix
ok 6 - toplevel: --git-dir
ok 7 - toplevel: --absolute-git-dir
ok 20 - tree object with duplicate entries
ok 8 - .git/: --is-bare-repository
ok 944 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 9 - .git/: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 945 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 10 - .git/: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 21 - unparseable tree object
ok 946 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 11 - .git/: --show-prefix
ok 12 - .git/: --git-dir
ok 947 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 13 - .git/: --absolute-git-dir
ok 14 - .git/objects/: --is-bare-repository
ok 948 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 15 - .git/objects/: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 16 - .git/objects/: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 949 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 22 - tree entry with type mismatch
ok 17 - .git/objects/: --show-prefix
ok 18 - .git/objects/: --git-dir
ok 19 - .git/objects/: --absolute-git-dir
ok 23 - tag pointing to nonexistent
ok 43 - git read-tree -u -m: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 20 - subdirectory: --is-bare-repository
ok 21 - subdirectory: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 950 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 24 - tag pointing to something else than its type
ok 22 - subdirectory: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 951 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 23 - subdirectory: --show-prefix
ok 952 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 24 - subdirectory: --git-dir
ok 25 - subdirectory: --absolute-git-dir
ok 953 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 25 - tag with incorrect tag name & missing tagger
ok 26 - core.bare = true: --is-bare-repository
ok 954 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 26 - tag with bad tagger
ok 955 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 27 - core.bare = true: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 27 - tag with NUL in header
ok 28 - core.bare = true: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 28 - cleaned up
ok 29 - core.bare undefined: --is-bare-repository
ok 29 - rev-list --verify-objects
ok 956 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 30 - core.bare undefined: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 957 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 31 - core.bare undefined: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 958 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 32 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = false: --is-bare-repository
ok 959 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 30 - rev-list --verify-objects with bad sha1
ok 960 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 33 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = false: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 961 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 34 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = false: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 31 - force fsck to ignore double author
ok 35 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = false: --show-prefix
ok 32 - fsck notices blob entry pointing to null sha1
ok 36 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = false: --git-dir
ok 44 - git read-tree -u -m: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 33 - fsck notices submodule entry pointing to null sha1
ok 37 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = false: --absolute-git-dir
ok 962 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 38 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = true: --is-bare-repository
ok 963 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 34 - fsck notices . as blob
ok 39 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = true: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 964 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 40 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = true: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 965 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 966 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 35 - fsck notices . as tree
ok 41 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare = true: --show-prefix
ok 42 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare undefined: --is-bare-repository
ok 967 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 43 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare undefined: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 44 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare undefined: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 36 - fsck notices .. as blob
ok 45 - GIT_DIR=../.git, core.bare undefined: --show-prefix
ok 46 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = false: --is-bare-repository
ok 968 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 969 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 37 - fsck notices .. as tree
ok 47 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = false: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 970 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 971 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 48 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = false: --is-inside-work-tree
not ok 45 - git read-tree -u -m: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 972 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 38 - fsck notices .git as blob
ok 49 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = false: --show-prefix
ok 973 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 50 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = false: --git-dir
ok 51 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = false: --absolute-git-dir
ok 39 - fsck notices .git as tree
ok 52 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = true: --is-bare-repository
ok 974 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 53 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = true: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 40 - fsck notices .GIT as blob
ok 975 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 54 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = true: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 976 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 55 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare = true: --show-prefix
ok 977 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 41 - fsck notices .GIT as tree
ok 56 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare undefined: --is-bare-repository
ok 978 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 57 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare undefined: --is-inside-git-dir
ok 979 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 58 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare undefined: --is-inside-work-tree
ok 42 - fsck notices .gI{u200c}T as blob
ok 59 - GIT_DIR=../repo.git, core.bare undefined: --show-prefix
ok 60 - git-common-dir from worktree root
ok 61 - git-common-dir inside sub-dir
ok 43 - fsck notices .gI{u200c}T as tree
ok 62 - git-path from worktree root
ok 980 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
not ok 46 - git read-tree -u -m: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 63 - git-path inside sub-dir
ok 981 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 982 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 44 - fsck notices .Git as blob
ok 983 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 984 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 64 - rev-parse --is-shallow-repository in shallow repo
ok 985 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 65 - rev-parse --is-shallow-repository in non-shallow repo
ok 45 - fsck notices .Git as tree
ok 66 - rev-parse --show-object-format in repo
ok 67 - --show-toplevel from subdir of working tree
ok 46 - fsck notices git~1 as blob
ok 68 - --show-toplevel from inside .git
ok 986 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 987 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 988 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 47 - fsck notices git~1 as tree
ok 989 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 48 - fsck notices .git. as blob
ok 990 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 991 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 49 - fsck notices .git. as tree
ok 50 - fsck notices .\.GIT\foobar as blob
ok 992 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 993 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 994 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 51 - fsck notices .\.GIT\foobar as tree
ok 995 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 996 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 47 - git read-tree -u -m: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 52 - fsck notices .git\foobar as blob
ok 997 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 69 - showing the superproject correctly
# passed all 69 test(s)
ok 53 - fsck notices .git\foobar as tree
*** ***
ok 998 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 54 - fsck allows .?it
ok 999 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 1000 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - setup: helper for testing rev-parse
ok 3 - setup: core.worktree = relative path
ok 55 - NUL in commit
ok 1001 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1002 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - outside
ok 1003 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 5 - inside work tree
ok 56 - fsck notices missing blob
ok 6 - empty prefix is actually written out
ok 7 - subdir of work tree
ok 8 - setup: core.worktree = absolute path
ok 1004 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 57 - fsck notices missing subtree
ok 1005 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 1006 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 9 - outside
ok 1007 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1008 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1009 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 58 - fsck notices missing root tree
ok 10 - inside work tree
ok 11 - subdir of work tree
ok 12 - setup: GIT_WORK_TREE=relative (override core.worktree)
ok 59 - fsck notices missing parent
ok 1010 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 13 - outside
ok 1011 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 48 - git read-tree -u -m: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 1012 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 14 - inside work tree
ok 60 - fsck notices missing tagged object
ok 1013 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1014 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 15 - subdir of work tree
ok 1015 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 16 - setup: GIT_WORK_TREE=absolute, below git dir
ok 17 - outside
ok 61 - fsck notices ref pointing to missing commit
ok 18 - in repo.git
ok 1016 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 1017 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 19 - inside work tree
ok 62 - fsck notices ref pointing to missing tag
ok 1018 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 20 - subdir of work tree
ok 1019 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1020 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 21 - find work tree from repo
ok 1021 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 63 - fsck --connectivity-only
ok 22 - find work tree from work tree
ok 23 - _gently() groks relative GIT_DIR & GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 1022 - ls-files --eol attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 64 - fsck --connectivity-only with explicit head
ok 24 - diff-index respects work tree under .git dir
ok 1023 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 25 - diff-files respects work tree under .git dir
ok 1024 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 26 - git diff respects work tree under .git dir
ok 1025 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 27 - git grep
ok 1026 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 28 - git commit
ok 49 - git read-tree -u -m: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 65 - fsck --name-objects
ok 29 - absolute pathspec should fail gracefully
ok 1027 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 30 - make_relative_path handles double slashes in GIT_DIR
ok 66 - alternate objects are correctly blamed
ok 31 - relative $GIT_WORK_TREE and git subprocesses
ok 32 - Multi-worktree setup
ok 33 - GIT_DIR set (1)
ok 67 - fsck errors in packed objects
ok 1028 - ls-files --eol attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 34 - GIT_DIR set (2)
ok 1029 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 68 - fsck fails on corrupt packfile
ok 35 - Auto discovery
ok 1030 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 50 - git read-tree -u -m: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 36 - $GIT_DIR/common overrides core.worktree
ok 1031 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1032 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 37 - $GIT_WORK_TREE overrides $GIT_DIR/common
ok 69 - fsck finds problems in duplicate loose objects
ok 38 - error out gracefully on invalid $GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 1033 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 70 - fsck detects trailing loose garbage (commit)
ok 39 - refs work with relative gitdir and work tree
# passed all 39 test(s)
*** ***
ok 71 - fsck detects trailing loose garbage (large blob)
ok 1034 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 1035 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 1 - setup optionspec
ok 1036 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 72 - fsck detects truncated loose object
ok 2 - setup optionspec-no-switches
ok 3 - setup optionspec-only-hidden-switches
ok 1037 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1038 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - test --parseopt help output
ok 73 - create dangling-object repository
ok 5 - test --parseopt help output no switches
ok 1039 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 74 - fsck notices dangling objects
ok 6 - test --parseopt help output hidden switches
ok 75 - fsck --connectivity-only notices dangling objects
ok 7 - test --parseopt help-all output hidden switches
ok 76 - fsck $name notices bogus $name
ok 8 - test --parseopt invalid switch help output
ok 9 - setup expect.1
ok 77 - bogus head does not fallback to all heads
ok 1040 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf
ok 10 - test --parseopt
ok 11 - test --parseopt with mixed options and arguments
ok 1041 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 78 - detect corrupt index file in fsck
# passed all 78 test(s)
ok 12 - setup expect.2
ok 1042 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 1043 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
*** ***
ok 13 - test --parseopt with --
ok 14 - test --parseopt --stop-at-non-option
ok 51 - git read-tree -u --reset: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 1044 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 15 - setup expect.3
ok 16 - test --parseopt --keep-dashdash
ok 1045 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 17 - setup expect.4
ok 18 - test --parseopt --keep-dashdash --stop-at-non-option with --
ok 19 - setup expect.5
ok 20 - test --parseopt --keep-dashdash --stop-at-non-option without --
ok 21 - setup expect.6
ok 1046 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 1 - set up basic repo with 1 file (hello) and 4 commits
ok 22 - test --parseopt --stuck-long
ok 23 - setup expect.7
ok 1047 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 24 - test --parseopt --stuck-long and empty optional argument
ok 2 - works with one good rev
ok 25 - setup expect.8
ok 1048 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 26 - test --parseopt --stuck-long and long option with unset optional argument
ok 1049 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - fails with any bad rev or many good revs
ok 27 - test --parseopt --stuck-long and short option with unset optional argument
# passed all 27 test(s)
ok 1050 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
*** ***
ok 4 - fails silently when using -q
ok 1051 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 5 - fails silently when using -q with deleted reflogs
ok 6 - fails silently when using -q with not enough reflogs
ok 1 - no_ceil
ok 2 - ceil_empty
ok 7 - succeeds silently with -q and reflogs that do not go far back enough in time
ok 3 - ceil_at_parent
ok 1052 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf
ok 8 - no stdout output on error
ok 4 - ceil_at_parent_slash
ok 5 - ceil_at_trash
ok 1053 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 6 - ceil_at_trash_slash
ok 7 - ceil_at_sub
ok 9 - use --default
ok 1054 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 8 - ceil_at_sub_slash
ok 1055 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 9 - subdir_no_ceil
ok 1056 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 10 - master@{n} for various n
ok 10 - subdir_ceil_empty
ok 1057 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 11 - subdir_ceil_at_trash: prefix
ok 12 - subdir_ceil_at_trash_slash: prefix
ok 11 - ref resolution not confused by broken symlinks
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 13 - subdir_ceil_at_sub: prefix
*** ***
ok 52 - git read-tree -u --reset: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 14 - subdir_ceil_at_sub_slash: prefix
ok 15 - subdir_ceil_at_top: prefix
ok 16 - subdir_ceil_at_top_slash: prefix
ok 17 - subdir_ceil_at_top_no_resolve
ok 18 - subdir_ceil_at_top_slash_no_resolve
ok 1058 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 19 - subdir_ceil_at_subdir
ok 20 - subdir_ceil_at_subdir_slash
ok 1059 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 21 - subdir_ceil_at_su
ok 22 - subdir_ceil_at_su_slash
ok 23 - subdir_ceil_at_sub_di
ok 1060 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 24 - subdir_ceil_at_sub_di_slash
ok 1 - setup
ok 1061 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 25 - subdir_ceil_at_subdi
ok 2 - @{-1} works
ok 1062 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 26 - subdir_ceil_at_subdi_slash
ok 3 - @{-1}~2 works
ok 27 - second_of_two: prefix
ok 4 - @{-1}^2 works
ok 1063 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 28 - first_of_two: prefix
ok 5 - @{-1}@{1} works
ok 29 - second_of_three: prefix
ok 30 - git_dir_specified
ok 6 - @{-2} works
ok 31 - sd_no_ceil
ok 7 - @{-3} fails
# passed all 7 test(s)
ok 32 - sd_ceil_empty
*** ***
ok 33 - sd_ceil_at_trash: prefix
ok 1064 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 34 - sd_ceil_at_trash_slash: prefix
ok 1065 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 35 - sd_ceil_at_s: prefix
ok 36 - sd_ceil_at_s_slash: prefix
ok 1066 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 37 - sd_ceil_at_sd
ok 1067 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 38 - sd_ceil_at_sd_slash
ok 1 - set up basic repo
ok 1068 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 39 - sd_ceil_at_su
ok 40 - sd_ceil_at_su_slash
ok 1069 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - correct file objects
ok 41 - sd_ceil_at_s_di
ok 42 - sd_ceil_at_s_di_slash
ok 3 - correct relative file objects (0)
ok 43 - sd_ceil_at_sdi
ok 4 - correct relative file objects (1)
ok 53 - git read-tree -u --reset: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 44 - sd_ceil_at_sdi_slash
# passed all 44 test(s)
ok 1070 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
*** ***
ok 5 - correct relative file objects (2)
ok 1071 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 6 - correct relative file objects (3)
ok 7 - correct relative file objects (4)
ok 1072 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 8 - correct relative file objects (5)
ok 1073 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1074 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 9 - correct relative file objects (6)
ok 1075 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 10 - incorrect revision id
ok 1076 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 11 - incorrect file in sha1:path
ok 1077 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1078 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 1079 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 12 - incorrect file in :path and :N:path
ok 1080 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 13 - invalid @{n} reference
ok 1081 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - @{upstream} resolves to correct full name
ok 14 - relative path not found
ok 3 - @{u} resolves to correct full name
ok 15 - relative path outside worktree
ok 4 - my-side@{upstream} resolves to correct full name
ok 16 - relative path when cwd is outside worktree
ok 17 - <commit>:file correctly diagnosed after a pathname
ok 5 - upstream of branch with @ in middle
ok 1082 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 6 - upstream of branch with @ at start
ok 1083 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 18 - dotdot is not an empty set
ok 7 - upstream of branch with @ at end
ok 8 - refs/heads/my-side@{upstream} does not resolve to my-side{upstream}
ok 1084 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 54 - git read-tree -u --reset: replace directory with submodule
ok 19 - arg before dashdash must be a revision (missing)
ok 1085 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 20 - arg before dashdash must be a revision (file)
ok 1086 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 21 - arg before dashdash must be a revision (ambiguous)
ok 1087 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 22 - reject Nth parent if N is too high
ok 23 - reject Nth ancestor if N is too high
ok 9 - my-side@{u} resolves to correct commit
# passed all 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - not-tracking@{u} fails
ok 1088 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 1089 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 11 - <branch>@{u}@{1} resolves correctly
ok 1090 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 12 - @{u} without specifying branch fails on a detached HEAD
ok 1091 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 13 - checkout -b new my-side@{u} forks from the same
ok 1092 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1093 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 14 - merge my-side@{u} records the correct name
ok 15 - branch -d other@{u}
ok 1094 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 1 - setup
ok 16 - checkout other@{u}
ok 1095 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 2 - HEAD = refs/heads/new-branch
ok 1096 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 17 - branch@{u} works when tracking a local branch
ok 55 - git read-tree -u --reset: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 1097 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - @{1} = new-one
ok 1098 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - HEAD@{1} = new-one
ok 18 - branch@{u} error message when no upstream
ok 5 - @{now} = new-two
ok 1099 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 19 - @{u} error message when no upstream
ok 6 - HEAD@{now} = new-two
ok 7 - @{-1} = refs/heads/old-branch
ok 20 - branch@{u} error message with misspelt branch
ok 8 - @{-1}@{0} = old-two
ok 21 - @{u} error message when not on a branch
ok 9 - @{-1}@{1} = old-one
ok 22 - branch@{u} error message if upstream branch not fetched
ok 1100 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 10 - @{u} = refs/heads/upstream-branch
ok 1101 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 11 - HEAD@{u} = refs/heads/upstream-branch
ok 12 - @{u}@{1} = upstream-one
ok 23 - pull works when tracking a local branch
ok 1102 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 24 - @{u} works when tracking a local branch
ok 13 - @{-1}@{u} = refs/heads/master
ok 25 - log -g other@{u}
ok 14 - @{-1}@{u}@{1} = master-one
ok 1103 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 15 - @ = new-two
ok 1104 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 26 - log -g other@{u}@{now}
ok 16 - @@{u} = refs/heads/upstream-branch
ok 1105 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 17 - @@/at-test = refs/heads/@@/at-test
ok 27 - @{reflog}-parsing does not look beyond colon
ok 18 - @/at-test = refs/heads/@/at-test
ok 28 - @{upstream}-parsing does not look beyond colon
# passed all 28 test(s)
ok 19 - @at-test = refs/heads/@at-test
*** ***
ok 1106 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 20 - @{u}@{-1} is nonsensical
ok 21 - @{0}@{0} is nonsensical
ok 22 - @{1}@{u} is nonsensical
ok 1107 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
1..0 # SKIP Test requiring writable / skipped. Read this test if you want to run it
ok 23 - HEAD@{-1} is nonsensical
*** ***
ok 1108 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 24 - @{-1}@{-1} is nonsensical
ok 56 - git read-tree -u --reset: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 25 - HEAD@{3} = old-two
ok 1109 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 26 - @{3} is nonsensical
ok 1110 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 27 - switch to old-branch
ok 1111 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 28 - HEAD = refs/heads/old-branch
ok 29 - HEAD@{1} = new-two
ok 1 - #0: nonbare repo, no explicit configuration
ok 30 - @{1} = old-one
ok 2 - #1: GIT_WORK_TREE without explicit GIT_DIR is accepted
ok 31 - create path with @
ok 3 - #2: worktree defaults to cwd with explicit GIT_DIR
ok 32 - @:normal = content
ok 1112 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 1113 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 33 - @:fun@ny = content
# passed all 33 test(s)
ok 4 - #2b: relative GIT_DIR
ok 1114 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
*** ***
ok 5 - #3: setup
ok 1115 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1116 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1117 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 6 - #3: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
not ok 57 - git read-tree -u --reset: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 1118 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 1119 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1120 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - #3: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 2 - ref^{non-existent}
ok 1121 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1122 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 3 - ref^{}
ok 1123 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 4 - ref^{commit}
ok 8 - #3: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 5 - ref^{tree}
ok 6 - ref^{tag}
ok 1124 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 7 - ref^{/.}
ok 9 - #3: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1125 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 8 - ref^{/non-existent}
ok 1126 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 9 - ref^{/Initial}
ok 1127 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 10 - ref^{/!Exp}
ok 11 - ref^{/!}
ok 1128 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 12 - ref^{/!!Exp}
ok 10 - #3: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
not ok 58 - git read-tree -u --reset: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 1129 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 13 - ref^{/!-}
ok 14 - ref^{/!-.}
ok 15 - ref^{/!-non-existent}
ok 16 - ref^{/!-Changed}
ok 11 - #3: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 1130 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 17 - ref^{/!-!Exp}
# passed all 17 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1131 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 12 - #4: core.worktree without GIT_DIR set is accepted
ok 1132 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1133 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - blob and tree
ok 1134 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 2 - warn ambiguity when no candidate matches type hint
ok 1135 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 3 - disambiguate tree-ish
ok 13 - #5: core.worktree + GIT_WORK_TREE is accepted
ok 4 - disambiguate blob
ok 5 - disambiguate tree
ok 1136 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 6 - first commit
ok 1137 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1138 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 7 - disambiguate commit-ish
not ok 59 - git read-tree -u --reset: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 14 - #6: setting GIT_DIR brings core.worktree to life
ok 1139 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 8 - disambiguate commit
ok 1140 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 9 - log name1..name2 takes only commit-ishes on both ends
ok 1141 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 10 - rev-parse name1..name2 takes only commit-ishes on both ends
ok 11 - git log takes only commit-ish
ok 15 - #6b: GIT_DIR set, core.worktree relative
ok 12 - git reset takes only commit-ish
ok 13 - first tag
not ok 14 - two semi-ambiguous commit-ish # TODO known breakage
not ok 15 - three semi-ambiguous tree-ish # TODO known breakage
ok 1142 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 16 - parse describe name
ok 1143 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 16 - #6c: GIT_DIR set, core.worktree=../wt (absolute)
ok 1144 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1145 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1146 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1147 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 17 - #6d: GIT_DIR set, core.worktree=../wt (relative)
ok 17 - more history
not ok 60 - git read-tree -u --reset: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
not ok 18 - parse describe name taking advantage of generation # TODO known breakage
ok 19 - parse describe name not ignoring ambiguity
ok 1148 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 18 - #6e: GIT_DIR set, core.worktree=../.. (absolute)
ok 1149 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 20 - ambiguous commit-ish
ok 1150 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 21 - ambiguous tags peel to treeish
ok 1151 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 22 - rev-parse --disambiguate
ok 19 - #6f: GIT_DIR set, core.worktree=../.. (relative)
ok 1152 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 23 - rev-parse --disambiguate drops duplicates
ok 1153 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 20 - #7: setup
ok 24 - ambiguous 40-hex ref
ok 25 - ambiguous short sha1 ref
ok 1154 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 26 - ambiguity errors are not repeated (raw)
ok 21 - #7: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1155 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 27 - ambiguity errors are not repeated (treeish)
ok 1156 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 28 - ambiguity errors are not repeated (peel)
ok 1157 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 22 - #7: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 1158 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 29 - ambiguity hints
ok 1159 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 30 - ambiguity hints respect type
ok 31 - failed type-selector still shows hint
ok 23 - #7: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 32 - core.disambiguate config can prefer types
ok 33 - core.disambiguate does not override context
ok 1160 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 1161 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1162 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 34 - ambiguous commits are printed by type first, then hash order
ok 24 - #7: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1163 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1164 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 35 - cat-file --batch and --batch-check show ambiguous
ok 61 - git read-tree -u --reset: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
# still have 3 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 32 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1165 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 25 - #7: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - empty prefix -- file
ok 3 - valid prefix -- file
ok 1166 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 26 - #7: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 4 - valid prefix -- ../file
ok 1167 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 5 - empty prefix HEAD:./path
ok 1168 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 27 - #8: gitfile, easy case
ok 6 - valid prefix HEAD:./path
ok 1169 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 7 - valid prefix HEAD:../path
ok 1170 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 8 - prefix ignored with HEAD:top
ok 1171 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 9 - disambiguate path with valid prefix
ok 28 - #9: GIT_WORK_TREE accepted with gitfile
ok 10 - file and refs with prefix
ok 11 - two-levels deep
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 29 - #10: GIT_DIR can point to gitfile
ok 1172 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 1173 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 30 - #10b: relative GIT_DIR can point to gitfile
ok 1174 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1175 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 31 - #11: setup
ok 1176 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1177 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 32 - #11: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1 - setup
ok 1178 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 2 - @{push} with default=nothing
ok 1179 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 62 - git read-tree -u --reset: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 33 - #11: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 1180 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 3 - @{push} with default=simple
ok 1181 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 4 - triangular @{push} fails with default=simple
ok 1182 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 5 - @{push} with default=current
ok 1183 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 6 - @{push} with default=matching
ok 34 - #11: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 7 - @{push} with pushremote defined
ok 35 - #11: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 8 - @{push} with push refspecs
ok 1184 - ls-files --eol attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 1185 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 9 - resolving @{push} fails with a detached HEAD
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1186 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1187 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 36 - #11: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1188 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1 - set up non-repo directory
ok 1189 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 2 - rev-parse --sq-quote
ok 3 - rev-parse --local-env-vars
ok 4 - rev-parse --resolve-git-dir
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 37 - #11: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
*** ***
ok 1190 - ls-files --eol attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 1 - setup
ok 38 - #12: core.worktree with gitfile is accepted
ok 1191 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 2 - bogus GIT_INDEX_VERSION issues warning
ok 1192 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1193 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 39 - #13: core.worktree+GIT_WORK_TREE accepted (with gitfile)
ok 63 - git read-tree -u --reset: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 1194 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 3 - out of bounds GIT_INDEX_VERSION issues warning
ok 1195 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 4 - no warning with bogus GIT_INDEX_VERSION and existing index
ok 5 - out of bounds index.version issues warning
ok 1196 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 1197 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 1198 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1199 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 64 - git read-tree -u --reset: added submodule does remove untracked unignored file with same name when forced
# still have 11 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 53 test(s)
ok 1200 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
*** ***
ok 1201 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 6 - index version config precedence
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - create tree with null sha1
ok 1202 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf
ok 2 - read-tree refuses to read null sha1
ok 1203 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 3 - GIT_ALLOW_NULL_SHA1 overrides refusal
ok 4 - git write-tree refuses to write null sha1
ok 1204 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 40 - #14: core.worktree with GIT_DIR pointing to gitfile
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 1 - setup
*** ***
ok 1205 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - enable split index
ok 1206 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1207 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 3 - add one file
ok 1 - setup
ok 4 - disable split index
ok 2 - split the index while adding a racily clean file #0
ok 1208 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 1209 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 5 - enable split index again, "one" now belongs to base index"
ok 41 - #14b: core.worktree is relative to actual git dir
ok 3 - split the index while adding a racily clean file #1
ok 1210 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 42 - #15: setup
ok 4 - split the index while adding a racily clean file #2
ok 6 - modify original file, base index untouched
ok 1211 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1212 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 5 - split the index while adding a racily clean file #3
ok 1213 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 7 - add another file, which stays index
ok 6 - split the index while adding a racily clean file #4
ok 8 - remove file not in base index
ok 43 - #15: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 7 - add a racily clean file to an already split index #0
ok 9 - remove file in base index
ok 1214 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf
ok 8 - add a racily clean file to an already split index #1
ok 10 - add original file back
ok 1215 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 9 - add a racily clean file to an already split index #2
ok 1216 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 44 - #15: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 11 - add new file
ok 10 - add a racily clean file to an already split index #3
ok 1217 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 12 - unify index, two files remain
ok 11 - add a racily clean file to an already split index #4
ok 1218 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1219 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 13 - rev-parse --shared-index-path
ok 45 - #15: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 14 - set core.splitIndex config variable to true
ok 1220 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 46 - #15: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1221 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 15 - set core.splitIndex config variable to false
ok 1222 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1223 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 47 - #15: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1224 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 16 - set core.splitIndex config variable back to true
ok 1225 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 17 - check behavior with splitIndex.maxPercentChange unset
ok 48 - #15: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 18 - check splitIndex.maxPercentChange set to 0
ok 1226 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 1227 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 49 - #16a: implicitly bare repo (cwd inside .git dir)
ok 1228 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1229 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 19 - shared index files expire after 2 weeks by default
ok 1230 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1231 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 50 - #16b: bare .git (cwd inside .git dir)
ok 20 - check splitIndex.sharedIndexExpire set to 16 days
ok 51 - #16c: bare .git has no worktree
ok 21 - check splitIndex.sharedIndexExpire set to "never" and "now"
ok 1232 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 52 - #16d: bareness preserved across alias
ok 1233 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1234 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 53 - #16e: bareness preserved by --bare
ok 22 - same mode for index & split index
ok 1235 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1236 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 23 - split index respects core.sharedrepository 0666
ok 1237 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 24 - split index respects core.sharedrepository 0642
ok 1238 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 1239 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1240 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1241 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 54 - #17: GIT_WORK_TREE without explicit GIT_DIR is accepted (bare case)
ok 1242 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 25 - graceful handling when splitting index is not allowed
ok 1243 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 26 - writing split index with null sha1 does not write cache tree
ok 1244 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 55 - #18: bare .git named by GIT_DIR has no worktree
ok 1245 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 56 - #19: setup
ok 12 - split the index when the index contains a racily clean cache entry #0
ok 1246 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 27 - do not refresh null base index
# passed all 27 test(s)
ok 1247 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
*** ***
ok 57 - #19: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1248 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1249 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1 - git update-index --add various paths.
ok 58 - #19: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 2 - git checkout-index without -f should fail on conflicting work tree.
ok 3 - git checkout-index with -f should succeed.
ok 4 - git checkout-index conflicting paths.
ok 1250 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 1251 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 5 - checkout-index -f twice with --prefix
ok 59 - #19: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 1252 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 6 - git update-index --add path2/file0
ok 1253 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 7 - writing tree out with git write-tree
ok 1254 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 8 - git update-index --add path3/file1
ok 9 - writing tree out with git write-tree
ok 1255 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 60 - #19: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 10 - read previously written tree and checkout.
ok 11 - add a symlink
ok 12 - writing tree out with git write-tree
ok 13 - read previously written tree and checkout.
ok 14 - checking out conflicting path with -f
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 1256 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
*** ***
ok 61 - #19: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1257 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1258 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1259 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1 - preparation
ok 1260 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 62 - #19: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 2 - without -u, git checkout-index smudges stat information.
ok 3 - with -u, git checkout-index picks up stat information from new files.
ok 1261 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 63 - #20a: core.worktree without GIT_DIR accepted (inside .git)
ok 1262 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 64 - #20b/c: core.worktree and core.bare conflict
ok 1 - setup
ok 1263 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1264 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 2 - have symlink in place where dir is expected.
ok 65 - #20d: core.worktree and core.bare OK when working tree not needed
ok 1265 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - use --prefix=path2/
ok 66 - #21: setup, core.worktree warns before overriding core.bare
ok 4 - use --prefix=tmp-
ok 1266 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 5 - use --prefix=tmp- but with a conflicting file and dir
ok 1267 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 6 - use --prefix=tmp/orary/ where tmp is a symlink
ok 7 - use --prefix=tmp/orary- where tmp is a symlink
ok 8 - use --prefix=tmp- where tmp-path1 is a symlink
ok 67 - #21: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1268 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 1269 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 9 - apply filter from working tree .gitattributes with --prefix
ok 1270 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 68 - #21: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 10 - apply CRLF filter from working tree .gitattributes with --prefix
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 1271 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
*** ***
ok 1272 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1273 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 13 - split the index when the index contains a racily clean cache entry #1
ok 69 - #21: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 1 - setup
ok 1274 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 2 - checkout one stage 0 to temporary file
ok 1275 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 70 - #21: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1276 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1277 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1278 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 3 - checkout all stage 0 to temporary files
ok 4 - setup 3-way merge
ok 71 - #21: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1279 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 5 - checkout one stage 2 to temporary file
ok 72 - #21: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 1280 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 6 - checkout all stage 2 to temporary files
ok 7 - checkout all stages/one file to nothing
ok 1281 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1282 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 8 - checkout all stages/one file to temporary files
ok 1283 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 9 - checkout some stages/one file to temporary files
ok 1284 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 10 - checkout all stages/all files to temporary files
ok 1285 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 11 - -- path0: no entry
ok 73 - #22a: core.worktree = GIT_DIR = .git dir
ok 12 - -- path1: all 3 stages
ok 13 - -- path2: no stage 1, have stage 2 and 3
ok 1286 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 14 - -- path3: no stage 2, have stage 1 and 3
ok 1287 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 15 - -- path4: no stage 3, have stage 1 and 3
ok 1288 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 16 - -- asubdir/path5: no stage 2 and 3 have stage 1
ok 1289 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1290 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 17 - checkout --temp within subdir
ok 1291 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 74 - #22b: core.worktree child of .git, GIT_DIR=.git
ok 18 - checkout --temp symlink
ok 19 - emit well-formed relative path
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1292 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 1293 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1 - preparation
ok 1294 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 2 - the checked-out symlink must be a file
ok 1295 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 3 - the file must be the blob we added during the setup
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 75 - #22c: core.worktree = .git/.., GIT_DIR=.git
*** ***
ok 1296 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1297 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 76 - #22.2: core.worktree and core.bare conflict
ok 77 - #23: setup
ok 1 - checkout-index --gobbledegook
ok 14 - split the index when the index contains a racily clean cache entry #2
ok 1298 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 2 - checkout-index -h in broken repository
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 1299 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
*** ***
ok 1300 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 78 - #23: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1301 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1302 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1303 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 79 - #23: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 1 - setup
ok 1304 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 2 - switch from symlink to dir
ok 3 - Remove temporary directories & switch to master
ok 1305 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 4 - switch from dir to symlink
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 80 - #23: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
*** ***
ok 1306 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1307 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1308 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 81 - #23: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1 - setup
ok 1309 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 2 - remove and restore with relative path
ok 1310 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 3 - checkout with empty prefix
ok 1311 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 82 - #23: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1312 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 4 - checkout with simple prefix
ok 1313 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 5 - checkout with complex relative path
ok 1314 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 6 - relative path outside tree should fail
ok 1315 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 7 - incorrect relative path to file should fail (1)
ok 83 - #23: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 8 - incorrect relative path should fail (2)
ok 9 - incorrect relative path should fail (3)
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 84 - #24: bare repo has no worktree (gitfile case)
ok 1316 - ls-files --eol attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 1317 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 85 - #25: GIT_WORK_TREE accepted if GIT_DIR unset (bare gitfile case)
ok 1318 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 1319 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1320 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 2 - branch switching
ok 1321 - checkout attr=-text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 86 - #26: bare repo has no worktree (GIT_DIR -> gitfile case)
ok 3 - path checkout
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 87 - #27: setup
*** ***
ok 1322 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 1323 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1324 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 1325 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 88 - #27: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1326 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 2 - reference must be a tree
ok 1327 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 15 - split the index when the index contains a racily clean cache entry #3
ok 3 - branch switching
ok 4 - checkout world from the index
ok 89 - #27: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 5 - non ambiguous call
ok 6 - allow the most common case
ok 7 - check ambiguity
ok 1328 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 8 - check ambiguity in subdir
ok 90 - #27: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 1329 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 9 - disambiguate checking out from a tree-ish
ok 1330 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 10 - accurate error message with more than one ref
ok 1331 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1332 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 91 - #27: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1333 - checkout attr=text ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - checkout should not start branch from a tree
ok 92 - #27: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 3 - checkout master from invalid HEAD
ok 1334 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 1335 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 93 - #27: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 1336 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1337 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1338 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 94 - #28: core.worktree and core.bare conflict (gitfile case)
ok 1339 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=lf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 95 - #29: setup
ok 4 - checkout notices failure to lock HEAD
ok 5 - create ref directory/file conflict scenario
ok 6 - checkout away from d/f HEAD (unpacked, to branch)
ok 7 - checkout away from d/f HEAD (unpacked, to detached)
ok 1340 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 8 - pack refs
ok 1341 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 96 - #29: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 9 - checkout away from d/f HEAD (packed, to branch)
ok 1342 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 10 - checkout away from d/f HEAD (packed, to detached)
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 1343 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
*** ***
ok 1344 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 97 - #29: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 1345 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol=crlf core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - "checkout -" does not work initially
ok 98 - #29: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 3 - first branch switch
ok 1346 - ls-files --eol attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 4 - "checkout -" switches back
ok 1347 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 5 - "checkout -" switches forth
ok 1348 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 99 - #29: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 6 - detach HEAD
ok 1349 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 7 - "checkout -" attaches again
ok 1350 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1351 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 8 - "checkout -" detaches again
ok 100 - #29: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1352 - ls-files --eol attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 16 - split the index when the index contains a racily clean cache entry #4
ok 101 - #29: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
ok 9 - more switches
ok 1353 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1354 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 102 - #30: core.worktree and core.bare conflict (gitfile version)
ok 1355 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1356 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 103 - #31: setup
ok 1357 - checkout attr= ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 10 - switch to the last
ok 1358 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 104 - #31: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR at toplevel
ok 1359 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1360 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1361 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 11 - switch to second from the last
ok 1362 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 105 - #31: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR in subdir
ok 1363 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 106 - #31: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from parent of worktree
ok 12 - switch to third from the last
ok 1364 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native
ok 1365 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1366 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1367 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1368 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 107 - #31: explicit GIT_WORK_TREE from nephew of worktree
ok 1369 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=true core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 13 - switch to fourth from the last
ok 108 - #31: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree, not git dir
ok 1370 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 1371 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 14 - switch to twelfth from the last
ok 1372 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1373 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 15 - merge base test setup
ok 109 - #31: chdir_to_toplevel uses worktree (from subdir)
# passed all 109 test(s)
ok 1374 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 16 - another...master
ok 1375 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
*** ***
ok 17 - ...master
ok 18 - master...
ok 1376 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native
ok 19 - "checkout -" works after a rebase A
ok 1377 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1378 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1379 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 20 - "checkout -" works after a rebase A B
ok 1380 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1 - setup
ok 17 - update the split index when it contains a new racily clean cache entry #0
ok 21 - "checkout -" works after a rebase -i A
ok 1381 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=input core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 2 - "reset <submodule>" updates the index
ok 22 - "checkout -" works after a rebase -i A B
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1382 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf
ok 3 - "checkout <submodule>" updates the index only
ok 1383 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF
ok 4 - "checkout <submodule>" honors diff.ignoreSubmodules
ok 1384 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - "checkout <submodule>" honors submodule.*.ignore from .gitmodules
ok 1385 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - check all changes are staged
ok 6 - "checkout <submodule>" honors submodule.*.ignore from .git/config
ok 3 - second commit
ok 1386 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 4 - check
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1387 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=crlf file=LF_nul
ok 1388 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf
ok 1389 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF
ok 1 - setup
ok 1390 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF
ok 2 - checkout from unborn preserves untracked files
ok 1391 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1392 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_mix_CR
ok 3 - checkout from unborn preserves index contents
ok 4 - checkout from unborn merges identical index contents
ok 1393 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=lf file=LF_nul
ok 5 - checking out another branch from unborn state
ok 6 - checking out in a newly created repo
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1394 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=
ok 1395 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF
ok 1396 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF
ok 1397 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1398 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1 - setup
ok 1399 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_nul
ok 1400 - ls-files --eol attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 1401 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1402 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1403 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 2 - saying "n" does nothing
ok 1404 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1405 - checkout attr=text ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 18 - update the split index when it contains a new racily clean cache entry #1
ok 1406 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=
ok 1407 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF
ok 3 - git checkout -p
ok 1408 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF
ok 1409 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1410 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1411 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol= file=LF_nul
ok 4 - git checkout -p with staged changes
ok 1412 - ls-files --eol attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native
ok 1413 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF
ok 1414 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF
ok 1415 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=CRLF_mix_LF
ok 1416 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_mix_CR
ok 1417 - checkout attr=auto ident aeol= core.autocrlf=false core.eol=native file=LF_nul
ok 1418 - ls-files --eol -d -z
# passed all 1418 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - git checkout -p HEAD with NO staged changes: abort
ok 1 - Setup
ok 2 - --orphan creates a new orphan branch from HEAD
ok 3 - --orphan creates a new orphan branch from <start_point>
ok 6 - git checkout -p HEAD with NO staged changes: apply
ok 4 - --orphan must be rejected with -b
ok 5 - --orphan must be rejected with -t
ok 6 - --orphan ignores branch.autosetupmerge
ok 7 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out
ok 7 - --orphan makes reflog by default
ok 8 - --orphan does not make reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates = false
ok 19 - update the split index when it contains a new racily clean cache entry #2
ok 7 - git checkout -p HEAD with change already staged
ok 9 - --orphan with -l makes reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates = false
ok 10 - giving up --orphan not committed when -l and core.logAllRefUpdates = false deletes reflog
ok 11 - --orphan is rejected with an existing name
ok 12 - --orphan refuses to switch if a merge is needed
ok 8 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out in empty dir
ok 8 - git checkout -p HEAD^
ok 13 - cannot --detach on an unborn branch
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - checkout -b to a new branch, set to HEAD
ok 9 - git checkout -p handles deletion
ok 3 - checkout -b to a merge base
ok 4 - checkout -b to a new branch, set to an explicit ref
ok 5 - checkout -b to a new branch with unmergeable changes fails
ok 6 - checkout -f -b to a new branch with unmergeable changes discards changes
ok 10 - path limiting works: dir
ok 7 - checkout -b to a new branch preserves mergeable changes
ok 8 - checkout -f -b to a new branch with mergeable changes discards changes
ok 9 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: submodule branch is not changed, detach HEAD instead
ok 9 - checkout -b to an existing branch fails
ok 10 - checkout -b to @{-1} fails with the right branch name
ok 11 - path limiting works: -- dir
ok 11 - checkout -B to an existing branch resets branch to HEAD
ok 12 - checkout -B to a merge base
ok 13 - checkout -B to an existing branch from detached HEAD resets branch to HEAD
ok 20 - update the split index when it contains a new racily clean cache entry #3
ok 14 - checkout -B to an existing branch with an explicit ref resets branch to that ref
ok 15 - checkout -B to an existing branch with unmergeable changes fails
ok 12 - path limiting works: HEAD^ -- dir
ok 16 - checkout -f -B to an existing branch with unmergeable changes discards changes
ok 10 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace tracked file with submodule checks out submodule
ok 17 - checkout -B to an existing branch preserves mergeable changes
ok 13 - path limiting works: foo inside dir
ok 18 - checkout -f -B to an existing branch with mergeable changes discards changes
ok 14 - none of this moved HEAD
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 19 - checkout -b <describe>
ok 20 - checkout -B to the current branch works
ok 21 - checkout -b after clone --no-checkout does a checkout of HEAD
# passed all 21 test(s)
ok 11 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace directory with submodule
ok 1 - setup ambiguous refs
*** ***
ok 2 - checkout ambiguous ref succeeds
ok 3 - checkout produces ambiguity warning
ok 4 - checkout chooses branch over tag
ok 5 - checkout reports switch to branch
ok 6 - checkout vague ref succeeds
ok 7 - checkout produces ambiguity warning
ok 8 - checkout chooses branch over tag
ok 1 - setup
ok 9 - checkout reports switch to branch
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - checkout branch does not detach
ok 3 - checkout tag detaches
ok 4 - checkout branch by full name detaches
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - checkout non-ref detaches
ok 21 - update the split index when it contains a new racily clean cache entry #4
ok 2 - create a commit where dir a/b changed to file
ok 6 - checkout ref^0 detaches
ok 3 - checkout commit with dir must not remove untracked a/b
ok 7 - checkout --detach detaches
ok 8 - checkout --detach without branch name
ok 4 - create a commit where dir a/b changed to symlink
ok 12 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: removed submodule removes submodules working tree
ok 9 - checkout --detach errors out for non-commit
ok 5 - checkout commit with dir must not remove untracked a/b
ok 6 - the symlink remained
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 10 - checkout --detach errors out for extra argument
*** ***
ok 11 - checkout --detached and -b are incompatible
ok 12 - checkout --detach moves HEAD
ok 13 - checkout warns on orphan commits
ok 1 - setup
ok 14 - checkout warns on orphan commits: output
ok 15 - checkout warns orphaning 1 of 2 commits
ok 2 - checking out paths out of a tree does not clobber unrelated paths
ok 16 - checkout warns orphaning 1 of 2 commits: output
ok 17 - checkout does not warn leaving ref tip
ok 3 - do not touch unmerged entries matching $path but not in $tree
ok 18 - checkout does not warn leaving ref tip
ok 19 - checkout does not warn leaving reachable commit
ok 20 - checkout does not warn leaving reachable commit
ok 4 - do not touch files that are already up-to-date
ok 13 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: removed submodule absorbs submodules .git directory
ok 21 - tracking count is accurate after orphan check
ok 5 - checkout HEAD adds deleted intent-to-add file back to index
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 22 - update the split index when a racily clean cache entry is stored only in the shared index #0
ok 22 - no advice given for explicit detached head state
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - git merge master
ok 23 - describe_detached_head prints no SHA-1 ellipsis when not asked to
ok 3 - -m restores 2-way conflicted+resolved file
ok 4 - -m restores 3-way conflicted+resolved file
ok 14 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file
ok 24 - describe_detached_head does print SHA-1 ellipsis when asked to
# passed all 24 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - force checkout a conflict file creates stage zero entry
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - checkout --no-overlay deletes files not in <tree-ish>
ok 3 - checkout --no-overlay removing last file from directory
ok 4 - checkout -p --overlay is disallowed
ok 5 - --no-overlay --theirs with D/F conflict deletes file
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 15 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file must fail with untracked files # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - checkout of non-existing branch fails
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails #1
ok 2 - --pathspec-from-file from stdin
ok 23 - update the split index when a racily clean cache entry is stored only in the shared index #1
ok 3 - --pathspec-from-file from file
ok 4 - checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails with advice
ok 4 - NUL delimiters
ok 5 - LF delimiters
ok 6 - no trailing delimiter
ok 7 - CRLF delimiters
ok 5 - checkout -p with multiple remotes does not print advice
ok 8 - quotes
ok 6 - checkout of branch from multiple remotes succeeds with checkout.defaultRemote #1
ok 9 - quotes not compatible with --pathspec-file-nul
ok 10 - only touches what was listed
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 7 - checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #1
*** ***
ok 16 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 8 - checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #2
ok 9 - --no-guess suppresses branch auto-vivification
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - add records switch clears
ok 24 - update the split index when a racily clean cache entry is stored only in the shared index #2
ok 17 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: updating to a missing submodule commit fails
ok 10 - setup more remotes with unconventional refspecs
ok 3 - rm records reset clears
ok 11 - checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails #2
ok 12 - checkout of branch from multiple remotes fails #3
ok 4 - plumbing clears
ok 13 - checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #3
ok 5 - add records checkout -m undoes
ok 14 - checkout of branch from a single remote succeeds #4
ok 18 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: added submodule doesn't remove untracked file with same name
ok 6 - unmerge with plumbing
ok 15 - checkout of branch with a file having the same name fails
ok 16 - checkout of branch with a file in subdir having the same name fails
ok 7 - rerere and rerere forget
ok 17 - checkout <branch> -- succeeds, even if a file with the same name exists
ok 19 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: added submodule removes an untracked ignored file
ok 18 - loosely defined local base branch is reported correctly
ok 8 - rerere and rerere forget (subdirectory)
ok 19 - reject when arg could be part of dwim branch
ok 9 - rerere forget (binary)
ok 20 - disambiguate dwim branch and checkout path (1)
ok 10 - rerere forget (add-add conflict)
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 21 - disambiguate dwim branch and checkout path (2)
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - Setting up post-commit hook
ok 25 - update the split index when a racily clean cache entry is stored only in the shared index #3
ok 2 - post-commit hook used ordinarily
ok 3 - post-commit-hook created and used from top dir
ok 1 - setup
ok 4 - post-commit-hook from sub dir
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - switch branch no arguments
ok 3 - switch branch
ok 4 - switch and detach
ok 5 - switch and detach current branch
not ok 20 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a directory # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - switch and create branch
ok 2 - restore without pathspec is not ok
ok 3 - restore a file, ignoring branch of same name
ok 7 - force create branch from HEAD
ok 4 - restore a file on worktree from another ref
ok 5 - restore a file in the index from another ref
ok 8 - new orphan branch from empty
ok 9 - switching ignores file of same branch name
ok 6 - restore a file in both the index and worktree from another ref
ok 7 - restore --staged uses HEAD as source
ok 10 - guess and create branch 
ok 11 - not switching when something is in progress
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - restore --ignore-unmerged ignores unmerged entries
ok 9 - restore --staged adds deleted intent-to-add file back to index
ok 1 - setup
not ok 21 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must absorb the git dir # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - restore --staged invalidates cache tree for deletions
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - restore -p without pathspec is fine
ok 26 - update the split index when a racily clean cache entry is stored only in the shared index #4
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - --pathspec-from-file from stdin
ok 3 - --pathspec-from-file from file
ok 3 - saying "n" does nothing
ok 4 - NUL delimiters
ok 5 - LF delimiters
ok 6 - no trailing delimiter
ok 7 - CRLF delimiters
ok 8 - quotes
ok 4 - git restore -p
ok 22 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file works ignores ignored files in submodule
ok 9 - quotes not compatible with --pathspec-file-nul
ok 10 - only touches what was listed
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - git update-index --add to add various paths.
ok 2 - git update-index to add conflicting path path0/file0 should fail.
ok 5 - git restore -p with staged changes
ok 3 - git update-index to add conflicting path path1/file1 should fail.
ok 4 - git update-index to add conflicting path path2 should fail.
ok 5 - git update-index to add conflicting path path3 should fail.
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - update-index --add
ok 6 - git restore -p --source=HEAD
ok 2 - update-index --again
ok 3 - update-index --remove --again
ok 4 - first commit
ok 5 - update-index again
ok 6 - update-index --update from subdir
ok 7 - update-index --update with pathspec
# passed all 7 test(s)
ok 23 - git -c submodule.recurse=true checkout: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
*** ***
ok 7 - git restore -p --source=HEAD^
ok 27 - update the split index after unpack trees() copied a racily clean cache entry from the shared index #0
ok 1 - preparation
ok 2 - modify the symbolic link
ok 3 - the index entry must still be a symbolic link
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - git restore -p handles deletion
ok 1 - basics
ok 2 - --ignore-missing --refresh
ok 3 - --unmerged --refresh
ok 9 - path limiting works: dir
ok 4 - --ignore-submodules --refresh (1)
ok 5 - --ignore-submodules --refresh (2)
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - index is at version 2
ok 3 - update-index --skip-worktree
ok 10 - path limiting works: -- dir
ok 4 - index is at version 3 after having some skip-worktree entries
ok 5 - ls-files -t
ok 6 - update-index --no-skip-worktree
ok 7 - index version is back to 2 when there is no skip-worktree entry
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 24 - git checkout --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule recursively
ok 1 - submodule with absolute .git file
ok 11 - path limiting works: HEAD^ -- dir
ok 2 - add gitlink to absolute .git file
ok 3 - submodule with relative .git file
ok 4 - add gitlink to relative .git file
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - path limiting works: foo inside dir
ok 13 - none of this moved HEAD
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 25 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out
ok 28 - update the split index after unpack trees() copied a racily clean cache entry from the shared index #1
ok 2 - do not switch branches with dirty file
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - update-index --nonsense fails
ok 2 - update-index --nonsense dumps usage
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - update
ok 3 - update-index -h with corrupt index
ok 3 - update noticed a removal
ok 4 - --cacheinfo complains of missing arguments
ok 4 - update touched correct path
ok 5 - update did not touch other tracked files
ok 5 - --cacheinfo does not accept blob null sha1
ok 6 - update did not touch untracked files
ok 7 - cache tree has not been corrupted
ok 8 - update from a subdirectory
ok 6 - --cacheinfo does not accept gitlink null sha1
ok 9 - change gets noticed
ok 26 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out in empty dir
ok 7 - --cacheinfo mode,sha1,path (new syntax)
ok 10 - non-qualified update in subdir updates from the root
ok 11 - replace a file with a symlink
ok 8 - .lock files cleaned up
ok 12 - add everything changed
ok 9 - --chmod=+x and chmod=-x in the same argument list
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 13 - touch and then add -u
*** ***
ok 14 - touch and then add explicitly
ok 15 - add -n -u should not add but just report
ok 1 - setup
ok 16 - add -u resolves unmerged paths
ok 17 - "add -u non-existent" should fail
# passed all 17 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - modify
ok 3 - diff-files
ok 4 - diff-index
ok 5 - add -u
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - commit -a
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 2 - git add --all
*** ***
ok 3 - Just "git add" is a no-op
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 27 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: submodule branch is not changed, detach HEAD instead
ok 1 - intent to add
ok 2 - git status
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - update the split index after unpack trees() copied a racily clean cache entry from the shared index #2
ok 2 - no complaints for unignored file
ok 3 - git status with porcelain v2
ok 3 - no complaints for unignored dir/file
ok 4 - check result of "add -N"
ok 4 - no complaints for unignored dir
ok 5 - intent to add is just an ordinary empty blob
ok 5 - no complaints for unignored d*
ok 6 - complaints for ignored ign
ok 6 - intent to add does not clobber existing paths
ok 7 - complaints for ignored ign output
ok 8 - complaints for ignored ign with unignored file
ok 9 - complaints for ignored ign with unignored file output
ok 10 - complaints for ignored dir/ign
ok 7 - i-t-a entry is simply ignored
ok 11 - complaints for ignored dir/ign output
ok 28 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace tracked file with submodule checks out submodule
ok 8 - can commit with an unrelated i-t-a entry in index
ok 12 - complaints for ignored dir/ign with unignored file
ok 13 - complaints for ignored dir/ign with unignored file output
ok 9 - can "commit -a" with an i-t-a entry
ok 14 - complaints for ignored dir/sub
ok 15 - complaints for ignored dir/sub output
ok 16 - complaints for ignored dir/sub with unignored file
ok 10 - cache-tree invalidates i-t-a paths
ok 17 - complaints for ignored dir/sub with unignored file output
ok 18 - complaints for ignored dir/sub/ign
ok 11 - cache-tree does not ignore dir that has i-t-a entries
ok 19 - complaints for ignored dir/sub/ign output
ok 20 - complaints for ignored dir/sub/ign with unignored file
ok 12 - cache-tree does skip dir that becomes empty
ok 21 - complaints for ignored dir/sub/ign with unignored file output
ok 22 - complaints for ignored sub/file
ok 13 - commit: ita entries ignored in empty initial commit check
ok 23 - complaints for ignored sub/file output
ok 24 - complaints for ignored sub/file with unignored file
ok 25 - complaints for ignored sub/file with unignored file output
ok 29 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace directory with submodule
ok 14 - commit: ita entries ignored in empty commit check
ok 26 - complaints for ignored sub
ok 27 - complaints for ignored sub output
ok 28 - complaints for ignored sub with unignored file
ok 29 - complaints for ignored sub with unignored file output
ok 30 - complaints for ignored sub/file
ok 31 - complaints for ignored sub/file output
ok 15 - rename detection finds the right names
ok 32 - complaints for ignored sub/file with unignored file
ok 33 - complaints for ignored sub/file with unignored file output
ok 34 - complaints for ignored sub/ign
ok 35 - complaints for ignored sub/ign output
ok 36 - complaints for ignored sub/ign with unignored file
ok 16 - double rename detection in status
ok 37 - complaints for ignored sub/ign with unignored file output
ok 38 - complaints for ignored sub in dir
ok 17 - diff-files/diff-cached shows ita as new/not-new files
ok 39 - complaints for ignored sub in dir output
ok 40 - complaints for ignored sub/file in dir
ok 18 - "diff HEAD" includes ita as new files
ok 41 - complaints for ignored sub/file in dir output
ok 42 - complaints for ignored sub/ign in dir
ok 43 - complaints for ignored sub/ign in dir output
ok 19 - apply --intent-to-add
ok 44 - complaints for ignored ign in sub
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 45 - complaints for ignored ign in sub output
ok 46 - complaints for ignored file in sub
ok 47 - complaints for ignored file in sub output
# passed all 47 test(s)
*** ***
ok 30 - update the split index after unpack trees() copied a racily clean cache entry from the shared index #3
ok 1 - at physical root
ok 1 - setup
ok 30 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: removed submodule removes submodules working tree
ok 2 - "add" an existing worktree
ok 2 - at physical subdir
ok 3 - "add" an existing empty worktree
ok 4 - "add" using shorthand - fails when no previous branch
ok 3 - at symbolic root
ok 5 - "add" using - shorthand
ok 6 - "add" refuses to checkout locked branch
ok 4 - at symbolic subdir
ok 7 - checking out paths not complaining about linked checkouts
ok 5 - at internal symbolic subdir
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - "add" worktree
ok 9 - "add" worktree with lock
ok 10 - "add" worktree from a subdir
ok 1 - initialize
ok 11 - "add" from a linked checkout
ok 2 - worktree prune on normal repo
ok 3 - prune files inside $GIT_DIR/worktrees
ok 12 - "add" worktree creating new branch
ok 4 - prune directories without gitdir
ok 13 - die the same branch is already checked out
ok 14 - die the same branch is already checked out (symlink)
ok 31 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: removed submodule absorbs submodules .git directory
ok 5 - prune directories with unreadable gitdir
ok 15 - not die the same branch is already checked out
ok 6 - prune directories with invalid gitdir
ok 16 - not die on re-checking out current branch
ok 7 - prune directories with gitdir pointing to nowhere
ok 8 - not prune locked checkout
ok 17 - "add" from a bare repo
ok 18 - checkout from a bare repo without "add"
ok 9 - not prune recent checkouts
ok 19 - "add" default branch of a bare repo
ok 10 - not prune proper checkouts
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 20 - checkout with grafts
ok 2 - rev-parse --git-common-dir on main worktree
ok 3 - rev-parse --git-path objects linked worktree
ok 21 - "add" from relative HEAD
ok 4 - "list" all worktrees from main
ok 22 - "add -b" with <branch> omitted
ok 31 - update the split index after unpack trees() copied a racily clean cache entry from the shared index #4
# passed all 31 test(s)
*** ***
ok 32 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file
ok 23 - "add --detach" with <branch> omitted
ok 5 - "list" all worktrees from linked
ok 24 - "add" with <branch> omitted
ok 25 - "add" checks out existing branch of dwimd name
ok 6 - "list" all worktrees --porcelain
ok 26 - "add <path>" dwim fails with checked out branch
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - lock main worktree
ok 3 - lock linked worktree
ok 27 - "add --force" with existing dwimd name doesnt die
ok 7 - bare repo setup
ok 4 - lock linked worktree from another worktree
ok 28 - "add" no auto-vivify with --detach and <branch> omitted
ok 29 - "add" -b/-B mutually exclusive
ok 8 - "list" all worktrees from bare main
ok 5 - lock worktree twice
ok 30 - "add" -b/--detach mutually exclusive
ok 6 - lock worktree twice (from the locked worktree)
ok 31 - "add" -B/--detach mutually exclusive
ok 7 - unlock main worktree
ok 9 - "list" all worktrees --porcelain from bare main
ok 32 - "add -B" fails if the branch is checked out
ok 8 - unlock linked worktree
ok 9 - unlock worktree twice
ok 10 - "list" all worktrees from linked with a bare main
ok 10 - move non-worktree
ok 11 - bare repo cleanup
ok 33 - add -B
ok 11 - move locked worktree
not ok 33 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file must fail with untracked files # TODO known breakage
ok 34 - add --quiet
ok 12 - move worktree
ok 13 - move main worktree
ok 35 - local clone from linked checkout
ok 12 - broken main worktree still at the top
ok 14 - move worktree to another dir
ok 36 - local clone --shared from linked checkout
ok 15 - move locked worktree (force)
ok 37 - "add" worktree with --no-checkout
ok 38 - "add" worktree with --checkout
ok 13 - linked worktrees are sorted
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 39 - put a worktree under rebase
ok 40 - add a worktree, checking out a rebased branch
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - config --worktree in single worktree
ok 41 - checking out a rebased branch from another worktree
ok 42 - not allow to delete a branch under rebase
ok 3 - add worktrees
ok 43 - rename a branch under rebase not allowed
ok 16 - move a repo with uninitialized submodule
ok 4 - config --worktree without extension
ok 5 - enable worktreeConfig extension
ok 44 - check out from current worktree branch ok
ok 6 - config is shared as before
ok 7 - config is shared (set from another worktree)
ok 8 - config private to main worktree
ok 17 - not move a repo with initialized submodule
ok 9 - config private to linked worktree
ok 18 - remove main worktree
ok 10 - core.bare no longer for main only
ok 19 - remove locked worktree
ok 34 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 11 - per-worktree core.bare is picked up
ok 20 - remove worktree with dirty tracked file
ok 21 - remove worktree with untracked file
ok 12 - config.worktree no longer read without extension
ok 45 - checkout a branch under bisect
ok 22 - force remove worktree with untracked file
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 46 - rename a branch under bisect not allowed
ok 23 - remove missing worktree
ok 47 - --track sets up tracking
ok 24 - NOT remove missing-but-locked worktree
ok 25 - proper error when worktree not found
ok 26 - remove locked worktree (force)
ok 27 - remove cleans up .git/worktrees when empty
ok 48 - --no-track avoids setting up tracking
ok 49 - "add" <path> <non-existent-branch> fails
ok 28 - remove a repo with uninitialized submodule
ok 1 - setup: create origin repos
ok 35 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: updating to a missing submodule commit fails
ok 50 - "add" <path> <branch> dwims
ok 29 - not remove a repo with initialized submodule
# passed all 29 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - setup: clone superproject to create main worktree
ok 3 - add superproject worktree
ok 1 - setup 
not ok 4 - submodule is checked out just after worktree add # TODO known breakage
ok 2 - setup: expected output
ok 3 - ls-files --others
ok 4 - ls-files --others --directory
ok 36 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: added submodule does remove untracked unignored file with same name when forced
ok 5 - --no-empty-directory hides empty directory
ok 6 - ls-files --others handles non-submodule .git
ok 51 - "add" <path> <branch> dwims with checkout.defaultRemote
ok 5 - add superproject worktree and initialize submodules
ok 6 - submodule is checked out just after submodule update in linked worktree
ok 7 - ls-files --others with symlinked submodule
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - add superproject worktree and manually add submodule worktree
ok 8 - submodule is checked out after manually adding submodule worktree
ok 52 - git worktree add does not match remote
ok 1 - git ls-files --others with various exclude options.
ok 2 - git ls-files --others with \r\n line endings.
ok 3 - setup skip-worktree gitignore
ok 4 - git ls-files --others with various exclude options.
ok 5 - restore gitignore
ok 6 - git status honors core.excludesfile
ok 7 - trailing slash in exclude allows directory match(1)
ok 8 - trailing slash in exclude allows directory match (2)
ok 9 - trailing slash in exclude forces directory match (1)
ok 53 - git worktree add --guess-remote sets up tracking
ok 10 - trailing slash in exclude forces directory match (2)
ok 37 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a directory
ok 11 - negated exclude matches can override previous ones
ok 12 - excluded directory overrides content patterns
ok 9 - checkout --recurse-submodules uses $GIT_DIR for submodules in a linked worktree
ok 13 - negated directory doesn't affect content patterns
ok 14 - subdirectory ignore (setup)
ok 15 - subdirectory ignore (toplevel)
ok 16 - subdirectory ignore (l1/l2)
ok 17 - subdirectory ignore (l1)
ok 18 - show/hide empty ignored directory (setup)
ok 19 - show empty ignored directory with --directory
ok 54 - git worktree add with worktree.guessRemote sets up tracking
ok 20 - hide empty ignored directory with --no-empty-directory
ok 10 - core.worktree is removed in $GIT_DIR/modules/<name>/config, not in $GIT_COMMON_DIR/modules/<name>/config
ok 21 - show/hide empty ignored sub-directory (setup)
ok 11 - unsetting core.worktree does not prevent running commands directly against the submodule repository
ok 22 - show empty ignored sub-directory with --directory
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 10 test(s)
ok 23 - hide empty ignored sub-directory with --no-empty-directory
*** ***
ok 24 - pattern matches prefix completely
ok 25 - ls-files with "**" patterns
ok 26 - ls-files with "**" patterns and no slashes
# passed all 26 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - git ls-files without path restriction.
ok 55 - git worktree --no-guess-remote option overrides config
ok 3 - git ls-files with path restriction.
ok 4 - git ls-files with path restriction with --.
ok 5 - git ls-files with path restriction with -- --.
ok 1 - create repo with file
ok 56 - "add" invokes post-checkout hook (branch)
ok 2 - ls-files output contains file (cached)
ok 6 - git ls-files with no path restriction.
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - ls-files output contains file (modified)
ok 4 - add file to gitignore
ok 38 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 5 - ls-files output contains file (cached)
ok 57 - "add" invokes post-checkout hook (detached)
ok 6 - ls-files output contains file (modified)
ok 1 - ls-files in empty repository
ok 58 - "add --no-checkout" suppresses post-checkout hook
ok 2 - ls-files with nonexistent path
ok 7 - ls-files -i lists only tracked-but-ignored files
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - ls-files with nonsense option
ok 59 - "add" in other worktree invokes post-checkout hook
ok 4 - ls-files -h in corrupt repository
ok 1 - prepare
ok 60 - "add" in bare repo invokes post-checkout hook
ok 2 - ls-files with mixed levels
ok 5 - ls-files with absolute paths to symlinks
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - ls-files -c
ok 61 - "add" an existing but missing worktree
ok 4 - ls-files -o
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 62 - "add" an existing locked but missing worktree
ok 2 - overly-long path by itself is not a problem
ok 3 - overly-long path does not replace another by mistake
ok 63 - sanitize generated worktree name
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 39 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file ignoring ignored files
ok 64 - "add" should not fail because of another bad worktree
ok 1 - setup directory structure and submodules
ok 1 - no buffer overflow in lazy_init_name_hash
# passed all 1 test(s)
ok 2 - ls-files correctly outputs files in submodule
*** ***
ok 3 - ls-files correctly outputs files in submodule with -z
ok 4 - ls-files does not output files not added to a repo
ok 1 - setup: directories
ok 40 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: modified submodule does update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 65 - "add" with uninitialized submodule, with submodule.recurse unset
ok 2 - ls-files --others handles untracked git repositories
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 66 - "add" with uninitialized submodule, with submodule.recurse set
ok 5 - ls-files recurses more than 1 level
ok 6 - ls-files works with GIT_DIR
ok 1 - git update-index --add to add various paths.
ok 67 - "add" with initialized submodule, with submodule.recurse unset
ok 2 - git ls-files -k to show killed files.
ok 68 - "add" with initialized submodule, with submodule.recurse set
ok 3 - git ls-files -k output (w/o icase)
# passed all 68 test(s)
ok 4 - git ls-files -k output (w/ icase)
ok 5 - git ls-files -m to show modified files.
*** ***
ok 6 - validate git ls-files -m output.
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - git ls-files --error-unmatch should fail with unmatched path.
ok 2 - git ls-files -o shows the right entries
ok 3 - git ls-files --error-unmatch should succeed with matched paths.
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 7 - --recurse-submodules and pathspecs setup
ok 3 - git ls-files -o --exclude-standard shows the right entries
*** ***
ok 4 - git ls-files -o untracked_dir recurses
ok 41 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: updating submodules fixes .git links
ok 5 - git ls-files -o untracked_dir/ recurses
ok 8 - inactive submodule
ok 6 - git ls-files -o --directory untracked_dir does not recurse
ok 9 - --recurse-submodules and pathspecs
ok 7 - git ls-files -o --directory untracked_dir/ does not recurse
ok 8 - git ls-files -o untracked_repo does not recurse
ok 10 - --recurse-submodules and pathspecs
ok 9 - git ls-files -o untracked_repo/ does not recurse
ok 11 - --recurse-submodules and pathspecs
ok 10 - git ls-files -o untracked_dir untracked_repo recurses into untracked_dir only
ok 1 - setup 1
ok 11 - git ls-files -o untracked_dir/ untracked_repo/ recurses into untracked_dir only
ok 12 - --recurse-submodules and pathspecs
ok 12 - git ls-files -o --directory untracked_dir untracked_repo does not recurse
ok 13 - --recurse-submodules and pathspecs
ok 13 - git ls-files -o --directory untracked_dir/ untracked_repo/ does not recurse
ok 14 - git ls-files -o .git shows nothing
ok 15 - git ls-files -o .git/ shows nothing
ok 2 - setup 2
ok 14 - --recurse-submodules and relative paths
ok 16 - git ls-files -o untracked_* recurses appropriately
ok 15 - --recurse-submodules does not support --error-unmatch
not ok 17 - git ls-files -o untracked_*/ recurses appropriately # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - git ls-files -o --directory untracked_* does not recurse
ok 16 - --recurse-submodules and --deleted are incompatible
ok 19 - git ls-files -o --directory untracked_*/ does not recurse
ok 3 - setup 3
ok 17 - --recurse-submodules and --modified are incompatible
ok 20 - git ls-files -o consistent between one or two dirs
ok 18 - --recurse-submodules and --others are incompatible
ok 19 - --recurse-submodules and --stage are incompatible
ok 21 - git status --ignored shows same files under dir with or without pathspec
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 20 test(s)
*** ***
ok 20 - --recurse-submodules and --killed are incompatible
ok 4 - setup 4
ok 21 - --recurse-submodules and --unmerged are incompatible
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 42 - git checkout -f --recurse-submodules: changed submodule worktree is reset
ok 5 - setup 5
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - naive merge fails
ok 6 - setup 6
ok 3 - --ignore-space-change makes merge succeed
ok 1 - setup repo with criss-cross history
ok 7 - setup 7
ok 2 - recursive merge between F and G does not cause segfault
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - naive cherry-pick fails
ok 5 - -Xignore-space-change makes cherry-pick succeed
ok 6 - --ignore-space-change: our w/s-only change wins
ok 8 - setup 8
ok 7 - --ignore-space-change: their real change wins over w/s
ok 9 - setup 9
ok 8 - --ignore-space-change: does not ignore new spaces
ok 10 - merge-recursive simple
ok 11 - merge-recursive result
ok 9 - --ignore-all-space drops their new spaces
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - --ignore-all-space keeps our new spaces
ok 12 - fail if the index has unresolved entries
ok 2 - merge an octopus into void
ok 11 - --ignore-space-at-eol
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 13 - merge-recursive remove conflict
*** ***
ok 43 - git checkout: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 14 - merge-recursive remove conflict
ok 15 - merge-recursive d/f simple
ok 16 - merge-recursive result
ok 17 - merge-recursive d/f conflict
ok 3 - merge an octopus, fast-forward (ff)
ok 18 - merge-recursive d/f conflict result
ok 19 - merge-recursive d/f conflict the other way
ok 20 - merge-recursive d/f conflict result the other way
ok 21 - merge-recursive d/f conflict
ok 1 - setup repo
ok 22 - merge-recursive d/f conflict result
ok 2 - setup thresholds
ok 23 - merge-recursive d/f conflict
ok 4 - merge octopus, non-fast-forward (ff)
ok 24 - merge-recursive d/f conflict result
ok 3 - assumption for tests: rename detection with diff
ok 4 - default similarity threshold is 50%
ok 25 - dir in working tree with symlink ancestor does not produce d/f conflict
ok 5 - merge octopus, fast-forward (does not ff)
ok 5 - low rename threshold
ok 26 - reset and 3-way merge
ok 44 - git checkout: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 6 - medium rename threshold
ok 27 - reset and bind merge
ok 7 - high rename threshold
ok 28 - merge-recursive w/ empty work tree - ours has rename
ok 6 - merge octopus, non-fast-forward
ok 29 - merge-recursive w/ empty work tree - theirs has rename
ok 8 - exact renames only
ok 30 - merge removes empty directories
ok 7 - merge FETCH_HEAD octopus into void
ok 9 - rename threshold is truncated
ok 31 - merge-recursive simple w/submodule
ok 32 - merge-recursive simple w/submodule result
ok 33 - merge-recursive copy vs. rename
ok 10 - disabled rename detection
not ok 34 - merge-recursive rename vs. rename/symlink # TODO known breakage
ok 11 - last wins in --find-renames=<m> --find-renames=<n>
ok 8 - merge FETCH_HEAD octopus fast-forward (ff)
ok 12 - --find-renames resets threshold
ok 35 - merging with triple rename across D/F conflict
ok 13 - last wins in --no-renames --find-renames
ok 45 - git checkout: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 36 - merge-recursive remembers the names of all base trees
ok 14 - last wins in --find-renames --no-renames
ok 9 - merge FETCH_HEAD octopus non-fast-forward (ff)
ok 15 - assumption for further tests: trivial merge succeeds
ok 16 - --find-renames rejects negative argument
ok 37 - merge-recursive internal merge resolves to the sameness
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 36 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - --find-renames rejects non-numbers
ok 10 - merge FETCH_HEAD octopus fast-forward (does not ff)
ok 18 - rename-threshold=<n> is a synonym for find-renames=<n>
ok 19 - last wins in --no-renames --rename-threshold=<n>
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - reset --hard works after the conflict
ok 20 - last wins in --rename-threshold=<n> --no-renames
ok 21 - --rename-threshold=<n> rejects negative argument
ok 3 - is reset properly
ok 11 - merge FETCH_HEAD octopus non-fast-forward
ok 4 - setup: conflict back
ok 22 - --rename-threshold=<n> rejects non-numbers
ok 5 - Merge abort works after the conflict
ok 6 - is aborted properly
ok 12 - refuse two-project merge by default
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - two-project merge with --allow-unrelated-histories
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 23 - last wins in --rename-threshold=<m> --find-renames=<n>
ok 46 - git checkout: replace directory with submodule
*** ***
ok 1 - setup: create superproject
ok 24 - last wins in --find-renames=<m> --rename-threshold=<n>
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - setup: create subprojects
ok 25 - merge.renames disables rename detection
ok 3 - check if fsck ignores the subprojects
ok 4 - check if commit in a subproject detected
ok 2 - clone
ok 5 - check if a changed subproject HEAD can be committed
ok 26 - merge.renames defaults to diff.renames
ok 6 - check if diff-index works for subproject elements
ok 3 - advance
ok 7 - check if diff-tree works for subproject elements
ok 8 - check if git diff works for subproject elements
ok 27 - merge.renames overrides diff.renames
# passed all 27 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - fetch
ok 9 - check if clone works
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - removing and adding subproject
ok 11 - checkout in superproject
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - git ls-files --with-tree should succeed from subdir
ok 1 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 3 - git ls-files --with-tree should add entries from named tree.
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - setup match file test for foo
ok 47 - git checkout: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 3 - wildmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 4 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 5 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - pathmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 2 - ls-tree plain
ok 2 - ls-tree plain
ok 8 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 3 - ls-tree recursive
ok 3 - ls-tree recursive
ok 9 - ipathmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 4 - ls-tree recursive with -t
ok 4 - ls-tree filter 1.txt
ok 10 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 5 - ls-tree recursive with -d
ok 11 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 5 - ls-tree filter path1/b/c/1.txt
ok 6 - ls-tree filtered with path
ok 12 - setup match file test for foo
ok 13 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' 'bar'
ok 6 - ls-tree filter all 1.txt files
ok 7 - ls-tree filtered with path1 path0
ok 7 - ls-tree filter directories
ok 14 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'bar' 'foo'
ok 8 - ls-tree filtered with path0/
ok 15 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' 'bar'
ok 8 - ls-tree filter odd names
ok 9 - ls-tree filtered with path2
ok 9 - ls-tree filter missing files and extra slashes
ok 16 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'bar' 'foo'
ok 10 - ls-tree filtered with path2/
ok 17 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' 'bar'
ok 10 - ls-tree filter is leading path match
ok 18 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'bar' 'foo'
ok 11 - ls-tree filtered with path2/baz
ok 11 - ls-tree --full-name
ok 19 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' 'bar'
ok 12 - ls-tree filtered with path2/bak
ok 12 - ls-tree --full-tree
ok 13 - ls-tree -t filtered with path2/bak
ok 20 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'bar' 'foo'
ok 13 - ls-tree --full-tree -r
ok 14 - ls-tree with one path a prefix of the other
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 21 - cleanup after previous file test
*** ***
ok 14 - ls-tree --abbrev=5
ok 22 - setup match file test for 
ok 23 - wildmatch: match '' ''
ok 15 - ls-tree --name-only
ok 48 - git checkout: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
not ok 24 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 16 - ls-tree --name-only -r
# passed all 16 test(s)
ok 25 - iwildmatch: match '' ''
*** ***
not ok 26 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 27 - pathmatch: match '' ''
ok 2 - ls-tree a[a] matches literally
not ok 28 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - ls-tree outside prefix
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - ipathmatch: match '' ''
not ok 4 - ls-tree does not yet support negated pathspec # TODO known breakage
not ok 30 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '' '' # TODO known breakage
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 3 test(s)
ok 2 - ls-tree fails with non-zero exit code on broken tree
*** ***
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 31 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 32 - setup match file test for foo
ok 33 - wildmatch: match 'foo' '???'
ok 34 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '???' 'foo'
ok 35 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' '???'
ok 1 - prepare a trivial repository
ok 2 - git branch --help should not have created a bogus branch
ok 36 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '???' 'foo'
ok 1 - setup
ok 37 - pathmatch: match 'foo' '???'
ok 2 - branch --contains=master
ok 3 - branch -h in broken repository
ok 4 - git branch abc should create a branch
ok 3 - branch --contains master
ok 38 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '???' 'foo'
ok 39 - ipathmatch: match 'foo' '???'
ok 4 - branch --no-contains=master
ok 5 - git branch a/b/c should create a branch
ok 40 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '???' 'foo'
ok 5 - branch --no-contains master
ok 6 - git branch mb master... should create a branch
ok 7 - git branch HEAD should fail
ok 6 - branch --contains=side
ok 41 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 49 - git checkout: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 8 - git branch --create-reflog d/e/f should create a branch and a log
ok 7 - branch --no-contains=side
ok 42 - setup match file test for foo
ok 8 - branch --contains with pattern implies --list
ok 9 - git branch -d d/e/f should delete a branch and a log
ok 43 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' '??'
ok 9 - branch --no-contains with pattern implies --list
ok 44 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '??' 'foo'
ok 10 - git branch j/k should work after branch j has been deleted
ok 10 - side: branch --merged
ok 45 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' '??'
ok 11 - branch --merged with pattern implies --list
ok 11 - git branch l should work after branch l/m has been deleted
ok 46 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '??' 'foo'
ok 12 - git branch -m dumps usage
ok 12 - side: branch --no-merged
ok 47 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' '??'
ok 13 - master: branch --merged
ok 48 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '??' 'foo'
ok 13 - git branch -m m broken_symref should work
ok 14 - master: branch --no-merged
ok 49 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' '??'
ok 15 - branch --no-merged with pattern implies --list
ok 14 - git branch -m m m/m should work
ok 50 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '??' 'foo'
ok 51 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 16 - implicit --list conflicts with modification options
ok 15 - git branch -m n/n n should work
ok 52 - setup match file test for foo
ok 53 - wildmatch: match 'foo' '*'
ok 17 - Assert that --contains only works on commits, not trees & blobs
ok 54 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*' 'foo'
ok 55 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' '*'
ok 56 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*' 'foo'
ok 16 - git branch -m bbb should rename checked out branch
ok 57 - pathmatch: match 'foo' '*'
ok 58 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*' 'foo'
ok 17 - renaming checked out branch works with d/f conflict
ok 59 - ipathmatch: match 'foo' '*'
ok 18 - branch --merged with --verbose
ok 18 - git branch -m o/o o should fail when o/p exists
ok 60 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*' 'foo'
ok 19 - branch --contains combined with --no-contains
# passed all 19 test(s)
ok 19 - git branch -m o/q o/p should fail when o/p exists
*** ***
ok 61 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 20 - git branch -M o/q o/p should work when o/p exists
ok 50 - git checkout: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 21 - git branch -m -f o/q o/p should work when o/p exists
ok 62 - setup match file test for foo
ok 63 - wildmatch: match 'foo' 'f*'
ok 22 - git branch -m q r/q should fail when r exists
ok 64 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'f*' 'foo'
ok 23 - git branch -M foo bar should fail when bar is checked out
ok 65 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' 'f*'
ok 66 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'f*' 'foo'
ok 24 - git branch -M baz bam should succeed when baz is checked out
ok 67 - pathmatch: match 'foo' 'f*'
ok 25 - git branch -M baz bam should add entries to .git/logs/HEAD
ok 68 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f*' 'foo'
ok 69 - ipathmatch: match 'foo' 'f*'
ok 70 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f*' 'foo'
ok 71 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 26 - git branch -M should leave orphaned HEAD alone
ok 27 - resulting reflog can be shown by log -g
ok 72 - setup match file test for foo
ok 73 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' '*f'
ok 74 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*f' 'foo'
ok 75 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' '*f'
ok 28 - git branch -M baz bam should succeed when baz is checked out as linked working tree
ok 1 - setup
ok 76 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*f' 'foo'
ok 2 - show-branch with more than 8 branches
ok 77 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' '*f'
ok 29 - git branch -M baz bam should succeed within a worktree in which baz is checked out
ok 78 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*f' 'foo'
ok 30 - git branch -M master should work when master is checked out
ok 79 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' '*f'
ok 31 - git branch -M master master should work when master is checked out
ok 3 - show-branch with showbranch.default
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 32 - git branch -M master2 master2 should work when master is checked out
ok 80 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*f' 'foo'
*** ***
not ok 51 - git checkout: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 81 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 33 - git branch -v -d t should work
ok 82 - setup match file test for foo
ok 83 - wildmatch: match 'foo' '*foo*'
ok 34 - git branch -v -m t s should work
ok 1 - make commits
ok 84 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*foo*' 'foo'
ok 85 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' '*foo*'
ok 2 - make branches
ok 35 - git branch -m -d t s should fail
ok 86 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*foo*' 'foo'
ok 3 - make remote branches
ok 87 - pathmatch: match 'foo' '*foo*'
ok 4 - git branch shows local branches
ok 5 - git branch --list shows local branches
ok 36 - git branch --list -d t should fail
ok 88 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*foo*' 'foo'
ok 89 - ipathmatch: match 'foo' '*foo*'
ok 6 - git branch --list pattern shows matching local branches
ok 90 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*foo*' 'foo'
ok 7 - git branch -r shows remote branches
ok 91 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 8 - git branch -a shows local and remote branches
ok 9 - git branch -v shows branch summaries
ok 92 - setup match file test for foobar
ok 93 - wildmatch: match 'foobar' '*ob*a*r*'
ok 10 - git branch --list -v pattern shows branch summaries
ok 94 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*ob*a*r*' 'foobar'
ok 11 - git branch --ignore-case --list -v pattern shows branch summaries
ok 95 - iwildmatch: match 'foobar' '*ob*a*r*'
ok 12 - git branch -v pattern does not show branch summaries
ok 96 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*ob*a*r*' 'foobar'
ok 97 - pathmatch: match 'foobar' '*ob*a*r*'
ok 13 - git branch `--show-current` shows current branch
ok 98 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*ob*a*r*' 'foobar'
ok 99 - ipathmatch: match 'foobar' '*ob*a*r*'
ok 14 - git branch `--show-current` is silent when detached HEAD
not ok 52 - git checkout: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 100 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*ob*a*r*' 'foobar'
ok 101 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 15 - git branch `--show-current` works properly when tag exists
ok 102 - setup match file test for aaaaaaabababab
ok 103 - wildmatch: match 'aaaaaaabababab' '*ab'
ok 16 - git branch `--show-current` works properly with worktrees
ok 104 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*ab' 'aaaaaaabababab'
ok 105 - iwildmatch: match 'aaaaaaabababab' '*ab'
ok 37 - deleting checked-out branch from repo that is a submodule
ok 17 - git branch shows detached HEAD properly
ok 106 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*ab' 'aaaaaaabababab'
ok 107 - pathmatch: match 'aaaaaaabababab' '*ab'
ok 18 - git branch shows detached HEAD properly after checkout --detach
ok 108 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*ab' 'aaaaaaabababab'
ok 109 - ipathmatch: match 'aaaaaaabababab' '*ab'
ok 38 - bare main worktree has HEAD at branch deleted by secondary worktree
ok 19 - git branch shows detached HEAD properly after moving
ok 110 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*ab' 'aaaaaaabababab'
ok 20 - git branch shows detached HEAD properly from tag
ok 111 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 112 - setup match file test for foo*
ok 21 - git branch shows detached HEAD properly after moving from tag
ok 113 - wildmatch: match 'foo*' 'foo\*'
ok 39 - git branch --list -v with --abbrev
ok 22 - git branch `--sort` option
ok 114 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo\*' 'foo*'
ok 23 - git branch --points-at option
ok 40 - git branch --column
ok 115 - iwildmatch: match 'foo*' 'foo\*'
ok 24 - ambiguous branch/tag not marked
ok 116 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo\*' 'foo*'
ok 41 - git branch --column with an extremely long branch name
ok 117 - pathmatch: match 'foo*' 'foo\*'
ok 25 - local-branch symrefs shortened properly
ok 118 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo\*' 'foo*'
ok 42 - git branch with column.*
ok 43 - git branch --column -v should fail
ok 119 - ipathmatch: match 'foo*' 'foo\*'
ok 44 - git branch -v with column.ui ignored
ok 26 - sort branches, ignore case
ok 120 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo\*' 'foo*'
ok 45 - git branch -m q q2 without config should succeed
ok 27 - git branch --format option
ok 53 - git checkout: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 121 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 46 - git branch -m s/s s should work when s/t is deleted
ok 122 - setup match file test for foobar
ok 28 - worktree colors correct
ok 123 - wildmatch: no match 'foobar' 'foo\*bar'
ok 29 - set up color tests
ok 47 - config information was renamed, too
ok 30 - %(color) omitted without tty
ok 124 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo\*bar' 'foobar'
ok 125 - iwildmatch: no match 'foobar' 'foo\*bar'
ok 31 # skip %(color) present with tty (missing TTY)
ok 32 - --color overrides auto-color
ok 126 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo\*bar' 'foobar'
ok 48 - git branch -m correctly renames multiple config sections
ok 49 - git branch -c dumps usage
ok 127 - pathmatch: no match 'foobar' 'foo\*bar'
ok 50 - git branch --copy dumps usage
ok 128 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo\*bar' 'foobar'
ok 33 - verbose output lists worktree path
# passed all 33 test(s)
*** ***
ok 129 - ipathmatch: no match 'foobar' 'foo\*bar'
ok 51 - git branch -c d e should work
ok 130 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo\*bar' 'foobar'
ok 131 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 52 - git branch --copy is a synonym for -c
ok 132 - setup match file test for f\oo
ok 133 - wildmatch: match 'f\oo' 'f\\oo'
ok 1 - set up repo
ok 134 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'f\\oo' 'f\oo'
ok 53 - git branch -c ee ef should copy ee to create branch ef
ok 135 - iwildmatch: match 'f\oo' 'f\\oo'
ok 136 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'f\\oo' 'f\oo'
ok 137 - pathmatch: match 'f\oo' 'f\\oo'
ok 54 - git branch -c f/f g/g should work
ok 2 - update branch via @{-1}
ok 138 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f\\oo' 'f\oo'
ok 139 - ipathmatch: match 'f\oo' 'f\\oo'
ok 140 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f\\oo' 'f\oo'
ok 3 - update branch via local @{upstream}
ok 55 - git branch -c m2 m2 should work
ok 141 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 4 - disallow updating branch via remote @{upstream}
ok 56 - git branch -c zz zz/zz should fail
ok 142 - setup match file test for ball
ok 57 - git branch -c b/b b should fail
ok 5 - create branch with pseudo-qualified name
ok 143 - wildmatch: match 'ball' '*[al]?'
ok 58 - git branch -C o/q o/p should work when o/p exists
ok 144 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*[al]?' 'ball'
ok 145 - iwildmatch: match 'ball' '*[al]?'
ok 6 - delete branch via @{-1}
ok 59 - git branch -c -f o/q o/p should work when o/p exists
ok 146 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*[al]?' 'ball'
ok 60 - git branch -c qq rr/qq should fail when rr exists
ok 147 - pathmatch: match 'ball' '*[al]?'
ok 7 - delete branch via local @{upstream}
ok 61 - git branch -C b1 b2 should fail when b2 is checked out
ok 8 - delete branch via remote @{upstream}
ok 148 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*[al]?' 'ball'
ok 62 - git branch -C c1 c2 should succeed when c1 is checked out
ok 63 - git branch -C c1 c2 should never touch HEAD
ok 149 - ipathmatch: match 'ball' '*[al]?'
ok 54 - git checkout: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 64 - git branch -C master should work when master is checked out
ok 9 - delete @{upstream} expansion matches -r option
ok 150 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*[al]?' 'ball'
ok 65 - git branch -C master master should work when master is checked out
ok 151 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 10 - disallow deleting remote branch via @{-1}
ok 66 - git branch -C master5 master5 should work when master is checked out
ok 152 - setup match file test for ten
ok 11 - create branch named "@"
ok 153 - wildmatch: no match 'ten' '[ten]'
ok 12 - delete branch named "@"
ok 154 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ten]' 'ten'
ok 67 - git branch -C ab cd should overwrite existing config for cd
ok 155 - iwildmatch: no match 'ten' '[ten]'
ok 13 - checkout does not treat remote @{upstream} as a branch
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 156 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ten]' 'ten'
ok 68 - git branch -c correctly copies multiple config sections
ok 157 - pathmatch: no match 'ten' '[ten]'
ok 69 - deleting a symref
ok 158 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ten]' 'ten'
ok 159 - ipathmatch: no match 'ten' '[ten]'
ok 70 - deleting a dangling symref
ok 160 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ten]' 'ten'
ok 71 - deleting a self-referential symref
ok 1 - set up some sample branches
ok 72 - renaming a symref is not allowed
ok 161 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 2 - set up some color config
ok 3 - regular output shows colors
ok 73 - git branch -m u v should fail when the reflog for u is a symlink
ok 162 - setup match file test for ten
ok 163 - wildmatch: match 'ten' '**[!te]'
ok 4 - verbose output shows colors
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 164 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**[!te]' 'ten'
*** ***
ok 165 - iwildmatch: match 'ten' '**[!te]'
ok 74 - test tracking setup via --track
ok 166 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**[!te]' 'ten'
ok 167 - pathmatch: match 'ten' '**[!te]'
ok 168 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**[!te]' 'ten'
ok 75 - test tracking setup (non-wildcard, matching)
ok 169 - ipathmatch: match 'ten' '**[!te]'
ok 76 - tracking setup fails on non-matching refspec
ok 170 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**[!te]' 'ten'
ok 171 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 55 - git checkout: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 77 - test tracking setup via config
ok 172 - setup match file test for ten
ok 173 - wildmatch: no match 'ten' '**[!ten]'
ok 174 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**[!ten]' 'ten'
ok 175 - iwildmatch: no match 'ten' '**[!ten]'
ok 78 - test overriding tracking setup via --no-track
ok 176 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**[!ten]' 'ten'
ok 177 - pathmatch: no match 'ten' '**[!ten]'
ok 79 - no tracking without .fetch entries
ok 178 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**[!ten]' 'ten'
ok 80 - test tracking setup via --track but deeper
ok 179 - ipathmatch: no match 'ten' '**[!ten]'
ok 1 - setup
ok 56 - git checkout: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 81 - test deleting branch deletes branch config
ok 180 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**[!ten]' 'ten'
ok 2 - simple A..B A..C (unmodified)
ok 181 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 82 - test deleting branch without config
ok 3 - simple B...C (unmodified)
ok 182 - setup match file test for ten
ok 83 - deleting currently checked out branch fails
ok 183 - wildmatch: match 'ten' 't[a-g]n'
ok 4 - simple A B C (unmodified)
ok 84 - test --track without .fetch entries
ok 184 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 't[a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 185 - iwildmatch: match 'ten' 't[a-g]n'
ok 85 - branch from non-branch HEAD w/autosetupmerge=always
ok 86 - branch from non-branch HEAD w/--track causes failure
ok 186 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 't[a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 5 - trivial reordering
ok 87 - branch from tag w/--track causes failure
ok 187 - pathmatch: match 'ten' 't[a-g]n'
ok 88 - --set-upstream-to fails on multiple branches
ok 6 - removed a commit
ok 188 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 't[a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 89 - --set-upstream-to fails on detached HEAD
ok 189 - ipathmatch: match 'ten' 't[a-g]n'
ok 90 - --set-upstream-to fails on a missing dst branch
ok 7 - added a commit
ok 91 - --set-upstream-to fails on a missing src branch
ok 190 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 't[a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 92 - --set-upstream-to fails on a non-ref
ok 191 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 93 - --set-upstream-to fails on locked config
ok 8 - new base, A B C
ok 192 - setup match file test for ten
ok 193 - wildmatch: no match 'ten' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 94 - use --set-upstream-to modify HEAD
ok 194 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 't[!a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 9 - new base, B...C
ok 195 - iwildmatch: no match 'ten' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 95 - use --set-upstream-to modify a particular branch
ok 196 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 't[!a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 96 - --unset-upstream should fail if given a non-existent branch
ok 197 - pathmatch: no match 'ten' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 10 - changed commit
ok 198 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 't[!a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 97 - --unset-upstream should fail if config is locked
ok 199 - ipathmatch: no match 'ten' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 200 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 't[!a-g]n' 'ten'
ok 11 - changed commit with --no-patch diff option
ok 98 - test --unset-upstream on HEAD
ok 201 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 57 - git checkout -f: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 99 - --unset-upstream should fail on multiple branches
ok 202 - setup match file test for ton
ok 12 - changed commit with --stat diff option
ok 203 - wildmatch: match 'ton' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 100 - --unset-upstream should fail on detached HEAD
ok 204 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 't[!a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 13 - changed commit with sm config
ok 205 - iwildmatch: match 'ton' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 101 - test --unset-upstream on a particular branch
ok 206 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 't[!a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 102 - disabled option --set-upstream fails
ok 207 - pathmatch: match 'ton' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 14 - renamed file
ok 103 - --set-upstream-to notices an error to set branch as own upstream
ok 208 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 't[!a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 104 - git checkout -b g/h/i -l should create a branch and a log
ok 209 - ipathmatch: match 'ton' 't[!a-g]n'
ok 15 - file with mode only change
ok 210 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 't[!a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 105 - checkout -b makes reflog by default
ok 211 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 16 - file added and later removed
ok 212 - setup match file test for ton
ok 17 - no commits on one side
ok 106 - checkout -b does not make reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates = false
ok 213 - wildmatch: match 'ton' 't[^a-g]n'
ok 214 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 't[^a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 107 - checkout -b with -l makes reflog when core.logAllRefUpdates = false
ok 215 - iwildmatch: match 'ton' 't[^a-g]n'
ok 18 - changed message
ok 216 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 't[^a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 217 - pathmatch: match 'ton' 't[^a-g]n'
ok 108 - avoid ambiguous track
ok 19 - dual-coloring
ok 218 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 't[^a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 219 - ipathmatch: match 'ton' 't[^a-g]n'
ok 220 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 't[^a-g]n' 'ton'
ok 221 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 20 - format-patch --range-diff=topic
ok 222 - setup match file test for a]b
ok 109 - autosetuprebase local on a tracked local branch
ok 223 - wildmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]]b'
ok 224 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]]b' 'a]b'
ok 21 - format-patch --range-diff=master..topic
ok 225 - iwildmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]]b'
ok 226 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]]b' 'a]b'
ok 227 - pathmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]]b'
ok 22 - format-patch --range-diff as commentary
ok 58 - git checkout -f: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 228 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]]b' 'a]b'
ok 23 - range-diff overrides diff.noprefix internally
ok 110 - autosetuprebase always on a tracked local branch
ok 229 - ipathmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]]b'
ok 230 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]]b' 'a]b'
ok 24 - range-diff compares notes by default
ok 231 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 232 - setup match file test for a-b
ok 111 - autosetuprebase remote on a tracked local branch
ok 233 - wildmatch: match 'a-b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 25 - range-diff with --no-notes
ok 234 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a-b'
ok 235 - iwildmatch: match 'a-b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 236 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a-b'
ok 237 - pathmatch: match 'a-b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 238 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a-b'
ok 112 - autosetuprebase never on a tracked local branch
ok 26 - range-diff with multiple --notes
ok 239 - ipathmatch: match 'a-b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 240 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a-b'
ok 113 - autosetuprebase local on a tracked remote branch
ok 241 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 242 - setup match file test for a]b
ok 27 - format-patch --range-diff does not compare notes by default
ok 243 - wildmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 114 - autosetuprebase never on a tracked remote branch
ok 244 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a]b'
ok 245 - iwildmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 28 - format-patch --range-diff with --no-notes
ok 115 - autosetuprebase remote on a tracked remote branch
ok 246 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a]b'
ok 247 - pathmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 248 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a]b'
ok 116 - autosetuprebase always on a tracked remote branch
ok 249 - ipathmatch: match 'a]b' 'a[]-]b'
ok 29 - format-patch --range-diff with --notes
ok 250 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]-]b' 'a]b'
ok 59 - git checkout -f: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 117 - autosetuprebase unconfigured on a tracked remote branch
ok 251 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 252 - setup match file test for aab
ok 30 - format-patch --range-diff with format.notes config
ok 253 - wildmatch: no match 'aab' 'a[]-]b'
ok 254 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]-]b' 'aab'
ok 118 - autosetuprebase unconfigured on a tracked local branch
ok 255 - iwildmatch: no match 'aab' 'a[]-]b'
ok 256 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]-]b' 'aab'
ok 257 - pathmatch: no match 'aab' 'a[]-]b'
ok 119 - autosetuprebase unconfigured on untracked local branch
ok 258 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]-]b' 'aab'
ok 31 - format-patch --range-diff with multiple notes
ok 259 - ipathmatch: no match 'aab' 'a[]-]b'
# passed all 31 test(s)
*** ***
ok 120 - autosetuprebase unconfigured on untracked remote branch
ok 260 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]-]b' 'aab'
ok 261 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 121 - autosetuprebase never on an untracked local branch
ok 1 - enable reflogs
ok 262 - setup match file test for aab
ok 263 - wildmatch: match 'aab' 'a[]a-]b'
ok 2 - prepare a trivial repository
ok 264 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]a-]b' 'aab'
ok 122 - autosetuprebase local on an untracked local branch
ok 265 - iwildmatch: match 'aab' 'a[]a-]b'
ok 3 - see if git show-ref works as expected
ok 266 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]a-]b' 'aab'
ok 4 - see if a branch still exists when packed
ok 267 - pathmatch: match 'aab' 'a[]a-]b'
ok 123 - autosetuprebase remote on an untracked local branch
ok 5 - git branch c/d should barf if branch c exists
ok 268 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]a-]b' 'aab'
ok 269 - ipathmatch: match 'aab' 'a[]a-]b'
ok 6 - see if a branch still exists after git pack-refs --prune
ok 270 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]a-]b' 'aab'
ok 124 - autosetuprebase always on an untracked local branch
ok 7 - see if git pack-refs --prune remove ref files
ok 271 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 8 - see if git pack-refs --prune removes empty dirs
ok 272 - setup match file test for ]
ok 273 - wildmatch: match ']' ']'
ok 125 - autosetuprebase never on an untracked remote branch
ok 60 - git checkout -f: replace directory with submodule
ok 274 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match ']' ']'
ok 9 - git branch g should work when git branch g/h has been deleted
ok 275 - iwildmatch: match ']' ']'
ok 10 - git branch i/j/k should barf if branch i exists
ok 126 - autosetuprebase local on an untracked remote branch
ok 276 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match ']' ']'
ok 277 - pathmatch: match ']' ']'
ok 11 - test git branch k after branch k/l/m and k/lm have been deleted
ok 278 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match ']' ']'
ok 127 - autosetuprebase remote on an untracked remote branch
ok 279 - ipathmatch: match ']' ']'
ok 280 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match ']' ']'
ok 12 - test git branch n after some branch deletion and pruning
ok 281 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 128 - autosetuprebase always on an untracked remote branch
ok 13 - see if up-to-date packed refs are preserved
ok 282 - setup match file test for foo/baz/bar
ok 283 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo*bar'
ok 129 - autosetuprebase always on detached HEAD
ok 14 - pack, prune and repack
ok 284 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo*bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 130 - detect misconfigured autosetuprebase (bad value)
ok 285 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo*bar'
ok 286 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo*bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 287 - pathmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo*bar'
ok 131 - detect misconfigured autosetuprebase (no value)
ok 15 - explicit pack-refs with dangling packed reference
ok 288 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo*bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 289 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo*bar'
ok 132 - attempt to delete a branch without base and unmerged to HEAD
ok 133 - attempt to delete a branch merged to its base
ok 290 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo*bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 16 - delete ref with dangling packed version
ok 61 - git checkout -f: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 291 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 134 - attempt to delete a branch merged to its base
ok 292 - setup match file test for foo/baz/bar
ok 17 - delete ref while another dangling packed ref
ok 135 - use --edit-description
ok 293 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo**bar'
ok 18 - pack ref directly below refs/
ok 136 - detect typo in branch name when using --edit-description
ok 294 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo**bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 295 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo**bar'
ok 19 - do not pack ref in refs/bisect
ok 137 - refuse --edit-description on unborn branch for now
ok 20 - disable reflogs
ok 296 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo**bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 297 - pathmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo**bar'
ok 138 - --merged catches invalid object names
ok 21 - create packed foo/bar/baz branch
ok 139 - --merged is incompatible with --no-merged
ok 298 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 22 - notice d/f conflict with existing directory
ok 299 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo**bar'
ok 23 - existing directory reports concrete ref
ok 300 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 24 - notice d/f conflict with existing ref
ok 301 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 25 - reject packed-refs with unterminated line
ok 302 - setup match file test for foobazbar
ok 140 - --list during rebase
ok 26 - reject packed-refs containing junk
ok 303 - wildmatch: match 'foobazbar' 'foo**bar'
ok 27 - reject packed-refs with a short SHA-1
ok 304 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**bar' 'foobazbar'
ok 305 - iwildmatch: match 'foobazbar' 'foo**bar'
ok 306 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**bar' 'foobazbar'
ok 307 - pathmatch: match 'foobazbar' 'foo**bar'
ok 308 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**bar' 'foobazbar'
ok 309 - ipathmatch: match 'foobazbar' 'foo**bar'
ok 141 - --list during rebase from detached HEAD
ok 310 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**bar' 'foobazbar'
ok 62 - git checkout -f: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 311 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 312 - setup match file test for foo/baz/bar
ok 313 - wildmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 314 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 315 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 316 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 317 - pathmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 318 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 319 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 320 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 142 - tracking with unexpected .fetch refspec
ok 321 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 322 - setup match file test for foo/baz/bar
ok 323 - wildmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 324 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 325 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 326 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 143 - configured committerdate sort
ok 327 - pathmatch: no match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
not ok 63 - git checkout -f: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 144 - option override configured sort
ok 328 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
ok 145 - invalid sort parameter in configuration
ok 329 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo/baz/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
# passed all 145 test(s)
ok 330 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/baz/bar'
*** ***
ok 331 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 332 - setup match file test for foo/b/a/z/bar
ok 333 - wildmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 334 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 335 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 1 - create annotated tag in refs/tags
ok 2 - create annotated tag outside of refs/tags
ok 336 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 337 - pathmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 3 - set up expected show-ref output
ok 338 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 4 - refs are peeled outside of refs/tags (loose)
ok 339 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 5 - refs are peeled outside of refs/tags (packed)
ok 340 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 6 - create old-style pack-refs without fully-peeled
ok 341 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 7 - refs are peeled outside of refs/tags (old packed)
ok 342 - setup match file test for foo/b/a/z/bar
ok 343 - wildmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 8 - peeled refs survive deletion of packed ref
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 344 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 345 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
not ok 64 - git checkout -f: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 346 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 347 - pathmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 1 - setup
ok 348 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 2 - setup: populate index and tree
ok 349 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/b/a/z/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 3 - ls-files prints space in filename verbatim
ok 350 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/b/a/z/bar'
ok 4 - setup: add funny filename
ok 28 - timeout if packed-refs.lock exists
ok 5 - ls-files quotes funny filename
ok 351 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 6 - ls-files -z does not quote funny filename
ok 352 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 353 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 7 - ls-tree quotes funny filename
ok 8 - diff-index --name-status quotes funny filename
ok 354 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 9 - diff-tree --name-status quotes funny filename
ok 355 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 10 - diff-index -z does not quote funny filename
ok 356 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 357 - pathmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 11 - diff-tree -z does not quote funny filename
ok 358 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 12 - diff-tree --find-copies-harder quotes funny filename
ok 359 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/bar'
ok 13 - setup: remove unfunny index entry
ok 360 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 14 - diff-tree -M quotes funny filename
ok 361 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 15 - diff-index -M -p quotes funny filename
ok 16 - setup: mode change
ok 362 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 363 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 17 - diff-index -M -p with mode change quotes funny filename
not ok 65 - git checkout -f: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 364 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 365 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 18 - diffstat for rename quotes funny filename
ok 366 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 19 - numstat for rename quotes funny filename
ok 367 - pathmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 20 - numstat without -M quotes funny filename
ok 368 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 369 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo/**/**/bar'
ok 21 - numstat for non-git rename diff quotes funny filename
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 370 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**/**/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 371 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 372 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 373 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 1 - cannot annotate non-existing HEAD
ok 374 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 2 - setup
ok 375 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 3 - need valid notes ref
ok 376 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 4 - refusing to add notes in refs/heads/
ok 377 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 5 - refusing to edit notes in refs/remotes/
ok 6 - handle empty notes gracefully
ok 378 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 379 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 7 - show non-existent notes entry with %N
ok 380 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
not ok 66 - git checkout -f: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 381 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 8 - create notes
ok 9 - show notes entry with %N
ok 382 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 383 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 10 - create reflog entry
ok 384 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 385 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 386 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 11 - edit existing notes
ok 387 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 388 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 12 - show notes from treeish
ok 13 - cannot edit notes from non-ref
ok 389 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 390 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 14 - cannot "git notes add -m" where notes already exists
ok 391 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 392 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 15 - can overwrite existing note with "git notes add -f -m"
ok 393 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 394 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 395 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 16 - add w/no options on existing note morphs into edit
ok 396 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 397 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 398 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 17 - can overwrite existing note with "git notes add -f"
ok 399 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 400 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 18 - show notes
ok 401 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 402 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 403 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 19 - show multi-line notes
ok 404 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo/bar'
ok 405 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 29 - retry acquiring packed-refs.lock
ok 20 - show -F notes
ok 406 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo/bar'
ok 407 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 21 - Re-adding -F notes without -f fails
ok 408 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo/bar'
ok 409 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 30 - pack symlinked packed-refs
ok 67 - git checkout -f: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 22 - git log --pretty=raw does not show notes
# passed all 30 test(s)
ok 410 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo/bar'
*** ***
ok 23 - git log --show-notes
ok 411 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 24 - git log --no-notes
ok 412 - setup match file test for foo-bar
ok 413 - wildmatch: match 'foo-bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 25 - git format-patch does not show notes
ok 414 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo-bar'
ok 26 - git format-patch --show-notes does show notes
ok 415 - iwildmatch: match 'foo-bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 27 - git show  does show notes
ok 28 - git show --pretty does not show notes
ok 416 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo-bar'
ok 29 - git show --pretty=raw does not show notes
ok 417 - pathmatch: match 'foo-bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 1 - setup 10
ok 30 - git show --pretty=short does not show notes
ok 418 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo-bar'
ok 2 - notes work
ok 31 - git show --pretty=medium does not show notes
ok 3 # skip notes timing with /usr/bin/time (missing USR_BIN_TIME)
ok 4 # skip setup 100 (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 5 # skip notes work (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 419 - ipathmatch: match 'foo-bar' 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r'
ok 6 # skip notes timing with /usr/bin/time (missing EXPENSIVE,USR_BIN_TIME of USR_BIN_TIME,EXPENSIVE)
ok 32 - git show --pretty=full does not show notes
ok 7 # skip setup 1000 (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 8 # skip notes work (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 9 # skip notes timing with /usr/bin/time (missing EXPENSIVE,USR_BIN_TIME of USR_BIN_TIME,EXPENSIVE)
ok 10 # skip setup 10000 (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 11 # skip notes work (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 12 # skip notes timing with /usr/bin/time (missing EXPENSIVE,USR_BIN_TIME of USR_BIN_TIME,EXPENSIVE)
ok 420 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'f[^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu][^eiu]r' 'foo-bar'
ok 33 - git show --pretty=fuller does not show notes
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 421 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 422 - setup match file test for foo
ok 34 - git show --pretty=format:%s does not show notes
ok 423 - wildmatch: match 'foo' '**/foo'
ok 35 - git show --oneline does not show notes
ok 424 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'foo'
ok 36 - setup alternate notes ref
ok 425 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' '**/foo'
ok 37 - git log --notes shows default notes
ok 426 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'foo'
ok 38 - git log --notes=X shows only X
ok 427 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' '**/foo'
ok 39 - git log --notes --notes=X shows both
ok 428 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/foo' 'foo'
ok 40 - git log --no-notes resets default state
ok 429 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' '**/foo'
ok 41 - git log --no-notes resets ref list
ok 430 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/foo' 'foo'
ok 431 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 432 - setup match file test for XXX/foo
ok 42 - show -m notes
ok 433 - wildmatch: match 'XXX/foo' '**/foo'
ok 43 - remove note with add -f -F /dev/null
ok 434 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'XXX/foo'
ok 435 - iwildmatch: match 'XXX/foo' '**/foo'
ok 44 - do not create empty note with -m ""
ok 436 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'XXX/foo'
ok 437 - pathmatch: match 'XXX/foo' '**/foo'
ok 68 - git checkout -f: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 45 - create note with combination of -m and -F
ok 438 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'XXX/foo'
ok 439 - ipathmatch: match 'XXX/foo' '**/foo'
ok 1 - setup: create 100 commits
ok 440 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'XXX/foo'
ok 46 - remove note with "git notes remove"
ok 441 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 47 - removing non-existing note should not create new commit
ok 442 - setup match file test for bar/baz/foo
ok 443 - wildmatch: match 'bar/baz/foo' '**/foo'
ok 48 - removing more than one
ok 444 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 49 - removing is atomic
ok 445 - iwildmatch: match 'bar/baz/foo' '**/foo'
ok 446 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 447 - pathmatch: match 'bar/baz/foo' '**/foo'
ok 50 - removing with --ignore-missing
ok 448 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 51 - removing with --ignore-missing but bogus ref
ok 449 - ipathmatch: match 'bar/baz/foo' '**/foo'
ok 450 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 451 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 52 - remove reads from --stdin
ok 452 - setup match file test for bar/baz/foo
ok 53 - remove --stdin is also atomic
ok 453 - wildmatch: no match 'bar/baz/foo' '*/foo'
ok 454 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 455 - iwildmatch: no match 'bar/baz/foo' '*/foo'
ok 54 - removing with --stdin --ignore-missing
ok 456 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 457 - pathmatch: match 'bar/baz/foo' '*/foo'
ok 55 - list notes with "git notes list"
