Lint warnings where the package name matches the query.
Lint warnings for specific lint checkers.
Lint warnings where the message matches the query.
Fields to return in the response.

Lint warnings

maven-shared-utils @ 3.2.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@16 and apache-parent-pom@18 collide
java-sonatype-aether-impl @ 1.7profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs java-sonatype-forge-parent-pom@6 and java-sonatype-forge-parent-pom@10 collide
maven-wagon-provider-api @ 3.3.4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs /gnu/store/hyi21wbh8vfs1v3cy162g4rz457yli9r-maven-wagon-provider-api-3.3.4 and /gnu/store/dd25ffafrqxiwi7ly20vn6kkvd3sq9jb-maven-wagon-provider-api-3.3.4 collide
python-hyperkitty @ 1.3.3profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs python-django@2.2.17 and python-django@3.1.3 collide
maven-surefire-plugin @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs maven-parent-pom@33 and maven-parent-pom@30 collide
maven-surefire-common @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@50 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
maven-shared-utils @ 3.1.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@16 and apache-parent-pom@18 collide
maven-shared-utils @ 3.0.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-shared-io @ 3.0.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@48 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
maven-shared-incremental @ 1.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-settings-builder @ 3.6.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom@15 and java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom@12 collide
maven-settings-builder @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@4.0 and plexus-parent-pom@5.1 collide
maven-resources-plugin @ 3.1.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs maven-artifact@3.6.1 and maven-artifact@3.0 collide
maven-resolver-provider @ 3.6.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-plugin-api @ 3.6.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@4.0 and plexus-parent-pom@5.1 collide
maven-plugin-api @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@21 and apache-parent-pom@6 collide
maven-model-builder @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@4.0 and plexus-parent-pom@5.1 collide
maven-model @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@21 and apache-parent-pom@6 collide
maven-jar-plugin @ 3.2.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@39 and apache-commons-parent-pom@41 collide
maven-install-plugin @ 3.0.0-M1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs maven-artifact@3.6.1 and maven-artifact@3.0 collide
maven-filtering @ 3.1.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@48 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
maven-file-management @ 3.0.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@48 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
maven-enforcer-rules @ 3.0.0-M3profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs maven-artifact@3.6.1 and maven-artifact@3.0 collide
maven-enforcer-plugin @ 3.0.0-M3profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@21 and apache-parent-pom@18 collide
maven-enforcer-api @ 3.0.0-M3profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-embedder @ 3.6.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs maven-parent-pom@33 and maven-parent-pom@30 collide
maven-dependency-tree @ 3.0.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-compiler-plugin @ 3.8.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-compat @ 3.6.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom@15 and java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom@12 collide
maven-compat @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@21 and apache-parent-pom@6 collide
maven-common-artifact-filters @ 3.1.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
maven-artifact-transfer @ 0.12.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@50 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
maven-artifact @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@21 and apache-parent-pom@6 collide
maven-archiver @ 3.5.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@39 and apache-commons-parent-pom@41 collide
maven-aether-provider @ 3.0profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@21 and apache-parent-pom@6 collide
java-surefire-extensions-api @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@50 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
java-surefire-common-junit4 @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@50 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
java-surefire-common-junit3 @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@50 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
java-surefire-common-java5 @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@16 and apache-parent-pom@21 collide
java-surefire-booter @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-commons-parent-pom@50 and apache-commons-parent-pom@39 collide
java-surefire-api @ 3.0.0-M4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs maven-parent-pom@33 and maven-parent-pom@30 collide
java-plexus-sec-dispatcher @ 1.4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom@15 and java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom@12 collide
java-plexus-digest @ 1.2profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@3.1 collide
java-plexus-container-default @ 1.7.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-plexus-component-metadata @ 1.7.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs apache-parent-pom@13 and apache-parent-pom@21 collide
java-plexus-compiler-manager @ 2.8.4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-plexus-compiler-javac @ 2.8.4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-plexus-compiler-api @ 2.8.4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@4.0 and plexus-parent-pom@5.1 collide
java-plexus-archiver @ 4.2.2profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@6.1 collide
java-modello-test @ 1.9.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-modello-plugins-xpp3 @ 1.9.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-modello-plugins-xml @ 1.9.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-modello-plugins-java @ 1.9.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-modello-core @ 1.9.1profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
java-eclipse-sisu-plexus @ 0.3.4profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs plexus-parent-pom@5.1 and plexus-parent-pom@4.0 collide
antlr3 @ 3.5.2profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs java-stringtemplate@3.2.1 and java-stringtemplate@4.0.6 collide
zn-poly @ 0.9.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
yelp-xsl @ 3.34.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 300
xygrib @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 256
xwallpaper @ 0.6.5description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 72
xftwidth @ 20170402description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 96, 234
xfce4-volumed-pulse @ 0.2.3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 65, 112
xdg-user-dirs @ 0.17description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 116
wxwidgets-gtk2 @ 3.1.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
wxwidgets-gtk2 @

