
Package: nagios @ 4.4.6


Host, service, and network monitoring program


Nagios is a host, service, and network monitoring program written in C. CGI programs are included to allow you to view the current status, history, etc. via a Web interface. Features include:

  • Monitoring of network services (via SMTP, POP3, HTTP, PING, etc).

  • Monitoring of host resources (processor load, disk usage, etc.).

  • A plugin interface to allow for user-developed service monitoring methods.

  • Ability to define network host hierarchy using "parent" hosts, allowing detection of and distinction between hosts that are down and those that are unreachable.

  • Notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method).

  • Ability to define event handlers for proactive problem resolution.

  • Automatic log file rotation/archiving.

  • Optional web interface for viewing current network status, notification and problem history, log file, etc.

Home page
gnu/packages/monitoring.scm (line: 69, column: 2)

Lint warnings


Identify input labels that do not match package names

label 'libpng-apng' does not match package name 'libpng'