ok 458 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 459 - ipathmatch: match 'bar/baz/foo' '*/foo'
ok 56 - list notes with "git notes"
ok 460 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/foo' 'bar/baz/foo'
ok 69 - git checkout -f: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 57 - list specific note with "git notes list <object>"
ok 461 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 58 - listing non-existing notes fails
ok 462 - setup match file test for foo/bar/baz
ok 59 - append to existing note with "git notes append"
ok 463 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar*'
ok 60 - "git notes list" does not expand to "git notes list HEAD"
ok 464 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar*' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 465 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar*'
ok 61 - appending empty string does not change existing note
ok 466 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar*' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 467 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar*'
ok 62 - git notes append == add when there is no existing note
ok 468 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar*' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 469 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar*'
ok 63 - appending empty string to non-existing note does not create note
ok 470 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar*' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 471 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 70 - git checkout -f: added submodule does remove untracked unignored file with same name when forced
# still have 10 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 60 test(s)
ok 472 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar/baz
ok 64 - create other note on a different notes ref (setup)
ok 473 - wildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz' '**/bar/*'
*** ***
ok 65 - Do not show note on other ref by default
ok 474 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz'
ok 475 - iwildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz' '**/bar/*'
ok 66 - Do show note when ref is given in GIT_NOTES_REF
ok 476 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz'
ok 477 - pathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz' '**/bar/*'
ok 67 - Do show note when ref is given in core.notesRef config
ok 1 - setup: create a couple of commits
ok 478 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz'
ok 68 - Do not show note when core.notesRef is overridden
ok 479 - ipathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz' '**/bar/*'
ok 480 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz'
ok 2 - create a notes tree with both notes and non-notes
ok 2 - test notes in 2/38-fanout
ok 69 - Show all notes when notes.displayRef=refs/notes/*
ok 3 - verify contents of notes
ok 481 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 3 - verify notes in 2/38-fanout
ok 482 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar/baz/
ok 70 - core.notesRef is implicitly in notes.displayRef
ok 483 - wildmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/*'
ok 4 - verify contents of non-notes
not ok 484 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 71 - notes.displayRef can be given more than once
ok 485 - iwildmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/*'
ok 5 - git-notes preserves non-notes
not ok 486 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 487 - pathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/*'
ok 6 - verify contents of non-notes after git-notes
ok 72 - notes.displayRef respects order
# passed all 6 test(s)
not ok 488 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
*** ***
ok 489 - ipathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/*'
not ok 490 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 491 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 74 - GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF overrides config
ok 492 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar/baz/
ok 75 - --show-notes=* adds to GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF
ok 493 - wildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/**'
ok 1 - tweak test environment
ok 76 - --no-standard-notes
not ok 494 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 495 - iwildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/**'
ok 77 - --standard-notes
not ok 496 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 497 - pathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/**'
ok 78 - --show-notes=ref accumulates
not ok 498 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 499 - ipathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' '**/bar/**'
not ok 500 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/' # TODO known breakage
ok 501 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 502 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar
ok 503 - wildmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar' '**/bar/*'
ok 79 - Allow notes on non-commits (trees, blobs, tags)
ok 504 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar'
ok 505 - iwildmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar' '**/bar/*'
ok 80 - create note from other note with "git notes add -C"
ok 506 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar'
ok 507 - pathmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar' '**/bar/*'
ok 81 - create note from non-existing note with "git notes add -C" fails
ok 508 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar'
ok 509 - ipathmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar' '**/bar/*'
ok 82 - create note from non-blob with "git notes add -C" fails
ok 510 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar/*' 'deep/foo/bar'
ok 83 - create note from blob with "git notes add -C" reuses blob id
ok 511 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 512 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar/
ok 513 - wildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/' '**/bar/**'
ok 84 - create note from other note with "git notes add -c"
not ok 514 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/' # TODO known breakage
ok 515 - iwildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/' '**/bar/**'
ok 85 - create note from non-existing note with "git notes add -c" fails
not ok 516 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/' # TODO known breakage
ok 517 - pathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/' '**/bar/**'
not ok 518 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/' # TODO known breakage
ok 86 - append to note from other note with "git notes append -C"
ok 519 - ipathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/' '**/bar/**'
not ok 520 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '**/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/' # TODO known breakage
ok 521 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 87 - create note from other note with "git notes append -c"
ok 522 - setup match file test for foo/bar/baz
ok 523 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar**'
ok 4 - test notes in 2/2/36-fanout
ok 88 - append to note from other note with "git notes append -c"
ok 524 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar**' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 5 - verify notes in 2/2/36-fanout
ok 525 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar**'
ok 89 - copy note with "git notes copy"
ok 526 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/bar**' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 527 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar**'
ok 528 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar**' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 529 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz' '**/bar**'
ok 90 - copy note with "git notes copy" with default
ok 530 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar**' 'foo/bar/baz'
ok 531 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 91 - prevent overwrite with "git notes copy"
ok 532 - setup match file test for foo/bar/baz/x
ok 533 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 534 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/bar/**' 'foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 92 - allow overwrite with "git notes copy -f"
ok 535 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 536 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/bar/**' 'foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 93 - allow overwrite with "git notes copy -f" with default
ok 537 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 538 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/bar/**' 'foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 539 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 94 - cannot copy note from object without notes
ok 540 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/bar/**' 'foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 541 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 542 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar/baz/x
ok 95 - git notes copy --stdin
ok 543 - wildmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 544 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 545 - iwildmatch: no match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 546 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 547 - pathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 96 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (unconfigured)
ok 548 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 549 - ipathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '*/bar/**'
ok 550 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/bar/**' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 97 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (enabled)
ok 551 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 552 - setup match file test for deep/foo/bar/baz/x
ok 98 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (disabled)
ok 553 - wildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '**/bar/*/*'
ok 554 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 555 - iwildmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '**/bar/*/*'
ok 99 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (overwrite)
ok 556 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 557 - pathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '**/bar/*/*'
ok 100 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (ignore)
ok 558 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 559 - ipathmatch: match 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x' '**/bar/*/*'
ok 560 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/bar/*/*' 'deep/foo/bar/baz/x'
ok 101 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (append)
ok 561 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 6 - test notes in 2/2/2/34-fanout
ok 7 - verify notes in 2/2/2/34-fanout
ok 562 - setup match file test for acrt
ok 563 - wildmatch: no match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]st'
ok 102 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (append two to one)
ok 564 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[c-c]st' 'acrt'
ok 565 - iwildmatch: no match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]st'
ok 566 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[c-c]st' 'acrt'
ok 567 - pathmatch: no match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]st'
ok 103 - git notes copy --for-rewrite (append empty)
ok 568 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[c-c]st' 'acrt'
ok 569 - ipathmatch: no match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]st'
ok 570 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[c-c]st' 'acrt'
ok 571 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 572 - setup match file test for acrt
ok 573 - wildmatch: match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]rt'
ok 574 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[c-c]rt' 'acrt'
ok 575 - iwildmatch: match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]rt'
ok 576 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[c-c]rt' 'acrt'
ok 105 - GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF works
ok 577 - pathmatch: match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]rt'
ok 578 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[c-c]rt' 'acrt'
ok 579 - ipathmatch: match 'acrt' 'a[c-c]rt'
ok 106 - GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF overrides config
ok 580 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[c-c]rt' 'acrt'
ok 581 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 107 - git notes copy diagnoses too many or too few parameters
ok 582 - setup match file test for ]
ok 108 - git notes get-ref expands refs/heads/master to refs/notes/refs/heads/master
ok 583 - wildmatch: no match ']' '[!]-]'
ok 109 - git notes get-ref (no overrides)
ok 584 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-]' ']'
ok 110 - git notes get-ref (core.notesRef)
ok 585 - iwildmatch: no match ']' '[!]-]'
ok 111 - git notes get-ref (GIT_NOTES_REF)
ok 112 - git notes get-ref (--ref)
ok 586 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-]' ']'
ok 587 - pathmatch: no match ']' '[!]-]'
ok 113 - setup testing of empty notes
ok 588 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-]' ']'
ok 589 - ipathmatch: no match ']' '[!]-]'
ok 114 - 'git notes add' removes empty note
ok 590 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-]' ']'
ok 115 - 'git notes add --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 591 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 116 - 'git notes add -F /dev/null' removes empty note
ok 592 - setup match file test for a
ok 593 - wildmatch: match 'a' '[!]-]'
ok 117 - 'git notes add -F /dev/null --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 118 - 'git notes add -m ""' removes empty note
ok 594 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-]' 'a'
ok 595 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[!]-]'
ok 119 - 'git notes add -m "" --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 596 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-]' 'a'
ok 597 - pathmatch: match 'a' '[!]-]'
ok 120 - 'git notes add -c "$empty_blob"' removes empty note
ok 598 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-]' 'a'
ok 599 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[!]-]'
ok 121 - 'git notes add -c "$empty_blob" --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 600 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-]' 'a'
ok 122 - 'git notes add -C "$empty_blob"' removes empty note
ok 601 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 602 - setup match file test for 
ok 123 - 'git notes add -C "$empty_blob" --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 603 - wildmatch: no match '' '\'
not ok 604 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '\' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 124 - 'git notes append' removes empty note
ok 605 - iwildmatch: no match '' '\'
not ok 606 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '\' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 125 - 'git notes append --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 607 - pathmatch: no match '' '\'
not ok 608 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '\' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 126 - 'git notes append -F /dev/null' removes empty note
ok 609 - ipathmatch: no match '' '\'
not ok 610 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '\' '' # TODO known breakage
ok 611 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 127 - 'git notes append -F /dev/null --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 128 - 'git notes append -m ""' removes empty note
ok 612 - setup match file test for \
ok 613 - wildmatch: no match '\' '\'
ok 129 - 'git notes append -m "" --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 614 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '\' '\'
ok 130 - 'git notes append -c "$empty_blob"' removes empty note
ok 615 - iwildmatch: no match '\' '\'
ok 616 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '\' '\'
ok 131 - 'git notes append -c "$empty_blob" --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 617 - pathmatch: no match '\' '\'
ok 132 - 'git notes append -C "$empty_blob"' removes empty note
ok 618 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '\' '\'
ok 619 - ipathmatch: no match '\' '\'
ok 133 - 'git notes append -C "$empty_blob" --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 620 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '\' '\'
ok 621 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 134 - 'git notes edit' removes empty note
ok 622 - setup match file test for XXX/\
ok 623 - wildmatch: no match 'XXX/\' '*/\'
ok 135 - 'git notes edit --allow-empty' stores empty note
ok 624 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/\' 'XXX/\'
ok 136 - empty notes are displayed by git log
# passed all 136 test(s)
ok 625 - iwildmatch: no match 'XXX/\' '*/\'
*** ***
ok 8 - test same notes in no fanout and 2/38-fanout
ok 626 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/\' 'XXX/\'
ok 627 - pathmatch: no match 'XXX/\' '*/\'
ok 9 - verify same notes in no fanout and 2/38-fanout
ok 628 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/\' 'XXX/\'
ok 629 - ipathmatch: no match 'XXX/\' '*/\'
ok 630 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/\' 'XXX/\'
ok 631 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 632 - setup match file test for XXX/\
ok 633 - wildmatch: match 'XXX/\' '*/\\'
ok 1 - setup: create a few commits with notes
ok 634 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/\\' 'XXX/\'
ok 2 - verify commits and notes
ok 635 - iwildmatch: match 'XXX/\' '*/\\'
ok 636 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/\\' 'XXX/\'
ok 637 - pathmatch: match 'XXX/\' '*/\\'
ok 3 - remove some commits
ok 4 - verify that commits are gone
ok 638 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/\\' 'XXX/\'
ok 639 - ipathmatch: match 'XXX/\' '*/\\'
ok 5 - verify that notes are still present
ok 640 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/\\' 'XXX/\'
ok 6 - prune -n does not remove notes
ok 641 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 7 - prune -n lists prunable notes
ok 8 - prune notes
ok 642 - setup match file test for foo
ok 9 - verify that notes are gone
ok 643 - wildmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 644 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 645 - iwildmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 10 - remove some commits
ok 646 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 11 - prune -v notes
ok 647 - pathmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 648 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 12 - verify that notes are gone
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 649 - ipathmatch: match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 650 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo' 'foo'
ok 651 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 652 - setup match file test for @foo
ok 653 - wildmatch: match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 1 - setup
ok 654 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 2 - example 1: notes to add an Acked-by line
ok 655 - iwildmatch: match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 656 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 3 - example 2: binary notes
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 657 - pathmatch: match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 658 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 659 - ipathmatch: match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 660 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '@foo' '@foo'
ok 661 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 662 - setup match file test for foo
ok 663 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' '@foo'
ok 664 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '@foo' 'foo'
ok 665 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' '@foo'
ok 666 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '@foo' 'foo'
ok 1 - setup
ok 667 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' '@foo'
ok 668 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '@foo' 'foo'
ok 669 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' '@foo'
ok 670 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '@foo' 'foo'
ok 2 - verify initial notes (x)
ok 671 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 3 - fail to merge empty notes ref into empty notes ref (z => y)
ok 672 - setup match file test for [ab]
ok 673 - wildmatch: match '[ab]' '\[ab]'
ok 4 - fail to merge into various non-notes refs
ok 674 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '\[ab]' '[ab]'
ok 675 - iwildmatch: match '[ab]' '\[ab]'
ok 5 - merge non-notes ref into empty notes ref (remote-notes/origin/x => v)
ok 676 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '\[ab]' '[ab]'
ok 6 - merge notes into empty notes ref (x => y)
ok 677 - pathmatch: match '[ab]' '\[ab]'
ok 678 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '\[ab]' '[ab]'
ok 7 - merge empty notes ref (z => y)
ok 679 - ipathmatch: match '[ab]' '\[ab]'
ok 680 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '\[ab]' '[ab]'
ok 681 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 8 - change notes on other notes ref (y)
ok 9 - merge previous notes commit (y^ => y) => No-op
ok 682 - setup match file test for [ab]
ok 10 - verify changed notes on other notes ref (y)
ok 683 - wildmatch: match '[ab]' '[[]ab]'
ok 11 - verify unchanged notes on original notes ref (x)
ok 684 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 685 - iwildmatch: match '[ab]' '[[]ab]'
ok 686 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 687 - pathmatch: match '[ab]' '[[]ab]'
ok 12 - merge original notes (x) into changed notes (y) => No-op
ok 688 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 689 - ipathmatch: match '[ab]' '[[]ab]'
ok 10 - test same notes in no fanout and 2/2/36-fanout
ok 11 - verify same notes in no fanout and 2/2/36-fanout
ok 690 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 691 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 13 - merge changed (y) into original (x) => Fast-forward
ok 692 - setup match file test for [ab]
ok 693 - wildmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:]ab]'
ok 694 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 695 - iwildmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:]ab]'
ok 14 - merge empty notes ref (z => y)
ok 696 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 697 - pathmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:]ab]'
ok 15 - change notes on other notes ref (y)
ok 698 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 699 - ipathmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:]ab]'
ok 16 - change notes on notes ref (x)
ok 700 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 701 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 702 - setup match file test for [ab]
ok 703 - wildmatch: no match '[ab]' '[[::]ab]'
ok 17 - merge y into x => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 704 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[::]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 705 - iwildmatch: no match '[ab]' '[[::]ab]'
ok 18 - create notes on new, separate notes ref (w)
ok 706 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[::]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 707 - pathmatch: no match '[ab]' '[[::]ab]'
ok 708 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[::]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 709 - ipathmatch: no match '[ab]' '[[::]ab]'
ok 710 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[::]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 19 - merge w into x => Non-conflicting history-less merge
# passed all 19 test(s)
ok 711 - cleanup after previous file test
*** ***
ok 712 - setup match file test for [ab]
ok 713 - wildmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:digit]ab]'
ok 714 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 715 - iwildmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:digit]ab]'
ok 716 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 717 - pathmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:digit]ab]'
ok 718 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 719 - ipathmatch: match '[ab]' '[[:digit]ab]'
ok 720 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 721 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 722 - setup match file test for [ab]
ok 723 - wildmatch: match '[ab]' '[\[:]ab]'
ok 724 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 725 - iwildmatch: match '[ab]' '[\[:]ab]'
ok 1 - setup commits
ok 726 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 727 - pathmatch: match '[ab]' '[\[:]ab]'
ok 728 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 729 - ipathmatch: match '[ab]' '[\[:]ab]'
ok 730 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\[:]ab]' '[ab]'
ok 731 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 2 - setup merge base (x)
ok 732 - setup match file test for ?a?b
ok 733 - wildmatch: match '?a?b' '\??\?b'
ok 3 - verify state of merge base (x)
ok 734 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '\??\?b' '?a?b'
ok 735 - iwildmatch: match '?a?b' '\??\?b'
ok 736 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '\??\?b' '?a?b'
ok 737 - pathmatch: match '?a?b' '\??\?b'
ok 4 - setup local branch (y)
ok 738 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '\??\?b' '?a?b'
ok 739 - ipathmatch: match '?a?b' '\??\?b'
ok 5 - verify state of local branch (y)
ok 740 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '\??\?b' '?a?b'
ok 741 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 742 - setup match file test for abc
ok 743 - wildmatch: match 'abc' '\a\b\c'
ok 6 - setup remote branch (z)
ok 744 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '\a\b\c' 'abc'
ok 745 - iwildmatch: match 'abc' '\a\b\c'
ok 7 - verify state of remote branch (z)
ok 746 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '\a\b\c' 'abc'
ok 747 - pathmatch: match 'abc' '\a\b\c'
ok 8 - merge z into y with invalid strategy => Fail/No changes
ok 748 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '\a\b\c' 'abc'
ok 749 - ipathmatch: match 'abc' '\a\b\c'
ok 750 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '\a\b\c' 'abc'
ok 9 - merge z into y with invalid configuration option => Fail/No changes
ok 751 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 10 - merge z into y with "ours" strategy => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 752 - setup match file test for foo
ok 753 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' ''
ok 754 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match dies on '' 'foo'
ok 11 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 755 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' ''
ok 12 - merge z into y with "ours" configuration option => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 756 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match dies on '' 'foo'
ok 757 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' ''
ok 13 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 758 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match dies on '' 'foo'
ok 12 - test same notes in 2/38-fanout and 2/2/36-fanout
ok 759 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' ''
ok 13 - verify same notes in 2/38-fanout and 2/2/36-fanout
ok 760 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match dies on '' 'foo'
ok 14 - merge z into y with "ours" per-ref configuration option => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 761 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 762 - setup match file test for foo/bar/baz/to
ok 15 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 763 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/to' '**/t[o]'
ok 764 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/t[o]' 'foo/bar/baz/to'
ok 765 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/to' '**/t[o]'
ok 16 - merge z into y with "theirs" strategy => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 766 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/t[o]' 'foo/bar/baz/to'
ok 17 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 767 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/to' '**/t[o]'
ok 18 - merge z into y with "theirs" strategy overriding configuration option "ours" => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 768 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/t[o]' 'foo/bar/baz/to'
ok 769 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar/baz/to' '**/t[o]'
ok 770 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/t[o]' 'foo/bar/baz/to'
ok 19 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 771 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 772 - setup match file test for a1B
ok 20 - merge z into y with "union" strategy => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 773 - wildmatch: match 'a1B' '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]'
ok 774 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]' 'a1B'
ok 21 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 775 - iwildmatch: match 'a1B' '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]'
ok 776 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]' 'a1B'
ok 22 - merge z into y with "union" strategy overriding per-ref configuration => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 777 - pathmatch: match 'a1B' '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]'
ok 23 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 778 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]' 'a1B'
ok 779 - ipathmatch: match 'a1B' '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]'
ok 24 - merge z into y with "union" per-ref overriding general configuration => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 780 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alpha:]][[:digit:]][[:upper:]]' 'a1B'
ok 781 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 25 - reset to pre-merge state (y)
ok 782 - setup match file test for a
ok 783 - wildmatch: no match 'a' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 26 - merge z into y with "manual" per-ref only checks specific ref configuration => Conflicting 3-way merge
ok 784 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'a'
ok 785 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 27 - merge y into z with "union" strategy => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 786 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'a'
ok 787 - pathmatch: no match 'a' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 788 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'a'
ok 28 - reset to pre-merge state (z)
ok 789 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 790 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'a'
ok 29 - merge y into z with "cat_sort_uniq" strategy => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
ok 791 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 30 - reset to pre-merge state (z)
ok 792 - setup match file test for A
ok 793 - wildmatch: match 'A' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 31 - merge y into z with "cat_sort_uniq" strategy configuration option => Non-conflicting 3-way merge
# passed all 31 test(s)
ok 794 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'A'
*** ***
ok 795 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 796 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'A'
ok 797 - pathmatch: match 'A' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 798 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'A'
ok 799 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 800 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' 'A'
ok 801 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 802 - setup match file test for 1
ok 803 - wildmatch: match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 1 - setup commits
ok 804 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '1'
ok 805 - iwildmatch: match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 2 - creating many notes with git-notes
ok 806 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '1'
ok 807 - pathmatch: match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 3 - many notes created correctly with git-notes
ok 2 - setup merge base (x)
ok 808 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '1'
ok 809 - ipathmatch: match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 3 - setup local branch (y)
ok 810 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '1'
ok 811 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 812 - setup match file test for 1
ok 813 - wildmatch: no match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]'
ok 4 - setup remote branch (z)
ok 814 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]' '1'
ok 815 - iwildmatch: no match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]'
ok 816 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]' '1'
ok 817 - pathmatch: no match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]'
ok 818 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]' '1'
ok 819 - ipathmatch: no match '1' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]'
ok 820 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:spaci:]]' '1'
ok 5 - merge z into m (== y) with default ("manual") resolver => Conflicting 3-way merge
ok 821 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 6 - change notes in z
ok 14 - test same notes in 2/2/2/34-fanout and 2/2/36-fanout
ok 822 - setup match file test for  
ok 7 - cannot do merge w/conflicts when previous merge is unfinished
ok 15 - verify same notes in 2/2/2/34-fanout and 2/2/36-fanout
ok 823 - wildmatch: match ' ' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 824 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' ' '
ok 825 - iwildmatch: match ' ' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 8 - setup unrelated notes ref (w)
ok 826 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' ' '
ok 827 - pathmatch: match ' ' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 828 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' ' '
ok 829 - ipathmatch: match ' ' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
ok 830 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' ' '
ok 9 - can do merge without conflicts even if previous merge is unfinished (x => w)
ok 831 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 10 - do not allow mixing --commit and --abort
ok 11 - do not allow mixing --commit and --strategy
ok 832 - setup match file test for .
ok 12 - do not allow mixing --abort and --strategy
ok 833 - wildmatch: no match '.' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
not ok 834 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 835 - iwildmatch: no match '.' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
not ok 836 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 837 - pathmatch: no match '.' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
not ok 838 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 839 - ipathmatch: no match '.' '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]'
not ok 840 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match skip '[[:digit:][:upper:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 841 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 842 - setup match file test for .
ok 843 - wildmatch: match '.' '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]'
ok 13 - finalize conflicting merge (z => m)
not ok 844 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 845 - iwildmatch: match '.' '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]'
not ok 846 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 847 - pathmatch: match '.' '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]'
not ok 848 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 849 - ipathmatch: match '.' '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]'
not ok 850 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[[:digit:][:punct:][:space:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 851 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 14 - redo merge of z into m (== y) with default ("manual") resolver => Conflicting 3-way merge
ok 852 - setup match file test for 5
ok 853 - wildmatch: match '5' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 854 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' '5'
ok 855 - iwildmatch: match '5' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 856 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' '5'
ok 857 - pathmatch: match '5' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 15 - abort notes merge
ok 858 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' '5'
ok 859 - ipathmatch: match '5' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 860 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' '5'
ok 861 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 16 - redo merge of z into m (== y) with default ("manual") resolver => Conflicting 3-way merge
ok 862 - setup match file test for f
ok 863 - wildmatch: match 'f' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 864 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'f'
ok 865 - iwildmatch: match 'f' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 866 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'f'
ok 867 - pathmatch: match 'f' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 868 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'f'
ok 869 - ipathmatch: match 'f' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 17 - add + remove notes in finalized merge (z => m)
ok 870 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'f'
ok 871 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 872 - setup match file test for D
ok 873 - wildmatch: match 'D' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 18 - redo merge of z into m (== y) with default ("manual") resolver => Conflicting 3-way merge
ok 874 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'D'
ok 875 - iwildmatch: match 'D' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 19 - reset notes ref m to somewhere else (w)
ok 876 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'D'
ok 877 - pathmatch: match 'D' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 878 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'D'
ok 879 - ipathmatch: match 'D' '[[:xdigit:]]'
ok 880 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:xdigit:]]' 'D'
ok 881 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 20 - fail to finalize conflicting merge if underlying ref has moved in the meantime (m != NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL^1)
ok 882 - setup match file test for _
ok 883 - wildmatch: match '_' '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
ok 884 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '_'
ok 885 - iwildmatch: match '_' '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
ok 886 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '_'
ok 16 - test notes in no fanout concatenated with 2/38-fanout
ok 887 - pathmatch: match '_' '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
ok 21 - resolve situation by aborting the notes merge
ok 17 - verify notes in no fanout concatenated with 2/38-fanout
ok 888 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '_'
ok 889 - ipathmatch: match '_' '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
ok 22 - switch cwd before committing notes merge
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 890 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:graph:][:lower:][:print:][:punct:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '_'
ok 891 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 892 - setup match file test for .
ok 893 - wildmatch: match '.' '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
not ok 894 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 895 - iwildmatch: match '.' '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
not ok 896 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 897 - pathmatch: match '.' '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
not ok 898 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 899 - ipathmatch: match '.' '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]'
not ok 900 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip '[^[:alnum:][:alpha:][:blank:][:cntrl:][:digit:][:lower:][:space:][:upper:][:xdigit:]]' '.' # TODO known breakage
ok 901 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1 - setup a few initial commits with notes (notes ref: x)
ok 902 - setup match file test for 5
ok 903 - wildmatch: match '5' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 904 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' '5'
ok 2 - sanity check (x)
ok 905 - iwildmatch: match '5' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 906 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' '5'
ok 907 - pathmatch: match '5' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 908 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' '5'
ok 909 - ipathmatch: match '5' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 910 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' '5'
ok 911 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 912 - setup match file test for b
ok 913 - wildmatch: match 'b' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 914 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'b'
ok 915 - iwildmatch: match 'b' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 916 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'b'
ok 917 - pathmatch: match 'b' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 918 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'b'
ok 919 - ipathmatch: match 'b' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 920 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'b'
ok 921 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 922 - setup match file test for y
ok 923 - wildmatch: match 'y' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 924 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'y'
ok 925 - iwildmatch: match 'y' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 926 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'y'
ok 927 - pathmatch: match 'y' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 928 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'y'
ok 929 - ipathmatch: match 'y' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 930 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'y'
ok 931 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 932 - setup match file test for q
ok 933 - wildmatch: no match 'q' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 934 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'q'
ok 935 - iwildmatch: no match 'q' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 936 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'q'
ok 937 - pathmatch: no match 'q' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 938 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'q'
ok 939 - ipathmatch: no match 'q' '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]'
ok 940 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-c[:digit:]x-z]' 'q'
ok 941 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 942 - setup match file test for ]
ok 943 - wildmatch: match ']' '[\\-^]'
ok 944 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\-^]' ']'
ok 945 - iwildmatch: match ']' '[\\-^]'
ok 946 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\-^]' ']'
ok 947 - pathmatch: match ']' '[\\-^]'
ok 948 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\-^]' ']'
ok 949 - ipathmatch: match ']' '[\\-^]'
ok 950 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\-^]' ']'
ok 951 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 952 - setup match file test for [
ok 953 - wildmatch: no match '[' '[\\-^]'
ok 954 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\\-^]' '['
ok 18 - test notes in no fanout concatenated with 2/2/36-fanout
ok 955 - iwildmatch: no match '[' '[\\-^]'
ok 19 - verify notes in no fanout concatenated with 2/2/36-fanout
ok 956 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\\-^]' '['
ok 957 - pathmatch: no match '[' '[\\-^]'
ok 958 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\\-^]' '['
ok 959 - ipathmatch: no match '[' '[\\-^]'
ok 960 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\\-^]' '['
ok 961 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 962 - setup match file test for -
ok 963 - wildmatch: match '-' '[\-_]'
ok 964 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\-_]' '-'
ok 965 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[\-_]'
ok 966 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\-_]' '-'
ok 967 - pathmatch: match '-' '[\-_]'
ok 968 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\-_]' '-'
ok 969 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[\-_]'
ok 970 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\-_]' '-'
ok 971 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 972 - setup match file test for ]
ok 973 - wildmatch: match ']' '[\]]'
ok 974 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\]]' ']'
ok 975 - iwildmatch: match ']' '[\]]'
ok 976 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\]]' ']'
ok 977 - pathmatch: match ']' '[\]]'
ok 978 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\]]' ']'
ok 979 - ipathmatch: match ']' '[\]]'
ok 980 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\]]' ']'
ok 981 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 982 - setup match file test for \]
ok 983 - wildmatch: no match '\]' '[\]]'
ok 984 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\]'
ok 985 - iwildmatch: no match '\]' '[\]]'
ok 986 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\]'
ok 987 - pathmatch: no match '\]' '[\]]'
ok 988 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\]'
ok 989 - ipathmatch: no match '\]' '[\]]'
ok 990 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\]'
ok 991 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 992 - setup match file test for \
ok 993 - wildmatch: no match '\' '[\]]'
ok 994 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\'
ok 995 - iwildmatch: no match '\' '[\]]'
ok 996 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\'
ok 997 - pathmatch: no match '\' '[\]]'
ok 998 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\'
ok 999 - ipathmatch: no match '\' '[\]]'
ok 1000 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]]' '\'
ok 1001 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1002 - setup match file test for ab
ok 1003 - wildmatch: no match 'ab' 'a[]b'
ok 1004 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]b' 'ab'
ok 1005 - iwildmatch: no match 'ab' 'a[]b'
ok 1006 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]b' 'ab'
ok 1007 - pathmatch: no match 'ab' 'a[]b'
ok 1008 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]b' 'ab'
ok 1009 - ipathmatch: no match 'ab' 'a[]b'
ok 1010 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'a[]b' 'ab'
ok 1011 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1012 - setup match file test for a[]b
ok 1013 - wildmatch: no match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1014 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1015 - iwildmatch: no match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1016 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1017 - pathmatch: no match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1018 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1019 - ipathmatch: no match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1020 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'a[]b' 'a[]b'
ok 1021 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1022 - setup match file test for ab[
ok 1023 - wildmatch: no match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 20 - test notes in 2/38-fanout concatenated with 2/2/36-fanout
ok 3 - Add a few hundred commits w/notes to trigger fanout (x -> y)
ok 1024 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 21 - verify notes in 2/38-fanout concatenated with 2/2/36-fanout
ok 1025 - iwildmatch: no match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 4 - notes tree has fanout (y)
ok 1026 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 1027 - pathmatch: no match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 5 - No-op merge (already included) (x => y)
ok 1028 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 1029 - ipathmatch: no match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 6 - Fast-forward merge (y => x)
ok 1030 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'ab[' 'ab['
ok 1031 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1032 - setup match file test for ab
ok 7 - change some of the initial 5 notes (x -> z)
ok 1033 - wildmatch: no match 'ab' '[!'
ok 8 - notes tree has no fanout (z)
ok 1034 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!' 'ab'
ok 1035 - iwildmatch: no match 'ab' '[!'
ok 1036 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!' 'ab'
ok 1037 - pathmatch: no match 'ab' '[!'
ok 1038 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!' 'ab'
ok 1039 - ipathmatch: no match 'ab' '[!'
ok 9 - successful merge without conflicts (y => z)
ok 1040 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!' 'ab'
ok 10 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
ok 1041 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1042 - setup match file test for ab
ok 1043 - wildmatch: no match 'ab' '[-'
ok 11 - introduce conflicting changes (y -> w)
ok 1044 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[-' 'ab'
ok 1045 - iwildmatch: no match 'ab' '[-'
ok 1046 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[-' 'ab'
ok 1047 - pathmatch: no match 'ab' '[-'
ok 12 - successful merge using "ours" strategy (z => w)
ok 1048 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[-' 'ab'
ok 1049 - ipathmatch: no match 'ab' '[-'
ok 13 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
ok 1050 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[-' 'ab'
ok 1051 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1052 - setup match file test for -
ok 1053 - wildmatch: match '-' '[-]'
ok 14 - successful merge using "theirs" strategy (z => w)
ok 1054 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[-]' '-'
ok 1055 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[-]'
ok 15 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
ok 1056 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[-]' '-'
ok 1057 - pathmatch: match '-' '[-]'
ok 1058 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[-]' '-'
ok 1059 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[-]'
ok 1060 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[-]' '-'
ok 1061 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 16 - successful merge using "union" strategy (z => w)
ok 1062 - setup match file test for -
ok 17 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
ok 1063 - wildmatch: no match '-' '[a-'
ok 1064 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-' '-'
ok 1065 - iwildmatch: no match '-' '[a-'
ok 1066 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-' '-'
ok 1067 - pathmatch: no match '-' '[a-'
ok 18 - successful merge using "cat_sort_uniq" strategy (z => w)
ok 1068 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-' '-'
ok 1069 - ipathmatch: no match '-' '[a-'
ok 19 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
ok 1070 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-' '-'
ok 20 - fails to merge using "manual" strategy (z => w)
ok 1071 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 21 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
ok 1072 - setup match file test for -
ok 1073 - wildmatch: no match '-' '[!a-'
ok 1074 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!a-' '-'
ok 22 - verify conflict entries (with no fanout)
ok 1075 - iwildmatch: no match '-' '[!a-'
ok 1076 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!a-' '-'
ok 1077 - pathmatch: no match '-' '[!a-'
ok 1078 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!a-' '-'
ok 23 - resolve and finalize merge (z => w)
ok 1079 - ipathmatch: no match '-' '[!a-'
ok 1080 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!a-' '-'
ok 24 - notes tree still has fanout after merge (m)
# passed all 24 test(s)
ok 1081 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1082 - setup match file test for -
*** ***
ok 1083 - wildmatch: match '-' '[--A]'
ok 1084 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '-'
ok 1085 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[--A]'
ok 1 - setup commit
ok 1086 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '-'
ok 2 - setup notes ref (x)
ok 1087 - pathmatch: match '-' '[--A]'
ok 1088 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '-'
ok 3 - setup local branch (y)
ok 1089 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[--A]'
ok 4 - setup remote branch (z)
ok 1090 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '-'
ok 5 - modify notes ref ourselves (x)
ok 1091 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 6 - create some new worktrees
ok 22 - test notes in 2/2/36-fanout concatenated with 2/2/2/34-fanout
ok 1092 - setup match file test for 5
ok 7 - merge z into y fails and sets NOTES_MERGE_REF
ok 1093 - wildmatch: match '5' '[--A]'
ok 23 - verify notes in 2/2/36-fanout concatenated with 2/2/2/34-fanout
# passed all 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1094 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '5'
ok 8 - merge z into y while mid-merge in another workdir fails
ok 1095 - iwildmatch: match '5' '[--A]'
ok 1096 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '5'
ok 9 - merge z into x while mid-merge on y succeeds
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 1097 - pathmatch: match '5' '[--A]'
*** ***
ok 1098 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '5'
ok 1099 - ipathmatch: match '5' '[--A]'
ok 1100 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[--A]' '5'
ok 1101 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1102 - setup match file test for  
ok 1 - prepare repository with topic branches
ok 1103 - wildmatch: match ' ' '[ --]'
ok 2 - rebase on dirty worktree
ok 1104 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' ' '
ok 1 - setup testcase where directory rename should be detected
ok 3 - rebase on dirty cache
ok 1105 - iwildmatch: match ' ' '[ --]'
ok 1106 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' ' '
ok 4 - rebase against master
ok 1107 - pathmatch: match ' ' '[ --]'
ok 2 - rebase --interactive: directory rename detected
ok 1108 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' ' '
ok 1109 - ipathmatch: match ' ' '[ --]'
ok 5 - rebase sets ORIG_HEAD to pre-rebase state
ok 1110 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' ' '
not ok 3 - rebase (am): directory rename detected # TODO known breakage
ok 1111 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1112 - setup match file test for $
ok 6 - rebase, with <onto> and <upstream> specified as :/quuxery
ok 1113 - wildmatch: match '$' '[ --]'
ok 4 - rebase --merge: directory rename detected
ok 7 - the rebase operation should not have destroyed author information
ok 8 - the rebase operation should not have destroyed author information (2)
ok 1114 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '$'
ok 1115 - iwildmatch: match '$' '[ --]'
ok 9 - HEAD was detached during rebase
ok 1116 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '$'
not ok 5 - am: directory rename detected # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - rebase from ambiguous branch name
ok 1117 - pathmatch: match '$' '[ --]'
ok 1118 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '$'
ok 1119 - ipathmatch: match '$' '[ --]'
ok 1120 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '$'
ok 1121 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 11 - rebase off of the previous branch using "-"
ok 6 - setup testcase where directory rename should NOT be detected
ok 1122 - setup match file test for -
ok 1123 - wildmatch: match '-' '[ --]'
ok 1124 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '-'
ok 1125 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[ --]'
ok 1126 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '-'
ok 7 - rebase --interactive: NO directory rename
ok 12 - rebase a single mode change
ok 1127 - pathmatch: match '-' '[ --]'
ok 1128 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '-'
ok 1129 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[ --]'
ok 1130 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[ --]' '-'
ok 13 - rebase is not broken by diff.renames
ok 8 - rebase (am): NO directory rename
ok 1131 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 14 - setup: recover
ok 1132 - setup match file test for 0
ok 15 - Show verbose error when HEAD could not be detached
ok 1133 - wildmatch: no match '0' '[ --]'
ok 9 - rebase --merge: NO directory rename
ok 16 - fail when upstream arg is missing and not on branch
ok 1134 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ --]' '0'
ok 17 - fail when upstream arg is missing and not configured
ok 1135 - iwildmatch: no match '0' '[ --]'
ok 1136 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ --]' '0'
ok 1137 - pathmatch: no match '0' '[ --]'
ok 10 - am: NO directory rename
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - rebase works with format.useAutoBase
ok 4 - stable fanout 0 is followed by stable fanout 1
ok 1138 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ --]' '0'
ok 1139 - ipathmatch: no match '0' '[ --]'
ok 1140 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[ --]' '0'
ok 1141 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1142 - setup match file test for -
ok 1143 - wildmatch: match '-' '[---]'
ok 1144 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[---]' '-'
ok 19 - default to common base in @{upstream}s reflog if no upstream arg
ok 1145 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[---]'
ok 1146 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[---]' '-'
ok 1147 - pathmatch: match '-' '[---]'
ok 1 - setup
ok 1148 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[---]' '-'
ok 1149 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[---]'
ok 2 - reference merge
ok 1150 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[---]' '-'
ok 1151 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 3 - rebase
ok 4 - test-rebase@{1} is pre rebase
ok 1152 - setup match file test for -
ok 5 - merge and rebase should match
ok 1153 - wildmatch: match '-' '[------]'
ok 20 - cherry-picked commits and fork-point work together
ok 1154 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[------]' '-'
ok 6 - rebase the other way
ok 1155 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[------]'
ok 21 - rebase -q is quiet
ok 1156 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[------]' '-'
ok 7 - rebase -Xtheirs
ok 1157 - pathmatch: match '-' '[------]'
ok 22 - Rebase a commit that sprinkles CRs in
ok 1158 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[------]' '-'
ok 1159 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[------]'
ok 8 - rebase -Xtheirs from orphan
ok 9 - merge and rebase should match
ok 1160 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[------]' '-'
ok 1161 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1162 - setup match file test for j
ok 10 - picking rebase
ok 23 - rebase can copy notes
ok 1163 - wildmatch: no match 'j' '[a-e-n]'
ok 1164 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-e-n]' 'j'
ok 1165 - iwildmatch: no match 'j' '[a-e-n]'
ok 24 - rebase -m can copy notes
ok 1166 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-e-n]' 'j'
ok 11 - rebase -s funny -Xopt
ok 1167 - pathmatch: no match 'j' '[a-e-n]'
ok 1168 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-e-n]' 'j'
ok 1169 - ipathmatch: no match 'j' '[a-e-n]'
ok 1170 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-e-n]' 'j'
ok 25 - rebase commit with an ancient timestamp
ok 12 - rebase --skip works with two conflicts in a row
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 1171 - cleanup after previous file test
*** ***
ok 1172 - setup match file test for -
ok 26 - rebase with "From " line in commit message
ok 1173 - wildmatch: match '-' '[a-e-n]'
ok 1174 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-e-n]' '-'
ok 1175 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[a-e-n]'
ok 1176 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-e-n]' '-'
ok 1177 - pathmatch: match '-' '[a-e-n]'
ok 1178 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-e-n]' '-'
ok 1179 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[a-e-n]'
ok 27 - rebase --am and --show-current-patch
ok 1 - setup
ok 1180 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-e-n]' '-'
ok 2 - rebase with git am -3 (default)
ok 1181 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 3 - rebase --skip can not be used with other options
ok 1182 - setup match file test for a
ok 4 - rebase --skip with am -3
ok 1183 - wildmatch: match 'a' '[!------]'
ok 1184 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[!------]' 'a'
ok 1185 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[!------]'
ok 1186 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[!------]' 'a'
ok 1187 - pathmatch: match 'a' '[!------]'
ok 1188 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[!------]' 'a'
ok 5 - rebase moves back to skip-reference
ok 1189 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[!------]'
ok 6 - checkout skip-merge
ok 1190 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[!------]' 'a'
ok 7 - rebase with --merge
ok 1191 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 8 - rebase --skip with --merge
ok 9 - merge and reference trees equal
ok 28 - rebase --am and .gitattributes
ok 1192 - setup match file test for [
ok 10 - moved back to branch correctly
ok 1193 - wildmatch: no match '[' '[]-a]'
ok 1194 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[]-a]' '['
ok 1195 - iwildmatch: no match '[' '[]-a]'
ok 1196 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[]-a]' '['
ok 11 - fixup that empties commit fails
ok 1197 - pathmatch: no match '[' '[]-a]'
ok 29 - and --show-current-patch
ok 1198 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[]-a]' '['
ok 1199 - ipathmatch: no match '[' '[]-a]'
ok 30 - rebase -c rebase.useBuiltin=false warning
# passed all 30 test(s)
ok 1200 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[]-a]' '['
ok 12 - squash that empties commit fails
ok 1201 - cleanup after previous file test
*** ***
ok 13 - $EDITOR and friends are unchanged
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1202 - setup match file test for ^
ok 1203 - wildmatch: match '^' '[]-a]'
ok 1204 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[]-a]' '^'
ok 1205 - iwildmatch: match '^' '[]-a]'
ok 1206 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[]-a]' '^'
ok 1207 - pathmatch: match '^' '[]-a]'
ok 1208 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[]-a]' '^'
ok 1209 - ipathmatch: match '^' '[]-a]'
ok 1210 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[]-a]' '^'
ok 1211 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1212 - setup match file test for ^
ok 1 - setup
ok 1213 - wildmatch: no match '^' '[!]-a]'
ok 1214 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-a]' '^'
ok 1215 - iwildmatch: no match '^' '[!]-a]'
ok 2 - rebase commit with multi-line subject
ok 1216 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-a]' '^'
ok 1217 - pathmatch: no match '^' '[!]-a]'
ok 3 - rebase commit with diff in message
ok 1218 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-a]' '^'
ok 1219 - ipathmatch: no match '^' '[!]-a]'
ok 4 - rebase -m commit with empty message
ok 1220 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!]-a]' '^'
ok 1221 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1222 - setup match file test for [
ok 5 - rebase -i commit with empty message
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 1223 - wildmatch: match '[' '[!]-a]'
*** ***
ok 1224 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-a]' '['
ok 1225 - iwildmatch: match '[' '[!]-a]'
ok 1226 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-a]' '['
ok 1227 - pathmatch: match '[' '[!]-a]'
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - deleting most notes with git-notes
ok 1228 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-a]' '['
ok 1229 - ipathmatch: match '[' '[!]-a]'
ok 1230 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[!]-a]' '['
ok 2 - rebase --keep-empty
ok 6 - most notes deleted correctly with git-notes
ok 1231 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1232 - setup match file test for ^
ok 3 - rebase -i with empty HEAD
ok 1233 - wildmatch: match '^' '[a^bc]'
ok 1234 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a^bc]' '^'
ok 1 - setup
ok 1235 - iwildmatch: match '^' '[a^bc]'
ok 1236 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a^bc]' '^'
ok 2 - rebase -m
ok 1237 - pathmatch: match '^' '[a^bc]'
ok 3 - rebase against master twice
ok 1238 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a^bc]' '^'
ok 1239 - ipathmatch: match '^' '[a^bc]'
ok 4 - rebase against master twice with --force
ok 4 - rebase -i with the exec command
ok 1240 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a^bc]' '^'
ok 5 - rebase against master twice from another branch
ok 1241 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 6 - rebase fast-forward to master
ok 1242 - setup match file test for -b]
ok 5 - rebase -i with the exec command runs from tree root
ok 1243 - wildmatch: match '-b]' '[a-]b]'
ok 7 - rebase --stat
ok 1244 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-]b]' '-b]'
ok 1245 - iwildmatch: match '-b]' '[a-]b]'
ok 6 - rebase -i with exec allows git commands in subdirs
ok 1246 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-]b]' '-b]'
ok 8 - rebase w/config rebase.stat
ok 1247 - pathmatch: match '-b]' '[a-]b]'
ok 7 - rebase -i sets work tree properly
ok 1248 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-]b]' '-b]'
ok 1249 - ipathmatch: match '-b]' '[a-]b]'
ok 9 - rebase -n overrides config rebase.stat config
ok 10 - rebase --onto outputs the invalid ref
ok 1250 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-]b]' '-b]'
ok 1251 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 11 - error out early upon -C<n> or --whitespace=<bad>
ok 8 - rebase -i with the exec command checks tree cleanness
ok 1252 - setup match file test for \
ok 1253 - wildmatch: no match '\' '[\]'
ok 9 - rebase -x with empty command fails
ok 10 - rebase -x with newline in command fails
ok 1254 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]' '\'
ok 1255 - iwildmatch: no match '\' '[\]'
ok 11 - rebase -i with exec of inexistent command
ok 1256 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]' '\'
ok 1257 - pathmatch: no match '\' '[\]'
ok 12 - implicit interactive rebase does not invoke sequence editor
ok 1258 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]' '\'
ok 1259 - ipathmatch: no match '\' '[\]'
ok 1260 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\]' '\'
ok 13 - no changes are a nop
ok 1261 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1262 - setup match file test for \
ok 1263 - wildmatch: match '\' '[\\]'
ok 13 - rebase -i onto unrelated history
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1264 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\]' '\'
ok 14 - test the [branch] option
ok 1265 - iwildmatch: match '\' '[\\]'
ok 1266 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\]' '\'
ok 1267 - pathmatch: match '\' '[\\]'
ok 1268 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\]' '\'
ok 15 - test --onto <branch>
ok 1269 - ipathmatch: match '\' '[\\]'
ok 1270 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\]' '\'
ok 1271 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 16 - rebase on top of a non-conflicting commit
ok 17 - reflog for the branch shows state before rebase
ok 1272 - setup match file test for \
ok 18 - reflog for the branch shows correct finish message
ok 1 - setup
ok 1273 - wildmatch: no match '\' '[!\\]'
ok 1274 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!\\]' '\'
ok 2 - rebase --abort
ok 1275 - iwildmatch: no match '\' '[!\\]'
ok 1276 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!\\]' '\'
ok 19 - exchange two commits
ok 1277 - pathmatch: no match '\' '[!\\]'
ok 1278 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!\\]' '\'
ok 1279 - ipathmatch: no match '\' '[!\\]'
ok 3 - rebase --abort after --skip
ok 1280 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[!\\]' '\'
ok 20 - stop on conflicting pick
ok 1281 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1282 - setup match file test for G
ok 21 - show conflicted patch
ok 1283 - wildmatch: match 'G' '[A-\\]'
ok 1284 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-\\]' 'G'
ok 1285 - iwildmatch: match 'G' '[A-\\]'
ok 4 - rebase --abort after --continue
ok 22 - abort
ok 1286 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-\\]' 'G'
ok 1287 - pathmatch: match 'G' '[A-\\]'
ok 1288 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-\\]' 'G'
ok 1289 - ipathmatch: match 'G' '[A-\\]'
ok 23 - abort with error when new base cannot be checked out
ok 5 - rebase --abort does not update reflog
ok 1290 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-\\]' 'G'
ok 1291 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 24 - retain authorship
ok 1292 - setup match file test for aaabbb
ok 6 - rebase --abort can not be used with other options
ok 1293 - wildmatch: no match 'aaabbb' 'b*a'
ok 1294 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'b*a' 'aaabbb'
ok 1295 - iwildmatch: no match 'aaabbb' 'b*a'
ok 7 - rebase --merge --abort
ok 1296 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'b*a' 'aaabbb'
ok 1297 - pathmatch: no match 'aaabbb' 'b*a'
ok 25 - retain authorship w/ conflicts
ok 1298 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'b*a' 'aaabbb'
ok 8 - rebase --merge --abort after --skip
ok 1299 - ipathmatch: no match 'aaabbb' 'b*a'
ok 1300 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'b*a' 'aaabbb'
ok 1301 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 26 - squash
ok 9 - rebase --merge --abort after --continue
ok 1302 - setup match file test for aabcaa
ok 27 - retain authorship when squashing
ok 1303 - wildmatch: no match 'aabcaa' '*ba*'
ok 1304 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*ba*' 'aabcaa'
ok 1305 - iwildmatch: no match 'aabcaa' '*ba*'
ok 10 - rebase --merge --abort does not update reflog
ok 1306 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*ba*' 'aabcaa'
ok 1307 - pathmatch: no match 'aabcaa' '*ba*'
ok 11 - rebase --abort can not be used with other options
ok 1308 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*ba*' 'aabcaa'
ok 1309 - ipathmatch: no match 'aabcaa' '*ba*'
ok 1310 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*ba*' 'aabcaa'
ok 12 - rebase --quit
ok 1311 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1312 - setup match file test for ,
ok 13 - rebase --merge --quit
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 1313 - wildmatch: match ',' '[,]'
*** ***
ok 1314 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[,]' ','
ok 1315 - iwildmatch: match ',' '[,]'
ok 1316 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[,]' ','
ok 1317 - pathmatch: match ',' '[,]'
ok 1318 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[,]' ','
ok 1319 - ipathmatch: match ',' '[,]'
ok 1320 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[,]' ','
ok 1321 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1322 - setup match file test for ,
ok 1 - setup
ok 1323 - wildmatch: match ',' '[\\,]'
ok 1324 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' ','
ok 1325 - iwildmatch: match ',' '[\\,]'
ok 2 - rebase
ok 1326 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' ','
ok 1327 - pathmatch: match ',' '[\\,]'
ok 1328 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' ','
ok 1329 - ipathmatch: match ',' '[\\,]'
ok 1330 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' ','
ok 1331 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1332 - setup match file test for \
ok 1333 - wildmatch: match '\' '[\\,]'
ok 1334 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' '\'
ok 1335 - iwildmatch: match '\' '[\\,]'
ok 1336 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' '\'
ok 1337 - pathmatch: match '\' '[\\,]'
ok 1338 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' '\'
ok 1339 - ipathmatch: match '\' '[\\,]'
ok 1340 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\\,]' '\'
ok 1341 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 28 - -p handles "no changes" gracefully
ok 1342 - setup match file test for -
ok 1343 - wildmatch: match '-' '[,-.]'
ok 1344 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[,-.]' '-'
ok 1345 - iwildmatch: match '-' '[,-.]'
ok 1346 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[,-.]' '-'
ok 1347 - pathmatch: match '-' '[,-.]'
ok 1348 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[,-.]' '-'
ok 1349 - ipathmatch: match '-' '[,-.]'
ok 1350 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[,-.]' '-'
ok 1351 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1352 - setup match file test for +
ok 1353 - wildmatch: no match '+' '[,-.]'
ok 1354 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '+'
ok 1355 - iwildmatch: no match '+' '[,-.]'
ok 1356 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '+'
ok 1357 - pathmatch: no match '+' '[,-.]'
ok 1358 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '+'
ok 1359 - ipathmatch: no match '+' '[,-.]'
ok 1360 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '+'
ok 1361 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1362 - setup match file test for -.]
ok 1363 - wildmatch: no match '-.]' '[,-.]'
ok 1364 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '-.]'
ok 1365 - iwildmatch: no match '-.]' '[,-.]'
not ok 29 - exchange two commits with -p # TODO known breakage
ok 1366 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '-.]'
ok 1367 - pathmatch: no match '-.]' '[,-.]'
ok 1368 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '-.]'
ok 1369 - ipathmatch: no match '-.]' '[,-.]'
ok 1370 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[,-.]' '-.]'
ok 1371 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1372 - setup match file test for 2
ok 1373 - wildmatch: match '2' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1374 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '2'
ok 1375 - iwildmatch: match '2' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1376 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '2'
ok 1377 - pathmatch: match '2' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1378 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '2'
ok 1379 - ipathmatch: match '2' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1380 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '2'
ok 3 - rebasep
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1381 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1382 - setup match file test for 3
ok 1383 - wildmatch: match '3' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1384 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '3'
ok 1385 - iwildmatch: match '3' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1386 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '3'
ok 1387 - pathmatch: match '3' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1388 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '3'
ok 1389 - ipathmatch: match '3' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1390 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[\1-\3]' '3'
ok 1391 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1392 - setup match file test for 4
ok 1393 - wildmatch: no match '4' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1394 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\1-\3]' '4'
ok 1 - setup for merge-preserving rebase
ok 1395 - iwildmatch: no match '4' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1396 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\1-\3]' '4'
ok 1397 - pathmatch: no match '4' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1398 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\1-\3]' '4'
ok 1399 - ipathmatch: no match '4' '[\1-\3]'
ok 1400 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[\1-\3]' '4'
ok 1401 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1402 - setup match file test for \
ok 1403 - wildmatch: match '\' '[[-\]]'
ok 1404 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '\'
ok 1405 - iwildmatch: match '\' '[[-\]]'
ok 1406 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '\'
ok 1407 - pathmatch: match '\' '[[-\]]'
ok 1408 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '\'
ok 1409 - ipathmatch: match '\' '[[-\]]'
ok 1410 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '\'
ok 1411 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1412 - setup match file test for [
ok 1413 - wildmatch: match '[' '[[-\]]'
ok 1414 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '['
ok 1415 - iwildmatch: match '[' '[[-\]]'
ok 1416 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '['
ok 1417 - pathmatch: match '[' '[[-\]]'
ok 1418 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '['
ok 1419 - ipathmatch: match '[' '[[-\]]'
ok 1420 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' '['
ok 1421 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1422 - setup match file test for ]
ok 1423 - wildmatch: match ']' '[[-\]]'
ok 1424 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' ']'
ok 1425 - iwildmatch: match ']' '[[-\]]'
ok 1426 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' ']'
ok 1427 - pathmatch: match ']' '[[-\]]'
ok 1428 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' ']'
ok 1429 - ipathmatch: match ']' '[[-\]]'
ok 1430 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[-\]]' ']'
ok 1431 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1432 - setup match file test for -
ok 1433 - wildmatch: no match '-' '[[-\]]'
ok 1434 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[-\]]' '-'
ok 1435 - iwildmatch: no match '-' '[[-\]]'
ok 1436 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[-\]]' '-'
ok 1437 - pathmatch: no match '-' '[[-\]]'
ok 1438 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[-\]]' '-'
ok 1439 - ipathmatch: no match '-' '[[-\]]'
ok 1440 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[-\]]' '-'
ok 1441 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1442 - setup match file test for -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1
ok 1443 - wildmatch: match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1444 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1445 - iwildmatch: match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1446 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1447 - pathmatch: match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 2 - --continue works after a conflict
ok 1448 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1449 - ipathmatch: match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1450 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1451 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1452 - setup match file test for -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1
ok 1453 - wildmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1454 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1455 - iwildmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1456 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1457 - pathmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 30 - preserve merges with -p
ok 1458 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1459 - ipathmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1460 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1461 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1462 - setup match file test for -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1
ok 1463 - wildmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1464 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1465 - iwildmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1466 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1467 - pathmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1468 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1469 - ipathmatch: no match '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1' '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*'
ok 1470 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '-*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*' '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-/-70-iso8859-1'
ok 1471 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1472 - setup match file test for XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1
ok 1473 - wildmatch: match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1474 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1475 - iwildmatch: match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1476 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1477 - pathmatch: match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1478 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1479 - ipathmatch: match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1480 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/m/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1481 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1482 - setup match file test for XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1
ok 1483 - wildmatch: no match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1484 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1485 - iwildmatch: no match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1486 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1487 - pathmatch: no match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1488 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1489 - ipathmatch: no match 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*'
not ok 1490 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match skip 'XXX/*/*/*/*/*/*/12/*/*/*/m/*/*/*' 'XXX/adobe/courier/bold/o/normal//12/120/75/75/X/70/iso8859/1' # TODO known breakage
ok 1491 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1492 - setup match file test for abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt
ok 1493 - wildmatch: match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 7 - stable fanout 1 is followed by stable fanout 0
# passed all 7 test(s)
ok 1494 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt'
ok 1495 - iwildmatch: match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
*** ***
ok 1496 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt'
ok 1497 - pathmatch: match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 1498 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt'
ok 1499 - ipathmatch: match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 1500 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt'
ok 1501 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1502 - setup match file test for abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz
ok 1503 - wildmatch: no match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 31 - edit ancestor with -p
ok 3 - rebase -p preserves no-ff merges
ok 1504 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz'
ok 1505 - iwildmatch: no match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 1506 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz'
ok 1507 - pathmatch: no match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 1508 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz'
ok 32 - --continue tries to commit
ok 1509 - ipathmatch: no match 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz' '**/*a*b*g*n*t'
ok 1 - setup
ok 1510 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '**/*a*b*g*n*t' 'abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txtz'
ok 1511 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 33 - verbose flag is heeded, even after --continue
ok 1512 - setup match file test for foo
ok 1513 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' '*/*/*'
ok 1514 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo'
ok 1515 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' '*/*/*'
ok 1516 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo'
ok 1517 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' '*/*/*'
ok 34 - multi-squash only fires up editor once
ok 1518 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo'
ok 1519 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' '*/*/*'
ok 1520 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo'
ok 1521 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 35 - multi-fixup does not fire up editor
ok 1522 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 1523 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' '*/*/*'
ok 1524 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1525 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' '*/*/*'
ok 1526 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 36 - commit message used after conflict
ok 1527 - pathmatch: no match 'foo/bar' '*/*/*'
ok 1528 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1529 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo/bar' '*/*/*'
ok 1530 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1531 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1532 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1533 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' '*/*/*'
ok 37 - commit message retained after conflict
ok 1534 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1535 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' '*/*/*'
ok 1536 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1537 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' '*/*/*'
ok 1538 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 38 - squash and fixup generate correct log messages
ok 1539 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' '*/*/*'
ok 1540 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1541 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1542 - setup match file test for foo/bb/aa/rr
ok 1543 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '*/*/*'
ok 39 - squash ignores comments
ok 1544 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1545 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '*/*/*'
ok 1546 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*/*/*' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1547 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '*/*/*'
ok 1548 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*/*' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1549 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '*/*/*'
ok 40 - squash ignores blank lines
ok 1550 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*/*' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1551 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 4 - rebase -p ignores merge.log config
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 1552 - setup match file test for foo/bb/aa/rr
*** ***
ok 1553 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '**/**/**'
ok 41 - squash works as expected
ok 1554 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/**/**' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1555 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '**/**/**'
ok 1556 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/**/**' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1557 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '**/**/**'
ok 1558 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/**/**' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1559 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bb/aa/rr' '**/**/**'
ok 42 - interrupted squash works as expected
ok 1560 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/**/**' 'foo/bb/aa/rr'
ok 1561 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1 - setup
ok 1562 - setup match file test for abcXdefXghi
ok 1563 - wildmatch: match 'abcXdefXghi' '*X*i'
ok 1564 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*X*i' 'abcXdefXghi'
ok 1565 - iwildmatch: match 'abcXdefXghi' '*X*i'
ok 43 - interrupted squash works as expected (case 2)
ok 1566 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*X*i' 'abcXdefXghi'
ok 1567 - pathmatch: match 'abcXdefXghi' '*X*i'
ok 1568 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*X*i' 'abcXdefXghi'
ok 1569 - ipathmatch: match 'abcXdefXghi' '*X*i'
ok 1570 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*X*i' 'abcXdefXghi'
ok 2 - skip same-resolution merges with -p
ok 1571 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 44 - --continue tries to commit, even for "edit"
ok 1572 - setup match file test for ab/cXd/efXg/hi
ok 1573 - wildmatch: no match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*X*i'
ok 1574 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*X*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 45 - aborted --continue does not squash commits after "edit"
ok 1575 - iwildmatch: no match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*X*i'
ok 1576 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*X*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1577 - pathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*X*i'
ok 1578 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*X*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 46 - auto-amend only edited commits after "edit"
ok 1579 - ipathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*X*i'
ok 1580 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*X*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1581 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 47 - clean error after failed "exec"
ok 1582 - setup match file test for ab/cXd/efXg/hi
ok 1583 - wildmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*/*X*/*/*i'
ok 1584 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*X*/*/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1585 - iwildmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*/*X*/*/*i'
ok 48 - rebase a detached HEAD
ok 1586 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*X*/*/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1587 - pathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*/*X*/*/*i'
ok 1588 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*X*/*/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1589 - ipathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*/*X*/*/*i'
ok 49 - rebase a commit violating pre-commit
ok 1590 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*/*X*/*/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1591 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1592 - setup match file test for ab/cXd/efXg/hi
ok 1593 - wildmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '**/*X*/**/*i'
ok 1594 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*X*/**/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1595 - iwildmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '**/*X*/**/*i'
ok 1596 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*X*/**/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 50 - rebase with a file named HEAD in worktree
ok 1597 - pathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '**/*X*/**/*i'
ok 1598 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*X*/**/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1599 - ipathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '**/*X*/**/*i'
ok 1600 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '**/*X*/**/*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 51 - do "noop" when there is nothing to cherry-pick
ok 1601 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1602 - setup match file test for foo
ok 1603 - wildmatch: no match 'foo' 'fo'
ok 2 - squash F1 into D1
ok 1604 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'fo' 'foo'
ok 1605 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo' 'fo'
ok 52 - submodule rebase setup
ok 1606 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'fo' 'foo'
ok 1607 - pathmatch: no match 'foo' 'fo'
ok 1608 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'fo' 'foo'
ok 53 - submodule rebase -i
ok 1609 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo' 'fo'
ok 1610 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'fo' 'foo'
ok 1611 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 54 - submodule conflict setup
ok 1612 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 1613 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1614 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 55 - rebase -i continue with only submodule staged
ok 1615 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1616 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1617 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1618 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1619 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 56 - rebase -i continue with unstaged submodule
ok 1620 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1621 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 57 - avoid unnecessary reset
ok 1622 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 1623 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/*'
ok 1624 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1625 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/*'
ok 1626 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1627 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/*'
ok 1628 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1629 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo/*'
ok 1630 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*' 'foo/bar'
ok 1631 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1632 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1633 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*'
ok 1634 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1635 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*'
ok 1636 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1637 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*'
ok 58 - reword
ok 1638 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1639 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*'
ok 1640 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1641 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1642 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 59 - rebase -i can copy notes
ok 1643 - wildmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**'
ok 3 - keep different-resolution merges with -p
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 1644 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**' 'foo/bba/arr'
*** ***
ok 1645 - iwildmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**'
ok 1646 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1647 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**'
ok 60 - rebase -i can copy notes over a fixup
ok 1648 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1649 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**'
ok 1650 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 61 - rebase while detaching HEAD
ok 1651 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1 - prepare repository
ok 1652 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 2 - rebase --root fails with too many args
ok 1653 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo*'
ok 3 - setup pre-rebase hook
ok 1654 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1655 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo*'
ok 62 - always cherry-pick with --no-ff
ok 1656 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 4 - rebase --root --onto <newbase>
ok 5 - pre-rebase got correct input (1)
ok 1657 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo*'
ok 1658 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 63 - set up commits with funny messages
ok 1659 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo*'
ok 1660 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo*' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 6 - rebase --root --onto <newbase> <branch>
ok 7 - pre-rebase got correct input (2)
ok 1661 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 64 - rebase-i history with funny messages
ok 1662 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1663 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo**'
ok 1664 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 8 - rebase -i --root --onto <newbase>
ok 9 - pre-rebase got correct input (3)
ok 1665 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo**'
ok 65 - prepare for rebase -i --exec
ok 1666 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1667 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo**'
ok 10 - rebase -i --root --onto <newbase> <branch>
ok 11 - pre-rebase got correct input (4)
ok 1668 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1669 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo**'
ok 1670 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo**' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 66 - running "git rebase -i --exec git show HEAD"
ok 1671 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1672 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1673 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*arr'
ok 1674 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1675 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*arr'
ok 1676 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1677 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*arr'
ok 1678 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 67 - running "git rebase --exec git show HEAD -i"
ok 1679 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*arr'
ok 1680 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/*arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1681 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1682 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1683 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**arr'
ok 68 - running "git rebase -ix git show HEAD"
ok 1684 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1685 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**arr'
ok 1686 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1687 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**arr'
ok 1688 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1689 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**arr'
ok 69 - rebase -ix with several <CMD>
ok 1690 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo/**arr' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1691 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1692 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1693 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*z'
ok 1694 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 3 - rebase two levels of merge
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 1695 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*z'
*** ***
ok 70 - rebase -ix with several instances of --exec
ok 1696 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1697 - pathmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*z'
ok 1698 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1699 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/*z'
ok 1700 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/*z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1701 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1 - setup
ok 1702 - setup match file test for foo/bba/arr
ok 1703 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**z'
ok 2 - rebase
ok 71 - rebase -ix with --autosquash
ok 1704 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1705 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**z'
ok 3 - rebase -i
ok 1706 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 4 - setup pre-rebase hook
ok 1707 - pathmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**z'
ok 72 - rebase --exec works without -i 
ok 1708 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 73 - rebase -i --exec without <CMD>
ok 1709 - ipathmatch: no match 'foo/bba/arr' 'foo/**z'
ok 5 - pre-rebase hook gets correct input (1)
ok 1710 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo/**z' 'foo/bba/arr'
ok 1711 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 6 - pre-rebase hook gets correct input (2)
ok 1712 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 1713 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 74 - rebase -i --root re-order and drop commits
ok 1714 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 7 - pre-rebase hook gets correct input (3)
ok 1715 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 1716 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 8 - pre-rebase hook gets correct input (4)
ok 1717 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 12 - rebase -i -p with linear history
ok 1718 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 13 - pre-rebase got correct input (5)
ok 1719 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo?bar'
ok 75 - rebase -i --root retain root commit author and message
ok 9 - pre-rebase hook gets correct input (5)
ok 1720 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo?bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1721 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 14 - set up merge history
ok 76 - rebase -i --root temporary sentinel commit
ok 10 - pre-rebase hook gets correct input (6)
ok 1722 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 11 - setup pre-rebase hook that fails
ok 1723 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 12 - pre-rebase hook stops rebase (1)
ok 1724 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 77 - rebase -i --root fixup root commit
ok 1725 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 13 - pre-rebase hook stops rebase (2)
ok 1726 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1727 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 1728 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1729 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[/]bar'
ok 14 - rebase --no-verify overrides pre-rebase (1)
ok 1730 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[/]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 78 - rebase -i --root reword original root commit
ok 1731 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1732 - setup match file test for foo/bar
ok 15 - rebase --no-verify overrides pre-rebase (2)
# passed all 15 test(s)
ok 1733 - wildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
*** ***
ok 1734 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1735 - iwildmatch: no match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 79 - rebase -i --root reword new root commit
ok 1736 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1737 - pathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 1738 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1739 - ipathmatch: match 'foo/bar' 'foo[^a-z]bar'
ok 1740 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match 'foo[^a-z]bar' 'foo/bar'
ok 1741 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 80 - rebase -i --root when root has untracked file conflict
ok 1742 - setup match file test for ab/cXd/efXg/hi
ok 1743 - wildmatch: no match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*Xg*i'
ok 1744 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*Xg*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1 - setup
ok 1745 - iwildmatch: no match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*Xg*i'
ok 1746 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): no match '*Xg*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 81 - rebase -i --root reword root when root has untracked file conflict
ok 1747 - pathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*Xg*i'
ok 1748 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '*Xg*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 1749 - ipathmatch: match 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi' '*Xg*i'
ok 1750 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '*Xg*i' 'ab/cXd/efXg/hi'
ok 82 - rebase --edit-todo does not work on non-interactive rebase
ok 1751 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1752 - setup match file test for a
ok 1753 - wildmatch: no match 'a' '[A-Z]'
ok 1754 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[A-Z]' 'a'
ok 1755 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[A-Z]'
ok 1756 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-Z]' 'a'
ok 1757 - pathmatch: no match 'a' '[A-Z]'
ok 83 - rebase --edit-todo can be used to modify todo
ok 1758 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[A-Z]' 'a'
ok 1759 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[A-Z]'
ok 1760 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-Z]' 'a'
ok 84 - rebase -i produces readable reflog
ok 1761 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1762 - setup match file test for A
ok 1763 - wildmatch: match 'A' '[A-Z]'
ok 85 - rebase -i respects core.commentchar
ok 1764 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-Z]' 'A'
ok 1765 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[A-Z]'
ok 1766 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-Z]' 'A'
ok 1767 - pathmatch: match 'A' '[A-Z]'
ok 86 - rebase -i respects core.commentchar=auto
ok 1768 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-Z]' 'A'
ok 1769 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[A-Z]'
ok 1770 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[A-Z]' 'A'
ok 1771 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 87 - rebase -i, with <onto> and <upstream> specified as :/quuxery
ok 1772 - setup match file test for A
ok 1773 - wildmatch: no match 'A' '[a-z]'
ok 1774 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-z]' 'A'
ok 1775 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[a-z]'
ok 88 - rebase -i with --strategy and -X
ok 1776 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-z]' 'A'
ok 1777 - pathmatch: no match 'A' '[a-z]'
ok 1778 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[a-z]' 'A'
ok 1779 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[a-z]'
ok 1780 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-z]' 'A'
ok 1781 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 89 - interrupted rebase -i with --strategy and -X
ok 15 - rebase -i -p with merge
ok 1782 - setup match file test for a
ok 1783 - wildmatch: match 'a' '[a-z]'
ok 1784 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-z]' 'a'
ok 16 - set up second root and merge
ok 1785 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[a-z]'
ok 90 - rebase -i error on commits with \ in message
ok 1786 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-z]' 'a'
ok 1787 - pathmatch: match 'a' '[a-z]'
ok 1788 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-z]' 'a'
ok 1789 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[a-z]'
ok 1790 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[a-z]' 'a'
ok 1791 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 91 - short SHA-1 setup
ok 1792 - setup match file test for a
ok 1793 - wildmatch: no match 'a' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 1794 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:upper:]]' 'a'
ok 1795 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 1796 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:upper:]]' 'a'
ok 1797 - pathmatch: no match 'a' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 92 - short SHA-1 collide
ok 1798 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:upper:]]' 'a'
ok 1799 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 1800 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:upper:]]' 'a'
ok 1801 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 93 - respect core.abbrev
ok 1802 - setup match file test for A
ok 94 - todo count
ok 1803 - wildmatch: match 'A' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 1804 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:upper:]]' 'A'
ok 1805 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 1806 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:upper:]]' 'A'
ok 1807 - pathmatch: match 'A' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 95 - rebase -i commits that overwrite untracked files (pick)
ok 1808 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:upper:]]' 'A'
ok 1809 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[[:upper:]]'
ok 2 - rebase from B1 onto H1
ok 1810 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:upper:]]' 'A'
ok 1811 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1812 - setup match file test for A
ok 96 - rebase -i commits that overwrite untracked files (squash)
ok 1813 - wildmatch: no match 'A' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 1814 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:lower:]]' 'A'
ok 1815 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 1816 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:lower:]]' 'A'
ok 1817 - pathmatch: no match 'A' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 1818 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[[:lower:]]' 'A'
ok 1819 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 97 - rebase -i commits that overwrite untracked files (no ff)
ok 1820 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:lower:]]' 'A'
ok 1821 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1822 - setup match file test for a
ok 1823 - wildmatch: match 'a' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 1824 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:lower:]]' 'a'
ok 1825 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 1826 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:lower:]]' 'a'
ok 1827 - pathmatch: match 'a' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 98 - rebase --continue removes CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 1828 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:lower:]]' 'a'
ok 1829 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[[:lower:]]'
ok 1830 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[[:lower:]]' 'a'
ok 1831 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1832 - setup match file test for A
ok 1833 - wildmatch: no match 'A' '[B-Za]'
ok 1834 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[B-Za]' 'A'
ok 99 - drop
ok 1835 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[B-Za]'
ok 1836 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-Za]' 'A'
ok 1837 - pathmatch: no match 'A' '[B-Za]'
ok 1838 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[B-Za]' 'A'
ok 1839 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[B-Za]'
ok 1840 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-Za]' 'A'
ok 100 - rebase -i respects rebase.missingCommitsCheck = ignore
ok 1841 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1842 - setup match file test for a
ok 1843 - wildmatch: match 'a' '[B-Za]'
ok 1844 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-Za]' 'a'
ok 1845 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[B-Za]'
ok 101 - rebase -i respects rebase.missingCommitsCheck = warn
ok 1846 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-Za]' 'a'
ok 1847 - pathmatch: match 'a' '[B-Za]'
ok 1848 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-Za]' 'a'
ok 1849 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[B-Za]'
ok 1850 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-Za]' 'a'
ok 1851 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1852 - setup match file test for A
ok 1853 - wildmatch: no match 'A' '[B-a]'
ok 102 - rebase -i respects rebase.missingCommitsCheck = error
ok 1854 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[B-a]' 'A'
ok 1855 - iwildmatch: match 'A' '[B-a]'
ok 1856 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-a]' 'A'
ok 1857 - pathmatch: no match 'A' '[B-a]'
ok 1858 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[B-a]' 'A'
ok 1859 - ipathmatch: match 'A' '[B-a]'
ok 1860 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-a]' 'A'
ok 1861 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 3 - rebase from E1 onto H1
ok 1862 - setup match file test for a
ok 17 - rebase -i -p with two roots
ok 103 - respects rebase.abbreviateCommands with fixup, squash and exec
ok 1863 - wildmatch: match 'a' '[B-a]'
ok 18 - setup pre-rebase hook that fails
ok 1864 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-a]' 'a'
ok 1865 - iwildmatch: match 'a' '[B-a]'
ok 19 - pre-rebase hook stops rebase
ok 1866 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-a]' 'a'
ok 1867 - pathmatch: match 'a' '[B-a]'
ok 1868 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-a]' 'a'
ok 1869 - ipathmatch: match 'a' '[B-a]'
ok 20 - pre-rebase hook stops rebase -i
ok 21 - remove pre-rebase hook
ok 1870 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[B-a]' 'a'
ok 22 - set up a conflict
ok 104 - static check of bad command
ok 1871 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 1872 - setup match file test for z
ok 23 - rebase --root with conflict (first part)
ok 1873 - wildmatch: no match 'z' '[Z-y]'
ok 24 - fix the conflict
ok 105 - tabs and spaces are accepted in the todolist
ok 1874 - wildmatch (via ls-files): no match '[Z-y]' 'z'
ok 25 - rebase --root with conflict (second part)
ok 1875 - iwildmatch: match 'z' '[Z-y]'
ok 1876 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[Z-y]' 'z'
ok 26 - rebase -i --root with conflict (first part)
ok 1877 - pathmatch: no match 'z' '[Z-y]'
ok 27 - fix the conflict
ok 1878 - pathmatch (via ls-files): no match '[Z-y]' 'z'
ok 28 - rebase -i --root with conflict (second part)
ok 1879 - ipathmatch: match 'z' '[Z-y]'
ok 106 - static check of bad SHA-1
ok 1880 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[Z-y]' 'z'
ok 1881 - cleanup after previous file test
ok 107 - editor saves as CR/LF
ok 1882 - setup match file test for Z
ok 1883 - wildmatch: match 'Z' '[Z-y]'
ok 1884 - wildmatch (via ls-files): match '[Z-y]' 'Z'
ok 1885 - iwildmatch: match 'Z' '[Z-y]'
ok 108 - rebase -i --gpg-sign=<key-id>
ok 1886 - iwildmatch (via ls-files): match '[Z-y]' 'Z'
ok 1887 - pathmatch: match 'Z' '[Z-y]'
ok 1888 - pathmatch (via ls-files): match '[Z-y]' 'Z'
ok 1889 - ipathmatch: match 'Z' '[Z-y]'
ok 109 - rebase -i --gpg-sign=<key-id> overrides commit.gpgSign
ok 1890 - ipathmatch (via ls-files): match '[Z-y]' 'Z'
# still have 40 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 1850 test(s)
*** ***
ok 110 - valid author header after --root swap
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - rebase -i -p --root with conflict (first part)
ok 2 - auto fixup (option)
ok 30 - fix the conflict
ok 111 - valid author header when author contains single quote
ok 3 - auto fixup (config)
ok 112 - post-commit hook is called
ok 113 - $EDITOR and friends are unchanged
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 112 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - auto squash (option)
ok 4 - rebase from C1 onto H1
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - auto squash (config)
ok 6 - misspelled auto squash
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - blank line at end of file; extend at end of file
ok 2 - rebase --onto master...topic
ok 2 - two blanks line at end of file; extend at end of file
ok 7 - auto squash that matches 2 commits
ok 3 - rebase --onto master...
ok 3 - same, but do not remove trailing spaces
ok 4 - rebase --onto master...side
ok 5 - rebase -i --onto master...topic
ok 4 - at beginning of file
ok 8 - auto squash that matches a commit after the squash
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - rebase -i --onto master...
ok 7 - rebase -i --onto master...side
ok 8 - rebase --keep-base --onto incompatible
ok 9 - auto squash that matches a sha1
ok 9 - rebase --keep-base --root incompatible
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - rebase --keep-base master from topic
ok 2 - interactive rebase --continue works with touched file
ok 10 - auto squash that matches longer sha1
ok 11 - rebase --keep-base master from side
ok 3 - non-interactive rebase --continue works with touched file
ok 12 - rebase -i --keep-base master from topic
ok 11 - use commit --fixup
ok 4 - rebase --continue can not be used with other options
ok 13 - rebase -i --keep-base master from side
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - use commit --squash
ok 5 - rebase --continue remembers merge strategy and options
ok 1 - setup
ok 31 - rebase -i -p --root with conflict (second part)
# passed all 31 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - setup: 500 lines
ok 6 - rebase -i --continue handles merge strategy and options
ok 3 - setup attributes
ok 13 - fixup! fixup!
ok 4 - detect upstream patch
ok 1 - setup
ok 14 - fixup! squash!
ok 2 - rebase: fast-forward rebase
ok 5 - do not drop patch
ok 6 # skip setup: 50000 lines (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 7 # skip setup attributes (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 8 # skip detect upstream patch (missing EXPENSIVE)
ok 9 # skip do not drop patch (missing EXPENSIVE)
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - rebase: noop rebase
ok 15 - squash! squash!
ok 4 - rebase: dirty worktree, --no-autostash
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - rebase: dirty worktree, non-conflicting rebase
ok 2 - simple rebase 
ok 6 - rebase --autostash: check output
ok 16 - squash! fixup!
ok 3 - simple rebase -m
ok 4 - simple rebase -i
ok 7 - rebase: dirty index, non-conflicting rebase
ok 17 - autosquash with custom inst format
ok 18 - autosquash with empty custom instructionFormat
ok 8 - rebase: conflicting rebase
ok 19 - autosquash with multiple empty patches
ok 9 - rebase: --continue
ok 7 - rebase passes merge strategy options correctly
ok 20 - extra spaces after fixup!
ok 10 - rebase: --skip
ok 21 - wrapped original subject
ok 8 - rebase -r passes merge strategy options correctly
ok 11 - rebase: --abort
ok 22 - abort last squash
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - rebase: non-conflicting rebase, conflicting stash
ok 13 - rebase: check output with conflicting stash
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - --whitespace=fix incompatible with --merge
ok 3 - --whitespace=fix incompatible with --strategy=ours
ok 14 - rebase --merge: dirty worktree, --no-autostash
ok 4 - --whitespace=fix incompatible with --strategy-option=ours
ok 5 - --whitespace=fix incompatible with --interactive
ok 6 - --whitespace=fix incompatible with --exec
ok 7 - --ignore-whitespace incompatible with --merge
ok 9 - --skip after failed fixup cleans commit message
ok 15 - rebase --merge: dirty worktree, non-conflicting rebase
ok 8 - --ignore-whitespace incompatible with --strategy=ours
ok 9 - --ignore-whitespace incompatible with --strategy-option=ours
ok 16 - rebase --merge --autostash: check output
ok 10 - --ignore-whitespace incompatible with --interactive
ok 11 - --ignore-whitespace incompatible with --exec
ok 12 - --committer-date-is-author-date incompatible with --merge
ok 13 - --committer-date-is-author-date incompatible with --strategy=ours
ok 10 - setup rerere database
ok 17 - rebase --merge: dirty index, non-conflicting rebase
ok 14 - --committer-date-is-author-date incompatible with --strategy-option=ours
ok 5 - simple rebase -p
ok 15 - --committer-date-is-author-date incompatible with --interactive
ok 16 - --committer-date-is-author-date incompatible with --exec
ok 6 - setup branches and remote tracking
ok 17 - -C4 incompatible with --merge
ok 18 - -C4 incompatible with --strategy=ours
ok 11 - rebase  --continue remembers --rerere-autoupdate
ok 18 - rebase --merge: conflicting rebase
ok 7 - rebase  is no-op if upstream is an ancestor
ok 19 - -C4 incompatible with --strategy-option=ours
ok 20 - -C4 incompatible with --interactive
ok 21 - -C4 incompatible with --exec
ok 8 - rebase -m is no-op if upstream is an ancestor
ok 22 - --preserve-merges incompatible with --signoff
ok 23 - --preserve-merges incompatible with --rebase-merges
# passed all 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - rebase  --continue honors rerere.autoUpdate
ok 9 - rebase -i is no-op if upstream is an ancestor
ok 19 - rebase --merge: --continue
ok 20 - rebase --merge: --skip
ok 1 - setup
ok 13 - rebase  --continue remembers --no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 21 - rebase --merge: --abort
ok 2 - reword without issues functions as intended
ok 14 - rebase -m --continue remembers --rerere-autoupdate
ok 3 - reword after a conflict preserves commit
ok 22 - rebase --merge: non-conflicting rebase, conflicting stash
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 15 - rebase -m --continue honors rerere.autoUpdate
ok 23 - rebase --merge: check output with conflicting stash
ok 24 - rebase --interactive: dirty worktree, --no-autostash
ok 25 - rebase --interactive: dirty worktree, non-conflicting rebase
ok 16 - rebase -m --continue remembers --no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 26 - rebase --interactive --autostash: check output
ok 17 - rebase -i --continue remembers --rerere-autoupdate
ok 27 - rebase --interactive: dirty index, non-conflicting rebase
ok 18 - rebase -i --continue honors rerere.autoUpdate
ok 28 - rebase --interactive: conflicting rebase
ok 1 - setup of non-linear-history
ok 19 - rebase -i --continue remembers --no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 2 - rebase  after merge from upstream
ok 29 - rebase --interactive: --continue
ok 10 - rebase -p is no-op if upstream is an ancestor
ok 3 - rebase -m after merge from upstream
ok 30 - rebase --interactive: --skip
ok 4 - rebase -i after merge from upstream
ok 11 - rebase  -f rewrites even if upstream is an ancestor
ok 5 - rebase  of non-linear history is linearized in place
ok 12 - rebase --fork-point -f rewrites even if upstream is an ancestor
ok 31 - rebase --interactive: --abort
ok 6 - rebase -m of non-linear history is linearized in place
ok 13 - rebase -m -f rewrites even if upstream is an ancestor
ok 7 - rebase -i of non-linear history is linearized in place
ok 32 - rebase --interactive: non-conflicting rebase, conflicting stash
ok 14 - rebase -i -f rewrites even if upstream is an ancestor
ok 33 - rebase --interactive: check output with conflicting stash
ok 8 - rebase  of non-linear history is linearized upstream
ok 34 - abort rebase -i with --autostash
ok 9 - rebase -m of non-linear history is linearized upstream
ok 35 - restore autostash on editor failure
ok 10 - rebase -i of non-linear history is linearized upstream
ok 11 - rebase  of non-linear history with merges after upstream merge is linearized
ok 36 - autostash is saved on editor failure with conflict
ok 12 - rebase -m of non-linear history with merges after upstream merge is linearized
ok 13 - rebase -i of non-linear history with merges after upstream merge is linearized
ok 37 - autostash with dirty submodules
ok 38 - branch is left alone when possible
ok 39 - never change active branch
# passed all 39 test(s)
*** ***
ok 20 - rebase --preserve-merges --continue remembers --rerere-autoupdate
not ok 15 - rebase -p -f rewrites even if upstream is an ancestor # TODO known breakage
ok 16 - rebase  -f rewrites even if remote upstream is an ancestor
ok 17 - rebase --fork-point -f rewrites even if remote upstream is an ancestor
ok 18 - rebase -m -f rewrites even if remote upstream is an ancestor
ok 19 - rebase -i -f rewrites even if remote upstream is an ancestor
ok 14 - rebase -p is no-op in non-linear history
ok 21 - rebase --preserve-merges --continue honors rerere.autoUpdate
ok 20 - rebase -p -f rewrites even if remote upstream is an ancestor
ok 21 - rebase  fast-forwards from ancestor of upstream
ok 22 - rebase --fork-point fast-forwards from ancestor of upstream
ok 1 - git_rebase: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 23 - rebase -m fast-forwards from ancestor of upstream
ok 24 - rebase -i fast-forwards from ancestor of upstream
ok 15 - rebase -p is no-op when base inside second parent
ok 2 - git_rebase: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 25 - rebase -p fast-forwards from ancestor of upstream
ok 22 - rebase --preserve-merges --continue remembers --no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 26 - setup of linear history for range selection tests
ok 23 - the todo command "break" works
ok 27 - rebase  drops patches in upstream
ok 24 - --reschedule-failed-exec
ok 3 - git_rebase: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 28 - rebase -m drops patches in upstream
ok 25 - rebase.reschedulefailedexec only affects `rebase -i`
# passed all 25 test(s)
*** ***
ok 29 - rebase -i drops patches in upstream
ok 1 - setup
not ok 16 - rebase -p --root on non-linear history is a no-op # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - git_rebase: replace directory with submodule
ok 5 - git_rebase: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 30 - rebase -p drops patches in upstream
not ok 2 - Rebase -Xsubtree --preserve-merges --onto commit # TODO known breakage
ok 31 - rebase  can drop last patch if in upstream
ok 32 - rebase -m can drop last patch if in upstream
ok 33 - rebase -i can drop last patch if in upstream
ok 17 - rebase -p re-creates merge from side branch
ok 6 - git_rebase: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 7 - git_rebase: replace submodule with a directory must fail
not ok 3 - Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto commit # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --onto commit
ok 5 - Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --rebase-merges --onto commit
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 34 - rebase -p can drop last patch if in upstream
ok 35 - rebase  --onto drops patches in upstream
ok 1 - rebase --signoff adds a sign-off line
ok 2 - rebase --no-signoff does not add a sign-off line
ok 36 - rebase -m --onto drops patches in upstream
ok 8 - git_rebase: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 3 - rebase --exec --signoff adds a sign-off line
ok 4 - rebase --root --signoff adds a sign-off line
ok 37 - rebase -i --onto drops patches in upstream
ok 5 - rebase -i --signoff fails
ok 6 - rebase -m --signoff fails
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - rebase exec modifies rebase-todo
ok 3 - loose object cache vs re-reading todo list
not ok 9 - git_rebase: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - rebase -p re-creates internal merge
ok 4 - todo is re-read after reword and squash
ok 5 - re-reading todo doesnt interfere with revert --edit
ok 6 - re-reading todo doesnt interfere with cherry-pick --edit
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 10 - git_rebase: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - create completely different structure
ok 3 - generate correct todo list
ok 4 - `reset` refuses to overwrite untracked files
ok 38 - rebase -p --onto drops patches in upstream
ok 5 - failed `merge -C` writes patch (may be rescheduled, too)
ok 39 - rebase  --onto does not drop patches in onto
ok 6 - failed `merge <branch>` does not crash
ok 40 - rebase -m --onto does not drop patches in onto
ok 7 - fast-forward merge -c still rewords
ok 41 - rebase -i --onto does not drop patches in onto
ok 11 - git_rebase: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 8 - with a branch tip that was cherry-picked already
ok 9 - do not rebase cousins unless asked for
ok 10 - refs/rewritten/* is worktree-local
ok 11 - --abort cleans up refs/rewritten
ok 19 - rebase -p can re-create two branches on onto
ok 12 - --quit cleans up refs/rewritten
ok 20 - setup of non-linear-history for patch-equivalence tests
ok 13 - post-rewrite hook and fixups work for merges
ok 14 - refuse to merge ancestors of HEAD
ok 12 - git_rebase: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 15 - root commits
ok 16 - a "merge" into a root commit is a fast-forward
ok 17 - A root commit can be a cousin, treat it that way
ok 18 - labels that are object IDs are rewritten
ok 42 - rebase -p --onto does not drop patches in onto
ok 43 - setup of linear history for empty commit tests
ok 13 - git_rebase: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 44 - rebase  drops empty commit
ok 45 - rebase -m drops empty commit
ok 46 - rebase -i drops empty commit
ok 14 - git_rebase: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 19 - octopus merges
ok 20 - with --autosquash and --exec
ok 21 - rebase -p re-creates history around dropped commit matching upstream
ok 21 - --continue after resolving conflicts after a merge
ok 22 - --rebase-merges with strategies
ok 23 - --rebase-merges with commit that can generate bad characters for filename
ok 15 - git_rebase_interactive: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 24 - --rebase-merges with message matched with onto label
# passed all 24 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - git rebase 
ok 3 - git rebase --onto D
ok 47 - rebase -p drops empty commit
ok 4 - git rebase --keep-base
ok 16 - git_rebase_interactive: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 48 - rebase  --keep-empty
ok 5 - git rebase --no-fork-point
ok 49 - rebase -m --keep-empty
ok 6 - git rebase --no-fork-point --onto D
ok 7 - git rebase --no-fork-point --keep-base
ok 50 - rebase -i --keep-empty
ok 8 - git rebase --fork-point refs/heads/master
ok 9 - git rebase --fork-point --onto D refs/heads/master
ok 10 - git rebase --fork-point --keep-base refs/heads/master
ok 11 - git rebase refs/heads/master
ok 22 - rebase -p --onto in merged history drops patches in upstream
ok 12 - git rebase --onto D refs/heads/master
ok 17 - git_rebase_interactive: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 13 - git rebase --keep-base refs/heads/master
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 51 - rebase -p --keep-empty # TODO known breakage
ok 52 - rebase  --keep-empty keeps empty even if already in upstream
ok 1 - setup
ok 53 - rebase -m --keep-empty keeps empty even if already in upstream
ok 2 - git rebase  with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 3 - git rebase --no-ff  with no changes is work with same HEAD
ok 54 - rebase -i --keep-empty keeps empty even if already in upstream
ok 4 - git rebase master with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 5 - git rebase --no-ff master with no changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 6 - git rebase --onto B B with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 7 - git rebase --no-ff --onto B B with no changes is noop-force with diff HEAD
ok 8 - git rebase --onto B... B with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 18 - git_rebase_interactive: replace directory with submodule
ok 9 - git rebase --no-ff --onto B... B with no changes is noop-force with diff HEAD
ok 10 - git rebase --onto master... master with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 11 - git rebase --no-ff --onto master... master with no changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 12 - git rebase --keep-base master with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 13 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base master with no changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 14 - git rebase --keep-base with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 15 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base with no changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 16 - git rebase --no-fork-point with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 17 - git rebase --no-ff --no-fork-point with no changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 19 - git_rebase_interactive: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 18 - git rebase --keep-base --no-fork-point with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 19 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base --no-fork-point with no changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 20 - git rebase --fork-point master with no changes is noop with same HEAD
not ok 55 - rebase -p --keep-empty keeps empty even if already in upstream # TODO known breakage
ok 21 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point master with no changes is work with same HEAD
ok 23 - rebase -p --onto in merged history does not drop patches in onto
ok 22 - git rebase --fork-point --onto B B with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 24 - setup of non-linear-history for dropping whole side
ok 56 - rebase --rebase-merges --keep-empty keeps empty even if already in upstream
ok 23 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto B B with no changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 24 - git rebase --fork-point --onto B... B with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 57 - setup of linear history for test involving root
ok 25 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto B... B with no changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 58 - rebase  --onto --root
ok 26 - git rebase --fork-point --onto master... master with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 20 - git_rebase_interactive: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 27 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto master... master with no changes is work with same HEAD
ok 59 - rebase -m --onto --root
ok 28 - git rebase --keep-base --keep-base master with no changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 60 - rebase -i --onto --root
ok 29 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base --keep-base master with no changes is work with same HEAD
ok 30 - add work same to side
ok 31 - git rebase  with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 32 - git rebase --no-ff  with our changes is work with same HEAD
ok 33 - git rebase master with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 34 - git rebase --no-ff master with our changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 21 - git_rebase_interactive: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 35 - git rebase --onto B B with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 36 - git rebase --no-ff --onto B B with our changes is noop-force with diff HEAD
ok 37 - git rebase --onto B... B with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 38 - git rebase --no-ff --onto B... B with our changes is noop-force with diff HEAD
ok 39 - git rebase --onto master... master with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 40 - git rebase --no-ff --onto master... master with our changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 41 - git rebase --keep-base master with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 42 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base master with our changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 22 - git_rebase_interactive: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 43 - git rebase --keep-base with our changes is noop with same HEAD
not ok 25 - rebase -p drops merge commit when entire first-parent side is dropped # TODO known breakage
ok 44 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base with our changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 45 - git rebase --no-fork-point with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 46 - git rebase --no-ff --no-fork-point with our changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 47 - git rebase --keep-base --no-fork-point with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 61 - rebase -p --onto --root
ok 48 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base --no-fork-point with our changes is noop-force with same HEAD
ok 62 - rebase  without --onto --root with disjoint history
ok 49 - git rebase --fork-point master with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 63 - rebase -m without --onto --root with disjoint history
ok 50 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point master with our changes is work with same HEAD
not ok 23 - git_rebase_interactive: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 64 - rebase -i without --onto --root with disjoint history
ok 51 - git rebase --fork-point --onto B B with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 52 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto B B with our changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 53 - git rebase --fork-point --onto B... B with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 54 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto B... B with our changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 55 - git rebase --fork-point --onto master... master with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 56 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto master... master with our changes is work with same HEAD
not ok 24 - git_rebase_interactive: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 57 - git rebase --fork-point --keep-base master with our changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 58 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --keep-base master with our changes is work with same HEAD
ok 59 - add work same to upstream
ok 60 - git rebase --onto B B with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 61 - git rebase --no-ff --onto B B with our and their changes is noop-force with diff HEAD
ok 26 - rebase -p drops merge commit when entire second-parent side is dropped
ok 27 - setup of non-linear-history for empty commits
ok 62 - git rebase --onto B... B with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 63 - git rebase --no-ff --onto B... B with our and their changes is noop-force with diff HEAD
not ok 65 - rebase -p without --onto --root with disjoint history # TODO known breakage
ok 64 - git rebase --onto master... master with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 66 - rebase  --onto --root drops patch in onto
ok 65 - git rebase --no-ff --onto master... master with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 67 - rebase -m --onto --root drops patch in onto
ok 66 - git rebase --keep-base master with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 25 - git_rebase_interactive: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 67 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base master with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 68 - rebase -i --onto --root drops patch in onto
ok 68 - git rebase --keep-base with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 69 - git rebase --no-ff --keep-base with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
not ok 70 - git rebase --fork-point --onto B B with our and their changes is work with same HEAD # TODO known breakage
ok 71 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto B B with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
not ok 72 - git rebase --fork-point --onto B... B with our and their changes is work with same HEAD # TODO known breakage
ok 73 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto B... B with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 74 - git rebase --fork-point --onto master... master with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 75 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --onto master... master with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
ok 76 - git rebase --fork-point --keep-base master with our and their changes is noop with same HEAD
ok 26 - git_rebase_interactive: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 77 - git rebase --no-ff --fork-point --keep-base master with our and their changes is work with diff HEAD
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 75 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - rebase changes with the apply backend
ok 3 - rebase changes with the merge backend
ok 28 - rebase -p re-creates empty internal merge commit
ok 27 - git_rebase_interactive: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 69 - rebase -p --onto --root drops patch in onto
ok 70 - rebase  --onto --root with merge-base does not go to root
ok 71 - rebase -m --onto --root with merge-base does not go to root
ok 28 - git_rebase_interactive: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 72 - rebase -i --onto --root with merge-base does not go to root
ok 29 - rebase interactive ignores modified submodules
# still have 4 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 25 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - rebase -p re-creates empty merge commit
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 27 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - rebase --rebase-merges update encoding eucJP to UTF-8
ok 3 - rebase --rebase-merges update encoding eucJP to ISO-2022-JP
ok 1 - prepare repository with topic branch, and check cherry finds the 2 patches from there
ok 2 - check that cherry with limit returns only the top patch
ok 3 - cherry-pick one of the 2 patches, and check cherry recognized one and only one as new
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - rebase --continue update from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
not ok 73 - rebase -p --onto --root with merge-base does not go to root # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - rebase --continue update from eucJP to UTF-8
ok 74 - rebase  without --onto --root with disjoint history drops patch in onto
ok 2 - cherry-pick --nonsense
ok 3 - revert --nonsense
ok 75 - rebase -m without --onto --root with disjoint history drops patch in onto
ok 4 - cherry-pick after renaming branch
ok 6 - rebase --continue update from eucJP to ISO-2022-JP
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - revert after renaming branch
ok 76 - rebase -i without --onto --root with disjoint history drops patch in onto
ok 6 - cherry-pick on stat-dirty working tree
ok 7 - revert forbidden on dirty working tree
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - cherry-pick on unborn branch
ok 2 - cherry-pick -m complains of bogus numbers
ok 3 - cherry-pick explicit first parent of a non-merge
ok 9 - cherry-pick "-" to pick from previous branch
ok 4 - rebase changes with the merge backend with a delay
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - cherry pick a merge without -m should fail
ok 5 - cherry pick a merge (1)
ok 10 - cherry-pick "-" is meaningless without checkout
ok 6 - cherry pick a merge (2)
ok 7 - cherry pick a merge relative to nonexistent parent should fail
ok 11 - cherry-pick "-" works with arguments
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - revert explicit first parent of a non-merge
ok 2 - cherry-pick a root commit
ok 9 - revert a merge without -m should fail
ok 12 - cherry-pick works with dirty renamed file
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 3 - revert a root commit
ok 10 - revert a merge (1)
*** ***
ok 11 - revert a merge (2)
ok 4 - cherry-pick a root commit with an external strategy
ok 5 - revert a root commit with an external strategy
ok 12 - revert a merge relative to nonexistent parent should fail
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - cherry-pick two root commits
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - conflicting merge
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - fixup
ok 2 - cherry-pick an empty commit
ok 3 - index lockfile was removed
ok 2 - cherry-pick using --ff fast forwards
ok 4 - cherry-pick a commit with an empty message
ok 3 - cherry-pick not using --ff does not fast forwards
ok 5 - index lockfile was removed
ok 4 - cherry-pick conflict with --rerere-autoupdate
ok 6 - cherry-pick a commit with an empty message with --allow-empty-message
ok 7 - cherry pick an empty non-ff commit without --allow-empty
ok 8 - cherry pick an empty non-ff commit with --allow-empty
ok 5 - cherry-pick conflict repsects rerere.autoUpdate
ok 4 - merge setup
ok 9 - cherry pick with --keep-redundant-commits
ok 5 - cherry-pick explicit first parent of a non-merge with --ff
ok 6 - cherry pick a merge with --ff but without -m should fail
ok 10 - cherry-pick a commit that becomes no-op (prep)
ok 6 - cherry-pick conflict with --no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 11 - cherry-pick a no-op without --keep-redundant
ok 7 - cherry pick with --ff a merge (1)
not ok 77 - rebase -p without --onto --root with disjoint history drops patch in onto # TODO known breakage
ok 7 - cherry-pick --continue rejects --rerere-autoupdate
ok 12 - cherry-pick a no-op with --keep-redundant
ok 8 - cherry pick with --ff a merge (2)
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 9 - cherry pick a merge relative to nonexistent parent with --ff should fail
*** ***
ok 78 - rebase  --root on linear history is a no-op
ok 8 - cherry-pick --rerere-autoupdate more than once
ok 9 - cherry-pick conflict without rerere
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 10 - cherry pick a root commit with --ff
*** ***
ok 79 - rebase -m --root on linear history is a no-op
ok 11 - cherry-pick --ff on unborn branch
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 80 - rebase -i --root on linear history is a no-op
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - Initialize repository
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - failed cherry-pick does not advance HEAD
ok 3 - advice from failed cherry-pick
ok 2 - cherry-pick first..fourth works
ok 2 - Setup rename across paths each below D/F conflicts
ok 4 - advice from failed cherry-pick --no-commit
ok 3 - Cherry-pick succeeds with rename across D/F conflicts
ok 5 - failed cherry-pick sets CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 3 - cherry-pick three one two works
ok 4 - Setup rename with file on one side matching directory name on other
ok 4 - cherry-pick three one two: fails
ok 6 - successful cherry-pick does not set CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 7 - cherry-pick --no-commit does not set CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 5 - output to keep user entertained during multi-pick
ok 5 - Cherry-pick succeeds with was_a_dir/file -> was_a_dir (resolve)
ok 8 - cherry-pick w/dirty tree does not set CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 6 - Cherry-pick succeeds with was_a_dir/file -> was_a_dir (recursive)
ok 9 - cherry-pick --strategy=resolve w/dirty tree does not set CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 6 - cherry-pick --strategy resolve first..fourth works
ok 7 - Setup rename with file on one side matching different dirname on other
ok 11 - git reset clears CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 7 - output during multi-pick indicates merge strategy
ok 12 - failed commit does not clear CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 8 - cherry-pick --ff first..fourth works
ok 8 - Cherry-pick with rename to different D/F conflict succeeds (resolve)
ok 13 - cancelled commit does not clear CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 9 - cherry-pick -n first..fourth works
ok 9 - Cherry-pick with rename to different D/F conflict succeeds (recursive)
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - successful commit clears CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
ok 10 - revert first..fourth works
ok 15 - successful final commit clears cherry-pick state
ok 11 - revert ^first fourth works
ok 16 - reset after final pick clears cherry-pick state
ok 12 - revert fourth fourth~1 fourth~2 works
ok 17 - failed cherry-pick produces dirty index
ok 13 - cherry-pick -3 fourth works
ok 14 - cherry-pick --stdin works
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 18 - failed cherry-pick registers participants in index
*** ***
ok 19 - cherry-pick conflict, ensure commit.cleanup = scissors places scissors line properly
ok 2 - cherry-pick persists data on failure
ok 20 - cherry-pick conflict, ensure cleanup=scissors places scissors line properly
ok 21 - failed cherry-pick describes conflict in work tree
ok 3 - cherry-pick mid-cherry-pick-sequence
ok 22 - diff3 -m style
ok 4 - cherry-pick persists opts correctly
not ok 81 - rebase -p --root on linear history is a no-op # TODO known breakage
ok 5 - cherry-pick cleans up sequencer state upon success
ok 23 - revert also handles conflicts sanely
ok 6 - cherry-pick --skip requires cherry-pick in progress
ok 24 - failed revert sets REVERT_HEAD
ok 82 - rebase  -f --root on linear history causes re-write
ok 7 - revert --skip requires revert in progress
ok 25 - successful revert does not set REVERT_HEAD
ok 83 - rebase -m -f --root on linear history causes re-write
ok 1 - setup
ok 26 - revert --no-commit sets REVERT_HEAD
ok 8 - cherry-pick --skip to skip commit
ok 84 - rebase -i -f --root on linear history causes re-write
ok 27 - revert w/dirty tree does not set REVERT_HEAD
ok 2 - cherry-pick -x inserts blank line after one line subject
ok 9 - revert --skip to skip commit
ok 3 - cherry-pick -s inserts blank line after one line subject
ok 28 - GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP does not suppress REVERT_HEAD
ok 4 - cherry-pick -s inserts blank line after non-conforming footer
ok 29 - git reset clears REVERT_HEAD
ok 5 - cherry-pick -s recognizes trailer config
ok 10 - skip "empty" commit
ok 30 - failed commit does not clear REVERT_HEAD
ok 31 - successful final commit clears revert state
ok 6 - cherry-pick -x inserts blank line when conforming footer not found
ok 11 - skip a commit and check if rest of sequence is correct
ok 32 - reset after final pick clears revert state
ok 7 - cherry-pick -s inserts blank line when conforming footer not found
ok 12 - check advice when we move HEAD by committing
ok 33 - revert conflict, diff3 -m style
ok 8 - cherry-pick -x -s inserts blank line when conforming footer not found
ok 34 - revert conflict, ensure commit.cleanup = scissors places scissors line properly
ok 13 - selectively advise --skip while launching another sequence
ok 9 - cherry-pick -s adds sob when last sob doesnt match committer
ok 35 - revert conflict, ensure cleanup=scissors places scissors line properly
ok 14 - allow skipping commit but not abort for a new history
ok 36 - failed cherry-pick does not forget -s
ok 10 - cherry-pick -x -s adds sob when last sob doesnt match committer
ok 15 - allow skipping stopped cherry-pick because of untracked file modifications
ok 37 - commit after failed cherry-pick does not add duplicated -s
ok 11 - cherry-pick -s refrains from adding duplicate trailing sob
ok 16 - --quit does not complain when no cherry-pick is in progress
ok 17 - --abort requires cherry-pick in progress