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
wpa-supplicant-minimal @ 2.9description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
wpa-supplicant-gui @ 2.9description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
wpa-supplicant @ 2.9description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
verilator @ 4.108description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
ucsim @ 0.6-pre67description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
u-boot-wandboard @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-vexpress-ca9x4 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-sifive-fu540 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-rockpro64-rk3399 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-rock64-rk3328 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-qemu-riscv64-smode @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-qemu-riscv64 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-puma-rk3399 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-pinebook-pro-rk3399 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-pinebook @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-pine64-plus @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-pine64-lts @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-novena @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-nintendo-nes-classic-edition @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-mx6cuboxi @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-malta @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-firefly-rk3399 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-cubietruck @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-cubieboard @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-bananapi-m2-ultra @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-am335x-evm @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-am335x-boneblack @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-micro @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime2 @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime @ 2020.10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 49
tuxmath @ 2.0.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
trf @ 4.09.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 387
tor @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 574
texlive-lm @ 51265description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 93
texlive-latex-cyrillic @ 51265description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 166
texlive-hyphen-occitan @ 51265description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
texlive-hyphen-latin @ 51265description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
texlive-fonts-lm @ 51265description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 93
texlive-fonts-latex @ 51265description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 78
texlive-fonts-iwona @ 0.995bdescription

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 42
sooperlooper @ 1.7.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 120
sky @ 1.2description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
shell-functools @ 0.3.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 121, 206
sh-z @ 1.11description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
rust-async-process @ 1.0.1description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
ruby-rb-inotify @ 0.9.10description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
rtl-sdr @ 0.6.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
robin-map @ 0.6.3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 281
repeat-masker @ 4.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 387
rcm @ 1.3.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 183
r-yapsa @ 1.16.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 93, 96
r-xyz @ 0.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 232, 243, 262
r-wmtsa @ 2.0-3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 105, 128
r-topicmodels @ 0.2-11description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 151
r-tidyr @ 1.1.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-systemfonts @ 0.3.2description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-survminer @ 0.4.8description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-sapa @ 2.0-2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 97, 120
r-rstan @ 2.21.2description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-rgadem @ 2.38.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-r2glmm @ 0.1.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 173, 176
r-oai @ 0.3.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-mixomics @ 6.14.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-minqa @ 1.2.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 133, 136, 139
r-lpme @ 1.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 153
r-iml @ 0.10.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-iheatmapr @ 0.5.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-iclusterplus @ 1.26.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-hapassoc @ 1.2-8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 139
r-fda @ 5.1.9description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 92, 113
r-dplyr @ 1.0.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-dorng @ 1.8.2description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-diagram @ 1.6.5description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 336
r-cmprsk @ 2.2-10description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 242
r-clusterr @ 1.2.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 606, 945
r-circular @ 0.4-93description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 98, 123
r-cardata @ 3.0-4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 45, 56
r-brms @ 2.14.4description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-brms @ 2.14.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 109, 532, 653, 784
r-bootstrap @ 2019.6description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 92, 105
r-boot @ 1.3-25description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 125, 142
r-biosigner @ 1.18.2description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-biocio @ 1.0.1description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-bioassayr @ 1.28.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-aws-signature @ 0.6.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
r-arm @ 1.11-2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 46, 60
qtwebglplugin @ 5.14.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 41
qtdatavis3d @ 5.14.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 107, 250
qtcharts @ 5.14.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 244
python2-twobitreader @ 3.1.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-pygame @ 1.9.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 123
python2-pybedtools @ 0.8.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-psycopg2 @ 2.8.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-psutil @ 5.7.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-plastid @ 0.4.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-discogs-client @ 2.2.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 50
python2-cryptography @ 3.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-ccm @ 2.1.6description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 84
python2-bx-python @ 0.8.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-asn1crypto @ 1.4.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-xsge @ 2020.09.07description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-wxpython @ 4.0.7.post1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-twobitreader @ 3.1.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-rpy2 @ 3.3.5description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pytools @ 2020.4description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
python-pygame @ 1.9.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 123
python-pybedtools @ 0.8.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-psycopg2 @ 2.8.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-psutil @ 5.7.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-plastid @ 0.4.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-mypy @ 0.790description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
python-libfreenect @ 0.6.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-fpylll @ 0.5.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-dnaio @ 0.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-discogs-client @ 2.2.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 50
python-cryptography @ 3.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-ccm @ 2.1.6description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 84
python-bx-python @ 0.8.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-asn1crypto @ 1.4.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ppsspp @ 1.10.3description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
perl6-grammar-debugger @ 1.0.1-1.0375008description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 203
perl-test-object @ 0.08description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
perl-test-file-contents @ 0.23description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
perl-specio @ 0.38description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 185, 314
perl-search-xapian @

