
Package: debops @ 1.1.0


Collection of general-purpose Ansible roles


The Ansible roles provided by that can be used to manage Debian or Ubuntu hosts. In addition, a default set of Ansible playbooks can be used to apply the provided roles in a controlled way, using Ansible inventory groups.

The roles are written with a high customization in mind, which can be done using Ansible inventory. This way the role and playbook code can be shared between multiple environments, with different configuration in to each one.

Services can be managed on a single host, or spread between multiple hosts. DebOps provides support for different SQL and NoSQL databases, web servers, programming languages and specialized applications useful in a data center environment or in a cluster. The project can also be used to deploy virtualization environments using KVM/libvirt, Docker or LXC technologies to manage virtual machines and/or containers.

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gnu/packages/admin.scm (line: 2385, column: 2)

Lint warnings


Validate file names and availability of patches

debops-constants-for-external-program-names.patch: file name is too long