ok 38 - commit after failed cherry-pick adds -s at the right place
ok 12 - cherry-pick -x -s adds sob even when trailing sob exists for committer
ok 18 - --quit cleans up sequencer state
ok 13 - cherry-pick -x handles commits with no NL at end of message
ok 39 - commit --amend -s places the sign-off at the right place
ok 19 - --quit keeps HEAD and conflicted index intact
ok 14 - cherry-pick -x handles commits with no footer and no NL at end of message
ok 40 - cherry-pick preserves sparse-checkout
ok 15 - cherry-pick -s handles commits with no NL at end of message
ok 41 - cherry-pick --continue remembers --keep-redundant-commits
ok 20 - --abort to cancel multiple cherry-pick
ok 16 - cherry-pick -s handles commits with no footer and no NL at end of message
ok 21 - --abort to cancel single cherry-pick
ok 42 - cherry-pick --continue remembers --allow-empty and --allow-empty-message
# passed all 42 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - cherry-pick -x treats "(cherry picked from..." line as part of footer
ok 18 - cherry-pick -s treats "(cherry picked from..." line as part of footer
ok 22 - --abort does not unsafely change HEAD
ok 19 - cherry-pick -x -s treats "(cherry picked from..." line as part of footer
ok 20 - cherry-pick preserves commit message
ok 23 - cherry-pick --abort to cancel multiple revert
ok 24 - revert --abort works, too
ok 21 - cherry-pick -x cleans commit message
ok 22 - cherry-pick -x respects commit.cleanup
# passed all 22 test(s)
ok 25 - --abort to cancel single revert
*** ***
ok 26 - --abort keeps unrelated change, easy case
ok 27 - --abort refuses to clobber unrelated change, harder case
ok 85 - rebase -p -f --root on linear history causes re-write
# still have 7 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 78 test(s)
*** ***
ok 28 - cherry-pick still writes sequencer state when one commit is left
ok 1 - Initialize test directory
ok 2 - add files with funny names
ok 3 - Pre-check that foo exists and is in index before git rm foo
ok 29 - --abort after last commit in sequence
ok 4 - Test that git rm foo succeeds
ok 30 - cherry-pick does not implicitly stomp an existing operation
ok 5 - Test that git rm --cached foo succeeds if the index matches the file
ok 6 - Test that git rm --cached foo succeeds if the index matches the file
ok 31 - --continue complains when no cherry-pick is in progress
ok 7 - Test that git rm --cached foo fails if the index matches neither the file nor HEAD
ok 32 - --continue complains when there are unresolved conflicts
ok 8 - Test that git rm --cached -f foo works in case where --cached only did not
ok 9 - Post-check that foo exists but is not in index after git rm foo
ok 10 - Pre-check that bar exists and is in index before "git rm bar"
ok 33 - --continue of single cherry-pick
ok 11 - Test that "git rm bar" succeeds
ok 12 - Post-check that bar does not exist and is not in index after "git rm -f bar"
ok 13 - Test that "git rm -- -q" succeeds (remove a file that looks like an option)
ok 14 - Test that "git rm -f" succeeds with embedded space, tab, or newline characters.
ok 34 - --continue of single revert
ok 15 - Test that "git rm -f" fails if its rm fails
ok 16 - When the rm in "git rm -f" fails, it should not remove the file from the index
ok 17 - Remove nonexistent file with --ignore-unmatch
ok 35 - --continue after resolving conflicts
ok 18 - "rm" command printed
ok 19 - "rm" command suppressed with --quiet
ok 36 - --continue after resolving conflicts and committing
ok 20 - Re-add foo and baz
ok 21 - Modify foo -- rm should refuse
ok 22 - Modified foo -- rm -f should work
ok 23 - Re-add foo and baz for HEAD tests
ok 24 - foo is different in index from HEAD -- rm should refuse
ok 37 - --continue asks for help after resolving patch to nil
ok 25 - but with -f it should work.
ok 26 - refuse to remove cached empty file with modifications
ok 27 - remove intent-to-add file without --force
ok 38 - follow advice and skip nil patch
ok 28 - Recursive test setup
ok 29 - Recursive without -r fails
ok 30 - Recursive with -r but dirty
ok 31 - Recursive with -r -f
ok 32 - Remove nonexistent file returns nonzero exit status
ok 39 - --continue respects opts
ok 33 - Call "rm" from outside the work tree
ok 34 - refresh index before checking if it is up-to-date
ok 40 - --continue of single-pick respects -x
ok 41 - --continue respects -x in first commit in multi-pick
not ok 42 - --signoff is automatically propagated to resolved conflict # TODO known breakage
not ok 43 - --signoff dropped for implicit commit of resolution, multi-pick case # TODO known breakage
not ok 44 - sign-off needs to be reaffirmed after conflict resolution, single-pick case # TODO known breakage
ok 45 - malformed instruction sheet 1
ok 35 - choking "git rm" should not let it die with cruft
ok 46 - malformed instruction sheet 2
ok 36 - Resolving by removal is not a warning-worthy event
ok 37 - rm removes subdirectories recursively
ok 47 - empty commit set (no commits to walk)
ok 1 - git cherry-pick: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 48 - empty commit set (culled during walk)
ok 49 - malformed instruction sheet 3
ok 38 - rm removes empty submodules from work tree
ok 50 - instruction sheet, fat-fingers version
ok 51 - commit descriptions in insn sheet are optional
# still have 3 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 48 test(s)
*** ***
ok 39 - rm removes removed submodule from index and .gitmodules
ok 1 - git_revert: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 1 - Test of git add
ok 2 - Post-check that foo is in the index
ok 3 - Test that "git add -- -q" works
ok 4 - git add: Test that executable bit is not used if core.filemode=0
ok 5 - git add: filemode=0 should not get confused by symlink
ok 6 - git update-index --add: Test that executable bit is not used...
ok 7 - git add: filemode=0 should not get confused by symlink
ok 2 - git cherry-pick: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 8 - git update-index --add: Test that executable bit is not used...
ok 9 - .gitignore test setup
ok 10 - .gitignore is honored
ok 40 - rm removes work tree of unmodified submodules
ok 11 - error out when attempting to add ignored ones without -f
ok 12 - error out when attempting to add ignored ones without -f
ok 13 - error out when attempting to add ignored ones but add others
ok 14 - add ignored ones with -f
ok 15 - add ignored ones with -f
ok 16 - add ignored ones with -f
ok 17 - .gitignore with subdirectory
ok 18 - check correct prefix detection
ok 19 - git add with filemode=0, symlinks=0, and unmerged entries
ok 2 - git_revert: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 41 - rm removes a submodule with a trailing /
ok 20 - git add with filemode=0, symlinks=0 prefers stage 2 over stage 1
ok 42 - rm fails when given a file with a trailing /
ok 43 - rm succeeds when given a directory with a trailing /
ok 21 - git add --refresh
ok 22 - git add --refresh with pathspec
ok 3 - git cherry-pick: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 23 - git add should fail atomically upon an unreadable file
ok 24 - git add --ignore-errors
ok 25 - git add (add.ignore-errors)
ok 26 - git add (add.ignore-errors = false)
not ok 4 - git cherry-pick: replace directory with submodule # TODO known breakage
ok 27 - --no-ignore-errors overrides config
ok 44 - rm of a populated submodule with different HEAD fails unless forced
ok 28 - git add 'fo\[ou\]bar' ignores foobar
ok 29 - git add to resolve conflicts on otherwise ignored path
ok 30 - "add non-existent" should fail
ok 3 - git_revert: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 31 - git add -A on empty repo does not error out
ok 32 - "git add ." in empty repo
ok 45 - rm --cached leaves work tree of populated submodules and .gitmodules alone
ok 33 - error on a repository with no commits
ok 34 - git add --dry-run of existing changed file
ok 35 - git add --dry-run of non-existing file
ok 36 - git add --dry-run of an existing file output
ok 37 - git add --dry-run --ignore-missing of non-existing file
ok 38 - git add --dry-run --ignore-missing of non-existing file output
ok 39 - git add empty string should fail
not ok 4 - git_revert: replace directory with submodule # TODO known breakage
ok 40 - git add --chmod=[+-]x stages correctly
ok 5 - git cherry-pick: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 41 - git add --chmod=+x with symlinks
ok 42 - git add --chmod=[+-]x changes index with already added file
ok 43 - git add --chmod=[+-]x does not change the working tree
ok 46 - rm --dry-run does not touch the submodule or .gitmodules
ok 44 - no file status change if no pathspec is given
ok 45 - no file status change if no pathspec is given in subdir
ok 46 - all statuses changed in folder if . is given
ok 47 # skip path is case-insensitive (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
# passed all 47 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup (initial)
ok 47 - rm does not complain when no .gitmodules file is found
ok 6 - git cherry-pick: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 2 - status works (initial)
ok 5 - git_revert: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 3 - setup expected
ok 4 - diff works (initial)
ok 48 - rm will error out on a modified .gitmodules file unless staged
ok 5 - revert works (initial)
not ok 7 - git cherry-pick: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 6 - git_revert: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 6 - add untracked (multiple)
ok 7 - setup (commit)
ok 49 - rm will not error out on .gitmodules file with zero stat data
ok 8 - status works (commit)
ok 9 - setup expected
not ok 8 - git cherry-pick: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - diff works (commit)
ok 50 - rm issues a warning when section is not found in .gitmodules
ok 7 - git_revert: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 11 - revert works (commit)
ok 12 - setup expected
not ok 9 - git cherry-pick: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 51 - rm of a populated submodule with modifications fails unless forced
ok 13 - dummy edit works
ok 14 - setup patch
ok 15 - setup fake editor
ok 8 - git_revert: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 16 - bad edit rejected
ok 17 - setup patch
not ok 10 - git cherry-pick: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - garbage edit rejected
ok 19 - setup patch
ok 52 - rm of a populated submodule with untracked files fails unless forced
ok 20 - setup expected
not ok 9 - git_revert: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 21 - real edit works
ok 22 - setup file
ok 23 - setup patch
ok 24 - setup expected
ok 53 - setup submodule conflict
ok 25 - edit can strip spaces from empty context lines
ok 11 - git cherry-pick: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
not ok 10 - git_revert: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 26 - skip files similarly as commit -a
ok 54 - rm removes work tree of unmodified conflicted submodule
ok 27 - patch does not affect mode
ok 55 - rm of a conflicted populated submodule with different HEAD fails unless forced
ok 28 - stage mode but not hunk
ok 12 - git cherry-pick: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 29 - stage mode and hunk
ok 11 - git_revert: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 30 - different prompts for mode change/deleted
ok 56 - rm of a conflicted populated submodule with modifications fails unless forced
ok 31 - correct message when there is nothing to do
ok 32 - setup again
ok 13 - git cherry-pick: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 33 - setup patch
ok 34 - setup expected
ok 14 - git cherry-pick: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 35 - add first line works
ok 57 - rm of a conflicted populated submodule with untracked files fails unless forced
ok 36 - setup expected
ok 12 - git_revert: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 37 - deleting a non-empty file
ok 38 - setup expected
ok 58 - rm of a conflicted populated submodule with a .git directory fails even when forced
ok 59 - rm of a conflicted unpopulated submodule succeeds
ok 15 - unrelated submodule/file conflict is ignored
# still have 5 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 10 test(s)
ok 39 - deleting an empty file
*** ***
ok 40 - split hunk setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 41 - goto hunk
ok 60 - rm of a populated submodule with a .git directory migrates git dir
ok 2 - add -e
ok 3 - add -e notices editor failure
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - git_revert: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - add :/
ok 42 - navigate to hunk via regex
ok 3 - add :/anothersub
ok 4 - add :/non-existent
ok 5 - a file with the same (long) magic name exists
ok 6 - a file with the same (short) magic name exists
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 43 - split hunk "add -p (edit)"
ok 1 - setup
ok 14 - git_revert: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
# still have 3 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - --pathspec-from-file from stdin
ok 3 - --pathspec-from-file from file
ok 61 - setup subsubmodule
ok 4 - NUL delimiters
not ok 44 - split hunk "add -p (no, yes, edit)" # TODO known breakage
ok 5 - LF delimiters
ok 6 - no trailing delimiter
ok 7 - CRLF delimiters
ok 8 - quotes
ok 1 - setup
ok 9 - quotes not compatible with --pathspec-file-nul
ok 62 - rm recursively removes work tree of unmodified submodules
ok 2 - Tag object length check
ok 10 - only touches what was listed
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - "object" line label check
ok 45 - split hunk with incomplete line at end
ok 4 - "object" line SHA1 check
ok 5 - "type" line label check
ok 6 - "type" line eol check
ok 7 - "tag" line label check #1
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - no encoding header for base case
ok 8 - "tag" line label check #2
ok 3 - UTF-16 refused because of NULs
ok 9 - "type" line type-name length check
ok 10 - verify object (SHA1/type) check
ok 4 - UTF-8 invalid characters refused
ok 11 - verify tag-name check
not ok 46 - edit, adding lines to the first hunk # TODO known breakage
ok 12 - "tagger" line label check #1
ok 5 - UTF-8 overlong sequences rejected
ok 13 - "tagger" line label check #2
ok 6 - UTF-8 non-characters refused
ok 14 - disallow missing tag author name
ok 7 - UTF-8 non-characters refused
ok 15 - disallow malformed tagger
ok 16 - allow empty tag email
ok 17 - disallow spaces in tag email
ok 8 - ISO8859-1 setup
ok 9 - eucJP setup
ok 18 - disallow missing tag timestamp
ok 19 - detect invalid tag timestamp1
ok 10 - ISO-2022-JP setup
ok 20 - detect invalid tag timestamp2
ok 11 - check encoding header for ISO8859-1
ok 21 - detect invalid tag timezone1
ok 12 - check encoding header for eucJP
ok 22 - detect invalid tag timezone2
ok 13 - check encoding header for ISO-2022-JP
ok 23 - detect invalid tag timezone3
ok 14 - config to remove customization
ok 47 - patch mode ignores unmerged entries
ok 24 - detect invalid header entry
ok 15 - ISO8859-1 should be shown in UTF-8 now
ok 25 - create valid tag
ok 26 - check mytag
ok 16 - eucJP should be shown in UTF-8 now
# passed all 26 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - ISO-2022-JP should be shown in UTF-8 now
ok 63 - rm of a populated nested submodule with different nested HEAD fails unless forced
ok 18 - config to add customization
ok 19 - ISO8859-1 should be shown in itself now
ok 20 - eucJP should be shown in itself now
ok 21 - ISO-2022-JP should be shown in itself now
ok 22 - config to tweak customization
ok 48 - diffs can be colorized
ok 23 - ISO8859-1 should be shown in UTF-8 now
ok 1 - setup
ok 24 - eucJP should be shown in UTF-8 now
ok 25 - ISO-2022-JP should be shown in UTF-8 now
ok 2 - format-patch output (ISO-8859-1)
ok 26 - eucJP should be shown in eucJP now
ok 27 - ISO-2022-JP should be shown in eucJP now
ok 3 - format-patch output (UTF-8)
ok 28 - eucJP should be shown in ISO-2022-JP now
ok 29 - ISO-2022-JP should be shown in ISO-2022-JP now
ok 49 - diffFilter filters diff
ok 30 - No conversion with ISO8859-1
ok 4 - rebase (U/U)
ok 31 - No conversion with eucJP
ok 32 - No conversion with ISO-2022-JP
ok 5 - rebase (U/L)
ok 33 - commit --fixup with eucJP encoding
ok 50 - detect bogus diffFilter output
ok 6 - rebase (L/L)
ok 64 - rm of a populated nested submodule with nested modifications fails unless forced
ok 7 - rebase (L/U)
ok 51 - diff.algorithm is passed to `git diff-files`
ok 34 - commit --squash with ISO-2022-JP encoding
ok 8 - cherry-pick(U/U)
ok 35 - commit --fixup into UTF-8 from ISO-8859-1
ok 52 - patch-mode via -i prompts for files
ok 9 - cherry-pick(L/L)
ok 36 - commit --squash into ISO-8859-1 from UTF-8
ok 10 - cherry-pick(U/L)
ok 53 - add -p handles globs
ok 37 - commit --squash into eucJP from ISO-2022-JP
ok 11 - cherry-pick(L/U)
ok 65 - rm of a populated nested submodule with nested untracked files fails unless forced
ok 54 - add -p handles relative paths
ok 38 - commit --fixup into ISO-2022-JP from UTF-8
# passed all 38 test(s)
ok 12 - rebase --merge (U/U)
*** ***
ok 13 - rebase --merge (U/L)
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - setup expected files
ok 55 - add -p does not expand argument lists
ok 3 - check fully quoted output from ls-files
ok 14 - rebase --merge (L/L)
ok 4 - check fully quoted output from diff-files
ok 5 - check fully quoted output from diff-index
ok 6 - check fully quoted output from diff-tree
ok 15 - rebase --merge (L/U)
ok 7 - check fully quoted output from ls-tree
ok 8 - setting core.quotepath
ok 9 - check fully quoted output from ls-files
ok 10 - check fully quoted output from diff-files
ok 56 - hunk-editing handles custom comment char
ok 16 - am (U/U)
ok 11 - check fully quoted output from diff-index
ok 12 - check fully quoted output from diff-tree
ok 13 - check fully quoted output from ls-tree
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - am (L/L)
ok 66 - rm absorbs submodule's nested .git directory
ok 18 - am (U/L)
ok 1 - stash some dirty working directory
ok 2 - parents of stash
ok 3 - applying bogus stash does nothing
ok 19 - am --no-utf8 (U/L)
ok 57 - add -p works even with color.ui=always
ok 4 - apply does not need clean working directory
ok 20 - am (L/U)
# passed all 20 test(s)
ok 5 - apply does not clobber working directory changes
*** ***
ok 6 - apply stashed changes
ok 67 - checking out a commit after submodule removal needs manual updates
ok 58 - setup different kinds of dirty submodules
ok 68 - rm of d/f when d has become a non-directory
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - apply stashed changes (including index)
ok 69 - rm of d/f when d has become a dangling symlink
ok 59 - status ignores dirty submodules (except HEAD)
ok 70 - rm of file when it has become a directory
ok 8 - unstashing in a subdirectory
ok 60 - set up pathological context
ok 9 - stash drop complains of extra options
ok 71 - rm across a symlinked leading path (no index)
not ok 72 - rm across a symlinked leading path (w/ index) # TODO known breakage
ok 73 - setup for testing rm messages
ok 10 - drop top stash
ok 74 - rm files with different staged content
ok 2 - saying "n" does nothing
ok 75 - rm files with different staged content without hints
ok 61 - add -p works with pathological context lines
ok 76 - rm file with local modification
ok 77 - rm file with local modification without hints
ok 78 - rm file with changes in the index
ok 11 - drop middle stash
ok 79 - rm file with changes in the index without hints
ok 80 - rm files with two different errors
ok 81 - rm empty string should fail
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 80 test(s)
ok 62 - add -p patch editing works with pathological context lines
*** ***
ok 3 - git stash -p
ok 12 - drop middle stash by index
ok 13 - stash pop
ok 63 - checkout -p works with pathological context lines
ok 1 - stash save --include-untracked some dirty working directory
ok 2 - stash save --include-untracked cleaned the untracked files
ok 3 - stash save --include-untracked stashed the untracked files
ok 4 - git stash -p --no-keep-index
ok 4 - stash save --patch --include-untracked fails
ok 5 - stash save --patch --all fails
ok 14 - stash branch
ok 64 - show help from add--helper
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 62 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - stash pop after save --include-untracked leaves files untracked again
ok 15 - apply -q is quiet
ok 7 - stash save -u dirty index
ok 16 - save -q is quiet
ok 17 - pop -q works and is quiet
ok 8 - stash save --include-untracked dirty index got stashed
ok 5 - git stash --no-keep-index -p
ok 18 - pop -q --index works and is quiet
ok 9 - stash save --include-untracked -q is quiet
ok 10 - stash save --include-untracked removed files
ok 19 - drop -q is quiet
ok 11 - stash save --include-untracked removed files got stashed
ok 20 - stash -k
ok 12 - stash save --include-untracked respects .gitignore
ok 21 - stash --no-keep-index
ok 13 - stash save -u can stash with only untracked files different
ok 22 - stash --invalid-option
ok 6 - stash -p --no-keep-index -- <pathspec> does not unstage other files
ok 7 - none of this moved HEAD
ok 14 - stash save --all does not respect .gitignore
ok 23 - stash an added file
ok 15 - stash save --all is stash poppable
ok 24 - stash --intent-to-add file
ok 16 - stash push --include-untracked with pathspec
ok 25 - stash rm then recreate
not ok 8 - stash -p with split hunk # TODO known breakage
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - stash push with $IFS character
ok 26 - stash rm and ignore
ok 1 - setup
ok 27 - stash rm and ignore (stage .gitignore)
ok 18 - stash previously ignored file
ok 19 - stash -u -- <untracked> doesnt print error
ok 2 - showStat unset showPatch unset
ok 28 - stash file to symlink
ok 20 - stash -u -- <untracked> leaves rest of working tree in place
ok 3 - showStat unset showPatch false
ok 29 - stash file to symlink (stage rm)
ok 21 - stash -u -- <tracked> <untracked> clears changes in both
ok 4 - showStat unset showPatch true
ok 22 - stash --all -- <ignored> stashes ignored file
ok 5 - showStat false showPatch unset
ok 30 - stash file to symlink (full stage)
ok 23 - stash --all -- <tracked> <ignored> clears changes in both
ok 24 - stash -u -- <ignored> leaves ignored file alone
ok 6 - showStat false showPatch false
ok 31 - stash symlink to file
ok 25 - stash -u -- <non-existent> shows no changes when there are none
ok 32 - this must have re-created the symlink
ok 26 - stash -u with globs
# passed all 26 test(s)
ok 33 - unstash must re-create the file
ok 7 - showStat false showPatch true
*** ***
ok 34 - stash symlink to file (stage rm)
ok 35 - this must have re-created the symlink
ok 8 - showStat true showPatch unset
ok 36 - unstash must re-create the file
ok 1 - setup
ok 9 - showStat true showPatch false
ok 37 - stash symlink to file (full stage)
ok 2 - apply in subdirectory
ok 38 - this must have re-created the symlink
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - showStat true showPatch true
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 39 - unstash must re-create the file
1..0 # SKIP filesystem does not corrupt utf-8
*** ***
ok 1 - update-index --add two files with and without +x.
not ok 40 - stash directory to file # TODO known breakage
ok 2 - git diff-files -p after editing work tree.
ok 3 - validate git diff-files -p output.
ok 1 - setup
not ok 41 - stash file to directory # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - git diff-files -s after editing work tree
ok 2 - update-index --add a file.
ok 5 - git diff-files --no-patch as synonym for -s
ok 3 - write that tree.
ok 4 - renamed and edited the file.
ok 6 - git diff-files --no-patch --patch shows the patch
ok 5 - git diff-index -p -M after rename and editing.
ok 6 - validate the output.
ok 7 - git diff-files --no-patch --patch-with-raw shows the patch and raw data
ok 7 - test diff.renames=true
ok 8 - git diff-files --patch --no-patch does not show the patch
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - test diff.renames=false
ok 9 - test diff.renames unset
ok 42 - giving too many ref arguments does not modify files
ok 43 - drop: too many arguments errors out (does nothing)
ok 1 - adding test file NN and Z/NN
ok 44 - show: too many arguments errors out (does nothing)
ok 10 - favour same basenames over different ones
ok 2 - adding test file ND and Z/ND
ok 11 - test diff.renames=true for git status
ok 3 - adding test file NM and Z/NM
ok 12 - test diff.renames=false for git status
ok 4 - adding test file DN and Z/DN
ok 45 - stash create - no changes
ok 5 - adding test file DD and Z/DD
ok 13 - favour same basenames even with minor differences
ok 6 - adding test file DM and Z/DM
not ok 1 - git_stash: added submodule creates empty directory # TODO known breakage
ok 7 - adding test file MN and Z/MN
ok 14 - two files with same basename and same content
ok 8 - adding test file MD and Z/MD
ok 9 - adding test file MM and Z/MM
ok 46 - stash branch - no stashes on stack, stash-like argument
ok 10 - adding test file SS
ok 11 - adding test file TT
ok 12 - prepare initial tree
ok 13 - change in branch A (removal)
ok 15 - setup for many rename source candidates
ok 14 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 15 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 16 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 17 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 47 - stash branch - stashes on stack, stash-like argument
ok 18 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 16 - rename pretty print with nothing in common
ok 19 - change in branch A (modification)
ok 20 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 48 - stash branch complains with no arguments
not ok 2 - git_stash: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone # TODO known breakage
ok 21 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 17 - rename pretty print with common prefix
ok 22 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 23 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 24 - change in branch A (addition)
ok 18 - rename pretty print with common suffix
ok 49 - stash show format defaults to --stat
ok 25 - change in branch A (edit)
ok 26 - change in branch A (change file to directory)
ok 27 - recording branch A tree
ok 19 - rename pretty print with common prefix and suffix
ok 28 - reading original tree and checking out
ok 20 - rename pretty print common prefix and suffix overlap
ok 50 - stash show - stashes on stack, stash-like argument
ok 29 - change in branch B (removal)
ok 30 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 31 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 32 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 21 - diff-tree -l0 defaults to a big rename limit, not zero
# passed all 21 test(s)
ok 33 - change in branch B (modification)
*** ***
not ok 3 - git_stash: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory # TODO known breakage
ok 34 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 51 - stash show -p - stashes on stack, stash-like argument
ok 35 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 36 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 37 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 1 - prepare reference tree
ok 38 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 2 - prepare work tree
ok 39 - change in branch B (addition)
ok 3 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#1)
ok 52 - stash show - no stashes on stack, stash-like argument
ok 40 - change in branch B (addition and modification)
ok 4 - prepare work tree again
ok 41 - change in branch B (modification)
ok 5 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#2)
ok 42 - change in branch B (addition of a file to conflict with directory)
ok 53 - stash show -p - no stashes on stack, stash-like argument
ok 6 - prepare work tree once again
ok 43 - recording branch B tree
ok 7 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#3)
ok 44 - keep contents of 3 trees for easy access
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 54 - stash show --patience shows diff
not ok 4 - git_stash: replace directory with submodule # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - prepare reference tree
ok 2 - prepare work tree
ok 55 - drop: fail early if specified stash is not a stash ref
ok 3 - setup diff output
ok 4 - validate diff output
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup reference tree
ok 56 - pop: fail early if specified stash is not a stash ref
ok 2 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#1)
ok 3 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#2)
ok 57 - ref with non-existent reflog
ok 4 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#3)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 5 - git_stash: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place # TODO known breakage
ok 58 - invalid ref of the form stash@{n}, n >= N
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - chmod
ok 3 - prepare binary file
ok 59 - invalid ref of the form "n", n >= N
ok 4 - --stat output after text chmod
ok 5 - --shortstat output after text chmod
ok 6 - --stat output after binary chmod
ok 7 - --shortstat output after binary chmod
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 60 - valid ref of the form "n", n < N
ok 61 - branch: do not drop the stash if the branch exists
ok 1 - prepare reference tree
ok 45 - diff-tree of known trees.
ok 2 - prepare work tree
ok 46 - diff-tree of known trees.
ok 47 - diff-tree of known trees.
ok 48 - diff-tree of known trees.
ok 3 - copy detection
ok 62 - branch: should not drop the stash if the apply fails
ok 49 - diff-tree of known trees.
ok 4 - copy detection, cached
ok 50 - diff-tree of known trees.
not ok 6 - git_stash: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone # TODO known breakage
ok 51 - diff-tree --stdin of known trees.
ok 5 - copy, limited to a subtree
ok 6 - tweak work tree
ok 52 - diff-tree --stdin of known trees.
ok 53 - diff-cache O with A in cache
ok 63 - apply: show same status as git status (relative to ./)
ok 7 - rename detection
ok 54 - diff-cache O with B in cache
ok 55 - diff-cache A with B in cache
ok 8 - rename, limited to a subtree
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 64 - stash where working directory contains "HEAD" file
ok 56 - diff-files with O in cache and A checked out
ok 65 - store called with invalid commit
ok 57 - diff-files with O in cache and B checked out
ok 1 - setup
ok 58 - diff-files with A in cache and B checked out
ok 2 - change file1 with copy-edit of file0 and remove file0
ok 59 - diff-tree O A == diff-tree -R A O
ok 66 - store updates stash ref and reflog
ok 3 - run diff with -B (#1)
ok 60 - diff-tree -r O A == diff-tree -r -R A O
ok 4 - run diff with -B and -M (#2)
ok 61 - diff-tree B A == diff-tree -R A B
ok 67 - handle stash specification with spaces
ok 62 - diff-tree -r B A == diff-tree -r -R A B
ok 5 - swap file0 and file1
ok 63 - diff can read from stdin
# passed all 63 test(s)
ok 6 - run diff with -B (#3)
*** ***
ok 68 - setup stash with index and worktree changes
ok 7 - git_stash: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 7 - run diff with -B and -M (#4)
ok 69 - stash list implies --first-parent -m
ok 8 - make file0 into something completely different
ok 1 - prepare reference tree
ok 70 - stash list --cc shows combined diff
ok 9 - run diff with -B (#5)
ok 2 - prepare work tree
ok 10 - run diff with -B -M (#6)
ok 3 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#1)
ok 4 - prepare work tree again
ok 71 - stash is not confused by partial renames
ok 11 - run diff with -M (#7)
ok 12 - file1 edited to look like file0 and file0 rename-edited to file2
ok 5 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#2)
ok 72 - push -m shows right message
ok 6 - prepare work tree once again
ok 13 - run diff with -B (#8)
ok 14 - run diff with -B -C (#9)
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 73 - push -m also works without space
ok 7 - validate output from rename/copy detection (#3)
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 74 - store -m foo shows right message
ok 75 - store -mfoo shows right message
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - diff new symlink and file
ok 8 - git_stash: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 2 - limit to path should show nothing
ok 2 - diff unchanged symlink and file
ok 3 - limit to path1 should show path1/file1
ok 76 - store --message=foo shows right message
ok 3 - diff removed symlink and file
ok 4 - limit to path1/ should show path1/file1
ok 5 - "*file1" should show path1/file1
ok 4 - diff identical, but newly created symlink and file
ok 77 - store --message foo shows right message
ok 6 - limit to file0 should show file0
ok 5 - diff different symlink and file
ok 78 - push -mfoo uses right message
ok 7 - limit to file0/ should emit nothing.
ok 8 - diff-tree pathspec
ok 6 - diff symlinks with non-existing targets
ok 9 - diff-tree with wildcard shows dir also matches
ok 7 - setup symlinks with attributes
ok 79 - push --message foo is synonym for -mfoo
ok 10 - diff-tree -r with wildcard
ok 11 - diff-tree with wildcard shows dir also matches
ok 8 - symlinks do not respect userdiff config by path
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 12 - diff-tree -r with wildcard from beginning
*** ***
ok 80 - push --message=foo is synonym for -mfoo
ok 13 - diff-tree -r with wildcard
ok 81 - push -m shows right message
ok 1 - prepare repository
ok 82 - create stores correct message
ok 2 - apply --stat output for binary file change
not ok 9 - git_stash: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 14 - setup submodules
ok 3 - diff --shortstat output for binary file change
ok 83 - create with multiple arguments for the message
ok 4 - diff --shortstat output for binary file change only
ok 15 - diff-tree ignores trailing slash on submodule path
ok 84 - create in a detached state
ok 5 - apply --numstat notices binary file change
ok 16 - diff multiple wildcard pathspecs
ok 6 - apply --numstat understands diff --binary format
ok 17 - diff-cache ignores trailing slash on submodule path
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 85 - stash -- <pathspec> stashes and restores the file
*** ***
ok 7 - apply detecting corrupt patch correctly
ok 8 - apply detecting corrupt patch correctly
ok 86 - stash -- <pathspec> stashes in subdirectory
ok 9 - initial commit
ok 10 - diff-index with --binary
ok 87 - stash with multiple pathspec arguments
ok 11 - apply binary patch
ok 12 - diff --no-index with binary creation
ok 88 - stash with file including $IFS character
ok 13 - diff --stat with binary files and big change count
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 89 - stash with pathspec matching multiple paths
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 90 - stash push -p with pathspec shows no changes only once
ok 2 - git diff-tree initial # magic is (not used)
ok 91 - push <pathspec>: show no changes when there are none
not ok 10 - git_stash: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 92 - push: <pathspec> not in the repository errors out
ok 3 - git diff-tree -r initial # magic is (not used)
ok 93 - push: -q is quiet with changes
ok 4 - git diff-tree -r --abbrev initial # magic is (not used)
ok 94 - push: -q is quiet with no changes
ok 5 - git diff-tree -r --abbrev=4 initial # magic is (not used)
ok 95 - push: -q is quiet even if there is no initial commit
ok 6 - git diff-tree --root initial # magic is (not used)
ok 96 - untracked files are left in place when -u is not given
ok 7 - git diff-tree --root --abbrev initial # magic is (not used)
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream
ok 8 - git diff-tree --root --abbrev initial # magic is noellipses
ok 3 - format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream
ok 97 - stash without verb with pathspec
ok 9 - git diff-tree --root -r initial # magic is (not used)
ok 4 - format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream handles tags
ok 10 - git diff-tree --root -r --abbrev initial # magic is (not used)
ok 11 - git diff-tree --root -r --abbrev initial # magic is noellipses
ok 12 - git diff-tree --root -r --abbrev=4 initial # magic is (not used)
ok 5 - format-patch doesn't consider merge commits
ok 98 - stash -k -- <pathspec> leaves unstaged files intact
ok 13 - git diff-tree --root -r --abbrev=4 initial # magic is noellipses
ok 6 - format-patch result applies
ok 14 - git diff-tree -p initial # magic is (not used)
not ok 11 - git_stash: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree # TODO known breakage
ok 15 - git diff-tree --root -p initial # magic is (not used)
ok 99 - stash -- <subdir> leaves untracked files in subdir intact
ok 7 - format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream result applies
ok 8 - commit did not screw up the log message
ok 16 - git diff-tree --patch-with-stat initial # magic is (not used)
ok 9 - format-patch did not screw up the log message
ok 17 - git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat initial # magic is (not used)
ok 10 - replay did not screw up the log message
ok 18 - git diff-tree --patch-with-raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 100 - stash -- <subdir> works with binary files
ok 19 - git diff-tree --root --patch-with-raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 11 - extra headers
ok 20 - git diff-tree --pretty initial # magic is (not used)
ok 12 - extra headers without newlines
ok 101 - stash with and set works
ok 21 - git diff-tree --pretty --root initial # magic is (not used)
ok 13 - extra headers with multiple To:s
ok 22 - git diff-tree --pretty -p initial # magic is (not used)
ok 14 - additional command line cc (ascii)
ok 23 - git diff-tree --pretty --stat initial # magic is (not used)
not ok 15 - additional command line cc (rfc822) # TODO known breakage
ok 24 - git diff-tree --pretty --summary initial # magic is (not used)
ok 16 - command line headers
ok 25 - git diff-tree --pretty --stat --summary initial # magic is (not used)
ok 102 - stash works when and are not set
ok 17 - configuration headers and command line headers
ok 26 - git diff-tree --pretty --root -p initial # magic is (not used)
ok 18 - command line To: header (ascii)
ok 27 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --stat initial # magic is (not used)
ok 103 - stash --keep-index with file deleted in index does not resurrect it on disk
not ok 19 - command line To: header (rfc822) # TODO known breakage
not ok 20 - command line To: header (rfc2047) # TODO known breakage
ok 28 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --summary initial # magic is (not used)
ok 21 - configuration To: header (ascii)
not ok 12 - git_stash: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit # TODO known breakage
ok 104 - stash apply should succeed with unmodified file
not ok 22 - configuration To: header (rfc822) # TODO known breakage
ok 29 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --summary -r initial # magic is (not used)
not ok 23 - configuration To: header (rfc2047) # TODO known breakage
ok 30 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --stat --summary initial # magic is (not used)
ok 24 - format.from=false
ok 31 - git diff-tree --pretty --patch-with-stat initial # magic is (not used)
ok 25 - format.from=true
ok 105 - stash handles skip-worktree entries nicely
ok 32 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --patch-with-stat initial # magic is (not used)
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 103 test(s)
ok 26 - format.from with address
*** ***
ok 33 - git diff-tree --pretty --patch-with-raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 27 - --no-from overrides format.from
ok 28 - --from overrides format.from
ok 34 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --patch-with-raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 29 - --no-to overrides
ok 35 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline initial # magic is (not used)
not ok 13 - git_stash: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - Ray Lehtiniemi's example
ok 36 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root initial # magic is (not used)
ok 30 - --no-to and --to replaces
ok 31 - --no-cc overrides
ok 37 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline -p initial # magic is (not used)
ok 32 - --no-add-header overrides config.headers
ok 38 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root -p initial # magic is (not used)
ok 33 - multiple files
ok 34 - reroll count
ok 39 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline --patch-with-stat initial # magic is (not used)
ok 2 - another test, without options
ok 3 - ignore-blank-lines: only new lines
ok 35 - reroll count (-v)
ok 40 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root --patch-with-stat initial # magic is (not used)
ok 4 - ignore-blank-lines: only new lines with space
ok 14 - git_stash: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 41 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline --patch-with-raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 36 - no threading
ok 5 - ignore-blank-lines: after change
ok 37 - thread
ok 42 - git diff-tree --pretty=oneline --root --patch-with-raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 6 - ignore-blank-lines: before change
ok 38 - thread in-reply-to
ok 43 - git diff-tree --pretty side # magic is (not used)
ok 44 - git diff-tree --pretty -p side # magic is (not used)
ok 39 - thread cover-letter
ok 7 - ignore-blank-lines: between changes
ok 40 - thread cover-letter in-reply-to
ok 45 - git diff-tree --pretty --patch-with-stat side # magic is (not used)
ok 8 - ignore-blank-lines: between changes (with interhunkctx)
ok 46 - git diff-tree initial mode # magic is (not used)
ok 41 - thread explicit shallow
ok 47 - git diff-tree --stat initial mode # magic is (not used)
ok 42 - thread deep
ok 9 - ignore-blank-lines: scattered spaces
ok 43 - thread deep in-reply-to
ok 48 - git diff-tree --summary initial mode # magic is (not used)
ok 10 - ignore-blank-lines: spaces coalesce
ok 49 - git diff-tree master # magic is (not used)
ok 44 - thread deep cover-letter
ok 15 - stash push with submodule.recurse=true preserves dirty submodule worktree
ok 50 - git diff-tree -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 45 - thread deep cover-letter in-reply-to
ok 11 - ignore-blank-lines: mix changes and blank lines
ok 12 - check mixed spaces and tabs in indent
ok 46 - thread via config
ok 51 - git diff-tree -p -m master # magic is (not used)
ok 13 - check mixed tabs and spaces in indent
ok 47 - thread deep via config
ok 14 - check with no whitespace errors
ok 52 - git diff-tree -c master # magic is (not used)
ok 15 - check with trailing whitespace
ok 16 - check with space before tab in indent
ok 48 - thread config + override
ok 53 - git diff-tree -c --abbrev master # magic is (not used)
ok 17 - --check and --exit-code are not exclusive
ok 18 - --check and --quiet are not exclusive
ok 49 - thread config + --no-thread
ok 54 - git diff-tree -c --abbrev master # magic is noellipses
ok 19 - check staged with no whitespace errors
ok 55 - git diff-tree --cc master # magic is (not used)
ok 20 - check staged with trailing whitespace
ok 21 - check staged with space before tab in indent
ok 50 - excessive subject
ok 56 - git diff-tree -c --stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 22 - check with no whitespace errors (diff-index)
ok 51 - failure to write cover-letter aborts gracefully
ok 57 - git diff-tree --cc --stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 16 - stash push and pop with submodule.recurse=true preserves dirty submodule worktree
ok 23 - check with trailing whitespace (diff-index)
# still have 11 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 5 test(s)
ok 58 - git diff-tree -c --stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 52 - cover-letter inherits diff options
ok 24 - check with space before tab in indent (diff-index)
*** ***
ok 59 - git diff-tree --cc --stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 25 - check staged with no whitespace errors (diff-index)
ok 53 - shortlog of cover-letter wraps overly-long onelines
ok 26 - check staged with trailing whitespace (diff-index)
ok 60 - git diff-tree -c --stat --summary side # magic is (not used)
ok 54 - format-patch respects -U
ok 27 - check staged with space before tab in indent (diff-index)
ok 55 - format-patch -p suppresses stat
ok 61 - git diff-tree --cc --stat --summary side # magic is (not used)
ok 56 - format-patch from a subdirectory (1)
ok 28 - check with no whitespace errors (diff-tree)
ok 62 - git diff-tree --cc --shortstat master # magic is (not used)
ok 57 - format-patch from a subdirectory (2)
ok 29 - check with trailing whitespace (diff-tree)
ok 58 - format-patch from a subdirectory (3)
ok 1 - setup
ok 63 - git diff-tree --cc --summary REVERSE # magic is (not used)
ok 2 - setup expected files
ok 59 - format-patch --in-reply-to
ok 30 - check with space before tab in indent (diff-tree)
ok 60 - format-patch --signoff
ok 3 - git diff --summary -M HEAD
ok 64 - git diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 65 - git diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 4 - git diff --numstat -M HEAD
ok 31 - check with ignored trailing whitespace attr (diff-tree)
ok 61 - format-patch --notes --signoff
ok 32 - check trailing whitespace (trailing-space: off)
ok 5 - git diff --stat -M HEAD
ok 66 - git diff-tree --cc --patch-with-stat --summary side # magic is (not used)
ok 33 - check trailing whitespace (trailing-space: on)
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 34 - check space before tab in indent (space-before-tab: off)
ok 67 - git log master # magic is (not used)
ok 35 - check space before tab in indent (space-before-tab: on)
ok 68 - git log -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 36 - check spaces as indentation (indent-with-non-tab: off)
ok 69 - git log --root master # magic is (not used)
ok 70 - git log --root -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 37 - check spaces as indentation (indent-with-non-tab: on)
ok 38 - ditto, but tabwidth=9
ok 1 - setup
ok 62 - format-patch notes output control
ok 39 - check tabs and spaces as indentation (indent-with-non-tab: on)
ok 71 - git log --patch-with-stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 2 - git diff --quiet -w  HEAD^^ HEAD^
ok 40 - ditto, but tabwidth=10
ok 3 - git diff --quiet HEAD^^ HEAD^
ok 72 - git log --root --patch-with-stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 41 - ditto, but tabwidth=20
ok 4 - git diff --quiet -w  HEAD^ HEAD
ok 42 - check tabs as indentation (tab-in-indent: off)
ok 73 - git log --root --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 5 - git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD
ok 43 - check tabs as indentation (tab-in-indent: on)
ok 6 - git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD -- a
ok 44 - check tabs and spaces as indentation (tab-in-indent: on)
ok 74 - git log --root -c --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 7 - git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD -- b
ok 45 - ditto, but tabwidth=1 (must be irrelevant)
ok 46 - check tab-in-indent and indent-with-non-tab conflict
ok 75 - git log --root --cc --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 8 - echo HEAD | git diff-tree --stdin
ok 9 - git diff-tree HEAD HEAD
ok 47 - check tab-in-indent excluded from wildcard whitespace attribute
ok 76 - git log -p --first-parent master # magic is (not used)
ok 10 - git diff-files
ok 63 - format-patch with multiple notes refs
ok 11 - git diff-index --cached HEAD
ok 48 - line numbers in --check output are correct
ok 12 - git diff-index --cached HEAD^
ok 49 - checkdiff detects new trailing blank lines (1)
ok 77 - git log -m -p --first-parent master # magic is (not used)
ok 50 - checkdiff detects new trailing blank lines (2)
ok 13 - git diff-index --cached HEAD^
ok 78 - git log -m -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 51 - checkdiff allows new blank lines
ok 14 - git diff-tree -Stext HEAD^ HEAD -- b
ok 15 - git diff-tree -Snot-found HEAD^ HEAD -- b
ok 79 - git log -SF master # magic is (not used)
ok 16 - git diff-files
ok 64 - format-patch with multiple notes refs in config
ok 52 - whitespace-only changes not reported
ok 17 - git diff-index --cached HEAD
ok 80 - git log -S F master # magic is (not used)
ok 18 - --check --exit-code returns 0 for no difference
ok 19 - --check --exit-code returns 1 for a clean difference
ok 81 - git log -SF -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 65 - options no longer allowed for format-patch
ok 20 - --check --exit-code returns 3 for a dirty difference
ok 21 - --check with --no-pager returns 2 for dirty difference
ok 66 - format-patch --numstat should produce a patch
ok 53 - whitespace-only changes reported across renames
ok 22 - check should test not just the last line
ok 82 - git log -SF master --max-count=0 # magic is (not used)
ok 67 - format-patch -- <path>
ok 83 - git log -SF master --max-count=1 # magic is (not used)
ok 54 - rename empty
ok 68 - format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream HEAD
ok 23 - check detects leftover conflict markers
ok 69 - get git version
ok 70 - format-patch default signature
ok 84 - git log -SF master --max-count=2 # magic is (not used)
ok 71 - format-patch --signature
ok 55 - combined diff with autocrlf conversion
ok 24 - check honors conflict marker length
ok 72 - format-patch with format.signature config
ok 85 - git log -GF master # magic is (not used)
# passed all 24 test(s)
*** ***
ok 73 - format-patch --signature overrides format.signature
ok 86 - git log -GF -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 74 - format-patch --no-signature ignores format.signature
ok 56 - setup diff colors
ok 87 - git log -GF -p --pickaxe-all master # magic is (not used)
ok 75 - format-patch --signature --cover-letter
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - builtin ada pattern compiles
ok 57 - diff that introduces a line with only tabs
ok 88 - git log --decorate --all # magic is (not used)
ok 3 - builtin ada wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 76 - format.signature="" suppresses signatures
ok 89 - git log --decorate=full --all # magic is (not used)
ok 4 - builtin bibtex pattern compiles
ok 77 - format-patch --no-signature suppresses signatures
ok 90 - git rev-list --parents HEAD # magic is (not used)
ok 58 - diff that introduces and removes ws breakages
ok 5 - builtin bibtex wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 78 - format-patch --signature="" suppresses signatures
ok 6 - builtin cpp pattern compiles
ok 79 - prepare mail-signature input
ok 91 - git rev-list --children HEAD # magic is (not used)
ok 7 - builtin cpp wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 59 - ws-error-highlight test setup
ok 8 - builtin csharp pattern compiles
ok 80 - --signature-file=file works
ok 92 - git whatchanged master # magic is (not used)
ok 9 - builtin csharp wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 60 - test --ws-error-highlight option
ok 81 - format.signaturefile works
ok 93 - git whatchanged master # magic is noellipses
ok 10 - builtin css pattern compiles
ok 94 - git whatchanged -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 11 - builtin css wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 61 - test diff.wsErrorHighlight config
ok 82 - --no-signature suppresses format.signaturefile 
ok 12 - builtin dts pattern compiles
ok 95 - git whatchanged --root master # magic is (not used)
ok 13 - builtin dts wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 62 - option overrides diff.wsErrorHighlight
ok 96 - git whatchanged --root master # magic is noellipses
ok 83 - --signature-file overrides format.signaturefile
ok 14 - builtin elixir pattern compiles
ok 97 - git whatchanged --root -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 15 - builtin elixir wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 84 - --signature overrides format.signaturefile
ok 16 - builtin fortran pattern compiles
ok 98 - git whatchanged --patch-with-stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 85 # skip format-patch --stdout paginates (missing TTY)
ok 86 # skip format-patch --stdout pagination can be disabled (missing TTY)
ok 63 - detect moved code, complete file
ok 17 - builtin fortran wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 99 - git whatchanged --root --patch-with-stat master # magic is (not used)
ok 87 - format-patch handles multi-line subjects
ok 18 - builtin fountain pattern compiles
ok 100 - git whatchanged --root --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 88 - format-patch handles multi-line encoded subjects
ok 19 - builtin fountain wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 101 - git whatchanged --root -c --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 20 - builtin golang pattern compiles
ok 89 - format-patch wraps extremely long subject (ascii)
ok 102 - git whatchanged --root --cc --patch-with-stat --summary master # magic is (not used)
ok 21 - builtin golang wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 22 - builtin html pattern compiles
ok 64 - detect malicious moved code, inside file
ok 103 - git whatchanged -SF master # magic is (not used)
ok 90 - format-patch wraps extremely long subject (rfc2047)
ok 23 - builtin html wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 24 - builtin java pattern compiles
ok 91 - format-patch quotes dot in from-headers
ok 104 - git whatchanged -SF master # magic is noellipses
ok 25 - builtin java wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 105 - git whatchanged -SF -p master # magic is (not used)
ok 26 - builtin matlab pattern compiles
ok 65 - plain moved code, inside file
ok 92 - format-patch quotes double-quote in from-headers
ok 27 - builtin matlab wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 106 - git log --patch-with-stat master -- dir/ # magic is (not used)
ok 28 - builtin objc pattern compiles
ok 93 - format-patch uses rfc2047-encoded from-headers when necessary
ok 29 - builtin objc wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 107 - git whatchanged --patch-with-stat master -- dir/ # magic is (not used)
ok 94 - rfc2047-encoded from-headers leave no rfc822 specials
ok 30 - builtin pascal pattern compiles
ok 108 - git log --patch-with-stat --summary master -- dir/ # magic is (not used)
ok 31 - builtin pascal wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 95 - format-patch wraps moderately long from-header (ascii)
ok 109 - git whatchanged --patch-with-stat --summary master -- dir/ # magic is (not used)
ok 32 - builtin perl pattern compiles
ok 66 - detect blocks of moved code
ok 33 - builtin perl wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 110 - git show initial # magic is (not used)
ok 96 - format-patch wraps extremely long from-header (ascii)
ok 34 - builtin php pattern compiles
ok 111 - git show --root initial # magic is (not used)
ok 35 - builtin php wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 97 - format-patch wraps extremely long from-header (rfc822)
ok 36 - builtin python pattern compiles
ok 37 - builtin python wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 112 - git show side # magic is (not used)
ok 67 - detect permutations inside moved code -- dimmed-zebra
ok 38 - builtin ruby pattern compiles
ok 98 - format-patch wraps extremely long from-header (rfc2047)
ok 113 - git show master # magic is (not used)
ok 39 - builtin ruby wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 114 - git show -c master # magic is (not used)
ok 40 - builtin rust pattern compiles
ok 99 - subject lines do not have 822 atom-quoting
ok 115 - git show -m master # magic is (not used)
ok 41 - builtin rust wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 42 - builtin tex pattern compiles
ok 100 - subject prefixes have space prepended
ok 116 - git show --first-parent master # magic is (not used)
ok 43 - builtin tex wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 101 - empty subject prefix does not have extra space
ok 44 - builtin custom1 pattern compiles
ok 117 - git show --stat side # magic is (not used)
ok 68 - cmd option assumes configured colored-moved
ok 102 - --rfc
ok 118 - git show --stat --summary side # magic is (not used)
ok 45 - builtin custom1 wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 103 - --from=ident notices bogus ident
ok 69 - no effect from --color-moved with --word-diff
ok 46 - builtin custom2 pattern compiles
ok 119 - git show --patch-with-stat side # magic is (not used)
ok 47 - builtin custom2 wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 104 - --from=ident replaces author
ok 48 - builtin custom3 pattern compiles
ok 120 - git show --patch-with-raw side # magic is (not used)
ok 49 - builtin custom3 wordRegex pattern compiles
ok 105 - --from uses committer ident
ok 70 - set up whitespace tests
ok 106 - --from omits redundant in-body header
ok 121 - git show --patch-with-raw side # magic is noellipses
ok 50 - last regexp must not be negated
ok 71 - move detection ignoring whitespace 
ok 122 - git show --patch-with-stat --summary side # magic is (not used)
ok 107 - in-body headers trigger content encoding
ok 123 - git format-patch --stdout initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 72 - move detection ignoring whitespace changes
ok 108 - signoff: commit with no body
ok 124 - git format-patch --stdout initial..master^ # magic is (not used)
ok 109 - signoff: commit with only subject
ok 73 - move detection ignoring whitespace at eol
ok 125 - git format-patch --stdout initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 74 - clean up whitespace-test colors
ok 126 - git format-patch --stdout --no-numbered initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 110 - signoff: commit with only subject that does not end with NL
ok 127 - git format-patch --stdout --numbered initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 75 - --color-moved block at end of diff output respects MIN_ALNUM_COUNT
ok 111 - signoff: no existing signoffs
ok 128 - git format-patch --attach --stdout initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 112 - signoff: no existing signoffs and no trailing NL
ok 51 - setup hunk header tests
ok 129 - git format-patch --attach --stdout --suffix=.diff initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 76 - --color-moved respects MIN_ALNUM_COUNT
ok 52 - hunk header: README
ok 113 - signoff: some random signoff
ok 130 - git format-patch --attach --stdout initial..master^ # magic is (not used)
ok 53 - hunk header: cpp-c++-function
ok 114 - signoff: misc conforming footer elements
ok 131 - git format-patch --attach --stdout initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 54 - hunk header: cpp-class-constructor
ok 77 - --color-moved treats adjacent blocks as separate for MIN_ALNUM_COUNT
ok 115 - signoff: some random signoff-alike
ok 55 - hunk header: cpp-class-constructor-mem-init
ok 132 - git format-patch --inline --stdout initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 56 - hunk header: cpp-class-definition
ok 116 - signoff: not really a signoff
ok 133 - git format-patch --inline --stdout initial..master^ # magic is (not used)
ok 57 - hunk header: cpp-class-definition-derived
ok 117 - signoff: not really a signoff (2)
ok 58 - hunk header: cpp-class-destructor
ok 134 - git format-patch --inline --stdout --numbered-files initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 118 - signoff: valid S-o-b paragraph in the middle
ok 59 - hunk header: cpp-function-returning-global-type
ok 60 - hunk header: cpp-function-returning-nested
ok 135 - git format-patch --inline --stdout initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 61 - hunk header: cpp-function-returning-pointer
ok 119 - signoff: the same signoff at the end
ok 136 - git format-patch --inline --stdout --subject-prefix=TESTCASE initial..master # magic is (not used)
ok 62 - hunk header: cpp-function-returning-reference
ok 120 - signoff: the same signoff at the end, no trailing NL
ok 63 - hunk header: cpp-gnu-style-function
ok 137 - git config format.subjectprefix DIFFERENT_PREFIX # magic is (not used)
ok 64 - hunk header: cpp-namespace-definition
ok 121 - signoff: the same signoff NOT at the end
ok 65 - hunk header: cpp-operator-definition
ok 138 - git format-patch --inline --stdout initial..master^^ # magic is (not used)
ok 122 - signoff: tolerate garbage in conforming footer
ok 66 - hunk header: cpp-skip-access-specifiers
ok 139 - git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter -n initial..master^ # magic is (not used)
ok 140 - git diff --abbrev initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 67 - hunk header: cpp-skip-comment-block
ok 141 - git diff -U initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 68 - hunk header: cpp-skip-labels
ok 78 - move detection with submodules
ok 123 - signoff: respect trailer config
ok 142 - git diff -U1 initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 69 - hunk header: cpp-struct-definition
ok 124 - signoff: footer begins with non-signoff without @ sign
ok 143 - git diff -r initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 70 - hunk header: cpp-struct-single-line
ok 71 - hunk header: cpp-template-function-definition
ok 144 - git diff --stat initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 125 - format patch ignores color.ui
ok 79 - only move detection ignores white spaces
ok 72 - hunk header: cpp-union-definition
ok 145 - git diff -r --stat initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 126 - cover letter with invalid --cover-from-description and config
ok 146 - git diff initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 73 - hunk header: cpp-void-c-function
ok 147 - git diff --patch-with-stat initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 80 - compare whitespace delta across moved blocks
ok 74 - hunk header: css-brace-in-col-1
ok 127 - cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = default
ok 148 - git diff --patch-with-raw initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 75 - hunk header: css-colon-eol
ok 76 - hunk header: css-colon-selector
ok 128 - cover letter with --cover-from-description default
ok 77 - hunk header: css-common
ok 81 - bogus settings in move detection erroring out
ok 149 - git diff --patch-with-raw initial..side # magic is noellipses
ok 82 - compare whitespace delta incompatible with other space options
ok 78 - hunk header: css-long-selector-list
ok 129 - cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = none
ok 79 - hunk header: css-prop-sans-indent
ok 150 - git diff --patch-with-stat -r initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 80 - hunk header: css-short-selector-list
ok 130 - cover letter with --cover-from-description none
ok 83 - compare mixed whitespace delta across moved blocks
ok 151 - git diff --patch-with-raw -r initial..side # magic is (not used)
ok 81 - hunk header: css-trailing-space
ok 84 - combine --ignore-blank-lines with --function-context
ok 82 - hunk header: custom1-pattern
ok 152 - git diff --patch-with-raw -r initial..side # magic is noellipses
ok 131 - cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = message
ok 85 - combine --ignore-blank-lines with --function-context 2
# passed all 85 test(s)
ok 153 - git diff --name-status dir2 dir # magic is (not used)
ok 83 - hunk header: custom2-match-to-end-of-line
*** ***
ok 154 - git diff --no-index --name-status dir2 dir # magic is (not used)
ok 84 - hunk header: custom3-alternation-in-pattern
ok 132 - cover letter with --cover-from-description message
ok 85 - hunk header: dts-labels
ok 155 - git diff --no-index --name-status -- dir2 dir # magic is (not used)
ok 86 - hunk header: dts-node-unitless
ok 1 - setup
ok 156 - git diff --no-index dir dir3 # magic is (not used)
ok 133 - cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = subject
ok 87 - hunk header: dts-nodes
ok 88 - hunk header: dts-nodes-boolean-prop
ok 157 - git diff master master^ side # magic is (not used)
ok 2 - default
ok 134 - cover letter with --cover-from-description subject
ok 89 - hunk header: dts-nodes-comment1
ok 158 - git diff --line-prefix=abc master master^ side # magic is (not used)
ok 159 - git diff --dirstat master~1 master~2 # magic is (not used)
ok 90 - hunk header: dts-nodes-comment2
ok 135 - cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = auto (short subject line)
ok 3 - default (attribute)
ok 91 - hunk header: dts-nodes-multiline-prop
ok 160 - git diff --dirstat initial rearrange # magic is (not used)
ok 92 - hunk header: dts-reference
ok 136 - cover letter with --cover-from-description auto (short subject line)
ok 93 - hunk header: dts-root
ok 4 - default, tabwidth=10 (attribute)
ok 161 - git diff --dirstat-by-file initial rearrange # magic is (not used)
ok 94 - hunk header: dts-root-comment
ok 162 - git diff --dirstat --cc master~1 master # magic is (not used)
ok 5 - no check (attribute)
ok 137 - cover letter with format.coverFromDescription = auto (long subject line)
ok 95 - hunk header: elixir-do-not-pick-end
ok 163 - git diff --raw initial # magic is (not used)
ok 96 - hunk header: elixir-ex-unit-test
ok 6 - no check, tabwidth=10 (attribute), must be irrelevant
ok 138 - cover letter with --cover-from-description auto (long subject line)
ok 97 - hunk header: elixir-function
ok 164 - git diff --raw initial # magic is noellipses
ok 7 - without -trail
ok 98 - hunk header: elixir-macro
ok 139 - cover letter with command-line --cover-from-description overrides config
ok 165 - git diff --raw --abbrev=4 initial # magic is (not used)
ok 99 - hunk header: elixir-module
ok 8 - without -trail (attribute)
ok 140 - cover letter using branch description (1)
ok 166 - git diff --raw --abbrev=4 initial # magic is noellipses
ok 100 - hunk header: elixir-module-func
ok 141 - cover letter using branch description (2)
ok 101 - hunk header: elixir-nested-module
ok 167 - git diff --raw --no-abbrev initial # magic is (not used)
ok 102 - hunk header: elixir-private-function
ok 9 - without -space
ok 142 - cover letter using branch description (3)
ok 168 - git diff --no-index --raw dir2 dir # magic is (not used)
ok 103 - hunk header: elixir-protocol
ok 104 - hunk header: elixir-protocol-implementation
ok 10 - without -space (attribute)
ok 169 - git diff --no-index --raw dir2 dir # magic is noellipses
ok 143 - cover letter using branch description (4)
ok 170 - git diff --no-index --raw --abbrev=4 dir2 dir # magic is (not used)
ok 105 - hunk header: fountain-scene
ok 11 - with indent-non-tab only
ok 144 - cover letter using branch description (5)
ok 106 - hunk header: golang-complex-function
ok 171 - git diff --no-index --raw --abbrev=4 dir2 dir # magic is noellipses
ok 107 - hunk header: golang-func
ok 12 - with indent-non-tab only (attribute)
ok 145 - cover letter using branch description (6)
ok 108 - hunk header: golang-interface
ok 172 - git diff --no-index --raw --no-abbrev dir2 dir # magic is (not used)
ok 146 - cover letter with nothing
ok 109 - hunk header: golang-long-func
ok 13 - with indent-non-tab only, tabwidth=10
ok 173 - git diff-tree --pretty --root --stat --compact-summary initial # magic is (not used)
ok 110 - hunk header: golang-struct
ok 147 - cover letter auto
ok 14 - with indent-non-tab only, tabwidth=10 (attribute)
ok 174 - git diff-tree --pretty -R --root --stat --compact-summary initial # magic is (not used)
ok 111 - hunk header: java-class-member-function
ok 175 - git diff-tree --stat --compact-summary initial mode # magic is (not used)
ok 15 - with cr-at-eol
ok 112 - hunk header: matlab-class-definition
ok 16 - with cr-at-eol (attribute)
ok 113 - hunk header: matlab-function
ok 176 - git diff-tree -R --stat --compact-summary initial mode # magic is (not used)
ok 17 - trailing empty lines (1)
ok 177 - log -S requires an argument
ok 148 - cover letter auto user override
ok 114 - hunk header: matlab-octave-section-1
ok 178 - diff --cached on unborn branch
ok 18 - trailing empty lines (2)
ok 149 - format-patch --zero-commit
ok 179 - diff --cached -- file on unborn branch
ok 115 - hunk header: matlab-octave-section-2
ok 19 - checkdiff shows correct line number for trailing blank lines
ok 180 - diff --line-prefix with spaces
ok 116 - hunk header: matlab-section
ok 150 - From line has expected format
ok 117 - hunk header: perl-skip-end-of-heredoc
ok 181 - diff-tree --stdin with log formatting
ok 20 - do not color trailing cr in context
# passed all 181 test(s)
ok 151 - format-patch -o with no leading directories
*** ***
ok 118 - hunk header: perl-skip-forward-decl
ok 21 - color new trailing blank lines
# passed all 21 test(s)
ok 119 - hunk header: perl-skip-sub-in-pod
*** ***
ok 152 - format-patch -o with leading existing directories
ok 120 - hunk header: perl-sub-definition
ok 153 - format-patch -o with leading non-existing directories
ok 121 - hunk header: perl-sub-definition-kr-brace
ok 122 - hunk header: php-abstract-class
ok 123 - hunk header: php-class
ok 154 - format-patch format.outputDirectory option
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF environment
ok 124 - hunk header: php-final-class
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF environment should apply only to diff
ok 155 - format-patch -o overrides format.outputDirectory
ok 4 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF environment and --no-ext-diff
ok 125 - hunk header: php-function
ok 2 - single patch defaults to no numbers
ok 126 - hunk header: php-interface
ok 3 - multiple patch defaults to numbered
ok 127 - hunk header: php-method
ok 4 - Use --numbered
ok 5 - typechange diff
ok 128 - hunk header: php-trait
ok 5 - format.numbered = true
ok 6 - diff.external
ok 156 - format-patch --base
ok 6 - format.numbered && single patch
ok 129 - hunk header: python-async-def
ok 7 - format.numbered && --no-numbered
ok 130 - hunk header: python-class
ok 7 - diff.external should apply only to diff
ok 157 - format-patch --base errors out when base commit is in revision list
ok 8 - format.numbered && --keep-subject
ok 131 - hunk header: python-def
ok 8 - diff.external and --no-ext-diff
ok 9 - format.numbered = auto
ok 132 - hunk header: python-indented-async-def
ok 9 - diff attribute
ok 10 - format.numbered = auto && single patch
ok 10 - diff attribute should apply only to diff
ok 133 - hunk header: python-indented-class
ok 11 - format.numbered = auto && --no-numbered
ok 11 - diff attribute and --no-ext-diff
ok 134 - hunk header: python-indented-def
ok 12 - --start-number && --numbered
ok 12 - diff attribute
ok 135 - hunk header: rust-fn
ok 13 - single patch with cover-letter defaults to numbers
ok 13 - diff attribute should apply only to diff
ok 14 - Use --no-numbered and --cover-letter single patch
ok 14 - diff attribute and --no-ext-diff
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 136 - hunk header: rust-impl
*** ***
ok 137 - hunk header: rust-struct
ok 15 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF trumps diff.external
ok 158 - format-patch --base errors out when base commit is not ancestor of revision list
ok 138 - hunk header: rust-trait
# passed all 138 test(s)
ok 16 - attributes trump GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF and diff.external
*** ***
ok 17 - no diff with -diff
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - detect rewrite
ok 18 - force diff with "diff"
ok 159 - format-patch --base=auto
ok 3 - show deletion diff without -D
ok 4 - suppress deletion diff with -D
ok 19 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF with more than one changed files
ok 5 - show deletion diff with -B
ok 20 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF path counter/total
ok 6 - suppress deletion diff with -B -D
ok 21 - GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF generates pretty paths
ok 7 - prepare a file that ends with an incomplete line
ok 8 - rewrite the middle 90% of sequence file and terminate with newline
ok 9 - confirm that sequence file is considered a rewrite
ok 22 - external diff with autocrlf = true
ok 10 - no newline at eof is on its own line without -B
ok 11 - no newline at eof is on its own line with -B
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 23 - diff --cached
*** ***
ok 160 - format-patch errors out when history involves criss-cross
ok 24 - clean up crlf leftovers
ok 1 - setup
ok 161 - format-patch format.useAutoBase option
ok 2 - cross renames to be detected for regular files
ok 3 - cross renames to be detected for typechange
ok 162 - format-patch --base overrides format.useAutoBase
ok 4 - moves and renames
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 163 - format-patch --no-base overrides format.useAutoBase
*** ***
ok 25 - submodule diff
# passed all 25 test(s)
ok 164 - format-patch --base with --attach
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 165 - format-patch --attach cover-letter only is non-multipart
ok 2 - diff -U0
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 2 - hunk header truncation with an overly long line
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 166 - format-patch --pretty=mboxrd
ok 1 - reset
*** ***
ok 2 - empty color is empty
ok 3 - attribute before color name
ok 167 - interdiff: setup
ok 4 - color name before attribute
ok 5 - attr fg bg
ok 168 - interdiff: cover-letter
ok 6 - fg attr bg
ok 169 - interdiff: reroll-count
ok 7 - fg bg attr
ok 1 - create commit with utf-8 body
ok 8 - fg bg attr...
ok 2 - patch has mime headers
ok 9 - attr negation
ok 170 - interdiff: solo-patch
# still have 5 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 165 test(s)
ok 10 - "no-" variant of negation
*** ***
ok 3 - patch has mime and extra headers
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 11 - long color specification
*** ***
ok 12 - absurdly long color specification
ok 13 - 0-7 are aliases for basic ANSI color names
ok 14 - 256 colors
ok 15 - 24-bit colors
ok 16 - "normal" yields no color at all"
ok 1 - setup binary file with history
ok 1 - setup
ok 17 - -1 is a synonym for "normal"
ok 2 - file is considered binary by porcelain
ok 18 - color too small
ok 2 - git diff --raw HEAD
ok 1 - diff honors config option, diff.suppressBlankEmpty
# passed all 1 test(s)
ok 19 - color too big
*** ***
ok 20 - extra character after color number
ok 3 - git diff-index --raw HEAD
ok 3 - file is considered binary by plumbing
ok 21 - extra character after color name
ok 4 - git diff-files --raw
ok 4 - setup textconv filters
ok 22 - extra character after attribute
ok 23 - unknown color slots are ignored (diff)
ok 5 - git diff HEAD
ok 5 - diff produces text
ok 1 - create binary file with changes
ok 24 - unknown color slots are ignored (branch)
ok 6 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (work tree)
ok 2 - vanilla diff is binary
ok 25 - unknown color slots are ignored (status)
ok 6 - show commit produces text
# passed all 25 test(s)
ok 3 - rewrite diff is binary
*** ***
ok 7 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (index)
ok 4 - rewrite diff can show binary patch
ok 7 - diff-tree produces binary
ok 5 - rewrite diff --numstat shows binary changes
ok 8 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked)
ok 8 - log produces text
ok 6 - diff --stat counts binary rewrite as 0 lines
ok 9 - format-patch produces binary
ok 7 - setup textconv
ok 9 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (work tree, refs match)
ok 1 - diff -U0, 1 common line: count hunks (2)
ok 8 - rewrite diff respects textconv
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 2 - diff -U0, 1 common line: check output
ok 10 - status -v produces text
*** ***
ok 11 - show blob produces binary
ok 3 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=0, 1 common line: count hunks (2)
ok 12 - show --textconv blob produces text
ok 4 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=0, 1 common line: check output
ok 5 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=1, 1 common line: count hunks (1)
ok 13 - show --no-textconv blob produces binary
ok 1 - --ignore-space-at-eol with a single appended character
ok 6 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=1, 1 common line: check output
ok 10 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (work tree, refs match) [.gitmodules]
ok 2 - patience diff
ok 7 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=2, 1 common line: count hunks (1)
ok 3 - patience diff output is valid
ok 14 - grep-diff (-G) operates on textconv data (add)
ok 11 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (index, refs match)
ok 8 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=2, 1 common line: check output
ok 9 - diff -U1, 1 common line: count hunks (1)
ok 4 - completely different files
ok 15 - grep-diff (-G) operates on textconv data (modification)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked, refs match)
ok 10 - diff -U0, 2 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 16 - pickaxe (-S) operates on textconv data (add)
ok 11 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=0, 2 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 12 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=1, 2 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 1 - setup
ok 17 - pickaxe (-S) operates on textconv data (modification)
ok 13 - diff -U0 --inter-hunk-context=2, 2 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 2 - set up pre and post with runs of whitespace
ok 13 - git diff HEAD with dirty submodule (untracked, refs match) [.gitmodules]
ok 14 - diff -U1, 2 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 18 - diffstat does not run textconv
ok 14 - git diff between submodule commits
ok 15 - diff -U1, 3 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 16 - diff -U1 --inter-hunk-context=0, 3 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 3 - word diff with runs of whitespace
ok 17 - diff -U1 --inter-hunk-context=1, 3 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 19 - textconv does not act on symlinks
# passed all 19 test(s)
ok 15 - git diff between submodule commits [.gitmodules]
*** ***
ok 18 - diff -U1 --inter-hunk-context=2, 3 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 4 - --word-diff=porcelain
ok 16 - git diff (empty submodule dir)
ok 17 - conflicted submodule setup
ok 18 - combined (empty submodule)
ok 5 - --word-diff=plain
ok 19 - combined (with submodule)
ok 19 - diff -U3, 9 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 19 test(s)
ok 6 - --word-diff=plain --color
*** ***
ok 2 - git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD
ok 20 - diff -U3 --inter-hunk-context=2, 9 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 7 - word diff without context
ok 3 - git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD -- a
ok 21 - diff -U3 --inter-hunk-context=3, 9 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 22 - (diff.interHunkContext=0) diff -U0, 1 common line: count hunks (2)
ok 4 - git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD -- b
ok 8 - word diff with a regular expression
ok 23 - (diff.interHunkContext=0) diff -U0, 1 common line: check output
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - echo HEAD | git diff-tree --stdin
ok 2 - format normally
ok 9 - set up a diff driver
ok 6 - git diff-tree HEAD HEAD
ok 24 - (diff.interHunkContext=1) diff -U0, 1 common line: count hunks (1)
ok 3 - format with signoff without funny signer name
ok 7 - git diff-files
ok 25 - (diff.interHunkContext=1) diff -U0, 1 common line: check output
ok 4 - format with non ASCII signer name
ok 10 - option overrides .gitattributes
ok 8 - git diff-index --cached HEAD
ok 26 - (diff.interHunkContext=2) diff -U0, 1 common line: count hunks (1)
ok 9 - git diff-index --cached HEAD^
ok 5 - attach and signoff do not duplicate mime headers
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 27 - (diff.interHunkContext=2) diff -U0, 1 common line: check output
*** ***
ok 10 - git diff-index --cached HEAD^
ok 28 - (diff.interHunkContext=3) diff -U3, 9 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 11 - use regex supplied by driver
ok 11 - git diff-tree -Stext HEAD^ HEAD -- b
ok 12 - set up diff.wordRegex option
ok 12 - git diff-tree -Snot-found HEAD^ HEAD -- b
ok 29 - (diff.interHunkContext=0) diff -U0, 2 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 13 - git diff-files
ok 30 - (diff.interHunkContext=1) diff -U0, 2 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 1 - setup
ok 14 - git diff-index --cached HEAD
ok 13 - command-line overrides config
ok 15 - git diff, one file outside repo
ok 2 - verify
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 31 - (diff.interHunkContext=2) diff -U0, 2 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 16 - git diff, both files outside repo
ok 14 - command-line overrides config: --word-diff-regex
ok 17 - git diff --ignore-space-at-eol, one file outside repo
ok 32 - (diff.interHunkContext=0) diff -U1, 3 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 18 - git diff --ignore-space-at-eol, both files outside repo
ok 19 - git diff --ignore-all-space, one file outside repo
ok 33 - (diff.interHunkContext=1) diff -U1, 3 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 15 - .gitattributes override config
ok 34 - (diff.interHunkContext=2) diff -U1, 3 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 16 - setup: remove diff driver regex
ok 20 - git diff --ignore-all-space, both files outside repo
ok 21 - git diff --quiet ignores stat-change only entries
ok 35 - (diff.interHunkContext=2) diff -U3, 9 common lines: count hunks (2)
ok 22 - git diff --quiet on a path that need conversion
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - use configured regex
ok 36 - (diff.interHunkContext=3) diff -U3, 9 common lines: count hunks (1)
ok 37 - diff.interHunkContext invalid
# passed all 37 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - test parsing words for newline
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - diff-index does not examine assume-unchanged entries
ok 19 - test when words are only removed at the end
ok 3 - diff-files does not examine assume-unchanged entries
ok 2 - check combined output (1)
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - check combined output (2)
ok 2 - diff-tree --exit-code
ok 4 - find-copies-harder is not confused by mode bits
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 20 - --word-diff=none
ok 4 - diagnose truncated file
*** ***
ok 3 - diff-tree -b --exit-code
ok 21 - unset default driver
ok 4 - diff-index --cached --exit-code
ok 5 - diff-index -b -p --cached --exit-code
ok 22 - diff driver 'ada'
ok 6 - diff-index --exit-code
ok 7 - diff-index -b -p --exit-code
ok 8 - diff-files --exit-code
ok 23 - diff driver 'bibtex'
ok 9 - diff-files -b -p --exit-code
ok 24 - diff driver 'cpp'
ok 1 - added submodule
ok 10 - diff-files --diff-filter --quiet
ok 11 - diff-tree --diff-filter --quiet
ok 2 - added submodule, set diff.submodule
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 25 - diff driver 'csharp'
ok 3 - --submodule=short overrides diff.submodule
ok 4 - diff.submodule does not affect plumbing
ok 26 - diff driver 'css'
ok 27 - diff driver 'dts'
ok 5 - modified submodule(forward)
ok 28 - diff driver 'fortran'
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - modified submodule(forward)
ok 7 - modified submodule(forward) --submodule
ok 29 - diff driver 'html'
ok 2 - first textconv works
ok 3 - cached textconv produces same output
ok 8 - modified submodule(forward) --submodule=short
ok 4 - cached textconv does not run helper
ok 30 - diff driver 'java'
ok 9 - modified submodule(backward)
ok 31 - diff driver 'matlab'
ok 5 - changing textconv invalidates cache
ok 32 - diff driver 'objc'
ok 10 - modified submodule(backward and forward)
ok 6 - switching diff driver produces correct results
ok 33 - diff driver 'pascal'
ok 7 - log notes cache and still use cache for -p
ok 11 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob), --cached
# passed all 7 test(s)
ok 34 - diff driver 'perl'
ok 12 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob)
*** ***
ok 5 - setup for --cc --raw
ok 35 - diff driver 'php'
ok 13 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob)
ok 6 - check --cc --raw with four trees
ok 36 - diff driver 'python'
ok 7 - check --cc --raw with forty trees
ok 1 - prepare repository
ok 14 - nonexistent commit
ok 37 - diff driver 'ruby'
ok 2 - move the files into a "sub" directory
ok 15 - typechanged submodule(blob->submodule)
ok 3 - git show -C -C report renames
ok 8 - setup combined ignore spaces
ok 38 - diff driver 'tex'
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 16 - submodule is up to date
ok 17 - submodule contains untracked content
ok 9 - check combined output (no ignore space)
ok 18 - submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)
ok 39 - word-diff with diff.sbe
ok 10 - check combined output (ignore space at eol)
ok 19 - submodule contains untracked content (dirty ignored)
ok 20 - submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)
ok 11 - check combined output (ignore space change)
ok 21 - submodule contains untracked and modified content
ok 40 - word-diff with no newline at EOF
ok 1 - setup
ok 22 - submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)
ok 41 - setup history with two files
ok 12 - check combined output (ignore all spaces)
ok 23 - submodule contains untracked and modified content (dirty ignored)
ok 2 - diff does not produce ambiguous index line
ok 24 - submodule contains untracked and modified content (all ignored)
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 25 - submodule contains modified content
ok 42 - wordRegex for the first file does not apply to the second
# passed all 42 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - combine diff coalesce simple
ok 26 - submodule is modified
ok 27 - modified submodule contains untracked content
ok 1 - setup
ok 28 - modified submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)
ok 2 - -p --relative=subdir/
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - modified submodule contains untracked content (dirty ignored)
ok 2 - diff-files -0
ok 3 - -p --relative=subdir
ok 30 - modified submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)
ok 3 - diff-files -1
ok 4 - -p --relative
ok 31 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content
ok 14 - combine diff coalesce tricky
ok 4 - diff-files -2
ok 5 - -p --relative=sub
ok 32 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)
ok 5 - diff-files -3
ok 6 - --numstat --relative=subdir/
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 33 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (dirty ignored)
ok 7 - --numstat --relative=subdir
ok 34 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (all ignored)
ok 8 - --numstat --relative
ok 35 - modified submodule contains modified content
ok 9 - --numstat --relative=sub
ok 36 - deleted submodule
not ok 15 - combine diff coalesce three parents # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - --stat --relative=subdir/
ok 11 - --stat --relative=subdir
ok 12 - --stat --relative
ok 13 - --stat --relative=sub
ok 37 - create second submodule
ok 38 - multiple submodules
ok 14 - --raw --relative=subdir/
ok 39 - path filter
ok 16 - combine diff missing delete bug
ok 15 - --raw --relative=subdir
ok 16 - --raw --relative
ok 1 - setup
ok 40 - given commit
ok 17 - --raw --relative=sub
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 41 - given commit --submodule
*** ***
ok 42 - given commit --submodule=short
ok 2 - sanity check setup (--numstat)
ok 17 - combine diff gets tree sorting right
ok 43 - setup .git file for sm2
ok 3 - various ways to misspell --dirstat
ok 44 - diff --submodule with .git file
ok 4 - vanilla --dirstat
ok 18 - setup for --combined-all-paths
ok 5 - vanilla -X
ok 1 - setup binary merge conflict
ok 2 - diff -m indicates binary-ness
ok 19 - --combined-all-paths and --raw
ok 3 - diff -c indicates binary-ness
ok 6 - explicit defaults: --dirstat=changes,noncumulative,3
ok 20 - --combined-all-paths and --cc
ok 4 - diff --cc indicates binary-ness
ok 45 - diff --submodule with objects referenced by alternates
# passed all 45 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - explicit defaults: -Xchanges,noncumulative,3
ok 8 - later options override earlier options:
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - setup non-binary with binary attribute
ok 9 - non-defaults in config overridden by explicit defaults on command line
ok 21 - setup for --combined-all-paths with funny names
ok 6 - diff -m respects binary attribute
ok 2 - mode-only change show as a 0-line change
ok 22 - --combined-all-paths and --raw and funny names
ok 10 - --dirstat=0
ok 7 - diff -c respects binary attribute
ok 3 - binary changes do not count in lines
ok 8 - diff --cc respects binary attribute
ok 23 - --combined-all-paths and --raw -and -z and funny names
ok 9 - setup textconv attribute
ok 11 - -X0
ok 4 - exclude unmerged entries from total file count
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 24 - --combined-all-paths and --cc and funny names
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 23 test(s)
ok 12 - diff.dirstat=0
*** ***
*** ***
ok 10 - diff -m respects textconv attribute
ok 13 - --dirstat=0 --cumulative
ok 11 - diff -c respects textconv attribute
ok 14 - --dirstat=0,cumulative
ok 12 - diff --cc respects textconv attribute
ok 1 - histogram diff
ok 13 - diff-tree plumbing does not respect textconv
ok 2 - histogram diff output is valid
ok 15 - -X0,cumulative
ok 3 - completely different files
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 16 - diff.dirstat=0,cumulative
ok 14 - diff --cc respects textconv on worktree file
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - diff.dirstat=0 & --dirstat=cumulative
ok 18 - --dirstat-by-file
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - preparation
ok 2 - git diff --no-index directories
ok 19 - --dirstat=files
ok 2 - format-patch: small change with long name gives more space to the name
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - git diff --no-index relative path outside repo
ok 2 - changed function
ok 4 - git diff --no-index with broken index
ok 3 - diff: small change with long name gives more space to the name
ok 20 - diff.dirstat=files
ok 5 - git diff outside repo with broken index
ok 4 - show: small change with long name gives more space to the name
ok 3 -  diff applies
ok 21 - --dirstat-by-file=10
ok 6 - git diff --no-index executed outside repo gives correct error message
ok 5 - log: small change with long name gives more space to the name
ok 4 -  context includes comment
ok 5 -  context includes begin
ok 22 - --dirstat=files,10
ok 6 -  context includes end
ok 6 - format-patch --stat=width: a long name is given more room when the bar is short
ok 7 - format-patch --stat-width=width with long name
ok 7 -  context does not include other functions
ok 7 - diff D F and diff F D
ok 8 -  context does not include preceding empty lines
ok 23 - diff.dirstat=10,files
ok 8 - format-patch --stat=...,name-width with long name
ok 9 -  context does not include trailing empty lines
ok 8 - turning a file into a directory
ok 10 - changed includes
ok 9 - format-patch --stat-name-width with long name
ok 9 - diff from repo subdir shows real paths (explicit)
ok 24 - --dirstat-by-file --cumulative
ok 10 - diff from repo subdir shows real paths (implicit)
ok 11 -  diff applies
ok 10 - diff --stat=width: a long name is given more room when the bar is short
ok 12 -  context includes begin
ok 13 -  context includes end
ok 25 - --dirstat=files,cumulative
ok 14 -  context does not include other functions
ok 11 - diff --no-index from repo subdir respects config (explicit)
ok 11 - diff --stat-width=width with long name
ok 15 -  context does not include trailing empty lines
ok 12 - diff --stat=...,name-width with long name
ok 16 - appended function
ok 12 - diff --no-index from repo subdir respects config (implicit)
ok 26 - diff.dirstat=cumulative,files
ok 13 - diff --stat-name-width with long name
ok 13 - diff --no-index from repo subdir with absolute paths
ok 17 -  diff applies
ok 14 - show --stat=width: a long name is given more room when the bar is short
ok 27 - --dirstat=files,cumulative,10
ok 14 - diff --no-index allows external diff
ok 18 -  context includes begin
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 15 - show --stat-width=width with long name
ok 19 -  context includes end
*** ***
ok 16 - show --stat=...,name-width with long name
ok 20 -  context does not include other functions
ok 28 - diff.dirstat=10,cumulative,files
ok 21 - appended function part
ok 17 - show --stat-name-width with long name
ok 22 -  diff applies
ok 18 - log --stat=width: a long name is given more room when the bar is short
ok 29 - --dirstat=files,cumulative,16.7
ok 19 - log --stat-width=width with long name
ok 1 - create bogus tree
ok 23 -  context includes begin
ok 24 -  context includes end
ok 30 - diff.dirstat=16.7,cumulative,files
ok 20 - log --stat=...,name-width with long name
ok 25 -  context does not include other functions
ok 2 - create tree with matching file
ok 26 -  context does not include preceding empty lines
ok 31 - diff.dirstat=16.70,cumulative,files
ok 3 - raw diff shows null sha1 (addition)
ok 21 - log --stat-name-width with long name
ok 27 - change with long common tail and no context
ok 4 - raw diff shows null sha1 (removal)
ok 32 - --dirstat=files,cumulative,27.2
ok 5 - raw diff shows null sha1 (modification)
ok 28 -  diff applies
ok 6 - raw diff shows null sha1 (other direction)
ok 22 - preparation for big change tests
ok 33 - --dirstat=files,cumulative,27.09
ok 29 -  context includes begin
ok 7 - raw diff shows null sha1 (reverse)
ok 23 - format-patch --cover-letter ignores COLUMNS (big change)
ok 30 -  context includes end
ok 31 -  context does not include other functions
ok 8 - raw diff shows null sha1 (index)
ok 24 - format-patch ignores COLUMNS (big change)
ok 9 - patch fails due to bogus sha1 (addition)
ok 34 - --dirstat=lines
ok 10 - patch fails due to bogus sha1 (removal)
ok 32 -  context does not include preceding empty lines
ok 11 - patch fails due to bogus sha1 (modification)
ok 25 - format-patch --graph ignores COLUMNS (big change)
ok 12 - patch fails due to bogus sha1 (other direction)
ok 33 - changed function plus appended function
ok 26 - diff respects COLUMNS (big change)
ok 35 - diff.dirstat=lines
ok 13 - patch fails due to bogus sha1 (reverse)
ok 27 - show respects COLUMNS (big change)
ok 14 - patch fails due to bogus sha1 (index)
ok 34 -  diff applies
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 28 - log respects COLUMNS (big change)
ok 36 - --dirstat=lines,0
ok 35 -  context includes begin
ok 29 - log --graph respects COLUMNS (big change)
ok 36 -  context includes end
ok 37 -  context does not include other functions
ok 37 - diff.dirstat=0,lines
ok 30 - format-patch ignores not enough COLUMNS (big change)
ok 38 - changed two consecutive functions
ok 31 - format-patch --graph ignores not enough COLUMNS (big change)
ok 38 - --dirstat=future_param,lines,0 should fail loudly
ok 39 -  diff applies
ok 1 - setup
ok 32 - diff respects not enough COLUMNS (big change)
ok 39 - --dirstat=dummy1,cumulative,2dummy should report both unrecognized parameters
ok 40 -  context includes begin
ok 2 - the default number of context lines is 3
ok 33 - show respects not enough COLUMNS (big change)
ok 41 -  context includes end
ok 42 -  overlapping hunks are merged
# passed all 42 test(s)
ok 34 - log respects not enough COLUMNS (big change)
ok 3 - diff.context honored by "log"
*** ***
ok 4 - The -U option overrides diff.context
ok 40 - diff.dirstat=future_param,0,lines should warn, but still work
ok 35 - log --graph respects not enough COLUMNS (big change)
ok 5 - diff.context honored by "diff"
ok 36 - format-patch ignores statGraphWidth config
ok 6 - plumbing not affected
ok 41 - --shortstat --dirstat should output only one dirstat
# passed all 41 test(s)
ok 37 - format-patch --graph ignores statGraphWidth config
*** ***
ok 38 - diff respects statGraphWidth config
ok 7 - non-integer config parsing
ok 1 - setup
ok 39 - show respects statGraphWidth config
ok 8 - negative integer config parsing
ok 40 - log respects statGraphWidth config
ok 2 - no order (=tree object order)
ok 41 - log --graph respects statGraphWidth config
ok 9 - -U0 is valid, so is diff.context=0
ok 3 - missing orderfile
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 42 - format-patch --stat=width with big change
ok 43 - format-patch --stat-width=width with big change
ok 4 - unreadable orderfile
ok 44 - format-patch --stat-graph-width with big change
ok 5 - orderfile using option from subdir with --output
ok 45 - format-patch --stat-width=width --graph with big change
ok 6 - orderfile using option (1)
ok 46 - format-patch --stat-graph-width --graph with big change
ok 47 - diff --stat=width with big change
ok 1 - trivial merge - combine-diff empty
ok 48 - diff --stat-width=width with big change
ok 1 - create trees with duplicate entries
ok 49 - diff --stat-graph-width with big change
ok 7 - orderfile is fifo (1)
ok 2 - diff-tree between trees
ok 3 - diff-tree with renames
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 50 - show --stat=width with big change
ok 8 - orderfile using config (1)
ok 51 - show --stat-width=width with big change
ok 9 - cancelling configured orderfile (1)
ok 2 - only one truly conflicting path
ok 52 - show --stat-graph-width with big change
ok 10 - orderfile using option (2)
ok 11 - orderfile is fifo (2)
ok 53 - log --stat=width with big change
ok 12 - orderfile using config (2)
ok 13 - cancelling configured orderfile (2)
ok 54 - log --stat-width=width with big change
ok 3 - merge introduces new file
ok 1 - setup - submodules
ok 55 - log --stat-graph-width with big change
ok 14 - setup for testing combine-diff order
ok 56 - log --stat-width=width --graph with big change
ok 15 - combine-diff: no order (=tree object order)
ok 57 - log --stat-graph-width --graph with big change
ok 16 - combine-diff: orderfile using option (1)
ok 17 - combine-diff: orderfile using option (2)
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 58 - preparation for long filename tests
*** ***
ok 4 - merge removed a file
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 59 - format-patch --stat=width with big change is more balanced
ok 60 - format-patch --stat=width --graph with big change is balanced
ok 61 - diff --stat=width with big change is more balanced
ok 2 - setup - git submodule add
ok 62 - show --stat=width with big change is more balanced
ok 3 - submodule directory removed
ok 63 - log --stat=width with big change is more balanced
ok 64 - log --stat=width --graph with big change is balanced
ok 1 - prepare
ok 65 - format-patch ignores COLUMNS (long filename)
ok 1 - setup repository
ok 2 - diff: ugly spaces
ok 66 - format-patch --graph ignores COLUMNS (long filename)
ok 3 - diff: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 67 - diff respects COLUMNS (long filename)
ok 4 - diff: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic
ok 68 - show respects COLUMNS (long filename)
ok 2 - added submodule
ok 5 - diff: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true
ok 69 - log respects COLUMNS (long filename)
ok 6 - diff: --indent-heuristic with --patience
ok 70 - log --graph respects COLUMNS (long filename)
ok 3 - added submodule, set diff.submodule
ok 71 - format-patch ignores prefix greater than COLUMNS (big change)
ok 7 - diff: --indent-heuristic with --histogram
ok 8 - diff: ugly functions
ok 4 - setup - submodule multiple commits
ok 72 - format-patch --graph ignores prefix greater than COLUMNS (big change)
ok 4 - --submodule=short overrides diff.submodule
ok 9 - diff: nice functions with --indent-heuristic
ok 5 - submodule removed multiple commits
ok 73 - diff respects prefix greater than COLUMNS (big change)
ok 10 - blame: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic
ok 74 - show respects prefix greater than COLUMNS (big change)
ok 5 - diff.submodule does not affect plumbing
ok 6 - submodule not initialized in new clone
ok 75 - log respects prefix greater than COLUMNS (big change)
ok 11 - blame: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true
ok 76 - log --graph respects prefix greater than COLUMNS (big change)
ok 6 - modified submodule(forward)
ok 12 - blame: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic
ok 77 - merge --stat respects COLUMNS (big change)
ok 13 - blame: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false
ok 7 - modified submodule(forward)
ok 78 - merge --stat respects COLUMNS (long filename)
# passed all 78 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - blame: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 8 - modified submodule(forward) --submodule
ok 15 - blame: --indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 9 - modified submodule(forward) --submodule=short
ok 16 - diff-tree: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic
ok 7 - setup submodule moved
ok 17 - diff-tree: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - modified submodule(backward)
ok 18 - diff-tree: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic
ok 2 - -G matches
ok 8 - submodule moved then removed
ok 19 - diff-tree: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - -S --pickaxe-regex
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 20 - diff-tree: --indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 11 - modified submodule(backward and forward)
*** ***
ok 21 - diff-tree: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 12 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob), --cached
ok 22 - diff-index: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic
ok 13 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob)
ok 1 - create some blobs
ok 14 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob)
ok 2 - diff by sha1
ok 3 - index of sha1 diff
ok 23 - diff-index: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true
ok 4 - sha1 diff uses arguments as paths
ok 5 - sha1 diff has no mode change
ok 1 - setup 
ok 6 - diff by tree:path (run)
ok 24 - diff-index: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic
ok 7 - index of tree:path diff
ok 2 - find the greeting blob
ok 8 - tree:path diff uses filenames as paths
ok 15 - nonexistent commit
ok 9 - tree:path diff shows mode change
ok 25 - diff-index: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false
ok 3 - setup a tree
ok 10 - diff by ranged tree:path
ok 11 - index of ranged tree:path diff
ok 4 - find a tree
ok 26 - diff-index: --indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 12 - ranged tree:path diff uses filenames as paths
ok 16 - typechanged submodule(blob->submodule)
ok 13 - ranged tree:path diff shows mode change
ok 17 - submodule is up to date
ok 14 - diff blob against file
ok 27 - diff-index: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 15 - index of blob-file diff
ok 16 - blob-file diff uses filename as paths
ok 18 - submodule contains untracked content
ok 17 - blob-file diff shows mode change
ok 19 - submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)
ok 28 - diff-files: nice spaces with --indent-heuristic
ok 18 - blob-file diff prefers filename to sha1
# passed all 18 test(s)
ok 20 - submodule contains untracked content (dirty ignored)
*** ***
ok 21 - submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)
ok 29 - diff-files: nice spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=true
ok 22 - submodule contains untracked and modified content
ok 5 - setup a submodule
ok 23 - submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)
ok 6 - find a submodule
ok 1 - --anchored
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 30 - diff-files: ugly spaces with --no-indent-heuristic
*** ***
ok 24 - submodule contains untracked and modified content (dirty ignored)
ok 2 - --anchored multiple
ok 25 - submodule contains untracked and modified content (all ignored)
ok 3 - --anchored with nonexistent line has no effect
ok 31 - diff-files: ugly spaces with diff.indentHeuristic=false
ok 26 - submodule contains modified content
ok 4 - --anchored with non-unique line has no effect
ok 32 - diff-files: --indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 5 - diff still produced with impossible multiple --anchored
ok 27 - submodule is modified
ok 28 - modified submodule contains untracked content
ok 33 - diff-files: --no-indent-heuristic overrides config
ok 6 - later algorithm arguments override earlier ones
# passed all 33 test(s)
*** ***
ok 29 - modified submodule contains untracked content (untracked ignored)
ok 1 - set up history with a merge
ok 30 - modified submodule contains untracked content (dirty ignored)
ok 2 - log --cc -p --stat --color-moved
ok 7 - --anchored works with other commands like "git show"
# passed all 7 test(s)
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 31 - modified submodule contains untracked content (all ignored)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 32 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content
ok 33 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (untracked ignored)
ok 1 - apply diff between 0 and 1
ok 1 - rename
ok 1 - git show batches blobs
ok 34 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (dirty ignored)
ok 2 - apply diff between 0 and 2
ok 2 - rename with recount
ok 35 - modified submodule contains untracked and modified content (all ignored)
ok 3 - apply diff between 0 and 3
ok 3 - copy
ok 36 - modified submodule contains modified content
ok 4 - copy with recount
ok 4 - apply diff between 1 and 0
ok 5 - apply diff between 1 and 2
ok 5 - rewrite
ok 37 - deleted submodule
ok 6 - apply diff between 1 and 3
ok 6 - rewrite with recount
ok 7 - apply diff between 2 and 0
ok 7 - mode
ok 8 - apply diff between 2 and 1
ok 2 - diff batches blobs
ok 38 - create second submodule
ok 8 - mode with recount
ok 9 - apply diff between 2 and 3
ok 9 - non git (1)
ok 10 - non git (1) with recount
ok 10 - apply diff between 3 and 0
ok 39 - multiple submodules
ok 11 - apply diff between 3 and 1
ok 11 - non git (2)
ok 12 - non git (2) with recount
ok 12 - apply diff between 3 and 2
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 40 - path filter
*** ***
ok 13 - non git (3)
ok 14 - non git (3) with recount
ok 41 - given commit
ok 3 - diff skips same-OID blobs
ok 15 - incomplete (1)
ok 42 - setup .git file for sm2
ok 1 - setup
ok 16 - incomplete (1) with recount
ok 43 - diff --submodule=diff with .git file
ok 2 - apply
ok 17 - incomplete (2)
ok 18 - incomplete (2) with recount
ok 3 - validate
# passed all 18 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - apply reverse
ok 5 - apply copy
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply add-a-patch with context
ok 2 - stat binary diff -- should not fail.
ok 3 - apply add-z-patch with context
ok 3 - stat binary -p0 diff -- should not fail.
ok 4 - apply insert-a-patch with context
ok 4 - stat binary diff (copy) -- should not fail.
ok 44 - setup nested submodule
ok 5 - apply mod-a-patch with context
ok 45 - move nested submodule HEAD
ok 4 - when fetching missing objects, diff skips GITLINKs
ok 5 - check binary diff -- should fail.
ok 6 - apply mod-z-patch with context
ok 6 - check binary diff (copy) -- should fail.
ok 46 - diff --submodule=diff with moved nested submodule HEAD
ok 7 - apply del-a-patch with context
ok 7 - check incomplete binary diff with replacement -- should fail.
ok 8 - apply del-z-patch with context
ok 8 - check incomplete binary diff with replacement (copy) -- should fail.
ok 47 - diff --submodule=diff recurses into nested submodules
# passed all 47 test(s)
ok 9 - apply add-a-patch without context
*** ***
ok 9 - check binary diff with replacement.
ok 10 - check binary diff with replacement (copy).
ok 10 - apply add-z-patch without context
ok 11 - apply binary diff -- should fail.
ok 5 - diff with rename detection batches blobs
ok 11 - apply insert-a-patch without context
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 12 - apply binary diff -- should fail.
ok 12 - apply mod-a-patch without context
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 13 - apply mod-z-patch without context
ok 2 - unmodified patch
ok 13 - apply binary diff (copy) -- should fail.
ok 14 - apply del-a-patch without context
ok 3 - minus offset
ok 15 - apply del-z-patch without context
ok 14 - apply binary diff (copy) -- should fail.
ok 4 - plus offset
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - big offset
ok 16 - apply non-git add-a-patch without context
ok 15 - apply binary diff with full-index
ok 6 - fuzz with no offset
ok 2 - git apply --numstat - < patch
ok 17 - apply non-git add-z-patch without context
ok 16 - apply binary diff with full-index (copy)
ok 7 - fuzz with minus offset
ok 3 - git apply --numstat - < patch patch
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - apply non-git insert-a-patch without context
ok 17 - apply full-index binary diff in new repo
ok 8 - fuzz with plus offset
ok 19 - apply non-git mod-a-patch without context
ok 18 - apply binary diff without replacement.
ok 9 - fuzz with big offset
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 20 - apply non-git mod-z-patch without context
ok 19 - apply binary diff without replacement (copy).
ok 1 - file creation
ok 2 - patch2 fails (retab)
ok 21 - apply non-git del-a-patch without context
ok 22 - apply non-git del-z-patch without context
ok 20 - apply binary diff.
ok 3 - patch2 applies with --ignore-whitespace
ok 4 - patch2 reverse applies with --ignore-space-change
ok 23 - two lines
ok 21 - apply binary diff (copy).
ok 5 - patch2 applies (apply.ignorewhitespace = change)
ok 24 - apply patch with 3 context lines matching at end
# passed all 24 test(s)
ok 1 - setup
*** ***
ok 6 - patch3 fails (missing string at EOL)
ok 22 - apply binary -p0 diff
# passed all 22 test(s)
ok 7 - patch4 fails (missing EOL at EOF)
*** ***
ok 8 - patch5 fails (leading whitespace differences matter)
ok 2 - apply without --3way
ok 9 - re-create file (with --ignore-whitespace)
ok 10 - patch5 fails (--no-ignore-whitespace)
ok 1 - git apply (1)
ok 11 - apply --ignore-space-change --inaccurate-eof
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - git apply (2)
ok 1 - git apply scan
# passed all 1 test(s)
ok 3 - apply with --3way
*** ***
ok 3 - git apply (3)
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - setup: subdir
ok 4 - apply with --3way with merge.conflictStyle = diff3
ok 1 - check rename/copy patch
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply rename/copy patch
ok 2 - apply at the end
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - apply from subdir of toplevel
ok 5 - apply with --3way with rerere enabled
ok 3 - apply at the beginning
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - apply --cached from subdir of toplevel
ok 6 - apply -3 with add/add conflict setup
ok 7 - apply -3 with add/add conflict
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply symlink patch
ok 8 - apply -3 with add/add conflict (dirty working tree)
ok 1 - setup repository and commits
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - apply --index symlink patch
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 2 - file renamed from foo to foo/baz
*** ***
ok 3 - file renamed from foo/baz to foo
ok 5 - apply --index from subdir of toplevel
ok 4 - directory becomes file
ok 6 - apply half-broken patch from subdir of toplevel
ok 5 - file becomes directory
ok 7 - apply from .git dir
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - apply from subdir of .git dir
ok 6 - file becomes symlink
ok 2 - apply in forward
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - apply in reverse
ok 7 - symlink becomes file
ok 2 - apply --reject is incompatible with --3way
ok 9 - apply --cached from .git dir
ok 8 - binary file becomes symlink
ok 3 - apply without --reject should fail
ok 4 - setup separate repository lacking postimage
ok 4 - apply without --reject should fail
ok 9 - symlink becomes binary file
ok 5 - apply with --reject should fail but update the file
ok 5 - apply in forward without postimage
ok 10 - symlink becomes directory
ok 6 - apply with --reject should fail but update the file
ok 11 - directory becomes symlink
ok 6 - apply in reverse without postimage
ok 10 - apply --cached from subdir of .git dir
# passed all 11 test(s)
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 7 - the same test with --verbose
*** ***
*** ***
ok 7 - reversing a whitespace introduction
ok 8 - apply cleanly with --verbose
# passed all 7 test(s)
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply --numstat
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply git diff with -p2
ok 3 - apply --apply
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 2 - apply --whitespace=strip
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - apply with too large -p
ok 3 - apply --whitespace=strip from config
ok 2 - check if contextually independent diffs for the same file apply
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - apply (-p2) traditional diff with funny filenames
ok 4 - apply --whitespace=strip in subdir
ok 5 - apply with too large -p and fancy filename
ok 5 - apply --whitespace=strip from config in subdir
ok 6 - apply (-p2) diff, mode change only
ok 7 - file mode was changed
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - same in subdir but with traditional patch input
ok 8 - apply (-p2) diff, rename
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 2 - apply should fail gracefully
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 7 - same but with traditional patch input of depth 1
ok 2 - apply
ok 8 - same but with traditional patch input of depth 2
ok 9 - same but with traditional patch input of depth 1
ok 3 - check result
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - same but with traditional patch input of depth 2
ok 2 - whitespace=nowarn, default rule
ok 2 - nofix
ok 3 - whitespace=warn, default rule
ok 4 - do not read from beyond symbolic link
ok 4 - whitespace=error-all, default rule
ok 11 - in subdir with traditional patch input
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 3 - withfix (forward)
*** ***
ok 5 - whitespace=error-all, no rule
ok 6 - whitespace=error-all, no rule (attribute)
ok 4 - withfix (backward)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - do not follow symbolic link (setup)
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - spaces inserted by tab-in-indent
ok 2 - apply empty
ok 8 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,-tab
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - apply --index empty
ok 9 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 6 - do not follow symbolic link (same input)
ok 10 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,-tab (attributes)
ok 2 - apply same filename with independent changes
ok 4 - apply create
ok 11 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 5 - apply --index create
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - do not follow symbolic link (existing)
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - apply same filename with overlapping changes
ok 12 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,tab
ok 4 - apply same new filename after rename
ok 13 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply --directory -p (1)
ok 2 - same mode (no index)
ok 14 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,tab (attributes)
ok 3 - apply --directory -p (2) 
ok 5 - apply same old filename after rename -- should fail.
ok 15 - rule=-trailing,-space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 3 - same mode (with index)
ok 4 - apply --directory (new file)
ok 4 - same mode (index only)
ok 5 - apply --directory -p (new file)
ok 16 - rule=-trailing,-space,indent,-tab
ok 5 - mode update (no index)
ok 6 - apply A->B (rename), C->A (rename), A->A -- should pass.
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 6 - apply --directory (delete file)
*** ***
ok 17 - rule=-trailing,-space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 6 - mode update (with index)
ok 7 - apply --directory (quoted filename)
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - mode update (index only)
ok 18 - rule=-trailing,-space,indent,-tab (attributes)
ok 19 - rule=-trailing,-space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 8 - empty mode is rejected
ok 1 - setup
ok 9 - bogus mode is rejected
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - criss-cross rename
ok 20 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,-tab
ok 3 - diff -M -B
ok 4 - apply
ok 21 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - criss-cross rename
ok 6 - diff -M -B
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply --build-fake-ancestor
ok 22 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,-tab (attributes)
ok 7 - apply
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - test addEast.patch
ok 3 - apply --build-fake-ancestor in a subdirectory
ok 23 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - test addGMT.patch
ok 4 - test addWest.patch
ok 24 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,tab
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - test createEast.patch
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply diff with inconsistent filenames in headers
ok 25 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16
ok 2 - removing a submodule also removes all leading subdirectories
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 6 - test createGMT.patch
*** ***
ok 3 - apply diff with new filename missing from headers
ok 7 - test createWest.patch
ok 4 - apply diff with old filename missing from headers
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 26 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,tab (attributes)
*** ***
ok 8 - test emptyEast.patch
ok 27 - rule=-trailing,space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 9 - test emptyGMT.patch
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - test emptyWest.patch
ok 2 - plain, git-style file creation patch
ok 1 - setup
ok 11 - test removeEast.patch
ok 2 - apply --check exits non-zero with unrecognized input
ok 28 - rule=-trailing,space,indent,-tab
ok 3 - plain, traditional patch
ok 3 - apply exits non-zero with no-op patch
ok 12 - test removeGMT.patch
ok 4 - `apply --recount` allows no-op patch
ok 4 - plain, traditional file creation patch
ok 29 - rule=-trailing,space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 5 - invalid combination: create and copy
ok 13 - test removeWest.patch
ok 6 - invalid combination: create and rename
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 5 - with spaces, git-style file creation patch
*** ***
ok 14 - test removeWest2.patch
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 30 - rule=-trailing,space,indent,-tab (attributes)
*** ***
ok 6 - with spaces, traditional patch
ok 31 - rule=-trailing,space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 7 - with spaces, traditional file creation patch
ok 32 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,-tab
ok 8 - with tab, git-style file creation patch
ok 9 - with tab, traditional patch
ok 33 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - apply with ws expansion (t=$t)
ok 3 - apply with ws expansion (t=$t)
ok 10 - with tab, traditional file creation patch
ok 34 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,-tab (attributes)
ok 4 - apply with ws expansion (t=$t)
ok 35 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 5 - apply with ws expansion (t=$t)
ok 11 - with backslash, git-style file creation patch
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - with backslash, traditional patch
ok 36 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,tab
ok 13 - with backslash, traditional file creation patch
ok 1 - bump git repo one level down
ok 37 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16
ok 14 - with quote, git-style file creation patch
ok 2 - cannot create file containing ..
ok 3 - can create file containing .. with --unsafe-paths
ok 38 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,tab (attributes)
ok 4 - cannot create file containing .. (index)
not ok 15 - with quote, traditional patch # TODO known breakage
ok 5 - cannot create file containing .. with --unsafe-paths (index)
ok 39 - rule=trailing,-space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 16 - with quote, traditional file creation patch
ok 6 - cannot delete file containing ..
ok 7 - can delete file containing .. with --unsafe-paths
ok 17 - whitespace-damaged traditional patch
ok 8 - cannot delete file containing .. (index)
ok 40 - rule=trailing,-space,indent,-tab
ok 18 - traditional patch with colon in timezone
ok 41 - rule=trailing,-space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 9 - symlink escape via ..
ok 19 - traditional, whitespace-damaged, colon in timezone
ok 10 - symlink escape via .. (index)
ok 20 - apply handles a diff generated by Subversion
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 19 test(s)
ok 42 - rule=trailing,-space,indent,-tab (attributes)
*** ***
ok 11 - symlink escape via absolute path
ok 43 - rule=trailing,-space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 12 - symlink escape via absolute path (index)
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 44 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,-tab
ok 1 - setup: messages
ok 45 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 46 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,-tab (attributes)
ok 47 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 1 - setup
ok 48 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,tab
ok 2 - am stops at a patch that does not apply
ok 49 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16
ok 3 - am --skip continue after failed am
ok 50 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,tab (attributes)
ok 4 - am --abort goes back after failed am
ok 51 - rule=trailing,space,-indent,tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 2 - setup
ok 5 - am -3 stops at a patch that does not apply
ok 6 - am -3 --skip continue after failed am -3
ok 52 - rule=trailing,space,indent,-tab
ok 3 - am applies patch correctly
ok 7 - am --abort goes back after failed am -3
ok 53 - rule=trailing,space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16
ok 4 - am fails if index is dirty
ok 54 - rule=trailing,space,indent,-tab (attributes)
ok 8 - am -3 --skip removes otherfile-4
ok 5 - am applies patch e-mail not in a mbox
ok 55 - rule=trailing,space,indent,-tab,tabwidth=16 (attributes)
ok 56 - trailing whitespace & no newline at the end of file
ok 9 - am -3 --abort removes otherfile-4
ok 6 - am applies patch e-mail not in a mbox with CRLF
ok 57 - blank at EOF with --whitespace=fix (1)
ok 10 - am --abort will keep the local commits intact
ok 58 - blank at EOF with --whitespace=fix (2)
ok 59 - blank at EOF with --whitespace=fix (3)
ok 7 - am applies patch e-mail with preceding whitespace
ok 11 - am --abort will keep dirty index intact
ok 60 - blank at end of hunk, not at EOF with --whitespace=fix
ok 8 - am applies stgit patch
ok 12 - am -3 stops on conflict on unborn branch
ok 61 - blank at EOF with --whitespace=warn
ok 13 - am -3 --skip clears index on unborn branch
ok 62 - blank at EOF with --whitespace=error
ok 9 - am --patch-format=stgit applies stgit patch
ok 14 - am -3 --abort removes otherfile-4 on unborn branch
ok 63 - blank but not empty at EOF
ok 10 - am applies stgit series
ok 64 - applying beyond EOF requires one non-blank context line
ok 11 - am applies hg patch
ok 15 - am -3 --abort on unborn branch removes applied commits
ok 65 - tons of blanks at EOF should not apply
ok 66 - missing blank line at end with --whitespace=fix
ok 16 - am --abort on unborn branch will keep local commits intact
ok 12 - am --patch-format=hg applies hg patch
ok 67 - two missing blank lines at end with --whitespace=fix
ok 68 - missing blank line at end, insert before end, --whitespace=fix
ok 17 - am --skip leaves index stat info alone
ok 13 - am with applypatch-msg hook
ok 69 - shrink file with tons of missing blanks at end of file
ok 70 - missing blanks at EOF must only match blank lines
ok 14 - am with failing applypatch-msg hook
ok 18 - am --abort leaves index stat info alone
# passed all 18 test(s)
*** ***
ok 71 - missing blank line should match context line with spaces
ok 72 - same, but with the --ignore-space-option
ok 15 - am with pre-applypatch hook
ok 73 - same, but with CR-LF line endings && cr-at-eol set
ok 1 - setup baseline commit
ok 2 - create patches with short subject
ok 74 - CR-LF line endings && add line && text=auto
ok 16 - am with failing pre-applypatch hook
ok 3 - create patches with long subject
ok 1 - apply_index: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 75 - CR-LF line endings && change line && text=auto
ok 76 - LF in repo, CRLF in worktree && change line && text=auto
ok 4 - create patches with multiline subject
ok 17 - am with post-applypatch hook
ok 77 - whitespace=fix to expand
ok 5 - short subject preserved (format-patch | am)
ok 78 - whitespace check skipped for excluded paths
# passed all 78 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - short subject preserved (format-patch -k | am)
ok 18 - am with failing post-applypatch hook
ok 7 - short subject preserved (format-patch -k | am -k)
ok 19 - am --scissors cuts the message at the scissors line
ok 8 - long subject preserved (format-patch | am)
ok 20 - am --no-scissors overrides mailinfo.scissors
ok 21 - setup: new author and committer
ok 9 - long subject preserved (format-patch -k | am)
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - long subject preserved (format-patch -k | am -k)
ok 2 # skip --3way overrides --no-3way (missing TTY)
ok 11 - multiline subject unwrapped (format-patch | am)
ok 22 - am changes committer and keeps author
ok 3 - --no-quiet overrides --quiet
ok 12 - multiline subject unwrapped (format-patch -k | am)
ok 23 - am --signoff adds Signed-off-by: line
ok 24 - am stays in branch
ok 13 - multiline subject preserved (format-patch -k | am -k)
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 4 - --signoff overrides --no-signoff
*** ***
ok 5 # skip --reject overrides --no-reject (missing TTY)
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - apply_index: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 25 - am --signoff does not add Signed-off-by: line if already there
ok 26 - am --signoff adds Signed-off-by: if another author is preset
ok 1 - setup
ok 27 - am --signoff duplicates Signed-off-by: if it is not the last one
ok 2 - nothing recorded without rerere
ok 28 - am without --keep removes Re: and [PATCH] stuff
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - activate rerere, old style (conflicting merge)
ok 2 - pretty
ok 29 - am --keep really keeps the subject
ok 4 - rerere.enabled works, too
ok 3 - pretty (tformat)
ok 4 - pretty (shortcut)
ok 30 - am --keep-non-patch really keeps the non-patch part
ok 5 - format
ok 5 - set up rr-cache
ok 6 - format %w(11,1,2)
ok 31 - setup am -3
ok 7 - format %w(,1,2)
ok 6 - rr-cache looks sane
ok 8 - oneline
ok 7 - rerere diff
ok 32 - am -3 falls back to 3-way merge
ok 9 - diff-filter=A
ok 8 - rerere status
ok 10 - diff-filter=M
ok 11 - diff-filter=D
ok 33 - am -3 -p0 can read --no-prefix patch
ok 12 - diff-filter=R
ok 9 - first postimage wins
ok 13 - diff-filter=C
ok 10 - rerere updates postimage timestamp
ok 14 - git log --follow
ok 11 - rerere clear
ok 34 - am with config am.threeWay falls back to 3-way merge
ok 15 - git config log.follow works like --follow
ok 12 - leftover directory
ok 35 - am with config am.threeWay overridden by --no-3way
ok 16 - git config log.follow does not die with multiple paths
ok 13 - missing preimage
ok 14 - set up for garbage collection tests
ok 17 - git config log.follow does not die with no paths
ok 3 - apply_index: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 15 - gc preserves young or recently used records
ok 36 - am can rename a file
ok 18 - git config log.follow is overridden by --no-follow
ok 16 - old records rest in peace
ok 19 - git log --no-walk <commits> sorts by commit time
ok 37 - am -3 can rename a file
ok 20 - git log --no-walk=sorted <commits> sorts by commit time
ok 21 - git log --line-prefix="=== " --no-walk <commits> sorts by commit time
ok 38 - am -3 can rename a file after falling back to 3-way merge
ok 22 - git log --no-walk=unsorted <commits> leaves list of commits as given
ok 17 - rerere gc with custom expiry (5, 0)
ok 23 - git show <commits> leaves list of commits as given
ok 39 - am -3 -q is quiet
ok 24 - setup case sensitivity tests
ok 40 - am pauses on conflict
ok 18 - rerere gc with custom expiry (5.days.ago, now)
ok 25 - log --grep
ok 41 - am --show-current-patch
ok 26 - log --invert-grep --grep
ok 42 - am --skip works
ok 43 - am --abort removes a stray directory
ok 27 - log --invert-grep --grep -i
ok 19 - setup: file2 added differently in two branches
ok 28 - log --grep option parsing
ok 29 - log -i --grep
ok 44 - am refuses patches when paused
ok 20 - resolution was recorded properly
ok 30 - log --grep -i
ok 45 - am --resolved works
ok 31 - log -F -E --grep=<ere> uses ere
ok 32 # skip log -F -E --perl-regexp --grep=<pcre> uses PCRE (missing PCRE)
ok 21 - rerere.autoupdate
ok 33 - log with grep.patternType configuration
ok 34 - log with grep.patternType configuration and command line
ok 22 - merge --rerere-autoupdate
ok 46 - am --resolved fails if index has no changes
ok 23 - merge --no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 4 - apply_index: replace directory with submodule
ok 47 - am --resolved fails if index has unmerged entries
ok 35 - log with various grep.patternType configurations & command-lines
ok 48 - am takes patches from a Pine mailbox
ok 24 - set up an unresolved merge
ok 36 - simple log --graph
ok 37 - simple log --graph --line-prefix="123 "
ok 49 - am fails on mail without patch
ok 25 - explicit rerere
ok 26 - explicit rerere with autoupdate
ok 50 - am fails on empty patch
ok 38 - set up merge history
ok 39 - log --graph with merge
ok 51 - am works from stdin in subdirectory
ok 40 - log --graph --line-prefix="| | | " with merge
ok 27 - explicit rerere --rerere-autoupdate overrides
ok 52 - am works from file (relative path given) in subdirectory
ok 41 - log --graph with merge with log.graphColors
ok 42 - log --raw --graph -m with merge
ok 43 - diff-tree --graph
ok 28 - rerere --no-no-rerere-autoupdate
ok 44 - log --graph with full output
ok 53 - am works from file (absolute path given) in subdirectory
ok 29 - rerere -h
ok 54 - am --committer-date-is-author-date
ok 5 - apply_index: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 55 - am without --committer-date-is-author-date
ok 56 - am --ignore-date
ok 57 - am into an unborn branch
ok 58 - am newline in subject
ok 59 - am -q is quiet
ok 45 - set up more tangled history
ok 60 - am empty-file does not infloop
ok 46 - log --graph with merge
ok 61 - am --message-id really adds the message id
ok 62 - am.messageid really adds the message id
ok 30 - multiple identical conflicts
ok 6 - apply_index: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 63 - am --message-id -s signs off after the message id
ok 31 - rerere with unexpected conflict markers does not crash
ok 47 - log.decorate configuration
ok 48 - decorate-refs with glob
ok 49 - decorate-refs without globs
ok 50 - multiple decorate-refs
ok 51 - decorate-refs-exclude with glob
ok 64 - am -3 works with rerere
ok 52 - decorate-refs-exclude without globs
ok 53 - multiple decorate-refs-exclude
ok 54 - decorate-refs and decorate-refs-exclude
ok 32 - rerere with inner conflict markers
ok 55 - decorate-refs-exclude and simplify-by-decoration
ok 33 - setup simple stage 1 handling
ok 56 - log.decorate config parsing
ok 57 # skip log output on a TTY (missing TTY)
ok 34 - test simple stage 1 handling
ok 65 - am -s unexpected trailer block
# passed all 34 test(s)
*** ***
ok 58 - reflog is expected format
ok 59 - whatchanged is expected format
ok 7 - apply_index: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 66 - am --patch-format=mboxrd handles mboxrd
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - check-mailmap no arguments
ok 60 - log.abbrevCommit configuration
ok 3 - check-mailmap arguments
ok 67 - am works with multi-line in-body headers
ok 4 - check-mailmap --stdin
ok 68 - am --quit keeps HEAD where it is
ok 5 - check-mailmap --stdin arguments
ok 6 - check-mailmap bogus contact
ok 61 - show added path under "--follow -M"
ok 7 - No mailmap
ok 8 - default .mailmap
ok 9 - mailmap.file set
ok 62 - git log -c --follow
ok 10 - mailmap.file override
ok 11 - mailmap.file non-existent
ok 63 - log --graph with diff and stats
ok 12 - name entry after email entry
ok 13 - name entry after email entry, case-insensitive
ok 64 - log --line-prefix="*** " --graph with diff and stats
ok 14 - No mailmap files, but configured
ok 65 - log --graph with --name-status
ok 66 - log --graph with --name-only
ok 15 - setup mailmap blob tests
ok 16 - mailmap.blob set
ok 67 - dotdot is a parent directory
ok 68 # skip setup signed branch (missing GPG)
ok 69 # skip setup signed branch with subkey (missing GPG)
ok 70 # skip setup signed branch x509 (missing GPGSM)
ok 71 # skip log x509 fingerprint (missing GPGSM)
ok 72 # skip log OpenPGP fingerprint (missing GPGSM)
ok 73 # skip log --graph --show-signature (missing GPG)
ok 74 # skip log --graph --show-signature x509 (missing GPGSM)
ok 17 - mailmap.blob overrides .mailmap
ok 75 # skip log --graph --show-signature for merged tag (missing GPG)
ok 76 # skip log --graph --show-signature for merged tag in shallow clone (missing GPG)
ok 77 # skip log --graph --show-signature for merged tag x509 (missing GPGSM)
ok 18 - mailmap.file overrides mailmap.blob
ok 78 # skip --no-show-signature overrides --show-signature (missing GPG)
ok 79 # skip log.showsignature=true behaves like --show-signature (missing GPG)
ok 8 - apply_index: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 80 # skip --no-show-signature overrides log.showsignature=true (missing GPG)
ok 81 # skip --show-signature overrides log.showsignature=false (missing GPG)
ok 19 - mailmap.blob can be missing
ok 82 - log --graph --no-walk is forbidden
ok 20 - mailmap.blob defaults to off in non-bare repo
ok 83 - log diagnoses bogus HEAD
ok 69 - am and .gitattibutes
ok 84 - log does not default to HEAD when rev input is given
# passed all 69 test(s)
ok 21 - mailmap.blob defaults to HEAD:.mailmap in bare repo
*** ***
ok 22 - mailmap.blob can handle blobs without trailing newline
ok 23 - cleanup after mailmap.blob tests
ok 24 - single-character name
ok 85 - set up --source tests
ok 25 - preserve canonical email case
ok 86 - log --source paints branch names
ok 87 - log --source paints tag names
ok 1 - setup
ok 88 - log --source paints symmetric ranges
ok 2 - patch-id output is well-formed
ok 89 - --exclude-promisor-objects does not BUG-crash
ok 26 - Shortlog output (complex mapping)
ok 90 - log --end-of-options
ok 27 - Log output (complex mapping)
ok 3 - patch-id detects equality
# passed all 90 test(s)
ok 28 - Log output (local-part email address)
*** ***
ok 29 - Log output with --use-mailmap
ok 4 - patch-id detects inequality
ok 30 - Log output with log.mailmap
ok 31 - log.mailmap=false disables mailmap
not ok 9 - apply_index: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 32 - --no-use-mailmap disables mailmap
ok 5 - patch-id supports git-format-patch output
ok 33 - Grep author with --use-mailmap
ok 1 - set up basic repos
ok 34 - Grep author with log.mailmap
ok 6 - whitespace is irrelevant in footer
ok 35 - log.mailmap is true by default these days
ok 2 - alias builtin format
ok 36 - Only grep replaced author with --use-mailmap
ok 37 - Blame output (complex mapping)
ok 7 - file order is irrelevant with --stable
ok 3 - alias masking builtin format
ok 38 - commit --author honors mailmap
# passed all 38 test(s)
ok 4 - alias user-defined format
*** ***
ok 8 - file order is relevant with --unstable
ok 5 - alias user-defined tformat with %s (ISO8859-1 encoding)
ok 9 - default is unstable
ok 6 - alias user-defined tformat with %s (utf-8 encoding)
ok 1 - add a file path0 and commit.
ok 10 - patchid.stable = true is stable
ok 7 - alias user-defined tformat
ok 2 - Change path0.
ok 8 - alias non-existent format
ok 11 - patchid.stable = false is unstable
ok 3 - copy path0 to path1.
ok 4 - find the copy path0 -> path1 harder
ok 9 - alias of an alias
ok 5 - validate the output.
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - alias masking an alias
ok 12 - --unstable overrides patchid.stable = true
not ok 10 - apply_index: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 11 - alias loop
ok 12 - NUL separation
ok 13 - NUL termination
ok 13 - --stable overrides patchid.stable = false
ok 14 - NUL separation with --stat
ok 14 - patch-id supports git-format-patch MIME output
not ok 15 - NUL termination with --stat # TODO known breakage
ok 15 - patch-id respects config from subdir
ok 16 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=short
ok 1 - setup
ok 17 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=medium
ok 16 - patch-id handles no-nl-at-eof markers
ok 2 - Commit Decorations Colored Correctly
# passed all 2 test(s)
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 18 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=full
ok 19 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=fuller
ok 20 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=email
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 21 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=raw
ok 2 - "git log :/" should not be ambiguous
ok 2 - log --grep (match)
ok 3 - log --grep (nomatch)
ok 22 - NUL termination with --reflog --pretty=oneline
ok 4 - log --grep --regexp-ignore-case (match)
ok 3 - "git log :/a" should be ambiguous (applied both rev and worktree)
ok 4 - "git log :/a -- " should not be ambiguous
ok 5 - log --grep -i (match)
ok 6 - log --grep --regexp-ignore-case (nomatch)
ok 5 - "git log :/detached -- " should find a commit only in HEAD
ok 7 - log --grep -i (nomatch)
ok 6 - "git log :/detached -- " should not find an orphaned commit
ok 23 - setup more commits
ok 8 - log --author (match)
ok 9 - log --author (nomatch)
ok 10 - log --author --regexp-ignore-case (match)
ok 7 - "git log :/detached -- " should find HEAD only of own worktree
ok 24 - left alignment formatting
ok 11 - log --author -i (match)
ok 8 - "git log -- :/a" should not be ambiguous
ok 9 - "git log :/in" should not be ambiguous
ok 25 - left alignment formatting. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 12 - log --author --regexp-ignore-case (nomatch)
ok 10 - "git log :" should be ambiguous
ok 13 - log --author -i (nomatch)
ok 11 - apply_index: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 14 - log -G (nomatch)
ok 11 - git log -- :
ok 26 - left alignment formatting at the nth column
ok 15 - log -G (match)
ok 16 - log -G --regexp-ignore-case (nomatch)
ok 12 - git log HEAD -- :/
ok 27 - left alignment formatting at the nth column
ok 17 - log -G -i (nomatch)
ok 13 - "git log :^sub" is not ambiguous
ok 28 - left alignment formatting at the nth column. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 18 - log -G --regexp-ignore-case (match)
ok 14 - "git log :^does-not-exist" does not match anything
ok 29 - left alignment formatting with no padding
ok 19 - log -G -i (match)
ok 15 - "git log :!" behaves the same as :^
ok 20 - log -G --textconv (missing textconv tool)
ok 16 - "git log :(exclude)sub" is not ambiguous
ok 30 - left alignment formatting with no padding. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 21 - log -G --no-textconv (missing textconv tool)
ok 31 - left alignment formatting with trunc
ok 17 - "git log :(exclude)sub --" must resolve as an object
ok 22 - log -S (nomatch)
ok 18 - "git log :(unknown-magic) complains of bogus magic
ok 23 - log -S (match)
ok 32 - left alignment formatting with trunc. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 24 - log -S --regexp-ignore-case (match)
ok 25 - log -S -i (match)
ok 33 - left alignment formatting with ltrunc
ok 19 - command line pathspec parsing for "git log"
ok 34 - left alignment formatting with ltrunc. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 26 - log -S --regexp-ignore-case (nomatch)
ok 35 - left alignment formatting with mtrunc
ok 27 - log -S -i (nomatch)
ok 28 - log -S --pickaxe-regex (nomatch)
ok 36 - left alignment formatting with mtrunc. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 29 - log -S --pickaxe-regex (match)
ok 37 - right alignment formatting
ok 30 - log -S --pickaxe-regex --regexp-ignore-case (match)
ok 38 - right alignment formatting. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 31 - log -S --pickaxe-regex -i (match)
ok 32 - log -S --pickaxe-regex --regexp-ignore-case (nomatch)
ok 39 - right alignment formatting at the nth column
ok 33 - log -S --pickaxe-regex -i (nomatch)
ok 40 - right alignment formatting at the nth column
ok 34 - log -S --textconv (missing textconv tool)
ok 41 - right alignment formatting at the nth column. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 35 - log -S --no-textconv (missing textconv tool)
ok 42 - right alignment formatting at the nth column with --graph. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 20 - tree_entry_interesting does not match past submodule boundaries
# passed all 20 test(s)
*** ***
ok 43 - right alignment formatting with no padding
ok 44 - right alignment formatting with no padding and with --graph
ok 36 - setup log -[GS] binary & --text
ok 37 - log -G ignores binary files
ok 45 - right alignment formatting with no padding. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 46 - center alignment formatting
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 38 - log -G looks into binary files with -a
ok 47 - center alignment formatting. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 12 - apply_index: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 1 - create commits in different encodings
ok 39 - log -G looks into binary files with textconv filter
ok 48 - center alignment formatting at the nth column
ok 40 - log -S looks into binary files
# passed all 40 test(s)
ok 2 - log --grep searches in log output encoding (utf8)
ok 49 - center alignment formatting at the nth column
*** ***
ok 50 - center alignment formatting at the nth column. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 3 - log --grep searches in log output encoding (latin1)
ok 51 - center alignment formatting with no padding
ok 4 - log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (utf8)
ok 5 - log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1)
ok 6 # skip -c grep.patternType=fixed log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 7 # skip -c grep.patternType=fixed log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 8 # skip -c grep.patternType=fixed log --grep does not die on invalid UTF-8 value (latin1 + locale + invalid needle) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 9 # skip -c grep.patternType=basic log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 52 - center alignment formatting with no padding. i18n.logOutputEncoding
ok 10 # skip -c grep.patternType=basic log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 11 # skip -c grep.patternType=basic log --grep does not die on invalid UTF-8 value (latin1 + locale + invalid needle) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 12 # skip -c grep.patternType=extended log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 13 # skip -c grep.patternType=extended log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 14 # skip -c grep.patternType=extended log --grep does not die on invalid UTF-8 value (latin1 + locale + invalid needle) (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,)
ok 15 # skip -c grep.patternType=perl log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing PCRE,GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,PCRE)
ok 53 - left/right alignment formatting with stealing
ok 16 # skip -c grep.patternType=perl log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale) (missing PCRE,GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,PCRE)
ok 1 - setup (import history)
ok 17 # skip -c grep.patternType=perl log --grep does not die on invalid UTF-8 value (latin1 + locale + invalid needle) (missing PCRE,GETTEXT_LOCALE of !MINGW,!REGEX_ILLSEQ,GETTEXT_LOCALE,PCRE)
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 54 - left/right alignment formatting with stealing. i18n.logOutputEncoding
*** ***
ok 2 - -L 4,12:a.c simple
ok 3 - -L 4,+9:a.c simple
ok 55 - strbuf_utf8_replace() not producing NUL
ok 4 - -L '/long f/,/^}/:a.c' simple
ok 56 - ISO and ISO-strict date formats display the same values
ok 5 - -L :f:a.c simple
ok 57 - short date
ok 6 - -L '/main/,/^}/:a.c' simple
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - -L :main:a.c simple
ok 58 - set up log decoration tests
ok 8 - -L 1,+4:a.c simple
ok 2 - fsck notices broken commit
ok 9 - -L 20:a.c simple
ok 3 - git log with broken author email
ok 59 - log decoration properly follows tag chain
ok 10 - -L '/long f/',/^}/:a.c -L /main/,/^}/:a.c simple
ok 4 - git log --format with broken author email
ok 11 - -L 24,+1:a.c simple
ok 60 - clean log decoration
ok 12 - -M -L '/long f/,/^}/:b.c' move-support
ok 61 - set up trailer tests
ok 5 - unparsable dates produce sentinel value
ok 13 - -M -L ':f:b.c' parallel-change
ok 14 - -L 4,12:a.c -L :main:a.c simple
ok 6 - unparsable dates produce sentinel value (%ad)
ok 62 - pretty format %(trailers) shows trailers
ok 15 - -L 4,18:a.c -L ^:main:a.c simple
ok 63 - %(trailers:only) shows only "key: value" trailers
ok 7 - date parser recognizes integer overflow
ok 64 - %(trailers:only=yes) shows only "key: value" trailers
ok 16 - -L :main:a.c -L 4,18:a.c simple
ok 65 - %(trailers:only=no) shows all trailers
ok 8 - date parser recognizes time_t overflow
ok 66 - %(trailers:only=no,only=true) shows only "key: value" trailers
ok 13 - apply_index: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 17 - -L 4:a.c -L 8,12:a.c simple
ok 9 - absurdly far-in-future date
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 18 - -L 8,12:a.c -L 4:a.c simple
ok 67 - %(trailers:unfold) unfolds trailers
*** ***
ok 19 - invalid args: -L
ok 68 - :only and :unfold work together
ok 20 - invalid args: -L b.c
ok 69 - pretty format %(trailers:key=foo) shows that trailer
ok 21 - invalid args: -L 1:
ok 70 - pretty format %(trailers:key=foo) is case insensitive
ok 71 - pretty format %(trailers:key=foo:) trailing colon also works
ok 1 - setup
ok 22 - invalid args: -L 1:nonexistent
ok 72 - pretty format %(trailers:key=foo) multiple keys
ok 73 - %(trailers:key=nonexistent) becomes empty
ok 23 - invalid args: -L 1:simple
ok 74 - %(trailers:key=foo) handles multiple lines even if folded
ok 24 - invalid args: -L '/foo:b.c'
ok 25 - invalid args: -L 1000:b.c
ok 75 - %(trailers:key=foo,unfold) properly unfolds
ok 26 - invalid args: -L :b.c
ok 76 - pretty format %(trailers:key=foo,only=no) also includes nontrailer lines
ok 27 - invalid args: -L :foo:b.c
ok 77 - %(trailers:key) without value is error
ok 28 - -L X (X == nlines)
ok 14 - apply_index: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 29 - -L X (X == nlines + 1)
ok 78 - %(trailers:key=foo,valueonly) shows only value
ok 30 - -L X (X == nlines + 2)
ok 79 - pretty format %(trailers:separator) changes separator
ok 31 - -L ,Y (Y == nlines)
ok 2 - expand/no-expand
ok 32 - -L ,Y (Y == nlines + 1)
ok 80 - pretty format %(trailers) combining separator/key/valueonly
ok 81 - trailer parsing not fooled by --- line
ok 33 - -L ,Y (Y == nlines + 2)
ok 34 - -L with --first-parent and a merge
ok 35 - -L with --output
ok 82 - set up %S tests
ok 3 - expand/no-expand for --pretty
ok 83 - log --format=%S paints branch names
ok 84 - log --format=%S paints tag names
ok 85 - log --format=%S paints symmetric ranges
ok 86 - %S in git log --format works with other placeholders (part 1)
ok 36 - range_set_union
ok 4 - expand/no-expand for --pretty=short
ok 87 - %S in git log --format works with other placeholders (part 2)
ok 37 - -s shows only line-log commits
ok 88 - log --pretty=reference
ok 38 - -p shows the default patch output
ok 39 - --raw is forbidden
ok 89 - log --pretty=reference with is overridden by short date
ok 90 - log --pretty=reference with explicit date overrides short date
ok 91 - log --pretty=reference is never unabbreviated
ok 92 - log --pretty=reference is never decorated
ok 5 - expand/no-expand for --pretty=medium
ok 93 - log --pretty=reference does not output reflog info
ok 94 - log --pretty=reference is colored appropriately
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 93 test(s)
*** ***
ok 15 - apply_3way: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 40 - setup for checking fancy rename following
ok 41 - fancy rename following #1
ok 42 - fancy rename following #2
# passed all 42 test(s)
ok 6 - expand/no-expand for --pretty=full
*** ***
ok 7 - expand/no-expand for --pretty=fuller
ok 1 - set up merge history
ok 2 - log --graph with tricky octopus merge, no color
ok 8 - expand/no-expand for --pretty=raw
ok 1 - log --graph with merge fusing with its left and right neighbors
ok 3 - log --graph with tricky octopus merge with colors
ok 4 - log --graph with normal octopus merge, no color
ok 16 - apply_3way: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 5 - log --graph with normal octopus merge with colors
ok 6 - log --graph with normal octopus merge and child, no color
ok 7 - log --graph with normal octopus and child merge with colors
ok 9 - expand/no-expand for --pretty=email
ok 8 - log --graph with tricky octopus merge and its child, no color
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 9 - log --graph with tricky octopus merge and its child with colors
ok 10 - log --graph with crossover in octopus merge, no color
ok 1 - setup
ok 11 - log --graph with crossover in octopus merge with colors
ok 12 - log --graph with crossover in octopus merge and its child, no color
ok 2 - interrupted am --whitespace=fix
ok 13 - log --graph with crossover in octopus merge and its child with colors
ok 3 - interrupted am -C1
ok 14 - log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus tip, no color
ok 4 - interrupted am -p2
ok 15 - log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus tip with colors
ok 16 - log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus child, no color
ok 5 - interrupted am -C1 -p2
ok 2 - log --graph with left-skewed merge
ok 6 - interrupted am --directory="frotz nitfol"
ok 17 - log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus child with colors
# passed all 17 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - apply to a funny path
ok 8 - am --reject
ok 17 - apply_3way: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup repository with dos files
ok 2 - try to apply corrupted patch
ok 3 - compare diagnostic; ensure file is still here
ok 3 - log --graph with nested left-skewed merge
ok 2 - am with dos files without --keep-cr
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - am with dos files with --keep-cr
ok 4 - am with dos files config am.keepcr
ok 5 - am with dos files config am.keepcr overridden by --no-keep-cr
ok 4 - log --graph with nested left-skewed merge following normal merge
ok 6 - am with dos files with --keep-cr continue
ok 7 - am with unix files config am.keepcr overridden by --no-keep-cr
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - apply_3way: replace directory with submodule
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - log --graph with nested right-skewed merge following left-skewed merge
ok 2 - am with format=flowed
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - set up patches to apply