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
perl-libxml @ 0.08description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
perl-file-which @ 1.23description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
perl-file-readbackwards @ 1.05description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 47
perl-devel-globaldestruction @ 0.14description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
perl-class-load @ 0.25description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
perftest @ 4.4-0.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 99
pan @ 0.146description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 71
openjpeg-data @ 2020.05.19description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 116
ocaml-zarith @ 1.9.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 146
ocaml-topkg @ 1.0.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 51
ocaml-qcheck @ 0.12description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 52, 156
ocaml-down @ 0.0.3description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
ocaml-cmdliner @ 1.0.3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 304
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 107
nsis-i686 @ 3.05description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 107
mrrescue @ 1.02edescription

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 2
mosquitto @ 1.6.12description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 347
mdadm-static @ 4.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
mate-applets @ 1.24.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 917
lpsolve @

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
libxmlplusplus @ 3.2.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
libxmlplusplus @ 2.40.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
libjxr @ 1.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 99
libfreenect-opencv @ 0.6.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
libfreenect-examples @ 0.6.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
kget @ 20.04.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 169
jucipp @ 1.6.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-xpp3 @ 1.1.4description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 188
java-kxml2 @ 2.4.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-usocket-nc @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 88
java-jsch-agentproxy-usocket-nc @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-usocket-jna @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 88
java-jsch-agentproxy-usocket-jna @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-sshagent @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 88
java-jsch-agentproxy-sshagent @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-pageant @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 88
java-jsch-agentproxy-pageant @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-jsch @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 88
java-jsch-agentproxy-jsch @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-core @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jsch-agentproxy-connector-factory @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 88
java-jsch-agentproxy-connector-factory @ 0.0.8description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
java-jblas @ 1.2.4description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
iml @ 1.0.5description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 798
ibus-libhangul @ 1.5.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
i3-wm @ 4.18.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
hackrf @ 2018.01.1-0.43e6f99description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
guile3.0-ncurses-with-gpm @ 3.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile3.0-ncurses @ 3.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile3.0-email @ 0.2.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile3.0-commonmark @ 0.1.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile2.2-sjson @ 0.2.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile2.2-ncurses @ 3.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile2.2-email @ 0.2.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile2.2-commonmark @ 0.1.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile2.0-commonmark @ 0.1.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile-zstd @ 0.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
guile-wiredtiger @ 0.7.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
guile-stis-parser @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 117
guile-ncurses-with-gpm @ 3.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile-email-latest @ 0.2.2-1.03e9cacdescription

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
guile-dbd-sqlite3 @ 2.1.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
grfcodec @ 6.0.6description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 100 @ 1.6.3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 33
go-github-com-songmu-gitconfig @ 0.1.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
go-github-com-muesli-termenv @ 0.7.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
go-github-com-mitchellh-reflectwalk @ 1.0.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ghc-unsafe @ 0.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
ghc-th-reify-many @ 0.1.9description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ghc-tasty-expected-failure @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 185
ghc-rio @

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
ghc-regex-tdfa @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 139
ghc-operational @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 71
ghc-llvm-hs-pure @ 9.0.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ghc-llvm-hs @ 9.0.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ghc-inline-c @