ok 6 - log --graph with right-skewed merge following a left-skewed one
ok 2 - applying all patches generates conflict
ok 3 - interactive am can apply a single patch
ok 4 - interactive am can resolve conflict
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 19 - apply_3way: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - file add A, !B
ok 3 - file add !A, B
ok 4 - file add A, B (same)
ok 7 - log --graph with octopus merge with column joining its penultimate parent
ok 5 - file add A, B (different)
ok 6 - file change A, !B
ok 7 - file change !A, B
ok 8 - file change A, B (same)
ok 8 - log --graph with multiple tips
ok 20 - apply_3way: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 9 - log --graph with multiple tips and colors
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 9 - file change A, B (different)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - file change A, B (mixed)
ok 2 - populate workdir
ok 3 - add ignored file
ok 11 - file remove A, !B
ok 4 - add files to repository
ok 5 - setup export-subst
ok 6 - create bare clone
ok 12 - file remove !A, B
ok 7 - remove ignored file
ok 8 - git archive
ok 13 - file remove A, B (same)
ok 9 -  extract tar archive
ok 10 # skip  interpret pax headers (missing TAR_NEEDS_PAX_FALLBACK)
ok 11 -  validate filenames
ok 21 - apply_3way: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 12 -  validate file contents
ok 13 - git archive --prefix=prefix/
ok 14 - file change A, remove B
ok 14 -  extract tar archive
ok 15 # skip  interpret pax headers (missing TAR_NEEDS_PAX_FALLBACK)
ok 16 -  validate filenames
ok 17 -  validate file contents
ok 18 - git-archive --prefix=olde-
ok 19 -  extract tar archive
ok 1 - am: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 15 - file remove A, change B
ok 20 # skip  interpret pax headers (missing TAR_NEEDS_PAX_FALLBACK)
ok 21 -  validate filenames
ok 16 - tree add A, B (same)
ok 22 -  validate file contents
ok 23 - git archive on large files
ok 17 - tree add A, B (different)
ok 24 - git archive in a bare repo
ok 25 - git archive vs. the same in a bare repo
ok 26 - git archive with --output
ok 18 - tree unchanged A, removed B
ok 27 - git archive --remote
ok 28 - git archive --remote with configured remote
ok 19 - turn file to tree
ok 29 - validate file modification time
ok 30 - git get-tar-commit-id
ok 31 - git archive with --output, override inferred format
ok 20 - turn tree to file
# passed all 20 test(s)
ok 22 - apply_3way: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
*** ***
ok 32 - git archive with --output and --remote creates .tgz
ok 33 - git archive --list outside of a git repo
ok 34 - git archive --remote outside of a git repo
ok 1 - setup
ok 35 - clients cannot access unreachable commits
ok 2 - git archive
ok 3 -  archive/ignored does not exist
ok 4 -  archive/ignored-by-tree does not exist
ok 2 - am: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 5 -  archive/ignored-by-tree.d does not exist
ok 6 -  archive/ignored-by-tree.d/file does not exist
ok 7 -  archive/ignored-by-worktree exists
ok 8 -  archive/excluded-by-pathspec.d exists
ok 36 - upload-archive can allow unreachable commits
ok 9 -  archive/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file exists
ok 10 - git archive with pathspec
ok 37 - setup tar filters
ok 11 -  archive-pathspec/ignored does not exist
ok 12 -  archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree does not exist
ok 13 -  archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree.d does not exist
ok 38 - archive --list mentions user filter
ok 14 -  archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree.d/file does not exist
ok 39 - archive --list shows only enabled remote filters
ok 15 -  archive-pathspec/ignored-by-worktree exists
ok 16 -  archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d does not exist
ok 17 -  archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file does not exist
ok 40 - invoke tar filter by format
ok 18 - git archive with wildcard pathspec
ok 19 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored does not exist
ok 20 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-tree does not exist
ok 41 - invoke tar filter by extension
ok 21 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-tree.d does not exist
ok 42 - default output format remains tar
ok 22 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-tree.d/file does not exist
not ok 23 - apply_3way: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 23 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-worktree exists
ok 24 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/excluded-by-pathspec.d does not exist
ok 43 - extension matching requires dot
ok 25 -  archive-pathspec-wildcard/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file does not exist
ok 26 - git archive with worktree attributes
ok 27 -  worktree/ignored does not exist
ok 44 - only enabled filters are available remotely
ok 28 -  worktree/ignored-by-tree exists
ok 29 -  worktree/ignored-by-worktree does not exist
ok 45 - git archive --format=tgz
ok 30 - git archive --worktree-attributes option
ok 31 -  worktree2/ignored does not exist
ok 46 - git archive --format=tar.gz
ok 32 -  worktree2/ignored-by-tree exists
ok 33 -  worktree2/ignored-by-worktree does not exist
ok 34 - git archive vs. bare
ok 47 - infer tgz from .tgz filename
ok 35 - git archive with worktree attributes, bare
ok 36 -  bare-worktree/ignored does not exist
ok 37 -  bare-worktree/ignored-by-tree exists
ok 3 - am: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 38 -  bare-worktree/ignored-by-worktree exists
ok 48 - infer tgz from .tar.gz filename
ok 49 - extract tgz file
ok 39 - export-subst
# passed all 39 test(s)
*** ***
ok 50 - remote tar.gz is allowed by default
ok 51 - remote tar.gz can be disabled
ok 52 - archive and :(glob)
not ok 24 - apply_3way: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 53 - catch non-matching pathspec
ok 1 - setup
ok 54 # skip set up repository with huge blob (missing LONG_IS_64BIT)
ok 55 # skip generate tar with huge size (missing LONG_IS_64BIT)
ok 2 - git archive
ok 3 -  archive/ignored does not exist
ok 56 # skip system tar can read our huge size (missing LONG_IS_64BIT,TAR_HUGE of TAR_HUGE,LONG_IS_64BIT)
ok 4 -  archive/not-ignored-dir/ignored does not exist
ok 5 -  archive/not-ignored-dir/ignored-only-if-dir exists
ok 57 - set up repository with far-future commit
ok 6 -  archive/not-ignored-dir/ exists
ok 58 - generate tar with future mtime
ok 7 -  archive/ignored-only-if-dir/ does not exist
ok 59 # skip system tar can read our future mtime (missing TIME_T_IS_64BIT,TAR_HUGE of TAR_HUGE,TIME_IS_64BIT,TIME_T_IS_64BIT)
ok 8 -  archive/ignored-ony-if-dir/ignored-by-ignored-dir does not exist
# passed all 59 test(s)
ok 9 -  archive/ignored-without-slash/ does not exist
*** ***
ok 10 -  archive/ignored-without-slash/foo does not exist
ok 11 -  archive/wildcard-without-slash/ does not exist
ok 12 -  archive/wildcard-without-slash/foo does not exist
ok 13 -  archive/deep/and/slashless/ does not exist
ok 14 -  archive/deep/and/slashless/foo does not exist
ok 15 -  archive/deep/with/wildcard/ does not exist
ok 16 -  archive/deep/with/wildcard/foo does not exist
ok 17 -  archive/one-level-lower/ does not exist
ok 1 - populate workdir
ok 18 -  archive/one-level-lower/two-levels-lower/ignored-only-if-dir/ does not exist
ok 2 # skip add symlink (missing UNZIP_SYMLINKS of SYMLINKS,UNZIP_SYMLINKS)
ok 19 -  archive/one-level-lower/two-levels-lower/ignored-ony-if-dir/ignored-by-ignored-dir does not exist
# passed all 19 test(s)
ok 3 - prepare file list
*** ***
ok 4 - add ignored file
ok 5 - add files to repository
ok 1 - create commit with empty tree and fake empty tar
ok 6 - setup export-subst and diff attributes
ok 4 - am: replace directory with submodule
ok 7 - create bare clone
ok 2 - tar archive of commit with empty tree
ok 8 - remove ignored file
ok 3 - tar archive of empty tree is empty
ok 4 - tar archive of empty tree with prefix
ok 5 # skip zip archive of empty tree is empty (missing UNZIP)
ok 6 # skip zip archive of empty tree with prefix (missing UNZIP)
ok 7 - archive complains about pathspec on empty tree
ok 9 - git archive --format=zip
ok 10 # skip  extract ZIP archive (missing UNZIP)
ok 11 # skip  validate filenames (missing UNZIP)
ok 12 # skip  validate file contents (missing UNZIP)
ok 13 # skip  extract ZIP archive with EOL conversion (missing UNZIP)
ok 8 - create a commit with an empty subtree
ok 14 # skip  validate that text files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 15 # skip  validate that binary files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 16 # skip  validate that diff files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 17 # skip  validate that -diff files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 18 # skip  validate that custom diff is unchanged  (missing UNZIP)
ok 9 - archive empty subtree with no pathspec
ok 25 - apply_3way: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 10 - archive empty subtree by direct pathspec
ok 11 # skip zip archive with many entries (missing ZIPINFO)
ok 12 # skip zip archive bigger than 4GB (missing UNZIP_ZIP64_SUPPORT,UNZIP,EXPENSIVE of EXPENSIVE,UNZIP,UNZIP_ZIP64_SUPPORT)
ok 19 - git archive --format=zip in a bare repo
ok 20 - git archive --format=zip vs. the same in a bare repo
ok 21 - git archive --format=zip with --output
ok 14 - tar archive with long paths
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - am: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 22 - git archive with --output, inferring format (local)
ok 1 - split sample box
ok 2 - mailinfo 0001
ok 23 - git archive with --output, inferring format (remote)
ok 3 - mailinfo 0002
ok 4 - mailinfo 0003
ok 5 - mailinfo 0004
ok 24 - git archive --format=zip with prefix
ok 25 # skip  extract ZIP archive (missing UNZIP)
ok 26 # skip  validate filenames (missing UNZIP)
ok 27 # skip  validate file contents (missing UNZIP)
ok 28 # skip  extract ZIP archive with EOL conversion (missing UNZIP)
ok 6 - mailinfo 0005
ok 29 # skip  validate that text files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 30 # skip  validate that binary files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 31 # skip  validate that diff files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 32 # skip  validate that -diff files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 33 # skip  validate that custom diff is unchanged  (missing UNZIP)
ok 7 - mailinfo 0006
ok 34 - git archive -0 --format=zip on large files
ok 35 # skip  extract ZIP archive (missing UNZIP)
ok 36 # skip  validate filenames (missing UNZIP)
ok 37 # skip  validate file contents (missing UNZIP)
ok 38 # skip  extract ZIP archive with EOL conversion (missing UNZIP)
ok 8 - mailinfo 0007
ok 39 # skip  validate that text files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 40 # skip  validate that binary files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 41 # skip  validate that diff files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 42 # skip  validate that -diff files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 43 # skip  validate that custom diff is unchanged  (missing UNZIP)
ok 9 - mailinfo 0008
ok 26 - apply_3way: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 10 - mailinfo 0009
ok 11 - mailinfo 0010
ok 12 - mailinfo 0011
ok 44 - git archive --format=zip on large files
ok 45 # skip  extract ZIP archive (missing UNZIP)
ok 46 # skip  validate filenames (missing UNZIP)
ok 47 # skip  validate file contents (missing UNZIP)
ok 13 - mailinfo 0012
ok 48 # skip  extract ZIP archive with EOL conversion (missing UNZIP)
ok 49 # skip  validate that text files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 50 # skip  validate that binary files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 51 # skip  validate that diff files are converted (missing UNZIP)
ok 52 # skip  validate that -diff files are unchanged (missing UNZIP)
ok 53 # skip  validate that custom diff is unchanged  (missing UNZIP)
ok 14 - mailinfo 0013
# passed all 53 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - am: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 15 - mailinfo 0014
ok 16 - mailinfo 0015
ok 17 - mailinfo 0016
ok 18 - mailinfo 0017
ok 19 - mailinfo 0018
ok 20 - split box with rfc2047 samples
ok 1 - setup
ok 21 - mailinfo rfc2047/0001
ok 2 - setup: two scripts for reading pull requests
ok 22 - mailinfo rfc2047/0002
ok 23 - mailinfo rfc2047/0003
ok 24 - mailinfo rfc2047/0004
ok 25 - mailinfo rfc2047/0005
ok 26 - mailinfo rfc2047/0006
ok 27 - apply_3way: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 3 - pull request when forgot to push
ok 27 - mailinfo rfc2047/0007
ok 7 - am: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 28 - mailinfo rfc2047/0008
ok 29 - mailinfo rfc2047/0009
ok 30 - mailinfo rfc2047/0010
ok 31 - mailinfo rfc2047/0011
ok 32 - respect NULs
ok 33 - Preserve NULs out of MIME encoded message
ok 28 - apply_3way: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
# still have 4 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 24 test(s)
ok 4 - pull request after push
ok 34 - mailinfo on from header without name works
*** ***
ok 35 - mailinfo finds headers after embedded From line
ok 36 - mailinfo on message with quoted >From
ok 1 - setup
ok 37 - mailinfo unescapes with --mboxrd
ok 2 - create info/refs
ok 3 - modify and store mtime
ok 38 - mailinfo handles rfc2822 quoted-string
ok 39 - mailinfo handles rfc2822 comment
ok 4 - info/refs is not needlessly overwritten
ok 8 - am: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 40 - mailinfo with mailinfo.scissors config
ok 5 - request asks HEAD to be pulled
ok 5 - info/refs can be forced to update
ok 41 - mailinfo no options
ok 42 - mailinfo -k
ok 43 - mailinfo -b no [PATCH]
ok 6 - info/refs updates when changes are made
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 44 - mailinfo -b leading [PATCH]
ok 45 - mailinfo -b double [PATCH]
not ok 46 - mailinfo -b trailing [PATCH] # TODO known breakage
not ok 47 - mailinfo -b separated double [PATCH] # TODO known breakage
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 45 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - verify-pack -v, defaults
not ok 9 - am: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - verify-pack -v, packedGitWindowSize == 1 page
ok 6 - pull request format
ok 4 - verify-pack -v, packedGit{WindowSize,Limit} == 1 page
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - repack -a -d, packedGit{WindowSize,Limit} == 1 page
ok 6 - verify-pack -v, defaults
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - pack without delta
ok 7 - request-pull ignores OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH poison
ok 3 - pack-objects with bogus arguments
not ok 10 - am: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 8 - request-pull quotes regex metacharacters properly
ok 4 - unpack without delta
ok 5 - check unpack without delta
ok 9 - pull request with mismatched object
ok 6 - pack with REF_DELTA
ok 10 - pull request with stale object
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - unpack with REF_DELTA
ok 11 - am: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 8 - check unpack with REF_DELTA
ok 1 - initial setup validation
ok 2 - create corruption in header of first object
ok 3 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 4 - ... and loose copy of first delta allows for partial recovery
ok 9 - pack with OFS_DELTA
ok 5 - create corruption in data of first object
ok 6 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 7 - ... and loose copy of second object allows for partial recovery
ok 10 - unpack with OFS_DELTA
ok 8 - create corruption in header of first delta
ok 11 - check unpack with OFS_DELTA
ok 9 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 12 - compare delta flavors
ok 12 - am: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 10 - ... and then a repack "clears" the corruption
ok 13 - use packed objects
ok 11 - create corruption in data of first delta
ok 12 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 13 - ... and then a repack "clears" the corruption
ok 14 - use packed deltified (REF_DELTA) objects
ok 14 - corruption in delta base reference of first delta (OBJ_REF_DELTA)
ok 15 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 15 - use packed deltified (OFS_DELTA) objects
ok 16 - ... and then a repack "clears" the corruption
ok 16 - survive missing objects/pack directory
ok 17 - corruption #0 in delta base reference of first delta (OBJ_OFS_DELTA)
ok 18 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 13 - am: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 19 - ... and then a repack "clears" the corruption
ok 17 - verify pack
ok 20 - corruption #1 in delta base reference of first delta (OBJ_OFS_DELTA)
ok 21 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 14 - am: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 22 - ... and then a repack "clears" the corruption
ok 18 - verify pack -v
ok 23 - ... and a redundant pack allows for full recovery too
ok 19 - verify-pack catches mismatched .idx and .pack files
ok 20 - verify-pack catches a corrupted pack signature
ok 21 - verify-pack catches a corrupted pack version
ok 24 - corruption of delta base reference pointing to wrong object
ok 22 - verify-pack catches a corrupted type/size of the 1st packed object data
ok 25 - ... but having a loose copy allows for full recovery
ok 26 - ... and then a repack "clears" the corruption
ok 23 - verify-pack catches a corrupted sum of the index file itself
ok 27 - corrupting header to have too small output buffer fails unpack
ok 28 - apply good minimal delta
ok 29 - apply delta with too many literal bytes
ok 30 - apply delta with too many copied bytes
ok 31 - apply delta with too few literal bytes
ok 32 - apply delta with too few bytes in base
ok 15 - am_3way: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 33 - apply delta with truncated copy parameters
ok 34 - apply delta with trailing garbage literal
ok 35 - apply delta with trailing garbage copy
ok 36 - apply delta with trailing garbage opcode
# passed all 36 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - prune stale packs
ok 3 - prune --expire
ok 24 - build pack index for an existing pack
ok 4 - gc: implicit prune --expire
ok 5 - gc: refuse to start with invalid gc.pruneExpire
ok 6 - gc: start with ok gc.pruneExpire
ok 7 - prune: prune nonsense parameters
ok 16 - am_3way: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 8 - prune: prune unreachable heads
ok 9 - prune: do not prune detached HEAD with no reflog
ok 10 - prune: prune former HEAD after checking out branch
ok 11 - prune: do not prune heads listed as an argument
ok 12 - gc --no-prune
ok 13 - gc respects gc.pruneExpire
ok 14 - gc --prune=<date>
ok 25 - unpacking with --strict
ok 17 - am_3way: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 15 - gc --prune=never
ok 16 - gc respects gc.pruneExpire=never
ok 17 - prune --expire=never
ok 18 - gc: prune old objects after local clone
ok 19 - garbage report in count-objects -v
ok 20 - clean pack garbage with gc
ok 18 - am_3way: replace directory with submodule
ok 21 - prune .git/shallow
ok 26 - index-pack with --strict
ok 22 - prune .git/shallow when there are no loose objects
ok 23 - prune: handle alternate object database
ok 24 - prune: handle index in multiple worktrees
ok 25 - prune: handle HEAD in multiple worktrees
ok 26 - prune: handle HEAD reflog in multiple worktrees
ok 27 - honor pack.packSizeLimit
ok 27 - prune: handle expire option correctly
ok 1 - setup
ok 19 - am_3way: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 28 - verify resulting packs
ok 28 - trivial prune with bitmaps enabled
# passed all 28 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - pack-objects with index version 1
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - pack without --include-tag
ok 3 - unpack objects
ok 3 - pack-objects with index version 2
ok 4 - both packs should be identical
ok 5 - index v1 and index v2 should be different
ok 6 - index-pack with index version 1
ok 4 - check unpacked result (have commit, no tag)
ok 5 - pack with --include-tag
ok 29 - tolerate packsizelimit smaller than biggest object
ok 7 - index-pack with index version 2
ok 6 - unpack objects
ok 8 - index-pack results should match pack-objects ones
ok 7 - check unpacked result (have commit, have tag)
ok 9 - index-pack --verify on index version 1
ok 30 - verify resulting packs
ok 8 - create hidden inner tag
ok 31 - set up pack for non-repo tests
ok 10 - index-pack --verify on index version 2
ok 9 - pack explicit outer tag
ok 11 - pack-objects --index-version=2, is not accepted
ok 32 - index-pack --stdin complains of non-repo
ok 10 - unpack objects
ok 11 - check unpacked result (have all objects)
ok 33 - index-pack <pack> works in non-repo
ok 12 - pack implied outer tag
ok 13 - unpack objects
ok 12 - index v2: force some 64-bit offsets with pack-objects
ok 20 - am_3way: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 34 - index-pack --strict <pack> works in non-repo
ok 14 - check unpacked result (have all objects)
ok 35 # skip index-pack --threads=N or pack.threads=N warns when no pthreads (missing !PTHREADS of !PTHREADS,C_LOCALE_OUTPUT)
ok 36 # skip pack-objects --threads=N or pack.threads=N warns when no pthreads (missing !PTHREADS of !PTHREADS,C_LOCALE_OUTPUT)
ok 13 - index v2: verify a pack with some 64-bit offsets
ok 15 - single-branch clone can transfer tag
# passed all 15 test(s)
ok 14 - 64-bit offsets: should be different from previous index v2 results
*** ***
ok 37 - pack-objects in too-many-packs mode
ok 15 - index v2: force some 64-bit offsets with index-pack
ok 38 - setup: fake a SHA1 hash collision
ok 16 - 64-bit offsets: index-pack result should match pack-objects one
ok 39 - make sure index-pack detects the SHA1 collision
ok 17 - index-pack --verify on 64-bit offset v2 (cheat)
ok 1 - setup base
ok 18 - index-pack --verify on 64-bit offset v2
ok 40 - make sure index-pack detects the SHA1 collision (large blobs)
# passed all 40 test(s)
*** ***
ok 19 - [index v1] 1) stream pack to repository
ok 2 - setup patch_clone
ok 20 - [index v1] 2) create a stealth corruption in a delta base reference
ok 21 - [index v1] 3) corrupted delta happily returned wrong data
ok 22 - [index v1] 4) confirm that the pack is actually corrupted
ok 3 - indirectly clone patch_clone
ok 23 - [index v1] 5) pack-objects happily reuses corrupted data
not ok 21 - am_3way: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - clone of patch_clone is incomplete
ok 24 - [index v1] 6) newly created pack is BAD !
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - check corruption
ok 25 - [index v2] 1) stream pack to repository
ok 3 - rev-list notices corruption (1)
ok 4 - rev-list notices corruption (2)
ok 26 - [index v2] 2) create a stealth corruption in a delta base reference
ok 5 - pack-objects notices corruption
ok 27 - [index v2] 3) corrupted delta happily returned wrong data
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 1 - pack with no duplicates
*** ***
ok 28 - [index v2] 4) confirm that the pack is actually corrupted
ok 2 - index-pack will allow duplicate objects by default
ok 3 - create batch-check test vectors
ok 4 - lookup in duplicated pack
ok 5 - index-pack can reject packs with duplicates
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 29 - [index v2] 5) pack-objects refuses to reuse corrupted data
*** ***
ok 1 - index-pack works with a single delta (A->B)
ok 2 - index-pack works with a single delta (B->A)
ok 3 - index-pack detects missing base objects
ok 4 - index-pack detects REF_DELTA cycles
ok 5 - failover to an object in another pack
ok 6 - failover to a duplicate object in the same pack
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 22 - am_3way: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup repo with moderate-sized history
ok 2 - full repack creates bitmaps
ok 3 - rev-list --test-bitmap verifies bitmaps
ok 4 - counting commits via bitmap (full bitmap)
ok 1 - setup shallow repo
ok 5 - counting partial commits via bitmap (full bitmap)
ok 6 - counting commits with limit (full bitmap)
ok 2 - turn on bitmaps in the parent
ok 7 - counting non-linear history (full bitmap)
ok 3 - shallow fetch from bitmapped repo
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 8 - counting commits with limiting (full bitmap)
*** ***
ok 9 - enumerate --objects (full bitmap)
ok 10 - bitmap --objects handles non-commit objects (full bitmap)
ok 1 - disable reflogs
ok 11 - clone from bitmapped repository
ok 2 - create history reachable only from a bogus-named ref
ok 12 - setup further non-bitmapped commits
ok 3 - pruning does not drop bogus object
ok 13 - counting commits via bitmap (partial bitmap)
ok 14 - counting partial commits via bitmap (partial bitmap)
ok 4 - put bogus object into pack
ok 15 - counting commits with limit (partial bitmap)
not ok 23 - am_3way: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 5 - destructive repack keeps packed object
ok 16 - counting non-linear history (partial bitmap)
ok 6 - clean up bogus ref
ok 17 - counting commits with limiting (partial bitmap)
ok 18 - enumerate --objects (partial bitmap)
ok 7 - create history with missing tip commit
ok 19 - bitmap --objects handles non-commit objects (partial bitmap)
ok 8 - pruning with a corrupted tip does not drop history
ok 9 - pack-refs does not silently delete broken loose ref
ok 20 - fetch (partial bitmap)
ok 10 - create packed-refs file with broken ref
ok 11 - pack-refs does not silently delete broken packed ref
ok 21 - incremental repack fails when bitmaps are requested
ok 12 - pack-refs does not drop broken refs during deletion
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 22 - incremental repack can disable bitmaps
ok 1 - set up base packfile and variables
ok 23 - pack-objects respects --local (non-local loose)
not ok 24 - am_3way: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 2 - pack/index object count mismatch
ok 24 - pack-objects respects --honor-pack-keep (local non-bitmapped pack)
ok 3 - matched bogus object count
ok 25 - pack-objects respects --local (non-local pack)
ok 4 - bogus object offset (v1)
ok 5 - bogus object offset (v2, no msb)
ok 26 - pack-objects respects --honor-pack-keep (local bitmapped pack)
ok 27 - pack-objects respects --local (non-local bitmapped pack)
ok 6 - bogus offset into v2 extended table
ok 7 - bogus offset inside v2 extended table
ok 28 - pack-objects to file can use bitmap
ok 30 - [index v2] 6) verify-pack detects CRC mismatch
ok 29 - full repack, reusing previous bitmaps
ok 31 - running index-pack in the object store
ok 8 - bogus OFS_DELTA in packfile
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 30 - fetch (full bitmap)
ok 32 - index-pack --strict warns upon missing tagger in tag
ok 33 - index-pack --fsck-objects also warns upon missing tagger in tag
# passed all 33 test(s)
*** ***
ok 31 - create objects for missing-HAVE tests
ok 25 - am_3way: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 32 - pack-objects respects --incremental
ok 33 - pack with missing blob
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 34 - pack with missing tree
ok 2 - repack
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - pack-objects with -c core.compression=0
ok 35 - pack with missing parent
ok 36 # skip we can read jgit bitmaps (missing JGIT)
ok 37 # skip jgit can read our bitmaps (missing JGIT)
ok 3 - pack-objects with -c core.compression=9
ok 4 - pack-objects with -c core.compression=0 -c pack.compression=0
ok 5 - pack-objects with -c core.compression=9 -c pack.compression=0
ok 6 - pack-objects with -c core.compression=0 -c pack.compression=9
ok 7 - pack-objects with -c core.compression=9 -c pack.compression=9
ok 8 - pack-objects with -c pack.compression=0
ok 38 - splitting packs does not generate bogus bitmaps
ok 9 - pack-objects with -c pack.compression=9
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 39 - set up reusable pack
*** ***
ok 40 - pack reuse respects --honor-pack-keep
ok 41 - pack reuse respects --local
ok 42 - pack reuse respects --incremental
ok 1 - create series of packs
ok 1 - setup r1
ok 43 - truncated bitmap fails gracefully
ok 2 - packing produces a long delta
ok 2 - verify blob count in normal packfile
ok 26 - am_3way: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 3 - --depth limits depth
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - verify blob:none packfile has no blobs
ok 4 - verify normal and blob:none packfiles have same commits/trees
ok 44 - set up thin delta-reuse parent
ok 5 - get an error for missing tree object
ok 6 - setup for tests of tree:0
ok 7 - verify tree:0 packfile has no blobs or trees
ok 1 - setup full repo
ok 2 - verify graph with no graph file
ok 8 - grab tree directly when using tree:0
ok 3 - write graph with no packs
ok 4 - exit with correct error on bad input to --stdin-packs
ok 9 - setup r2
ok 45 - fetch without bitmaps ignores delta against old base
ok 10 - verify blob count in normal packfile
ok 11 - verify blob:limit=500 omits all blobs
ok 5 - create commits and repack
ok 12 - verify blob:limit=1000
ok 46 - fetch with bitmaps can reuse old base
# passed all 46 test(s)
ok 6 - exit with correct error on bad input to --stdin-commits
*** ***
ok 13 - verify blob:limit=1001
ok 7 - check normal git operations: no graph
ok 14 - verify blob:limit=10001
ok 1 - write midx with no packs
ok 8 - write graph
ok 15 - verify blob:limit=1k
ok 27 - am_3way: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 16 - verify explicitly specifying oversized blob in input
ok 9 - check normal git operations: graph exists
ok 17 - verify blob:limit=1m
ok 18 - verify normal and blob:limit packfiles have same commits/trees
ok 2 - create objects
ok 28 - am_3way: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 19 - setup r3
ok 3 - write midx with one v1 pack
ok 20 - verify blob count in normal packfile
ok 21 - verify sparse:path=pattern1 fails
ok 4 - write midx with one v2 pack
ok 22 - verify sparse:path=pattern2 fails
ok 23 - setup r4
ok 10 - Add more commits
ok 5 - check normal git operations: one v2 pack
ok 24 - verify blob count in normal packfile
ok 11 - commit-graph write progress off for redirected stderr
ok 6 - corrupt idx not opened
ok 12 - commit-graph write force progress on for stderr
ok 13 - commit-graph write with the --no-progress option
ok 14 - commit-graph verify progress off for redirected stderr
ok 25 - verify sparse:oid=OID
ok 15 - commit-graph verify force progress on for stderr
ok 16 - commit-graph verify with the --no-progress option
ok 26 - verify sparse:oid=oid-ish
ok 17 - write graph with merges
ok 27 - setup r1 - delete loose blobs
ok 28 - verify pack-objects fails w/ missing objects
ok 29 - verify pack-objects fails w/ --missing=error
ok 7 - add more objects
ok 30 - verify pack-objects w/ --missing=allow-any
ok 29 - setup diff.submodule
# passed all 30 test(s)
ok 18 - check normal git operations: merge 1 vs 2
*** ***
ok 8 - write midx with two packs
ok 19 - check normal git operations: merge 1 vs 3
ok 9 - check normal git operations: two packs
ok 10 - write progress off for redirected stderr
ok 1 - setup commits
ok 20 - check normal git operations: merge 2 vs 3
ok 2 - vanilla repack deltas one against two
ok 11 - write force progress on for stderr
ok 12 - write with the --no-progress option
ok 3 - island repack with no island definition is vanilla
ok 21 - Add one more commit
ok 4 - island repack with no matches is vanilla
ok 5 - separate islands disallows delta
ok 22 - check normal git operations: mixed mode, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 6 - same island allows delta
ok 30 - diff.submodule unset
ok 7 - coalesce same-named islands
ok 23 - check normal git operations: mixed mode, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 8 - island restrictions drop reused deltas
ok 24 - write graph with new commit
ok 9 - island regexes are left-anchored
ok 10 - island regexes follow last-one-wins scheme
ok 25 - check normal git operations: full graph, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 31 - diff.submodule unset with extra file
ok 11 - setup shared history
ok 26 - check normal git operations: full graph, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 12 - vanilla delta goes between branches
ok 27 - write graph with nothing new
ok 13 - deltas allowed against superset islands
ok 28 - check normal git operations: cleared graph, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 14 - island core places core objects first
ok 15 - unmatched island core is not fatal
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 29 - check normal git operations: cleared graph, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 30 - build graph from latest pack with closure
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - repack large deltas
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 31 - check normal git operations: graph from pack, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 32 - diff.submodule=log
ok 32 - check normal git operations: graph from pack, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 33 - build graph from commits with closure
ok 13 - add more packs
ok 34 - check normal git operations: graph from commits, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 1 - setup repo
ok 2 - non-sparse pack-objects
ok 14 - check normal git operations: mixed mode (two packs + extra)
ok 3 - sparse pack-objects
ok 35 - check normal git operations: graph from commits, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 15 - write midx with twelve packs
ok 4 - duplicate a folder from f3 and commit to topic1
ok 36 - build graph from commits with append
ok 5 - non-sparse pack-objects
ok 37 - check normal git operations: append graph, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 16 - check normal git operations: twelve packs
ok 6 - sparse pack-objects
ok 33 - diff.submodule=log with extra file
# still have 6 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 27 test(s)
ok 17 - verify multi-pack-index success
*** ***
ok 18 - verify progress off for redirected stderr
ok 7 - duplicate a folder from f1 into f3
ok 19 - verify force progress on for stderr
ok 20 - verify with the --no-progress option
ok 38 - check normal git operations: append graph, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 8 - non-sparse pack-objects
ok 39 - build graph using --reachable
ok 21 - verify bad signature
ok 9 - sparse pack-objects
ok 10 - pack.useSparse enables algorithm
ok 22 - verify bad version
ok 40 - check normal git operations: append graph, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 11 - pack.useSparse overridden
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 23 - verify bad OID version
*** ***
ok 1 - setup master repo
ok 24 - verify truncated chunk count
ok 41 - check normal git operations: append graph, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 2 - master: no redundant for pack 1, 2, 3
ok 25 - verify extended chunk count
ok 42 - setup bare repo
ok 26 - verify missing required chunk
ok 3 - master: one of pack-2/pack-3 is redundant
ok 27 - verify invalid chunk offset
ok 43 - check normal git operations: bare repo, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 28 - verify packnames out of order
ok 1 - setup repo
ok 4 - master: pack 2, 4, and 6 are redundant
ok 29 - verify packnames out of order
ok 44 - check normal git operations: bare repo, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 5 - master: pack-8 (subset of pack-1) is also redundant
ok 45 - write graph in bare repo
ok 30 - verify oid fanout out of order
ok 6 - master: clean loose objects
ok 2 - create commits and write commit-graph
ok 31 - verify oid lookup out of order
ok 7 - master: remove redundant packs and pass fsck
ok 32 - verify incorrect pack-int-id
ok 8 - setup shared.git
ok 46 - check normal git operations: bare repo with graph, commit 8 vs merge 1
ok 9 - shared: all packs are redundant, but no output without --alt-odb
ok 33 - verify incorrect offset
ok 3 - check normal git operations: graph exists
ok 10 - shared: show redundant packs in stderr for verbose mode
ok 47 - check normal git operations: bare repo with graph, commit 8 vs merge 2
ok 34 - git-fsck incorrect offset
ok 11 - shared: remove redundant packs, no packs left
ok 48 - perform fast-forward merge in full repo
ok 35 - repack progress off for redirected stderr
ok 12 - shared: create new objects and packs
ok 36 - repack force progress on for stderr
ok 13 - shared: no redundant without --alt-odb
ok 37 - repack with the --no-progress option
ok 49 - check that gc computes commit-graph
ok 14 - shared: one pack is redundant with --alt-odb
ok 38 - repack removes multi-pack-index
ok 15 - shared: ignore unique objects and all two packs are redundant
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 50 - replace-objects invalidates commit-graph
ok 4 - add more commits, and write a new base graph
ok 39 - check normal git operations: after repack
ok 40 - multi-pack-index and pack-bitmap
ok 51 - commit grafts invalidate commit-graph
ok 41 - multi-pack-index and alternates
ok 5 - fork and fail to base a chain on a commit-graph file
ok 6 - add three more commits, write a tip graph
ok 42 - check normal git operations: with alternate (local midx)
ok 52 - replace-objects invalidates commit-graph
ok 53 - git commit-graph verify
ok 7 - check normal git operations: split commit-graph: merge 3 vs 2
ok 43 - multi-pack-index in an alternate
ok 8 - add one commit, write a tip graph
ok 54 - detect permission problem
ok 55 - detect too small
ok 44 - check normal git operations: with alternate (remote midx)
ok 9 - check normal git operations: three-layer commit-graph: commit 11 vs 6
ok 56 - detect bad signature
ok 10 - add one commit, write a merged graph
ok 57 - detect bad version
ok 11 - check normal git operations: merged commit-graph: commit 12 vs 6
ok 58 - detect bad hash version
ok 59 - detect low chunk count
ok 60 - detect missing OID fanout chunk
ok 12 - create fork and chain across alternate
ok 61 - detect missing OID lookup chunk
ok 62 - detect missing commit data chunk
ok 13 - check normal git operations: alternate: commit 13 vs 6
ok 45 - force some 64-bit offsets with pack-objects
ok 63 - detect incorrect fanout
ok 46 - verify multi-pack-index with 64-bit offsets
ok 47 - verify incorrect 64-bit offset
ok 64 - detect incorrect fanout final value
ok 65 - detect incorrect OID order
ok 66 - detect OID not in object database
ok 67 - detect incorrect tree OID
ok 14 - test merge stragety constants
ok 68 - detect incorrect parent int-id
ok 15 - remove commit-graph-chain file after flattening
ok 16 - verify hashes along chain, even in shallow
ok 69 - detect extra parent int-id
ok 70 - detect wrong parent
ok 17 - verify --shallow does not check base contents
ok 71 - detect incorrect generation number
ok 18 - warn on base graph chunk incorrect
ok 72 - detect incorrect generation number
ok 48 - setup expire tests
ok 19 - verify after commit-graph-chain corruption
ok 49 - expire does not remove any packs
ok 73 - detect incorrect commit date
ok 50 - expire progress off for redirected stderr
ok 51 - expire force progress on for stderr
ok 52 - expire with the --no-progress option
ok 74 - detect incorrect parent for octopus merge
ok 20 - verify across alternates
ok 53 - expire removes unreferenced packs
ok 75 - detect invalid checksum hash
ok 54 - repack with minimum size does not alter existing packs
ok 76 - detect incorrect chunk count
ok 55 - repack creates a new pack
ok 21 - add octopus merge
ok 56 - expire removes repacked packs
ok 77 - git fsck (checks commit-graph)
ok 22 - check normal git operations: graph exists
ok 78 - setup non-the_repository tests
ok 57 - expire works when adding new packs
ok 23 - split across alternate where alternate is not split
# passed all 23 test(s)
ok 79 - parse_commit_in_graph works for non-the_repository
*** ***
ok 80 - get_commit_tree_in_graph works for non-the_repository
ok 58 - expire respects .keep files
ok 81 - corrupt commit-graph write (broken parent)
ok 59 - repack --batch-size=0 repacks everything
# passed all 59 test(s)
ok 82 - corrupt commit-graph write (missing tree)
# passed all 82 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - post-merge does not run for up-to-date 
ok 2 - push
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - post-merge runs as expected 
ok 3 - updated as expected
ok 4 - post-merge from normal merge receives the right argument 
ok 2 - post-checkout receives the right arguments with HEAD unchanged 
ok 4 - hooks ran
ok 5 - post-merge from squash merge runs as expected 
ok 5 - pre-receive hook input
ok 3 - post-checkout args are correct with git checkout -b 
ok 6 - post-merge from squash merge receives the right argument 
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 6 - update hook arguments
*** ***
ok 4 - post-checkout receives the right args with HEAD changed 
ok 7 - post-receive hook input
ok 8 - post-update hook arguments
ok 5 - post-checkout receives the right args when not switching branches 
ok 9 - all hook stdin is /dev/null
ok 10 - all *-receive hook args are empty
ok 6 - post-checkout is triggered on rebase
ok 11 - send-pack produced no output
ok 12 - send-pack stderr contains hook messages
ok 7 - post-checkout is triggered on rebase with fast-forward
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - post-checkout hook is triggered by clone
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - prepare pushable branches
ok 3 - mixed-success push returns error
ok 4 - check tracking branches updated correctly after push
ok 5 - check tracking branches not updated for failed refs
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - deleted branches have their tracking branches removed
ok 2 - non forced push should die not segfault
ok 7 - already deleted tracking branches ignored
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - forced push should succeed
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - push reports error
ok 3 - individual ref reports error
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - git commit --amend
ok 3 - git commit --amend --no-post-rewrite
ok 1 - setup refs
ok 4 - git rebase
ok 2 - refs on cmdline
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - git rebase --skip
ok 3 - refs over stdin
ok 6 - git rebase --skip the last one
ok 7 - git rebase -m
ok 4 - stdin lines are full refspecs
ok 2 - pack the source repository
ok 8 - git rebase -m --skip
ok 5 - stdin mixed with cmdline
ok 6 - cmdline refs written in order
ok 9 - git rebase with implicit use of interactive backend
ok 3 - pack the destination repository
ok 7 - --stdin refs come after cmdline
ok 8 - refspecs and --mirror do not mix (cmdline)
ok 10 - git rebase --skip with implicit use of interactive backend
ok 9 - refspecs and --mirror do not mix (stdin)
ok 4 - refuse pushing rewound head without --force
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - push can be used to delete a ref
ok 6 - refuse deleting push with denyDeletes
ok 11 - git rebase -i (unchanged)
ok 7 - cannot override denyDeletes with git -c send-pack
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - override denyDeletes with git -c receive-pack
ok 2 - keywords
ok 9 - denyNonFastforwards trumps --force
ok 12 - git rebase -i (skip)
ok 3 - whole words at line start
ok 10 - send-pack --all sends all branches
ok 4 - short line
ok 13 - git rebase -i (squash)
ok 5 - case-insensitive
ok 11 - push --all excludes remote-tracking hierarchy
ok 6 - leading space
ok 14 - git rebase -i (fixup without conflict)
ok 7 - spaces only
ok 8 - no coloring for redirected output
ok 12 - receive-pack runs auto-gc in remote repo
ok 9 - push with customized color
ok 15 - git rebase -i (double edit)
ok 10 - error in customized color
ok 11 - fallback to color.ui
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - pushing explicit refspecs respects forcing
ok 16 - git rebase -i (exec)
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - pushing wildcard refspecs respects forcing
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - with core.alternateRefsCommand
ok 15 - deny pushing to delete current branch
ok 3 - with core.alternateRefsPrefixes
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 16 - receive-pack de-dupes .have lines
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - clone without alternate
ok 3 - further commits in the original
ok 4 - copy commit and tree but not blob by hand
ok 2 - 1st pull
ok 5 - quickfetch should not leave a corrupted repository
ok 6 - quickfetch should not copy from alternate
ok 7 - quickfetch should handle ~1000 refs (on Windows)
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - setup expect
ok 3 - fetch A (new commit : 1 connection)
ok 4 - create tag T on A, create C on branch cat
ok 5 - setup expect
ok 6 - fetch C, T (new branch, tag : 1 connection)
ok 7 - create commits O, B, tag S on B
ok 8 - setup expect
ok 9 - fetch B, S (commit and tag : 1 connection)
ok 10 - setup expect
ok 11 - new clone fetch master and tags
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup and inject "corrupt or missing" object
ok 2 - pushing into a repository with the same alternate
ok 2 - fetch without strict
ok 3 - fetching from a repository with the same alternate
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - fetch with !fetch.fsckobjects
ok 4 - fetch with fetch.fsckobjects
ok 5 - fetch with transfer.fsckobjects
ok 6 - push without strict
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - add remote whose URL agrees with url.<...>.insteadOf
ok 7 - push with !receive.fsckobjects
ok 8 - push with receive.fsckobjects
ok 3 - remote information for the origin
ok 9 - push with transfer.fsckobjects
ok 10 - repair the "corrupt or missing" object
ok 4 - add another remote
ok 11 - setup bogus commit
ok 12 - fsck with no skipList input
ok 13 - setup sorted and unsorted skipLists
ok 5 - check remote-tracking
ok 14 - fsck with sorted skipList
ok 6 - remote forces tracking branches
ok 13 - pre-receive hook that forgets to read its input
ok 15 - fsck with unsorted skipList
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 7 - remove remote
*** ***
ok 16 - fsck with invalid or bogus skipList input
ok 17 - fsck with other accepted skipList input (comments & empty lines)
ok 8 - remove remote
ok 18 - fsck no garbage output from comments & empty lines errors
ok 19 - fsck with invalid abbreviated skipList input
ok 20 - fsck with exhaustive accepted skipList input (various types of comments etc.)
ok 9 - remove remote protects local branches
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - remove errors out early when deleting non-existent branch
ok 11 - remove remote with a branch without configured merge
ok 2 - no group updates all
ok 12 - rename errors out early when deleting non-existent branch
ok 13 - add existing foreign_vcs remote
ok 3 - nonexistent group produces error
ok 3 - post 1st pull setup
ok 21 - push with receive.fsck.skipList
ok 14 - add existing foreign_vcs remote
ok 4 - updating group updates all members (remote update)
ok 15 - show
ok 4 - 2nd pull
ok 16 - show -n
ok 22 - fetch with fetch.fsck.skipList
ok 23 - fsck.<unknownmsg-id> dies
ok 17 - prune
ok 5 - 3rd pull
ok 5 - updating group updates all members (fetch)
ok 18 - set-head --delete
ok 19 - set-head --auto
ok 6 - single branch clone
ok 7 - single branch object count
ok 20 - set-head --auto has no problem w/multiple HEADs
ok 6 - updating group does not update non-members (remote update)
ok 24 - push with receive.fsck.missingEmail=warn
ok 8 - single given branch clone
ok 21 - set-head explicit
ok 9 - clone shallow depth 1
ok 22 - prune --dry-run
ok 10 - clone shallow depth 1 with fsck
ok 7 - updating group does not update non-members (fetch)
ok 11 - clone shallow
ok 23 - add --mirror && prune
ok 25 - fetch with fetch.fsck.missingEmail=warn
ok 12 - clone shallow depth count
ok 13 - clone shallow object count
ok 14 - clone shallow object count (part 2)
ok 26 - receive.fsck.unterminatedHeader=warn triggers error
ok 15 - fsck in shallow repo
ok 8 - updating remote name updates that remote
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 24 - add --mirror=fetch
ok 16 - simple fetch in shallow repo
ok 27 - fetch.fsck.unterminatedHeader=warn triggers error
ok 17 - no changes expected
# passed all 27 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - fetch same depth in shallow repo
ok 25 - fetch mirrors act as mirrors during fetch
ok 19 - no changes expected
ok 26 - fetch mirrors can prune
ok 1 - set up "remote" push situation
ok 2 - set up fake ssh
ok 27 - fetch mirrors do not act as mirrors during push
ok 20 - add two more
ok 28 - add fetch mirror with specific branches
ok 3 - confirm default push fails
ok 21 - pull in shallow repo
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - fetch mirror respects specific branches
ok 4 - config does not travel over same-machine push
ok 22 - clone shallow object count
ok 30 - add --mirror=push
ok 5 - config does not travel over ssh push
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 23 - add two more (part 2)
ok 31 - push mirrors act as mirrors during push
ok 24 - deepening pull in shallow repo
ok 25 - clone shallow object count
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - pushing into a repository using a ref namespace
ok 32 - push mirrors do not act as mirrors during fetch
ok 33 - push mirrors do not allow you to specify refs
ok 26 - deepening fetch in shallow repo
ok 3 - pulling from a repository using a ref namespace
ok 27 - clone shallow object count
ok 4 - mirroring a repository using a ref namespace
ok 2 - clone and setup child repos
ok 28 - pull in shallow repo with missing merge base
ok 5 - hide namespaced refs with transfer.hideRefs
ok 6 - check that transfer.hideRefs does not match unstripped refs
ok 34 - add alt && prune
ok 7 - hide full refs with transfer.hideRefs
ok 3 - fetch test
ok 8 - try to update a hidden ref
ok 4 - fetch test for-merge
ok 9 - try to update a ref that is not hidden
ok 35 - add with reachable tags (default)
ok 29 - additional simple shallow deepenings
ok 30 - clone shallow depth count
ok 31 - clone shallow object count
ok 10 - try to update a hidden full ref
ok 5 - fetch --prune on its own works as expected
ok 32 - fetch --no-shallow on full repo
ok 36 - add --tags
ok 33 - fetch --depth --no-shallow
ok 11 - set up ambiguous HEAD
ok 6 - fetch --prune with a branch name keeps branches
ok 12 - clone chooses correct HEAD (v0)
ok 7 - fetch --prune with a namespace keeps other namespaces
ok 37 - add --no-tags
ok 13 - clone chooses correct HEAD (v2)
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 38 - reject --no-no-tags
ok 34 - turn shallow to complete repository
*** ***
ok 35 - clone shallow without --no-single-branch
ok 36 - clone shallow object count
ok 8 - fetch --prune handles overlapping refspecs
ok 39 - update
ok 1 - push  (invalid)
ok 37 - clone shallow with --branch
ok 38 - clone shallow object count
ok 2 - push :
ok 9 - fetch --prune --tags prunes branches but not tags
ok 3 - push :: (invalid)
ok 39 - clone shallow with detached HEAD
ok 10 - fetch --prune --tags with branch does not prune other things
ok 4 - push +:
ok 40 - update with arguments
ok 5 - fetch 
ok 40 - shallow clone pulling tags
ok 6 - fetch :
ok 11 - fetch --prune --tags with refspec prunes based on refspec
ok 7 - fetch :: (invalid)
ok 41 - update --prune
ok 41 - shallow cloning single tag
ok 8 - push refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz/*
ok 12 - --refmap="" ignores configured refspec
ok 9 - push refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz (invalid)
ok 42 - clone shallow with packed refs
ok 10 - push refs/heads:refs/remotes/frotz/* (invalid)
ok 11 - push refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy
ok 13 - --refmap="" and --prune
ok 12 - fetch refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz/*
ok 42 - update default
ok 14 - fetch tags when there is no tags
ok 13 - fetch refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/frotz (invalid)
ok 14 - fetch refs/heads:refs/remotes/frotz/* (invalid)
ok 15 - fetch following tags
ok 43 - update default (overridden, with funny whitespace)
ok 43 - fetch in shallow repo unreachable shallow objects
ok 15 - fetch refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy
ok 44 - update (with remotes.default defined)
ok 16 - fetch refs/heads/master::refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy (invalid)
ok 45 - "remote show" does not show symbolic refs
ok 17 - fetch refs/heads/maste :refs/remotes/frotz/xyzzy (invalid)
ok 46 - reject adding remote with an invalid name
ok 16 - fetch uses remote ref names to describe new refs
ok 18 - push master~1:refs/remotes/frotz/backup
ok 44 - fetch creating new shallow root
ok 19 - fetch master~1:refs/remotes/frotz/backup (invalid)
ok 17 - fetch must not resolve short tag name
ok 47 - rename a remote
ok 18 - fetch can now resolve short remote name
ok 20 - push HEAD~4:refs/remotes/frotz/new
ok 48 - rename does not update a non-default fetch refspec
ok 21 - fetch HEAD~4:refs/remotes/frotz/new (invalid)
ok 19 - create bundle 1
ok 49 - rename a remote with name part of fetch spec
ok 20 - header of bundle looks right
ok 22 - push HEAD
ok 45 - setup tests for the --stdin parameter
ok 21 - create bundle 2
ok 23 - fetch HEAD
ok 50 - rename a remote with name prefix of other remote
ok 22 - unbundle 1
ok 24 - push refs/heads/ nitfol (invalid)
ok 51 - rename succeeds with existing remote.<target>.prune
ok 25 - fetch refs/heads/ nitfol (invalid)
ok 46 - setup fetch refs from cmdline v[12]
ok 23 - bundle 1 has only 3 files 
ok 26 - push HEAD: (invalid)
ok 24 - unbundle 2
ok 47 - protocol.version= fetch refs from cmdline
ok 52 - migrate a remote from named file in $GIT_DIR/remotes
ok 27 - fetch HEAD:
ok 48 - protocol.version=1 fetch refs from cmdline
ok 28 - push refs/heads/ nitfol: (invalid)
ok 25 - bundle does not prerequisite objects
ok 53 - migrate a remote from named file in $GIT_DIR/branches
ok 29 - fetch refs/heads/ nitfol: (invalid)
ok 49 - protocol.version=2 fetch refs from cmdline
ok 26 - bundle should be able to create a full history
ok 30 - push :refs/remotes/frotz/deleteme
ok 54 - migrate a remote from named file in $GIT_DIR/branches (2)
ok 50 - fetch refs from stdin
ok 31 - fetch :refs/remotes/frotz/HEAD-to-me
ok 27 - fetch with a non-applying branch.<name>.merge
ok 51 - fetch mixed refs from cmdline and stdin
ok 32 - push :refs/remotes/frotz/delete me (invalid)
ok 55 - remote prune to cause a dangling symref
ok 28 - fetch from GIT URL with a non-applying branch.<name>.merge [1]
ok 33 - fetch :refs/remotes/frotz/HEAD to me (invalid)
ok 52 - test duplicate refs from stdin
ok 53 - set up tests of missing reference
ok 34 - fetch refs/heads/*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/*-blah
ok 56 - show empty remote
ok 29 - fetch from GIT URL with a non-applying branch.<name>.merge [2]
ok 54 - test lonely missing ref
ok 57 - remote set-branches requires a remote
ok 35 - push refs/heads/*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/*-blah
ok 55 - test missing ref after existing
ok 36 - fetch refs/heads*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/*
ok 30 - fetch from GIT URL with a non-applying branch.<name>.merge [3]
ok 56 - test missing ref before existing
ok 31 - quoting of a strangely named repo
ok 37 - push refs/heads*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/*
ok 57 - test --all, --depth, and explicit head
ok 38 - fetch refs/heads/*/*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/* (invalid)
ok 32 - bundle should record HEAD correctly
ok 58 - test --all, --depth, and explicit tag
ok 33 - mark initial state of origin/master
ok 39 - push refs/heads/*/*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/* (invalid)
ok 58 - remote set-branches
ok 40 - fetch refs/heads/*g*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/* (invalid)
ok 34 - explicit fetch should update tracking
ok 59 - remote set-branches with --mirror
ok 41 - push refs/heads/*g*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/* (invalid)
ok 59 - test --all with tag to non-tip
ok 60 - new remote
ok 42 - fetch refs/heads/*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/*
ok 43 - push refs/heads/*/for-linus:refs/remotes/mine/*
ok 61 - get-url on new remote
ok 35 - explicit pull should update tracking
ok 36 - explicit --refmap is allowed only with command-line refspec
ok 44 - fetch refs/heads/?
ok 62 - remote set-url with locked config
ok 45 - fetch refs/heads/	tab (invalid)
# passed all 45 test(s)
ok 63 - remote set-url bar
*** ***
ok 60 - test --all wrt tag to non-commits
ok 37 - explicit --refmap option overrides remote.*.fetch
ok 64 - remote set-url baz bar
ok 65 - remote set-url zot bar
ok 66 - remote set-url --push zot baz
ok 38 - explicitly empty --refmap option disables remote.*.fetch
ok 67 - remote set-url --push zot
ok 1 - setup
ok 39 - configured fetch updates tracking
ok 61 - shallow fetch with tags does not break the repository
ok 2 - ls-remote --tags .git
ok 3 - ls-remote .git
ok 68 - get-url with different urls
ok 4 - ls-remote --tags self
ok 40 - non-matching refspecs do not confuse tracking update
ok 41 - pushing nonexistent branch by mistake should not segv
ok 69 - remote set-url --push qux zot
ok 5 - ls-remote self
ok 62 - fetch-pack can fetch a raw sha1
ok 70 - remote set-url --push foo qu+x
ok 6 - ls-remote --sort="version:refname" --tags self
ok 71 - remote set-url --push --add aaa
ok 63 - fetch-pack can fetch a raw sha1 that is advertised as a ref
ok 7 - ls-remote --sort="-version:refname" --tags self
ok 72 - get-url on multi push remote
ok 73 - remote set-url --push bar aaa
ok 8 - ls-remote --sort="-refname" --tags self
ok 9 - dies when no remote specified and no default remotes found
ok 74 - remote set-url --push --delete bar
ok 42 - auto tag following fetches minimum
ok 64 - fetch-pack can fetch a raw sha1 overlapping a named ref
ok 43 - refuse to fetch into the current branch
ok 10 - use "origin" when no remote specified
ok 75 - remote set-url --push --delete foo
ok 11 - suppress "From <url>" with -q
ok 44 - fetch into the current branch with --update-head-ok
ok 76 - remote set-url --add bbb
ok 45 - fetch --dry-run
ok 77 - get-url on multi fetch remote
ok 12 - use branch.<name>.remote if possible
ok 65 - fetch-pack cannot fetch a raw sha1 that is not advertised as a ref
ok 78 - remote set-url --delete .*
ok 79 - remote set-url --delete bbb
ok 13 - confuses pattern as remote when no remote specified
ok 66 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host/repo
ok 80 - remote set-url --delete baz
ok 46 - should be able to fetch with duplicate refspecs
ok 14 - die with non-2 for wrong repository even with --exit-code
ok 67 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host/~repo
ok 81 - remote set-url --add ccc
ok 15 - Report success even when nothing matches
ok 82 - remote set-url --delete baz
ok 68 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:/repo
ok 16 - Report no-match with --exit-code
ok 83 - extra args: setup
ok 84 - extra args: add nick url
ok 69 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:/~repo
ok 17 - Report match with --exit-code
ok 85 - extra args: rename origin newname
ok 70 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host/repo
ok 18 - set up some extra tags for ref hiding
ok 86 - extra args: remove origin
ok 71 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host/~repo
ok 87 - extra args: set-head origin master
ok 72 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host:/repo
ok 19 - Hide some refs with transfer.hiderefs
ok 88 - extra args: get-url origin newurl
ok 73 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host:/~repo
ok 89 - extra args: set-url origin newurl oldurl
ok 20 - Override hiding of transfer.hiderefs
ok 74 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]/repo
ok 90 - add remote matching the "insteadOf" URL
ok 47 - LHS of refspec follows ref disambiguation rules
ok 21 - Hide some refs with uploadpack.hiderefs
ok 75 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]/~repo
ok 76 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]:/repo
ok 22 - Override hiding of uploadpack.hiderefs
ok 48 - fetch.writeCommitGraph
ok 77 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]:/~repo
ok 23 - overrides work between mixed transfer/upload-pack hideRefs
ok 78 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1/repo
ok 91 - unqualified <dst> refspec DWIM and advice
ok 24 - protocol v2 supports hiderefs
ok 79 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1/~repo
ok 80 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1:/repo
ok 81 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1:/~repo
ok 25 - ls-remote --symref
ok 82 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:22/repo
ok 92 - refs/remotes/* <src> refspec and unqualified <dst> DWIM and advice
ok 83 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://User@host:22/repo
ok 26 - ls-remote with filtered symref (refname)
# passed all 92 test(s)
ok 84 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://User@[::1]:22/repo
not ok 27 - ls-remote with filtered symref (--heads) # TODO known breakage
ok 85 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host/repo
*** ***
ok 86 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host/~repo
ok 28 - ls-remote --symref omits filtered-out matches
ok 49 - fetch.writeCommitGraph with submodules
ok 50 - setup cmdline_setup variable for subsequent test
ok 29 # skip indicate no refs in standards-compliant empty remote (missing JGIT of PIPE,JGIT,GIT_DAEMON)
ok 87 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:/repo
ok 88 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:/~repo
ok 30 - ls-remote works outside repository
ok 31 - ls-remote --sort fails gracefully outside repository
ok 89 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host/repo
ok 32 - ls-remote patterns work with all protocol versions
ok 1 - setup
ok 90 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host/~repo
ok 33 - ls-remote prefixes work with all protocol versions
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 32 test(s)
ok 91 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host:/repo
ok 51 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
*** ***
ok 2 - fetch
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 92 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host:/~repo
*** ***
ok 93 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]/repo
ok 94 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]/~repo
ok 95 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]:/repo
ok 52 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 96 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]:/~repo
ok 97 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1/repo
ok 1 - setup
ok 98 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1/~repo
ok 99 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1:/repo
ok 53 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 100 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1:/~repo
ok 2 - git fetch --all
ok 101 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:22/repo
ok 102 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://User@host:22/repo
ok 103 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://User@[::1]:22/repo
ok 104 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host/repo
ok 54 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 105 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host/~repo
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - git fetch --all should continue if a remote has errors
ok 4 - git fetch --all does not allow non-option arguments
ok 106 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:/repo
ok 107 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:/~repo
ok 108 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host/repo
ok 55 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 5 - git fetch --multiple (but only one remote)
ok 109 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host/~repo
ok 2 - br-config-explicit
ok 110 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host:/repo
ok 111 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host:/~repo
ok 6 - git fetch --multiple (two remotes)
ok 112 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]/repo
ok 7 - git fetch --multiple (bad remote names)
ok 56 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 3 - br-config-explicit config-explicit
ok 113 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]/~repo
ok 114 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]:/repo
ok 8 - git fetch --all (skipFetchAll)
ok 115 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]:/~repo
ok 116 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1/repo
ok 117 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1/~repo
ok 4 - br-config-explicit-merge
ok 57 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 118 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1:/repo
ok 119 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1:/~repo
ok 9 - git fetch --multiple (ignoring skipFetchAll)
ok 120 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:22/repo
ok 5 - br-config-explicit-merge config-explicit
ok 121 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://User@host:22/repo
ok 58 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 122 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://User@[::1]:22/repo
ok 10 - git fetch --all --no-tags
ok 123 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host/repo
ok 124 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host/~repo
ok 125 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:/repo
ok 6 - br-config-explicit-octopus
ok 11 - git fetch --all --tags
ok 59 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 126 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:/~repo
ok 127 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host/repo
ok 12 - parallel
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 128 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host/~repo
ok 7 - br-config-explicit-octopus config-explicit
*** ***
ok 129 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host:/repo
ok 130 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host:/~repo
ok 60 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 131 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]/repo
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - br-config-glob
ok 132 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]/~repo
ok 133 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]:/repo
ok 134 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]:/~repo
ok 2 - fetch without wildcard
ok 61 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 135 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1/repo
ok 136 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1/~repo
ok 9 - br-config-glob config-glob
ok 3 - fetch with wildcard
ok 137 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1:/repo
ok 138 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1:/~repo
ok 4 - fetch with insteadOf
ok 139 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:22/repo
ok 62 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 10 - br-config-glob-merge
ok 140 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://User@host:22/repo
ok 141 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://User@[::1]:22/repo
ok 142 - fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/repo
ok 143 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/repo (missing MINGW)
ok 144 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file:///repo (missing MINGW)
ok 145 - fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/~repo
ok 146 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/~repo (missing MINGW)
ok 5 - fetch with pushInsteadOf (should not rewrite)
ok 147 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./nohost:repo
ok 148 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:nohost/~repo
ok 63 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 149 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./nohost:12:repo
ok 6 - push without wildcard
ok 11 - br-config-glob-merge config-glob
ok 150 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:nohost:12/~repo
ok 151 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[::1]:repo
ok 152 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[::1]/~repo
ok 7 - push with wildcard
ok 153 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[::1]:23:repo
ok 154 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[::1]:23/~repo
ok 64 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 12 - br-config-glob-octopus
ok 155 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[:repo
ok 8 - push with insteadOf
ok 156 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[/~repo
ok 157 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[:aa:repo
ok 158 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[:aa/~repo
ok 9 - push with pushInsteadOf
ok 159 - fetch-pack --diag-url host:repo
ok 13 - br-config-glob-octopus config-glob
ok 65 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 160 - fetch-pack --diag-url host:/~repo
ok 161 - fetch-pack --diag-url [::1]:repo
ok 162 - fetch-pack --diag-url [::1]:/~repo
ok 10 - push with pushInsteadOf and explicit pushurl (pushInsteadOf should not rewrite)
ok 163 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host/re:po
ok 14 - br-remote-explicit
ok 164 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host/~re:po
ok 66 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 165 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:/re:po
ok 166 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:/~re:po
ok 11 - push with matching heads
ok 15 - br-remote-explicit remote-explicit
ok 167 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host/re:po
ok 168 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host/~re:po
ok 169 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host:/re:po
ok 67 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 16 - br-remote-explicit-merge
ok 170 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host:/~re:po
ok 12 - push with matching heads on the command line
ok 171 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]/re:po
ok 172 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]/~re:po
ok 173 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]:/re:po
ok 174 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]:/~re:po
ok 68 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 17 - br-remote-explicit-merge remote-explicit
ok 175 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1/re:po
ok 13 - failed (non-fast-forward) push with matching heads
ok 176 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1/~re:po
ok 177 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1:/re:po
ok 178 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1:/~re:po
ok 18 - br-remote-explicit-octopus
ok 69 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 179 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:22/re:po
ok 14 - push --force with matching heads
ok 180 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://User@host:22/re:po
ok 181 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://User@[::1]:22/re:po
ok 182 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host/re:po
ok 19 - br-remote-explicit-octopus remote-explicit
ok 183 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host/~re:po
ok 184 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:/re:po
ok 185 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:/~re:po
ok 70 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 186 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host/re:po
ok 187 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host/~re:po
ok 20 - br-remote-glob
ok 15 - push with matching heads and forced update
ok 188 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host:/re:po
ok 189 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host:/~re:po
ok 71 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 190 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]/re:po
ok 191 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]/~re:po
ok 16 - push with no ambiguity (1)
ok 21 - br-remote-glob remote-glob
ok 192 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]:/re:po
ok 193 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]:/~re:po
ok 194 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1/re:po
ok 72 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 195 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1/~re:po
ok 17 - push with no ambiguity (2)
ok 196 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1:/re:po
ok 22 - br-remote-glob-merge
ok 197 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1:/~re:po
ok 198 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:22/re:po
ok 73 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 199 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://User@host:22/re:po
ok 23 - br-remote-glob-merge remote-glob
ok 200 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://User@[::1]:22/re:po
ok 18 - push with colon-less refspec, no ambiguity
ok 201 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host/re:po
ok 202 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host/~re:po
ok 203 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:/re:po
ok 24 - br-remote-glob-octopus
ok 204 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:/~re:po
ok 74 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 205 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host/re:po
ok 206 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host/~re:po
ok 19 - push with weak ambiguity (1)
ok 207 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host:/re:po
ok 208 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host:/~re:po
ok 25 - br-remote-glob-octopus remote-glob
ok 209 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]/re:po
ok 75 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 210 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]/~re:po
ok 211 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]:/re:po
ok 26 - br-branches-default
ok 212 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]:/~re:po
ok 213 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1/re:po
ok 20 - push with weak ambiguity (2)
ok 214 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1/~re:po
ok 76 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 27 - br-branches-default branches-default
ok 215 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1:/re:po
ok 216 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1:/~re:po
ok 217 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:22/re:po
ok 218 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://User@host:22/re:po
ok 21 - push with ambiguity
ok 28 - br-branches-default-merge
ok 219 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://User@[::1]:22/re:po
ok 77 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 220 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host/re:po
ok 221 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host/~re:po
ok 29 - br-branches-default-merge branches-default
ok 222 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:/re:po
ok 223 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:/~re:po
ok 22 - push with colon-less refspec (1)
ok 224 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host/re:po
ok 78 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 225 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host/~re:po
ok 30 - br-branches-default-octopus
ok 226 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host:/re:po
ok 227 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host:/~re:po
ok 228 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]/re:po
ok 229 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]/~re:po
ok 31 - br-branches-default-octopus branches-default
ok 23 - push with colon-less refspec (2)
ok 230 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]:/re:po
ok 79 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 231 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]:/~re:po
ok 232 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1/re:po
ok 32 - br-branches-one
ok 233 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1/~re:po
ok 24 - push with colon-less refspec (3)
ok 234 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1:/re:po
ok 80 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 235 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1:/~re:po
ok 33 - br-branches-one branches-one
ok 236 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:22/re:po
ok 25 - push with colon-less refspec (4)
ok 237 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://User@host:22/re:po
ok 238 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://User@[::1]:22/re:po
ok 81 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 239 - fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/re:po
ok 26 - push head with non-existent, incomplete dest
ok 240 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/re:po (missing MINGW)
ok 241 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file:///re:po (missing MINGW)
ok 34 - br-branches-one-merge
ok 242 - fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/~re:po
ok 243 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/~re:po (missing MINGW)
ok 244 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./nohost:re:po
ok 245 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:nohost/~re:po
ok 27 - push tag with non-existent, incomplete dest
ok 246 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./nohost:12:re:po
ok 35 - br-branches-one-merge branches-one
ok 247 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:nohost:12/~re:po
ok 248 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[::1]:re:po
ok 28 - push sha1 with non-existent, incomplete dest
ok 249 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[::1]/~re:po
ok 82 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 250 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[::1]:23:re:po
ok 29 - push ref expression with non-existent, incomplete dest
ok 251 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[::1]:23/~re:po
ok 36 - br-branches-one-octopus
ok 252 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[:re:po
ok 253 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[/~re:po
ok 254 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[:aa:re:po
ok 255 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[:aa/~re:po
ok 256 - fetch-pack --diag-url host:re:po
ok 83 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 37 - br-branches-one-octopus branches-one
ok 30 - push with HEAD
ok 257 - fetch-pack --diag-url host:/~re:po
ok 258 - fetch-pack --diag-url [::1]:re:po
ok 259 - fetch-pack --diag-url [::1]:/~re:po
ok 260 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host/re/po
ok 38 - master
ok 31 - push with HEAD nonexisting at remote
ok 261 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host/~re/po
ok 84 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 262 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:/re/po
ok 263 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:/~re/po
ok 39 - master config-explicit
ok 264 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host/re/po
ok 265 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host/~re/po
ok 266 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host:/re/po
ok 85 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 267 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@host:/~re/po
ok 40 - master config-glob
ok 268 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]/re/po
ok 32 - push with +HEAD
ok 269 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]/~re/po
ok 270 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]:/re/po
ok 271 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@[::1]:/~re/po
ok 41 - master remote-explicit
ok 33 - push HEAD with non-existent, incomplete dest
ok 272 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1/re/po
ok 86 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 273 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1/~re/po
ok 274 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1:/re/po
ok 42 - master remote-glob
ok 275 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://user@::1:/~re/po
ok 276 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://host:22/re/po
ok 277 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://User@host:22/re/po
ok 87 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 34 - push with config remote.*.push = HEAD
ok 278 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh+git://User@[::1]:22/re/po
ok 43 - master branches-default
ok 279 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host/re/po
ok 280 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host/~re/po
ok 281 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:/re/po
ok 282 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:/~re/po
ok 283 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host/re/po
ok 44 - master branches-one
ok 88 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 284 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host/~re/po
ok 285 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host:/re/po
ok 286 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@host:/~re/po
ok 45 - br-unconfig
ok 287 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]/re/po
ok 35 - push with remote.pushdefault
ok 288 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]/~re/po
ok 89 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 289 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]:/re/po
ok 46 - br-unconfig config-explicit
ok 290 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@[::1]:/~re/po
ok 291 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1/re/po
ok 292 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1/~re/po
ok 36 - push with config remote.*.pushurl
ok 293 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1:/re/po
ok 90 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 47 - br-unconfig config-glob
ok 294 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://user@::1:/~re/po
ok 295 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://host:22/re/po
ok 296 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://User@host:22/re/po
ok 297 - fetch-pack --diag-url git+ssh://User@[::1]:22/re/po
ok 91 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 298 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host/re/po
ok 48 - br-unconfig remote-explicit
ok 299 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host/~re/po
ok 300 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:/re/po
ok 301 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:/~re/po
ok 302 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host/re/po
ok 49 - br-unconfig remote-glob
ok 303 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host/~re/po
ok 304 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host:/re/po
ok 37 - push with config branch.*.pushremote
ok 92 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 305 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@host:/~re/po
ok 306 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]/re/po
ok 50 - br-unconfig branches-default
ok 307 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]/~re/po
ok 308 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]:/re/po
ok 309 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@[::1]:/~re/po
ok 93 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 310 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1/re/po
ok 311 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1/~re/po
ok 51 - br-unconfig branches-one
ok 312 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1:/re/po
ok 313 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://user@::1:/~re/po
ok 314 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://host:22/re/po
ok 38 - branch.*.pushremote config order is irrelevant
ok 52 - master ../.git
ok 315 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://User@host:22/re/po
ok 94 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 316 - fetch-pack --diag-url git://User@[::1]:22/re/po
ok 53 - master ../.git one
ok 317 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host/re/po
ok 39 - push with dry-run
ok 318 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host/~re/po
ok 319 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:/re/po
ok 54 - master ../.git one two
ok 320 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:/~re/po
ok 95 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 321 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host/re/po
ok 55 - master --tags ../.git
ok 322 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host/~re/po
ok 323 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host:/re/po
ok 324 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@host:/~re/po
ok 40 - push updates local refs
ok 325 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]/re/po
ok 56 - master ../.git tag tag-one tag tag-three
ok 326 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]/~re/po
ok 96 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 327 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]:/re/po
ok 328 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@[::1]:/~re/po
ok 57 - master ../.git tag tag-one-tree tag tag-three-file
ok 329 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1/re/po
ok 330 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1/~re/po
ok 97 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 58 - master ../.git one tag tag-one tag tag-three-file
ok 331 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1:/re/po
ok 332 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://user@::1:/~re/po
ok 41 - push updates up-to-date local refs
ok 333 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://host:22/re/po
ok 59 - br-unconfig ../.git
ok 334 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://User@host:22/re/po
ok 98 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 335 - fetch-pack --diag-url ssh://User@[::1]:22/re/po
ok 336 - fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/re/po
ok 42 - push preserves up-to-date packed refs
ok 337 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/re/po (missing MINGW)
ok 60 - br-unconfig ../.git one
ok 338 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file:///re/po (missing MINGW)
ok 339 - fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/~re/po
ok 340 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://User@[::1]/~re/po (missing MINGW)
ok 341 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./nohost:re/po
ok 61 - br-unconfig ../.git one two
ok 342 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:nohost/~re/po
ok 99 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 343 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./nohost:12:re/po
ok 344 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:nohost:12/~re/po
ok 62 - br-unconfig --tags ../.git
ok 345 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[::1]:re/po
ok 346 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[::1]/~re/po
ok 43 - push does not update local refs on failure
ok 347 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[::1]:23:re/po
ok 348 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[::1]:23/~re/po
ok 63 - br-unconfig ../.git tag tag-one tag tag-three
ok 100 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 349 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[:re/po
ok 350 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[/~re/po
ok 44 - allow deleting an invalid remote ref
ok 351 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./[:aa:re/po
ok 352 - fetch-pack --diag-url ./file:[:aa/~re/po
ok 64 - br-unconfig ../.git tag tag-one-tree tag tag-three-file
ok 353 - fetch-pack --diag-url host:re/po
ok 354 - fetch-pack --diag-url host:/~re/po
ok 355 - fetch-pack --diag-url [::1]:re/po
ok 101 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 356 - fetch-pack --diag-url [::1]:/~re/po
ok 357 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url file://c:/repo (missing MINGW)
ok 358 # skip fetch-pack --diag-url c:repo (missing MINGW)
ok 65 - br-unconfig ../.git one tag tag-one tag tag-three-file
# passed all 65 test(s)
*** ***
ok 45 - pushing valid refs triggers post-receive and post-update hooks
ok 359 - clone shallow since ...
ok 102 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 360 - fetch shallow since ...
ok 1 - push mirror creates new branches
ok 361 - clone shallow since selects no commits
ok 46 - deleting dangling ref triggers hooks with correct args
ok 103 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 2 - push mirror updates existing branches
ok 362 - shallow since with commit graph and already-seen commit
ok 104 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 47 - deletion of a non-existent ref is not fed to post-receive and post-update hooks
ok 363 - shallow clone exclude tag two
ok 364 - fetch exclude tag one
ok 3 - push mirror force updates existing branches
ok 48 - deletion of a non-existent ref alone does trigger post-receive and post-update hooks
ok 105 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 4 - push mirror removes branches
ok 106 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 365 - fetching deepen
ok 107 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 49 - mixed ref updates, deletes, invalid deletes trigger hooks with correct input
ok 5 - push mirror adds, updates and removes branches together
ok 50 - allow deleting a ref using --delete
ok 6 - push mirror creates new tags
ok 366 - use ref advertisement to prune "have" lines sent
ok 108 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 51 - allow deleting a tag using --delete
ok 7 - push mirror updates existing tags
ok 367 - filtering by size
ok 109 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 52 - push --delete without args aborts
ok 368 - filtering by size has no effect if support for it is not advertised
ok 53 - push --delete refuses src:dest refspecs
ok 8 - push mirror force updates existing tags
ok 110 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 54 - warn on push to HEAD of non-bare repository
ok 369 - fetch with --filter=blob:limit=0
# passed all 369 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
ok 9 - push mirror removes tags
ok 111 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
*** ***
ok 55 - deny push to HEAD of non-bare repository
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - non-fast-forward fetch
ok 112 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --no-prune; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 10 - push mirror adds, updates and removes tags together
ok 56 - allow push to HEAD of bare repository (bare)
ok 3 - forced update
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 11 - adds and removes branches
ok 113 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 57 - allow push to HEAD of non-bare repository (config)
ok 1 - setup
ok 12 - has no effect
ok 58 - fetch with branches
ok 2 - alice works and pushes
ok 114 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 13 - push to mirrored repository with refspec fails
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 59 - fetch with branches containing #
ok 3 - bob fetches from alice, works and pushes
ok 1 - setup
ok 4 - clean-up in case the previous failed
ok 60 - push with branches
ok 115 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 5 - alice works and pushes again
ok 2 - pulling into void
ok 61 - push with branches containing #
ok 3 - pulling into void using master:master
ok 6 - bob works and pushes
ok 4 - pulling into void does not overwrite untracked files
ok 116 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 7 - alice works and pushes yet again
ok 5 - pulling into void does not overwrite staged files
ok 62 - push into aliased refs (consistent)
ok 8 - bob works and pushes again
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 6 - pulling into void does not remove new staged files
*** ***
ok 7 - pulling into void must not create an octopus
ok 117 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - test . as a remote
ok 2 - git pull -q
ok 63 - push into aliased refs (inconsistent)
ok 118 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 9 - the default remote . should not break explicit pull
ok 3 - git pull -q --rebase
ok 10 - fail if wildcard spec does not match any refs
ok 4 - git pull
ok 119 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 5 - git pull --rebase
ok 11 - fail if no branches specified with non-default remote
ok 6 - git pull -v
ok 12 - fail if not on a branch
ok 7 - git pull -v --rebase
ok 120 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 8 - git pull -v -q
ok 13 - fail if no configuration for current branch
ok 9 - git pull -q -v
ok 10 - git pull --cleanup errors early on invalid argument
ok 14 - pull --all: fail if no configuration for current branch
ok 64 - force pushing required to update lightweight tag
ok 121 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 15 - fail if upstream branch does not exist
ok 11 - git pull --force
ok 122 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 12 - git pull --all
ok 13 - git pull --dry-run
ok 16 - fail if the index has unresolved entries
ok 17 - fast-forwards working tree if branch head is updated
ok 14 - git pull --all --dry-run
ok 123 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune --prune-tags; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 18 - fast-forward fails with conflicting work tree
ok 65 - force pushing required to update annotated tag
ok 15 - git pull --allow-unrelated-histories
ok 124 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune --prune-tags; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 19 - --rebase
ok 125 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 16 - git pull does not add a sign-off line
ok 20 - --rebase fast forward
ok 66 - fetch will not clobber an existing lightweight tag without --force
ok 17 - git pull --no-signoff does not add sign-off line
ok 126 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 21 - --rebase --autostash fast forward
ok 18 - git pull --signoff add a sign-off line
ok 67 - fetch will not clobber an existing annotated tag without --force
ok 127 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 22 - --rebase with conflicts shows advice
ok 68 - push --porcelain
ok 19 - git pull --no-signoff flag cancels --signoff flag
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 69 - push --porcelain bad url
ok 128 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 23 - failed --rebase shows advice
ok 1 - setup
ok 70 - push --porcelain rejected
ok 24 - --rebase fails with multiple branches
ok 2 - pulling from real subdir
ok 71 - push --porcelain --dry-run rejected
ok 129 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 3 - pulling from symlinked subdir
ok 25 - pull --rebase succeeds with dirty working directory and rebase.autostash set
ok 4 - pushing from symlinked subdir
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 130 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 1 - setup bare parent
ok 26 - pull --rebase --autostash & rebase.autostash=true
ok 72 - push --prune
ok 2 - setup local commit
ok 3 - push -u master:master
ok 4 - push -u master:other
ok 131 - name prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=false remote.origin.pruneTags=true; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 27 - pull --rebase --autostash & rebase.autostash=false
ok 5 - push -u --dry-run master:otherX
ok 6 - push -u master2:master2
ok 73 - push --prune refspec
ok 7 - push -u master2:other2
ok 8 - push -u :master2
ok 28 - pull --rebase --autostash & rebase.autostash unset
ok 132 - link prune fetch.prune=false remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=false remote.origin.pruneTags=true; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 29 - pull --rebase --no-autostash & rebase.autostash=true
ok 9 - push -u --all
ok 30 - pull --rebase --no-autostash & rebase.autostash=false
ok 10 - push -u HEAD
ok 31 - pull --rebase --no-autostash & rebase.autostash unset
ok 11 # skip progress messages go to tty (missing TTY)
ok 133 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=false; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 32 - pull --autostash (without --rebase) is illegal
ok 33 - pull --no-autostash (without --rebase) is illegal
ok 12 - progress messages do not go to non-tty
ok 34 - pull.rebase
ok 13 - progress messages go to non-tty (forced)
ok 14 # skip push -q suppresses progress (missing TTY)
ok 15 # skip push --no-progress suppresses progress (missing TTY)
ok 16 # skip quiet push (missing TTY)
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 134 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=false fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=false; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 74 - push to update a ref hidden by transfer.hiderefs
ok 35 - pull --autostash & pull.rebase=true
ok 1 - setup
ok 36 - pull --no-autostash & pull.rebase=true
ok 135 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune --prune-tags origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 2 - pull
ok 37 -
ok 3 - --log=1 limits shortlog length
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 136 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune --prune-tags origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 38 - should override pull.rebase
ok 75 - push to update a ref hidden by receive.hiderefs
ok 137 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 1 - setup
ok 39 - pull --rebase warns on --verify-signatures
ok 2 - fetch with tagopt=--no-tags does not get tag
ok 40 - pull --rebase does not warn on --no-verify-signatures
ok 3 - fetch --tags with tagopt=--no-tags gets tag
ok 4 - fetch --no-tags with tagopt=--tags does not get tag
ok 138 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 41 - preserve merge setup
ok 5 - fetch with tagopt=--tags gets tag
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 42 - pull.rebase=false create a new merge commit
ok 76 - fetch exact SHA1
ok 139 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true --prune origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 43 - pull.rebase=true flattens keep-merge
ok 140 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true --prune origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*; branch:pruned tag:kept
ok 44 - pull.rebase=1 is treated as true and flattens keep-merge
ok 77 - fetch exact SHA1 in protocol v2
ok 141 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 78 - shallow fetch reachable SHA1 (but not a ref), allowtipsha1inwant=true
ok 142 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:kept
ok 79 - deny fetch unreachable SHA1, allowtipsha1inwant=true
ok 143 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin --prune --prune-tags; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 1 - setup
ok 80 - shallow fetch reachable SHA1 (but not a ref), allowtipsha1inwant=false
ok 144 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin --prune --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 2 - fetch --recurse-submodules recurses into submodules
ok 145 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune --prune-tags origin; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 81 - deny fetch unreachable SHA1, allowtipsha1inwant=false
ok 3 - submodule.recurse option triggers recursive fetch
ok 146 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune --prune-tags origin; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 4 - fetch --recurse-submodules -j2 has the same output behaviour
ok 82 - fetch follows tags by default
ok 147 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 5 - fetch alone only fetches superproject
ok 83 - peeled advertisements are not considered ref tips
ok 6 - fetch --no-recurse-submodules only fetches superproject
ok 45 - pull.rebase=preserve rebases and merges keep-merge
ok 7 - using fetchRecurseSubmodules=true in .gitmodules recurses into submodules
ok 148 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset --prune origin; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 46 - pull.rebase=interactive
ok 84 - pushing a specific ref applies remote.$name.push as refmap
ok 8 - --no-recurse-submodules overrides .gitmodules config
ok 47 - pull --rebase=i
ok 9 - using fetchRecurseSubmodules=false in .git/config overrides setting in .gitmodules
ok 48 - pull.rebase=invalid fails
ok 149 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true --prune origin; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 49 - --rebase=false create a new merge commit
ok 10 - --recurse-submodules overrides fetchRecurseSubmodules setting from .git/config
ok 85 - with no remote.$name.push, it is not used as refmap
ok 150 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true --prune origin; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 11 - --quiet propagates to submodules
ok 50 - --rebase=true rebases and flattens keep-merge
ok 12 - --quiet propagates to parallel submodules
ok 151 - name prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 86 - with no remote.$name.push, upstream mapping is used
ok 13 - --dry-run propagates to submodules
ok 152 - link prune fetch.prune=true remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 14 - Without --dry-run propagates to submodules
ok 87 - push does not follow tags by default
ok 153 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 15 - recurseSubmodules=true propagates into submodules
ok 88 - push --follow-tags only pushes relevant tags
ok 154 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=true remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 16 - --recurse-submodules overrides config in submodule
ok 89 - push --no-thin must produce non-thin pack
ok 17 - --no-recurse-submodules overrides config setting
ok 90 - pushing a tag pushes the tagged object
ok 18 - Recursion doesn't happen when no new commits are fetched in the superproject
ok 155 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true origin; branch:pruned tag:pruned
ok 91 - push into bare respects core.logallrefupdates
ok 19 - Recursion stops when no new submodule commits are fetched
ok 156 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=true fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=true origin; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 157 - remove remote.origin.fetch "one"
ok 92 - fetch into bare respects core.logallrefupdates
ok 20 - Recursion doesn't happen when new superproject commits don't change any submodules
ok 158 - name prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin --prune --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 51 - --rebase=preserve rebases and merges keep-merge
ok 52 - --rebase=invalid fails
ok 21 - Recursion picks up config in submodule
ok 159 - link prune fetch.prune=unset remote.origin.prune=unset fetch.pruneTags=unset remote.origin.pruneTags=unset origin --prune --prune-tags; branch:kept tag:pruned
ok 53 - --rebase overrides pull.rebase=preserve and flattens keep-merge
ok 160 - all boundary commits are excluded
ok 54 - --rebase with rebased upstream
ok 161 - fetch --prune prints the remotes url
ok 22 - Recursion picks up all submodules when necessary
ok 55 - --rebase -f with rebased upstream
ok 162 - branchname D/F conflict resolved by --prune
ok 56 - --rebase with rebased default upstream
ok 23 - '--recurse-submodules=on-demand' doesn't recurse when no new commits are fetched in the superproject (and ignores config)
ok 163 - fetching a one-level ref works
ok 93 - receive.denyCurrentBranch = updateInstead
ok 57 - rebased upstream + fetch + pull --rebase
ok 24 - '--recurse-submodules=on-demand' recurses as deep as necessary (and ignores config)
ok 164 - fetching with auto-gc does not lock up
ok 165 - fetch aligned output
ok 25 - '--recurse-submodules=on-demand' stops when no new submodule commits are found in the superproject (and ignores config)
ok 58 - pull --rebase dies early with dirty working directory
ok 59 - pull --rebase works on branch yet to be born
ok 166 - fetch compact output
ok 94 - updateInstead with push-to-checkout hook
ok 60 - pull --rebase fails on unborn branch with staged changes
# passed all 94 test(s)
*** ***
ok 61 - pull --rebase fails on corrupt HEAD
ok 167 - --no-show-forced-updates
ok 26 - 'fetch.recurseSubmodules=on-demand' overrides global config
ok 1 - setup repo with odd suffix ref
ok 62 - setup for detecting upstreamed changes
ok 2 - suffix ref is ignored during fetch
ok 63 - git pull --rebase detects upstreamed changes
ok 3 - try to create repo with absurdly long refname
ok 4 - fetch handles extremely long refname
ok 168 - --negotiation-tip limits "have" lines sent
ok 5 - push handles extremely long refname
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 64 - setup for avoiding reapplying old patches
*** ***
ok 27 - 'submodule.<sub>.fetchRecurseSubmodules=on-demand' overrides fetch.recurseSubmodules
ok 65 - git pull --rebase does not reapply old patches
ok 28 - don't fetch submodule when newly recorded commits are already present
ok 66 - git pull --rebase against local branch
# passed all 66 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup bare remotes
ok 169 - --negotiation-tip understands globs
ok 1 - setup commits
ok 2 - setup remote
ok 3 - setup fake receive-pack
ok 2 - "upstream" pushes to configured upstream
ok 4 - detect missing branches early
ok 5 - detect missing sha1 expressions early
ok 6 - detect ambiguous refs early
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 3 - "upstream" does not push on unconfigured remote
*** ***
ok 29 - 'fetch.recurseSubmodules=on-demand' works also without .gitmodules entry
ok 4 - "upstream" does not push on unconfigured branch
ok 1 - setup and corrupt repository
ok 170 - --negotiation-tip understands abbreviated SHA-1
ok 2 - fsck fails
# passed all 170 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
ok 3 - upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects packing
ok 5 - "upstream" does not push when remotes do not match
ok 4 - corrupt repo differently
ok 30 - fetching submodules respects parallel settings
ok 5 - fsck fails
*** ***
ok 6 - upload-pack fails due to error in rev-list
ok 6 - push from/to new branch with upstream, matching and simple
ok 7 - upload-pack fails due to bad want (no object)
ok 8 - upload-pack fails due to bad want (not tip)
ok 9 - upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects enumeration
ok 10 - create empty repository
ok 11 - fetch fails
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 1 - setup
*** ***
ok 2 - push works with recorded gitlink
ok 7 - push ambiguously named branch with upstream, matching and simple
ok 1 - setup remote repo
ok 2 - setup proxy script
ok 8 - push from/to new branch with current creates remote branch
ok 3 - setup local repo
ok 3 - push if submodule has no remote
ok 31 - fetching submodule into a broken repository
ok 9 - push to existing branch, with no upstream configured
ok 4 - fetch through proxy works
ok 5 - funny hostnames are rejected before running proxy
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - push fails if submodule commit not on remote
ok 10 - push to existing branch, upstream configured with same name
ok 5 - push succeeds after commit was pushed to remote
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - push to update (protected)
ok 6 - push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using on-demand on command line
ok 11 - push to existing branch, upstream configured with different name
ok 32 - fetch new commits when submodule got renamed
ok 7 - push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using on-demand from config
ok 3 - push to update (protected, forced)
ok 12 - push.default = current success in central workflows
ok 13 - push.default = upstream success in central workflows
ok 8 - push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote but using auto-on-demand via submodule.recurse config
ok 4 - push to update (protected, tracking)
ok 14 - push.default = simple failure in central workflows
ok 15 - push.default = matching success in central workflows
ok 5 - push to update (protected, tracking, forced)
ok 16 - push.default = current success in triangular workflows
ok 9 - push recurse-submodules on command line overrides config
ok 17 - push.default = upstream failure in triangular workflows
ok 6 - push to update (allowed)
ok 18 - push.default = simple success in triangular workflows
ok 10 - push recurse-submodules last one wins on command line
ok 7 - push to update (allowed, tracking)
ok 19 - push.default = matching success in triangular workflows
ok 20 - default behavior allows "simple" push
ok 11 - push succeeds if submodule commit not on remote using on-demand from cmdline overriding config
ok 8 - push to update (allowed even though no-ff)
ok 21 - default behavior rejects non-simple push
ok 12 - push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from cmdline overriding config
ok 9 - push to delete (protected)
ok 22 - default triangular behavior acts like "current"
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - push to delete (protected, forced)
ok 13 - push succeeds if submodule commit disabling recursion from cmdline (alternative form) overriding config
ok 33 - fetch new submodule commits on-demand outside standard refspec
ok 1 - setup
ok 11 - push to delete (allowed)
ok 14 - submodule entry pointing at a tag is error
ok 2 - unsigned push does not send push certificate
ok 12 - cover everything with default force-with-lease (protected)
ok 15 - push fails if recurse submodules option passed as yes
ok 3 - talking with a receiver without push certificate support
ok 16 - push fails when commit on multiple branches if one branch has no remote
ok 13 - cover everything with default force-with-lease (allowed)
ok 4 - push --signed fails with a receiver without push certificate support
ok 17 - push succeeds if submodule has no remote and is on the first superproject commit
ok 5 - push --signed=1 is accepted
ok 6 # skip no certificate for a signed push with no update (missing GPG)
ok 7 # skip signed push sends push certificate (missing GPG)
ok 8 # skip inconsistent push options in signed push not allowed (missing GPG)
ok 9 # skip fail without key and heed user.signingkey (missing GPG)
ok 10 # skip fail without key and heed user.signingkey x509 (missing GPGSM)
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - new branch covered by force-with-lease
ok 18 - push unpushed submodules when not needed
ok 34 - fetch new submodule commit on-demand in FETCH_HEAD
ok 1 - setup
ok 15 - new branch covered by force-with-lease (explicit)
ok 19 - push unpushed submodules when not needed 2
ok 2 - push
ok 16 - new branch already exists
ok 3 - fetch
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 20 - push unpushed submodules recursively
ok 1 - setup
ok 21 - push unpushable submodule recursively fails
ok 2 - fetch with no conflict
ok 3 - fetch conflict: config vs. config
ok 22 - push --dry-run does not recursively update submodules
ok 17 - background updates of REMOTE can be mitigated with a non-updated REMOTE-push
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 35 - fetch new submodule commits on-demand without .gitmodules entry
*** ***
ok 4 - fetch duplicate: config vs. config
ok 23 - push --dry-run does not recursively update submodules
ok 5 - fetch conflict: arg overrides config
ok 1 - setup
ok 24 - push only unpushed submodules recursively
ok 6 - fetch conflict: arg vs. arg
ok 2 - setup shallow clone
ok 36 - fetch new submodule commit intermittently referenced by superproject
# passed all 36 test(s)
ok 7 - fetch conflict: criss-cross args
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 3 - clone from shallow clone
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
ok 25 - push propagating the remotes name to a submodule
*** ***
ok 4 - fetch from shallow clone
ok 5 - fetch --depth from shallow clone
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 6 - fetch --unshallow from shallow clone
ok 1 - setup
ok 26 - push propagating refspec to a submodule
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 7 - fetch something upstream has but hidden by clients shallow boundaries
ok 2 - push from shallow clone
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
ok 3 - push from shallow clone, with grafted roots
*** ***
ok 8 - fetch that requires changes in .git/shallow is filtered
ok 27 - push propagating HEAD refspec to a submodule
# passed all 27 test(s)
ok 4 - add new shallow root with receive.updateshallow on
*** ***
ok 9 - fetch --update-shallow
ok 5 - push from shallow to shallow
ok 1 - create some history to fetch
ok 1 - atomic push works for a single branch
ok 10 - shallow fetch from a read-only repo
ok 2 - create debugging hook script
ok 6 - push from full to shallow
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - hook runs via global config
ok 4 - hook outputs are sane
ok 5 - hook runs from -c config
ok 6 - hook does not run from repo config
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - atomic push works for two branches
ok 11 - .git/shallow is edited by repack
# passed all 11 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 1 - create known-size (1024 bytes) commit
ok 2 - prepare destination repository
ok 1 - one push option works for a single branch
ok 3 - set unpacklimit to 1
ok 1 - create picky dest repo
ok 3 - atomic push works in combination with --mirror
ok 4 - setting receive.maxInputSize to 512 rejects push
ok 2 - accepted objects work
ok 5 - bumping limit to 4k allows push
ok 6 - prepare destination repository (again)
ok 7 - lifting the limit allows push
ok 8 - prepare destination repository
ok 2 - push option denied by remote
ok 9 - set unpacklimit to 10000
ok 3 - rejected objects are not installed
ok 10 - setting receive.maxInputSize to 512 rejects push
ok 4 - rejected objects are removed
ok 11 - bumping limit to 4k allows push
ok 12 - prepare destination repository (again)
ok 5 - push to repo path with path separator (colon)
ok 4 - atomic push works in combination with --force
ok 13 - lifting the limit allows push
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 6 - updating a ref from quarantine is forbidden
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - two push options work
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 1 - setup bare parent fetch
ok 5 - atomic push fails if one branch fails
ok 2 - setup commit on master and other fetch
ok 3 - fetch --set-upstream does not set upstream w/o branch
ok 1 - commits with no parents are sent regardless of skip distance
ok 4 - fetch --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master but not other
ok 6 - atomic push fails if one tag fails remotely
ok 5 - fetch --set-upstream upstream other sets branch other
ok 4 - push options and submodules
ok 6 - fetch --set-upstream master:other does not set the branch other2
ok 7 - fetch --set-upstream fails with invalid url
ok 7 - atomic push obeys update hook preventing a branch to be pushed
ok 5 - default push option
ok 8 - fetch --set-upstream with valid URL sets upstream to URL
ok 9 - setup bare parent pull
ok 10 - setup commit on master and other pull
ok 8 - atomic push is not advertised if configured
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - when two skips collide, favor the larger one
ok 11 - pull --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master but not other
ok 6 - two default push options
ok 12 - pull --set-upstream master:other2 does not set the branch other2
ok 1 - setup repository
ok 2 - direct refs/heads/master not found
ok 13 - pull --set-upstream upstream other sets branch master
ok 7 - push option from command line overrides from-config push option
ok 14 - pull --set-upstream upstream tag does not set the tag
ok 3 - use ref advertisement to filter out commits
ok 3 - static file is ok
ok 15 - pull --set-upstream fails with invalid url
ok 4 - no export by default
ok 8 - empty value of push.pushOption in config clears the list
ok 4 - handle clock skew
ok 5 - export if git-daemon-export-ok
ok 16 - pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD sets branch HEAD
ok 17 - pull --set-upstream upstream with more than one branch does nothing
ok 9 - invalid push option in config
ok 6 - static file if http.getanyfile true is ok
ok 18 - pull --set-upstream with valid URL sets upstream to URL
ok 10 - push options keep quoted characters intact (direct)
# passed all 10 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 7 - static file if http.getanyfile false fails
ok 19 - pull --set-upstream with valid URL and branch sets branch
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - http.uploadpack default enabled
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 9 - http.uploadpack true
ok 10 - http.uploadpack false
ok 11 - http.receivepack default disabled
ok 1 - setup repository
ok 12 - http.receivepack true
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - create git-accessible bare repository
ok 2 - setup, compression related
ok 13 - http.receivepack false
ok 3 - fetch plain
ok 3 - clone git repository
ok 4 - fetch plain truncated
ok 14 - http-backend blocks bad PATH_INFO
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - fetch plain empty
ok 4 - fetch changes via git protocol
ok 6 - fetch gzipped
ok 5 - no-op fetch -v stderr is as expected
ok 6 - no-op fetch without "-v" is quiet
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - fetch gzipped truncated
ok 8 - fetch gzipped empty
ok 7 - remote detects correct HEAD
ok 2 - push with failing hook
ok 8 - prepare pack objects
ok 3 - --no-verify bypasses hook
ok 9 - push plain
ok 9 - fetch notices corrupt pack
ok 10 - push plain truncated
ok 4 - push with hook
ok 11 - push plain empty
ok 10 - fetch notices corrupt idx
ok 5 - add a branch
ok 11 - clone non-existent
ok 12 - push disabled
ok 12 - push gzipped
ok 13 - read access denied
ok 6 - push to default
ok 13 - push gzipped truncated
ok 14 - not exported
ok 14 - push gzipped empty
ok 15 - CONTENT_LENGTH overflow ssite_t
ok 7 - push non-branches
ok 15 - clone non-existent
ok 16 - push disabled
ok 8 - push delete
ok 16 - empty CONTENT_LENGTH
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - read access denied
ok 9 - push to URL
ok 18 - not exported
ok 19 - access repo via interpolated hostname
ok 10 - set up many-ref tests
ok 20 - hostname cannot break out of directory
ok 21 - hostname interpolation works after LF-stripping
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 11 - sigpipe does not cause pre-push hook failure
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 1 # skip create repositories with signed commits (missing GPG)
ok 2 # skip pull unsigned commit with --verify-signatures (missing GPG)
ok 3 # skip pull commit with bad signature with --verify-signatures (missing GPG)
ok 4 # skip pull commit with untrusted signature with --verify-signatures (missing GPG)
ok 5 # skip pull signed commit with --verify-signatures (missing GPG)
ok 6 # skip pull commit with bad signature without verification (missing GPG)
ok 7 # skip pull commit with bad signature with --no-verify-signatures (missing GPG)
ok 8 # skip pull unsigned commit into unborn branch (missing GPG)
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping Windows-only path tests
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 1 - clone of non-existent source should fail
ok 2 - failed clone should not leave a directory
ok 3 - create a repo to clone
ok 1 - setup
ok 4 - create objects in repo for later corruption
ok 2 - clone with excess parameters (1)
ok 5 - clone of non-existent (relative to $PWD) source should fail
ok 3 - clone with excess parameters (2)
ok 6 - clone should work now that source exists
ok 7 - successful clone must leave the directory
ok 8 - failed clone --separate-git-dir should not leave any directories
ok 4 - output from clone
ok 9 - failed clone into empty leaves directory (vanilla)
ok 5 - clone does not keep pack
ok 6 - clone checks out files
ok 10 - failed clone into empty leaves directory (bare)
ok 7 - clone respects GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 11 - failed clone into empty leaves directory (separate)
ok 8 - clone from hooks
ok 9 - clone creates intermediate directories
ok 12 - failed clone into empty leaves directory (separate, git)
ok 10 - clone creates intermediate directories for bare repo
ok 11 - clone --mirror
ok 13 - failed clone into empty leaves directory (separate, wt)
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - clone --mirror with detached HEAD
ok 1 - setup
ok 13 - clone --bare with detached HEAD
ok 2 - clone calls git upload-pack unqualified with no -u option
ok 14 - clone --bare names the local repository <name>.git
ok 3 - clone calls specified git upload-pack with -u option
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 15 - clone --mirror does not repeat tags
*** ***
ok 16 - clone to destination with trailing /
ok 17 - clone to destination with extra trailing /
ok 1 - setup ssh wrapper
ok 2 - clone of host:foo goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 18 - clone to an existing empty directory
ok 3 - clone of host:foo goes to foo.git (bare)
ok 19 - clone to an existing non-empty directory
ok 4 - clone of host:foo.git goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 20 - clone to an existing path
ok 5 - clone of host:foo.git goes to foo.git (bare)
ok 6 - clone of host:foo/.git goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 7 - clone of host:foo/.git goes to foo.git (bare)
ok 21 - clone a void
ok 8 - clone of ssh://host/foo goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 22 - clone respects global branch.autosetuprebase
ok 9 - clone of ssh://host/foo goes to foo.git (bare)
ok 10 - clone of ssh://host/foo.git goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 23 - respect url-encoding of file://
ok 24 - do not query-string-decode + in URLs
ok 11 - clone of ssh://host/foo.git goes to foo.git (bare)
ok 25 - do not respect url-encoding of non-url path
ok 12 - clone of ssh://host/foo/.git goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 26 - clone separate gitdir
ok 13 - clone of ssh://host/foo/.git goes to foo.git (bare)
ok 27 - clone separate gitdir: output
ok 28 - clone from .git file
ok 14 - clone of ssh://host/foo/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 29 - fetch from .git gitfile
ok 15 - clone of ssh://host/foo/// goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 16 - clone of ssh://host/foo/.git/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 30 - fetch from gitfile parent
ok 31 - clone separate gitdir where target already exists
ok 17 - clone of ssh://host/foo.git/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 32 - clone --reference from original
ok 18 - clone of ssh://host/foo.git/// goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 19 - clone of ssh://host/foo///.git/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 20 - clone of ssh://host/foo/.git/// goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 33 - clone with more than one --reference
ok 21 - clone of host:foo/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 22 - clone of host:foo/// goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 34 - clone from original with relative alternate
ok 23 - clone of host:foo.git/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 1 - git_pull: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 24 - clone of host:foo/.git/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 35 - clone checking out a tag
ok 36 - set up ssh wrapper
ok 25 - clone of host:foo.git/// goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 26 - clone of host:foo///.git/ goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 37 - clone myhost:src uses ssh
ok 27 - clone of host:foo/.git/// goes to foo (non-bare)
ok 38 - clone local path foo:bar
ok 28 - clone of ssh://host/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 29 - clone of ssh://host:1234/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 39 - bracketed hostnames are still ssh
ok 30 - clone of ssh://user@host/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 31 - clone of host:/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 32 - clone of ssh://user:password@host/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 40 - OpenSSH variant passes -4
ok 33 - clone of ssh://user:password@host:1234/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 34 - clone of ssh://user:passw@rd@host:1234/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 41 - variant can be overridden
ok 35 - clone of user@host:/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 36 - clone of user:password@host:/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 37 - clone of user:passw@rd@host:/ goes to host (non-bare)
ok 42 - variant=auto picks based on basename
ok 38 - clone of ssh://host/foo@bar goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 39 - clone of ssh://host/foo@bar.git goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 43 - simple does not support -4/-6
ok 40 - clone of ssh://user:password@host/foo@bar goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 44 - simple does not support port
ok 2 - git_pull: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 41 - clone of ssh://user:passw@rd@host/foo@bar.git goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 42 - clone of host:/foo@bar goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 45 - uplink is treated as simple
ok 43 - clone of host:/foo@bar.git goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 44 - clone of user:password@host:/foo@bar goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 45 - clone of user:passw@rd@host:/foo@bar.git goes to foo@bar (non-bare)
ok 46 - OpenSSH-like uplink is treated as ssh
ok 46 - clone of ssh://user:password@host/test:1234 goes to 1234 (non-bare)
ok 47 - plink is treated specially (as putty)
ok 47 - clone of ssh://user:password@host/test:1234.git goes to 1234 (non-bare)
# passed all 47 test(s)
*** ***
ok 48 - plink.exe is treated specially (as putty)
ok 1 - preparing first repository
ok 49 - tortoiseplink is like putty, with extra arguments
ok 2 - preparing second repository
ok 3 - cloning with reference (-l -s)
ok 50 - double quoted plink.exe in GIT_SSH_COMMAND
ok 4 - existence of info/alternates
ok 5 - pulling from reference
ok 51 - single quoted plink.exe in GIT_SSH_COMMAND
ok 6 - that reference gets used
ok 7 - cloning with reference (no -l -s)
ok 3 - git_pull: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 8 - fetched no objects
ok 52 - GIT_SSH_VARIANT overrides plink detection
ok 9 - existence of info/alternates
ok 10 - pulling from reference
ok 11 - that reference gets used
ok 53 - ssh.variant overrides plink detection
ok 12 - updating origin
ok 54 - GIT_SSH_VARIANT overrides plink detection to plink
ok 13 - pulling changes from origin
ok 14 - that alternate to origin gets used
ok 55 - GIT_SSH_VARIANT overrides plink to tortoiseplink
ok 15 - pulling changes from origin
ok 56 - clean failure on broken quoting
ok 16 - check objects expected to exist locally
ok 57 - clone c:temp is ssl
ok 58 # skip clone c:temp is dos drive (missing MINGW)
ok 17 - preparing alternate repository #1
ok 59 - clone host:rep
ok 18 - cloning alternate repo #2 and adding changes to repo #1
ok 19 - cloning alternate repo #1, using #2 as reference
ok 60 - clone host:rep/home/project
ok 20 - cloning with reference being subset of source (-l -s)
ok 61 - clone host:123
ok 21 - cloning with multiple references drops duplicates
ok 62 - clone [::1]:rep
ok 22 - clone with reference from a tagged repository
ok 63 - clone [::1]:rep/home/project
ok 23 - prepare branched repository
ok 4 - git_pull: replace directory with submodule
ok 64 - clone [::1]:123
ok 65 - clone host:/~repo
ok 24 - fetch with incomplete alternates
ok 66 - clone [::1]:/~repo
ok 25 - clone using repo with gitfile as a reference
ok 67 - clone foo/bar:baz is not ssh
ok 68 - clone [foo]bar/baz:qux is not ssh
ok 26 - clone using repo pointed at by gitfile as reference
ok 69 - clone [foo/bar]:baz is not ssh
ok 70 - clone ssh://host.xz/home/user/repo
ok 71 - clone ssh://host.xz/~repo
ok 72 - clone ssh://host.xz:/home/user/repo
ok 27 - clone and dissociate from reference
ok 73 - clone ssh://host.xz:/~repo
ok 74 - clone ssh://host.xz:22/home/user/repo
ok 5 - git_pull: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 75 - clone ssh://host.xz:22/~repo
ok 76 - clone ssh://::1/home/user/repo
ok 28 - clone, dissociate from partial reference and repack
ok 77 - clone ssh://[::1]/home/user/repo
ok 78 - clone ssh://[::1]:/home/user/repo
ok 5 - do not send "have" with ancestors of commits that server ACKed
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 79 - clone ssh://user@::1/home/user/repo
ok 29 - clone, dissociate from alternates
*** ***
ok 80 - clone ssh://user@[::1]/home/user/repo
ok 30 - setup repo with garbage in objects/*
ok 81 - clone ssh://user@[::1]:/home/user/repo
ok 82 - clone ssh://[user@::1]/home/user/repo
ok 31 - clone a repo with garbage in objects/*
ok 1 - preparing origin repository
ok 83 - clone ssh://[user@::1]:/home/user/repo
ok 84 - clone ssh://::1/~repo
ok 2 - local clone without .git suffix
ok 85 - clone ssh://[::1]/~repo
ok 3 - local clone with .git suffix
ok 6 - git_pull: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 86 - clone ssh://user@::1/~repo
ok 32 - setup repo with manually symlinked or unknown files at objects/
ok 4 - local clone from x
ok 87 - clone ssh://user@[::1]/~repo
ok 5 - local clone from x.git that does not exist
ok 88 - clone ssh://[user@::1]/~repo
ok 6 - With -no-hardlinks, local will make a copy
ok 89 - clone ssh://[::1]:22/home/user/repo
ok 7 - Even without -l, local will make a hardlink
ok 90 - clone ssh://user@[::1]:22/home/user/repo
ok 8 - local clone of repo with nonexistent ref in HEAD
ok 91 - clone ssh://[user@::1]:22/home/user/repo
ok 9 - bundle clone without .bundle suffix
ok 92 - clone ssh://[::1]:22/~repo
ok 33 - clone repo with symlinked or unknown files at objects/
# passed all 33 test(s)
ok 93 - clone ssh://user@[::1]:22/~repo
ok 10 - bundle clone with .bundle suffix
*** ***
ok 11 - bundle clone from b4
ok 94 - clone ssh://[user@::1]:22/~repo
ok 12 - bundle clone from b4.bundle that does not exist
ok 95 - clone from a repository with two identical branches
ok 1 - setup
ok 13 - bundle clone with nonexistent HEAD
ok 7 - git_pull: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 2 - clone -o
ok 96 - shallow clone locally
ok 3 - redirected clone does not show progress
ok 14 - clone empty repository
ok 4 - redirected clone -v does show progress
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 15 - clone empty repository, and then push should not segfault.
ok 97 - GIT_TRACE_PACKFILE produces a usable pack
ok 16 - cloning non-existent directory fails
ok 17 - cloning non-git directory fails
ok 98 - clone on case-insensitive fs
ok 99 # skip colliding file detection (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
ok 18 - cloning file:// does not hardlink
ok 1 - setup
ok 19 - cloning a local path with --no-local does not hardlink
ok 20 - cloning locally respects "-u" for fetching refs
# passed all 20 test(s)
ok 2 - "verify" needs a worktree
*** ***
ok 3 - annotated tags can be excluded by rev-list options
Skipping expensive 2GB clone test; enable it with GIT_TEST_CLONE_2GB=t
ok 1 # skip setup (missing CLONE_2GB)
ok 2 # skip clone - bare (missing CLONE_2GB)
ok 3 # skip clone - with worktree, file:// protocol (missing CLONE_2GB)
ok 4 - die if bundle file cannot be created
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 100 - partial clone
not ok 5 - bundle --stdin # TODO known breakage
not ok 6 - bundle --stdin <rev-list options> # TODO known breakage
ok 8 - git_pull: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 7 - empty bundle file is rejected
ok 1 - setup
ok 101 - partial clone with -o
ok 8 - ridiculously long subject in boundary
ok 2 - vanilla clone chooses HEAD
ok 9 - prerequisites with an empty commit message
ok 3 - clone -b chooses specified branch
ok 10 - failed bundle creation does not leave cruft
ok 4 - clone -b sets up tracking
ok 102 - partial clone: warn if server does not support object filtering
ok 5 - clone -b does not munge remotes/origin/HEAD
ok 6 - clone -b with bogus branch
ok 7 - clone -b not allowed with empty repos
# passed all 7 test(s)
ok 11 - fetch SHA-1 from bundle
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 9 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 103 - batch missing blob request during checkout
ok 1 - clone -c sets config in cloned repo
ok 1 - setup
not ok 9 - git_pull: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 2 - clone -c can set multi-keys
ok 2 - clone repo (detached HEAD points to branch)
ok 3 - clone -c can set multi-keys, including some empty
ok 3 - cloned HEAD matches
not ok 4 - cloned HEAD is detached # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - clone -c without a value is boolean true
ok 5 - clone -c config is available during clone
ok 5 - clone repo (detached HEAD points to tag)
ok 6 - cloned HEAD matches
ok 6 - clone -c remote.origin.fetch=<refspec> works
ok 7 - cloned HEAD is detached
ok 7 - git -c remote.origin.fetch=<refspec> clone works
ok 8 - clone repo (detached HEAD points to history)
ok 104 - batch missing blob request does not inadvertently try to fetch gitlinks
ok 9 - cloned HEAD matches
ok 8 - clone -c remote.<remote>.fetch=<refspec> --origin=<name>
ok 9 # skip clone -c core.hideDotFiles (missing MINGW)
ok 10 - cloned HEAD is detached
# passed all 9 test(s)
# passed all 104 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 11 - clone repo (orphan detached HEAD)
*** ***
ok 12 - cloned HEAD matches
ok 13 - cloned HEAD is detached
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - preparing first repository
not ok 10 - git_pull: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 2 - preparing second repository
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - preparing third repository
ok 4 - count-objects shows the alternates
ok 2 - by default all branches will be kept updated
ok 3 - by default no tags will be kept updated
ok 5 - creating too deep nesting
ok 6 - validity of seventh repository
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - invalidity of eighth repository
ok 4 - clone with --no-tags
ok 8 - breaking of loops
ok 9 - that info/alternates is necessary
ok 10 - that relative alternate is possible for current dir
ok 11 - that relative alternate is recursive
ok 5 - --single-branch while HEAD pointing at master
ok 12 - relative duplicates are eliminated
ok 13 # skip dup finding can be case-insensitive (missing CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS)
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - nonshallow clone implies nonshallow submodule
ok 6 - --single-branch while HEAD pointing at master and --no-tags
ok 1 - create alternate repositories
ok 2 - objects inaccessible without alternates
ok 7 - --single-branch while HEAD pointing at side
ok 3 - access alternate via absolute path
ok 4 - access multiple alternates
ok 8 - --single-branch with explicit --branch side
ok 5 - access alternate via relative path (bare)
ok 11 - git_pull: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 6 - access alternate via relative path (worktree)
ok 7 - access alternate via relative path (subdir)
ok 9 - --single-branch with explicit --branch with tag fetches updated tag
ok 8 - mix of quoted and unquoted alternates
ok 9 - broken quoting falls back to interpreting raw
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - shallow clone with shallow submodule
ok 10 - --single-branch with explicit --branch with tag fetches updated tag despite --no-tags
ok 11 - --single-branch with --mirror
ok 12 - --single-branch with explicit --branch and --mirror
ok 13 - --single-branch with detached
ok 1 - setup normal src repo
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - setup bare clone for server
ok 4 - shallow clone does not imply shallow submodule
ok 3 - do partial clone 1
ok 4 - verify that .promisor file contains refs fetched
ok 5 - verify checkout with dynamic object fetch
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - shallow clone with non shallow submodule
ok 6 - push new commits to server
ok 7 - partial fetch inherits filter settings
ok 12 - git_pull: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 8 - verify diff causes dynamic object fetch
ok 9 - verify blame causes dynamic object fetch
ok 2 - clone with --no-remote-submodules
ok 6 - non shallow clone with shallow submodule
ok 10 - push new commits to server for file.2.txt
ok 11 - override inherited filter-spec using --no-filter
ok 3 - clone with --remote-submodules
ok 7 - clone follows shallow recommendation
ok 12 - push new commits to server for file.3.txt
ok 13 - git_pull: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 13 - manual prefetch of missing objects
ok 4 - check the default is --no-remote-submodules
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - get unshallow recommended shallow submodule
ok 14 - partial clone with transfer.fsckobjects=1 uses index-pack --fsck-objects
ok 1 - set up local refs
ok 2 - set up shared clone
ok 3 - rev-list --alternate-refs
ok 14 - git_pull: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 4 - rev-list --not --alternate-refs
ok 5 - limiting with alternateRefsPrefixes
ok 6 - log --source shows .alternate marker
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 9 - clone follows non shallow recommendation
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - create repo to be served by git-daemon
ok 1 - test capability advertisement
ok 2 - stateless-rpc flag does not list capabilities
ok 2 - clone with git:// using protocol v1
ok 3 - request invalid capability
ok 4 - request with no command
ok 5 - request invalid command
ok 3 - fetch with git:// using protocol v1
ok 6 - setup some refs and tags
ok 4 - pull with git:// using protocol v1
ok 7 - basics of ls-refs
ok 8 - basic ref-prefixes
ok 5 - push with git:// using protocol v1
ok 6 - create repo to be served by file:// transport
ok 9 - refs/heads prefix
ok 15 - git_pull_ff: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 7 - clone with file:// using protocol v1
ok 10 - peel parameter
ok 11 - symrefs parameter
ok 8 - fetch with file:// using protocol v1
ok 12 - sending server-options
ok 13 - unexpected lines are not allowed in fetch request
ok 9 - pull with file:// using protocol v1
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - push with file:// using protocol v1
ok 11 - setup ssh wrapper
ok 1 - create repo to be served by git-daemon
ok 12 - create repo to be served by ssh:// transport
ok 2 - list refs with git:// using protocol v2
ok 3 - ref advertisement is filtered with ls-remote using protocol v2
ok 13 - clone with ssh:// using protocol v1
ok 4 - clone with git:// using protocol v2
ok 14 - fetch with ssh:// using protocol v1
ok 5 - fetch with git:// using protocol v2
ok 15 - pull with ssh:// using protocol v1
ok 15 - use fsck before and after manually fetching a missing subtree
ok 16 - git_pull_ff: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 6 - fetch by hash without tag following with protocol v2 does not list refs
ok 16 - push with ssh:// using protocol v1
# passed all 16 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 7 - pull with git:// using protocol v2
ok 16 - implicitly construct combine: filter with repeated flags
ok 8 - push with git:// and a config of v2 does not request v2
ok 9 - create repo to be served by file:// transport
ok 1 - setup repository
ok 10 - list refs with file:// using protocol v2
ok 17 - partial clone fetches blobs pointed to by refs even if normally filtered out
ok 2 - config controls ref-in-want advertisement
ok 3 - invalid want-ref line
ok 11 - ref advertisement is filtered with ls-remote using protocol v2
ok 12 - server-options are sent when using ls-remote
ok 13 - warn if using server-option with ls-remote with legacy protocol
ok 4 - basic want-ref
ok 18 - fetch what is specified on CLI even if already promised
ok 17 - git_pull_ff: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 14 - clone with file:// using protocol v2
ok 19 - setup src repo for sparse filter
ok 5 - multiple want-ref lines
ok 15 - fetch with file:// using protocol v2
ok 20 - partial clone with sparse filter succeeds
ok 6 - mix want and want-ref
ok 16 - ref advertisement is filtered during fetch using protocol v2
ok 21 - partial clone with unresolvable sparse filter fails cleanly
ok 7 - want-ref with ref we already have commit for
ok 17 - server-options are sent when fetching
ok 18 - warn if using server-option with fetch with legacy protocol
ok 19 - server-options are sent when cloning
ok 20 - warn if using server-option with clone with legacy protocol
ok 8 - setup repos for fetching with ref-in-want tests
ok 21 - upload-pack respects config using protocol v2
ok 18 - git_pull_ff: replace directory with submodule
ok 9 - fetching with exact OID
ok 22 - setup filter tests
ok 10 - fetching multiple refs
ok 23 - partial clone
ok 11 - fetching ref and exact OID
ok 24 - dynamically fetch missing object
ok 25 - when dynamically fetching missing object, do not list refs
ok 12 - fetching with wildcard that does not match any refs
ok 13 - fetching with wildcard that matches multiple refs
ok 26 - partial fetch
# passed all 13 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 27 - do not advertise filter if not configured to do so
ok 28 - partial clone warns if filter is not advertised
ok 1 - setup repository
ok 29 - even with handcrafted request, filter does not work if not advertised
ok 22 - fetch lazy-fetches only to resolve deltas
ok 2 - cloning from local repo
ok 19 - git_pull_ff: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 3 - create new commit on remote
ok 30 - default refspec is used to filter ref when fetchcing
ok 4 - pulling from local repo
ok 5 - pushing to local repo
ok 6 - fetch new branch
ok 31 - fetch supports various ways of have lines
ok 7 - fetch multiple branches
ok 32 - fetch supports include-tag and tag following
ok 8 - push when remote has extra refs
ok 20 - git_pull_ff: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 9 - push new branch by name
ok 10 - push new branch with old:new refspec
ok 33 - upload-pack respects client shallows
ok 11 - push new branch with HEAD:new refspec
ok 12 - push delete branch
ok 34 - ensure that multiple fetches in same process from a shallow repo works
ok 23 - fetch lazy-fetches only to resolve deltas, protocol v2
ok 13 - forced push
ok 14 - cloning without refspec
ok 21 - git_pull_ff: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 35 - deepen-relative
ok 15 - pulling without refspecs
not ok 24 - verify fetch succeeds when asking for new tags # TODO known breakage
# passed all 35 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 16 - pushing without refspecs
ok 17 - pulling without marks
ok 1 - setup
ok 25 - verify fetch downloads only one pack when updating refs
ok 2 - clone
not ok 18 - pushing without marks # TODO known breakage
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 24 test(s)
# SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 19 - push all with existing object
ok 3 - update following tag
ok 20 - push ref with existing object
ok 21 # skip push signed tag (missing GPG)
ok 22 # skip push signed tag with signed-tags capability (missing GPG)
ok 22 - git_pull_ff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 1 - setup repository to clone
ok 4 - update backfilled tag
ok 2 - clone file:// (enabled)
ok 3 - fetch file:// (enabled)
ok 23 - push update refs
ok 5 - update backfilled tag without primary transfer
ok 4 - push file:// (enabled)
ok 6 - set up fake git-daemon
ok 5 - push file:// (disabled)
ok 6 - fetch file:// (disabled)
ok 24 - push update refs disabled by no-private-update
ok 7 - ext command can connect to git daemon (no vhost)
ok 7 - clone file:// (disabled)
ok 8 - ext command can connect to git daemon (vhost)
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - clone file:// (env var has precedence)
ok 25 - push update refs failure
ok 9 - clone file:// (enabled with config)
ok 10 - fetch file:// (enabled)
ok 26 - proper failure checks for fetching
ok 11 - push file:// (enabled)
ok 12 - push file:// (disabled)
ok 13 - fetch file:// (disabled)
ok 14 - clone file:// (disabled)
ok 1 - create git-accessible repo
ok 15 - clone file:// (enabled)
ok 27 - proper failure checks for pushing
ok 2 - clone git:// (enabled)
not ok 23 - git_pull_ff: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 16 - fetch file:// (enabled)
ok 17 - push file:// (enabled)
ok 3 - fetch git:// (enabled)
ok 18 - push file:// (disabled)
ok 4 - push git:// (enabled)
ok 19 - fetch file:// (disabled)
ok 5 - push git:// (disabled)
ok 20 - clone file:// (disabled)
ok 6 - fetch git:// (disabled)
ok 7 - clone git:// (disabled)
ok 21 - clone file:// (enabled)
ok 28 - push messages
ok 8 - clone git:// (env var has precedence)
ok 22 - fetch file:// (enabled)
ok 9 - clone git:// (enabled with config)
ok 23 - push file:// (enabled)
ok 24 - push file:// (disabled)
ok 10 - fetch git:// (enabled)
ok 11 - push git:// (enabled)
ok 25 - fetch file:// (disabled)
ok 29 - fetch HEAD
ok 12 - push git:// (disabled)
ok 26 - clone file:// (disabled)
ok 13 - fetch git:// (disabled)
ok 27 - clone path (enabled)
ok 14 - clone git:// (disabled)
ok 28 - fetch path (enabled)
ok 15 - clone git:// (enabled)
ok 29 - push path (enabled)
ok 30 - fetch url
ok 30 - push path (disabled)
ok 16 - fetch git:// (enabled)
ok 31 - fetch path (disabled)
ok 17 - push git:// (enabled)
ok 32 - clone path (disabled)
not ok 24 - git_pull_ff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - push git:// (disabled)
ok 31 - fetch tag
ok 19 - fetch git:// (disabled)
ok 33 - clone path (env var has precedence)
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 30 test(s)
*** ***
ok 34 - clone path (enabled with config)
ok 20 - clone git:// (disabled)
ok 35 - fetch path (enabled)
ok 36 - push path (enabled)
ok 21 - clone git:// (enabled)
ok 37 - push path (disabled)
1..0 # SKIP no web server found at '/usr/sbin/apache2'
*** ***
ok 38 - fetch path (disabled)
ok 39 - clone path (disabled)
ok 22 - fetch git:// (enabled)
ok 40 - clone path (enabled)
ok 1 - setup ssh wrapper
ok 23 - push git:// (enabled)
ok 41 - fetch path (enabled)
ok 42 - push path (enabled)
ok 24 - push git:// (disabled)
ok 43 - push path (disabled)
ok 44 - fetch path (disabled)
ok 2 - setup repository to clone
ok 25 - fetch git:// (disabled)
ok 45 - clone path (disabled)
ok 26 - clone git:// (disabled)
# passed all 26 test(s)
ok 3 - clone host:path (enabled)
*** ***
ok 46 - clone path (enabled)
ok 4 - fetch host:path (enabled)
ok 47 - fetch path (enabled)
ok 48 - push path (enabled)
ok 5 - push host:path (enabled)
ok 1 - setup ext wrapper
ok 49 - push path (disabled)
ok 6 - push host:path (disabled)
ok 7 - fetch host:path (disabled)
ok 50 - fetch path (disabled)
ok 2 - setup repository to clone
ok 8 - clone host:path (disabled)
ok 51 - clone path (disabled)
ok 9 - clone host:path (env var has precedence)
ok 3 - clone remote-helper (enabled)
ok 52 - setup repo with dash
ok 10 - clone host:path (enabled with config)
ok 4 - fetch remote-helper (enabled)
ok 53 - repo names starting with dash are rejected
ok 11 - fetch host:path (enabled)
ok 12 - push host:path (enabled)
ok 25 - git_pull_ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 13 - push host:path (disabled)
ok 5 - push remote-helper (enabled)
ok 54 - full paths still work
# passed all 54 test(s)
ok 14 - fetch host:path (disabled)
ok 6 - push remote-helper (disabled)
*** ***
ok 7 - fetch remote-helper (disabled)
ok 15 - clone host:path (disabled)
ok 8 - clone remote-helper (disabled)
ok 16 - clone host:path (enabled)
ok 1 - setup ext wrapper
ok 2 - setup ssh wrapper
ok 9 - clone remote-helper (env var has precedence)
ok 17 - fetch host:path (enabled)
ok 10 - clone remote-helper (enabled with config)
ok 18 - push host:path (enabled)
ok 19 - push host:path (disabled)
ok 11 - fetch remote-helper (enabled)
ok 20 - fetch host:path (disabled)
ok 12 - push remote-helper (enabled)
ok 21 - clone host:path (disabled)
ok 13 - push remote-helper (disabled)
ok 14 - fetch remote-helper (disabled)
ok 15 - clone remote-helper (disabled)
ok 22 - clone host:path (enabled)
ok 16 - clone remote-helper (enabled)
ok 17 - fetch remote-helper (enabled)
ok 23 - fetch host:path (enabled)
ok 18 - push remote-helper (enabled)
ok 24 - push host:path (enabled)
ok 19 - push remote-helper (disabled)
ok 20 - fetch remote-helper (disabled)
ok 25 - push host:path (disabled)
ok 21 - clone remote-helper (disabled)
ok 26 - fetch host:path (disabled)
ok 3 - setup repository with submodules
ok 27 - clone host:path (disabled)
ok 22 - clone remote-helper (enabled)
ok 28 - clone ssh:// (enabled)
ok 29 - fetch ssh:// (enabled)
ok 23 - fetch remote-helper (enabled)
ok 30 - push ssh:// (enabled)
ok 4 - clone with recurse-submodules fails
ok 24 - push remote-helper (enabled)
ok 31 - push ssh:// (disabled)
ok 32 - fetch ssh:// (disabled)
ok 25 - push remote-helper (disabled)
ok 26 - git_pull_ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 26 - fetch remote-helper (disabled)
ok 33 - clone ssh:// (disabled)
ok 27 - clone remote-helper (disabled)
# passed all 27 test(s)
ok 34 - clone ssh:// (env var has precedence)
*** ***
ok 5 - setup individual updates
ok 35 - clone ssh:// (enabled with config)
ok 36 - fetch ssh:// (enabled)
ok 37 - push ssh:// (enabled)
ok 38 - push ssh:// (disabled)
ok 39 - fetch ssh:// (disabled)
ok 6 - update of ssh allowed
ok 40 - clone ssh:// (disabled)
ok 1 - find .git dir in worktree
ok 41 - clone ssh:// (enabled)
ok 42 - fetch ssh:// (enabled)
ok 7 - update of ext not allowed
ok 43 - push ssh:// (enabled)
ok 2 - automagically add .git suffix
ok 44 - push ssh:// (disabled)
ok 45 - fetch ssh:// (disabled)
ok 46 - clone ssh:// (disabled)
ok 3 - automagically add .git suffix to worktree
ok 47 - clone ssh:// (enabled)
ok 8 - user can override whitelist
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 48 - fetch ssh:// (enabled)
ok 27 - git_pull_ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
*** ***
ok 49 - push ssh:// (enabled)
ok 50 - push ssh:// (disabled)
ok 4 - prefer worktree foo over bare foo.git
ok 51 - fetch ssh:// (disabled)
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - rev-list --objects heeds pathspecs
ok 52 - clone ssh:// (disabled)
ok 3 - rev-list --objects with pathspecs and deeper paths
ok 53 - clone git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 4 - rev-list --objects with pathspecs and copied files
ok 54 - fetch git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 5 - prefer bare foo over bare foo.git
ok 5 - rev-list --objects --no-object-names has no space/names
ok 55 - push git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 56 - push git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 6 - rev-list --objects --no-object-names works with cat-file
ok 28 - git_pull_ff: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 57 - fetch git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 7 - --no-object-names and --object-names are last-one-wins
ok 58 - clone git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 6 - disambiguate with full foo.git
ok 8 - rev-list A..B and rev-list ^A B are the same
ok 59 - clone git+ssh:// (env var has precedence)
ok 9 - propagate uninteresting flag down correctly
ok 10 - symleft flag bit is propagated down from tag
ok 60 - clone git+ssh:// (enabled with config)
ok 11 - rev-list can show index objects
ok 7 - we are not fooled by non-git foo directory
ok 61 - fetch git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 12 - rev-list can negate index objects
ok 62 - push git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 13 - --bisect and --first-parent can not be combined
ok 63 - push git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 64 - fetch git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 14 - --header shows a NUL after each commit
ok 65 - clone git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 15 - rev-list --end-of-options
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 66 - clone git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 8 - prefer inner .git over outer bare
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 67 - fetch git+ssh:// (enabled)
*** ***
ok 68 - push git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 69 - push git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 70 - fetch git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 71 - clone git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 72 - clone git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 29 - git_pull_ff_only: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - without grafts
ok 73 - fetch git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 3 - with grafts
ok 74 - push git+ssh:// (enabled)
ok 4 - without grafts, with pathlimit
ok 75 - push git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 5 - with grafts, with pathlimit
ok 6 - without grafts
ok 76 - fetch git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 7 - with grafts
ok 8 - without grafts, with pathlimit
ok 77 - clone git+ssh:// (disabled)
ok 9 - with grafts, with pathlimit
ok 78 - hostnames starting with dash are rejected
ok 10 - without grafts
ok 79 - setup repo with dash
ok 11 - with grafts
ok 80 - repo names starting with dash are rejected
ok 12 - without grafts, with pathlimit
ok 13 - with grafts, with pathlimit
ok 81 - full paths still work
# passed all 81 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - show advice that grafts are deprecated
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - path-optimization
ok 30 - git_pull_ff_only: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 3 - further setup
ok 4 - path optimization 2
ok 5 - pathspec with leading path
ok 6 - pathspec with glob (1)
ok 7 - pathspec with glob (2)
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - no options
ok 3 - --max-count
ok 1 - bisection diff --bisect l0 ^root <= 0
ok 4 - --max-count all forms
ok 2 - bisection diff --bisect l1 ^root <= 0
ok 5 - --skip
ok 3 - bisection diff --bisect l2 ^root <= 0
ok 4 - bisection diff --bisect a0 ^root <= 0
ok 6 - --skip --max-count
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - bisection diff --bisect a1 ^root <= 0
ok 31 - git_pull_ff_only: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 6 - bisection diff --bisect a2 ^root <= 0
ok 7 - bisection diff --bisect a3 ^root <= 0
ok 8 - bisection diff --bisect b1 ^root <= 0
ok 9 - bisection diff --bisect b2 ^root <= 0
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - bisection diff --bisect b3 ^root <= 0
ok 2 - format percent
ok 3 - format hash
ok 4 - format tree
ok 11 - bisection diff --bisect c1 ^root <= 0
ok 5 - format parents
ok 12 - bisection diff --bisect c2 ^root <= 0
ok 6 - format author
ok 13 - bisection diff --bisect c3 ^root <= 0
ok 7 - format committer
ok 8 - format encoding
ok 14 - bisection diff --bisect E ^F <= 0
ok 9 - format subject
ok 15 - bisection diff --bisect e1 ^F <= 0
ok 10 - format subject-truncated
ok 11 - format body
ok 16 - bisection diff --bisect e2 ^F <= 0
ok 12 - format raw-body
ok 17 - bisection diff --bisect e3 ^F <= 0
ok 13 - basic colors
ok 14 - %S is not a placeholder for rev-list yet
ok 15 - advanced colors
ok 18 - bisection diff --bisect e4 ^F <= 0
ok 16 - %Cred does not enable color by default
ok 19 - bisection diff --bisect e5 ^F <= 0
ok 17 - %Cred enables colors for color.diff
ok 20 - bisection diff --bisect e6 ^F <= 0
ok 32 - git_pull_ff_only: replace directory with submodule
ok 18 - %Cred enables colors for color.ui
ok 19 - %Cred respects --color
ok 21 - bisection diff --bisect e7 ^F <= 0
ok 1 - rev-list has correct number of entries
ok 20 - %Cred respects --no-color
ok 21 # skip %Cred respects --color=auto (stdout is tty) (missing TTY)
ok 2 - simple topo order
ok 22 - bisection diff --bisect f1 ^F <= 0
ok 22 - %Cred respects --color=auto (stdout not tty)
ok 3 - simple date order
ok 23 - %C(...) does not enable color by default
ok 23 - bisection diff --bisect f2 ^F <= 0
ok 4 - simple author-date order
ok 24 - %C(...) enables colors for color.diff
ok 24 - bisection diff --bisect f3 ^F <= 0
ok 25 - %C(...) enables colors for color.ui
ok 5 - two diamonds topo order (g6)
ok 26 - %C(...) respects --color
ok 25 - bisection diff --bisect f4 ^F <= 0
ok 27 - %C(...) respects --no-color
ok 6 - multiple heads
ok 28 # skip %C(...) respects --color=auto (stdout is tty) (missing TTY)
ok 29 - %C(...) respects --color=auto (stdout not tty)
ok 7 - multiple heads, prune at a1
ok 26 - bisection diff --bisect E ^F <= 0
ok 30 - %C(auto,...) does not enable color by default
ok 31 - %C(auto,...) enables colors for color.diff
ok 27 - bisection diff --bisect V ^U <= 1
ok 8 - multiple heads, prune at l1
ok 32 - %C(auto,...) enables colors for color.ui
ok 9 - cross-epoch, head at l5, prune at l1
ok 33 - %C(auto,...) respects --color
ok 28 - bisection diff --bisect V ^U ^u1 ^u2 ^u3 <= 0
ok 34 - %C(auto,...) respects --no-color
ok 35 # skip %C(auto,...) respects --color=auto (stdout is tty) (missing TTY)
ok 10 - duplicated head arguments
ok 36 - %C(auto,...) respects --color=auto (stdout not tty)
ok 29 - bisection diff --bisect u1 ^U <= 0
ok 11 - prune near topo
ok 37 - %C(always,...) enables color even without tty
ok 12 - head has no parent
ok 30 - bisection diff --bisect u2 ^U <= 0
ok 38 - %C(auto) respects --color
ok 33 - git_pull_ff_only: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 39 - %C(auto) respects --no-color
ok 13 - two nodes - one head, one base
ok 31 - bisection diff --bisect u3 ^U <= 0
ok 40 - rev-list %C(auto,...) respects --color
ok 14 - three nodes one head, one internal, one base
ok 32 - bisection diff --bisect u4 ^U <= 0
ok 41 - setup complex body
ok 15 - linear prune l2 ^root
ok 33 - bisection diff --bisect u5 ^U <= 0
ok 42 - format complex-encoding
ok 34 - --bisect l5 ^root
ok 16 - linear prune l2 ^l0
ok 43 - format complex-subject
ok 44 - format complex-subject-trunc
ok 17 - linear prune l2 ^l1
ok 35 - --bisect l5 ^root ^c3
ok 45 - format complex-subject-mtrunc
ok 18 - linear prune l5 ^a4
ok 36 - --bisect l5 ^root ^c3 ^b4
ok 46 - format complex-subject-ltrunc
ok 47 - prepare expected messages (for test %b)
ok 19 - linear prune l5 ^l3
ok 37 - --bisect l3 ^root ^c3 ^b4
ok 48 - format complex-body
ok 20 - linear prune l5 ^l4
ok 38 - --bisect l5 ^b3 ^a3 ^b4 ^a4
ok 49 - format complex-subject-commitencoding-unset
ok 21 - max-count 10 - topo order
ok 39 - --bisect l4 ^a2 ^a3 ^b ^a4
ok 50 - format complex-subject-commitencoding-unset-trunc
ok 22 - max-count 10 - non topo order
ok 51 - format complex-subject-commitencoding-unset-mtrunc
ok 40 - --bisect l3 ^a2 ^a3 ^b ^a4
ok 52 - format complex-subject-commitencoding-unset-ltrunc
ok 41 - --bisect a4 ^a2 ^a3 ^b4
ok 53 - format complex-body-commitencoding-unset
ok 23 - --max-age=c3, no --topo-order
ok 42 - --bisect a4 ^a2 ^a3 ^b4 ^c2
ok 54 - %x00 shows NUL
ok 24 - one specified head reachable from another a4, c3, --topo-order
ok 55 - %ad respects --date=
ok 43 - --bisect a4 ^a2 ^a3 ^b4 ^c2 ^c3
ok 56 - empty email
ok 25 - one specified head reachable from another c3, a4, --topo-order
ok 57 - del LF before empty (1)
ok 44 - --bisect a4 ^a2 ^a3 ^b4
ok 26 - one specified head reachable from another a4, c3, no --topo-order
ok 58 - del LF before empty (2)
ok 45 - --bisect c3 ^a2 ^a3 ^b4 ^c2
ok 34 - git_pull_ff_only: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 59 - add LF before non-empty (1)
ok 27 - one specified head reachable from another c3, a4, no --topo-order
ok 60 - add LF before non-empty (2)
ok 46 - set up fake --bisect refs
ok 28 - graph with c3 and a4 parents of head
ok 61 - add SP before non-empty (1)
ok 47 - rev-list --bisect can default to good/bad refs
ok 62 - add SP before non-empty (2)
ok 29 - graph with a4 and c3 parents of head
ok 48 - rev-parse --bisect can default to good/bad refs
# passed all 48 test(s)
ok 30 - head ^head --topo-order
*** ***
ok 31 - head ^head no --topo-order
ok 63 - --abbrev
ok 64 - %H is not affected by --abbrev-commit
ok 32 - simple topo order (l5r1)
ok 65 - %h is not affected by --abbrev-commit
ok 66 - "%h %gD: %gs" is same as git-reflog
ok 33 - simple topo order (r1l5)
ok 34 - don't print things unreachable from one branch
ok 67 - "%h %gD: %gs" is same as git-reflog (with date)
ok 68 - "%h %gD: %gs" is same as git-reflog (with --abbrev)
ok 35 - --topo-order a4 l3
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 35 test(s)
ok 69 - %gd shortens ref name
*** ***
ok 2 - --left-right
ok 70 - reflog identity
ok 3 - --count
ok 4 - --cherry-pick foo comes up empty
ok 71 - oneline with empty message
ok 5 - --cherry-pick bar does not come up empty
ok 72 - single-character name is parsed correctly
ok 6 - bar does not come up empty
ok 73 - unused %G placeholders are passed through
# passed all 73 test(s)
ok 7 - --cherry-pick bar does not come up empty (II)
*** ***
ok 8 - name-rev multiple --refs combine inclusive
ok 35 - git_pull_ff_only: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 9 - name-rev --refs excludes non-matched patterns
ok 10 - name-rev --exclude excludes matched patterns
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - Ilari's test
# passed all 2 test(s)
ok 11 - name-rev --no-refs clears the refs list
ok 1 - setup
*** ***
ok 12 - --cherry-mark
ok 2 - one is ancestor of others and should not be shown
ok 13 - --cherry-mark --left-right
ok 14 - --cherry-pick --right-only
ok 1 - setup
ok 15 - --cherry-pick --left-only
ok 16 - --cherry
ok 17 - --cherry --count
ok 18 - --cherry-mark --count
ok 19 - --cherry-mark --left-right --count
ok 2 - set up G and H
ok 20 - --cherry-pick with independent, but identical branches
ok 21 - --count --left-right
ok 3 - merge-base G H
ok 4 - merge-base/show-branch --independent
ok 22 - --cherry-pick avoids looking at full diffs
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - setup roots, merges and octopuses
ok 4 - rev-list roots
ok 36 - git_pull_ff_only: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 5 - rev-list no merges
ok 6 - rev-list no octopuses
ok 7 - rev-list no roots
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - rev-list merges
ok 2 - verify number of revisions
ok 9 - rev-list octopus
ok 3 - corrupt second commit object
ok 10 - rev-list ordinary commits
ok 5 - unsynchronized clocks
ok 4 - rev-list should fail
ok 5 - git repack _MUST_ fail
ok 11 - rev-list --merges --no-merges yields empty set
ok 6 - first commit is still available
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - rev-list override and infinities
ok 6 - --independent with unsynchronized clocks
not ok 37 - git_pull_ff_only: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - log --full-history --topo-order
ok 3 - log --full-history
ok 4 - log --full-history --date-order
ok 5 - log --full-history --author-date-order
ok 7 - merge-base for octopus-step (setup)
ok 6 - log --full-history -- file
ok 8 - merge-base A B C
ok 7 - log --full-history --topo-order -- file
ok 8 - log --full-history --date-order -- file
ok 9 - log --full-history --author-date-order -- file
not ok 38 - git_pull_ff_only: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 10 - log --simplify-merges -- file
ok 11 - log --simplify-merges --topo-order -- file
ok 12 - log --simplify-merges --date-order -- file
ok 13 - log --simplify-merges --author-date-order -- file
ok 9 - criss-cross merge-base for octopus-step
ok 14 - log -- file
ok 15 - log --topo-order -- file
ok 13 - dodecapus
ok 16 - log --date-order -- file
ok 17 - log --author-date-order -- file
ok 18 - log --first-parent -- another-file
ok 19 - log --first-parent --topo-order -- another-file
ok 20 - log --full-history E -- lost
ok 10 - using reflog to find the fork point
ok 21 - full history simplification without parent
ok 11 - --fork-point works with empty reflog
ok 22 - --full-diff is not affected by --parents
# passed all 22 test(s)
ok 14 - ancestors with the same commit time
*** ***
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - rev-list --all lists detached HEAD
ok 1 - set up --reverse example
ok 12 - merge-base --octopus --all for complex tree
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 2 - --reverse --parents --full-history combines correctly
ok 3 - --boundary does too
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 39 - git_pull_ff_only: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 3 - repack does not lose detached HEAD
ok 4 - rev-list --graph --no-walk is forbidden
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - rev-parse --glob=refs/heads/subspace/*
ok 3 - rev-parse --glob=heads/subspace/*
ok 4 - rev-parse --glob=refs/heads/subspace/
ok 5 - rev-parse --glob=heads/subspace/
ok 6 - rev-parse --glob=heads/subspace
not ok 7 - rev-parse accepts --glob as detached option # TODO known breakage
not ok 8 - rev-parse is not confused by option-like glob # TODO known breakage
ok 9 - rev-parse --branches=subspace/*
ok 10 - rev-parse --branches=subspace/
ok 11 - rev-parse --branches=subspace
ok 1 - set up rev-list --graph test
ok 12 - rev-parse --glob=heads/subspace/* --glob=heads/other/*
ok 2 - --graph --all
ok 13 - rev-parse --glob=heads/someref/* master
ok 14 - rev-parse --glob=heads/*
ok 3 - --graph --simplify-by-decoration
ok 1 - setup
ok 40 - git_pull_ff_only: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 15 - rev-parse --tags=foo
ok 4 - setup: get rid of decorations on B
ok 16 - rev-parse --remotes=foo
ok 2 - check rev-list master
ok 5 - --graph --simplify-by-decoration prune branch B
ok 17 - rev-parse --exclude with --branches
ok 6 - --graph --full-history -- bar.txt
ok 3 - check log --stat master
ok 7 - --graph --full-history --simplify-merges -- bar.txt
ok 18 - rev-parse --exclude with --all
ok 8 - --graph -- bar.txt
ok 19 - rev-parse accumulates multiple --exclude
ok 4 - check rev-list side-1 ^side-4
ok 9 - --graph --sparse -- bar.txt
ok 20 - rev-parse --branches clears --exclude
ok 10 - --graph ^C4
ok 5 - check log --stat side-1 ^side-4
ok 11 - --graph ^C3
ok 21 - rev-parse --tags clears --exclude
ok 6 - check rev-list side-1 ^side-7 --
ok 22 - rev-parse --all clears --exclude
ok 12 - --graph --boundary ^C3
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 23 - rev-parse --exclude=glob with --branches=glob
ok 7 - check log --stat side-1 ^side-7 --
ok 24 - rev-parse --exclude=glob with --tags=glob
ok 8 - check rev-list side-1 ^side-7 -- file-1
ok 25 - rev-parse --exclude=glob with --remotes=glob
ok 26 - rev-parse --exclude=ref with --branches=glob
ok 9 - check log --stat side-1 ^side-7 -- file-1
ok 27 - rev-parse --exclude=ref with --tags=glob
ok 28 - rev-parse --exclude=ref with --remotes=glob
ok 10 - check rev-list side-1 ^side-7 -- file-2
ok 29 - rev-list --exclude=glob with --branches=glob
ok 30 - rev-list --exclude=glob with --tags=glob
ok 11 - check log --stat side-1 ^side-7 -- file-2
ok 31 - rev-list --exclude=glob with --remotes=glob
ok 12 - check rev-list side-3 ^side-4 -- file-3
ok 32 - rev-list --exclude=ref with --branches=glob
ok 33 - rev-list --exclude=ref with --tags=glob
ok 13 - check log --stat side-3 ^side-4 -- file-3
ok 34 - rev-list --exclude=ref with --remotes=glob
ok 14 - check rev-list side-3 ^side-2
ok 35 - rev-list --glob=refs/heads/subspace/*
ok 36 - rev-list --glob refs/heads/subspace/*
ok 15 - check log --stat side-3 ^side-2
ok 37 - rev-list not confused by option-like --glob arg
ok 16 - check rev-list side-3 ^side-2 -- file-1
ok 1 - setup
ok 38 - rev-list --glob=heads/subspace/*
ok 2 - rev-list D..M
ok 17 - check log --stat side-3 ^side-2 -- file-1
ok 39 - rev-list --glob=refs/heads/subspace/
ok 3 - rev-list --ancestry-path D..M
ok 18 - not only --stdin
# passed all 18 test(s)
ok 4 - rev-list D..M -- M.t
*** ***
ok 41 - git_pull_ff_only: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 40 - rev-list --glob=heads/subspace/
ok 5 - rev-list --ancestry-path D..M -- M.t
ok 6 - rev-list F...I
ok 41 - rev-list --glob=heads/subspace
ok 7 - rev-list --ancestry-path F...I
ok 42 - rev-list --branches=subspace/*
ok 8 - rev-list G..M -- G.t
ok 43 - rev-list --branches=subspace/
ok 9 - rev-list --ancestry-path G..M -- G.t
ok 44 - rev-list --branches=subspace
ok 45 - rev-list --branches
ok 10 - rev-list --ancestry-path --simplify-merges G^..M -- G.t
ok 1 - prepare repository
ok 46 - rev-list --glob=heads/someref/* master
ok 2 - Merge with d/f conflicts
ok 47 - rev-list --glob=heads/subspace/* --glob=heads/other/*
ok 48 - rev-list --glob=heads/*
ok 49 - rev-list --tags=foo
ok 50 - rev-list --tags
ok 3 - F/D conflict
ok 51 - rev-list --remotes=foo
ok 11 - setup criss-cross
ok 12 - criss-cross: rev-list --ancestry-path cb..bc
ok 52 - rev-list --exclude with --branches
ok 42 - git_pull_ff_only: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 13 - criss-cross: rev-list --ancestry-path --all ^cb
ok 53 - rev-list --exclude with --all
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 54 - rev-list accumulates multiple --exclude
ok 4 - setup modify/delete + directory/file conflict
ok 55 - rev-list should succeed with empty output on empty stdin
ok 56 - rev-list should succeed with empty output with all refs excluded
ok 57 - rev-list should succeed with empty output with empty --all
ok 58 - rev-list should succeed with empty output with empty glob
ok 5 - modify/delete + directory/file conflict
ok 6 - modify/delete + directory/file conflict; other way
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - prepare repository
ok 2 - Criss-cross merge
ok 59 - shortlog accepts --glob/--tags/--remotes
ok 3 - Criss-cross merge result
not ok 60 - shortlog accepts --glob as detached option # TODO known breakage
not ok 61 - shortlog --glob is not confused by option-like argument # TODO known breakage
# still have 4 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 57 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - Criss-cross merge fails (-s resolve)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - merge with no changes
ok 2 - merge without conflict
ok 3 - works in subdirectory
ok 4 - merge without conflict (--quiet)
ok 1 - setup
not ok 5 - merge without conflict (missing LF at EOF) # TODO known breakage
not ok 6 - merge result added missing LF # TODO known breakage
ok 43 - git_pull_noff: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 7 - merge without conflict (missing LF at EOF, away from change in the other file)
ok 8 - merge does not add LF away of change
ok 9 - merge with conflicts
ok 2 - pull renaming branch into unrenaming one
ok 10 - expected conflict markers
ok 11 - merge conflicting with --ours
ok 12 - merge conflicting with --theirs
ok 13 - merge conflicting with --union
ok 1 - setup tests
ok 3 - pull renaming branch into another renaming one
ok 14 - merge with conflicts, using -L
ok 2 - combined merge conflicts
ok 15 - expected conflict markers, with -L
ok 3 - result contains a conflict
ok 16 - conflict in removed tail
ok 4 - virtual trees were processed
ok 17 - expected conflict markers
ok 4 - pull unrenaming branch into renaming one
ok 18 - binary files cannot be merged
ok 19 - MERGE_ZEALOUS simplifies non-conflicts
ok 5 - refuse to merge binary files
ok 21 - "diff3 -m" style output (1)
ok 5 - pull conflicting renames
ok 22 - "diff3 -m" style output (2)
ok 23 - marker size
ok 6 - interference with untracked working tree file
ok 6 - mark rename/delete as unmerged
ok 24 - conflict at EOF without LF resolved by --ours
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 25 - conflict at EOF without LF resolved by --theirs
ok 26 - conflict at EOF without LF resolved by --union
ok 7 - interference with untracked working tree file
ok 27 - conflict sections match existing line endings
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 25 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - interference with untracked working tree file
ok 1 - setup
ok 44 - git_pull_noff: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 2 - merge master into b-symlink, which has a different symbolic link
ok 3 - the merge result must be a file
ok 9 - updated working tree file should prevent the merge
ok 4 - merge master into b-file, which has a file instead of a symbolic link
ok 5 - the merge result must be a file
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - merge b-file, which has a file instead of a symbolic link, into master
ok 7 - the merge result must be a file
ok 2 - merge
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - check merge result in index
ok 10 - updated working tree file should prevent the merge
ok 4 - check merge result in working tree
ok 5 - retry the merge with longer context
ok 11 - interference with untracked working tree file
ok 1 - setup
ok 12 - merge of identical changes in a renamed file
ok 6 - custom merge backend
ok 2 - resolve
ok 7 - custom merge backend
ok 3 - recursive
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - setup for rename + d/f conflicts
ok 14 - Rename+D/F conflict; renamed file merges + dir not in way
ok 8 - up-to-date merge without common ancestor
ok 45 - git_pull_noff: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 1 - setup
ok 15 - Rename+D/F conflict; renamed file merges but dir in way
ok 9 - custom merge does not lock index
# passed all 9 test(s)
ok 2 - merge -s recursive up-to-date
*** ***
ok 16 - Same as previous, but merged other way
ok 3 - merge -s recursive fast-forward
ok 4 - merge -s ours up-to-date
ok 17 - Rename+D/F conflict; renamed file cannot merge, dir not in way
ok 5 - merge -s ours fast-forward
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - merge -s subtree up-to-date
ok 2 - subtree available and works like recursive
ok 18 - Rename+D/F conflict; renamed file cannot merge and dir in the way
ok 7 - merge fast-forward octopus
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 46 - git_pull_noff: replace directory with submodule # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - setup branch sub
ok 19 - Same as previous, but merged other way
ok 4 - setup branch main
ok 5 - update branch sub
ok 6 - update branch main
ok 1 - set up basic repo with 1 file (hello) and 4 commits
ok 20 - setup both rename source and destination involved in D/F conflict
ok 21 - both rename source and destination involved in D/F conflict
ok 7 - setup
ok 22 - setup pair rename to parent of other (D/F conflicts)
ok 8 - initial merge
ok 2 - bisect starts with only one bad
ok 23 - pair rename to parent of other (D/F conflicts) w/ untracked dir
ok 9 - merge update
ok 47 - git_pull_noff: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 10 - initial ambiguous subtree
ok 24 - pair rename to parent of other (D/F conflicts) w/ clean start
ok 11 - merge using explicit
ok 25 - setup rename of one file to two, with directories in the way
ok 12 - merge2 using explicit
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 3 - bisect does not start with only one good
*** ***
ok 26 - check handling of differently renamed file with D/F conflicts
ok 27 - setup rename one file to two; directories moving out of the way
ok 1 - set up mode change in one branch
ok 28 - check handling of differently renamed file with D/F conflicts
ok 2 - resolve single mode change (recursive, a1)
ok 3 - verify executable bit on file (recursive, a1)
ok 4 - resolve single mode change (recursive, b1)
ok 5 - verify executable bit on file (recursive, b1)
ok 6 - resolve single mode change (resolve, a1)
ok 29 - setup avoid unnecessary update, normal rename
ok 7 - verify executable bit on file (resolve, a1)
ok 48 - git_pull_noff: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 4 - bisect start with one bad and good
ok 8 - resolve single mode change (resolve, b1)
ok 9 - verify executable bit on file (resolve, b1)
ok 30 - avoid unnecessary update, normal rename
ok 10 - set up mode change in both branches
ok 31 - setup to test avoiding unnecessary update, with D/F conflict
ok 11 - detect conflict on double mode change (recursive)
ok 12 - verify executable bit on file (recursive)
ok 32 - avoid unnecessary update, with D/F conflict
ok 13 - detect conflict on double mode change (resolve)
ok 14 - verify executable bit on file (resolve)
ok 33 - setup avoid unnecessary update, dir->(file,nothing)
ok 15 - set up delete/modechange scenario
ok 34 - avoid unnecessary update, dir->(file,nothing)
ok 16 - detect delete/modechange conflict (recursive, b1)
ok 17 - detect delete/modechange conflict (recursive, deletion)
ok 35 - setup avoid unnecessary update, modify/delete
ok 18 - detect delete/modechange conflict (resolve, b1)
ok 36 - avoid unnecessary update, modify/delete
not ok 49 - git_pull_noff: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 37 - setup avoid unnecessary update, rename/add-dest
ok 19 - detect delete/modechange conflict (resolve, deletion)
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 38 - avoid unnecessary update, rename/add-dest
ok 5 - bisect fails if given any junk instead of revs
ok 39 - setup merge of rename + small change
ok 1 - setup (initial)
ok 6 - bisect reset: back in the master branch
ok 40 - merge rename + small change
ok 41 - setup for use of extended merge markers
ok 2 - rename (5, ok)
ok 3 - set diff.renamelimit to 4
ok 42 - merge master into rename has correct extended markers
not ok 50 - git_pull_noff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 43 - merge rename into master has correct extended markers
ok 7 - bisect reset: back in another branch
ok 4 - rename (4, ok)
ok 8 - bisect reset when not bisecting
ok 44 - setup spurious "refusing to lose untracked" message
ok 45 - no spurious "refusing to lose untracked" message
ok 46 - do not follow renames for empty files
# passed all 46 test(s)
ok 5 - rename (5, fail)
*** ***
ok 6 - set merge.renamelimit to 5
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - rename (5, ok)
ok 2 - Check "ours" is CRLF
ok 9 - bisect reset removes packed refs
not ok 51 - git_pull_noff: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - Check that conflict file is CRLF
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 8 - rename (6, fail)
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - merge white into red (A->B,M->N)
ok 3 - merge blue into white (A->B, mod A, A untracked)
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - bisect reset removes bisect state after --no-checkout
ok 1 - create a commit where dir a/b changed to symlink
ok 2 - checkout does not clobber untracked symlink
not ok 52 - git_pull_noff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - a/b-2/c/d is kept when clobbering symlink b
ok 4 - checkout should not have deleted a/b-2/c/d
ok 5 - setup for merge test
ok 6 - Handle D/F conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (resolve)
ok 7 - a/b was resolved as symlink
ok 9 - setup large simple rename
ok 8 - Handle D/F conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (recursive)
ok 11 - bisect start: back in good branch
ok 9 - a/b was resolved as symlink
ok 10 - massive simple rename does not spam added files
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - Handle F/D conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (resolve)
ok 11 - a/b was resolved as symlink
ok 12 - bisect start: no ".git/BISECT_START" created if junk rev
ok 12 - Handle F/D conflict, do not lose a/b-2/c/d in merge (recursive)
ok 13 - a/b was resolved as symlink
ok 1 - setup basic criss-cross + rename with no modifications
not ok 14 - do not lose untracked in merge (resolve) # TODO known breakage
ok 2 - merge simple rename+criss-cross with no modifications
ok 15 - do not lose untracked in merge (recursive)
ok 53 - git_pull_noff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 16 - do not lose modifications in merge (resolve)
ok 13 - bisect start: existing ".git/BISECT_START" not modified if junk rev
ok 17 - do not lose modifications in merge (recursive)
ok 18 - setup a merge where dir a/b-2 changed to symlink
ok 3 - setup criss-cross + rename merges with basic modification
ok 4 - merge criss-cross + rename merges with basic modification
ok 19 - merge should not have D/F conflicts (resolve)
ok 20 - a/b-2 was resolved as symlink
ok 14 - bisect start: no ".git/BISECT_START" if mistaken rev
ok 21 - merge should not have D/F conflicts (recursive)
ok 22 - a/b-2 was resolved as symlink
ok 23 - merge should not have F/D conflicts (recursive)
ok 24 - a/b-2 was resolved as symlink
ok 5 - setup differently handled merges of rename/add conflict
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 15 - bisect start: no ".git/BISECT_START" if checkout error
ok 6 - git detects differently handled merges conflict
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - plain recursive - should conflict
ok 3 - recursive favouring theirs
ok 7 - git detects differently handled merges conflict, swapped
ok 4 - recursive favouring ours
ok 54 - git_pull_noff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 5 - binary file with -Xours/-Xtheirs
ok 16 - bisect skip: successful result
ok 8 - setup criss-cross + modify/delete resolved differently
ok 9 - git detects conflict merging criss-cross+modify/delete
ok 6 - pull passes -X to underlying merge
ok 10 - git detects conflict merging criss-cross+modify/delete, reverse direction
ok 17 - bisect skip: cannot tell between 3 commits
ok 7 - symlink with -Xours/-Xtheirs
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 11 - setup differently handled merges of directory/file conflict
ok 55 - git_pull_noff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 12 - merge of D1 & E1 fails but has appropriate contents
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - set up fuzz_conflict() helper
ok 13 - merge of E1 & D1 fails but has appropriate contents
ok 18 - bisect skip: cannot tell between 2 commits
ok 3 - Merge after setting text=auto
ok 14 - merge of D1 & E2 fails but has appropriate contents
ok 4 - Merge addition of text=auto eol=LF
ok 56 - git_pull_noff: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 5 - Merge addition of text=auto eol=CRLF
ok 15 - merge of E2 & D1 fails but has appropriate contents
ok 6 - Detect CRLF/LF conflict after setting text=auto
ok 7 - Detect LF/CRLF conflict from addition of text=auto
ok 16 - merge of D1 & E3 succeeds
not ok 8 - checkout -m after setting text=auto # TODO known breakage
ok 17 - merge of D1 & E4 notifies user a and a2 are related
not ok 9 - checkout -m addition of text=auto # TODO known breakage
not ok 18 - merge of D2 & E4 merges a2s & reports conflict for a/file # TODO known breakage
not ok 10 - cherry-pick patch from after text=auto was added # TODO known breakage
ok 19 - bisect skip: with commit both bad and skipped
ok 11 - Test delete/normalize conflict
# still have 3 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 57 - pull --recurse-submodule setup
ok 19 - setup rename/rename(1to2)/modify followed by what looks like rename/rename(2to1)/modify
1..0 # SKIP skipping case insensitive tests - case sensitive file system
*** ***
ok 20 - handle rename/rename(1to2)/modify followed by what looks like rename/rename(2to1)/modify
ok 21 - setup criss-cross + rename/rename/add-source + modify/modify
not ok 22 - detect rename/rename/add-source for virtual merge-base # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - setup
ok 20 - "git bisect run" simple case
ok 2 - branch -v
ok 3 - branch -vv
ok 4 - checkout (diverged from upstream)
ok 58 - recursive pull updates working tree
ok 5 - checkout with local tracked branch
ok 6 - checkout (upstream is gone)
ok 23 - setup criss-cross+rename/rename/add-dest + simple modify
ok 7 - checkout (up-to-date with upstream)
ok 8 - status (diverged from upstream)
ok 24 - virtual merge base handles rename/rename(1to2)/add-dest
ok 9 - status (upstream is gone)
ok 21 - "git bisect run" with more complex "git bisect start"
ok 10 - status (up-to-date with upstream)
ok 11 - status -s -b (diverged from upstream)
ok 12 - status -s -b --no-ahead-behind (diverged from upstream)
ok 13 - status.aheadbehind=false status -s -b (diverged from upstream)
ok 14 - status --long --branch
ok 25 - setup symlink modify/modify
ok 15 - status --long --branch
not ok 26 - check symlink modify/modify # TODO known breakage
ok 16 - status --long --branch --no-ahead-behind
ok 17 - status.aheadbehind=false status --long --branch
ok 18 - status -s -b (upstream is gone)
ok 19 - status -s -b (up-to-date with upstream)
ok 27 - setup symlink add/add
ok 59 - submodule.recurse option triggers recursive pull
not ok 28 - check symlink add/add # TODO known breakage
ok 20 - fail to track lightweight tags
ok 21 - fail to track annotated tags
ok 22 - bisect skip: add line and then a new test
ok 22 - --set-upstream-to does not change branch
ok 23 - --set-upstream-to @{-1}
# passed all 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 23 - bisect skip and bisect replay
ok 29 - setup submodule modify/modify
not ok 30 - check submodule modify/modify # TODO known breakage
ok 31 - setup submodule add/add
not ok 32 - check submodule add/add # TODO known breakage
ok 24 - bisect run & skip: cannot tell between 2
ok 33 - setup conflicting entry types (submodule vs symlink)
not ok 34 - check conflicting entry types (submodule vs symlink) # TODO known breakage
ok 35 - setup conflicting modes for regular file
ok 60 -  --[no-]recurse-submodule and submodule.recurse
not ok 36 - check conflicting modes for regular file # TODO known breakage
ok 25 - bisect run & skip: find first bad
ok 37 - setup nested conflicts
ok 26 - bisect skip only one range
ok 38 - check nested conflicts
ok 61 - recursive rebasing pull
ok 39 - setup virtual merge base with nested conflicts
ok 27 - bisect skip many ranges
ok 40 - check virtual merge base with nested conflicts
# still have 8 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 32 test(s)
*** ***
ok 62 - pull rebase recursing fails with conflicts
ok 28 - bisect starting with a detached HEAD
ok 1 - Does git preserve Gollum's precious artifact?
not ok 2 - rename/modify/add-source conflict resolvable # TODO known breakage
ok 29 - bisect errors out if bad and good are mistaken
not ok 3 - conflict caused if rename not detected # TODO known breakage
ok 63 - branch has no merge base with remote-tracking counterpart
# still have 11 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 52 test(s)
*** ***
not ok 4 - missed conflict if rename not detected # TODO known breakage
ok 1 - git_bisect: added submodule creates empty directory
not ok 5 - detect rename/add-source and preserve all data # TODO known breakage
not ok 6 - detect rename/add-source and preserve all data, merge other way # TODO known breakage
ok 30 - bisect does not create a "bisect" branch
ok 1 - 1a: Simple directory rename detection
ok 31 - side branch creation
ok 7 - rename/directory conflict + clean content merge
ok 2 - 1b: Merge a directory with another
ok 3 - 1c: Transitive renaming
ok 32 - good merge base when good and bad are siblings
ok 8 - rename/directory conflict + content merge conflict
ok 9 - disappearing dir in rename/directory conflict handled
ok 4 - 1d: Directory renames cause a rename/rename(2to1) conflict
ok 33 - skipped merge base when good and bad are siblings
ok 2 - git_bisect: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 10 - handle rename-with-content-merge vs. add
ok 5 - 1e: Renamed directory, with all files being renamed too
ok 34 - bad merge base when good and bad are siblings
ok 35 - many merge bases creation
ok 11 - handle rename-with-content-merge vs. add, merge other way
ok 6 - 1f: Split a directory into two other directories
ok 36 - good merge bases when good and bad are siblings
ok 12 - handle rename/rename (2to1) conflict correctly
ok 7 - 2a: Directory split into two on one side, with equal numbers of paths
ok 13 - merge has correct working tree contents
ok 8 - 2b: Directory split into two on one side, with equal numbers of paths
not ok 14 - detect conflict with rename/rename(1to2)/add-source merge # TODO known breakage
ok 37 - optimized merge base checks
not ok 15 - rename/rename/add-source still tracks new a file # TODO known breakage
ok 9 - 3a: Avoid implicit rename if involved as source on other side
ok 3 - git_bisect: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 38 - "parallel" side branch creation
ok 16 - rename/rename/add-dest merge still knows about conflicting file versions
ok 10 - 3b: Avoid implicit rename if involved as source on current side
ok 39 - restricting bisection on one dir
not ok 17 - rad-check: rename/add/delete conflict # TODO known breakage
ok 11 - 4a: Directory split, with original directory still present
not ok 18 - rrdd-check: rename/rename(2to1)/delete/delete conflict # TODO known breakage
ok 12 - 5a: Merge directories, other side adds files to original and target
not ok 19 - mod6-check: chains of rename/rename(1to2) and rename/rename(2to1) # TODO known breakage
ok 13 - 5b: Rename/delete in order to get add/add/add conflict
ok 40 - restricting bisection on one dir and a file
ok 4 - git_bisect: replace directory with submodule
ok 20 - check simple rename/rename conflict
ok 14 - 5c: Transitive rename would cause rename/rename/rename/add/add/add
ok 41 - skipping away from skipped commit
ok 15 - 5d: Directory/file/file conflict due to directory rename
ok 42 - erroring out when using bad path parameters
ok 21 - check simple rename/add conflict
ok 16 - 6a: Tricky rename/delete
ok 22 - check simple add/rename conflict
ok 17 - 6b: Same rename done on both sides
ok 43 - test bisection on bare repo - --no-checkout specified
ok 5 - git_bisect: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 18 - 6c: Rename only done on same side
ok 23 - check simple add/add conflict
ok 19 - 6d: We do not always want transitive renaming
ok 44 - test bisection on bare repo - --no-checkout defaulted
ok 24 - check nested conflicts from rename/rename(2to1)
# still have 10 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 20 - 6e: Add/add from one side
ok 45 - broken branch creation
ok 1 - setup trivial merges
ok 21 - 7a: rename-dir vs. rename-dir (NOT split evenly) PLUS add-other-file
ok 46 - bisect fails if tree is broken on start commit
ok 2 - ff update
ok 3 - ff update, important file modified
ok 4 - resolve, trivial
ok 47 - bisect fails if tree is broken on trial commit
ok 5 - resolve, non-trivial
ok 22 - 7b: rename/rename(2to1), but only due to transitive rename
ok 6 - recursive
ok 7 - recursive, when merge branch matches merge base
ok 6 - git_bisect: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 8 - merge-recursive, when index==head but head!=HEAD
ok 48 - bisect: --no-checkout - start commit bad
ok 9 - recursive, when file has staged changes not matching HEAD nor what a merge would give
ok 23 - 7c: rename/rename(1to...2or3); transitive rename may add complexity
ok 10 - recursive, when file has staged changes matching what a merge would give
ok 11 - octopus, unrelated file touched
ok 49 - bisect: --no-checkout - trial commit bad
ok 24 - 7d: transitive rename involved in rename/delete; how is it reported?
ok 12 - octopus, related file removed
ok 7 - git_bisect: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 13 - octopus, related file modified
ok 14 - ours
ok 15 - subtree
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 25 - 7e: transitive rename in rename/delete AND dirs in the way
ok 50 - bisect: --no-checkout - target before breakage
ok 1 - rename/delete
# passed all 1 test(s)
*** ***
ok 26 - 8a: Dual-directory rename, one into the others way
ok 27 - 8b: Dual-directory rename, one into the others way, with conflicting filenames
ok 1 - 1a-L: Modify(A)/Modify(B), change on B subset of A
ok 8 - git_bisect: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 51 - bisect: --no-checkout - target in breakage
ok 2 - 1a-R: Modify(A)/Modify(B), change on B subset of A
ok 28 - 8c: modify/delete or rename+modify/delete
ok 29 - 8d: rename/delete...or not?
ok 3 - 2a-L: Modify/rename, merge into modify side
ok 52 - bisect: --no-checkout - target after breakage
ok 4 - 2a-R: Modify/rename, merge into rename side
ok 30 - 8e: Both sides rename, one side adds to original directory
ok 53 - bisect: demonstrate identification of damage boundary
ok 5 - 2b-L: Rename+Mod(A)/Mod(B), B mods subset of A
ok 31 - 9a: Inner renamed directory within outer renamed directory
not ok 9 - git_bisect: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 6 - 2b-R: Rename+Mod(A)/Mod(B), B mods subset of A
ok 32 - 9b: Transitive rename with content merge
ok 54 - bisect log: successful result
ok 7 - 2c: Modify b & add c VS rename b->c
ok 33 - 9c: Doubly transitive rename?
ok 8 - 3a-L: bq_1->foo/bq_2 on A, foo/->bar/ on B
ok 34 - 9d: N-way transitive rename?
ok 55 - bisect log: only skip commits left
ok 9 - 3a-R: bq_1->foo/bq_2 on A, foo/->bar/ on B
ok 35 - 9e: N-to-1 whammo
ok 10 - 3b-L: bq_1->foo/bq_2 on A, foo/->bar/ on B
not ok 10 - git_bisect: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 56 - "git bisect bad HEAD" behaves as "git bisect bad"
ok 36 - 9f: Renamed directory that only contained immediate subdirs
not ok 37 - 9g: Renamed directory that only contained immediate subdirs, immediate subdirs renamed # TODO known breakage
ok 11 - 3b-R: bq_1->foo/bq_2 on A, foo/->bar/ on B
ok 57 - bisect starts with only one new
ok 38 - 9h: Avoid dir rename on merely modified path
not ok 12 - 4a: Change on A, change on B subset of A, dirty mods present # TODO known breakage
ok 39 - 10a: Overwrite untracked with normal rename/delete
ok 13 - 4b: Rename+Mod(A)/Mod(B), change on B subset of A, dirty mods present
ok 58 - bisect does not start with only one old
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 40 - 10b: Overwrite untracked with dir rename + delete
ok 1 - setup no merge base
ok 2 - check no merge base
ok 41 - 10c1: Overwrite untracked with dir rename/rename(1to2)
ok 3 - setup unique merge base
ok 4 - check unique merge base
ok 11 - git_bisect: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 42 - 10c2: Overwrite untracked with dir rename/rename(1to2), other direction
ok 59 - bisect start with one new and old
ok 5 - setup multiple merge bases
ok 6 - check multiple merge bases
ok 60 - bisect replay with old and new
ok 7 - rebase describes fake ancestor base
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 43 - 10d: Delete untracked with dir rename/rename(2to1)
not ok 44 - 10e: Does git complain about untracked file that is not really in the way? # TODO known breakage
ok 61 - bisect cannot mix old/new and good/bad
ok 45 - 11a: Avoid losing dirty contents with simple rename
ok 1 - set up buggy branch
ok 2 - replace the author
ok 3 - test --no-replace-objects option
ok 4 - test GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS env variable
ok 5 - test core.usereplacerefs config option
ok 62 - bisect terms needs 0 or 1 argument
ok 6 - tag replaced commit
ok 46 - 11b: Avoid losing dirty file involved in directory rename
ok 7 - "git fsck" works
ok 63 - bisect terms shows good/bad after start
ok 8 - repack, clone and fetch work
ok 47 - 11c: Avoid losing not-uptodate with rename + D/F conflict
ok 9 - "git replace" listing and deleting
ok 10 - "git replace" replacing
ok 12 - git_bisect: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 11 - "git replace" resolves sha1
ok 48 - 11d: Avoid losing not-uptodate with rename + D/F conflict
ok 12 - create parallel branch without the bug
ok 13 - push to cloned repo
ok 49 - 11e: Avoid deleting not-uptodate with dir rename/rename(1to2)/add
ok 14 - push branch with replacement
ok 64 - bisect start with one term1 and term2
ok 15 - fetch branch with replacement
ok 50 - 11f: Avoid deleting not-uptodate with dir rename/rename(2to1)
ok 65 - bisect replay with term1 and term2
ok 51 - 12a: Moving one directory hierarchy into another
ok 52 - 12b: Moving two directory hierarchies into each other
ok 13 - git_bisect: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 16 - bisect and replacements
ok 17 - index-pack and replacements
ok 18 - not just commits
ok 53 - 12c: Moving one directory hierarchy into another w/ content merge
ok 19 - replaced and replacement objects must be of the same type
ok 66 - bisect start term1 term2
ok 20 - -f option bypasses the type check
ok 21 - git cat-file --batch works on replace objects
ok 22 - test --format bogus
ok 23 - test --format short
ok 14 - git_bisect: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 12 test(s)
ok 54 - 12d: Rename/merge subdir into the root, variant 1
*** ***
ok 24 - test --format medium
ok 25 - test --format long
ok 26 - setup fake editors
ok 27 - --edit with and without already replaced object
ok 1 - setup diverging branches
ok 55 - 12e: Rename/merge subdir into the root, variant 2
ok 2 - read-tree does not resolve content merge
ok 28 - --edit and change nothing or command failed
ok 29 - replace ref cleanup
ok 3 - git merge-index git-merge-one-file resolves
ok 4 - setup bare merge
ok 56 - 13a(conflict): messages for newly added files
ok 30 - --graft with and without already replaced object
ok 5 - merge-one-file fails without a work tree
ok 67 - bisect cannot mix terms
ok 31 - --graft using a tag as the new parent
ok 6 - merge-one-file respects GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 57 - 13a(info): messages for newly added files
ok 32 - --graft using a tag as the replaced object
ok 33 # skip set up a signed commit (missing GPG)
ok 34 # skip --graft with a signed commit (missing GPG)
ok 35 # skip set up a merge commit with a mergetag (missing GPG)
ok 36 # skip --graft on a commit with a mergetag (missing GPG)
ok 7 - merge-one-file respects core.worktree
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 58 - 13b(conflict): messages for transitive rename with conflicted content
ok 37 - --convert-graft-file
# passed all 37 test(s)
*** ***
ok 59 - 13b(info): messages for transitive rename with conflicted content
ok 68 - bisect terms rejects invalid terms
ok 1 - setup a commit history with trees, blobs
ok 2 - rev-list --in-commit-order
ok 3 - rev-list lists blobs and trees after commits
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 60 - 13c(conflict): messages for rename/rename(1to1) via transitive rename
ok 1 - setup well-formed objects
ok 2 - setup unexpected non-blob entry
not ok 3 - traverse unexpected non-blob entry (lone) # TODO known breakage
ok 69 - bisect start --term-* does store terms
ok 4 - traverse unexpected non-blob entry (seen)
ok 5 - setup unexpected non-tree entry
ok 61 - 13c(info): messages for rename/rename(1to1) via transitive rename
ok 6 - traverse unexpected non-tree entry (lone)
ok 7 - traverse unexpected non-tree entry (seen)
ok 8 - setup unexpected non-commit parent
ok 9 - traverse unexpected non-commit parent (lone)
ok 10 - traverse unexpected non-commit parent (seen)
ok 11 - setup unexpected non-tree root
ok 12 - traverse unexpected non-tree root (lone)
ok 13 - traverse unexpected non-tree root (seen)
ok 62 - 13d(conflict): messages for rename/rename(1to1) via dual transitive rename
ok 14 - setup unexpected non-commit tag
ok 15 - traverse unexpected non-commit tag (lone)
ok 16 - traverse unexpected non-commit tag (seen)
ok 70 - bisect start takes options and revs in any order
ok 17 - setup unexpected non-tree tag
ok 18 - traverse unexpected non-tree tag (lone)
ok 19 - traverse unexpected non-tree tag (seen)
ok 63 - 13d(info): messages for rename/rename(1to1) via dual transitive rename
ok 20 - setup unexpected non-blob tag
not ok 21 - traverse unexpected non-blob tag (lone) # TODO known breakage
ok 22 - traverse unexpected non-blob tag (seen)
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 20 test(s)
*** ***
ok 71 - git bisect reset cleans bisection state properly
# passed all 71 test(s)
ok 64 - 13e: directory rename detection in recursive case
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 62 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - rev-list --first-parent --boundary
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - start is valid
*** ***
ok 3 - start^0
ok 4 - start^1 not valid
ok 5 - second^1 = second^
ok 6 - final^1^1^1
ok 1 - setup r1
ok 7 - final^1^1^1 = final^^^
ok 8 - final^1^2
ok 9 - final^1^2 != final^1^1
ok 2 - verify blob:none omits all 5 blobs
ok 10 - final^1^3 not valid
ok 3 - specify blob explicitly prevents filtering
ok 11 - --verify start2^1
ok 12 - --verify start2^0
ok 4 - verify emitted+omitted == all
ok 13 - final^1^@ = final^1^1 final^1^2
ok 14 - symbolic final^1^@ = final^1^1 final^1^2
ok 5 - setup r2
ok 1 - setup
ok 15 - final^1^! = final^1 ^final^1^1 ^final^1^2
ok 2 - log 
ok 16 - symbolic final^1^! = final^1 ^final^1^1 ^final^1^2
ok 6 - verify blob:limit=500 omits all blobs
ok 3 - log 
ok 17 - large graft octopus
ok 4 - log --topo-order
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - log -- file
ok 7 - verify emitted+omitted == all
ok 2 - describe HEAD
ok 18 - repack for next test
ok 6 - log --parents -- file
ok 3 - describe HEAD^
ok 8 - verify blob:limit=1000
ok 7 - log --full-history -- file
ok 4 - describe HEAD^^
ok 19 - short SHA-1 works
ok 5 - describe HEAD^^2
ok 6 - describe HEAD^^2^
ok 9 - verify blob:limit=1001
ok 8 - log --full-history --parents -- file
ok 7 - describe HEAD^^^
ok 8 - describe --tags HEAD
ok 10 - verify blob:limit=1k
ok 9 - log --simplify-merges -- file
ok 9 - describe --tags HEAD^
ok 11 - verify blob:limit=1m
ok 10 - describe --tags HEAD^^
ok 10 - log --first-parent
ok 20 - setup for rev^- tests
ok 11 - describe --tags HEAD^^2
ok 21 - rev-list --count merge^- = merge^..merge
ok 11 - log --first-parent -- file
ok 12 - describe --tags HEAD^^2^
ok 22 - rev-parse merge^- = merge^..merge
ok 12 - setup r3
ok 13 - describe --tags HEAD^^^
ok 12 - log F..M
ok 23 - rev-parse merge^-1 = merge^..merge
ok 14 - describe --all HEAD
ok 13 - verify sparse:path=pattern1 fails
ok 13 - log F..M --topo-order
ok 24 - rev-parse merge^-2 = merge^2..merge
ok 14 - verify sparse:path=pattern2 fails
ok 15 - describe --all HEAD^
ok 14 - log F..M -- file
ok 25 - symbolic merge^-1 = merge^1..merge
ok 15 - setup r3 part 2
ok 16 - describe --all HEAD^^^
ok 26 - rev-parse merge^-0 (invalid parent)
ok 17 - describe --long HEAD^^2^
ok 15 - log --parents F..M -- file
ok 27 - rev-parse merge^-3 (invalid parent)
ok 28 - rev-parse merge^-^ (garbage after ^-)
ok 16 - verify sparse:oid=OID omits top-level files
ok 18 - describe --long HEAD^^2
ok 29 - rev-parse merge^-1x (garbage after ^-1)
ok 16 - log F..M --full-history -- file
ok 19 - describe --tags
ok 17 - verify sparse:oid=oid-ish omits top-level files
ok 30 - rev-list merge^- = merge^..merge
ok 20 - describe --first-parent --tags
ok 17 - log F..M --full-history --parents -- file
ok 31 - rev-list merge^-1 = merge^1..merge
ok 18 - log F..M --simplify-merges -- file
ok 32 - rev-list merge^-2 = merge^2..merge
ok 21 - describe --contains defaults to HEAD without commit-ish
ok 18 - rev-list W/ --missing=print and --missing=allow-any for trees
ok 19 - log F..M --ancestry-path
ok 22 - describe --all A^0
ok 33 - rev-list merge^-0 (invalid parent)
ok 23 - no warning was displayed for A
ok 24 - rename tag A to Q locally
ok 34 - rev-list merge^-3 (invalid parent)
ok 20 - log F..M --ancestry-path -- file
ok 35 - rev-list merge^-^ (garbage after ^-)
ok 25 - describe HEAD
ok 36 - rev-list merge^-1x (garbage after ^-1)
ok 19 - verify tree:0 includes trees in "filtered" output
ok 21 - log F..M --ancestry-path --parents -- file
ok 37 - rev-parse $garbage^@ does not segfault
ok 26 - warning was displayed for Q
ok 22 - log F..M --ancestry-path --simplify-merges -- file
ok 27 - rename tag Q back to A
ok 38 - rev-parse $garbage...$garbage does not segfault
# passed all 38 test(s)
ok 20 - verify skipping tree iteration when not collecting omits
ok 23 - log F..M --first-parent
*** ***
ok 28 - pack tag refs
ok 29 - describe HEAD
ok 21 - verify tree:1 includes root trees
ok 24 - log F..M --first-parent -- file
ok 25 - log E..M --ancestry-path
ok 30 - describe works from outside repo using --git-dir
ok 26 - log E..M --ancestry-path -- file
ok 22 - verify tree:2 includes root trees and immediate children
ok 31 - describe --dirty
ok 32 - describe --dirty with --work-tree
ok 33 - set-up dirty work tree
ok 27 - log E..M --ancestry-path --parents -- file
ok 34 - describe --dirty
ok 35 - describe --dirty with --work-tree (dirty)
ok 1 - create commits with glob characters
ok 28 - log E..M --ancestry-path --simplify-merges -- file
ok 36 - describe --dirty=.mod
ok 2 - vanilla pathspec matches literally
ok 23 - verify tree:3 includes everything expected
ok 29 - log G..M
ok 37 - describe --dirty=.mod with --work-tree (dirty)
ok 3 - star pathspec globs
ok 38 - describe --dirty HEAD
ok 4 - star pathspec globs
ok 30 - log G..M --topo-order
ok 5 - bracket pathspec globs and matches literal brackets
ok 31 - log G..M -- file
ok 24 - combine:... for a simple combination
ok 32 - log G..M --parents -- file
ok 6 - bracket pathspec globs and matches literal brackets
ok 39 - set-up matching pattern tests
ok 7 - no-glob option matches literally (vanilla)
ok 33 - log G..M --full-history -- file
ok 25 - combine:... with URL encoding
ok 40 - describe --match=test-*
ok 8 - no-glob option matches literally (vanilla)
ok 34 - log G..M --full-history --parents -- file
ok 41 - describe --tags --match=test1-*
ok 9 - no-glob option matches literally (star)
ok 26 - combine:... while URL-encoding things that should not be
ok 42 - describe --tags --match=test2-*
ok 10 - no-glob option matches literally (star)
ok 35 - log G..M --simplify-merges -- file
ok 11 - no-glob option matches literally (bracket)
ok 27 - combine: with nothing after the :
ok 43 - describe --long --tags --match=test2-* HEAD^
ok 12 - no-glob option matches literally (bracket)
ok 44 - describe --long --tags --match=test1-* --match=test2-* HEAD^
ok 28 - parse error in first sub-filter in combine:
ok 13 - no-glob option disables :(literal)
ok 45 - describe --long --tags --match=test1-* --no-match --match=test2-* HEAD^
ok 36 - log G..M --ancestry-path
ok 14 - no-glob environment variable works
ok 29 - combine:... with non-encoded reserved chars
ok 46 - describe --long --tags --match=test1-* --match=test3-* HEAD
ok 37 - log G..M --ancestry-path -- file
ok 47 - describe --long --tags --match=test3-* --match=test1-* HEAD
ok 15 - blame takes global pathspec flags
ok 30 - validate err msg for "combine:<valid-filter>+"
ok 38 - log G..M --ancestry-path --parents -- file
ok 16 - setup xxx/bar
ok 48 - set-up branches
ok 39 - log G..M --ancestry-path --simplify-merges -- file
ok 31 - combine:... with edge-case hex digits: Ff Aa 0 9
ok 49 - describe --all --match=branch_* --exclude=branch_C HEAD
ok 17 - **/ works with :(glob)
ok 40 - log B..F
ok 18 - **/ does not work with --noglob-pathspecs
ok 50 - describe --all --match=origin/remote_branch_* --exclude=origin/remote_branch_C HEAD
ok 32 - add sparse pattern blobs whose paths have reserved chars
ok 51 - describe --all test-annotated~1
ok 19 - **/ works with :(glob) and --noglob-pathspecs
ok 52 - --match does not work for other types
ok 41 - log B..F -- file
ok 20 - **/ works with --glob-pathspecs
ok 53 - --exclude does not work for other types
ok 21 - **/ does not work with :(literal) and --glob-pathspecs
ok 42 - log B..F --parents -- file
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 54 - name-rev with exact tags
ok 43 - log B..F --full-history -- file
ok 44 - log B..F --full-history --parents -- file
ok 33 - combine:... with more than two sub-filters
ok 45 - log B..F --simplify-merges -- file
ok 34 - setup r4
ok 46 - log B..F --ancestry-path
ok 55 - name-rev --all
ok 35 - test tree:# filter provisional omit for blob and tree
ok 47 - log B..F --ancestry-path -- file
ok 36 - verify skipping tree iteration when collecting omits
ok 48 - log B..F --ancestry-path --parents -- file
ok 37 - setup r5
ok 49 - log B..F --ancestry-path --simplify-merges -- file
ok 50 - log B..F --first-parent
ok 38 - verify collecting omits in combined: filter
ok 51 - log B..F --first-parent -- file
ok 56 - name-rev --stdin
ok 52 - log E F ^B -- file
ok 39 - tree:<depth> where we iterate over tree at two levels
ok 53 - log E...F -- file
ok 57 - describe --contains with the exact tags
ok 40 - tree:<depth> which filters out blob but given as arg
ok 54 - log C..F
ok 1 - create commits with glob characters
ok 58 - describe --contains and --match
ok 55 - log C..F -- file
ok 2 - tree_entry_interesting matches bar
ok 56 - log C..F --parents -- file
ok 3 - tree_entry_interesting matches :(icase)bar
ok 59 - describe --exclude
ok 41 - rev-list W/ --missing=print
ok 57 - log C..F --full-history -- file
ok 42 - rev-list W/O --missing fails
ok 4 - tree_entry_interesting matches :(icase)bar with prefix
ok 60 - describe --contains and --no-match
ok 43 - rev-list W/ missing=allow-any
ok 5 - tree_entry_interesting matches :(icase)bar with empty prefix
ok 58 - log C..F --full-history --parents -- file
ok 6 - match_pathspec matches :(icase)bar
ok 59 - log C..F --simplify-merges -- file
ok 7 - match_pathspec matches :(icase)bar with prefix
ok 60 - log C..F --ancestry-path
ok 44 - expand blob limit in protocol
ok 8 - match_pathspec matches :(icase)bar with empty prefix
# passed all 44 test(s)
ok 61 - log C..F --ancestry-path -- file
ok 9 - "git diff" can take magic :(icase) pathspec
*** ***
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 62 - log C..F --ancestry-path --parents -- file
ok 63 - log C..F --ancestry-path --simplify-merges -- file
ok 64 - log C..F --first-parent
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - non-rev wildcard dwims to pathspec
ok 65 - log C..F --first-parent -- file
# passed all 65 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - tree:path with metacharacters dwims to rev
ok 4 - ^{foo} with metacharacters dwims to rev
ok 5 - @{foo} with metacharacters dwims to rev
ok 61 - setup and absorb a submodule
ok 1 - setup
ok 62 - describe chokes on severely broken submodules
ok 6 - :/*.t from a subdir dwims to a pathspec
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 2 - exclude only pathspec uses default implicit pathspec
ok 63 - describe ignoring a broken submodule
*** ***
ok 3 - t_e_i() exclude sub
ok 64 - describe with --work-tree ignoring a broken submodule
ok 4 - t_e_i() exclude sub/sub/file
ok 5 - t_e_i() exclude sub using mnemonic
ok 65 - describe a blob at a directly tagged commit
ok 6 - t_e_i() exclude :(icase)SUB
ok 66 - describe a blob with its first introduction
ok 7 - t_e_i() exclude sub2 from sub
ok 8 - t_e_i() exclude sub/*file
ok 67 - describe directly tagged blob
ok 9 - t_e_i() exclude :(glob)sub/*/file
ok 68 - describe tag object
ok 10 - m_p_d() exclude sub
ok 11 - m_p_d() exclude sub/sub/file
ok 1 - setup a tree
ok 2 - pathspec with no attr
ok 12 - m_p_d() exclude sub using mnemonic
ok 3 - pathspec with labels and non existent .gitattributes
ok 13 - m_p_d() exclude :(icase)SUB
ok 4 - pathspec with labels and non existent .gitattributes (2)
ok 14 - m_p_d() exclude sub2 from sub
ok 5 - setup .gitattributes
ok 15 - m_p_d() exclude sub/*file
ok 16 - m_p_d() exclude :(glob)sub/*/file
ok 6 - check specific set attr
ok 17 - multiple exclusions
ok 7 - check specific set attr (2)
ok 1 - setup a submodule
ok 8 - check specific unset attr
ok 9 - check specific unset attr (2)
ok 2 - error message for path inside submodule
ok 18 - t_e_i() exclude case #8
# passed all 18 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - error message for path inside submodule from within submodule
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 10 - check specific value attr
*** ***
ok 11 - check specific value attr (2)
ok 12 - check unspecified attr
ok 1 - setup a bare and non-bare repository
ok 13 - check unspecified attr (2)
ok 2 - log and ls-files in a bare repository
ok 14 - check multiple unspecified attr
ok 15 - check label with more labels but excluded path
ok 16 - check label excluding other labels
ok 3 - log and ls-files in .git directory
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 17 - fail on multiple attr specifiers in one pathspec item
ok 18 - fail if attr magic is used places not implemented
ok 19 - abort on giving invalid label on the command line
ok 20 - abort on asking for wrong magic
ok 1 - setup
ok 21 - check attribute list
ok 22 - backslash cannot be the last character
ok 1 - setup
ok 23 - backslash cannot be used as a value
ok 2 - message for merging local branch
# passed all 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - basic atom: head refname
ok 3 - basic atom: head refname:
ok 4 - basic atom: head refname:short
ok 3 - message for merging external branch
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - basic atom: head refname:lstrip=1
ok 2 - Broken refs are reported correctly
ok 6 - basic atom: head refname:lstrip=2
ok 3 - NULL_SHA1 refs are reported correctly
ok 7 - basic atom: head refname:lstrip=-1
ok 8 - basic atom: head refname:lstrip=-2
ok 4 - [merge] summary/log configuration
ok 4 - Missing objects are reported correctly
# passed all 4 test(s)
ok 9 - basic atom: head refname:rstrip=1
*** ***
ok 10 - basic atom: head refname:rstrip=2
ok 5 - setup FETCH_HEAD
ok 69 - name-rev works in a deep repo
ok 11 - basic atom: head refname:rstrip=-1
ok 6 - merge.log=3 limits shortlog length
ok 12 - basic atom: head refname:rstrip=-2
ok 7 - merge.log=5 shows all 5 commits
ok 13 - basic atom: head refname:strip=1
ok 8 - --log=5 with custom comment character
ok 9 - merge.log=0 disables shortlog
ok 14 - basic atom: head refname:strip=2
ok 15 - basic atom: head refname:strip=-1
ok 10 - --log=3 limits shortlog length
ok 11 - --log=5 shows all 5 commits
ok 16 - basic atom: head refname:strip=-2
ok 12 - --no-log disables shortlog
ok 1 - setup some history and refs
ok 17 - basic atom: head upstream
ok 13 - --log=0 disables shortlog
ok 2 - filtering with --points-at
ok 70 - describe works in a deep repo
ok 18 - basic atom: head upstream:short
ok 71 - describe --all A
ok 3 - check signed tags with --points-at
ok 19 - basic atom: head upstream:lstrip=2
ok 72 - describe --all c
ok 4 - filtering with --merged
ok 14 - fmt-merge-msg -m
ok 20 - basic atom: head upstream:lstrip=-2
ok 73 - describe --all --match=branch_* branch_A
ok 5 - filtering with --no-merged
ok 15 - setup: expected shortlog for two branches
ok 74 - describe complains about tree object
ok 21 - basic atom: head upstream:rstrip=2
ok 6 - filtering with --contains
ok 22 - basic atom: head upstream:rstrip=-2
ok 75 - describe complains about missing object
ok 23 - basic atom: head upstream:strip=2
ok 7 - filtering with --no-contains
ok 24 - basic atom: head upstream:strip=-2
ok 25 - basic atom: head push
ok 8 - filtering with --contains and --no-contains
ok 9 - %(color) must fail
ok 26 - basic atom: head push:short
ok 10 - left alignment is default
ok 27 - basic atom: head push:lstrip=1
ok 76 - name-rev a rev shortly after epoch
ok 11 - middle alignment
ok 28 - basic atom: head push:lstrip=-1
ok 12 - right alignment
ok 29 - basic atom: head push:rstrip=1
ok 13 - align:middle,42
ok 30 - basic atom: head push:rstrip=-1
ok 14 - align:42,middle
ok 16 - shortlog for two branches
ok 31 - basic atom: head push:strip=1
ok 15 - align:position=middle,42
ok 32 - basic atom: head push:strip=-1
ok 16 - align:42,position=middle
ok 33 - basic atom: head objecttype
ok 17 - align:middle,width=42
ok 77 - name-rev covers all conditions while looking at parents
# passed all 77 test(s)
ok 17 - merge-msg -F
ok 34 - basic atom: head objectsize
*** ***
ok 18 - align:width=42,middle
ok 35 - basic atom: head objectsize:disk
ok 19 - align:position=middle,width=42
ok 20 - align:width=42,position=middle
ok 36 - basic atom: head deltabase
ok 21 - align:32,width=42,middle
ok 18 - merge-msg -F in subdirectory
ok 37 - basic atom: head objectname
ok 22 - align:width=30,42,middle
ok 1 - setup
ok 38 - basic atom: head objectname:short
ok 23 - align:width=42,position=right,middle
ok 24 - align:42,right,position=middle
ok 39 - basic atom: head objectname:short=1
ok 2 - gc empty repository
ok 25 - alignment with format quote
ok 40 - basic atom: head objectname:short=10
ok 19 - merge-msg with nothing to merge
ok 3 - gc does not leave behind pid file
ok 26 - nested alignment with quote formatting
ok 41 - basic atom: head tree
ok 27 - check `%(contents:lines=1)`
ok 4 - gc --gobbledegook
ok 42 - basic atom: head parent
ok 28 - check `%(contents:lines=0)`
ok 5 - gc -h with invalid configuration
ok 20 - merge-msg tag
ok 29 - check `%(contents:lines=99999)`
ok 43 - basic atom: head numparent
ok 30 - `%(contents:lines=-1)` should fail
ok 44 - basic atom: head object
ok 21 - merge-msg two tags
ok 45 - basic atom: head type
ok 46 - basic atom: head *objectname
ok 6 - gc is not aborted due to a stale symref
ok 31 - setup for version sort
ok 22 - merge-msg tag and branch
ok 47 - basic atom: head *objecttype
ok 32 - version sort
ok 48 - basic atom: head author
ok 33 - version sort (shortened)
ok 34 - reverse version sort
ok 23 - merge-msg lots of commits
ok 49 - basic atom: head authorname
ok 50 - basic atom: head authoremail
ok 51 - basic atom: head authordate
ok 35 - improper usage of %(if), %(then), %(else) and %(end) atoms
ok 52 - basic atom: head committer
ok 53 - basic atom: head committername
ok 36 - check %(if)...%(then)...%(end) atoms
ok 54 - basic atom: head committeremail
ok 24 - merge-msg with "merging" an annotated tag
# passed all 24 test(s)
ok 37 - check %(if)...%(then)...%(else)...%(end) atoms
*** ***
ok 55 - basic atom: head committerdate
ok 38 - ignore spaces in %(if) atom usage
ok 56 - basic atom: head tag
ok 39 - check %(if:equals=<string>)
ok 57 - basic atom: head tagger
ok 40 - check %(if:notequals=<string>)
ok 58 - basic atom: head taggername
ok 41 - --merged is incompatible with --no-merged
ok 7 - gc --keep-largest-pack
ok 1 - make repo completely empty (loose)
ok 2 - disable reflogs (loose)
ok 59 - basic atom: head taggeremail
ok 42 - validate worktree atom
ok 3 - setup basic history (loose)
# passed all 42 test(s)
ok 60 - basic atom: head taggerdate
*** ***
ok 61 - basic atom: head creator
ok 62 - basic atom: head creatordate
ok 4 - create and abandon some objects (loose)
ok 5 - simulate time passing (loose)
ok 63 - basic atom: head subject
ok 6 - start writing new commit with old blob (loose)
ok 64 - basic atom: head contents:subject
ok 7 - simultaneous gc (loose)
ok 65 - basic atom: head body
ok 8 - finish writing out commit (loose)
ok 66 - basic atom: head contents:body
ok 9 - repository passes fsck (loose)
ok 67 - basic atom: head contents:signature
ok 8 - auto gc with too many loose objects does not attempt to create bitmaps
ok 10 - abandon objects again (loose)
ok 68 - basic atom: head contents
ok 11 - start writing new commit with same tree (loose)
ok 69 - basic atom: head HEAD
ok 9 - gc --no-quiet
ok 70 - basic atom: tag refname
ok 10 # skip with TTY: gc --no-quiet (missing TTY)
ok 71 - basic atom: tag refname:short
ok 12 - simultaneous gc (loose)
ok 72 - basic atom: tag upstream
ok 11 - gc --quiet
ok 73 - basic atom: tag push
ok 13 - finish writing out commit (loose)
ok 74 - basic atom: tag objecttype
ok 14 - make repo completely empty (repack)
ok 75 - basic atom: tag objectsize
ok 15 - disable reflogs (repack)
ok 12 - gc.reflogExpire{Unreachable,}=never skips "expire" via "gc"
ok 76 - basic atom: tag objectsize:disk
ok 16 - setup basic history (repack)
ok 77 - basic atom: tag *objectsize:disk
ok 17 - create and abandon some objects (repack)
ok 78 - basic atom: tag deltabase
ok 13 - one of gc.reflogExpire{Unreachable,}=never does not skip "expire" via "gc"
ok 18 - simulate time passing (repack)
ok 79 - basic atom: tag *deltabase
ok 80 - basic atom: tag objectname
ok 19 - start writing new commit with old blob (repack)
ok 81 - basic atom: tag objectname:short
ok 20 - simultaneous gc (repack)
ok 82 - basic atom: head objectname:short=1
ok 21 - finish writing out commit (repack)
ok 83 - basic atom: head objectname:short=10
ok 22 - repository passes fsck (repack)
ok 84 - basic atom: tag tree
ok 23 - abandon objects again (repack)
ok 14 - background auto gc does not run if gc.log is present and recent but does if it is old
ok 85 - basic atom: tag parent
ok 24 - start writing new commit with same tree (repack)
ok 86 - basic atom: tag numparent
ok 87 - basic atom: tag object
ok 15 - background auto gc respects lock for all operations
# passed all 15 test(s)
ok 88 - basic atom: tag type
ok 25 - simultaneous gc (repack)
*** ***
ok 26 - finish writing out commit (repack)
ok 89 - basic atom: tag *objectname
ok 90 - basic atom: tag *objecttype
ok 91 - basic atom: tag author
ok 92 - basic atom: tag authorname
ok 27 - do not complain about existing broken links (commit)
ok 1 - prepare reference tree
ok 93 - basic atom: tag authoremail
ok 2 - moving the file out of subdirectory
ok 94 - basic atom: tag authordate
ok 3 - commiting the change
ok 95 - basic atom: tag committer
ok 28 - do not complain about existing broken links (tree)
ok 4 - checking the commit
ok 96 - basic atom: tag committername
ok 97 - basic atom: tag committeremail
ok 5 - moving the file back into subdirectory
ok 98 - basic atom: tag committerdate
ok 6 - commiting the change
ok 99 - basic atom: tag tag
ok 29 - do not complain about existing broken links (tag)
# passed all 29 test(s)
ok 7 - checking the commit
*** ***
ok 100 - basic atom: tag tagger
ok 8 - mv --dry-run does not move file
ok 101 - basic atom: tag taggername
ok 9 - checking -k on non-existing file
ok 102 - basic atom: tag taggeremail
ok 10 - checking -k on untracked file
ok 103 - basic atom: tag taggerdate
ok 11 - checking -k on multiple untracked files
ok 104 - basic atom: tag creator
ok 12 - checking -f on untracked file with existing target
ok 105 - basic atom: tag creatordate
ok 13 - moving to absent target with trailing slash
ok 106 - basic atom: tag subject
ok 107 - basic atom: tag contents:subject
ok 14 - clean up
ok 15 - moving to existing untracked target with trailing slash
ok 108 - basic atom: tag body
ok 16 - moving to existing tracked target with trailing slash
ok 17 - clean up
ok 109 - basic atom: tag contents:body
ok 110 - basic atom: tag contents:signature
ok 1 - setup
ok 18 - adding another file
ok 111 - basic atom: tag contents
ok 19 - moving whole subdirectory
ok 112 - basic atom: tag HEAD
ok 20 - commiting the change
ok 113 - Check invalid atoms names are errors
ok 21 - checking the commit
ok 114 - Check format specifiers are ignored in naming date atoms
ok 22 - succeed when source is a prefix of destination
ok 23 - moving whole subdirectory into subdirectory
ok 24 - commiting the change
ok 115 - Check valid format specifiers for date fields
ok 25 - checking the commit
ok 26 - do not move directory over existing directory
ok 116 - Check invalid format specifiers are errors
ok 27 - move into "."
ok 117 - arguments to %(objectname:short=) must be positive integers
ok 118 - Check unformatted date fields output
ok 28 - Michael Cassar's test case
ok 119 - Check format "default" formatted date fields output
ok 120 - Check format "default-local" date fields output
ok 29 - Sergey Vlasov's test case
ok 121 - Check format "relative" date fields output
ok 122 - Check format "relative-local" date fields output
ok 30 - absolute pathname
ok 123 - Check format "short" date fields output
ok 31 - absolute pathname outside should fail
ok 124 - Check format "short-local" date fields output
ok 32 - git mv to move multiple sources into a directory
ok 125 - Check format "local" date fields output
ok 33 - git mv should not change sha1 of moved cache entry
ok 2 - rewrite identically
ok 126 - Check format "iso8601" date fields output
ok 3 - result is really identical
ok 127 - Check format "iso8601-local" date fields output
ok 128 - Check format "rfc2822" date fields output
ok 129 - Check format "rfc2822-local" date fields output
ok 34 - git mv should overwrite symlink to a file
ok 130 - Check format "raw" date fields output
ok 131 - Check format "raw-local" date fields output
ok 35 - git mv should overwrite file with a symlink
ok 132 - Check format of strftime date fields
ok 36 - check moved symlink
ok 133 - Check format of strftime-local date fields
ok 134 - exercise strftime with odd fields
ok 135 - Verify ascending sort
ok 136 - Verify descending sort
ok 137 - exercise patterns with prefixes
ok 138 - exercise glob patterns with prefixes
ok 139 - Quoting style: shell
ok 140 - Quoting style: perl
ok 141 - Quoting style: python
ok 142 - Quoting style: tcl
ok 143 - more than one quoting style: --perl --shell
ok 4 - rewrite bare repository identically
ok 144 - more than one quoting style: -s --python
ok 5 - result is really identical
ok 145 - more than one quoting style: --python --tcl
ok 146 - more than one quoting style: --tcl --perl
ok 37 - setup submodule
ok 147 - setup for upstream:track[short]
ok 38 - git mv cannot move a submodule in a file
ok 148 - basic atom: head upstream:track
ok 149 - basic atom: head upstream:trackshort
ok 150 - basic atom: head upstream:track,nobracket
ok 39 - git mv moves a submodule with a .git directory and no .gitmodules
ok 151 - basic atom: head upstream:nobracket,track
ok 152 - setup for push:track[short]
ok 153 - basic atom: head push:track
ok 6 - correct GIT_DIR while using -d
ok 154 - basic atom: head push:trackshort
ok 155 - Check that :track[short] cannot be used with other atoms
ok 156 - Check that :track[short] works when upstream is invalid
ok 157 - Check for invalid refname format
ok 158 - set up color tests
ok 40 - git mv moves a submodule with a .git directory and .gitmodules
ok 159 # skip %(color) shows color with a tty (missing TTY)
ok 160 - %(color) does not show color without tty
ok 161 - --color can override tty check
ok 162 - color.ui=always does not override tty check
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - tree-filter works with -d
ok 163 - Check ambiguous head and tag refs (strict)
ok 2 - ref_newer:miss
ok 164 - Check ambiguous head and tag refs (loose)
ok 165 - Check ambiguous head and tag refs II (loose)
ok 3 - ref_newer:hit
ok 166 - create tag without tagger
ok 167 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless type
ok 4 - in_merge_bases:hit
ok 41 - git mv moves a submodule with gitfile
ok 8 - Fail if commit filter fails
ok 168 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless tag
ok 5 - in_merge_bases:miss
ok 169 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless tagger
ok 170 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless taggername
ok 6 - is_descendant_of:hit
ok 171 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless taggeremail
ok 172 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless taggerdate
ok 7 - is_descendant_of:miss
ok 173 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless committer
ok 174 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless committername
ok 175 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless committeremail
ok 8 - get_merge_bases_many
ok 176 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless committerdate
ok 177 - basic atom: refs/tags/taggerless subject
ok 42 - mv does not complain when no .gitmodules file is found
ok 9 - reduce_heads
ok 178 - an unusual tag with an incomplete line
ok 179 - create tag with subject and body content
ok 10 - can_all_from_reach:hit
ok 180 - basic atom: refs/tags/subject-body subject
ok 181 - basic atom: refs/tags/subject-body body
ok 11 - can_all_from_reach:miss
ok 182 - basic atom: refs/tags/subject-body contents
ok 183 - create tag with multiline subject
ok 184 - basic atom: refs/tags/multiline subject
ok 12 - can_all_from_reach_with_flag: tags case
ok 185 - basic atom: refs/tags/multiline contents:subject
ok 186 - basic atom: refs/tags/multiline body
ok 187 - basic atom: refs/tags/multiline contents:body
ok 13 - commit_contains:hit
ok 188 - basic atom: refs/tags/multiline contents:signature
ok 43 - mv will error out on a modified .gitmodules file unless staged
ok 189 - basic atom: refs/tags/multiline contents
ok 190 # skip create signed tags (missing GPG)
ok 191 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-empty subject (missing GPG)
ok 192 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-empty contents:subject (missing GPG)
ok 193 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-empty body (missing GPG)
ok 194 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-empty contents:body (missing GPG)
ok 195 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-empty contents:signature (missing GPG)
ok 196 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-empty contents (missing GPG)
ok 197 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-short subject (missing GPG)
ok 198 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-short contents:subject (missing GPG)
ok 199 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-short body (missing GPG)
ok 200 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-short contents:body (missing GPG)
ok 201 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-short contents:signature (missing GPG)
ok 202 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-short contents (missing GPG)
ok 203 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-long subject (missing GPG)
ok 204 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-long contents:subject (missing GPG)
ok 205 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-long body (missing GPG)
ok 206 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-long contents:body (missing GPG)
ok 207 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-long contents:signature (missing GPG)
ok 14 - commit_contains:miss
ok 208 # skip basic atom: refs/tags/signed-long contents (missing GPG)
ok 209 - Verify sort with multiple keys
ok 15 - rev-list: basic topo-order
ok 210 - do not dereference NULL upon %(HEAD) on unborn branch
ok 16 - rev-list: first-parent topo-order
ok 211 - set up trailers for next test
ok 212 - %(trailers:unfold) unfolds trailers
ok 17 - rev-list: range topo-order
ok 9 - rewrite, renaming a specific file
ok 10 - test that the file was renamed
ok 213 - %(trailers:only) shows only "key: value" trailers
ok 44 - mv issues a warning when section is not found in .gitmodules
ok 214 - %(trailers:only) and %(trailers:unfold) work together
ok 18 - rev-list: range topo-order
ok 215 - %(contents:trailers:unfold) unfolds trailers
ok 216 - %(contents:trailers:only) shows only "key: value" trailers
ok 19 - rev-list: first-parent range topo-order
ok 217 - %(contents:trailers:only) and %(contents:trailers:unfold) work together
ok 218 - %(trailers) rejects unknown trailers arguments
ok 20 - rev-list: ancestry-path topo-order
ok 219 - %(contents:trailers) rejects unknown trailers arguments
ok 220 - basic atom: head contents:trailers
ok 21 - rev-list: symmetric difference topo-order
ok 221 - trailer parsing not fooled by --- line
ok 22 - get_reachable_subset:all
ok 222 - Add symbolic ref for the following tests
ok 45 - mv --dry-run does not touch the submodule or .gitmodules
ok 223 - Verify usage of %(symref) atom
ok 224 - Verify usage of %(symref:short) atom
ok 23 - get_reachable_subset:some
ok 225 - Verify usage of %(symref:lstrip) atom
ok 24 - get_reachable_subset:none
# passed all 24 test(s)
ok 226 - Verify usage of %(symref:rstrip) atom
*** ***
ok 1 - listing all tags in an empty tree should succeed
ok 2 - listing all tags in an empty tree should output nothing
ok 227 - :remotename and :remoteref
ok 46 - checking out a commit before submodule moved needs manual updates
ok 228 - for-each-ref --ignore-case ignores case
# passed all 228 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - sort tags, ignore case
ok 47 - mv -k does not accidentally destroy submodules
ok 4 - looking for a tag in an empty tree should fail
ok 5 - creating a tag in an empty tree should fail
ok 1 - determine default editor
ok 6 - creating a tag for HEAD in an empty tree should fail
ok 48 - moving a submodule in nested directories
ok 7 - creating a tag for an unknown revision should fail
ok 2 - setup
ok 8 - creating a tag using default HEAD should succeed
ok 3 - dumb should error out when falling back on vi
ok 4 - dumb should prefer EDITOR to VISUAL
ok 9 - creating a tag with --create-reflog should create reflog
ok 11 - rewrite, renaming a specific directory
ok 5 - Using vi
ok 12 - test that the directory was renamed
ok 10 - annotated tag with --create-reflog has correct message
ok 6 - Using EDITOR
ok 11 - --create-reflog does not create reflog on failure
ok 7 - Using VISUAL
ok 12 - option core.logAllRefUpdates=always creates reflog
ok 13 - listing all tags if one exists should succeed
ok 8 - Using core_editor
ok 14 - Multiple -l or --list options are equivalent to one -l option
ok 15 - listing all tags if one exists should output that tag
ok 9 - Using GIT_EDITOR
ok 16 - listing a tag using a matching pattern should succeed
ok 17 - listing a tag with --ignore-case
ok 10 - Using vi (override)
ok 18 - listing a tag using a matching pattern should output that tag
ok 19 - listing tags using a non-matching pattern should succeed
ok 11 - Using EDITOR (override)
ok 20 - listing tags using a non-matching pattern should output nothing
ok 21 - trying to create a tag with the name of one existing should fail
ok 12 - Using VISUAL (override)
ok 22 - trying to create a tag with a non-valid name should fail
ok 13 - Using core_editor (override)
ok 23 - creating a tag using HEAD directly should succeed
ok 14 - Using GIT_EDITOR (override)
ok 24 - --force can create a tag with the name of one existing
ok 15 - editor with a space
ok 25 - --force is moot with a non-existing tag name
ok 16 - core.editor with a space
# passed all 16 test(s)
ok 26 - trying to delete an unknown tag should fail
*** ***
ok 27 - trying to delete tags without params should succeed and do nothing
ok 28 - deleting two existing tags in one command should succeed
ok 1 - determine default pager
ok 29 - creating a tag with the name of another deleted one should succeed
ok 2 - setup
ok 30 - trying to delete two tags, existing and not, should fail in the 2nd
ok 3 # skip some commands use a pager (missing TTY)
ok 4 # skip pager runs from subdir (missing TTY)
ok 5 # skip LESS and LV envvars are set for pagination (missing TTY)
ok 6 # skip LESS and LV envvars set by git-sh-setup (missing TTY of !MINGW,TTY)
ok 7 # skip some commands do not use a pager (missing TTY)
ok 31 - trying to delete an already deleted tag should fail
ok 8 - no pager when stdout is a pipe
ok 9 - no pager when stdout is a regular file
ok 10 # skip git --paginate rev-list uses a pager (missing TTY)
ok 11 - no pager even with --paginate when stdout is a pipe
ok 12 # skip no pager with --no-pager (missing TTY)
ok 13 # skip configuration can disable pager (missing TTY)
ok 14 # skip configuration can enable pager (from subdir) (missing TTY)
ok 15 # skip git tag -l defaults to paging (missing TTY)
ok 16 # skip git tag -l respects pager.tag (missing TTY)
ok 32 - listing all tags should print them ordered
ok 17 # skip git tag -l respects --no-pager (missing TTY)
ok 18 # skip git tag with no args defaults to paging (missing TTY)
ok 19 # skip git tag with no args respects pager.tag (missing TTY)
ok 20 # skip git tag --contains defaults to paging (missing TTY)
ok 21 # skip git tag --contains respects pager.tag (missing TTY)
ok 22 # skip git tag -a defaults to not paging (missing TTY)
ok 23 # skip git tag -a ignores pager.tag (missing TTY)
ok 33 - listing tags with substring as pattern must print those matching
ok 24 # skip git tag -a respects --paginate (missing TTY)
ok 25 # skip git tag as alias ignores pager.tag with -a (missing TTY)
ok 26 # skip git tag as alias respects pager.tag with -l (missing TTY)
ok 27 # skip git branch defaults to paging (missing TTY)
ok 34 - listing tags with a suffix as pattern must print those matching
ok 28 # skip git branch respects pager.branch (missing TTY)
ok 29 # skip git branch respects --no-pager (missing TTY)
ok 30 # skip git branch --edit-description ignores pager.branch (missing TTY)
ok 49 - moving nested submodules
ok 31 # skip git branch --set-upstream-to ignores pager.branch (missing TTY)
ok 32 # skip git config ignores pager.config when setting (missing TTY)
# passed all 49 test(s)
ok 33 # skip git config --edit ignores pager.config (missing TTY)
ok 34 # skip git config --get ignores pager.config (missing TTY)
ok 35 - listing tags with a prefix as pattern must print those matching
ok 35 # skip git config --get-urlmatch defaults to paging (missing TTY)
ok 36 # skip git config --get-all respects pager.config (missing TTY)
ok 37 # skip git config --list defaults to paging (missing TTY)
*** ***
ok 36 - listing tags using a name as pattern must print that one matching
ok 13 - populate --state-branch
ok 38 - tests can detect color
ok 37 - listing tags using a name as pattern must print that one matching
ok 39 - no color when stdout is a regular file
ok 40 # skip color when writing to a pager (missing TTY)
ok 38 - listing tags with ? in the pattern should print those matching
ok 41 # skip colors are suppressed by color.pager (missing TTY)
ok 39 - listing tags using v.* should print nothing because none have v.
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - showing a tag that point at a missing object
ok 42 - color when writing to a file intended for a pager
ok 43 # skip colors are sent to pager for external commands (missing TTY)
ok 40 - listing tags using v* should print only those having v
ok 44 - setup: some aliases
ok 45 # skip git log - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 46 # skip git log - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 47 # skip git log - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 41 - tag -l can accept multiple patterns
ok 48 # skip git log - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 49 # skip git log - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 42 - tag -l <pattern> -l <pattern> works, as our buggy documentation previously suggested
ok 50 # skip git -p log - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 51 # skip git -p log - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 52 # skip git -p log - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 53 # skip git -p log - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 54 # skip git -p log - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 55 # skip git aliasedlog - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 43 - listing tags in column
ok 56 # skip git aliasedlog - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 57 # skip git aliasedlog - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 58 # skip git aliasedlog - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 59 # skip git aliasedlog - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 60 # skip git -p aliasedlog - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 61 # skip git -p aliasedlog - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 62 # skip git -p aliasedlog - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 63 # skip git -p aliasedlog - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 64 # skip git -p aliasedlog - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 65 # skip git -p true - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 66 # skip git -p true - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 67 # skip git -p true - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 68 # skip git -p true - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 69 # skip git -p true - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 70 # skip git -p request-pull - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 71 # skip git -p request-pull - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 72 # skip git -p request-pull - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 73 # skip git -p request-pull - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 44 - listing tags in column with column.*
ok 74 # skip git -p request-pull - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 75 # skip git -p - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 76 # skip git -p - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 3 - set up a bit of history
ok 45 - listing tag with -n --column should fail
ok 77 # skip git -p - repository-local core.pager setting is not used (missing TTY)
ok 78 # skip git -p - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 79 # skip core.pager in repo config works and retains cwd (missing TTY)
ok 80 # skip core.pager is found via alias in subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 14 - using --state-branch to skip already rewritten commits
ok 81 # skip no pager for 'git -p nonsense' (missing TTY)
ok 46 - listing tags -n in column with column.ui ignored
ok 82 # skip git shortlog - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 4 - showing two commits
ok 83 # skip git shortlog - PAGER overrides default pager (missing TTY)
ok 84 # skip git shortlog - repository-local core.pager setting overrides PAGER (missing TTY)
ok 85 # skip git shortlog - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 86 # skip git shortlog - GIT_PAGER overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 87 - setup: configure shortlog not to paginate
ok 88 # skip no pager for 'git shortlog' (missing TTY)
ok 89 # skip git shortlog - core.pager is not used from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 5 - showing a range walks (linear)
ok 47 - a non-annotated tag created without parameters should point to HEAD
ok 90 # skip git -p shortlog - default pager is used by default (missing TTY of SIMPLEPAGER,TTY)
ok 91 # skip git -p shortlog - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 92 # skip git -p apply </dev/null - core.pager overrides PAGER from subdirectory (missing TTY)
ok 93 # skip command-specific pager (missing TTY)
ok 94 # skip command-specific pager overrides core.pager (missing TTY)
ok 95 # skip command-specific pager overridden by environment (missing TTY)
ok 48 - trying to verify an unknown tag should fail
ok 49 - trying to verify a non-annotated and non-signed tag should fail
ok 96 - setup external command
ok 97 # skip command-specific pager works for external commands (missing TTY)
ok 98 # skip sub-commands of externals use their own pager (missing TTY)
ok 99 # skip external command pagers override sub-commands (missing TTY)
ok 50 - trying to verify many non-annotated or unknown tags, should fail
ok 6 - showing a range walks (Y shape, ^ first)
ok 100 - command with underscores does not complain
ok 51 - creating an annotated tag with -m message should succeed
ok 101 # skip git tag with auto-columns  (missing TTY)
# passed all 101 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - showing a range walks (Y shape, ^ last)
ok 52 - set up editor
ok 8 - showing with -N walks
ok 53 - creating an annotated tag with -m message --edit should succeed
ok 9 - showing annotated tag
ok 54 - creating an annotated tag with -F messagefile should succeed
ok 55 - set up editor
ok 10 - showing annotated tag plus commit
ok 1 - setup: base commits
ok 11 - showing range
ok 56 - creating an annotated tag with -F messagefile --edit should succeed
ok 2 - setup: a commit with a bogus null sha1 in the tree
ok 3 - setup: bring HEAD and index in sync
ok 12 - -s suppresses diff
ok 15 - rewrite one branch, keeping a side branch
ok 57 - creating an annotated tag with -F - should succeed
ok 13 - --quiet suppresses diff
ok 16 - common ancestor is still common (unchanged)
ok 58 - trying to create a tag with a non-existing -F file should fail
ok 14 - show --graph is forbidden
# passed all 14 test(s)
ok 59 - trying to create tags giving both -m or -F options should fail
*** ***
ok 60 - creating a tag with an empty -m message should succeed
ok 61 - creating a tag with an empty -F messagefile should succeed
ok 1 - setup
ok 62 - extra blanks in the message for an annotated tag should be removed
ok 2 - git add (absolute)
ok 63 - creating a tag with blank -m message with spaces should succeed
ok 3 - git add (funny relative)
ok 64 - creating a tag with blank -F messagefile with spaces should succeed
ok 4 - git rm (absolute)
ok 65 - creating a tag with -F file of spaces and no newline should succeed
ok 5 - git rm (funny relative)
ok 66 - creating a tag using a -F messagefile with #comments should succeed
ok 6 - git ls-files (absolute)
ok 4 - noop filter-branch complains
ok 67 - creating a tag with a #comment in the -m message should succeed
ok 7 - git ls-files (relative #1)
ok 68 - creating a tag with #comments in the -F messagefile should succeed
ok 8 - git ls-files (relative #2)
ok 69 - creating a tag with a file of #comment and no newline should succeed
ok 9 - git ls-files (relative #3)
ok 10 - commit using absolute path names
ok 17 - filter subdirectory only
ok 70 - listing the one-line message of a non-signed tag should succeed
ok 18 - subdirectory filter result looks okay
ok 11 - log using absolute path names
ok 71 - The -n 100 invocation means -n --list 100, not -n100
ok 12 - blame using absolute path names
ok 13 - setup deeper work tree
ok 14 - add a directory outside the work tree
ok 19 - more setup
ok 15 - add a file outside the work tree, nasty case 1
ok 72 - listing the zero-lines message of a non-signed tag should succeed
ok 16 - add a file outside the work tree, nasty case 2
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - filter commands are still checked
ok 73 - listing many message lines of a non-signed tag should succeed
ok 1 - setup
ok 74 - annotations for blobs are empty
ok 75 # skip trying to verify an annotated non-signed tag should fail (missing GPG)
ok 76 # skip trying to verify a file-annotated non-signed tag should fail (missing GPG)
ok 77 # skip trying to verify two annotated non-signed tags should fail (missing GPG)
ok 78 # skip creating a signed tag with -m message should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 79 # skip sign with a given key id (missing GPG)
ok 80 # skip sign with an unknown id (1) (missing GPG)
ok 81 # skip sign with an unknown id (2) (missing GPG)
ok 2 - update-index
ok 82 # skip -u implies signed tag (missing GPG)
ok 83 # skip creating a signed tag with -F messagefile should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 84 # skip creating a signed tag with -F - should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 85 # skip -s implies annotated tag (missing GPG)
ok 86 # skip git tag -s implied if configured with tag.forcesignannotated (missing GPG)
ok 87 # skip lightweight with no message when configured with tag.forcesignannotated (missing GPG)
ok 88 # skip git tag -a disable configured tag.forcesignannotated (missing GPG)
ok 3 - update-index
ok 89 # skip git tag --sign enable GPG sign (missing GPG)
ok 90 # skip git tag configured tag.gpgsign enables GPG sign (missing GPG)
ok 91 # skip git tag --no-sign configured tag.gpgsign skip GPG sign (missing GPG)
ok 92 # skip trying to create a signed tag with non-existing -F file should fail (missing GPG)
ok 93 # skip verifying a signed tag should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 94 # skip verifying two signed tags in one command should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 95 # skip verifying many signed and non-signed tags should fail (missing GPG)
ok 96 # skip verifying a forged tag should fail (missing GPG)
ok 97 # skip verifying a proper tag with --format pass and format accordingly (missing GPG)
ok 98 # skip verifying a forged tag with --format should fail silently (missing GPG)
ok 99 # skip creating a signed tag with an empty -m message should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 4 - update-index --remove
ok 100 # skip creating a signed tag with an empty -F messagefile should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 101 # skip extra blanks in the message for a signed tag should be removed (missing GPG)
ok 102 # skip creating a signed tag with a blank -m message should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 103 # skip creating a signed tag with blank -F file with spaces should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 104 # skip creating a signed tag with spaces and no newline should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 105 # skip signed tag with embedded PGP message (missing GPG)
ok 5 - update-index --remove
ok 106 # skip creating a signed tag with a -F file with #comments should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 107 # skip creating a signed tag with #commented -m message should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 108 # skip creating a signed tag with #commented -F messagefile should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 109 # skip creating a signed tag with a #comment and no newline should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 110 # skip listing the one-line message of a signed tag should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 6 - ls-files --deleted
ok 111 # skip listing the zero-lines message of a signed tag should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 112 # skip listing many message lines of a signed tag should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 7 - ls-files --deleted
ok 113 # skip creating a signed tag pointing to a tree should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 114 # skip creating a signed tag pointing to a blob should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 115 # skip creating a signed tag pointing to another tag should succeed (missing GPG)
ok 116 # skip creating a signed tag with rfc1991 (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 117 # skip reediting a signed tag body omits signature (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 8 - ls-files --modified
ok 118 # skip verifying rfc1991 signature (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 119 # skip list tag with rfc1991 signature (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 120 # skip verifying rfc1991 signature without --rfc1991 (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 121 # skip list tag with rfc1991 signature without --rfc1991 (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 122 # skip reediting a signed tag body omits signature (missing RFC1991,GPG of GPG,RFC1991)
ok 123 # skip git tag -s fails if gpg is misconfigured (bad key) (missing GPG)
ok 9 - ls-files --modified
ok 124 # skip git tag -s fails if gpg is misconfigured (bad signature format) (missing GPG)
ok 125 # skip git tag -s fails if gpgsm is misconfigured (bad key) (missing GPGSM)
ok 126 # skip git tag -s fails if gpgsm is misconfigured (bad signature format) (missing GPGSM)
ok 6 - removing the broken entry works
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 127 # skip verify signed tag fails when public key is not present (missing GPG)
*** ***
ok 10 - grep with skip-worktree file
ok 128 - git tag -a fails if tag annotation is empty
ok 11 - diff-index does not examine skip-worktree absent entries
ok 129 - message in editor has initial comment
ok 12 - diff-index does not examine skip-worktree dirty entries
ok 1 - setup
ok 130 - message in editor has initial comment: first line
ok 131 - message in editor has initial comment: remainder
ok 13 - diff-files does not examine skip-worktree absent entries
ok 2 - read-tree updates worktree, absent case
ok 132 - overwriting an annotated tag should use its previous body
ok 14 - diff-files does not examine skip-worktree dirty entries
ok 3 - read-tree updates worktree, dirty case
ok 133 - filename for the message is relative to cwd
ok 15 - git-rm succeeds on skip-worktree absent entries
ok 4 - read-tree removes worktree, absent case
ok 134 - filename for the message is relative to cwd
ok 16 - commit on skip-worktree absent entries
ok 5 - read-tree removes worktree, dirty case
ok 135 - creating second commit and tag
ok 17 - commit on skip-worktree dirty entries
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 136 - creating third commit without tag
*** ***
ok 6 - index setup
ok 137 - checking that first commit is in all tags (hash)
ok 138 - checking that first commit is in all tags (tag)
ok 1 # skip create signed tags (missing GPG)
ok 7 - git-add ignores worktree content
ok 2 # skip create signed tags x509  (missing GPGSM)
ok 3 # skip verify and show signatures (missing GPG)
ok 4 # skip verify and show signatures x509 (missing GPGSM)
ok 139 - checking that first commit is in all tags (relative)
ok 5 # skip detect fudged signature (missing GPG)
ok 6 # skip verify signatures with --raw (missing GPG)
ok 7 # skip verify signatures with --raw x509 (missing GPGSM)
ok 8 # skip verify multiple tags (missing GPG)
ok 9 # skip verify multiple tags x509 (missing GPGSM)
ok 10 # skip verifying tag with --format (missing GPG)
ok 140 - checking that first commit is not listed in any tag with --no-contains  (hash)
ok 11 # skip verifying a forged tag with --format should fail silently (missing GPG)
ok 8 - git-add ignores worktree content
# passed all 11 test(s)
ok 141 - checking that first commit is in all tags (tag)
*** ***
ok 142 - checking that first commit is in all tags (relative)
ok 9 - git-rm fails if worktree is dirty
ok 143 - checking that second commit only has one tag
ok 144 - inverse of the last test, with --no-contains
ok 10 - git-clean, absent case
ok 20 - use index-filter to move into a subdirectory
ok 145 - checking that third commit has no tags
ok 11 - git-clean, dirty case
ok 146 - conversely --no-contains on the third commit lists all tags
ok 1 - setup
ok 147 - creating simple branch
ok 2 - A/A conflict
ok 12 - --ignore-skip-worktree-entries leaves worktree alone
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - Report path with conflict
ok 148 - checking that branch head only has one tag
ok 4 - Report new path with conflict
ok 149 - checking that branch head with --no-contains lists all but one tag
ok 150 - merging original branch into this branch
ok 21 - stops when msg filter fails
ok 1 - status untracked directory with --ignored
ok 151 - checking that original branch head has one tag now
ok 2 - same with gitignore starting with BOM
ok 152 - checking that original branch head with --no-contains lists all but one tag now
ok 153 - checking that initial commit is in all tags
ok 3 - status untracked directory with --ignored -u
ok 154 - checking that --contains can be used in non-list mode
ok 5 - M/D conflict does not segfault
ok 155 - checking that initial commit is in all tags with --no-contains
ok 4 - status of untracked directory with --ignored works with or without prefix
ok 5 - status prefixed untracked sub-directory with --ignored -u
ok 6 - rename & unmerged setup
ok 7 - rename & unmerged status
ok 6 - status ignored directory with --ignore
ok 7 - status ignored directory with --ignore -u
ok 8 - git diff-index --cached shows 2 added + 1 unmerged
ok 8 - status empty untracked directory with --ignore
ok 9 - git diff-index --cached -M shows 2 added + 1 unmerged
ok 156 - mixing incompatibles modes and options is forbidden
ok 9 - status empty untracked directory with --ignore -u
ok 10 - git diff-index --cached -C shows 2 copies + 1 unmerged
ok 157 - mixing incompatible modes with --contains is forbidden
ok 10 - status untracked directory with ignored files with --ignore
ok 11 - status untracked directory with ignored files with --ignore -u
ok 158 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --contains <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 159 - mixing incompatible modes with --with is forbidden
ok 12 - status ignored tracked directory with --ignore
ok 160 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --with <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 13 - status ignored tracked directory with --ignore -u
ok 14 - status ignored tracked directory and ignored file with --ignore
ok 161 - mixing incompatible modes with --no-contains is forbidden
ok 15 - status ignored tracked directory and ignored file with --ignore -u
ok 162 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --no-contains <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 11 - status when conflicts with add and rm advice (deleted by them)
ok 16 - status ignored tracked directory and uncommitted file with --ignore
ok 163 - mixing incompatible modes with --without is forbidden
ok 17 - status ignored tracked directory and uncommitted file with --ignore -u
ok 164 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --without <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 18 - status ignored tracked directory with uncommitted file in untracked subdir with --ignore
ok 165 - mixing incompatible modes with --merged is forbidden
ok 19 - status ignored tracked directory with uncommitted file in untracked subdir with --ignore -u
ok 12 - prepare for conflicts
ok 166 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --merged <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 13 - status when conflicts with add and rm advice (both deleted)
ok 20 - status ignored tracked directory with uncommitted file in tracked subdir with --ignore
ok 167 - mixing incompatible modes with --no-merged is forbidden
ok 21 - status ignored tracked directory with uncommitted file in tracked subdir with --ignore -u
ok 168 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --no-merged <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 14 - status when conflicts with only rm advice (both deleted)
ok 169 - mixing incompatible modes with --points-at is forbidden
ok 22 - status ignores submodule in excluded directory
# passed all 22 test(s)
*** ***
ok 170 - Doing 'git tag --list-like --points-at <commit> <pattern> is permitted
ok 15 - status --branch with detached HEAD
ok 171 - --points-at can be used in non-list mode
ok 172 - --points-at is a synonym for --points-at HEAD
ok 16 - status --porcelain=v1 --branch with detached HEAD
ok 173 - --points-at finds lightweight tags
ok 17 - status --porcelain=bogus
# passed all 17 test(s)
ok 1 - status with hash collisions
ok 174 - --points-at finds annotated tags of commits
# passed all 1 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 175 - --points-at finds annotated tags of tags
ok 176 - recursive tagging should give advice
ok 22 - author information is preserved
ok 1 - setup
ok 177 - multiple --points-at are OR-ed together
ok 2 - before initial commit, nothing added, only untracked
ok 178 - lexical sort
ok 179 - version sort
ok 3 - before initial commit, things added
ok 180 - reverse version sort
ok 4 - before initial commit, things added (-z)
ok 181 - reverse lexical sort
ok 5 - make first commit, comfirm HEAD oid and branch
ok 182 - configured lexical sort
ok 6 - after first commit, create unstaged changes
ok 183 - option override configured sort
ok 184 - invalid sort parameter on command line
ok 7 - after first commit but omit untracked files and branch
ok 185 - invalid sort parameter in configuratoin
ok 8 - after first commit, stage existing changes
ok 186 - version sort with prerelease reordering
ok 9 - rename causes 2 path lines
ok 10 - rename causes 2 path lines (-z)
ok 187 - reverse version sort with prerelease reordering
ok 188 - version sort with prerelease reordering and common leading character
ok 11 - make second commit, confirm clean and new HEAD oid
ok 12 - confirm ignored files are not printed
ok 189 - version sort with prerelease reordering, multiple suffixes and common leading character
ok 13 - ignored files are printed with --ignored
ok 190 - version sort with prerelease reordering, multiple suffixes match the same tag
ok 14 - create and commit permanent ignore file
ok 191 - version sort with prerelease reordering, multiple suffixes match starting at the same position
ok 15 - verify --intent-to-add output
ok 192 - version sort with general suffix reordering
ok 193 - versionsort.suffix overrides versionsort.prereleaseSuffix
ok 16 - verify AA (add-add) conflict
ok 194 - version sort with very long prerelease suffix
ok 17 - verify UU (edit-edit) conflict
ok 23 - remove a certain author's commits
ok 18 - verify upstream fields in branch header
ok 19 - verify --[no-]ahead-behind with V2 format
ok 24 - barf on invalid name
ok 20 - create and add submodule, submodule appears clean (A. S...)
ok 21 - untracked changes in added submodule (AM S..U)
ok 25 - "map" works in commit filter
ok 22 - staged changes in added submodule (AM S.M.)
ok 23 - staged and unstaged changes in added (AM S.M.)
ok 24 - staged and untracked changes in added submodule (AM S.MU)
ok 25 - commit within the submodule appears as new commit in super (AM SC..)
ok 26 - stage submodule in super and commit
ok 27 - make unstaged changes in existing submodule (.M S.M.)
ok 26 - Name needing quotes
# passed all 27 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - creating initial files
ok 2 - creating second files
ok 3 - resetting tree HEAD^
ok 4 - checking initial files exist after rewind
ok 5 - checking lack of path1/path2/COPYING
ok 6 - checking lack of path1/COPYING
ok 195 - --contains and --no-contains work in a deep repo
ok 7 - checking lack of COPYING
ok 8 - checking checking lack of path1/COPYING-TOO
ok 196 - --format should list tags as per format given
ok 197 - set up color tests
ok 9 - checking lack of path1/path2
ok 10 - checking lack of path1
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 198 - %(color) omitted without tty
*** ***
ok 199 # skip %(color) present with tty (missing TTY)
ok 27 - Subdirectory filter with disappearing trees
ok 200 - --color overrides auto-color
ok 201 - color.ui=always overrides auto-color
ok 202 - setup --merged test tags
ok 203 - --merged can be used in non-list mode
ok 204 - --merged is incompatible with --no-merged
ok 205 - --merged shows merged tags
ok 1 - creating initial files and commits
ok 206 - --no-merged show unmerged tags
ok 2 - reset --hard message
ok 207 - --no-merged can be used in non-list mode
ok 3 - reset --hard message (ISO8859-1 logoutputencoding)
ok 208 - ambiguous branch/tags not marked
ok 4 - giving a non existing revision should fail
ok 5 - reset --soft with unmerged index should fail
ok 28 - Tag name filtering retains tag message
ok 209 - --contains combined with --no-contains
ok 6 - giving paths with options different than --mixed should fail
ok 210 - Does --[no-]contains stop at commits? Yes!
# passed all 210 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - giving unrecognized options should fail
ok 1 - setup non-bare
ok 2 - "hard" reset requires a worktree
ok 8 - trying to do reset --soft with pending merge should fail
ok 3 - "merge" reset requires a worktree
ok 4 - "keep" reset requires a worktree
ok 5 - "mixed" reset is ok
ok 6 - "soft" reset is ok
ok 7 - hard reset works with GIT_WORK_TREE
ok 9 - trying to do reset --soft with pending checkout merge should fail
ok 8 - setup bare
ok 9 - "hard" reset is not allowed in bare
ok 10 - "merge" reset is not allowed in bare
ok 11 - "keep" reset is not allowed in bare
ok 29 - Tag name filtering strips gpg signature
ok 30 # skip Filtering retains message of gpg signed commit (missing GPG)
ok 12 - "mixed" reset is not allowed in bare
ok 13 - "soft" reset is allowed in bare
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - reset --hard should restore unmerged ones
ok 3 - reset --hard did not corrupt index or cached-tree
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - resetting to HEAD with no changes should succeed and do nothing
ok 11 - --soft reset only should show changes in diff --cached
ok 12 - changing files and redo the last commit should succeed
ok 1 - setup
ok 31 - Tag name filtering allows slashes in tag names
ok 13 - --hard reset should change the files and undo commits permanently
ok 14 - redoing changes adding them without commit them should succeed
ok 15 - --mixed reset to HEAD should unadd the files
ok 32 - setup --prune-empty comparisons
ok 2 - saying "n" does nothing
ok 16 - redoing the last two commits should succeed
ok 3 - git reset -p
ok 17 - --hard reset to HEAD should clear a failed merge
ok 18 - --hard reset to ORIG_HEAD should clear a fast-forward merge
ok 4 - git reset -p HEAD^
ok 19 - test --mixed <paths>
ok 20 - test resetting the index at give paths
ok 21 - resetting an unmodified path is a no-op
ok 22 - --mixed refreshes the index
ok 5 - git reset -p HEAD^^{tree}
ok 23 - resetting specific path that is unmerged
ok 24 - disambiguation (1)
ok 6 - git reset -p HEAD^:dir/foo (blob fails)
ok 25 - disambiguation (2)
ok 26 - disambiguation (3)
ok 7 - git reset -p aaaaaaaa (unknown fails)
ok 27 - disambiguation (4)
ok 33 - Prune empty commits
ok 28 - reset with paths accepts tree
ok 29 - reset -N keeps removed files as intent-to-add
ok 30 - reset --mixed sets up work tree
ok 8 - git reset -p dir
# passed all 30 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - reset
ok 3 - reset HEAD
ok 4 - reset $file
ok 9 - git reset -p -- foo (inside dir)
ok 10 - git reset -p HEAD^ -- dir
ok 5 - reset -p
ok 11 - none of this moved HEAD
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - reset --soft is a no-op
ok 7 - reset --hard
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - --pathspec-from-file from stdin
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - --pathspec-from-file from file
ok 2 - reset --merge is ok with changes in file it does not touch
ok 4 - NUL delimiters
ok 3 - reset --merge is ok when switching back
ok 5 - LF delimiters
ok 4 - reset --keep is ok with changes in file it does not touch
ok 6 - no trailing delimiter
ok 5 - reset --keep is ok when switching back
ok 7 - CRLF delimiters
ok 8 - quotes
ok 6 - reset --merge discards changes added to index (1)
ok 1 - core.untrackedCache is unset
ok 34 - prune empty collapsed merges
ok 2 - setup
ok 9 - quotes not compatible with --pathspec-file-nul
ok 7 - reset --merge is ok again when switching back (1)
ok 3 - untracked cache is empty
ok 8 - reset --keep fails with changes in index in files it touches
ok 10 - --pathspec-from-file is not compatible with --soft or --hard
ok 11 - only touches what was listed
ok 9 - reset --merge discards changes added to index (2)
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 10 - reset --merge is ok again when switching back (2)
ok 11 - reset --keep keeps changes it does not touch
ok 1 - creating initial commits
ok 12 - reset --keep keeps changes when switching back
ok 2 - check: A B C D --soft A B D
ok 13 - reset --merge fails with changes in file it touches
ok 14 - reset --keep fails with changes in file it touches
ok 3 - check: A B C D --mixed A D D
ok 4 - check: A B C D --hard D D D
ok 5 - check: A B C D --merge XXXXX  
ok 15 - setup 3 different branches
ok 6 - check: A B C D --keep XXXXX  
ok 16 - "reset --merge HEAD^" is ok with pending merge
ok 7 - check: A B C C --soft A B C
ok 17 - "reset --keep HEAD^" fails with pending merge
ok 8 - check: A B C C --mixed A C C
ok 18 - "reset --merge HEAD" is ok with pending merge
ok 9 - check: A B C C --hard C C C
ok 19 - "reset --keep HEAD" fails with pending merge
ok 10 - check: A B C C --merge XXXXX  
ok 20 - --merge is ok with added/deleted merge
ok 4 - status first time (empty cache)
ok 11 - check: A B C C --keep A C C
ok 5 - untracked cache after first status
ok 21 - --keep fails with added/deleted merge
# passed all 21 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - check: B B C D --soft B B D
ok 13 - check: B B C D --mixed B D D
ok 14 - check: B B C D --hard D D D
ok 35 - prune empty works even without index/tree filters
ok 15 - check: B B C D --merge D D D
ok 16 - check: B B C D --keep XXXXX  
ok 17 - check: B B C C --soft B B C
ok 18 - check: B B C C --mixed B C C
ok 19 - check: B B C C --hard C C C
ok 20 - check: B B C C --merge C C C
ok 21 - check: B B C C --keep B C C
ok 22 - check: B C C D --soft B C D
ok 23 - check: B C C D --mixed B D D
ok 24 - check: B C C D --hard D D D
ok 25 - check: B C C D --merge XXXXX  
ok 26 - check: B C C D --keep XXXXX  
ok 27 - check: B C C C --soft B C C
ok 36 - --prune-empty is able to prune root commit
ok 28 - check: B C C C --mixed B C C
ok 29 - check: B C C C --hard C C C
ok 30 - check: B C C C --merge B C C
ok 6 - status second time (fully populated cache)
ok 31 - check: B C C C --keep B C C
ok 7 - untracked cache after second status
ok 32 - setting up branches to test with unmerged entries
ok 37 - --prune-empty is able to prune entire branch
ok 33 - check: X U B C --soft XXXXX  
ok 34 - check: X U B C --mixed X C C
ok 35 - check: X U B C --hard C C C
ok 36 - check: X U B C --merge C C C
ok 37 - check: X U B C --keep XXXXX  
ok 38 - check: X U B B --soft XXXXX  
ok 39 - check: X U B B --mixed X B B
ok 38 - --remap-to-ancestor with filename filters
ok 40 - check: X U B B --hard B B B
ok 41 - check: X U B B --merge B B B
ok 42 - check: X U B B --keep XXXXX  
# passed all 42 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - test status, add, commit, others trigger hook without flags set
ok 39 - automatic remapping to ancestor with filename filters
ok 8 - modify in root directory, one dir invalidation
ok 3 - test checkout and reset trigger the hook
ok 9 - verify untracked cache dump
ok 2 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out in empty dir
ok 4 - test reset --mixed and update-index triggers the hook
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 40 - setup submodule
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - checkout from non-existing branch
ok 3 - checkout with dirty tree without -m
ok 4 - checkout with unrelated dirty tree without -m
ok 5 - checkout -m with dirty tree
ok 6 - checkout -m with dirty tree, renamed
ok 7 - checkout -m with merge conflict
ok 8 - format of merge conflict from checkout -m
ok 3 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: submodule branch is not changed, detach HEAD instead
ok 9 - checkout --merge --conflict=diff3 <branch>
ok 10 - switch to another branch while carrying a deletion
ok 41 - rewrite submodule with another content
ok 11 - checkout to detach HEAD (with advice declined)
ok 12 - checkout to detach HEAD
ok 13 - checkout to detach HEAD with branchname^
ok 4 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace tracked file with submodule checks out submodule
ok 10 - new .gitignore invalidates recursively
ok 11 - verify untracked cache dump
ok 14 - checkout to detach HEAD with :/message
ok 15 - checkout to detach HEAD with HEAD^0
ok 16 - checkout with ambiguous tag/branch names
ok 42 - replace submodule revision
ok 5 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace directory with submodule
ok 17 - checkout with ambiguous tag/branch names
ok 18 - switch branches while in subdirectory
ok 19 - checkout specific path while in subdirectory
ok 20 - checkout w/--track sets up tracking
ok 43 - filter commit message without trailing newline
ok 21 - checkout w/autosetupmerge=always sets up tracking
ok 22 - checkout w/--track from non-branch HEAD fails
ok 23 - checkout w/--track from tag fails
ok 24 - detach a symbolic link HEAD
ok 44 - tree-filter deals with object name vs pathname ambiguity
ok 6 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: removed submodule removes submodules working tree
ok 25 - checkout with --track fakes a sensible -b <name>
ok 26 - checkout with --track, but without -b, fails with too short tracked name
ok 27 - checkout an unmerged path should fail
ok 28 - checkout with an unmerged path can be ignored
ok 29 - checkout unmerged stage
ok 12 - new info/exclude invalidates everything
ok 13 - verify untracked cache dump
ok 30 - checkout with --merge
ok 14 - move two from tracked to untracked
ok 45 - rewrite repository including refs that point at non-commit object
# passed all 45 test(s)
*** ***
ok 15 - status after the move
ok 31 - checkout with --merge, in diff3 -m style
ok 16 - verify untracked cache dump
ok 17 - move two from untracked to tracked
ok 32 - checkout --conflict=merge, overriding config
ok 18 - status after the move
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: removed submodule absorbs submodules .git directory
ok 19 - verify untracked cache dump
ok 2 - git clean with skip-worktree .gitignore
ok 20 - set up for sparse checkout testing
ok 33 - checkout --conflict=diff3
ok 3 - git clean
ok 21 - status after commit
ok 4 - git clean src/
ok 34 - failing checkout -b should not break working tree
ok 22 - untracked cache correct after commit
ok 5 - git clean src/ src/
ok 6 - git clean with prefix
ok 35 - switch out of non-branch
ok 23 - set up sparse checkout
ok 24 - create/modify files, some of which are gitignored
ok 7 - git clean with relative prefix
ok 8 - git clean with absolute path
ok 9 - git clean with out of work tree relative path
ok 10 - git clean with out of work tree absolute path
ok 11 - git clean -d with prefix and path
ok 36 - custom merge driver with checkout -m
# passed all 36 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - git clean symbolic link
ok 13 - git clean with wildcard
ok 14 - git clean -n
ok 15 - git clean -d
ok 1 - setup
ok 16 - git clean -d src/ examples/
ok 2 - git clean -i (c: clean hotkey)
ok 17 - git clean -x
ok 3 - git clean -i (cl: clean prefix)
ok 8 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file
ok 4 - git clean -i (quit)
ok 18 - git clean -d -x
ok 5 - git clean -i (Ctrl+D)
ok 19 - git clean -d -x with ignored tracked directory
ok 6 - git clean -id (filter all)
ok 20 - git clean -X
ok 7 - git clean -id (filter patterns)
ok 21 - git clean -d -X
ok 8 - git clean -id (filter patterns 2)
ok 22 - git clean -d -X with ignored tracked directory
ok 23 - clean.requireForce defaults to true
ok 9 - git clean -id (select - all)
ok 24 - clean.requireForce
ok 10 - git clean -id (select - none)
ok 25 - clean.requireForce and -n
ok 11 - git clean -id (select - number)
ok 26 - clean.requireForce and -f
ok 12 - git clean -id (select - number 2)
ok 27 - core.excludesfile
ok 13 - git clean -id (select - number 3)
ok 14 - git clean -id (select - filenames)
ok 28 - removal failure
ok 15 - git clean -id (select - range)
ok 16 - git clean -id (select - range 2)
ok 17 - git clean -id (inverse select)
ok 18 - git clean -id (ask)
ok 29 - nested git work tree
ok 19 - git clean -id (ask - Ctrl+D)
not ok 9 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file must fail with untracked files # TODO known breakage
ok 20 - git clean -id with prefix and path (filter)
ok 30 - should clean things that almost look like git but are not
ok 21 - git clean -id with prefix and path (select by name)
ok 22 - git clean -id with prefix and path (ask)
ok 23 # skip git clean -i paints the header in HEADER color (missing TTY)
# passed all 23 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - submodule deinit works on empty repository
ok 25 - test sparse status with untracked cache
ok 26 - untracked cache correct after status
ok 2 - setup - initial commit
ok 3 - submodule init aborts on missing .gitmodules file
ok 31 - should not clean submodules
ok 32 - should avoid cleaning possible submodules
ok 10 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 33 - nested (empty) git should be kept
ok 4 - submodule update aborts on missing .gitmodules file
ok 34 - nested bare repositories should be cleaned
not ok 35 - nested (empty) bare repositories should be cleaned even when in .git # TODO known breakage
not ok 36 - nested (non-empty) bare repositories should be cleaned even when in .git # TODO known breakage
ok 5 - submodule update aborts on missing gitmodules url
ok 37 - giving path in nested git work tree will NOT remove it
ok 38 - giving path to nested .git will not remove it
ok 6 - add aborts on repository with no commits
ok 39 - giving path to nested .git/ will NOT remove contents
ok 7 - setup - repository in init subdirectory
ok 8 - setup - commit with gitlink
ok 9 - setup - hide init subdirectory
ok 40 - force removal of nested git work tree
ok 10 - setup - repository to add submodules to
ok 41 - git clean -e
ok 42 - git clean -d with an unreadable empty directory
ok 43 - git clean -d respects pathspecs (dir is prefix of pathspec)
ok 11 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: updating to a missing submodule commit fails
ok 44 - git clean -d respects pathspecs (pathspec is prefix of dir)
ok 45 - git clean -d skips untracked dirs containing ignored files
ok 46 - git clean -d skips nested repo containing ignored files
ok 47 - git clean handles being told what to clean
ok 48 - git clean handles being told what to clean, with -d
ok 49 - git clean works if a glob is passed without -d
ok 50 - git clean works if a glob is passed with -d
ok 51 # skip handle clean & core.longpaths = false nicely (missing MINGW)
ok 11 - submodule add
ok 52 - clean untracked paths by pathspec
# still have 2 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 50 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: added submodule doesn't remove untracked file with same name
ok 12 - setup parent and one repository
ok 27 - test sparse status again with untracked cache
ok 28 - set up for test of subdir and sparse checkouts
ok 13 - redirected submodule add does not show progress
ok 1 - added submodule
not ok 13 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: added submodule removes an untracked ignored file # TODO known breakage
ok 14 - redirected submodule add --progress does show progress
ok 2 - added submodule (subdirectory)
ok 15 - submodule add to .gitignored path fails
ok 3 - added submodule (subdirectory only)
ok 16 - submodule add to .gitignored path with --force
not ok 14 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a directory # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - added submodule (subdirectory with explicit path)
ok 5 - modified submodule(forward)
ok 29 - test sparse status with untracked cache and subdir
ok 30 - verify untracked cache dump (sparse/subdirs)
ok 6 - modified submodule(forward), --files
ok 17 - submodule add to reconfigure existing submodule with --force
not ok 15 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must absorb the git dir # TODO known breakage
ok 7 - no ignore=all setting has any effect
ok 18 - submodule add --branch
ok 8 - modified submodule(backward)
ok 16 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file works ignores ignored files in submodule
ok 19 - submodule add with ./ in path
ok 9 - modified submodule(backward and forward)
ok 10 - --summary-limit
ok 20 - submodule add with /././ in path
ok 11 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob), --cached
ok 31 - test sparse status again with untracked cache and subdir
ok 32 - move entry in subdir from untracked to cached
ok 17 - git -c submodule.recurse=true reset --keep: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 33 - move entry in subdir from cached to untracked
ok 34 - --no-untracked-cache removes the cache
ok 35 - git status does not change anything
ok 36 - setting core.untrackedCache to true and using git status creates the cache
ok 12 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob), --files
ok 21 - submodule add with // in path
ok 37 - using --no-untracked-cache does not fail when core.untrackedCache is true
ok 38 - setting core.untrackedCache to false and using git status removes the cache
ok 39 - using --untracked-cache does not fail when core.untrackedCache is false
ok 40 - setting core.untrackedCache to keep
ok 13 - typechanged submodule(submodule->blob)
ok 41 - test ident field is working
ok 42 - untracked cache survives a checkout
ok 22 - submodule add with /.. in path
ok 43 - untracked cache survives a commit
ok 44 - teardown worktree
ok 14 - nonexistent commit
ok 45 - setup worktree for symlink test
ok 15 - typechanged submodule(blob->submodule)
ok 23 - submodule add with ./, /.. and // in path
ok 18 - git reset --keep --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule recursively
ok 16 - deleted submodule
ok 17 - create second submodule
ok 24 - submodule add with \\ in path
ok 19 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out
ok 18 - multiple submodules
ok 25 - submodule add in subdirectory
ok 19 - path filter
ok 26 - submodule add in subdirectory with relative path should fail
ok 20 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: added submodule is checked out in empty dir
ok 27 - setup - add an example entry to .gitmodules
ok 28 - status should fail for unmapped paths
ok 29 - setup - map path in .gitmodules
ok 46 - "status" after symlink replacement should be clean with UC=true
ok 20 - given commit
ok 30 - status should only print one line
ok 21 - --for-status
ok 22 - fail when using --files together with --cached
ok 23 - should not fail in an empty repo
# passed all 23 test(s)
ok 21 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: submodule branch is not changed, detach HEAD instead
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 22 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace tracked file with submodule checks out submodule
ok 2 - rebase with a dirty submodule
ok 3 - interactive rebase with a dirty submodule
ok 4 - rebase with dirty file and submodule fails
ok 5 - stash with a dirty submodule
ok 31 - status from subdirectory should have the same SHA1
ok 32 - setup - fetch commit name from submodule
ok 47 - "status" after symlink replacement should be clean with UC=false
ok 48 - setup worktree for non-symlink test
ok 23 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace directory with submodule
ok 6 - rebasing submodule that should conflict
ok 33 - status should initially be "missing"
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 34 - init should register submodule url in .git/config
ok 35 - init should fail with unknown submodule
ok 36 - update should fail with unknown submodule
ok 37 - status should fail with unknown submodule
ok 38 - sync should fail with unknown submodule
ok 24 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: removed submodule removes submodules working tree
ok 39 - update should fail when path is used by a file
ok 40 - update should fail when path is used by a nonempty directory
ok 41 - update should work when path is an empty dir
ok 42 - status should be "up-to-date" after update
ok 25 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: removed submodule absorbs submodules .git directory
ok 49 - "status" after file replacement should be clean with UC=true
ok 43 - status "up-to-date" from subdirectory
ok 44 - status "up-to-date" from subdirectory with path
ok 45 - status should be "modified" after submodule commit
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - change submodule
ok 46 - the --cached sha1 should be rev1
ok 47 - git diff should report the SHA1 of the new submodule commit
ok 26 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file
ok 3 - change submodule url
ok 48 - update should checkout rev1
ok 49 - status should be "up-to-date" after update
ok 4 - "git submodule sync" should update submodule URLs
ok 50 - checkout superproject with subproject already present
ok 51 - apply submodule diff
not ok 27 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file must fail with untracked files # TODO known breakage
ok 5 - "git submodule sync --recursive" should update all submodule URLs
ok 50 - "status" after file replacement should be clean with UC=false
# passed all 50 test(s)
ok 6 - reset submodule URLs
*** ***
ok 52 - update --init
ok 7 - "git submodule sync" should update submodule URLs - subdirectory
ok 1 - setup
ok 8 - "git submodule sync --recursive" should update all submodule URLs - subdirectory
ok 28 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: modified submodule updates submodule work tree
ok 53 - update --init from subdirectory
ok 54 - do not add files from a submodule
ok 2 - setup for merge search
ok 55 - gracefully add/reset submodule with a trailing slash
ok 9 - "git submodule sync" should update known submodule URLs
ok 56 - ls-files gracefully handles trailing slash
ok 3 - merge with one side as a fast-forward of the other
ok 57 - moving to a commit without submodule does not leave empty dir
ok 4 - merging should conflict for non fast-forward
ok 58 - submodule <invalid-subcommand> fails
ok 5 - merging should fail for ambiguous common parent
ok 10 - "git submodule sync" should not vivify uninteresting submodule
ok 6 - merging should fail for changes that are backwards
ok 29 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: updating to a missing submodule commit fails
ok 11 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form foo
ok 7 - git submodule status should display the merge conflict properly with merge base
ok 12 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form foo/bar
ok 8 - git submodule status should display the merge conflict properly without merge-base
ok 59 - add submodules without specifying an explicit path
ok 9 - merging with a modify/modify conflict between merge bases
ok 30 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: added submodule does remove untracked unignored file with same name when forced
ok 13 - "git submodule sync --recursive" propagates changes in origin
ok 60 - add should fail when path is used by a file
ok 14 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form ./foo
ok 61 - add should fail when path is used by an existing directory
ok 15 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form ./foo/bar
ok 10 - setup for recursive merge with submodule
ok 11 - recursive merge with submodule
ok 16 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form ../foo
ok 17 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form ../foo/bar
ok 62 - use superproject as upstream when path is relative and no url is set there
ok 63 - set up for relative path tests
ok 31 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a directory
ok 12 - setup file/submodule conflict
ok 64 - ../subrepo works with URL - ssh://hostname/repo
not ok 13 - file/submodule conflict # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - "git submodule sync" handles origin URL of the form ../foo/bar with deeply nested submodule
# passed all 18 test(s)
ok 65 - ../subrepo works with port-qualified URL - ssh://hostname:22/repo
*** ***
ok 14 - file/submodule conflict; merge --abort works afterward
ok 66 - ../subrepo path works with local path - //somewhere else/repo
ok 67 - ../subrepo works with file URL - file:///tmp/repo
ok 32 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 15 - setup directory/submodule conflict
ok 68 - ../subrepo works with helper URL- helper:://hostname/repo
not ok 16 - directory/submodule conflict; keep submodule clean # TODO known breakage
ok 69 - ../subrepo works with scp-style URL - user@host:repo
not ok 17 - directory/submodule conflict; should not treat submodule files as untracked or in the way # TODO known breakage
not ok 18 - directory/submodule conflict; merge --abort works afterward # TODO known breakage
# still have 4 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 70 - ../subrepo works with scp-style URL - user@host:path/to/repo
ok 33 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: replace submodule with a file ignoring ignored files
ok 71 - ../subrepo works with relative local path - foo
ok 72 - ../subrepo works with relative local path - foo/bar
ok 73 - ../subrepo works with relative local path - ./foo
ok 34 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: modified submodule does update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 74 - ../subrepo works with relative local path - ./foo/bar
ok 1 - setup a submodule tree
ok 75 - ../subrepo works with relative local path - ../foo
ok 76 - ../subrepo works with relative local path - ../foo/bar
ok 2 - submodule update detaching the HEAD 
ok 1 - setup a submodule tree
ok 35 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: updating submodules fixes .git links
ok 3 - submodule update from subdirectory
ok 77 - ../bar/a/b/c works with relative local path - ../foo/bar.git
ok 2 - test basic "submodule foreach" usage
ok 3 - test "submodule foreach" from subdirectory
ok 36 - git reset --hard --recurse-submodules: changed submodule worktree is reset
ok 78 - moving the superproject does not break submodules
ok 4 - submodule update --init --recursive from subdirectory
ok 37 - git reset --keep: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 5 - submodule update --init from and of subdirectory
ok 79 - moving the submodule does not break the superproject
ok 80 - submodule add --name allows to replace a submodule with another at the same path
ok 6 - submodule update does not fetch already present commits
ok 4 - setup nested submodules
ok 38 - git reset --keep: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 7 - submodule update should fail due to local changes
ok 8 - submodule update should throw away changes with --force 
ok 9 - submodule update --force forcibly checks out submodules
ok 39 - git reset --keep: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 81 - recursive relative submodules stay relative
ok 10 - submodule update --remote should fetch upstream changes
ok 82 - submodule add with an existing name fails unless forced
ok 5 - use "submodule foreach" to checkout 2nd level submodule
ok 83 - set up a second submodule
ok 40 - git reset --keep: replace directory with submodule
ok 84 - submodule deinit works on repository without submodules
ok 11 - submodule update --remote should fetch upstream changes with .
ok 85 - submodule deinit should remove the whole submodule section from .git/config
ok 86 - submodule deinit should unset core.worktree
ok 12 - local config should override .gitmodules branch
ok 41 - git reset --keep: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 13 - submodule update --rebase staying on master
ok 87 - submodule deinit from subdirectory
ok 6 - use "foreach --recursive" to checkout all submodules
ok 7 - test messages from "foreach --recursive"
ok 14 - submodule update --merge staying on master
ok 8 - test messages from "foreach --recursive" from subdirectory
ok 42 - git reset --keep: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 15 - submodule update - rebase in .git/config
ok 9 - test "submodule foreach --recursive" from subdirectory
ok 16 - submodule update - checkout in .git/config but --rebase given
ok 10 - test "foreach --quiet --recursive"
ok 88 - submodule deinit . deinits all initialized submodules
ok 17 - submodule update - merge in .git/config
ok 43 - git reset --keep: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 18 - submodule update - checkout in .git/config but --merge given
ok 19 - submodule update - checkout in .git/config
ok 44 - git reset --keep: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 20 - submodule update - command in .git/config
ok 89 - submodule deinit --all deinits all initialized submodules
ok 11 - use "update --recursive" to checkout all submodules
ok 21 - submodule update - command in .gitmodules is rejected
not ok 45 - git reset --keep: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 12 - test "status --recursive"
ok 90 - submodule deinit deinits a submodule when its work tree is missing or empty
ok 22 - fsck detects command in .gitmodules
ok 13 - ensure "status --cached --recursive" preserves the --cached flag
ok 23 - submodule update - command in .git/config catches failure
ok 14 - test "status --recursive" from sub directory
ok 24 - submodule update - command in .git/config catches failure -- subdirectory
not ok 46 - git reset --keep: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 91 - submodule deinit fails when the submodule contains modifications unless forced
ok 25 - submodule update - command run for initial population of submodule
ok 47 - git reset --keep: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 92 - submodule deinit fails when the submodule contains untracked files unless forced
ok 15 - use "git clone --recursive" to checkout all submodules
ok 26 - recursive submodule update - command in .git/config catches failure -- subdirectory
ok 93 - submodule deinit fails when the submodule HEAD does not match unless forced
ok 27 - submodule init does not copy command into .git/config
ok 28 - submodule init picks up rebase
ok 48 - git reset --keep: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 29 - submodule init picks up merge
ok 30 - submodule update --merge  - ignores --merge  for new submodules
ok 16 - test "update --recursive" with a flag with spaces
ok 49 - git reset --keep: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 50 - git reset --keep: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 31 - submodule update --rebase - ignores --rebase for new submodules
ok 94 - submodule deinit is silent when used on an uninitialized submodule
ok 17 - use "update --recursive nested1" to checkout all submodules rooted in nested1
ok 32 - submodule update ignores update=merge config for new submodules
ok 18 - command passed to foreach retains notion of stdin
ok 95 - submodule deinit fails when submodule has a .git directory even when forced
ok 51 - git reset --merge: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 19 - command passed to foreach --recursive retains notion of stdin
ok 33 - submodule update ignores update=rebase config for new submodules
ok 34 - submodule init picks up update=none
ok 96 - submodule with UTF-8 name
ok 20 - multi-argument command passed to foreach is not shell-evaluated twice
ok 52 - git reset --merge: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 97 - submodule add clone shallow submodule
ok 21 - option-like arguments passed to foreach commands are not lost
ok 35 - submodule update - update=none in .git/config
ok 22 - option-like arguments passed to foreach recurse correctly
# passed all 22 test(s)
ok 98 - submodule helper list is not confused by common prefixes
*** ***
ok 36 - submodule update - update=none in .git/config but --checkout given
ok 53 - git reset --merge: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 1 - preparing first repository
ok 2 - preparing second repository
ok 3 - preparing superproject
ok 37 - submodule update --init skips submodule with update=none
ok 4 - submodule add --reference uses alternates
ok 5 - submodule add --reference with --dissociate does not use alternates
ok 6 - that reference gets used with add
ok 54 - git reset --merge: replace directory with submodule
ok 99 - setup superproject with submodules
ok 7 - updating superproject keeps alternates
ok 38 - submodule update continues after checkout error
ok 55 - git reset --merge: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 100 - submodule update --init with a specification
ok 8 - updating superproject with --dissociate does not keep alternates
ok 56 - git reset --merge: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 9 - submodules use alternates when cloning a superproject
ok 101 - submodule update --init with set
ok 10 - missing submodule alternate fails clone and submodule update
ok 57 - git reset --merge: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 102 - submodule update and setting submodule.<name>.active
ok 39 - submodule update continues after recursive checkout error
ok 11 - ignoring missing submodule alternates passes clone and submodule update
ok 58 - git reset --merge: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 103 - clone active submodule without submodule url set
not ok 59 - git reset --merge: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 104 - clone --recurse-submodules with a pathspec works
ok 12 - preparing second superproject with a nested submodule plus partial clone
ok 40 - submodule update exit immediately in case of merge conflict
not ok 60 - git reset --merge: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 105 - clone with multiple --recurse-submodules options
ok 13 - nested submodule alternate in works and is actually used
ok 41 - submodule update exit immediately after recursive rebase error
ok 42 - add different submodules to the same path
ok 61 - git reset --merge: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 14 - missing nested submodule alternate fails clone and submodule update
ok 43 - submodule add places git-dir in superprojects git-dir
ok 44 - submodule update places git-dir in superprojects git-dir
ok 106 - clone and subsequent updates correctly auto-initialize submodules
ok 62 - git reset --merge: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 45 - submodule add places git-dir in superprojects git-dir recursive
ok 15 - missing nested submodule alternate in --reference-if-able mode
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 107 - init properly sets the config
ok 63 - git reset --merge: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 1 - submodule on detached working tree
ok 64 - git reset --merge: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 46 - submodule update places git-dir in superprojects git-dir recursive
ok 47 - submodule add properly re-creates deeper level submodules
ok 2 - submodule on detached working pointed by core.worktree
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 108 - recursive clone respects -q
# passed all 108 test(s)
*** ***
ok 65 - git reset --hard: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 48 - submodule update properly revives a moved submodule
ok 1 - setup a real submodule
ok 1 - submodule config cache setup
ok 2 - configuration parsing with error
ok 2 - absorb the git dir
ok 3 - test parsing and lookup of submodule config by path
ok 4 - test parsing and lookup of submodule config by name
ok 49 - submodule update can handle symbolic links in pwd
ok 5 - error in history of one submodule config lets continue, stderr message contains blob ref
ok 66 - git reset --hard: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 6 - using different treeishs works
ok 7 - error in history in fetchrecursesubmodule lets continue
ok 8 - reading submodules config from the working tree with "submodule--helper config"
ok 9 - unsetting submodules config from the working tree with "submodule--helper config --unset"
ok 10 - writing submodules config with "submodule--helper config"
ok 11 - overwriting unstaged submodules config with "submodule--helper config"
ok 12 - writeable .gitmodules when it is in the working tree
ok 13 - writeable .gitmodules when it is nowhere in the repository
ok 14 - non-writeable .gitmodules when it is in the index but not in the working tree
ok 3 - absorbing does not fail for deinitialized submodules
ok 15 - non-writeable .gitmodules when it is in the current branch but not in the index
ok 50 - submodule update clone shallow submodule
ok 16 - reading submodules config from the index when .gitmodules is not in the working tree
ok 17 - reading submodules config from the current branch when .gitmodules is not in the index
ok 4 - setup nested submodule
ok 67 - git reset --hard: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 18 - reading nested submodules config
ok 5 - absorb the git dir in a nested submodule
ok 19 - reading nested submodules config when .gitmodules is not in the working tree
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 6 - re-setup nested submodule
ok 7 - absorb the git dir in a nested submodule
ok 68 - git reset --hard: replace directory with submodule
ok 8 - setup a gitlink with missing .gitmodules entry
ok 51 - submodule update clone shallow submodule outside of depth
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - is-active works with urls
ok 9 - absorbing the git dir fails for incomplete submodules
ok 3 - is-active works with submodule.<name>.active config
ok 4 - is-active works with basic config
ok 5 - is-active correctly works with paths that are not submodules
ok 6 - is-active works with exclusions in config
ok 52 - submodule update --recursive drops module name before recursing
ok 7 - is-active with and submodule.<name>.active
ok 10 - setup a submodule with multiple worktrees
ok 69 - git reset --hard: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 11 - absorbing fails for a submodule with multiple worktrees
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - create embedded repository
ok 2 - git-add on embedded repository warns
ok 53 - submodule update can be run in parallel
ok 8 - is-active, and submodule add
ok 3 - --no-warn-embedded-repo suppresses warning
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - no warning when updating entry
ok 1 - check names
ok 2 - create innocent subrepo
ok 3 - submodule add refuses invalid names
ok 70 - git reset --hard: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 5 - submodule add does not warn
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 54 - git clone passes the parallel jobs config on to submodules
*** ***
# passed all 54 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - add evil submodule
ok 5 - add other submodule
ok 1 - create submodule with protected dash in url
ok 1 - create submodule with dash in path
not ok 71 - git reset --hard: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 6 - clone evil superproject
ok 7 - fsck detects evil superproject
ok 2 - clone can recurse submodule
ok 2 - clone rejects unprotected dash
ok 8 - transfer.fsckObjects detects evil superproject (unpack)
ok 3 - fsck accepts protected dash
ok 3 - fsck rejects unprotected dash
ok 4 # skip submodule paths disallows trailing spaces (missing MINGW)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 9 - transfer.fsckObjects detects evil superproject (index)
ok 4 - remove ./ protection from .gitmodules url
ok 10 - create oddly ordered pack
ok 5 - clone rejects unprotected dash
ok 11 - transfer.fsckObjects handles odd pack (unpack)
not ok 72 - git reset --hard: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 6 - fsck rejects unprotected dash
ok 12 - transfer.fsckObjects handles odd pack (index)
ok 13 - index-pack --strict works for non-repo pack
ok 1 - sparse checkout setup which hides .gitmodules
ok 14 - fsck detects symlinked .gitmodules file
ok 2 - reading gitmodules config file when it is not checked out
ok 3 - not writing gitmodules config file when it is not checked out
ok 15 - fsck detects non-blob .gitmodules
ok 4 - initialising submodule when the gitmodules config is not checked out
ok 16 - fsck detects corrupt .gitmodules
ok 17 # skip prevent git~1 squatting on Windows (missing MINGW)
ok 7 - trailing backslash is handled correctly
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - updating submodule when the gitmodules config is not checked out
not ok 73 - git reset --hard: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 18 - git dirs of sibling submodules must not be nested
# passed all 18 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - submodule config cache setup
ok 2 - ensure submodule branch is unset
ok 1 - submodule config cache setup
not ok 74 - git reset --hard: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 3 - test submodule set-branch --branch
ok 4 - test submodule set-branch --default
ok 2 - test submodule set-url
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - a basic commit in an empty tree should succeed
ok 2 - nonexistent template file should return error
ok 3 - nonexistent template file in config should return error
ok 4 - unedited template should not commit
ok 5 - test submodule set-branch -b
ok 5 - unedited template with comments should not commit
ok 75 - git reset --hard: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 6 - a Signed-off-by line by itself should not commit
ok 7 - adding comments to a template should not commit
ok 6 - re-updating submodule when the gitmodules config is not checked out
ok 8 - adding real content to a template should commit
ok 9 - -t option should be short for --template
ok 7 - not adding submodules when the gitmodules config is not checked out
ok 10 - config-specified template should commit
ok 11 - explicit commit message should override template
ok 8 - init submodule still works even after the previous add failed
# passed all 8 test(s)
ok 12 - commit message from file should override template
*** ***
ok 6 - test submodule set-branch -d
# passed all 6 test(s)
ok 13 - commit message from template with whitespace issue
*** ***
ok 14 - using alternate GIT_INDEX_FILE (1)
ok 1 - initial status
ok 2 - fail initial amend
ok 15 - using alternate GIT_INDEX_FILE (2)
ok 3 - setup: initial commit
ok 1 - output summary format
ok 4 - -m and -F do not mix
ok 16 - --signoff
ok 2 - output summary format: root-commit
ok 5 - -m and -C do not mix
ok 6 - paths and -a do not mix
ok 17 - commit message from file (1)
ok 3 - output summary format for commit with an empty diff
ok 18 - commit message from file (2)
ok 19 - commit message from stdin
ok 20 - commit -F overrides -t
ok 76 - git reset --hard: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 21 - Commit without message is allowed with --allow-empty-message
ok 4 - output summary format for merges
ok 22 - Commit without message is no-no without --allow-empty-message
ok 7 - can use paths with --interactive
ok 23 - Commit a message with --allow-empty-message
ok 5 - the basics
ok 8 - removed files and relative paths
ok 24 - commit -C empty respects --allow-empty-message
ok 6 - partial
ok 9 - using invalid commit with -C
ok 7 - partial modification in a subdirectory
ok 10 - nothing to commit
ok 11 - --dry-run fails with nothing to commit
ok 8 - partial removal
ok 25 - commit --fixup provides correct one-line commit message
ok 12 - --short fails with nothing to commit
ok 13 - --porcelain fails with nothing to commit
ok 14 - --long fails with nothing to commit
ok 9 - sign off
ok 15 - setup: non-initial commit
ok 26 - commit --fixup -m"something" -m"extra"
ok 16 - --dry-run with stuff to commit returns ok
ok 17 - --short with stuff to commit returns ok
ok 18 - --porcelain with stuff to commit returns ok
ok 10 - multiple -m
ok 27 - commit --squash works with -F
ok 19 - --long with stuff to commit returns ok
ok 11 - verbose
ok 20 - commit message from non-existing file
ok 12 - verbose respects diff config
ok 21 - empty commit message
ok 13 - prepare file with comment line and trailing newlines
ok 28 - commit --squash works with -m
ok 22 - template "emptyness" check does not kick in with -F
ok 14 - cleanup commit messages (verbatim option,-t)
ok 23 - template "emptyness" check
ok 77 - git reset --hard: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 15 - cleanup commit messages (verbatim option,-F)
ok 29 - commit --squash works with -C
ok 24 - setup: commit message from file
ok 16 - cleanup commit messages (verbatim option,-m)
ok 25 - amend commit
ok 17 - cleanup commit messages (whitespace option,-F)
ok 30 - commit --squash works with -c
ok 26 - amend --only ignores staged contents
ok 18 - cleanup commit messages (scissors option,-F,-e)
ok 27 - allow-empty --only ignores staged contents
ok 19 - cleanup commit messages (scissors option,-F,-e, scissors on first line)
ok 28 - set up editor
ok 20 - cleanup commit messages (strip option,-F)
ok 31 - commit --squash works with -C for same commit
ok 29 - amend without launching editor
ok 21 - cleanup commit messages (strip option,-F,-e)
ok 22 - cleanup commit messages (strip option,-F,-e): output
ok 23 - cleanup commit message (fail on invalid cleanup mode option)
ok 32 - commit --squash works with -c for same commit
ok 24 - cleanup commit message (fail on invalid cleanup mode configuration)
ok 78 - git reset --hard: added submodule does remove untracked unignored file with same name when forced
ok 30 - --amend --edit
# still have 13 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 65 test(s)
ok 25 - cleanup commit message (no config and no option uses default)
*** ***
ok 33 - commit --squash works with editor
ok 26 - cleanup commit message (option overrides default)
ok 31 - --amend --edit of empty message
ok 34 - invalid message options when using --fixup
ok 27 - cleanup commit message (config overrides default)
ok 32 - --amend to set message to empty
ok 28 - cleanup commit message (option overrides config)
ok 33 - --amend to set empty message needs --allow-empty-message
ok 35 - new line found before status message in commit template
ok 1 - sample script setup
ok 29 - cleanup commit message (default, -m)
ok 34 - -m --edit
ok 36 - setup empty commit with unstaged rename and copy
ok 30 - cleanup commit message (whitespace option, -m)
ok 35 - -m and -F do not mix
ok 37 - check commit with unstaged rename and copy
ok 2 - root commit
ok 31 - cleanup commit message (whitespace config, -m)
ok 36 - using message from other commit
ok 32 - message shows author when it is not equal to committer
ok 38 - commit without staging files fails and displays hints
ok 33 - message shows date when it is explicitly set
ok 3 - setup conflicting branches
# passed all 38 test(s)
ok 34 # skip message shows committer when it is automatic (missing AUTOIDENT)
ok 37 - editing message from other commit
*** ***
ok 38 - message from stdin
ok 4 - with no hook
ok 35 - do not fire editor when committer is bogus
ok 39 - overriding author from command line
ok 5 - with no hook (merge)
ok 1 - with no hook
ok 36 - do not fire editor if -m <msg> was given
ok 2 - with no hook (editor)
ok 6 - --no-verify with no hook
ok 3 - --no-verify with no hook
ok 37 - do not fire editor if -m "" was given
ok 4 - --no-verify with no hook (editor)
ok 7 - --no-verify with no hook (merge)
ok 5 - with succeeding hook
ok 6 - with succeeding hook (editor)
ok 40 - interactive add
ok 8 - with succeeding hook
ok 38 - do not fire editor in the presence of conflicts
ok 7 - --no-verify with succeeding hook
ok 39 - a SIGTERM should break locks
ok 9 - with succeeding hook (merge)
ok 8 - --no-verify with succeeding hook (editor)
ok 9 - with failing hook
ok 10 - with failing hook (editor)
ok 40 - Hand committing of a redundant merge removes dups
ok 10 - automatic merge fails; both hooks are available
ok 11 - --no-verify with failing hook
ok 11 - --no-verify with succeeding hook
ok 41 - commit --interactive doesn't change index if editor aborts
ok 41 - A single-liner subject with a token plus colon is not a footer
ok 12 - --no-verify with failing hook (editor)
ok 12 - --no-verify with succeeding hook (merge)
ok 42 - commit -s places sob on third line after two empty lines
ok 42 - editor not invoked if -F is given
ok 13 - with failing hook
ok 13 - merge fails with failing hook
ok 43 - commit
ok 43 - partial commit that involves removal (1)
ok 14 - --no-verify with failing hook
ok 44 - partial commit that involves removal (2)
ok 14 - merge bypasses failing hook with --no-verify
ok 44 - commit --status
ok 15 - with failing hook (merge)
ok 15 - with non-executable hook
ok 45 - partial commit that involves removal (3)
ok 45 - commit --no-status
ok 16 - --no-verify with failing hook (merge)
ok 46 - amend commit to fix author
ok 16 - with non-executable hook (editor)
ok 17 - with non-executable hook
ok 17 - --no-verify with non-executable hook
ok 46 - commit with commit.status = yes
ok 47 - amend commit to fix date
ok 48 - commit mentions forced date in output
ok 18 - --no-verify with non-executable hook (editor)
ok 18 - --no-verify with non-executable hook
ok 49 - commit complains about completely bogus dates
ok 47 - commit with commit.status = no
ok 19 - hook edits commit message
ok 19 - with non-executable hook (merge)
ok 50 - commit --date allows approxidate
ok 20 - hook edits commit message (editor)
ok 51 - sign off (1)
ok 48 - commit --status with commit.status = yes
ok 20 - --no-verify with non-executable hook (merge)
ok 21 - hook doesn't edit commit message
ok 52 - sign off (2)
ok 49 - commit --no-status with commit.status = yes
ok 22 - hook doesn't edit commit message (editor)
ok 21 - with hook requiring GIT_PREFIX
ok 53 - signoff gap
ok 50 - commit --status with commit.status = no
ok 22 - with failing hook requiring GIT_PREFIX
ok 23 - hook called in git-merge picks up commit message
ok 54 - signoff gap 2
ok 51 - commit --no-status with commit.status = no
ok 23 - check the author in hook
# passed all 23 test(s)
not ok 24 - merge --continue remembers --no-verify # TODO known breakage
*** ***
ok 55 - signoff respects trailer config
ok 52 - commit
ok 56 - signoff not confused by ---
ok 57 - multiple -m
ok 25 - hook is called for reword during `rebase -i`
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 24 test(s)
ok 53 - commit --status
*** ***
ok 58 - amend commit to fix author
ok 54 - commit --no-status
ok 59 - git commit <file> with dirty index
ok 55 - commit with commit.status = yes
ok 60 - same tree (single parent)
ok 1 - setup
ok 61 - same tree (single parent) --allow-empty
ok 56 - commit with commit.status = no
ok 2 - status clean
ok 3 - commit --dry-run -a clean
ok 57 - commit --status with commit.status = yes
ok 62 - same tree (merge and amend merge)
ok 4 - status with modified file in submodule
ok 5 - status with modified file in submodule (porcelain)
ok 58 - commit --no-status with commit.status = yes
ok 63 - amend using the message from another commit
ok 6 - status with modified file in submodule (short)
ok 59 - commit --status with commit.status = no
ok 7 - status with added file in submodule
ok 8 - status with added file in submodule (porcelain)
ok 64 - amend using the message from a commit named with tag
ok 60 - commit --no-status with commit.status = no
ok 9 - status with added file in submodule (short)
ok 61 - commit --status with custom comment character
ok 65 - amend can copy notes
ok 10 - status with untracked file in submodule
ok 66 - commit a file whose name is a dash
ok 1 - set up commits for rebasing
ok 11 - status -uno with untracked file in submodule
ok 62 - switch core.commentchar
ok 2 - with no hook
ok 67 - --only works on to-be-born branch
ok 12 - status with untracked file in submodule (porcelain)
ok 63 - switch core.commentchar but out of options
# passed all 63 test(s)
*** ***
ok 13 - status with untracked file in submodule (short)
ok 14 - status with added and untracked file in submodule
ok 3 - with hook (-m)
ok 68 - --dry-run with conflicts fixed from a merge
ok 15 - status with added and untracked file in submodule (porcelain)
ok 69 - --dry-run --short
# passed all 69 test(s)
ok 4 - with hook (-m editor)
*** ***
ok 16 - status with modified file in modified submodule
ok 1 - setup
ok 17 - status with modified file in modified submodule (porcelain)
ok 5 - with hook (-t)
ok 2 - initial commit shows verbose diff
ok 18 - status with added file in modified submodule
ok 3 - second commit
ok 6 - with hook (-F)
ok 1 - status -h in broken repository
ok 19 - status with added file in modified submodule (porcelain)
ok 4 - verbose diff is stripped out
ok 2 - commit -h in broken repository
ok 20 - status with untracked file in modified submodule
ok 7 - with hook (-F editor)
ok 21 - status with untracked file in modified submodule (porcelain)
ok 5 - verbose diff is stripped out (mnemonicprefix)
ok 3 - create upstream branch
ok 22 - status with added and untracked file in modified submodule
ok 8 - with hook (-C)
ok 6 - diff in message is retained without -v
ok 4 - setup
ok 23 - status with added and untracked file in modified submodule (porcelain)
ok 7 - diff in message is retained with -v
ok 5 - status (1)
ok 9 - with hook (editor)
ok 24 - setup .git file for sub
ok 6 - status --column
ok 25 - status with added file in modified submodule with .git file
ok 7 - status --column status.displayCommentPrefix=false
ok 10 - with hook (--amend)
ok 8 - status with status.displayCommentPrefix=true
ok 26 - status with a lot of untracked files in the submodule
ok 9 - status with status.displayCommentPrefix=false
ok 11 - with hook (-c)
ok 27 - rm submodule contents
ok 10 - status -v
ok 28 - status clean (empty submodule dir)
ok 29 - status -a clean (empty submodule dir)
ok 11 - status -v -v
ok 12 - with hook (merge)
ok 12 - setup fake editor
ok 13 - commit ignores status.displayCommentPrefix=false in COMMIT_EDITMSG
ok 8 - submodule log is stripped out too with -v
ok 14 - status (advice.statusHints false)
ok 9 - verbose diff is stripped out with set core.commentChar
ok 10 - status does not verbose without --verbose
ok 15 - status -s
ok 11 - setup -v -v
ok 13 - with hook and editor (merge)
ok 12 - commit.verbose=true and --verbose omitted
ok 16 - status with gitignore
ok 13 - commit.verbose=1 and --verbose omitted
ok 17 - status with gitignore (nothing untracked)
ok 14 - commit.verbose=false and --verbose omitted
ok 18 - status -s -b
ok 19 - status -s -z -b
ok 20 - setup dir3
ok 15 - commit.verbose=-2 and --verbose omitted
ok 21 - status -uno
ok 16 - commit.verbose=-1 and --verbose omitted
ok 22 - status (status.showUntrackedFiles no)
ok 17 - commit.verbose=0 and --verbose omitted
ok 23 - status -uno (advice.statusHints false)
ok 18 - commit.verbose=2 and --verbose omitted
ok 24 - status -s -uno
ok 25 - status -s (status.showUntrackedFiles no)
ok 19 - commit.verbose=3 and --verbose omitted
ok 26 - status -unormal
ok 27 - status (status.showUntrackedFiles normal)
ok 20 - commit.verbose=true and --verbose
ok 30 - status with merge conflict in .gitmodules
ok 28 - status -s -unormal
ok 21 - commit.verbose=true and --no-verbose
ok 29 - status -s (status.showUntrackedFiles normal)
ok 30 - status -uall
ok 22 - commit.verbose=true and -v -v
ok 31 - diff with merge conflict in .gitmodules
ok 31 - status (status.showUntrackedFiles all)
ok 32 - teardown dir3
ok 32 - diff --submodule with merge conflict in .gitmodules
ok 23 - commit.verbose=false and --verbose
ok 33 - status -s -uall
ok 24 - commit.verbose=false and --no-verbose
ok 34 - status -s (status.showUntrackedFiles all)
ok 35 - status with relative paths
ok 25 - commit.verbose=false and -v -v
ok 14 - with hook (rebase -i)
ok 36 - status -s with relative paths
ok 26 - commit.verbose=-2 and --verbose
ok 37 - status --porcelain ignores relative paths setting
ok 38 - setup unique colors
ok 27 - commit.verbose=-2 and --no-verbose
ok 39 # skip status with color.ui (missing TTY)
ok 40 # skip status with color.status (missing TTY)
ok 41 # skip status -s with color.ui (missing TTY)
ok 28 - commit.verbose=-2 and -v -v
ok 42 # skip status -s with color.status (missing TTY)
ok 43 # skip status -s -b with color.status (missing TTY)
ok 44 # skip status --porcelain ignores color.ui (missing TTY)
ok 45 # skip status --porcelain ignores color.status (missing TTY)
ok 29 - commit.verbose=-1 and --verbose
ok 46 - status --porcelain respects -b
ok 30 - commit.verbose=-1 and --no-verbose
ok 47 - status without relative paths
ok 31 - commit.verbose=-1 and -v -v
ok 48 - status -s without relative paths
ok 49 - dry-run of partial commit excluding new file in index
ok 32 - commit.verbose=0 and --verbose
ok 50 - status refreshes the index
ok 33 - commit.verbose=0 and --no-verbose
ok 51 - setup status submodule summary
ok 52 - status submodule summary is disabled by default
ok 34 - commit.verbose=0 and -v -v
ok 53 - status --untracked-files=all does not show submodule
ok 35 - commit.verbose=1 and --verbose
ok 54 - status -s submodule summary is disabled by default
ok 55 - status -s --untracked-files=all does not show submodule
ok 36 - commit.verbose=1 and --no-verbose
ok 37 - commit.verbose=1 and -v -v
ok 38 - commit.verbose=2 and --verbose
ok 39 - commit.verbose=2 and --no-verbose
ok 33 - setup superproject with untracked file in nested submodule
ok 40 - commit.verbose=2 and -v -v
ok 34 - status with untracked file in nested submodule (porcelain)
ok 41 - commit.verbose=3 and --verbose
ok 42 - commit.verbose=3 and --no-verbose
ok 35 - status with untracked file in nested submodule (porcelain=2)
ok 56 - status submodule summary
ok 36 - status with untracked file in nested submodule (short)
ok 43 - commit.verbose=3 and -v -v
ok 37 - setup superproject with modified file in nested submodule
ok 44 - status ignores commit.verbose=true
# passed all 44 test(s)
*** ***
ok 38 - status with added file in nested submodule (porcelain)
ok 39 - status with added file in nested submodule (porcelain=2)
ok 40 - status with added file in nested submodule (short)
# passed all 40 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - -C option copies authorship and message
ok 2 - -C option copies only the message with --reset-author
ok 1 # skip create signed commits (missing GPG)
ok 2 # skip verify and show signatures (missing GPG)
ok 3 # skip verify-commit exits success on untrusted signature (missing GPG)
ok 4 # skip verify signatures with --raw (missing GPG)
ok 5 # skip show signed commit with signature (missing GPG)
ok 6 # skip detect fudged signature (missing GPG)
ok 7 # skip detect fudged signature with NUL (missing GPG)
ok 8 # skip amending already signed commit (missing GPG)
ok 9 # skip show good signature with custom format (missing GPG)
ok 10 # skip show bad signature with custom format (missing GPG)
ok 11 # skip show untrusted signature with custom format (missing GPG)
ok 3 - -c option copies authorship and message
ok 12 # skip show unknown signature with custom format (missing GPG)
ok 57 - status submodule summary with status.displayCommentPrefix=false
ok 13 # skip show lack of signature with custom format (missing GPG)
ok 14 # skip log.showsignature behaves like --show-signature (missing GPG)
ok 15 # skip check config gpg.format values (missing GPG)
ok 16 # skip detect fudged commit with double signature (missing GPG)
ok 17 # skip show double signature with custom format (missing GPG)
ok 58 - commit with submodule summary ignores status.displayCommentPrefix
# passed all 17 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - -c option copies only the message with --reset-author
ok 59 - status -s submodule summary
ok 5 - --amend option copies authorship
ok 1 - status, filename length 1
ok 2 - status, filename length 2
ok 6 - --amend option with empty author
ok 3 - status, filename length 3
ok 4 - status, filename length 4
ok 5 - status, filename length 5
ok 7 - --amend option with missing author
ok 6 - status, filename length 6
ok 8 - --reset-author makes the commit ours even with --amend option
ok 7 - status, filename length 7
ok 9 - --reset-author and --author are mutually exclusive
ok 8 - status, filename length 8
ok 10 - --reset-author should be rejected without -c/-C/--amend
ok 9 - status, filename length 9
ok 10 - status, filename length 10
ok 11 - status, filename length 11
ok 11 - commit respects CHERRY_PICK_HEAD and MERGE_MSG
ok 12 - status, filename length 12
ok 12 - --reset-author with CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
# passed all 12 test(s)
ok 13 - status, filename length 13
*** ***
ok 60 - status submodule summary (clean submodule): commit
ok 14 - status, filename length 14
ok 61 - status -s submodule summary (clean submodule)
ok 15 - status, filename length 15
ok 16 - status, filename length 16
ok 62 - status -z implies porcelain
ok 17 - status, filename length 17
ok 18 - status, filename length 18
ok 1 - prepare for conflicts
ok 19 - status, filename length 19
ok 2 - status when conflicts unresolved
ok 20 - status, filename length 20
ok 21 - status, filename length 21
ok 3 - status when conflicts resolved before commit
ok 22 - status, filename length 22
ok 23 - status, filename length 23
ok 24 - status, filename length 24
# passed all 24 test(s)
ok 4 - prepare for rebase conflicts
*** ***
ok 63 - commit --dry-run submodule summary (--amend)
ok 1 - setup
ok 5 - status when rebase in progress before resolving conflicts
ok 64 - status succeeds in a read-only repository
ok 2 - without config
ok 3 - without config in another order
ok 4 - --trim-empty without config
ok 6 - status when rebase in progress before rebase --continue
ok 5 - with config option on the command line
ok 6 - with only a title in the message
ok 7 - with multiline title in the message
ok 7 - prepare for rebase_i_conflicts
ok 8 - with non-trailer lines mixed with Signed-off-by
ok 9 - with non-trailer lines mixed with cherry picked from
ok 8 - status during rebase -i when conflicts unresolved
ok 10 - with non-trailer lines mixed with a configured trailer
ok 11 - with non-trailer lines mixed with a non-configured trailer
ok 9 - status during rebase -i after resolving conflicts
ok 12 - with all non-configured trailers
ok 65 - --ignore-submodules=untracked suppresses submodules with untracked content
ok 13 - with non-trailer lines only
ok 14 - line with leading whitespace is not trailer
ok 15 - multiline field treated as one trailer for 25% check
ok 16 - multiline field treated as atomic for placement
ok 10 - status when rebasing -i in edit mode
ok 17 - multiline field treated as atomic for replacement
ok 18 - multiline field treated as atomic for difference check
ok 19 - multiline field treated as atomic for neighbor check
ok 11 - status when splitting a commit
ok 20 - with config setup
ok 21 - with config setup and ":=" as separators
ok 22 - with config setup and "%" as separators
ok 23 - with "%" as separators and a message with trailers
ok 24 - with config setup and ":=#" as separators
ok 25 - with commit basic message
ok 12 - status after editing the last commit with --amend during a rebase -i
ok 26 - with basic patch
ok 27 - with commit complex message as argument
ok 66 - .gitmodules ignore=untracked suppresses submodules with untracked content
ok 28 - with 2 files arguments
ok 29 - with message that has comments (#)
ok 13 - prepare for several edits
ok 30 - with message that has comments (;)
ok 31 - with message that has an old style conflict block
ok 32 - with commit complex message and trailer args
ok 33 - with complex patch, args and --trim-empty
ok 14 - status: (continue first edit) second edit
ok 34 - in-place editing with basic patch
ok 35 - in-place editing with additional trailer
ok 36 - in-place editing on stdin disallowed
ok 37 - in-place editing on non-existing file
ok 67 - .git/config ignore=untracked suppresses submodules with untracked content
ok 15 - status: (continue first edit) second edit and split
ok 38 - in-place editing doesn't clobber original file on error
ok 39 - using "where = before"
ok 40 - overriding configuration with "--where after"
ok 41 - using "where = before" with "--no-where"
ok 16 - status: (continue first edit) second edit and amend
ok 42 - using "where = after"
ok 43 - using "where = end"
ok 44 - using "where = start"
ok 17 - status: (amend first edit) second edit
ok 45 - using "where = before" for a token in the middle of the message
ok 68 - --ignore-submodules=dirty suppresses submodules with untracked content
ok 46 - using "where = before" and --trim-empty
ok 47 - the default is "ifExists = addIfDifferentNeighbor"
ok 48 - default "ifExists" is now "addIfDifferent"
ok 18 - status: (amend first edit) second edit and split
ok 49 - using "ifExists = addIfDifferent" with "where = end"
ok 50 - using "ifExists = addIfDifferent" with "where = before"
ok 51 - using "ifExists = addIfDifferentNeighbor" with "where = end"
ok 52 - using "ifExists = addIfDifferentNeighbor"  with "where = after"
ok 19 - status: (amend first edit) second edit and amend
ok 53 - using "ifExists = addIfDifferentNeighbor" and --trim-empty
ok 54 - using "ifExists = add" with "where = end"
ok 55 - using "ifExists = add" with "where = after"
ok 56 - overriding configuration with "--if-exists replace"
ok 20 - status: (split first edit) second edit
ok 57 - using "ifExists = replace"
ok 58 - using "ifExists = replace" with "where = after"
ok 59 - using "ifExists = doNothing"
ok 60 - the default is "ifMissing = add"
ok 21 - status: (split first edit) second edit and split
ok 69 - .gitmodules ignore=dirty suppresses submodules with untracked content
ok 61 - overriding configuration with "--if-missing doNothing"
ok 15 - with hook (rebase -p)
ok 62 - when default "ifMissing" is "doNothing"
ok 16 - with hook (cherry-pick)
ok 63 - using "ifMissing = add" with "where = end"
ok 22 - status: (split first edit) second edit and amend
ok 64 - using "ifMissing = add" with "where = before"
ok 17 - with hook and editor (cherry-pick)
ok 65 - using "ifMissing = doNothing"
ok 23 - prepare am_session
ok 18 - with failing hook
ok 66 - default "where" is now "after"
ok 19 - with failing hook (--no-verify)
ok 24 - status in an am session: file already exists
ok 67 - with simple command
ok 20 - with failing hook (merge)
ok 68 - with command using committer information
ok 25 - status in an am session: file does not exist
ok 70 - .git/config ignore=dirty suppresses submodules with untracked content
ok 21 - with failing hook (cherry-pick)
ok 69 - with command using author information
# passed all 21 test(s)
ok 70 - setup a commit
*** ***
ok 26 - status in an am session: empty patch
ok 71 - with command using $ARG
ok 1 - setup (initial)
ok 72 - with failing command using $ARG
ok 73 - with empty tokens
ok 74 - with command but no key
ok 75 - with no command and no key
ok 76 - with cut line
ok 71 - --ignore-submodules=dirty suppresses submodules with modified content
ok 2 - edit hunk "commit -p -m message"
ok 77 - only trailers
ok 78 - only-trailers omits non-trailer in middle of block
ok 79 - only input
ok 27 - status when bisecting
ok 80 - unfold
ok 81 - handling of --- lines in input
ok 3 - edit hunk "commit --dry-run -p -m message"
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 82 - suppress --- handling
# passed all 82 test(s)
*** ***
ok 72 - .gitmodules ignore=dirty suppresses submodules with modified content
ok 28 - status when rebase conflicts with statushints disabled
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - race to create orphan commit
ok 2 - symlink to a directory
ok 29 - prepare for cherry-pick conflicts
ok 3 - symlink replacing a directory
ok 2 - race to create non-orphan commit
# passed all 3 test(s)
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
ok 30 - status when cherry-picking before resolving conflicts
ok 1 - setup a likely user.useConfigOnly use case
ok 73 - .git/config ignore=dirty suppresses submodules with modified content
ok 31 - status when cherry-picking after resolving conflicts
ok 1 - empty name and missing email
ok 2 - fails committing if clone email is not set
ok 3 - fails committing if clone email is not set, but EMAIL set
ok 2 - commit rejects all-crud name
ok 4 - succeeds committing if clone email is set
ok 32 - status when cherry-picking after committing conflict resolution
ok 3 - empty configured name does not auto-detect
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 5 - succeeds cloning if global email is not set
ok 33 - status shows cherry-pick with invalid oid
ok 34 - status does not show error if .git/sequencer is a file
ok 6 - set up rebase scenarios
ok 35 - status showing detached at and from a tag
ok 7 - fast-forward rebase does not care about ident
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - fsmonitor extension is off by default
ok 8 - non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits
ok 3 - update-index --fsmonitor" adds the fsmonitor extension
ok 4 - update-index --no-fsmonitor" removes the fsmonitor extension
ok 9 - fast-forward rebase does not care about ident (interactive)
ok 36 - status while reverting commit (conflicts)
ok 10 - non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits (interactive)
ok 37 - status while reverting commit (conflicts resolved)
ok 74 - --ignore-submodules=untracked doesn't suppress submodules with modified content
ok 11 - noop interactive rebase does not care about ident
ok 5 - update-index --fsmonitor-valid" sets the fsmonitor valid bit
ok 38 - status after reverting commit
ok 6 - update-index --no-fsmonitor-valid" clears the fsmonitor valid bit
ok 39 - status while reverting after committing conflict resolution
ok 7 - all files returned by integration script get flagged as invalid
ok 8 - newly added files are marked valid
ok 40 - prepare for different number of commits rebased
ok 9 - all unmodified files get marked valid
ok 10 - *only* files returned by the integration script get flagged as invalid
ok 75 - .gitmodules ignore=untracked doesn't suppress submodules with modified content
ok 41 - status: one command done nothing remaining
ok 11 - refresh_index() invalidates fsmonitor cache
ok 12 - setup preloadIndex to false
ok 42 - status: two commands done with some white lines in done file
ok 43 - status: two remaining commands with some white lines in todo file
ok 44 - status: handle not-yet-started rebase -i gracefully
# passed all 44 test(s)
ok 76 - .git/config ignore=untracked doesn't suppress submodules with modified content
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - no warning if hook is not ignored
ok 3 - warning if hook is ignored
ok 4 - no warning if advice.ignoredHook set to false
ok 5 - no warning if unset advice.ignoredHook and hook removed
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - fast-forward rebase does not care about ident (preserve)
ok 77 - --ignore-submodules=untracked doesn't suppress submodule summary
ok 1 - setup initial commit and ignore file
ok 2 - Verify behavior of status on directories with ignored files
ok 3 - Verify status behavior on directory with tracked & ignored files
ok 4 - Verify status behavior on directory with untracked and ignored files
ok 5 - Verify status matching ignored files on ignored directory
ok 6 - Verify status behavior on ignored directory containing tracked file
ok 7 - Verify matching ignored files with --untracked-files=normal
ok 8 - Verify matching ignored files with --untracked-files=normal
ok 78 - .gitmodules ignore=untracked doesn't suppress submodule summary
ok 13 - non-fast-forward rebase refuses to write commits (preserve)
ok 9 - Verify status behavior on ignored directory containing tracked file
ok 10 - Verify behavior of status with --ignored=no
ok 14 - overrides
ok 11 - Verify behavior of status with --ignored=traditional and --untracked-files=all
ok 12 - Verify behavior of status with --ignored=traditional and --untracked-files=normal
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 15 - overrides
ok 16 - overrides
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - status no-options
ok 3 - status --no-renames
ok 17 - overrides
ok 79 - .git/config ignore=untracked doesn't suppress submodule summary
ok 4 - status.renames inherits from diff.renames false
ok 5 - status.renames inherits from diff.renames true
ok 6 - status.renames overrides diff.renames false
ok 7 - status.renames overrides from diff.renames true
ok 18 - author and committer environment variables override config settings
# passed all 18 test(s)
ok 8 - status status.renames=false
*** ***
ok 9 - status status.renames=true
ok 10 - commit honors status.renames=false
ok 11 - commit honors status.renames=true
ok 1 - setup
ok 12 - status config overridden
ok 2 - --pathspec-from-file from stdin
ok 13 - status score=100%
ok 14 - status score=01%
ok 3 - --pathspec-from-file from file
ok 80 - --ignore-submodules=dirty doesn't suppress submodule summary
ok 15 - copies not overridden by find-renames
# passed all 15 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - NUL delimiters
ok 5 - LF delimiters
ok 6 - no trailing delimiter
ok 7 - CRLF delimiters
ok 8 - quotes
ok 9 - quotes not compatible with --pathspec-file-nul
ok 1 - setup
ok 10 - only touches what was listed
ok 81 - .gitmodules ignore=dirty doesn't suppress submodule summary
ok 11 - --pathspec-from-file and --all cannot be used together
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - test option parsing
ok 3 - merge -h with invalid index
ok 4 - reject non-strategy with a git-merge-foo name
ok 5 - merge c0 with c1
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - merge c1 with c2
ok 6 - merge c0 with c1 with --ff-only
ok 3 - fast-forward pull succeeds with "true" in pull.ff
ok 7 - merge from unborn branch
ok 82 - .git/config ignore=dirty doesn't suppress submodule summary
ok 4 - pull.ff=true overrides merge.ff=false
ok 8 - merge c1 with c2
ok 9 - merge --squash c3 with c7
ok 5 - fast-forward pull creates merge with "false" in pull.ff
ok 10 - merge c3 with c7 with commit.cleanup = scissors
ok 6 - pull prevents non-fast-forward with "only" in pull.ff
ok 7 - merge c1 with c2 (ours in pull.twohead)
ok 11 - merge c3 with c7 with --squash commit.cleanup = scissors
ok 8 - merge c1 with c2 and c3 (recursive in pull.octopus)
ok 83 - status (core.commentchar with submodule summary)
ok 84 - status (core.commentchar with two chars with submodule summary)
ok 85 - --ignore-submodules=all suppresses submodule summary
ok 9 - merge c1 with c2 and c3 (recursive and octopus in pull.octopus)
ok 10 - setup conflicted merge
ok 12 - merge c1 with c2 and c3
ok 13 - merges with --ff-only
ok 86 - .gitmodules ignore=all suppresses unstaged submodule summary
ok 14 - merges with merge.ff=only
ok 15 - merge c0 with c1 (no-commit)
ok 16 - merge c1 with c2 (no-commit)
ok 11 - merge picks up the best result
ok 87 - .git/config ignore=all suppresses unstaged submodule summary
ok 12 - merge picks up the best result (from config)
ok 13 - merge errors out on invalid strategy
ok 14 - merge errors out on invalid strategy
ok 17 - merge c1 with c2 and c3 (no-commit)
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 18 - merge c0 with c1 (squash)
ok 19 - merge c0 with c1 (squash, ff-only)
ok 20 - merge c1 with c2 (squash)
ok 21 - unsuccessful merge of c1 with c2 (squash, ff-only)
ok 88 - setup of test environment
ok 89 - "status.short=true" same as "-s"
ok 22 - merge c1 with c2 and c3 (squash)
ok 90 - "status.short=true" weaker than "--no-short"
ok 23 - merge c1 with c2 (no-commit in config)
ok 24 - merge c1 with c2 (log in config)
ok 25 - merge c1 with c2 (log in config gets overridden)
ok 26 - merge c1 with c2 (squash in config)
ok 91 - "status.short=false" same as "--no-short"
ok 92 - "status.short=false" weaker than "-s"
ok 93 - "status.branch=true" same as "-b"
ok 27 - override config option -n with --summary
ok 94 - "status.branch=true" different from "--no-branch"
ok 95 - "status.branch=true" weaker than "--no-branch"
ok 96 - "status.branch=true" weaker than "--porcelain"
ok 97 - "status.branch=false" same as "--no-branch"
ok 28 - override config option -n with --stat
ok 98 - "status.branch=false" weaker than "-b"
ok 99 - Restore default test environment
ok 1 - setup
ok 29 - override config option --stat
ok 30 - merge c1 with c2 (override --no-commit)
ok 31 - merge c1 with c2 (override --squash)
ok 100 - git commit will commit a staged but ignored submodule
ok 32 - merge c0 with c1 (no-ff)
ok 33 - merge c0 with c1 (merge.ff=false)
ok 101 - git commit --dry-run will show a staged but ignored submodule
ok 102 - git commit -m will commit a staged but ignored submodule
ok 34 - combine branch.master.mergeoptions with merge.ff
ok 35 - tolerate unknown values for merge.ff
ok 36 - combining --squash and --no-ff is refused
ok 37 - combining --squash and --commit is refused
ok 38 - option --ff-only overwrites --no-ff
ok 39 - option --no-ff overrides merge.ff=only config
ok 40 - merge c0 with c1 (ff overrides no-ff)
ok 13 - setup untracked cache to false
ok 41 - merge log message
ok 14 - compare status with and without fsmonitor
ok 103 - show stash info with "--show-stash"
ok 42 - merge c1 with c0, c2, c0, and c1
ok 15 - status doesn't detect unreported modifications
ok 16 - setup untracked cache to true
ok 43 - merge c1 with c0, c2, c0, and c1
ok 17 - compare status with and without fsmonitor
ok 44 - merge c1 with c1 and c2
ok 18 - status doesn't detect unreported modifications
ok 45 - merge fast-forward in a dirty tree
ok 19 - setup preloadIndex to true
ok 20 - setup untracked cache to false
ok 104 - no stash info with "--show-stash --no-show-stash"
ok 46 - in-index merge
ok 47 - refresh the index before merging
ok 21 - compare status with and without fsmonitor
ok 22 - status doesn't detect unreported modifications
ok 23 - setup untracked cache to true
ok 105 - "status.showStash=false" weaker than "--show-stash"
ok 48 - merge early part of c2
ok 24 - compare status with and without fsmonitor
ok 49 - merge --no-ff --no-commit && commit
ok 50 - amending no-ff merge commit
ok 25 - status doesn't detect unreported modifications
ok 2 - merge c1 with c2, c3, c4, ... c29
ok 26 - splitting the index results in the same state
ok 106 - "status.showStash=true" weaker than "--no-show-stash"
ok 51 - merge --no-ff --edit
ok 3 - merge output uses pretty names
ok 4 - merge reduces irrelevant remote heads
ok 27 - ignore .git changes when invalidating UNTR
ok 52 - merge annotated/signed tag w/o tracking
ok 28 - discard_index() also discards fsmonitor info
ok 107 - no additional info if no stash entries
ok 5 - merge fast-forward output uses pretty names
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 53 - merge annotated/signed tag w/ tracking
ok 54 # skip merge --ff-only tag (missing GPG)
ok 29 - status succeeds after staging/unstaging
ok 55 # skip merge --no-edit tag should skip editor (missing GPG)
# passed all 29 test(s)
*** ***
ok 56 - set up mod-256 conflict scenario
ok 57 - merge detects mod-256 conflicts (recursive)
ok 1 - setup
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - merge c2 with a custom message
ok 58 - merge detects mod-256 conflicts (resolve)
ok 108 - "No commits yet" should be noted in status output
ok 3 - merge --log appends to custom message
ok 4 - prepare file with comment line and trailing newlines
ok 5 - cleanup commit messages (verbatim option)
ok 59 - merge nothing into void
ok 6 - cleanup commit messages (whitespace option)
ok 60 - merge can be completed with --continue
ok 2 - merge c1 with c2, c3, c4, c5
ok 7 - cleanup merge messages (scissors option)
ok 8 - cleanup commit messages (strip option)
# passed all 8 test(s)
*** ***
ok 61 - killed merge can be completed with --continue
ok 109 - "No commits yet" should not be noted in status output
ok 62 - merge --quit
ok 1 - setup
ok 63 - merge suggests matching remote refname
ok 3 - pull c2, c3, c4, c5 into c1
ok 64 - suggested names are not ambiguous
# passed all 64 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - merge c1 to c2
ok 110 - "Initial commit" should be noted in commit template
ok 1 - set up custom strategy
ok 3 - merge c1 to c2, again
ok 4 - setup
ok 2 - setup
ok 4 - merge c2 to c3 (fails)
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 111 - "Initial commit" should not be noted in commit template
ok 3 - merge c2 with a custom strategy
ok 5 - merge E and I
ok 6 - verify merge result
ok 4 - trivial merge with custom strategy
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 7 - add conflicts
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - will not overwrite untracked file
ok 3 - will overwrite tracked file
ok 4 - will not overwrite new file
ok 1 - merge local branch
ok 5 - will not overwrite staged changes
ok 8 - merge E2 and I2, causing a conflict and resolve it
ok 9 - verify merge result
ok 6 - will not overwrite removed file
ok 10 - fast-forward to redundant refs
ok 112 - --no-optional-locks prevents index update
# passed all 112 test(s)
ok 7 - will not overwrite re-added file
ok 11 - verify merge result
*** ***
ok 12 - merge up-to-date redundant refs
ok 2 - merge octopus branches
ok 13 - verify merge result
# passed all 13 test(s)
ok 8 - will not overwrite removed file with staged changes
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 3 - merge tag
ok 9 - will not overwrite unstaged changes in renamed file
ok 10 - will not overwrite untracked subtree
ok 2 - untracked files overwritten by merge (fast and non-fast forward)
ok 11 - will not overwrite untracked file in leading path
ok 3 - untracked files or local changes ovewritten by merge
ok 4 - ambiguous tag
ok 12 - will not overwrite untracked symlink in leading path
ok 4 - cannot switch branches because of local changes
ok 5 - not uptodate file porcelain checkout error
ok 13 - will not be confused by symlink in leading path
ok 5 - remote-tracking branch
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 14 - will not overwrite untracked file on unborn branch
*** ***
ok 6 - not_uptodate_dir porcelain checkout error
ok 15 - will not overwrite untracked file on unborn branch .git/MERGE_HEAD sanity etc.
# passed all 6 test(s)
*** ***
ok 16 - failed merge leaves unborn branch in the womb
ok 17 - set up unborn branch and content
ok 1 # skip create signed commits (missing GPG)
ok 18 - will not clobber WT/index when merging into unborn
ok 2 # skip merge unsigned commit with verification (missing GPG)
ok 3 # skip merge unsigned commit with merge.verifySignatures=true (missing GPG)
# passed all 18 test(s)
ok 4 # skip merge commit with bad signature with verification (missing GPG)
ok 5 # skip merge commit with bad signature with merge.verifySignatures=true (missing GPG)
*** ***
ok 6 # skip merge commit with untrusted signature with verification (missing GPG)
ok 7 # skip merge commit with untrusted signature with merge.verifySignatures=true (missing GPG)
ok 8 # skip merge signed commit with verification (missing GPG)
ok 9 # skip merge signed commit with merge.verifySignatures=true (missing GPG)
ok 10 # skip merge commit with bad signature without verification (missing GPG)
ok 11 # skip merge commit with bad signature with merge.verifySignatures=false (missing GPG)
ok 12 # skip merge commit with bad signature with merge.verifySignatures=true and --no-verify-signatures (missing GPG)
ok 13 # skip merge unsigned commit into unborn branch (missing GPG)
ok 1 - setup
# passed all 13 test(s)
*** ***
ok 2 - fails without MERGE_HEAD (unstarted merge)
ok 3 - fails without MERGE_HEAD (unstarted merge): .git/MERGE_HEAD sanity
ok 4 - fails without MERGE_HEAD (completed merge)
ok 5 - fails without MERGE_HEAD (completed merge): .git/MERGE_HEAD sanity
ok 1 - setup
ok 6 - Forget previous merge
ok 7 - Abort after --no-commit
ok 2 - git merge --signoff adds a sign-off line
ok 8 - Abort after conflicts
ok 9 - Clean merge with dirty index fails
ok 3 - git merge does not add a sign-off line
ok 10 - Conflicting merge with dirty index fails
ok 11 - Reset index (but preserve worktree changes)
ok 4 - git merge --no-signoff flag cancels --signoff flag
# passed all 4 test(s)
*** ***
ok 12 - Abort clean merge with non-conflicting dirty worktree
ok 13 - Abort conflicting merge with non-conflicting dirty worktree
ok 14 - Reset worktree changes
ok 1 - setup
ok 15 - Fail clean merge with conflicting dirty worktree
ok 1 - objects in packs marked .keep are not repacked
ok 16 - Fail conflicting merge with conflicting dirty worktree
ok 17 - Reset worktree changes
ok 2 - writing bitmaps via command-line can duplicate .keep objects
ok 18 - Fail clean merge with matching dirty worktree
ok 3 - writing bitmaps via config can duplicate .keep objects
ok 19 - Fail conflicting merge with matching dirty worktree
# passed all 19 test(s)
*** ***
ok 4 - loose objects in alternate ODB are not repacked
ok 5 - packed obs in alt ODB are repacked even when local repo is packless
ok 1 - -A with -d option leaves unreachable objects unpacked
ok 6 - packed obs in alt ODB are repacked when local repo has packs
ok 2 - -A without -d option leaves unreachable objects packed
ok 7 - packed obs in alternate ODB kept pack are repacked
ok 3 - unpacked objects receive timestamp of pack file
ok 8 - packed unreachable obs in alternate ODB are not loosened
ok 4 - do not bother loosening old objects
ok 9 - local packed unreachable obs that exist in alternate ODB are not loosened
ok 10 - objects made unreachable by grafts only are kept
ok 5 - keep packed objects found only in index
ok 6 - repack -k keeps unreachable packed objects
ok 7 - repack -k packs unreachable loose objects
# passed all 7 test(s)
*** ***
ok 11 - repack --keep-pack
ok 12 - bitmaps are created by default in bare repos
ok 1 - setup
ok 13 - incremental repack does not complain
ok 2 - re-packing repository with itsself as alternate
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 14 - bitmaps can be disabled on bare repos
ok 15 - no bitmaps created if .keep files present
ok 1 - basic usage requires no repo
ok 2 - setup
ok 16 - auto-bitmaps do not complain if unavailable
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 3 - custom commands
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - grep should not segfault with a bad input
ok 1 - git merge: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 3 - grep -w HEAD
ok 4 - grep -w HEAD (with --column)
ok 4 - custom tool commands override built-ins
ok 5 - grep -w HEAD (with --column, extended OR)
ok 2 - custom mergetool
ok 6 - grep -w HEAD (with --column, --invert-match)
ok 7 - grep HEAD (with --column, --invert-match, extended OR)
ok 5 - difftool ignores bad --tool values
ok 8 - grep HEAD (with --column, --invert-match, extended AND)
ok 9 - grep HEAD (with --column, double-negation)
ok 10 - grep -w HEAD (with --column, -C)
ok 11 - grep -w HEAD (with --line-number, --column)
ok 12 - grep -w HEAD (with non-extended patterns, --column)
ok 13 - grep -w HEAD
ok 14 - grep -w HEAD
ok 6 - difftool forwards arguments to diff
ok 15 - grep -w HEAD (w)
ok 16 - grep -w HEAD (x)
ok 17 - grep -w HEAD (y-1)
ok 18 - grep -w HEAD (y-2)
ok 7 - difftool ignores exit code
ok 19 - grep -w HEAD (z)
ok 20 - grep HEAD (with --column, --only-matching)
ok 21 - grep HEAD (t-1)
ok 8 - difftool forwards exit code with --trust-exit-code
ok 22 - grep HEAD (t-2)
ok 23 - grep HEAD (t-3)
ok 24 - grep -c HEAD (no /dev/null)
ok 9 - difftool forwards exit code with --trust-exit-code for built-ins
ok 25 - grep --max-depth -1 HEAD
ok 26 - grep --max-depth 0 HEAD
ok 2 - git merge: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 27 - grep --max-depth 0 -- '*' HEAD
ok 28 - grep --max-depth 1 HEAD
ok 10 - difftool honors difftool.trustExitCode = true
ok 29 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t HEAD
ok 30 - grep --max-depth 0 -- . t HEAD
ok 11 - difftool honors difftool.trustExitCode = false
ok 31 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t . HEAD
ok 32 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=false
ok 33 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 34 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=basic
ok 12 - difftool ignores exit code with --no-trust-exit-code
ok 35 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=extended
ok 36 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=fixed
ok 37 # skip grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=perl (missing PCRE)
ok 38 - grep HEAD with grep.patterntype=perl errors without PCRE
ok 39 - grep HEAD with grep.patternType=default and grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 13 - difftool stops on error with --trust-exit-code
ok 40 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=default
ok 41 - grep HEAD with grep.patternType=extended and grep.extendedRegexp=false
ok 42 - grep HEAD with grep.patternType=basic and grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 43 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=false and grep.patternType=extended
ok 14 - difftool honors exit status if command not found
ok 44 - grep HEAD with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=basic
ok 45 - grep --count HEAD
ok 46 - grep --count -h HEAD
ok 47 - grep -w in working tree
ok 48 - grep -w in working tree (with --column)
ok 3 - git merge: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 15 - difftool honors --gui
ok 49 - grep -w in working tree (with --column, extended OR)
ok 50 - grep -w in working tree (with --column, --invert-match)
ok 51 - grep in working tree (with --column, --invert-match, extended OR)
ok 52 - grep in working tree (with --column, --invert-match, extended AND)
ok 53 - grep in working tree (with --column, double-negation)
ok 54 - grep -w in working tree (with --column, -C)
ok 55 - grep -w in working tree (with --line-number, --column)
ok 16 - difftool --gui last setting wins
ok 56 - grep -w in working tree (with non-extended patterns, --column)
ok 57 - grep -w in working tree
ok 58 - grep -w in working tree
ok 59 - grep -w in working tree (w)
ok 60 - grep -w in working tree (x)
ok 17 - difftool --gui works without configured diff.guitool
ok 61 - grep -w in working tree (y-1)
ok 62 - grep -w in working tree (y-2)
ok 63 - grep -w in working tree (z)
ok 64 - grep in working tree (with --column, --only-matching)
ok 65 - grep in working tree (t-1)
ok 18 - GIT_DIFF_TOOL variable
ok 66 - grep in working tree (t-2)
ok 67 - grep in working tree (t-3)
ok 68 - grep -c in working tree (no /dev/null)
ok 69 - grep --max-depth -1 in working tree
ok 70 - grep --max-depth 0 in working tree
ok 4 - git merge: replace directory with submodule
ok 71 - grep --max-depth 0 -- '*' in working tree
ok 3 - gui mergetool
ok 72 - grep --max-depth 1 in working tree
ok 19 - GIT_DIFF_TOOL overrides
ok 73 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t in working tree
ok 74 - grep --max-depth 0 -- . t in working tree
ok 75 - grep --max-depth 0 -- t . in working tree
ok 76 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=false
ok 77 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 20 - GIT_DIFFTOOL_NO_PROMPT variable
ok 78 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=basic
ok 79 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=extended
ok 80 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=fixed
ok 81 # skip grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=perl (missing PCRE)
ok 82 - grep in working tree with grep.patterntype=perl errors without PCRE
ok 83 - grep in working tree with grep.patternType=default and grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 21 - GIT_DIFFTOOL_PROMPT variable
ok 84 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=default
ok 85 - grep in working tree with grep.patternType=extended and grep.extendedRegexp=false
ok 86 - grep in working tree with grep.patternType=basic and grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 87 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=false and grep.patternType=extended
ok 88 - grep in working tree with grep.extendedRegexp=true and grep.patternType=basic
ok 89 - grep --count in working tree
ok 5 - git merge: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 22 - difftool.prompt config variable is false
ok 90 - grep --count -h in working tree
ok 91 - grep -l -C
ok 92 - grep -c -C
ok 93 - grep -L -C
ok 94 - grep --files-without-match --quiet
ok 23 - difftool merge.prompt = false
ok 95 - grep -e A --and -e B
ok 96 - grep ( -e A --or -e B ) --and -e B
ok 97 - grep -e A --and --not -e B
ok 98 - grep should ignore GREP_OPTIONS
ok 99 - grep -f, non-existent file
ok 24 - difftool.prompt can overridden with -y
ok 100 - grep -f, one pattern
ok 101 - grep -f, multiple patterns
ok 102 - grep, multiple patterns
ok 103 - grep -f, ignore empty lines
ok 25 - difftool.prompt can overridden with --prompt
ok 104 - grep -f, ignore empty lines, read patterns from stdin
ok 105 - grep -q, silently report matches
ok 106 - grep -C1 hunk mark between files
ok 6 - git merge: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 107 - log grep setup
ok 108 - log grep (1)
ok 109 - log grep (2)
ok 26 - difftool last flag wins
ok 110 - log grep (3)
ok 111 - log grep (4)
ok 112 - log grep (5)
ok 113 - log grep (6)
ok 114 - log grep (7)
ok 115 - log grep (8)
ok 116 - log grep (9)
ok 117 - log grep (9)
ok 118 - log --grep-reflog can only be used under -g
ok 119 - log with multiple --grep uses union
ok 120 - log --all-match with multiple --grep uses intersection
ok 121 - log with multiple --author uses union
ok 122 - log --all-match with multiple --author still uses union
ok 123 - log --grep --author uses intersection
ok 7 - git merge: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 124 - log --grep --grep --author takes union of greps and intersects with author
ok 125 - log ---all-match -grep --author --author still takes union of authors and intersects with grep
ok 126 - log --grep --author --author takes union of authors and intersects with grep
ok 127 - log --all-match --grep --grep --author takes intersection
ok 128 - log --author does not search in timestamp
ok 129 - log --committer does not search in timestamp
ok 130 - grep with CE_VALID file
ok 4 - gui mergetool without merge.guitool set falls back to merge.tool
ok 131 - grep -p with userdiff
ok 132 - grep -p
ok 133 - grep -p -B5
ok 134 - grep -W
ok 135 - grep -W shows no trailing empty lines
ok 136 - grep -W with userdiff
ok 137 -  includes preceding comment
ok 138 -  includes function line
ok 27 - difftool + mergetool config variables
ok 139 -  includes matching line
ok 140 -  includes last line of the function
ok 141 - grep --threads=0 & -c grep.threads=0
ok 142 - grep --threads=1 & -c grep.threads=1
ok 8 - git merge: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 28 - difftool.<tool>.path
ok 143 - grep --threads=2 & -c grep.threads=2
ok 29 - difftool --extcmd=cat
ok 144 - grep --threads=3 & -c grep.threads=3
ok 145 - grep --threads=4 & -c grep.threads=4
ok 30 - difftool --extcmd cat
ok 146 - grep --threads=5 & -c grep.threads=5
ok 31 - difftool -x cat
ok 147 - grep --threads=6 & -c grep.threads=6
ok 32 - difftool --extcmd echo arg1
ok 148 - grep --threads=7 & -c grep.threads=7
ok 33 - difftool --extcmd cat arg1
ok 149 - grep --threads=8 & -c grep.threads=8
ok 150 - grep --threads=9 & -c grep.threads=9
ok 34 - difftool --extcmd cat arg2
ok 151 - grep --threads=10 & -c grep.threads=10
ok 152 # skip grep --threads=N or pack.threads=N warns when no pthreads (missing !PTHREADS of !PTHREADS,C_LOCALE_OUTPUT)
ok 153 - grep from a subdirectory to search wider area (1)
ok 35 - setup with 2 files different
ok 154 - grep from a subdirectory to search wider area (2)
ok 155 - grep -Fi
ok 36 - say no to the first file
not ok 9 - git merge: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 156 - outside of git repository
ok 37 - say no to the second file
ok 157 - outside of git repository with fallbackToNoIndex
ok 38 - ending prompt input with EOF
ok 158 - inside git repository but with --no-index
ok 159 - grep --no-index descends into repos, but not .git
ok 160 - setup double-dash tests
ok 161 - grep -- pattern
ok 162 - grep -- pattern -- pathspec
ok 163 - grep -e pattern -- path
ok 164 - grep -e -- -- path
ok 165 - dashdash disambiguates rev as rev
ok 166 - dashdash disambiguates pathspec as pathspec
not ok 10 - git merge: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 167 - report bogus arg without dashdash
ok 168 - report bogus rev with dashdash
ok 169 - allow non-existent path with dashdash
ok 170 - grep --no-index pattern -- path
ok 171 - grep --no-index complains of revs
ok 172 - grep --no-index prefers paths to revs
ok 173 - grep --no-index does not "diagnose" revs
ok 174 # skip grep --perl-regexp pattern (missing PCRE)
ok 175 - grep --perl-regexp pattern errors without PCRE
ok 176 # skip grep -P pattern (missing PCRE)
ok 177 # skip grep -P with (*NO_JIT) doesn't error out (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 178 - grep -P pattern errors without PCRE
ok 179 - grep pattern with grep.extendedRegexp=true
ok 180 # skip grep -P pattern with grep.extendedRegexp=true (missing PCRE)
ok 181 # skip grep -P -v pattern (missing PCRE)
ok 182 # skip grep -P -i pattern (missing PCRE)
ok 183 # skip grep -P -w pattern (missing PCRE)
ok 184 # skip grep -P backreferences work (the PCRE NO_AUTO_CAPTURE flag is not set) (missing PCRE)
ok 185 - grep -G invalidpattern properly dies 
ok 186 - grep invalidpattern properly dies with grep.patternType=basic
ok 187 - grep -E invalidpattern properly dies 
ok 188 - grep invalidpattern properly dies with grep.patternType=extended
ok 189 # skip grep -P invalidpattern properly dies  (missing PCRE)
ok 190 # skip grep invalidpattern properly dies with grep.patternType=perl (missing PCRE)
ok 191 - grep -G -E -F pattern
ok 192 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=basic, =extended, =fixed
ok 5 - mergetool crlf
ok 193 - grep -E -F -G pattern
ok 194 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=extended, =fixed, =basic
ok 195 - grep -F -G -E pattern
ok 196 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=fixed, =basic, =extended
ok 197 - grep -G -F -P -E pattern
ok 39 - difftool --tool-help
ok 198 - grep pattern with grep.patternType=fixed, =basic, =perl, =extended
ok 199 # skip grep -G -F -E -P pattern (missing PCRE)
ok 200 # skip grep pattern with grep.patternType=fixed, =basic, =extended, =perl (missing PCRE)
ok 201 # skip grep -P pattern with grep.patternType=fixed (missing PCRE)
ok 40 - setup change in subdirectory
ok 202 - grep -F pattern with grep.patternType=basic
ok 203 - grep -G pattern with grep.patternType=fixed
ok 11 - git merge: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 204 - grep -E pattern with grep.patternType=fixed
ok 41 - difftool -d with growing paths
ok 42 - difftool -d --no-symlinks
ok 43 - difftool -d --symlinks
ok 205 - grep --color, separator
ok 206 - grep --break
ok 6 - mergetool in subdir
ok 207 - grep --break with context
ok 44 - difftool --dir-diff --no-symlinks
ok 45 - difftool --dir-diff --symlinks
ok 208 - grep --heading
ok 46 - difftool --dir-diff ignores --prompt --no-symlinks
ok 47 - difftool --dir-diff ignores --prompt --symlinks
ok 209 - mimic ack-grep --group
ok 210 # skip grep -E "^ " (missing PCRE)
ok 211 # skip grep -P "^ " (missing PCRE)
ok 48 - difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory --no-symlinks
ok 49 - difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory --symlinks
ok 212 - grep --color -e A -e B with context
ok 50 - difftool --dir-diff v1 from subdirectory --no-symlinks
ok 213 - grep --color -e A --and -e B with context
ok 51 - difftool --dir-diff v1 from subdirectory --symlinks
ok 52 - difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory w/ pathspec --no-symlinks
ok 53 - difftool --dir-diff branch from subdirectory w/ pathspec --symlinks
ok 214 - grep --color -e A --and --not -e B with context
ok 12 - git merge: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 54 - difftool --dir-diff v1 from subdirectory w/ pathspec --no-symlinks
ok 55 - difftool --dir-diff v1 from subdirectory w/ pathspec --symlinks
ok 215 - grep --color -e A --and -e B -p with context
ok 56 - difftool --dir-diff from subdirectory with GIT_DIR set --no-symlinks
ok 216 - grep can find things only in the work tree
ok 57 - difftool --dir-diff from subdirectory with GIT_DIR set --symlinks
ok 217 - grep can find things only in the work tree (i-t-a)
ok 58 - difftool --dir-diff when worktree file is missing --no-symlinks
ok 59 - difftool --dir-diff when worktree file is missing --symlinks
ok 218 - grep does not search work tree with assume unchanged
ok 219 - grep can find things only in the index
ok 220 - grep does not report i-t-a with -L --cached
ok 221 - grep does not report i-t-a and assume unchanged with -L
# passed all 221 test(s)
*** ***
ok 60 - difftool --dir-diff with unmerged files --no-symlinks
ok 13 - git merge: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 1 - determine default pager
ok 2 - setup
ok 61 - difftool --dir-diff with unmerged files --symlinks
ok 3 - git grep -O
ok 4 - git grep -O --cached
ok 62 - difftool --dir-diff --symlinks without unstaged changes
ok 5 - git grep -O --no-index
ok 14 - git merge: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 6 - setup: fake "less"
ok 7 - git grep -O jumps to line in less
ok 63 - difftool --dir-diff syncs worktree with unstaged change --no-symlinks
ok 8 - modified file
ok 64 - difftool --dir-diff syncs worktree with unstaged change --symlinks
ok 9 - copes with color settings
ok 65 - difftool --dir-diff syncs worktree without unstaged change --no-symlinks
ok 10 - run from subdir
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 66 - difftool --dir-diff syncs worktree without unstaged change --symlinks
*** ***
ok 7 - mergetool on file in parent dir
ok 67 - difftool --no-symlinks does not overwrite working tree file 
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 1 # skip setup (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 2 # skip grep literal string, no -F (missing REGEX_LOCALE)
ok 3 # skip grep pcre utf-8 icase (missing PCRE,GETTEXT_LOCALE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,PCRE)
ok 4 # skip grep pcre utf-8 string with "+" (missing PCRE,GETTEXT_LOCALE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,PCRE)
ok 5 # skip grep literal string, with -F (missing REGEX_LOCALE)
ok 6 # skip grep string with regex, with -F (missing REGEX_LOCALE)
ok 7 # skip pickaxe -i on non-ascii (missing REGEX_LOCALE)
ok 8 # skip PCRE v2: setup invalid UTF-8 data (missing LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2)
ok 9 # skip PCRE v2: grep ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data (missing LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2)
ok 68 - difftool --no-symlinks detects conflict 
ok 10 # skip PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data (missing LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2)
ok 11 # skip PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data with -i (missing LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE of GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2)
# passed all 11 test(s)
*** ***
ok 69 - difftool properly honors gitlink and core.worktree
ok 15 - git merge --ff: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 1 - setup directory structure and submodule
ok 2 - grep correctly finds patterns in a submodule
ok 3 - grep finds patterns in a submodule via config
ok 70 - difftool --dir-diff symlinked directories
ok 4 - grep --no-recurse-submodules overrides config
ok 5 - grep and basic pathspecs
ok 8 - mergetool skips autoresolved
ok 6 - grep and nested submodules
ok 7 - grep and multiple patterns
ok 8 - grep and multiple patterns
ok 9 - basic grep tree
ok 10 - grep tree HEAD^
ok 71 - difftool --dir-diff handles modified symlinks
ok 11 - grep tree HEAD^^
ok 12 - grep tree and pathspecs
ok 16 - git merge --ff: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 13 - grep tree and pathspecs
ok 72 - outside worktree
ok 14 - grep tree and more pathspecs
ok 15 - grep tree and more pathspecs
ok 73 - difftool --gui, --tool and --extcmd are mutually exclusive
# passed all 73 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - git grep ina a
ok 3 - git grep -ah ina a
ok 4 - git grep -I ina a
ok 5 - git grep -c ina a
ok 6 - git grep -l ina a
ok 16 - grep recurse submodule colon in name
ok 7 - git grep -L bar a
ok 8 - git grep -q ina a
ok 9 - git grep -F ile a
ok 10 - git grep -Fi iLE a
ok 11 - git grep ile a
not ok 12 - git grep .fi a # TODO known breakage
ok 17 - git merge --ff: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 13 - grep respects binary diff attribute
ok 14 - grep --cached respects binary diff attribute
ok 15 - grep --cached respects binary diff attribute (2)
ok 16 - grep revision respects binary diff attribute
ok 17 - grep history with moved submoules
ok 17 - grep respects not-binary diff attribute
ok 18 - setup textconv filters
ok 19 - grep does not honor textconv
ok 20 - grep --textconv honors textconv
ok 9 - mergetool merges all from subdir (rerere disabled)
ok 21 - grep --no-textconv does not honor textconv
ok 22 - grep --textconv blob honors textconv
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 21 test(s)
*** ***
# lib-gettext: No is_IS UTF-8 locale available
# lib-gettext: No is_IS ISO-8859-1 locale available
ok 1 - setup
ok 18 - grep using relative path
ok 2 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>f' a
ok 3 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>f' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 4 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>f' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 5 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>x' a
ok 6 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>x' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 7 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>x' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 18 - git merge --ff: replace directory with submodule
ok 8 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>f' a
ok 9 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>f' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 10 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>f' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 11 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>x' a
ok 12 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>x' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 13 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>x' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 14 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>f' a
ok 15 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>f' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 16 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'y<NUL>f' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 17 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>x' a
ok 18 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>x' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 19 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'y<NUL>x' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 20 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '?<NUL>?' a
ok 19 - grep from a subdir
ok 21 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '?<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 22 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  '?<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 20 - --recurse-submodules and --untracked are incompatible
ok 23 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'e<NUL>m[*]c' a
ok 24 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'e<NUL>m[*]c' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 21 - grep --recurse-submodules --no-index ignores --recurse-submodules
ok 25 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F 'e<NUL>m[*]c' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 26 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'E<NUL>M[*]C' a
ok 27 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'E<NUL>M[*]C' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 28 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi 'E<NUL>M[*]C' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 19 - git merge --ff: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 22 - grep --recurse-submodules should pass the pattern type along
ok 29 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>[f]' a
ok 30 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>[f]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 31 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>[f]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 23 - grep --recurse-submodules with submodules without .gitmodules in the working tree
ok 32 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '[y]<NUL>f' a
ok 33 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '[y]<NUL>f' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 34 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F '[y]<NUL>f' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 35 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>[F]' a
ok 36 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>[F]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 37 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>[F]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 38 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi '[Y]<NUL>F' a
ok 39 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi '[Y]<NUL>F' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 40 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi '[Y]<NUL>F' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 10 - mergetool merges all from subdir (rerere enabled)
ok 41 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 42 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 43 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 24 - grep --recurse-submodules without --cached considers worktree modifications
ok 44 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '[?]<NUL>?' a
ok 45 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 46 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 47 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a
ok 48 # skip LC_ALL='C' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 49 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 50 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 51 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 52 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 25 - grep --recurse-submodules with --cached ignores worktree modifications
ok 20 - git merge --ff: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
# passed all 25 test(s)
ok 53 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a
*** ***
ok 54 # skip LC_ALL='C' git grep -P -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 55 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 56 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a
ok 57 # skip LC_ALL='C' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 58 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 1 - setup A lines
ok 2 - blame 1 author
ok 59 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a
ok 60 # skip LC_ALL='C' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 3 - blame in a bare repo without starting commit
ok 61 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 4 - blame by tag objects
ok 62 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '?<NUL>?' a
ok 5 - setup B lines
ok 63 # skip LC_ALL='C' git grep -P -f f -i '?<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 64 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '?<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 6 - blame 2 authors
ok 7 - setup B1 lines (branch1)
ok 65 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>[f]' a
ok 66 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>[f]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 67 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'y<NUL>[f]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 8 - blame 2 authors + 1 branch1 author
ok 68 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '[y]<NUL>f' a
ok 9 - setup B2 lines (branch2)
ok 69 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '[y]<NUL>f' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 70 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  '[y]<NUL>f' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 10 - blame 2 authors + 1 branch2 author
ok 71 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'Y<NUL>[F]' a
ok 72 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'Y<NUL>[F]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 11 - merge branch1 & branch2
ok 21 - git merge --ff: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 73 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i 'Y<NUL>[F]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 12 - blame 2 authors + 2 merged-in authors
ok 13 - blame --first-parent blames merge for branch1
ok 74 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[Y]<NUL>f' a
ok 75 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[Y]<NUL>f' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 76 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '[Y]<NUL>f' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 14 - blame ancestor
ok 15 - blame great-ancestor
ok 77 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 78 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 79 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 16 - setup evil merge
ok 17 - blame evil merge
ok 80 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '[?]<NUL>?' a
ok 81 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 82 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  '[?]<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 83 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 84 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 85 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 86 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'e<NUL>m.*c<NUL>' a
ok 87 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'e<NUL>m.*c<NUL>' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 88 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'e<NUL>m.*c<NUL>' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 89 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'E<NUL>M.*c<NUL>' a
ok 90 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'E<NUL>M.*c<NUL>' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 91 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i 'E<NUL>M.*c<NUL>' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 92 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'e<NUL>m[*]c' a
ok 93 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'e<NUL>m[*]c' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 94 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'e<NUL>m[*]c' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 11 - mergetool skips resolved paths when rerere is active
ok 22 - git merge --ff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 95 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'E<NUL>M[*]C' a
ok 96 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'E<NUL>M[*]C' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 97 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i 'E<NUL>M[*]C' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 98 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'NOMATCH<NUL>?' a
ok 99 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'NOMATCH<NUL>?' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 100 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i 'NOMATCH<NUL>?' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 101 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>NOMATCH' a
ok 102 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 103 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 104 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>NOMATCH' a
ok 105 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '[?]<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 106 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '[?]<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 107 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>[f]' a
ok 108 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>[f]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 109 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F 'y<NUL>[f]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 110 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>[F]' a
ok 111 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>[F]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 112 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi 'Y<NUL>[F]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 12 - conflicted stash sets up rerere
ok 18 - blame huge graft
ok 113 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>NOMATCH' a
ok 19 - setup incomplete line
ok 114 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 115 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'y<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 20 - blame incomplete line
not ok 23 - git merge --ff: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 116 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '<NUL>NOMATCH' a
ok 117 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 21 - setup edits
ok 118 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  '<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 22 - blame edits
ok 119 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'Y<NUL>NOMATCH' a
ok 120 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'Y<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 23 - setup obfuscated email
ok 121 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i 'Y<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 24 - blame obfuscated email
ok 122 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '<NUL>NOMATCH' a
ok 123 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 25 - blame -L 1 (all)
ok 124 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '<NUL>NOMATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 26 - blame -L , (all)
ok 125 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 27 - blame -L X (X to end)
ok 126 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -F '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 127 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -F '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 28 - blame -L X, (X to end)
ok 13 - mergetool takes partial path
ok 29 - blame -L ,Y (up to Y)
ok 128 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 129 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -Fi '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 130 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='' git grep -f f -Fi '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 30 - blame -L X,X
ok 131 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a
ok 31 - blame -L X,Y
ok 132 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 133 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '?<NUL>[?]' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 32 - blame -L Y,X (undocumented)
ok 33 - blame -L -X
ok 34 - blame -L 0
ok 134 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>N?MATCH' a
ok 135 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  'y<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 136 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  'y<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 35 - blame -L ,0
ok 36 - blame -L ,+0
ok 37 - blame -L X,+0
ok 137 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '<NUL>N?MATCH' a
ok 138 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f  '<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 139 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f  '<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 38 - blame -L X,+1
not ok 24 - git merge --ff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 39 - blame -L X,+N
ok 140 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'Y<NUL>N?MATCH' a
ok 40 - blame -L ,-0
ok 141 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i 'Y<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 41 - blame -L X,-0
ok 142 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i 'Y<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 42 - blame -L X,-1
ok 143 - error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '<NUL>N?MATCH' a
ok 144 # skip error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='C' git grep -f f -i '<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing LIBPCRE2)
ok 145 # skip LC_ALL='' git grep -P -f f -i '<NUL>N?MATCH' a (missing GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 of LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE)
ok 43 - blame -L X,-N
# passed all 145 test(s)
*** ***
ok 44 - blame -L /RE/ (RE to end)
ok 45 - blame -L /RE/,/RE2/
ok 46 - blame -L X,/RE/
ok 1 - setup A lines
ok 2 - blame 1 author
ok 47 - blame -L /RE/,Y
ok 3 - blame in a bare repo without starting commit
ok 48 - blame -L /RE/,+N
ok 49 - blame -L /RE/,-N
ok 4 - blame by tag objects
ok 14 - mergetool delete/delete conflict
ok 5 - setup B lines
ok 50 - blame -L X (X == nlines)
ok 6 - blame 2 authors
ok 51 - blame -L X (X == nlines + 1)
ok 52 - blame -L X (X > nlines)
ok 7 - setup B1 lines (branch1)
ok 53 - blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines)
ok 8 - blame 2 authors + 1 branch1 author
ok 54 - blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines + 1)
ok 9 - setup B2 lines (branch2)
ok 55 - blame -L ,Y (Y > nlines)
ok 10 - blame 2 authors + 1 branch2 author
ok 11 - merge branch1 & branch2
ok 56 - blame -L multiple (disjoint)
ok 15 - mergetool produces no errors when keepBackup is used
ok 12 - blame 2 authors + 2 merged-in authors
ok 57 - blame -L multiple (disjoint: unordered)
ok 13 - blame --first-parent blames merge for branch1
ok 58 - blame -L multiple (adjacent)
ok 14 - blame ancestor
ok 59 - blame -L multiple (adjacent: unordered)
ok 25 - git merge --ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 15 - blame great-ancestor
ok 60 - blame -L multiple (overlapping)
ok 16 - setup evil merge
ok 61 - blame -L multiple (overlapping: unordered)
ok 17 - blame evil merge
ok 62 - blame -L multiple (superset/subset)
ok 63 - blame -L multiple (superset/subset: unordered)
ok 16 - mergetool honors tempfile config for deleted files
ok 64 - blame -L /RE/ (relative)
ok 65 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: no preceding range)
ok 66 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: adjacent)
ok 67 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: not found)
ok 68 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: end-of-file)
ok 69 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute)
ok 70 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: no preceding range)
ok 71 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: not found)
ok 17 - mergetool keeps tempfiles when aborting delete/delete
ok 72 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: end-of-file)
ok 73 - setup -L :regex
ok 74 - blame -L :literal
ok 75 - blame -L :regex
ok 76 - blame -L :nomatch
ok 77 - blame -L :RE (relative)
ok 78 - blame -L :RE (relative: no preceding range)
ok 26 - git merge --ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 79 - blame -L :RE (relative: not found)
ok 80 - blame -L :RE (relative: end-of-file)
ok 81 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute)
ok 82 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: no preceding range)
ok 83 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: not found)
ok 84 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: end-of-file)
ok 85 - setup incremental
ok 86 - blame empty
ok 87 - blame -L 0 empty
ok 88 - blame -L 1 empty
ok 89 - blame -L 2 empty
ok 90 - blame half
ok 18 - blame huge graft
ok 91 - blame -L 0 half
ok 19 - setup incomplete line
ok 92 - blame -L 1 half
ok 93 - blame -L 2 half
ok 20 - blame incomplete line
ok 94 - blame -L 3 half
ok 21 - setup edits
ok 95 - blame full
ok 22 - blame edits
ok 96 - blame -L 0 full
ok 23 - setup obfuscated email
ok 97 - blame -L 1 full
ok 98 - blame -L 2 full
ok 24 - blame obfuscated email
ok 99 - blame -L 3 full
ok 25 - blame -L 1 (all)
ok 100 - blame -L
ok 26 - blame -L , (all)
ok 101 - blame -L X,+
ok 27 - blame -L X (X to end)
ok 102 - blame -L X,-
ok 103 - blame -L X (non-numeric X)
ok 28 - blame -L X, (X to end)
ok 27 - git merge --ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 104 - blame -L X,Y (non-numeric Y)
ok 29 - blame -L ,Y (up to Y)
ok 105 - blame -L X,+N (non-numeric N)
ok 30 - blame -L X,X
ok 106 - blame -L X,-N (non-numeric N)
ok 107 - blame -L ,^/RE/
ok 31 - blame -L X,Y
ok 108 - annotate old revision
# passed all 108 test(s)
ok 32 - blame -L Y,X (undocumented)
*** ***
ok 33 - blame -L -X
ok 34 - blame -L 0
ok 35 - blame -L ,0
ok 36 - blame -L ,+0
ok 37 - blame -L X,+0
ok 38 - blame -L X,+1
ok 28 - git merge --ff: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 39 - blame -L X,+N
ok 1 - setup
ok 40 - blame -L ,-0
ok 41 - blame -L X,-0
ok 2 - straight copy without -C
ok 3 - straight move without -C
ok 42 - blame -L X,-1
ok 4 - straight copy with -C
ok 43 - blame -L X,-N
ok 5 - straight move with -C
ok 6 - straight copy with -C -C
ok 44 - blame -L /RE/ (RE to end)
ok 7 - straight move with -C -C
ok 45 - blame -L /RE/,/RE2/
ok 8 - append without -C
ok 46 - blame -L X,/RE/
ok 9 - append with -C
ok 47 - blame -L /RE/,Y
ok 10 - append with -C -C
ok 48 - blame -L /RE/,+N
ok 11 - append with -C -C -C
ok 49 - blame -L /RE/,-N
ok 12 - blame wholesale copy
ok 13 - blame wholesale copy and more
ok 50 - blame -L X (X == nlines)
ok 51 - blame -L X (X == nlines + 1)
ok 52 - blame -L X (X > nlines)
ok 14 - blame wholesale copy and more in the index
ok 53 - blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines)
ok 54 - blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines + 1)
ok 55 - blame -L ,Y (Y > nlines)
ok 15 - blame during cherry-pick with file rename conflict
ok 56 - blame -L multiple (disjoint)
ok 57 - blame -L multiple (disjoint: unordered)
ok 16 - blame path that used to be a directory
ok 29 - git merge --ff-only: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 58 - blame -L multiple (adjacent)
ok 17 - blame to a commit with no author name
ok 59 - blame -L multiple (adjacent: unordered)
ok 18 - blame -L with invalid start
ok 19 - blame -L with invalid end
ok 60 - blame -L multiple (overlapping)
ok 20 - blame parses <end> part of -L
ok 21 - blame -Ln,-(n+1)
ok 61 - blame -L multiple (overlapping: unordered)
ok 22 - indent of line numbers, nine lines
ok 62 - blame -L multiple (superset/subset)
ok 23 - indent of line numbers, ten lines
ok 63 - blame -L multiple (superset/subset: unordered)
ok 64 - blame -L /RE/ (relative)
ok 24 - setup file with CRLF newlines
ok 65 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: no preceding range)
ok 25 - blame file with CRLF core.autocrlf true
ok 66 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: adjacent)
ok 26 - blame file with CRLF attributes text
ok 67 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: not found)
ok 68 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: end-of-file)
ok 27 - blame file with CRLF core.autocrlf=true
ok 69 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute)
ok 70 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: no preceding range)
ok 71 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: not found)
ok 28 - blame coalesce
ok 72 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: end-of-file)
# passed all 28 test(s)
*** ***
ok 73 - setup -L :regex
ok 74 - blame -L :literal
ok 75 - blame -L :regex
ok 30 - git merge --ff-only: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 76 - blame -L :nomatch
ok 77 - blame -L :RE (relative)
ok 78 - blame -L :RE (relative: no preceding range)
ok 1 - setup first case
ok 79 - blame -L :RE (relative: not found)
ok 2 - blame runs on unconflicted file while other file has conflicts
ok 80 - blame -L :RE (relative: end-of-file)
ok 3 - blame does not crash with conflicted file in stages 1,3
# passed all 3 test(s)
ok 81 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute)
*** ***
ok 82 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: no preceding range)
ok 83 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: not found)
ok 84 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: end-of-file)
ok 1 - setup the repository
ok 85 - setup incremental
ok 2 - blame respects i18n.commitencoding
ok 86 - blame empty
ok 87 - blame -L 0 empty
ok 88 - blame -L 1 empty
ok 3 - blame respects i18n.logoutputencoding
ok 89 - blame -L 2 empty
ok 4 - blame respects --encoding=UTF-8
ok 90 - blame half
ok 91 - blame -L 0 half
ok 5 - blame respects --encoding=none
# passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
ok 92 - blame -L 1 half
ok 93 - blame -L 2 half
ok 94 - blame -L 3 half
ok 95 - blame full
ok 96 - blame -L 0 full
ok 31 - git merge --ff-only: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
ok 97 - blame -L 1 full
ok 98 - blame -L 2 full
ok 1 - setup 
ok 99 - blame -L 3 full
ok 2 - no filter specified
ok 100 - blame -L
ok 101 - blame -L X,+
ok 3 - setup textconv filters
ok 102 - blame -L X,-
ok 4 - blame with --no-textconv
ok 103 - blame -L X (non-numeric X)
ok 104 - blame -L X,Y (non-numeric Y)
ok 105 - blame -L X,+N (non-numeric N)
ok 5 - basic blame on last commit
ok 106 - blame -L X,-N (non-numeric N)
ok 107 - blame -L ,^/RE/
ok 108 - blame untracked file in empty repo
ok 6 - blame --textconv going through revisions
ok 109 - blame --show-email
ok 110 - setup showEmail tests
ok 7 - blame --textconv with local changes
ok 111 - blame with no options and no config
ok 8 - setup +cachetextconv
ok 112 - blame with showemail options
ok 9 - blame --textconv works with textconvcache
ok 10 - setup -cachetextconv
ok 113 - blame with showEmail config false
ok 11 - make a new commit
ok 32 - git merge --ff-only: replace directory with submodule
ok 114 - blame with showEmail config true
ok 12 - blame from previous revision
ok 13 - blame with --no-textconv (on symlink)
ok 115 - set up abbrev tests
ok 14 - blame --textconv (on symlink)
ok 15 - make another new commit
ok 116 - blame --abbrev=<n> works
ok 117 - blame -l aligns regular and boundary commits
ok 118 - blame --abbrev=40 behaves like -l
ok 16 - blame on last commit (-C -C, symlink)
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 119 - --no-abbrev works like --abbrev=40
ok 120 - --exclude-promisor-objects does not BUG-crash
# passed all 120 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup 
ok 2 - no filter specified
ok 3 - setup textconv filters
ok 1 - setup
ok 4 - cat-file without --textconv
ok 33 - git merge --ff-only: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 2 - normal blame output
ok 5 - cat-file without --textconv on previous commit
ok 3 - blame --porcelain output
ok 6 - cat-file --textconv on last commit
ok 4 - blame --line-porcelain output
ok 7 - cat-file --textconv on previous commit
ok 5 - --porcelain detects first non-blank line as subject
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 8 - cat-file without --textconv (symlink)
*** ***
ok 9 - cat-file --textconv on index (symlink)
ok 10 - cat-file --textconv on HEAD (symlink)
# passed all 10 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup 
ok 2 - no filters with `git show`
ok 3 - no filters with cat-file
ok 4 - cat-file --filters converts to worktree version
ok 5 - cat-file --filters --path=<path> works
ok 6 - cat-file --textconv --path=<path> works
ok 1 - setup
ok 7 - --path=<path> complains without --textconv/--filters
ok 2 - blame --reverse --first-parent finds A1
ok 8 - --textconv/--filters complain without path
# passed all 2 test(s)
*** ***
ok 9 - cat-file --textconv --batch works
# passed all 9 test(s)
*** ***
ok 34 - git merge --ff-only: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 1 - setup A lines
ok 2 - blame 1 author
ok 1 - setup split file case
ok 2 - setup simulated porcelain
ok 3 - blame in a bare repo without starting commit
ok 3 - generate --porcelain output
ok 4 - porcelain output finds correct commits
ok 4 - blame by tag objects
ok 5 - porcelain output shows correct filenames
ok 5 - setup B lines
ok 6 - porcelain output shows correct previous pointer
ok 6 - blame 2 authors
ok 7 - generate --line-porcelain output
ok 7 - setup B1 lines (branch1)
ok 8 - line-porcelain output finds correct commits
ok 8 - blame 2 authors + 1 branch1 author
ok 9 - line-porcelain output shows correct filenames
ok 9 - setup B2 lines (branch2)
ok 10 - line-porcelain output shows correct previous pointer
# passed all 10 test(s)
ok 10 - blame 2 authors + 1 branch2 author
*** ***
ok 11 - merge branch1 & branch2
ok 12 - blame 2 authors + 2 merged-in authors
ok 35 - git merge --ff-only: replace submodule with a directory must fail
ok 13 - blame --first-parent blames merge for branch1
ok 14 - blame ancestor
ok 15 - blame great-ancestor
ok 16 - setup evil merge
ok 1 - setup
ok 17 - blame evil merge
ok 2 - ignore_rev_changing_lines
ok 3 - ignore_rev_adding_unblamable_lines
ok 4 - ignore_revs_from_files
ok 5 - ignore_revs_from_configs_and_files
ok 6 - override_ignore_revs_file
ok 7 - bad_files_and_revs
ok 36 - git merge --ff-only: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail
ok 8 - mark_unblamable_lines
ok 18 - deleted vs modified submodule
ok 9 - mark_ignored_lines
ok 10 - mark_unblamable_lines_intermediate
ok 11 - ignored_chunk_negative_parent_size
ok 18 - blame huge graft
ok 19 - setup incomplete line
ok 20 - blame incomplete line
ok 12 - ignore_merge
not ok 37 - git merge --ff-only: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
# passed all 12 test(s)
*** ***
ok 21 - setup edits
ok 22 - blame edits
ok 23 - setup obfuscated email
ok 24 - blame obfuscated email
ok 25 - blame -L 1 (all)
ok 26 - blame -L , (all)
ok 27 - blame -L X (X to end)
ok 28 - blame -L X, (X to end)
ok 29 - blame -L ,Y (up to Y)
ok 30 - blame -L X,X
ok 31 - blame -L X,Y
ok 32 - blame -L Y,X (undocumented)
ok 33 - blame -L -X
ok 34 - blame -L 0
ok 35 - blame -L ,0
ok 36 - blame -L ,+0
ok 37 - blame -L X,+0
ok 38 - blame -L X,+1
not ok 38 - git merge --ff-only: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 39 - blame -L X,+N
ok 40 - blame -L ,-0
ok 41 - blame -L X,-0
ok 42 - blame -L X,-1
ok 43 - blame -L X,-N
ok 44 - blame -L /RE/ (RE to end)
ok 45 - blame -L /RE/,/RE2/
ok 46 - blame -L X,/RE/
ok 47 - blame -L /RE/,Y
ok 48 - blame -L /RE/,+N
ok 49 - blame -L /RE/,-N
ok 50 - blame -L X (X == nlines)
ok 51 - blame -L X (X == nlines + 1)
ok 52 - blame -L X (X > nlines)
ok 53 - blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines)
ok 54 - blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines + 1)
ok 55 - blame -L ,Y (Y > nlines)
ok 56 - blame -L multiple (disjoint)
ok 39 - git merge --ff-only: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 57 - blame -L multiple (disjoint: unordered)
ok 58 - blame -L multiple (adjacent)
ok 59 - blame -L multiple (adjacent: unordered)
ok 60 - blame -L multiple (overlapping)
ok 61 - blame -L multiple (overlapping: unordered)
ok 62 - blame -L multiple (superset/subset)
ok 63 - blame -L multiple (superset/subset: unordered)
ok 64 - blame -L /RE/ (relative)
ok 65 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: no preceding range)
ok 66 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: adjacent)
ok 67 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: not found)
ok 68 - blame -L /RE/ (relative: end-of-file)
ok 69 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute)
ok 70 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: no preceding range)
ok 71 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: not found)
ok 72 - blame -L ^/RE/ (absolute: end-of-file)
ok 73 - setup -L :regex
ok 74 - blame -L :literal
ok 1 - setup
ok 75 - blame -L :regex
ok 2 - Regression test for partially overlapping search ranges
ok 76 - blame -L :nomatch
ok 40 - git merge --ff-only: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 77 - blame -L :RE (relative)
ok 3 - Combine 3 lines into 2
ok 78 - blame -L :RE (relative: no preceding range)
ok 4 - Add curly brackets
ok 79 - blame -L :RE (relative: not found)
ok 80 - blame -L :RE (relative: end-of-file)
ok 5 - Combine many lines and change case
ok 81 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute)
ok 82 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: no preceding range)
ok 6 - Rename and combine lines
ok 83 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: not found)
ok 7 - Same line twice
ok 8 - Enforce line order
ok 84 - blame -L ^:RE (absolute: end-of-file)
ok 9 - Expand lines and rename variables
ok 10 - Two close matches versus one less close match
ok 85 - setup incremental
ok 11 - Piggy in the middle
ok 86 - blame empty
ok 12 - No trailing newline
ok 87 - blame -L 0 empty
ok 13 - Reorder includes
ok 88 - blame -L 1 empty
ok 89 - blame -L 2 empty
ok 90 - blame half
ok 91 - blame -L 0 half
ok 92 - blame -L 1 half
ok 14 - Diff chunks with no suspects
ok 93 - blame -L 2 half
ok 94 - blame -L 3 half
ok 95 - blame full
ok 96 - blame -L 0 full
ok 97 - blame -L 1 full
ok 15 - position matching
ok 98 - blame -L 2 full
ok 99 - blame -L 3 full
ok 41 - git merge --ff-only: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 100 - blame -L
ok 101 - blame -L X,+
ok 102 - blame -L X,-
ok 103 - blame -L X (non-numeric X)
ok 104 - blame -L X,Y (non-numeric Y)
ok 16 - preserve order
# passed all 16 test(s)
ok 105 - blame -L X,+N (non-numeric N)
*** ***
ok 106 - blame -L X,-N (non-numeric N)
ok 107 - blame -L ,^/RE/
ok 1 - prepare reference tree
ok 108 - colored blame colors contiguous lines
ok 2 - Setup helper tool
ok 3 - Extract patches
ok 109 - color by age consistently colors old code
ok 42 - git merge --ff-only: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
ok 110 - blame color by age: new code is different
# passed all 110 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - never
ok 3 - always
ok 4 - 80 columns
ok 5 - COLUMNS = 1
ok 6 - width = 1
ok 7 - 20 columns
ok 8 - 20 columns, nodense
ok 4 - No confirm with --suppress-cc
ok 9 - 20 columns, dense
ok 10 - 20 columns, padding 2
ok 11 - 20 columns, indented
ok 12 - 20 columns, row first
ok 13 - 20 columns, row first, nodense
ok 14 - 20 columns, row first, dense
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 43 - git merge --no-ff: added submodule creates empty directory
ok 1 - setup
ok 2 - autocorrect showing candidates
ok 5 - No confirm with --confirm=never
ok 3 - autocorrect running commands
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - decorate
# passed all 1 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - empty dump
ok 2 - v4 dumps not supported
ok 6 - No confirm with sendemail.confirm=never
not ok 3 - empty revision # TODO known breakage
ok 4 - empty properties
ok 5 - author name and commit message
ok 44 - git merge --no-ff: added submodule leaves existing empty directory alone
ok 6 - unsupported properties are ignored
not ok 7 - timestamp and empty file # TODO known breakage
ok 7 - Send patches
ok 8 - setup expect
ok 9 - Verify commandline
ok 8 - directory with files
ok 9 - branch name with backslash
ok 10 - node without action
ok 11 - action: add node without text
ok 10 - Send patches with --envelope-sender
ok 11 - setup expect
ok 12 - Verify commandline
ok 45 - git merge --no-ff: replace tracked file with submodule creates empty directory
not ok 12 - change file mode but keep old content # TODO known breakage
ok 13 - NUL in property value
not ok 46 - git merge --no-ff: replace directory with submodule # TODO known breakage
ok 14 - NUL in log message, file content, and property name
ok 15 - change file mode and reiterate content
ok 13 - Send patches with --envelope-sender=auto
ok 14 - setup expect
ok 15 - Verify commandline
ok 16 - setup expect for cc trailer
ok 16 - deltas supported
ok 17 - property deltas supported
ok 18 - properties on /
ok 47 - git merge --no-ff: removed submodule leaves submodule directory and its contents in place
ok 19 - deltas for typechange
ok 17 - cc trailer with various syntax
ok 18 - setup fake script for cc trailer
ok 20 - deltas need not consume the whole preimage
ok 19 - file vs modified submodule
ok 21 - no hang for delta trying to read past end of preimage
ok 22 - set up svn repo
ok 23 # skip t9135/svn.dump (missing SVNREPO)
# still have 3 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 20 test(s)
*** ***
ok 1 - reject empty delta
ok 2 - delta can empty file
ok 3 - reject svndiff2
ok 4 - one-window empty delta
ok 19 - cc trailer with output
ok 20 - setup expect
ok 5 - reject incomplete window header
ok 6 - reject declared delta longer than actual delta
ok 48 - git merge --no-ff: removed submodule leaves submodule containing a .git directory alone
ok 7 - two-window empty delta
ok 8 - noisy zeroes
ok 9 - reject variable-length int in magic
ok 10 - reject truncated integer
ok 11 - nonempty (but unused) preimage view
ok 12 - preimage view: right endpoint cannot backtrack
ok 13 - preimage view: left endpoint can advance
ok 14 - preimage view: offsets compared by value
ok 15 - preimage view: reject truncated preimage
ok 16 - forbid unconsumed inline data
ok 17 - reject truncated inline data
ok 21 - self name is suppressed
ok 18 - reject truncated inline data (after instruction section)
ok 19 - copyfrom_data
ok 20 - multiple copyfrom_data
ok 21 - incomplete multiple insn
ok 22 - catch attempt to copy missing data
not ok 49 - git merge --no-ff: replace submodule with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
ok 23 - copyfrom target to repeat data
ok 24 - copyfrom target out of order
ok 25 - catch copyfrom future
ok 26 - copy to sustain
ok 27 - catch copy that overflows
ok 28 - copyfrom source
ok 29 - copy backwards
ok 30 - offsets are relative to window
ok 31 - example from notes/svndiff
# passed all 31 test(s)
*** ***
ok 22 - self name with dot is suppressed
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
not ok 50 - git merge --no-ff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a directory must fail # TODO known breakage
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 23 - non-ascii self name is suppressed
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 20 - submodule in subdirectory
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
not ok 51 - git merge --no-ff: replace submodule with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 24 - long non-ascii self name is suppressed
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
not ok 52 - git merge --no-ff: replace submodule containing a .git directory with a file must fail # TODO known breakage
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
ok 25 - sanitized self name is suppressed
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 26 - Show all headers
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 21 - directory vs modified submodule
ok 27 - Prompting works
ok 53 - git merge --no-ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree
ok 28 # skip implicit ident is allowed (missing AUTOIDENT of PERL,AUTOIDENT)
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
ok 22 - file with no base
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 29 - broken implicit ident aborts send-email
ok 30 - setup tocmd and cccmd scripts
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 23 - custom commands override built-ins
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 24 - filenames seen by tools start with ./
ok 54 - git merge --no-ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree to invalid commit
ok 31 - tocmd works
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 25 - temporary filenames are used with mergetool.writeToTemp
ok 32 - cccmd works
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 33 - reject long lines
ok 55 - git merge --no-ff: modified submodule does not update submodule work tree from invalid commit
ok 34 - no patch was sent
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 26 - diff.orderFile configuration is honored
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
ok 56 - git merge --no-ff: added submodule doesn't remove untracked unignored file with same name
*** ***
# still have 11 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 45 test(s)
*** ***
ok 35 - Author From: in message body
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 36 - Author From: not in message body
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 27 - mergetool -Oorder-file is honored
# passed all 27 test(s)
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
ok 37 - allow long lines with --no-validate
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git svn tests, svn not found
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git cvsexportcommit tests, cvs not found
*** ***
ok 1 - empty stream succeeds
ok 2 - truncated stream complains
ok 1 - set up master branch
ok 3 - A: create pack from stdin
ok 4 - A: verify pack
ok 1 - create loose objects on import
ok 5 - A: verify commit
ok 2 - add notes with simple M command
ok 6 - A: verify tree
ok 2 - bigger packs are preserved
ok 7 - A: verify file2
ok 8 - A: verify file3
ok 3 - add notes with simple N command
ok 9 - A: verify file4
ok 38 - short lines with auto encoding are 8bit
ok 10 - A: verify tag/series-A
ok 4 - update existing notes with N command
ok 11 - A: verify tag/series-A-blob
ok 12 - A: verify tag deletion is successful
ok 5 - add concatenation notes with M command
ok 13 - A: verify marks output
ok 6 - verify that deleteall also removes notes
ok 14 - A: verify marks import
ok 7 - verify that later N commands override earlier M commands
ok 15 - A: tag blob by sha1
ok 16 - A: verify marks import does not crash
ok 17 - A: verify pack
ok 39 - long lines with auto encoding are quoted-printable
ok 18 - A: verify diff
ok 19 - A: export marks with large values
ok 20 - B: fail on invalid blob sha1
ok 21 - B: accept branch name "TEMP_TAG"
ok 40 - carriage returns with auto encoding are quoted-printable
ok 22 - B: accept empty committer
ok 23 - B: accept and fixup committer with no name
ok 24 - B: fail on invalid committer (1)
ok 25 - B: fail on invalid committer (2)
ok 26 - B: fail on invalid committer (3)
ok 27 - B: fail on invalid committer (4)
ok 28 - B: fail on invalid committer (5)
ok 41 - --validate passes with encoding auto
ok 29 - C: incremental import create pack from stdin
ok 30 - C: verify pack
ok 31 - C: validate reuse existing blob
ok 32 - C: verify commit
ok 33 - C: validate rename result
ok 3 - lookups after checkpoint works
ok 34 - D: inline data in commit
# passed all 3 test(s)
*** ***
ok 35 - D: verify pack
ok 36 - D: validate new files added
ok 37 - D: verify file5
ok 38 - D: verify file6
ok 39 - E: rfc2822 date, --date-format=raw
ok 1 - fast-import (packed) with -c core.compression=0
ok 42 - --validate passes with encoding quoted-printable
ok 40 - E: rfc2822 date, --date-format=rfc2822
ok 41 - E: verify pack
ok 2 - fast-import (packed) with -c core.compression=9
ok 42 - E: verify commit
ok 43 - F: non-fast-forward update skips
ok 3 - fast-import (packed) with -c core.compression=0 -c pack.compression=0
ok 44 - F: verify pack
ok 45 - F: verify other commit
ok 46 - G: non-fast-forward update forced
ok 4 - fast-import (packed) with -c core.compression=9 -c pack.compression=0
ok 47 - G: verify pack
ok 43 - --validate passes with encoding base64
ok 48 - G: branch changed, but logged
ok 5 - fast-import (packed) with -c core.compression=0 -c pack.compression=9
ok 49 - H: deletall, add 1
ok 6 - fast-import (packed) with -c core.compression=9 -c pack.compression=9
ok 50 - H: verify pack
ok 7 - fast-import (packed) with -c pack.compression=0
ok 51 - H: validate old files removed, new files added
ok 52 - H: verify file
ok 53 - I: export-pack-edges
ok 8 - fast-import (packed) with -c pack.compression=9
ok 54 - I: verify edge list
ok 44 - --transfer-encoding=7bit produces correct header
ok 55 - J: reset existing branch creates empty commit
ok 56 - J: branch has 1 commit, empty tree
ok 9 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.compression=0
ok 57 - J: tag must fail on empty branch
ok 58 - K: reinit branch with from
ok 59 - K: verify K^1 = branch^1
ok 10 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.compression=9
ok 60 - L: verify internal tree sorting
ok 61 - L: nested tree copy does not corrupt deltas
ok 45 - --transfer-encoding=8bit produces correct header
ok 62 - M: rename file in same subdirectory
ok 11 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.compression=0 -c core.loosecompression=0
ok 63 - M: rename file to new subdirectory
ok 64 - M: rename subdirectory to new subdirectory
ok 65 - M: rename root to subdirectory
ok 12 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.compression=9 -c core.loosecompression=0
ok 66 - N: copy file in same subdirectory
ok 67 - N: copy then modify subdirectory
ok 46 - --transfer-encoding=quoted-printable produces correct header
ok 68 - N: copy dirty subdirectory
ok 13 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.compression=0 -c core.loosecompression=9
ok 69 - N: copy directory by id
ok 14 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.compression=9 -c core.loosecompression=9
ok 70 - N: read and copy directory
ok 15 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.loosecompression=0
ok 71 - N: empty directory reads as missing
ok 47 - --transfer-encoding=base64 produces correct header
ok 72 - N: copy root directory by tree hash
ok 16 - fast-import (loose) with -c core.loosecompression=9
# passed all 16 test(s)
*** ***
ok 73 - N: copy root by path
ok 74 - N: delete directory by copying
ok 75 - N: modify copied tree
ok 76 - N: reject foo/ syntax
ok 1 - setup
ok 77 - N: reject foo/ syntax in copy source
ok 78 - N: reject foo/ syntax in rename source
ok 79 - N: reject foo/ syntax in ls argument
ok 48 - Invalid In-Reply-To
ok 2 - fast-export | fast-import
ok 80 - N: copy to root by id and modify
ok 3 - fast-export ^muss^{commit} muss
ok 81 - N: extract subtree
ok 4 - fast-export --mark-tags ^muss^{commit} muss
ok 82 - N: modify subtree, extract it, and modify again
ok 5 - fast-export master~2..master
ok 83 - O: comments are all skipped
ok 6 - fast-export --reference-excluded-parents master~2..master
ok 84 - O: blank lines not necessary after data commands
ok 7 - fast-export --show-original-ids
ok 85 - O: repack before next test
ok 49 - Valid In-Reply-To when prompting
ok 8 - fast-export --show-original-ids | git fast-import
ok 86 - O: blank lines not necessary after other commands
ok 87 - O: progress outputs as requested by input
ok 9 - reencoding iso-8859-7
ok 8 - add lots of commits and notes
ok 10 - aborting on iso-8859-7
ok 11 - preserving iso-8859-7
ok 50 - In-Reply-To without --chain-reply-to
ok 12 - encoding preserved if reencoding fails
ok 88 - P: superproject & submodule mix
ok 13 - import/export-marks
ok 14 - set up faked signed tag
ok 15 - signed-tags=abort
ok 89 - P: verbatim SHA gitlinks
ok 16 - signed-tags=verbatim
ok 90 - P: fail on inline gitlink
ok 17 - signed-tags=strip
ok 91 - P: fail on blob mark in gitlink
ok 18 - signed-tags=warn-strip
ok 92 - Q: commit notes
ok 93 - Q: verify pack
ok 94 - Q: verify first commit
ok 95 - Q: verify second commit
ok 96 - Q: verify third commit
ok 51 - In-Reply-To with --chain-reply-to
ok 97 - Q: verify first notes commit
ok 52 - setup fake editor
ok 98 - Q: verify first notes tree
ok 19 - setup submodule
ok 99 - Q: verify first note for first commit
ok 100 - Q: verify first note for second commit
ok 9 - verify that lots of notes trigger a fanout scheme
ok 101 - Q: verify first note for third commit
ok 102 - Q: verify second notes commit
ok 103 - Q: verify second notes tree
ok 104 - Q: verify second note for first commit
ok 105 - Q: verify first note for second commit
ok 106 - Q: verify first note for third commit
ok 107 - Q: verify third notes commit
ok 108 - Q: verify third notes tree
ok 53 - --compose works
ok 54 - first message is compose text
ok 109 - Q: verify third note for first commit
ok 55 - second message is patch
ok 110 - Q: verify fourth notes commit
ok 56 - setup expect
ok 20 - submodule fast-export | fast-import
ok 111 - Q: verify fourth notes tree
ok 112 - Q: verify second note for second commit
ok 113 - Q: deny note on empty branch
ok 114 - R: abort on unsupported feature
ok 115 - R: supported feature is accepted
ok 116 - R: abort on receiving feature after data command
ok 21 - setup copies
ok 117 - R: import-marks features forbidden by default
ok 118 - R: only one import-marks feature allowed per stream
ok 119 - R: export-marks feature forbidden by default
ok 22 - fast-export -C -C | fast-import
ok 120 - R: export-marks feature results in a marks file being created
ok 23 - fast-export | fast-import when master is tagged
ok 121 - R: export-marks options can be overridden by commandline options
ok 122 - R: catch typo in marks file name
ok 57 - set
ok 24 - cope with tagger-less tags
ok 58 - setup expect
ok 123 - R: import and output marks can be the same file
ok 124 - R: --import-marks=foo --output-marks=foo to create foo fails
ok 10 - verify that importing a notes tree respects the fanout scheme
ok 25 - setup for limiting exports by PATH
ok 125 - R: --import-marks-if-exists
ok 26 - dropping tag of filtered out object
ok 27 - rewriting tag of filtered out object
ok 11 - verify that non-notes are untouched by a fanout change
ok 126 - R: feature import-marks-if-exists
ok 12 - change a few existing notes
ok 127 - R: import to output marks works without any content
ok 28 - rewrite tag predating pathspecs to nothing
ok 128 - R: import marks prefers commandline marks file over the stream
not ok 29 - no exact-ref revisions included # TODO known breakage
ok 129 - R: multiple --import-marks= should be honoured
ok 59 - unset
ok 130 - R: feature relative-marks should be honoured
ok 30 - path limiting with import-marks does not lose unmodified files
ok 60 - setup expect
ok 131 - R: feature no-relative-marks should be honoured
ok 132 - R: feature ls supported
ok 133 - R: feature cat-blob supported
ok 134 - R: cat-blob-fd must be a nonnegative integer
ok 31 - avoid corrupt stream with non-existent mark
ok 135 - R: print old blob
ok 32 - full-tree re-shows unmodified files
ok 136 - R: in-stream cat-blob-fd not respected
ok 33 - set-up a few more tags for tag export tests
ok 137 - R: print mark for new blob
ok 34 - tree_tag
ok 35 - tree_tag-obj
ok 138 - R: print new blob
ok 36 - tag-obj_tag
ok 37 - tag-obj_tag-obj
ok 139 - R: print new blob by sha1
ok 61 - sendemail.cccmd
ok 38 - handling tags of blobs
ok 140 - setup: big file
ok 62 - setup expect
ok 39 - handling nested tags
ok 141 - R: print two blobs to stdout
ok 40 - directory becomes symlink
ok 142 - R: copy using cat-file
ok 13 - verify that changing notes respect existing fanout
ok 143 - R: print blob mid-commit
ok 144 - R: print staged blob within commit
ok 145 - R: quiet option results in no stats being output
ok 146 - R: feature done means terminating "done" is mandatory
ok 41 - fast-export quotes pathnames
ok 147 - R: terminating "done" with trailing gibberish is ok
ok 63 - --suppress-cc=all
ok 64 - setup expect
ok 148 - R: terminating "done" within commit
ok 149 - R: die on unknown option
ok 42 - test bidirectionality
ok 150 - R: unknown commandline options are rejected
ok 151 - R: die on invalid option argument
ok 43 - avoid uninteresting refs
ok 152 - R: ignore non-git options
ok 44 - refs are updated even if no commits need to be exported
ok 45 - use refspec
ok 153 - R: corrupt lines do not mess marks file
ok 46 - delete ref because entire history excluded
ok 47 - delete refspec
ok 48 - when using -C, do not declare copy when source of copy is also modified
ok 65 - --suppress-cc=body
ok 66 - setup expect
ok 49 - merge commit gets exported with --import-marks
# still have 1 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 48 test(s)
ok 154 - R: blob bigger than threshold
*** ***
ok 155 - R: verify created pack
ok 156 - R: verify written objects
ok 157 - R: blob appears only once
ok 158 - S: initialize for S tests
ok 1 - setup simple repo
ok 67 - --suppress-cc=body --suppress-cc=cccmd
ok 159 - S: filemodify with garbage after mark must fail
ok 68 - setup expect
ok 2 - export anonymized stream
ok 160 - S: filemodify with garbage after inline must fail
ok 3 - stream omits path names
ok 161 - S: filemodify with garbage after sha1 must fail
ok 4 - stream allows master as refname
ok 5 - stream omits other refnames
ok 162 - S: notemodify with garbage after mark dataref must fail
ok 6 - stream omits identities
ok 163 - S: notemodify with garbage after inline dataref must fail
ok 7 - stream omits tag message
ok 164 - S: notemodify with garbage after sha1 dataref must fail
ok 8 - import stream to new repository
ok 165 - S: notemodify with garbage after mark commit-ish must fail
ok 9 - result has two branches
ok 166 - S: from with garbage after mark must fail
ok 10 - repo has original shape and timestamps
ok 167 - S: merge with garbage after mark must fail
ok 11 - root tree has original shape
ok 168 - S: tag with garbage after mark must fail
ok 12 - paths in subdir ended up in one tree
ok 169 - S: cat-blob with garbage after mark must fail
ok 170 - S: ls with garbage after mark must fail
ok 69 - --suppress-cc=sob
ok 13 - tag points to branch tip
ok 171 - S: ls with garbage after sha1 must fail
ok 70 - setup expect
ok 172 - T: ls root tree
ok 14 - idents are shared
# passed all 14 test(s)
*** ***
ok 173 - T: delete branch
ok 174 - T: empty reset doesnt delete branch
1..0 # SKIP skipping git-cvsserver tests, cvs not found
*** ***
ok 175 - U: initialize for U tests
ok 176 - U: filedelete file succeeds
ok 177 - U: validate file delete result
1..0 # SKIP skipping git-cvsserver tests, cvs not found
*** ***
ok 178 - U: filedelete directory succeeds
ok 179 - U: validate directory delete result
1..0 # SKIP skipping git-cvsserver tests, cvs not found
*** ***
ok 180 - U: filedelete root succeeds
ok 71 - --suppress-cc=bodycc
ok 181 - U: validate root delete result
ok 72 - setup expect
ok 182 - V: checkpoint helper does not get stuck with extra output
1..0 # SKIP skipping gitweb tests, CGI & CGI::Util & CGI::Carp modules not available
*** ***
ok 183 - V: checkpoint updates refs after reset
ok 184 - V: checkpoint updates refs and marks after commit
1..0 # SKIP skipping gitweb tests, CGI & CGI::Util & CGI::Carp modules not available
*** ***
ok 185 - V: checkpoint updates refs and marks after commit (no new objects)
ok 186 - V: checkpoint updates tags after tag
1..0 # SKIP skipping gitweb tests, CGI & CGI::Util & CGI::Carp modules not available
ok 73 - --suppress-cc=cc
*** ***
ok 187 - W: get-mark & empty orphan commit with no newlines
ok 188 - W: get-mark & empty orphan commit with one newline
1..0 # SKIP skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found
ok 189 - W: get-mark & empty orphan commit with ugly second newline
*** ***
ok 190 - W: get-mark & empty orphan commit with erroneous third newline
ok 191 - X: handling encoding
1..0 # SKIP skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found
# passed all 191 test(s)
*** ***
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found
1..0 # SKIP skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found
*** ***
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping cvsimport tests, cvs not found
*** ***
ok 74 - --confirm=always
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
ok 1 - set up test repository
# run 1: Perl API (perl /tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t/t9700/
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
ok 14 - remove lots of notes
ok 2 - use Git;
ok 3 - open repository
ok 4 - config scalar: string
ok 5 - config array: string
ok 6 - config scalar: nonexistent
ok 7 - config array: nonexistent
ok 8 - config_int: integer
ok 9 - config_int: nonexistent
ok 15 - verify that removing notes trigger fanout consolidation
ok 10 - config_bool: true
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
ok 11 - config_bool: false
*** ***
ok 12 - config_path: ~/foo expansion
ok 13 - config_path: multiple values
ok 14 - get_color
ok 16 - verify that non-notes are untouched by a fanout change
ok 15 - config: multivar
ok 16 - config_bool: non-boolean values fail
ok 17 - ident scalar: author (type)
ok 18 - ident scalar: committer (type)
ok 19 - ident scalar: invalid ident string (no parsing)
ok 75 - --confirm=auto
ok 20 - ident array: author
ok 21 - ident array: author
ok 22 - ident array: ident string
ok 23 - ident array: invalid ident string
ok 24 - ident_person: author (type)
ok 25 - ident_person: ident string
ok 26 - ident_person: array
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
ok 27 - (get file hash)
*** ***
ok 28 - cat_blob: size
ok 29 - cat_blob: data
ok 30 - hash_object: roundtrip
ok 31 - hash_and_insert_object: returns hash
ok 32 - cat_blob: roundtrip size
ok 33 - cat_blob: roundtrip data
ok 34 - repo_path
ok 35 - wc_path
ok 36 - wc_subdir initial
ok 37 - wc_subdir after wc_chdir
ok 38 - config after wc_chdir
ok 39 - repo_path (2)
ok 40 - wc_path (2)
ok 41 - wc_subdir initial (2)
ok 42 - rev-parse returned hash
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
ok 43 - log . does not show last commit
*** ***
ok 44 - cat_blob(outside): size
ok 45 - unquote unquoted path
ok 46 - unquote simple quoted path
ok 47 - unquote escape sequences
# test_external test Perl API was ok
# test_external_without_stderr test no stderr: Perl API was ok
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
ok 76 - --confirm=cc
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
*** ***
ok 77 - --confirm=compose
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
ok 17 - add notes to 16 commits in each of 10 refs
# passed all 17 test(s)
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
ok 78 - confirm by default (due to cc)
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
1..0 # SKIP skipping git p4 tests; no p4 or p4d
*** ***
ok 1 - setup for __git_find_repo_path/__gitdir tests
ok 2 - __git_find_repo_path - from command line (through $__git_dir)
ok 1 - URL with an ampersand in it
ok 3 - __git_find_repo_path - .git directory in cwd
ok 4 - __git_find_repo_path - .git directory in parent
ok 5 - __git_find_repo_path - cwd is a .git directory
ok 2 - URL with a semi-colon in it
ok 6 - __git_find_repo_path - parent is a .git directory
ok 7 - __git_find_repo_path - $GIT_DIR set while .git directory in cwd
ok 1 - setup for prompt tests
ok 8 - __git_find_repo_path - $GIT_DIR set while .git directory in parent
ok 79 - confirm by default (due to --compose)
ok 3 - URL with a hash in it
ok 2 - prompt - branch name
ok 9 - __git_find_repo_path - from command line while "git -C"
ok 10 - __git_find_repo_path - relative dir from command line and "git -C"
ok 3 - prompt - branch name - symlink symref
ok 11 - __git_find_repo_path - $GIT_DIR set while "git -C"
ok 4 - browser paths are properly quoted
ok 12 - __git_find_repo_path - relative dir in $GIT_DIR and "git -C"
ok 4 - prompt - unborn branch
ok 13 - __git_find_repo_path - "git -C" while .git directory in cwd
ok 14 - __git_find_repo_path - "git -C" while cwd is a .git directory
ok 5 - browser command allows arbitrary shell code
ok 5 - prompt - with newline in path
# passed all 5 test(s)
ok 15 - __git_find_repo_path - "git -C" while .git directory in parent
ok 16 - __git_find_repo_path - non-existing path in "git -C"
ok 17 - __git_find_repo_path - non-existing path in $__git_dir
ok 6 - prompt - detached head
ok 18 - __git_find_repo_path - non-existing $GIT_DIR
ok 19 - __git_find_repo_path - gitfile in cwd
ok 7 - prompt - describe detached head - contains
ok 20 - __git_find_repo_path - gitfile in parent
ok 21 - __git_find_repo_path - resulting path avoids symlinks
ok 8 - prompt - describe detached head - branch
ok 80 - confirm detects EOF (inform assumes y)
ok 22 - __git_find_repo_path - not a git repository
ok 23 - __gitdir - finds repo
ok 24 - __gitdir - returns error when cannot find repo
ok 9 - prompt - describe detached head - describe
ok 25 - __gitdir - repo as argument
ok 26 - __gitdir - remote as argument
ok 27 - __git_dequote - plain unquoted word
ok 10 - prompt - describe detached head - default
ok 28 - __git_dequote - backslash escaped
ok 29 - __git_dequote - single quoted
ok 11 - prompt - inside .git directory
ok 30 - __git_dequote - double quoted
ok 31 - __git_dequote - open single quote
ok 12 - prompt - deep inside .git directory
ok 32 - __git_dequote - open double quote
ok 33 - __gitcomp_direct - puts everything into COMPREPLY as-is
ok 34 - __gitcomp - trailing space - options
ok 13 - prompt - inside bare repository
ok 35 - __gitcomp - trailing space - config keys
ok 36 - __gitcomp - option parameter
ok 37 - __gitcomp - prefix
ok 38 - __gitcomp - suffix
ok 14 - prompt - interactive rebase
ok 39 - __gitcomp - ignore optional negative options
ok 40 - __gitcomp - ignore/narrow optional negative options
ok 81 - confirm detects EOF (auto causes failure)
ok 41 - __gitcomp - ignore/narrow optional negative options
ok 42 - __gitcomp - expand all negative options
ok 43 - __gitcomp - expand/narrow all negative options
ok 44 - __gitcomp - doesnt fail because of invalid variable name
ok 15 - prompt - rebase merge
ok 45 - __gitcomp_nl - trailing space
ok 46 - __gitcomp_nl - prefix
ok 47 - __gitcomp_nl - suffix
ok 48 - __gitcomp_nl - no suffix
ok 16 - prompt - rebase
ok 49 - __gitcomp_nl - doesnt fail because of invalid variable name
ok 17 - prompt - merge
ok 50 - __git_remotes - list remotes from $GIT_DIR/remotes and from config file
ok 18 - prompt - cherry-pick
ok 51 - __git_is_configured_remote
ok 82 - confirm does not loop forever
ok 19 - prompt - revert
ok 52 - setup for ref completion
ok 53 - __git_refs - simple
ok 54 - __git_refs - full refs
ok 20 - prompt - bisect
ok 55 - __git_refs - repo given on the command line
ok 21 - prompt - dirty status indicator - clean
ok 56 - __git_refs - remote on local file system
ok 57 - __git_refs - remote on local file system - full refs
ok 22 - prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty worktree
ok 58 - __git_refs - configured remote
ok 59 - __git_refs - configured remote - full refs
ok 23 - prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty index
ok 60 - __git_refs - configured remote - repo given on the command line
ok 83 - utf8 Cc is rfc2047 encoded
ok 24 - prompt - dirty status indicator - dirty index and worktree
ok 61 - __git_refs - configured remote - full refs - repo given on the command line
ok 62 - __git_refs - configured remote - remote name matches a directory
ok 63 - __git_refs - URL remote
ok 25 - prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - clean
ok 64 - __git_refs - URL remote - full refs
ok 26 - prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - dirty index
ok 65 - __git_refs - non-existing remote
ok 66 - __git_refs - non-existing remote - full refs
ok 27 - prompt - dirty status indicator - orphan branch - dirty index and worktree
ok 67 - __git_refs - non-existing URL remote
ok 28 - prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable unset with config disabled
ok 68 - __git_refs - non-existing URL remote - full refs
ok 69 - __git_refs - not in a git repository
ok 29 - prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable unset with config enabled
ok 30 - prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable set with config disabled
ok 70 - __git_refs - unique remote branches for git checkout DWIMery
ok 71 - __git_refs - after --opt=
ok 84 - --compose adds MIME for utf8 body
ok 72 - __git_refs - after --opt= - full refs
ok 31 - prompt - dirty status indicator - shell variable set with config enabled
ok 73 - __git refs - exluding refs
ok 32 - prompt - dirty status indicator - not shown inside .git directory
ok 74 - __git refs - exluding full refs
ok 33 - prompt - stash status indicator - no stash
ok 75 - setup for filtering matching refs
ok 76 - __git_refs - do not filter refs unless told so
ok 34 - prompt - stash status indicator - stash
ok 77 - __git_refs - only matching refs
ok 35 - prompt - stash status indicator - not shown inside .git directory
ok 78 - __git_refs - only matching refs - full refs
ok 36 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - no untracked files
ok 79 - __git_refs - only matching refs - remote on local file system
ok 80 - __git_refs - only matching refs - configured remote
ok 37 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files
ok 81 - __git_refs - only matching refs - remote - full refs
ok 38 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - empty untracked dir
ok 85 - --compose respects user mime type
ok 39 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - non-empty untracked dir
ok 82 - __git_refs - only matching refs - checkout DWIMery
ok 40 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - untracked files outside cwd
ok 83 - teardown after filtering matching refs
ok 84 - __git_refs - for-each-ref format specifiers in prefix
ok 41 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable unset with config disabled
ok 85 - __git_complete_refs - simple
ok 42 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable unset with config enabled
ok 86 - __git_complete_refs - matching
ok 43 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable set with config disabled
ok 87 - __git_complete_refs - remote
ok 88 - __git_complete_refs - track
ok 44 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - shell variable set with config enabled
ok 45 - prompt - untracked files status indicator - not shown inside .git directory
ok 89 - __git_complete_refs - current word
ok 46 - prompt - format string starting with dash
ok 90 - __git_complete_refs - prefix
ok 47 - prompt - pc mode
ok 91 - __git_complete_refs - suffix
ok 48 - prompt - bash color pc mode - branch name
ok 92 - __git_complete_fetch_refspecs - simple
ok 86 - --compose adds MIME for utf8 subject
ok 93 - __git_complete_fetch_refspecs - matching
ok 49 - prompt - bash color pc mode - detached head
ok 94 - __git_complete_fetch_refspecs - prefix
ok 50 - prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirty worktree
ok 95 - __git_complete_fetch_refspecs - fully qualified
ok 96 - __git_complete_fetch_refspecs - fully qualified & prefix
ok 51 - prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirty index
ok 97 - teardown after ref completion
ok 98 - setup for path completion tests
ok 52 - prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - dirty index and worktree
ok 99 - __git_complete_index_file - simple
ok 53 - prompt - bash color pc mode - dirty status indicator - before root commit
ok 54 - prompt - bash color pc mode - inside .git directory
ok 100 - __git_complete_index_file - escaped characters on cmdline
ok 55 - prompt - bash color pc mode - stash status indicator
ok 87 - utf8 author is correctly passed on
ok 56 - prompt - bash color pc mode - untracked files status indicator
ok 101 - __git_complete_index_file - quoted characters on cmdline
ok 57 - prompt - zsh color pc mode
ok 102 - __git_complete_index_file - UTF-8 in ls-files output
ok 58 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config disabled
ok 59 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config disabled, pc mode
ok 103 - __git_complete_index_file - C-style escapes in ls-files output
ok 60 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config unset
ok 61 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var unset, config unset, pc mode
ok 104 - __git_complete_index_file - \nnn-escaped characters in ls-files output
ok 62 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config disabled
ok 105 - __git_complete_index_file - removing repeated quoted path components
ok 106 - teardown after path completion tests
ok 63 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config disabled, pc mode
ok 64 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config unset
ok 107 - __git_get_config_variables
ok 65 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - env var set, config unset, pc mode
ok 66 - prompt - hide if pwd ignored - inside gitdir
# passed all 66 test(s)
ok 88 - utf8 sender is not duplicated
ok 108 - __git_pretty_aliases
ok 109 - basic
ok 110 - double dash "git" itself
ok 111 - double dash "git checkout"
ok 112 - general options
ok 113 - general options plus command
ok 114 - git --help completion
ok 89 - sendemail.composeencoding works
ok 115 - completion.commands removes multiple commands
ok 116 - setup for integration tests
ok 117 - checkout completes ref names
ok 118 - git -C <path> checkout uses the right repo
ok 119 - show completes all refs
ok 120 - <ref>: completes paths
ok 121 - complete tree filename with spaces
ok 122 - complete tree filename with metacharacters
ok 90 - --compose-encoding works
ok 123 - send-email
ok 91 - --compose-encoding overrides sendemail.composeencoding
ok 124 - complete files
ok 125 - completion uses <cmd> completion for alias: !sh -c 'git <cmd> ...'
ok 126 - completion uses <cmd> completion for alias: !f () { VAR=val git <cmd> ... }
ok 92 - --compose-encoding adds correct MIME for subject
ok 127 - completion used <cmd> completion for alias: !f() { : git <cmd> ; ... }
ok 128 - completion without explicit _git_xxx function
not ok 129 - complete with tilde expansion # TODO known breakage
ok 130 - setup other remote for remote reference completion
ok 131 - __git_complete_remote_or_refspec - push -d other
not ok 132 - __git_complete_remote_or_refspec - push other -d # TODO known breakage
ok 133 - __git_complete_remote_or_refspec - push --delete other
ok 93 - detects ambiguous reference/file conflict
not ok 134 - __git_complete_remote_or_refspec - push other --delete # TODO known breakage
ok 135 - git config - section
ok 136 - git config - variable name
ok 137 - git config - value
ok 138 - git -c - section
ok 139 - git -c - variable name
ok 140 - git -c - value
ok 94 - feed two files
ok 141 - git clone --config= - section
ok 142 - git clone --config= - variable name
ok 143 - git clone --config= - value
ok 144 - sourcing the completion script clears cached commands
ok 145 - sourcing the completion script clears cached merge strategies
ok 146 - sourcing the completion script clears cached --options
# still have 3 known breakage(s)
# passed all remaining 143 test(s)
ok 95 - in-reply-to but no threading
ok 96 - no in-reply-to and no threading
ok 97 - threading but no chain-reply-to
ok 98 - works
ok 99 - setup sendemail.identity
ok 100 - sendemail.identity: reads the correct identity config
ok 101 - sendemail.identity: identity overrides sendemail.identity
ok 102 - sendemail.identity: --no-identity clears previous identity
ok 103 - sendemail.identity: bool identity variable existence overrides
ok 104 - sendemail.identity: bool variable fallback
ok 105 - --no-to overrides
ok 106 - works
ok 107 - --no-cc overrides
ok 108 - sendemail.bcc works
ok 109 - --no-bcc overrides sendemail.bcc
ok 110 - patches To headers are used by default
ok 111 - patches To headers are appended to
ok 112 - To headers from files reset each patch
ok 113 - setup expect
ok 114 - setup expect
ok 115 - ASCII subject is not RFC2047 quoted
ok 116 - setup expect
ok 117 - asks about and fixes 8bit encodings
ok 118 - sendemail.8bitEncoding works
ok 119 - --8bit-encoding overrides sendemail.8bitEncoding
ok 120 - setup expect
ok 121 - setup expect
ok 122 - --8bit-encoding also treats subject
ok 123 - setup expect
ok 124 - --transfer-encoding overrides sendemail.transferEncoding
ok 125 - sendemail.transferEncoding via config
ok 126 - sendemail.transferEncoding via cli
ok 127 - setup expect
ok 128 - 8-bit and sendemail.transferencoding=quoted-printable
ok 129 - setup expect
ok 130 - 8-bit and sendemail.transferencoding=base64
ok 131 - setup expect
ok 132 - convert from quoted-printable to base64
ok 133 - setup expect
ok 134 - setup expect
ok 135 - CRLF and sendemail.transferencoding=quoted-printable
ok 136 - setup expect
ok 137 - CRLF and sendemail.transferencoding=base64
ok 138 - refusing to send cover letter template
ok 139 - --force sends cover letter template anyway
ok 140 - to-cover adds To to all mail
ok 141 - cc-cover adds Cc to all mail
ok 142 - tocover adds To to all mail
ok 143 - cccover adds Cc to all mail
ok 144 - escaped quotes in sendemail.aliasfiletype=mutt
ok 145 - sendemail.aliasfiletype=mailrc
ok 146 - sendemail.aliasfile=~/.mailrc
ok 147 - --dump-aliases sendmail format
ok 148 - --dump-aliases mutt format
ok 149 - --dump-aliases mailrc format
ok 150 - --dump-aliases pine format
ok 151 - --dump-aliases gnus format
ok 152 - --dump-aliases must be used alone
ok 153 - aliases and sendemail.identity
ok 154 - sendemail.aliasfiletype=sendmail
ok 155 - sendmail aliases line folding
ok 156 - sendmail aliases tolerate bogus line folding
ok 157 - sendmail aliases empty
ok 158 - alias support in To header
ok 159 - alias support in Cc header
ok 160 - tocmd works with aliases
ok 161 - cccmd works with aliases
ok 162 - --[no-]xmailer without any configuration
ok 163 - --[no-]xmailer with sendemail.xmailer=true
ok 164 - --[no-]xmailer with sendemail.xmailer=false
ok 165 - setup expected-list
ok 166 - use email list in --cc --to and --bcc
ok 167 - aliases work with email list
ok 168 - leading and trailing whitespaces are removed
ok 169 - invoke hook
ok 170 - test that send-email works outside a repo
# passed all 170 test(s)
make aggregate-results
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
for f in 'test-results'/t*-*.counts; do \
	echo "$f"; \
done | '/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh' ./
fixed   0
success 20232
failed  0
broken  234
total   21004
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
make clean
make[3]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
rm -f -r 'chainlinttmp'
rm -f -r 'trash directory'.* 'test-results'
rm -f -r valgrind/bin
rm -f .prove
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/t'
phase `check' succeeded after 583.0 seconds
starting phase `install'
make -C git-gui  gitexecdir='/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core' all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
make -C gitk-git  all
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
make -C templates  SHELL_PATH='/gnu/store/7ffcr3knh5jrj3lig4qf4fv0iws51l14-bash-minimal-5.0.7/bin/sh' PERL_PATH='/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl'
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
: no custom templates yet
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core'
install   git-credential-store git-daemon git-fast-import git-http-backend git-imap-send git-sh-i18n--envsubst git-shell git-remote-testsvn git-http-fetch git-http-push git-credential-cache git-credential-cache--daemon git-remote-http git-remote-https git-remote-ftp git-remote-ftps git-bisect git-difftool--helper git-filter-branch git-merge-octopus git-merge-one-file git-merge-resolve git-mergetool git-quiltimport git-legacy-stash git-request-pull git-submodule git-web--browse git-add--interactive git-archimport git-cvsexportcommit git-cvsimport git-cvsserver git-send-email git-svn git-p4 git-instaweb '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core'
install -m 644  git-mergetool--lib git-parse-remote git-rebase--preserve-merges git-sh-setup git-sh-i18n '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core'
install git git-upload-pack git-receive-pack git-upload-archive git-shell git-cvsserver '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin'
make -C templates DESTDIR='' install
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
: no custom templates yet
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-core/templates'
(cd blt && tar cf - .) | \
(cd '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-core/templates' && umask 022 && tar xof -)
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/templates'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core/mergetools'
install -m 644 mergetools/* '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core/mergetools'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/locale'
(cd po/build/locale && tar cf - .) | \
(cd '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/locale' && umask 022 && tar xof -)
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/perl5'
(cd perl/build/lib && tar cf - .) | \
(cd '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/perl5' && umask 022 && tar xof -)
make -C gitweb install
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitweb'
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2'
make[2]: 'GIT-VERSION-FILE' is up to date.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2'
rm -f gitweb.cgi gitweb.cgi+ && \
sed -e '1s|#!.*perl|#!/gnu/store/g4hvkvh509vj1vq2bw3xw2zwkjrg7y1k-perl-5.30.0/bin/perl|' \
	-e 's|++GIT_VERSION++|2.25.2|g' -e 's|++GIT_BINDIR++|/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_CONFIG++|gitweb_config.perl|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_CONFIG_SYSTEM++|/etc/gitweb.conf|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_CONFIG_COMMON++|/etc/gitweb-common.conf|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_HOME_LINK_STR++|projects|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_SITENAME++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_PROJECTROOT++|/pub/git|g' -e 's|"++GITWEB_PROJECT_MAXDEPTH++"|2007|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_EXPORT_OK++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_STRICT_EXPORT++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_BASE_URL++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_LIST++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_HOMETEXT++|indextext.html|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_CSS++|static/gitweb.css|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_LOGO++|static/git-logo.png|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_FAVICON++|static/git-favicon.png|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_JS++|static/gitweb.js|g' -e 's|++GITWEB_SITE_HTML_HEAD_STRING++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_SITE_HEADER++||g' -e 's|++GITWEB_SITE_FOOTER++||g' -e 's|++HIGHLIGHT_BIN++|highlight|g' gitweb.perl >gitweb.cgi+ && \
chmod +x gitweb.cgi+ && \
mv gitweb.cgi+ gitweb.cgi
rm -f static/gitweb.js static/gitweb.js+ && \
cat static/js/lib/common-lib.js static/js/lib/datetime.js static/js/lib/cookies.js static/js/javascript-detection.js static/js/adjust-timezone.js static/js/blame_incremental.js >static/gitweb.js+ && \
mv static/gitweb.js+ static/gitweb.js
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitweb'
install -m 755 gitweb.cgi '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitweb'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitweb/static'
install -m 644 static/gitweb.js static/gitweb.css static/git-logo.png static/git-favicon.png '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitweb/static'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitweb'
make -C gitk-git install
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin'
install -m 755 gitk-wish '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin'/gitk
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs'
install -m 644 po/pt_br.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/zh_cn.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/de.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/ja.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/ca.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/sv.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/it.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/ru.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/bg.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/pt_pt.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/hu.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/vi.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/es.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/fr.msg '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/gitk/lib/msgs' && true
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/gitk-git'
make -C git-gui gitexecdir='/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core' install
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core' 
install -m 755 git-gui  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core'
install -m 755 git-gui--askpass  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core'
rm -f '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core/git-citool' && ln '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core/git-gui' '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core/git-citool'  && true
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' 
install -m 644 lib/tclIndex  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib'
install -m 644 lib/class.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/line.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/themed.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/checkout_op.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/remote_add.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/browser.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/commit.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/branch_checkout.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/branch.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/chord.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/diff.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/remote.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/branch_rename.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/logo.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/choose_font.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/option.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/encoding.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/tools.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/mergetool.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/tools_dlg.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/status_bar.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/search.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/sshkey.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/choose_repository.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/about.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/spellcheck.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/blame.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/transport.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/win32.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/branch_create.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/console.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/shortcut.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/choose_rev.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/branch_delete.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/index.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/date.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/database.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/error.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/merge.tcl  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/git-gui.ico  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' &&  install -m 644 lib/win32_shortcut.js  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib' && true
install -d -m 755 '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' 
install -m 644 po/pt_br.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/zh_cn.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/de.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/ja.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/sv.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/it.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/pt_pt.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/bg.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/ru.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/el.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/hu.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/vi.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/nb.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' &&  install -m 644 po/fr.msg  '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/share/git-gui/lib/msgs' && true
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/guix-build-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv-0/git-2.25.2/git-gui'
bindir=$(cd '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin' && pwd) && \
execdir=$(cd '/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec/git-core' && pwd) && \
destdir_from_execdir_SQ=$(echo 'libexec/git-core' | sed -e 's|[^/][^/]*|..|g') && \
{ test "$bindir/" = "$execdir/" || \
  for p in git git-shell git-cvsserver; do \
	rm -f "$execdir/$p" && \
	test -n "" && \
	ln -s "$destdir_from_execdir_SQ/bin/$p" "$execdir/$p" || \
	{ test -z "indeed" && \
	  ln "$bindir/$p" "$execdir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  cp "$bindir/$p" "$execdir/$p" || exit; } \
  done; \
} && \
for p in git-receive-pack git-upload-archive git-upload-pack; do \
	rm -f "$bindir/$p" && \
	test -n "" && \
	ln -s "git" "$bindir/$p" || \
	{ test -z "indeed" && \
	  ln "$bindir/git" "$bindir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  ln -s "git" "$bindir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  cp "$bindir/git" "$bindir/$p" || exit; } \
done && \
for p in  git-add git-am git-annotate git-apply git-archive git-bisect--helper git-blame git-branch git-bundle git-cat-file git-check-attr git-check-ignore git-check-mailmap git-check-ref-format git-checkout-index git-checkout git-clean git-clone git-column git-commit-tree git-commit git-commit-graph git-config git-count-objects git-credential git-describe git-diff-files git-diff-index git-diff-tree git-diff git-difftool git-env--helper git-fast-export git-fetch-pack git-fetch git-fmt-merge-msg git-for-each-ref git-fsck git-gc git-get-tar-commit-id git-grep git-hash-object git-help git-index-pack git-init-db git-interpret-trailers git-log git-ls-files git-ls-remote git-ls-tree git-mailinfo git-mailsplit git-merge git-merge-base git-merge-file git-merge-index git-merge-ours git-merge-recursive git-merge-tree git-mktag git-mktree git-multi-pack-index git-mv git-name-rev git-notes git-pack-objects git-pack-redundant git-pack-refs git-patch-id git-prune-packed git-prune git-pull git-push git-range-diff git-read-tree git-rebase git-receive-pack git-reflog git-remote git-remote-ext git-remote-fd git-repack git-replace git-rerere git-reset git-rev-list git-rev-parse git-revert git-rm git-send-pack git-shortlog git-show-branch git-show-index git-show-ref git-sparse-checkout git-stash git-stripspace git-submodule--helper git-symbolic-ref git-tag git-unpack-file git-unpack-objects git-update-index git-update-ref git-update-server-info git-upload-archive git-upload-pack git-var git-verify-commit git-verify-pack git-verify-tag git-worktree git-write-tree git-cherry git-cherry-pick git-format-patch git-fsck-objects git-init git-merge-subtree git-restore git-show git-stage git-status git-switch git-whatchanged; do \
	rm -f "$execdir/$p" && \
	test -n "" && \
	ln -s "$destdir_from_execdir_SQ/bin/git" "$execdir/$p" || \
	{ test -z "indeed" && \
	  ln "$execdir/git" "$execdir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  ln -s "git" "$execdir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  cp "$execdir/git" "$execdir/$p" || exit; } \
done && \
remote_curl_aliases="git-remote-https git-remote-ftp git-remote-ftps" && \
for p in $remote_curl_aliases; do \
	rm -f "$execdir/$p" && \
	test -n "" && \
	ln -s "git-remote-http" "$execdir/$p" || \
	{ test -z "indeed" && \
	  ln "$execdir/git-remote-http" "$execdir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  ln -s "git-remote-http" "$execdir/$p" 2>/dev/null || \
	  cp "$execdir/git-remote-http" "$execdir/$p" || exit; } \
done && \
./check_bindir "z$bindir" "z$execdir" "$bindir/git-add"
phase `install' succeeded after 3.6 seconds
starting phase `remove-unusable-perl-commands'
phase `remove-unusable-perl-commands' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `install-shell-completion'
phase `install-shell-completion' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `patch-shebangs'
phase `patch-shebangs' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `strip'
stripping binaries in "/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec" with "strip" and flags ("--strip-debug" "--enable-deterministic-archives")
stripping binaries in "/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin" with "strip" and flags ("--strip-debug" "--enable-deterministic-archives")
phase `strip' succeeded after 0.3 seconds
starting phase `validate-runpath'
validating RUNPATH of 14 binaries in "/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/libexec"...
validating RUNPATH of 2 binaries in "/gnu/store/7fqsbxp51c2nkdriqm9213kgz62s0hvs-git-minimal-2.25.2/bin"...
phase `validate-runpath' succeeded after 0.2 seconds
starting phase `validate-documentation-location'
phase `validate-documentation-location' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `delete-info-dir-file'
phase `delete-info-dir-file' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `patch-dot-desktop-files'
phase `patch-dot-desktop-files' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `install-license-files'
installing 1 license files from '.'
phase `install-license-files' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `reset-gzip-timestamps'
phase `reset-gzip-timestamps' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
starting phase `compress-documentation'
phase `compress-documentation' succeeded after 0.0 seconds
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/z5lp0mwnkkhchv9qgagqifac66yjlfhh-git-minimal-2.25.2.drv -

guix-data-service: computing the derivation-file-name for armhf-linux
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
The following derivation will be built:
@ build-started /gnu/store/bl5i0ykvj51cdf01fdgf2aasn6n7v5s9-compute-guix-derivation.drv - armhf-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/bl//5i0ykvj51cdf01fdgf2aasn6n7v5s9-compute-guix-derivation.drv.bz2 7589
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/bl5i0ykvj51cdf01fdgf2aasn6n7v5s9-compute-guix-derivation.drv -
Computing Guix derivation for 'armhf-linux'...  substitute: 
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%

guix-data-service: computing the derivation-file-name for aarch64-linux
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
The following derivation will be built:
@ build-started /gnu/store/v6pmfm529awhigpic9gy4f7dza30rvbf-compute-guix-derivation.drv - aarch64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/v6//pmfm529awhigpic9gy4f7dza30rvbf-compute-guix-derivation.drv.bz2 7800
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/v6pmfm529awhigpic9gy4f7dza30rvbf-compute-guix-derivation.drv -
Computing Guix derivation for 'aarch64-linux'...  substitute: 
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%

guix-data-service: computing the derivation-file-name for mips64el-linux
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
The following derivations will be built:
19.7 MB will be downloaded:
@ build-started /gnu/store/axdyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv - mips64el-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/ax//dyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv.bz2 7862
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/9lmgqyfpbx3i1jdcms1y3vzjq009n2wy-gettext- substitute
@ unsupported-platform /gnu/store/axdyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv mips64el-linux
while setting up the build environment: a `mips64el-linux' is required to build `/gnu/store/axdyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv', but I am a `x86_64-linux'
builder for `/gnu/store/axdyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv' failed with exit code 1
@ build-failed /gnu/store/axdyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv - 1 builder for `/gnu/store/axdyl7kkraczqa170iccnwfqmjgcxjng-guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv' failed with exit code 1
killing process 7867
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/zxdihy6qsqxg699aaa75qvywp88bmplz-bash-minimal-5.0.7.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/gk81s3sba9vll0l3h8ld120dm2dkm9cs-binutils-2.32.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/v2xp2whm53wb08v0g1wq6wzs8mpr4v5y-binutils-cross-boot0-2.32.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/z403yv81njyma9ymxjs0i0xjd7qzhlnp-bootstrap-binaries-0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/4jrn0365hxgd37vij07cl5lz08rgr011-diffutils-boot0-3.7.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/fgnhvqwsbb93nza72rpc40417ydv7cdm-file-5.33.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/ycnh3m7hk24v0ana286xp4id67jmwa7r-file-boot0-5.33.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/svh7qlx6ij96nzkqr3ccnlw8w2m4qkhz-findutils-4.6.0.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/zgxczv47z4lakf4zsmrw26izcy00kc36-findutils-boot0-4.6.0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/xa6nxyrxrn9mdj28fx8m7wggwca80ldj-gcc-7.4.0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/hz78d22mhzxaqhcxvzgc56qyvbhnv4mj-glibc-2.29.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/k64hdbfqpzrhlvd7b6jkp03lmji0bjlr-gmp-6.1.2.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/rziqmp1r5gxx9jd86sryxrgxygfbxp05-gmp-6.1.2.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/q5mrpvnzv6dw2lcfbpxzs6xczj2nlhvs-grep-3.3.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/d0xmps3q2cahmq9jqkqbphsq2rvsk277-guile-2.2.6.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/1irpd491mvdlg3ig805sj1x6kfljsnk6-gzip-1.10.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/d4f0rrzxsm8pqlhm7b4rrhbgglzdiilv-ld-wrapper-boot0-0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/4402paniv55y6ayjn8cvd0zqmyq9wsyh-ld-wrapper-boot3-0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/al0nn9fm1d4s1bhg9cm2gs4fkl17fvld-libgc-7.6.12.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/nx6ld4qr1kyadgm5s05xpgb1xqwvns0w-libltdl-2.4.6.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/d48lqb997ldg20qp9d7vyncyaxyl4xbr-libunistring-0.9.10.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/myra9kpq6k1m5yjdb73v5i6b5xpkiwl2-linux-libre-headers-4.19.56.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/gw5dvbrmdh7gpdnxdvjg10fqxql0cxmg-m4-1.4.18.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/xnm4ng581m05piw53jq979fzy5nc86ls-make-4.2.1.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/a6fnhwdpam5ddg9p7kw324ry29lf1gh6-make-boot0-4.2.1.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/rnvipjj6ap9vgz2pf0b5k5npckhw5jgx-patch-2.7.6.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/sik4v3cahvs935v0bjvnb54nfy7jlxj4-perl-5.30.0.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/4kv0f6ygn4xplc612vwarqf13k4p40sr-perl-boot0-5.30.0.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/2kjf6dqj8zkja1qzryslmv3znhkjbddy-tar-1.32.tar.xz.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation `/gnu/store/ckm9283ijigd7grdcw02xcvgsblkwlwy-compute-guix-derivation.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
error: while computing manifest entry derivation for mips64el-linux
error %exception: (#<&store-protocol-error message: "build of `/gnu/store/ckm9283ijigd7grdcw02xcvgsblkwlwy-compute-guix-derivation.drv' failed" status: 100>)
debug: Finished computing the channel derivation, took 1799 seconds
debug: x86_64-linux: channel dervation: ((manifest-entry-item . /gnu/store/izdn837s8xqmiqy0i8gn3i7wbldmhaad-guix-baab9eef2.drv) (profile . /gnu/store/1qnhn6ivvhy8fymm5v4r8a81na64xmc9-profile.drv))
debug: i686-linux: channel dervation: ((manifest-entry-item . /gnu/store/ma5k6zg70w363p1yfy2yrzfi4dngr7cr-guix-baab9eef2.drv) (profile . /gnu/store/8c41yrmbi194rb3r2dc8bgrazxl0yiiw-profile.drv))
debug: armhf-linux: channel dervation: ((manifest-entry-item . /gnu/store/k8jrknnrvc2qfpmrhjm736y6kycr3q38-guix-baab9eef2.drv) (profile . /gnu/store/4rqg5c1kzjsvjjn941n0zmjsa5bal8wz-profile.drv))
debug: aarch64-linux: channel dervation: ((manifest-entry-item . /gnu/store/fmzf9j986rnqzykbk20rnxji0r8ldv8n-guix-baab9eef2.drv) (profile . /gnu/store/4nlkr8gb2xxljds6nqi2pdlqd0qnnfkd-profile.drv))
debug: mips64el-linux: channel dervation: ((manifest-entry-item . #f) (profile . #f))
debug: Starting building the channel derivation
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/zv1y8a5kvl6pyj5wdzh0sg7jvid5ds4v-guix-extra substitute
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/pcwqgvgrh481llwm042n6x3r4i5jgk1k-guix-packages substitute
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/iwyhjnz1b98m7cffq8paq7nvi7g2hzq9-guix-packages-base substitute
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''...   0.0%
substitute: updating substitutes from ''... 100.0%

 guix-extra  1.8MiB                      0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guix-extra  1.8MiB                  4.4MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   3.5%Downloading

 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB             0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB                   0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         3.5MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.5%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               3.4MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   1.4%
 guix-extra  1.8MiB                  3.6MiB/s 00:00 [########          ]  45.1%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         2.5MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   4.7%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.3MiB/s 00:00 [##                ]  11.2%
 guix-extra  1.8MiB                  3.9MiB/s 00:00 [################  ]  93.7%
 guix-extra  1.8MiB                  3.9MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/zv1y8a5kvl6pyj5wdzh0sg7jvid5ds4v-guix-extra
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/2mfydff5zxmif130wxab8x72m8vivyq9-config.scm substitute

 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.8MiB/s 00:00 [#####             ]  28.1%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               3.4MiB/s 00:01 [########          ]  49.1%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         3.0MiB/s 00:00 [#                 ]  10.9%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         3.6MiB/s 00:01 [###               ]  19.2%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         4.2MiB/s 00:01 [#####             ]  29.6%Downloading

 guix-packages  4.5MiB               3.3MiB/s 00:01 [###########       ]  64.6%
 config.scm  706B                        0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 config.scm  706B                    149KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 config.scm  706B                    117KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/2mfydff5zxmif130wxab8x72m8vivyq9-config.scm
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/lh6jh8pc3crvfrqigbns9bcm18pjlnha-guile3.0-git-0.3.0 substitute

 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         4.7MiB/s 00:01 [#######           ]  41.0%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.9MiB/s 00:01 [############      ]  71.6%Downloading

 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         4.9MiB/s 00:01 [#########         ]  51.8%
 guile3.0-git-0.3.0  359KiB              0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guile3.0-git-0.3.0  359KiB          3.4MiB/s 00:00 [###               ]  17.8%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.7MiB/s 00:01 [##############    ]  78.6%
 guile3.0-git-0.3.0  359KiB          2.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/lh6jh8pc3crvfrqigbns9bcm18pjlnha-guile3.0-git-0.3.0
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/mzhndqrvnnimqg39387g5jfp243zfb5g-guix-config substitute

 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         5.2MiB/s 00:01 [###########       ]  63.2%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.5MiB/s 00:02 [###############   ]  85.6%Downloading

 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         5.4MiB/s 00:02 [#############     ]  74.7%
 guix-config  3KiB                       0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guix-config  3KiB                   1.9MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 guix-config  3KiB                   599KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/mzhndqrvnnimqg39387g5jfp243zfb5g-guix-config
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/pkn0nrm301pjyb8jg80ccjf2plzyjpjy-guix-config-source substitute

 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.4MiB/s 00:02 [################  ]  92.6%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         5.3MiB/s 00:02 [###############   ]  83.5%Downloading

 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.2MiB/s 00:02 [################# ]  99.7%
 guix-packages  4.5MiB               2.2MiB/s 00:02 [##################] 100.0%

 guix-config-source  182B                0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 guix-config-source  182B             45KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 guix-config-source  182B             39KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/pcwqgvgrh481llwm042n6x3r4i5jgk1k-guix-packages
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/7myzmxzapx7jnvbsyzv4xhfi2gg58d1w-module-import substitute

 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         5.4MiB/s 00:02 [################  ]  93.8%
 guix-packages-base  12.1MiB         5.5MiB/s 00:02 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/pkn0nrm301pjyb8jg80ccjf2plzyjpjy-guix-config-source
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/ldzch6xa49abpz6gxl6142xxy9cp0zjl-openssl-1.1.1e substitute
@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/iwyhjnz1b98m7cffq8paq7nvi7g2hzq9-guix-packages-base
@ build-started /gnu/store/lgzk8j91rkyp5bikcfbkg0sqh3nayqq9-guix-config-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/lg//zk8j91rkyp5bikcfbkg0sqh3nayqq9-guix-config-modules.drv.bz2 7935

 module-import  321B                     0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 module-import  321B                  73KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%
 module-import  321B                  52KiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%


 openssl-1.1.1e  2.1MiB                  0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 openssl-1.1.1e  2.1MiB              4.2MiB/s 00:00 [                  ]   3.0%
 openssl-1.1.1e  2.1MiB              5.7MiB/s 00:00 [##########        ]  60.1%
 openssl-1.1.1e  2.1MiB              6.3MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/7myzmxzapx7jnvbsyzv4xhfi2gg58d1w-module-import
@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/ldzch6xa49abpz6gxl6142xxy9cp0zjl-openssl-1.1.1e
@ build-started /gnu/store/vdff8s0b7nxg6396rprx92zhzn70yac9-guix-extra-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/vd//ff8s0b7nxg6396rprx92zhzn70yac9-guix-extra-modules.drv.bz2 7942
@ build-started /gnu/store/p8hpzqyiq6a50rmddi0apvdkscsblm5f-guix-packages-base-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/p8//hpzqyiq6a50rmddi0apvdkscsblm5f-guix-packages-base-modules.drv.bz2 7947
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/lgzk8j91rkyp5bikcfbkg0sqh3nayqq9-guix-config-modules.drv -
@ substituter-started /gnu/store/cn5v2g0zihw9hdsgcnbl6knq4zincfdk-module-import-compiled substitute
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/vdff8s0b7nxg6396rprx92zhzn70yac9-guix-extra-modules.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/jqzcfrpg7ar8ydysbc1b92b6k9is8vcb-guix-packages-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/jq//zcfrpg7ar8ydysbc1b92b6k9is8vcb-guix-packages-modules.drv.bz2 7961
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/p8hpzqyiq6a50rmddi0apvdkscsblm5f-guix-packages-base-modules.drv -
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/jqzcfrpg7ar8ydysbc1b92b6k9is8vcb-guix-packages-modules.drv -

 module-import-compiled  66KiB           0B/s 00:00 [                  ]   0.0%
 module-import-compiled  66KiB       3.5MiB/s 00:00 [################# ]  96.7%
 module-import-compiled  66KiB       1.7MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%

@ substituter-succeeded /gnu/store/cn5v2g0zihw9hdsgcnbl6knq4zincfdk-module-import-compiled
@ build-started /gnu/store/xzhhkzkb93awks5iwzxysi7fm8i3nrk6-libgit2-0.99.0.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/xz//hhkzkb93awks5iwzxysi7fm8i3nrk6-libgit2-0.99.0.drv.bz2 7973
grafting '/gnu/store/m9ry9bi0md4r7697l4qf9hrbivx20mbv-libgit2-0.99.0' -> '/gnu/store/lydnmkah58vqaaxpgzazf5qwfd05ix1l-libgit2-0.99.0'...
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/xzhhkzkb93awks5iwzxysi7fm8i3nrk6-libgit2-0.99.0.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/qilqhvzakcxi3nbf9av4iyr6zc78z3sg-guile3.0-git-0.3.0.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/qi//lqhvzakcxi3nbf9av4iyr6zc78z3sg-guile3.0-git-0.3.0.drv.bz2 7984
grafting '/gnu/store/lh6jh8pc3crvfrqigbns9bcm18pjlnha-guile3.0-git-0.3.0' -> '/gnu/store/7y4lqknlchq83mzr1cf09q9m14h6216k-guile3.0-git-0.3.0'...
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/qilqhvzakcxi3nbf9av4iyr6zc78z3sg-guile3.0-git-0.3.0.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/x5n7w5ick36p7r6sqfdj0n40596rdwci-guix-system.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/x5//n7w5ick36p7r6sqfdj0n40596rdwci-guix-system.drv.bz2 8001

[  0/158] loading...	  0.0% of 79 files
[  1/158] loading...	  1.3% of 79 files
[  2/158] loading...	  2.5% of 79 files
[  3/158] loading...	  3.8% of 79 files
[  4/158] loading...	  5.1% of 79 files
[  5/158] loading...	  6.3% of 79 files
[  6/158] loading...	  7.6% of 79 files
[  7/158] loading...	  8.9% of 79 files
[  8/158] loading...	 10.1% of 79 files
[  9/158] loading...	 11.4% of 79 files
[ 10/158] loading...	 12.7% of 79 files
[ 11/158] loading...	 13.9% of 79 files
[ 12/158] loading...	 15.2% of 79 files
[ 13/158] loading...	 16.5% of 79 files
[ 14/158] loading...	 17.7% of 79 files
[ 15/158] loading...	 19.0% of 79 files
[ 16/158] loading...	 20.3% of 79 files
[ 17/158] loading...	 21.5% of 79 files
[ 18/158] loading...	 22.8% of 79 files
[ 19/158] loading...	 24.1% of 79 files
[ 20/158] loading...	 25.3% of 79 files
[ 21/158] loading...	 26.6% of 79 files
[ 22/158] loading...	 27.8% of 79 files
[ 23/158] loading...	 29.1% of 79 files
[ 24/158] loading...	 30.4% of 79 files
[ 25/158] loading...	 31.6% of 79 files
[ 26/158] loading...	 32.9% of 79 files
[ 27/158] loading...	 34.2% of 79 files
[ 28/158] loading...	 35.4% of 79 files
[ 29/158] loading...	 36.7% of 79 files
[ 30/158] loading...	 38.0% of 79 files
[ 31/158] loading...	 39.2% of 79 files
[ 32/158] loading...	 40.5% of 79 files
[ 33/158] loading...	 41.8% of 79 files
[ 34/158] loading...	 43.0% of 79 files
[ 35/158] loading...	 44.3% of 79 files
[ 36/158] loading...	 45.6% of 79 files
[ 37/158] loading...	 46.8% of 79 files
[ 38/158] loading...	 48.1% of 79 files
[ 39/158] loading...	 49.4% of 79 files
[ 40/158] loading...	 50.6% of 79 files
[ 41/158] loading...	 51.9% of 79 files
[ 42/158] loading...	 53.2% of 79 files
[ 43/158] loading...	 54.4% of 79 files
[ 44/158] loading...	 55.7% of 79 files
[ 45/158] loading...	 57.0% of 79 files
[ 46/158] loading...	 58.2% of 79 files
[ 47/158] loading...	 59.5% of 79 files
[ 48/158] loading...	 60.8% of 79 files
[ 49/158] loading...	 62.0% of 79 files
[ 50/158] loading...	 63.3% of 79 files
[ 51/158] loading...	 64.6% of 79 files
[ 52/158] loading...	 65.8% of 79 files
[ 53/158] loading...	 67.1% of 79 files
[ 54/158] loading...	 68.4% of 79 files
[ 55/158] loading...	 69.6% of 79 files
[ 56/158] loading...	 70.9% of 79 files
[ 57/158] loading...	 72.2% of 79 files
[ 58/158] loading...	 73.4% of 79 files
[ 59/158] loading...	 74.7% of 79 files
[ 60/158] loading...	 75.9% of 79 files
[ 61/158] loading...	 77.2% of 79 files
[ 62/158] loading...	 78.5% of 79 files
[ 63/158] loading...	 79.7% of 79 files
[ 64/158] loading...	 81.0% of 79 files
[ 65/158] loading...	 82.3% of 79 files
[ 66/158] loading...	 83.5% of 79 files
[ 67/158] loading...	 84.8% of 79 files
[ 68/158] loading...	 86.1% of 79 files
[ 69/158] loading...	 87.3% of 79 files
[ 70/158] loading...	 88.6% of 79 files
[ 71/158] loading...	 89.9% of 79 files
[ 72/158] loading...	 91.1% of 79 files
[ 73/158] loading...	 92.4% of 79 files
[ 74/158] loading...	 93.7% of 79 files
[ 75/158] loading...	 94.9% of 79 files
[ 76/158] loading...	 96.2% of 79 files
[ 77/158] loading...	 97.5% of 79 files
[ 78/158] loading...	 98.7% of 79 files
[ 79/158] loading...	100.0% of 79 files
[ 79/158] compiling...	  0.0% of 79 files
[ 80/158] compiling...	  1.3% of 79 files
[ 81/158] compiling...	  2.5% of 79 files
[ 82/158] compiling...	  3.8% of 79 files
[ 83/158] compiling...	  5.1% of 79 files
[ 84/158] compiling...	  6.3% of 79 files
[ 85/158] compiling...	  7.6% of 79 files
[ 86/158] compiling...	  8.9% of 79 files
[ 87/158] compiling...	 10.1% of 79 files
[ 88/158] compiling...	 11.4% of 79 files
[ 89/158] compiling...	 12.7% of 79 files
[ 90/158] compiling...	 13.9% of 79 files
[ 91/158] compiling...	 15.2% of 79 files
[ 92/158] compiling...	 16.5% of 79 files
[ 93/158] compiling...	 17.7% of 79 files
[ 94/158] compiling...	 19.0% of 79 files
[ 95/158] compiling...	 20.3% of 79 files
[ 96/158] compiling...	 21.5% of 79 files
[ 97/158] compiling...	 22.8% of 79 files
[ 98/158] compiling...	 24.1% of 79 files
[ 99/158] compiling...	 25.3% of 79 files
[100/158] compiling...	 26.6% of 79 files
[101/158] compiling...	 27.8% of 79 files
[102/158] compiling...	 29.1% of 79 files
[103/158] compiling...	 30.4% of 79 files
[104/158] compiling...	 31.6% of 79 files
[105/158] compiling...	 32.9% of 79 files
[106/158] compiling...	 34.2% of 79 files
[107/158] compiling...	 35.4% of 79 files
[108/158] compiling...	 36.7% of 79 files
[109/158] compiling...	 38.0% of 79 files
[110/158] compiling...	 39.2% of 79 files
[111/158] compiling...	 40.5% of 79 files
[112/158] compiling...	 41.8% of 79 files
[113/158] compiling...	 43.0% of 79 files
[114/158] compiling...	 44.3% of 79 files
[115/158] compiling...	 45.6% of 79 files
[116/158] compiling...	 46.8% of 79 files
[117/158] compiling...	 48.1% of 79 files
[118/158] compiling...	 49.4% of 79 files
[119/158] compiling...	 50.6% of 79 files
[120/158] compiling...	 51.9% of 79 files
[121/158] compiling...	 53.2% of 79 files
[122/158] compiling...	 54.4% of 79 files
[123/158] compiling...	 55.7% of 79 files
[124/158] compiling...	 57.0% of 79 files
[125/158] compiling...	 58.2% of 79 files
[126/158] compiling...	 59.5% of 79 files
[127/158] compiling...	 60.8% of 79 files
[128/158] compiling...	 62.0% of 79 files
[129/158] compiling...	 63.3% of 79 files
[130/158] compiling...	 64.6% of 79 files
[131/158] compiling...	 65.8% of 79 files
[132/158] compiling...	 67.1% of 79 files
[133/158] compiling...	 68.4% of 79 files
[134/158] compiling...	 69.6% of 79 files
[135/158] compiling...	 70.9% of 79 files
[136/158] compiling...	 72.2% of 79 files
[137/158] compiling...	 73.4% of 79 files
[138/158] compiling...	 74.7% of 79 files
[139/158] compiling...	 75.9% of 79 files
[140/158] compiling...	 77.2% of 79 files
[141/158] compiling...	 78.5% of 79 files
[142/158] compiling...	 79.7% of 79 files
[143/158] compiling...	 81.0% of 79 files
[144/158] compiling...	 82.3% of 79 files
[145/158] compiling...	 83.5% of 79 files
[146/158] compiling...	 84.8% of 79 files
[147/158] compiling...	 86.1% of 79 files
[148/158] compiling...	 87.3% of 79 files
[149/158] compiling...	 88.6% of 79 files
[150/158] compiling...	 89.9% of 79 files
[151/158] compiling...	 91.1% of 79 files
[152/158] compiling...	 92.4% of 79 files
[153/158] compiling...	 93.7% of 79 files
[154/158] compiling...	 94.9% of 79 files
[155/158] compiling...	 96.2% of 79 files
[156/158] compiling...	 97.5% of 79 files
[157/158] compiling...	 98.7% of 79 files
[158/158] compiling...	100.0% of 79 files
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/x5n7w5ick36p7r6sqfdj0n40596rdwci-guix-system.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/k0687vky0m5ggmg3387k1kgdrd24pg30-guix-cli.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/k0//687vky0m5ggmg3387k1kgdrd24pg30-guix-cli.drv.bz2 8034
@ build-started /gnu/store/qim2wi6pm5ajrlc0pbazy4fzakp6cixn-guix-system-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/qi//m2wi6pm5ajrlc0pbazy4fzakp6cixn-guix-system-modules.drv.bz2 8036
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/qim2wi6pm5ajrlc0pbazy4fzakp6cixn-guix-system-modules.drv -

[  0/106] loading...	  0.0% of 53 files
[  1/106] loading...	  1.9% of 53 files
[  2/106] loading...	  3.8% of 53 files
[  3/106] loading...	  5.7% of 53 files
[  4/106] loading...	  7.5% of 53 files
[  5/106] loading...	  9.4% of 53 files
[  6/106] loading...	 11.3% of 53 files
[  7/106] loading...	 13.2% of 53 files
[  8/106] loading...	 15.1% of 53 files
[  9/106] loading...	 17.0% of 53 files
[ 10/106] loading...	 18.9% of 53 files
[ 11/106] loading...	 20.8% of 53 files
[ 12/106] loading...	 22.6% of 53 files
[ 13/106] loading...	 24.5% of 53 files
[ 14/106] loading...	 26.4% of 53 files
[ 15/106] loading...	 28.3% of 53 files
[ 16/106] loading...	 30.2% of 53 files
[ 17/106] loading...	 32.1% of 53 files
[ 18/106] loading...	 34.0% of 53 files
[ 19/106] loading...	 35.8% of 53 files
[ 20/106] loading...	 37.7% of 53 files
[ 21/106] loading...	 39.6% of 53 files
[ 22/106] loading...	 41.5% of 53 files
[ 23/106] loading...	 43.4% of 53 files
[ 24/106] loading...	 45.3% of 53 files
[ 25/106] loading...	 47.2% of 53 files
[ 26/106] loading...	 49.1% of 53 files
[ 27/106] loading...	 50.9% of 53 files
[ 28/106] loading...	 52.8% of 53 files
[ 29/106] loading...	 54.7% of 53 files
[ 30/106] loading...	 56.6% of 53 files
[ 31/106] loading...	 58.5% of 53 files
[ 32/106] loading...	 60.4% of 53 files
[ 33/106] loading...	 62.3% of 53 files
[ 34/106] loading...	 64.2% of 53 files
[ 35/106] loading...	 66.0% of 53 files
[ 36/106] loading...	 67.9% of 53 files
[ 37/106] loading...	 69.8% of 53 files
[ 38/106] loading...	 71.7% of 53 files
[ 39/106] loading...	 73.6% of 53 files
[ 40/106] loading...	 75.5% of 53 files
[ 41/106] loading...	 77.4% of 53 files
[ 42/106] loading...	 79.2% of 53 files
[ 43/106] loading...	 81.1% of 53 files
[ 44/106] loading...	 83.0% of 53 files
[ 45/106] loading...	 84.9% of 53 files
[ 46/106] loading...	 86.8% of 53 files
[ 47/106] loading...	 88.7% of 53 files
[ 48/106] loading...	 90.6% of 53 files
[ 49/106] loading...	 92.5% of 53 files
[ 50/106] loading...	 94.3% of 53 files
[ 51/106] loading...	 96.2% of 53 files
[ 52/106] loading...	 98.1% of 53 files
[ 53/106] loading...	100.0% of 53 files
[ 53/106] compiling...	  0.0% of 53 files
[ 54/106] compiling...	  1.9% of 53 files
[ 55/106] compiling...	  3.8% of 53 files
[ 56/106] compiling...	  5.7% of 53 files
[ 57/106] compiling...	  7.5% of 53 files
[ 58/106] compiling...	  9.4% of 53 files
[ 59/106] compiling...	 11.3% of 53 files
[ 60/106] compiling...	 13.2% of 53 files
[ 61/106] compiling...	 15.1% of 53 files
[ 62/106] compiling...	 17.0% of 53 files
[ 63/106] compiling...	 18.9% of 53 files
[ 64/106] compiling...	 20.8% of 53 files
[ 65/106] compiling...	 22.6% of 53 files
[ 66/106] compiling...	 24.5% of 53 files
[ 67/106] compiling...	 26.4% of 53 files
[ 68/106] compiling...	 28.3% of 53 files
[ 69/106] compiling...	 30.2% of 53 files
[ 70/106] compiling...	 32.1% of 53 files
[ 71/106] compiling...	 34.0% of 53 files
[ 72/106] compiling...	 35.8% of 53 files
[ 73/106] compiling...	 37.7% of 53 files
[ 74/106] compiling...	 39.6% of 53 files
[ 75/106] compiling...	 41.5% of 53 files
[ 76/106] compiling...	 43.4% of 53 files
[ 77/106] compiling...	 45.3% of 53 files
[ 78/106] compiling...	 47.2% of 53 files
[ 79/106] compiling...	 49.1% of 53 files
[ 80/106] compiling...	 50.9% of 53 files
[ 81/106] compiling...	 52.8% of 53 files
[ 82/106] compiling...	 54.7% of 53 files
[ 83/106] compiling...	 56.6% of 53 files
[ 84/106] compiling...	 58.5% of 53 files
[ 85/106] compiling...	 60.4% of 53 files
[ 86/106] compiling...	 62.3% of 53 files
[ 87/106] compiling...	 64.2% of 53 files
[ 88/106] compiling...	 66.0% of 53 files
[ 89/106] compiling...	 67.9% of 53 files
[ 90/106] compiling...	 69.8% of 53 files
[ 91/106] compiling...	 71.7% of 53 files
[ 92/106] compiling...	 73.6% of 53 files
[ 93/106] compiling...	 75.5% of 53 files
[ 94/106] compiling...	 77.4% of 53 files
[ 95/106] compiling...	 79.2% of 53 files
[ 96/106] compiling...	 81.1% of 53 files
[ 97/106] compiling...	 83.0% of 53 files
[ 98/106] compiling...	 84.9% of 53 files
[ 99/106] compiling...	 86.8% of 53 files
[100/106] compiling...	 88.7% of 53 files
[101/106] compiling...	 90.6% of 53 files
[102/106] compiling...	 92.5% of 53 files
[103/106] compiling...	 94.3% of 53 files
[104/106] compiling...	 96.2% of 53 files
[105/106] compiling...	 98.1% of 53 files
[106/106] compiling...	100.0% of 53 files
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/k0687vky0m5ggmg3387k1kgdrd24pg30-guix-cli.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/4d2nar63j8hvm0ss4dqdmyh17lmwmpvw-guix-cli-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/4d//2nar63j8hvm0ss4dqdmyh17lmwmpvw-guix-cli-modules.drv.bz2 8075
@ build-started /gnu/store/g9hgxmv890wj18jii6rmhyd8ia6z6vh8-guix-system-tests.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/g9//hgxmv890wj18jii6rmhyd8ia6z6vh8-guix-system-tests.drv.bz2 8080
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/4d2nar63j8hvm0ss4dqdmyh17lmwmpvw-guix-cli-modules.drv -

[  0/ 48] loading...	  0.0% of 24 files
[  1/ 48] loading...	  4.2% of 24 files
[  2/ 48] loading...	  8.3% of 24 files
[  3/ 48] loading...	 12.5% of 24 files
[  4/ 48] loading...	 16.7% of 24 files
[  5/ 48] loading...	 20.8% of 24 files
[  6/ 48] loading...	 25.0% of 24 filesrandom seed for tests: 1584609817

[  7/ 48] loading...	 29.2% of 24 files
[  8/ 48] loading...	 33.3% of 24 files
[  9/ 48] loading...	 37.5% of 24 files
[ 10/ 48] loading...	 41.7% of 24 files
[ 11/ 48] loading...	 45.8% of 24 files
[ 12/ 48] loading...	 50.0% of 24 files
[ 13/ 48] loading...	 54.2% of 24 files
[ 14/ 48] loading...	 58.3% of 24 files
[ 15/ 48] loading...	 62.5% of 24 files
[ 16/ 48] loading...	 66.7% of 24 files
[ 17/ 48] loading...	 70.8% of 24 files
[ 18/ 48] loading...	 75.0% of 24 files
[ 19/ 48] loading...	 79.2% of 24 files
[ 20/ 48] loading...	 83.3% of 24 files
[ 21/ 48] loading...	 87.5% of 24 files
[ 22/ 48] loading...	 91.7% of 24 files
[ 23/ 48] loading...	 95.8% of 24 files
[ 24/ 48] loading...	100.0% of 24 files
[ 24/ 48] compiling...	  0.0% of 24 files
[ 25/ 48] compiling...	  4.2% of 24 files
[ 26/ 48] compiling...	  8.3% of 24 files
[ 27/ 48] compiling...	 12.5% of 24 files
[ 28/ 48] compiling...	 16.7% of 24 files
[ 29/ 48] compiling...	 20.8% of 24 files
[ 30/ 48] compiling...	 25.0% of 24 files
[ 31/ 48] compiling...	 29.2% of 24 files
[ 32/ 48] compiling...	 33.3% of 24 files
[ 33/ 48] compiling...	 37.5% of 24 files
[ 34/ 48] compiling...	 41.7% of 24 files
[ 35/ 48] compiling...	 45.8% of 24 files
[ 36/ 48] compiling...	 50.0% of 24 files
[ 37/ 48] compiling...	 54.2% of 24 files
[ 38/ 48] compiling...	 58.3% of 24 files
[ 39/ 48] compiling...	 62.5% of 24 files
[ 40/ 48] compiling...	 66.7% of 24 files
[ 41/ 48] compiling...	 70.8% of 24 files
[ 42/ 48] compiling...	 75.0% of 24 files
[ 43/ 48] compiling...	 79.2% of 24 files
[ 44/ 48] compiling...	 83.3% of 24 files
[ 45/ 48] compiling...	 87.5% of 24 files
[ 46/ 48] compiling...	 91.7% of 24 files
[ 47/ 48] compiling...	 95.8% of 24 files
[ 48/ 48] compiling...	100.0% of 24 files
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/g9hgxmv890wj18jii6rmhyd8ia6z6vh8-guix-system-tests.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/xnmg6nan28qa9gk60z1mlqnwb0mkvhvz-guix-system-tests-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/xn//mg6nan28qa9gk60z1mlqnwb0mkvhvz-guix-system-tests-modules.drv.bz2 8103
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/xnmg6nan28qa9gk60z1mlqnwb0mkvhvz-guix-system-tests-modules.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/5prdipqblh2ma2r09v17015304fvgzlr-guix-baab9eef2-modules.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/5p//rdipqblh2ma2r09v17015304fvgzlr-guix-baab9eef2-modules.drv.bz2 8110
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/5prdipqblh2ma2r09v17015304fvgzlr-guix-baab9eef2-modules.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/4592q515vywhpxdk26gra9xi1jf58pld-guix-module-union.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/45//92q515vywhpxdk26gra9xi1jf58pld-guix-module-union.drv.bz2 8118
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/4592q515vywhpxdk26gra9xi1jf58pld-guix-module-union.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/l1wvrma6fhwxkah6dq1xd9z966yyw913-guix-command.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/l1//wvrma6fhwxkah6dq1xd9z966yyw913-guix-command.drv.bz2 8125
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/l1wvrma6fhwxkah6dq1xd9z966yyw913-guix-command.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/ml578yw1dn2xdwxsk10knndc83ix6hgw-guix-daemon.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/ml//578yw1dn2xdwxsk10knndc83ix6hgw-guix-daemon.drv.bz2 8131
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/ml578yw1dn2xdwxsk10knndc83ix6hgw-guix-daemon.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/izdn837s8xqmiqy0i8gn3i7wbldmhaad-guix-baab9eef2.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/iz//dn837s8xqmiqy0i8gn3i7wbldmhaad-guix-baab9eef2.drv.bz2 8137
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/izdn837s8xqmiqy0i8gn3i7wbldmhaad-guix-baab9eef2.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/64zk232mv4inv6ssyzy0vdb5z0l1rfaj-ca-certificate-bundle.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/64//zk232mv4inv6ssyzy0vdb5z0l1rfaj-ca-certificate-bundle.drv.bz2 8144
@ build-started /gnu/store/4nqizk5iv8sxjgh6fzmwiyvbv3aigaxr-fonts-dir.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/4n//qizk5iv8sxjgh6fzmwiyvbv3aigaxr-fonts-dir.drv.bz2 8149
@ build-started /gnu/store/12100la3griz57rk6f0dvmjx7xkihis3-info-dir.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/12//100la3griz57rk6f0dvmjx7xkihis3-info-dir.drv.bz2 8154
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/64zk232mv4inv6ssyzy0vdb5z0l1rfaj-ca-certificate-bundle.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/8gwsp6c6wr035r3g2vm9pq20385j1gqz-manual-database.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/8g//wsp6c6wr035r3g2vm9pq20385j1gqz-manual-database.drv.bz2 8165
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/4nqizk5iv8sxjgh6fzmwiyvbv3aigaxr-fonts-dir.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/qrfyjqwn5kax8bh8ayaw6jz8m8j0n8s5-profile.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/qr//fyjqwn5kax8bh8ayaw6jz8m8j0n8s5-profile.drv.bz2 8177
Creating manual page database...

[  1/  1] building list of man-db entries...
0 entries processed in 0.0 s
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/8gwsp6c6wr035r3g2vm9pq20385j1gqz-manual-database.drv -
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/12100la3griz57rk6f0dvmjx7xkihis3-info-dir.drv -
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/qrfyjqwn5kax8bh8ayaw6jz8m8j0n8s5-profile.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/0z8crl1843p0rqqanbbqx7jaaji1dxwh-inferior-script.scm.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/0z//8crl1843p0rqqanbbqx7jaaji1dxwh-inferior-script.scm.drv.bz2 8194
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/0z8crl1843p0rqqanbbqx7jaaji1dxwh-inferior-script.scm.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/ar2lk1wlsxa12fsgplhz8859hxf3gnj5-guix-package-cache.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/ar//2lk1wlsxa12fsgplhz8859hxf3gnj5-guix-package-cache.drv.bz2 8201
(repl-version 0 0)
Generating package cache for '/gnu/store/m9nqx63hlmq7zq9022azb95316llx0p4-profile'...
(values (value "/gnu/store/vq41p7a3qnws9y3klfmgh992cmigccdb-guix-package-cache/lib/guix/package.cache"))
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/ar2lk1wlsxa12fsgplhz8859hxf3gnj5-guix-package-cache.drv -
@ build-started /gnu/store/1qnhn6ivvhy8fymm5v4r8a81na64xmc9-profile.drv - x86_64-linux /var/log/guix/drvs/1q//nhn6ivvhy8fymm5v4r8a81na64xmc9-profile.drv.bz2 8213
@ build-succeeded /gnu/store/1qnhn6ivvhy8fymm5v4r8a81na64xmc9-profile.drv -
debug: Finished building the channel derivation, took 343 seconds
debug: extract-information-from: /gnu/store/n3ig4cp9q0l9wwx06k3676bmmddhjcw0-guix-baab9eef2
debug: using open-inferior
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Starting building the glibc-locales derivation
debug: Finished building the glibc-locales derivation, took 0 seconds
debug: set GUIX_LOCPATH to /gnu/store/03nvilh2x4z07dxv7h13gh986vvgpnsf-glibc-locales-2.29/lib/locale:/gnu/store/n79cf8bvy3k96gjk1rf18d36w40lkwlr-glibc-utf8-locales-2.29/lib/locale
debug: using open-inferior
debug: Starting fetching inferior packages
warning: ignoring duplicate package: guile-chickadee (0.4.0)
warning: ignoring duplicate package: itstool (2.0.6)
debug: Finished fetching inferior packages, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting fetching inferior lint warnings
debug: Starting getting description lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting description lint warnings, took 9 seconds
debug: Starting getting inputs-should-be-native lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting inputs-should-be-native lint warnings, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting getting inputs-should-not-be-input lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting inputs-should-not-be-input lint warnings, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting getting license lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting license lint warnings, took 0 seconds
debug: Starting getting mirror-url lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting mirror-url lint warnings, took 0 seconds
debug: Starting getting source-file-name lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting source-file-name lint warnings, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting getting source-unstable-tarball lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting source-unstable-tarball lint warnings, took 4 seconds
debug: Starting getting derivation lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
warning: SQLite database is busy
debug: Finished getting derivation lint warnings, took 2968 seconds
debug: Starting getting patch-file-names lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting patch-file-names lint warnings, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting getting formatting lint warnings
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting formatting lint warnings, took 135 seconds
debug: Finished fetching inferior lint warnings, took 3120 seconds
debug: Starting getting inferior derivations
heap size: 34.0 MiB
debug: Starting getting derivations for ((x86_64-linux . #f))
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting derivations for ((x86_64-linux . #f)), took 2 seconds
heap size: 42.0 MiB
debug: Starting getting derivations for ((i686-linux . #f))
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting derivations for ((i686-linux . #f)), took 4 seconds
heap size: 51.0 MiB
debug: Starting getting derivations for ((armhf-linux . #f))
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
warning: SQLite database is busy
debug: Finished getting derivations for ((armhf-linux . #f)), took 8 seconds
heap size: 59.0 MiB
debug: Starting getting derivations for ((aarch64-linux . #f))
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
error: while processing ccl ignoring error: %exception: (#<&store-protocol-error message: "derivation `/gnu/store/lgv565pwrkbfm1cr7rdg7lznff9bmixj-ccl-1.11.5-UNSUPPORTED.tar.gz.drv' has incorrect output `/gnu/store/jb8n7l8nq547dans8lizn81720v0j972-ccl-1.11.5-UNSUPPORTED.tar.gz', should be `/gnu/store/85wag9rkabrxmgx0wl9pq5vplzq479rp-ccl-1.11.5-UNSUPPORTED.tar.gz'" status: 1>)
debug: Finished getting derivations for ((aarch64-linux . #f)), took 4 seconds
heap size: 67.0 MiB
debug: Starting getting derivations for ((mips64el-linux . #f))
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
error: while processing ccl ignoring error: %exception: (#<&store-protocol-error message: "derivation `/gnu/store/hv8kg2nafqb9gmr1pc2mzssyj6yad3ka-ccl-1.11.5-UNSUPPORTED.tar.gz.drv' has incorrect output `/gnu/store/jb8n7l8nq547dans8lizn81720v0j972-ccl-1.11.5-UNSUPPORTED.tar.gz', should be `/gnu/store/bmxw7srkpgpxivdrfhzkv3gkhxxlb505-ccl-1.11.5-UNSUPPORTED.tar.gz'" status: 1>)
debug: Finished getting derivations for ((mips64el-linux . #f)), took 6 seconds
heap size: 76.0 MiB
debug: Starting getting derivations for ((x86_64-linux . arm-linux-gnueabihf) (x86_64-linux . aarch64-linux-gnu) (x86_64-linux . powerpc-linux-gnu) (x86_64-linux . riscv64-linux-gnu) (x86_64-linux . i586-pc-gnu))
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
debug: Finished getting derivations for ((x86_64-linux . arm-linux-gnueabihf) (x86_64-linux . aarch64-linux-gnu) (x86_64-linux . powerpc-linux-gnu) (x86_64-linux . riscv64-linux-gnu) (x86_64-linux . i586-pc-gnu)), took 54 seconds
debug: Finished getting inferior derivations, took 78 seconds
debug: Starting getting inferior system tests
debug: Starting getting system tests
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error?' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error?' instead
guix repl: warning: 'nix-protocol-error-message' is deprecated, use 'store-protocol-error-message' instead
random seed for tests: 1584621289
hint: gnu/tests/monitoring.scm:312:19: zabbix-front-end-configuration: Consider
using `db-secret-file' instead of `db-password' for better security.

debug: Finished getting system tests, took 24 seconds
debug: Finished getting inferior system tests, took 24 seconds
debug: Starting acquiring advisory transaction lock: load-new-guix-revision-inserts
debug: Finished acquiring advisory transaction lock: load-new-guix-revision-inserts, took 0 seconds
debug: Starting fetching inferior package license metadata
debug: Finished fetching inferior package license metadata, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting fetching inferior package metadata
debug: Starting populating temp_package_metadata
debug: Finished populating temp_package_metadata, took 0 seconds
debug: Starting querying the temp_package_metadata
debug: Finished querying the temp_package_metadata, took 1672 seconds
debug: Finished fetching inferior package metadata, took 1711 seconds
debug: Starting getting package-ids
debug: Finished getting package-ids, took 2 seconds
debug: finished loading information from inferior
debug: derivation-file-names->derivation-ids: processing 63 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 63 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 63 file-names, 63 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 0 entries to the cache
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 63 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 118 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 118 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 118 file-names, 118 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 29 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 89 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 389 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 389 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 389 file-names, 365 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 202 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 163 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 618 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 618 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 618 file-names, 454 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 133 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 321 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 871 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 871 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 871 file-names, 545 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 136 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 409 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 1005 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 1005 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 1005 file-names, 559 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 308 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 251 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 774 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 774 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 774 file-names, 265 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 109 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 156 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 469 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 469 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 469 file-names, 141 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 45 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 96 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 438 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 438 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 438 file-names, 84 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 36 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 48 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 181 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 181 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 181 file-names, 50 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 10 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 40 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 211 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 211 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 211 file-names, 33 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 9 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 24 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 161 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 161 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 161 file-names, 16 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 5 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 11 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 44 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 44 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 44 file-names, 8 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 0 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 8 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 36 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 36 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 36 file-names, 1 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 0 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 1 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 8 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 8 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 8 file-names, all found
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: Starting inferior-data->package-derivation-ids
debug: derivation-file-names->derivation-ids: processing 70775 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 70775 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 70775 file-names, 70775 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 25762 entries to the cache
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 44515 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 74106 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 74106 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 74106 file-names, 40092 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 24349 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 15743 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 7139 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 7139 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 7139 file-names, 2181 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 587 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 1594 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 2347 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 2347 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 2347 file-names, 257 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 41 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 216 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 1429 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 1429 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 1429 file-names, 109 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 19 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 90 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 1140 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 1140 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 1140 file-names, 108 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 13 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 95 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 1377 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 1377 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 1377 file-names, 64 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 9 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 55 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 940 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 940 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 940 file-names, 11 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 6 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 5 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 455 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 455 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 455 file-names, 5 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 0 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 5 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 130 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 130 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 130 file-names, all found
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: Finished inferior-data->package-derivation-ids, took 1980 seconds
Successfully loaded 70775 package/derivation pairs
debug: derivation-file-names->derivation-ids: processing 4 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 4 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 4 file-names, 4 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 0 entries to the cache
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 4 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 24 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 24 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 24 file-names, 24 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 8 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 16 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 88 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 88 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 88 file-names, 76 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 28 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 48 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 196 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 196 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 196 file-names, 176 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 88 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 88 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 964 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 964 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 964 file-names, 800 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 376 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 424 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 1316 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 1316 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 1316 file-names, 612 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 200 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 412 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 432 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 432 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 432 file-names, 84 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 40 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 44 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 128 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 128 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 128 file-names, 44 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 20 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 24 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 204 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 204 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 204 file-names, 32 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 20 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 12 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 136 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 136 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 136 file-names, 32 not cached
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: adding 20 entries to the cache
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting 12 derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: updating hash table
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting outputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting sources
debug: insert-missing-derivations: ensure-input-derivations-exist
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: processing 32 derivations
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: 32 file-names
debug: derivation-file-names->vhash: lookup 32 file-names, all found
debug: ensure-input-derivations-exist: checking for missing input derivations
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: insert-missing-derivations: inserting inputs
debug: Starting inserting channel news entries
debug: Finished inserting channel news entries, took 1 seconds
debug: Starting lock table: package_versions_by_guix_revision_range
debug: Finished lock table: package_versions_by_guix_revision_range, took 0 seconds
debug: Starting deleting package version entries for master
debug: Finished deleting package version entries for master, took 0 seconds
debug: Starting inserting package version entries for master
debug: Finished inserting package version entries for master, took 432 seconds
debug: Starting deleting package derivation entries for master
debug: Finished deleting package derivation entries for master, took 9 seconds
debug: Starting inserting package derivation entries for master
debug: Finished inserting package derivation entries for master, took 492 seconds