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ghc-hxt-unicode @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 158
ghc-hsyaml @

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
ghc-gtk2hs-buildtools @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 95, 367
ghc-fsnotify @

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 81
ghc-doclayout @ 0.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ghc-aeson-qq @ 0.8.2description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
fstrcmp @ 0.7.D001description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 236
fakeroot @ 1.25.3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 114, 240
f2fs-fsck-static @ 1.14.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 91
espeak-ng @ 1.50description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
emacs-vcsh @ 0.4.4description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
emacs-trashed @ 2.1.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 178
emacs-templatel @ 0.1.4description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
emacs-swiper @ 0.13.1description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
emacs-pyvenv @ 1.21description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
emacs-org-drill-table @ 0.1-0.096387ddescription

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
emacs-nhexl-mode @ 1.5description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
emacs-hercules @ 0.2.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 137
emacs-gdscript-mode @ 1.4.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 99
emacs-flx @ 0.6.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 220
emacs-el-x @ 0.3.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
emacs-dhall-mode @ 0.1.3-1.484bcf8description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 89
emacs-cnfonts @ 0.9.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ecryptfs-utils @ 111description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ecasound @ 2.9.3description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infractions at 71, 243, 322, 471
deutex @ 5.2.2description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 60
connman @ 1.38description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 146
config @ 0.0.0-1.c8ddc84description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
chroma @ 1.17description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 33
cfitsio @ 3.49description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 197
catdoc @ 0.95description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 157
c-blosc @ 1.18.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 64
zbar @ 0.23inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
yelp-tools @ 3.32.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'itstool' should probably be a native input
udiskie @ 2.1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
thunar @ 4.16.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
template-glib @ 3.34.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
telepathy-mission-control @ 5.16.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gtk-doc' should probably be a native input
tao @ 1.0-beta-10May2006inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
tao @ 1.0-beta-10May2006inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'bison' should probably be a native input
system-config-printer @ 1.5.15inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
spice-gtk @ 0.37inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
sonata @ 1.7.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
shogun @ 6.1.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'swig' should probably be a native input
sendmail @ 8.15.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
rseqc @ 3.0.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
rav1e @ 0.3.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'nasm' should probably be a native input
qwt @ 6.1.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
quaternion @

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
python2-sphinxcontrib-programoutput @ 0.15inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python2-sphinx-rtd-theme @ 0.2.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python2-sphinx-repoze-autointerface @ 0.8inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-xdist @ 2.1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-mock @ 1.10.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-mock' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-mock @ 1.10.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-cov @ 2.8.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-coverage' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-cov @ 2.8.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pyqt @ 5.14.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
python2-pygobject @ 3.34.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
python2-pygobject @ 2.28.7inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
python2-pbcore @ 1.2.10inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-cython' should probably be a native input
python2-nose2 @ 0.9.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest-cov' should probably be a native input
python2-langkit @ 0.0.0-0.fe0bc8binputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-docutils' should probably be a native input
python2-guzzle-sphinx-theme @ 0.7.11inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python2-clf @ 0.5.7inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-nose' should probably be a native input
python-trezor-agent @ 0.13.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
python-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter @ 1.0.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput @ 0.15inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed @ 0.1.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinx-rtd-theme @ 0.2.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinx-repoze-autointerface @ 0.8inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinx-intl @ 2.0.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinx-copybutton @ 0.2.6inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-sphinx @ 3.2.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
python-robber @ 1.1.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-mock' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-xdist @ 2.1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-vcr @ 1.0.2-1.4d6c7b3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-timeout @ 1.3.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-sanic @ 1.6.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-mock @ 1.10.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-lazy-fixture @ 0.6.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-isort @ 0.3.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-httpbin @ 0.2.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-forked @ 1.1.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-django @ 3.10.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-cov @ 2.8.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-coverage' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-cov @ 2.8.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-pytest-checkdocs @ 1.2.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit @ 5.14.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
python-pyqt @ 5.14.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
python-pygobject @ 3.34.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
python-nose2 @ 0.9.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest-cov' should probably be a native input
python-nbsphinx @ 0.7.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
python-nbsphinx @ 0.7.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-guzzle-sphinx-theme @ 0.7.11inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python-fpylll @ 0.5.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
python-fpylll @ 0.5.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-faiss @ 1.5.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'swig' should probably be a native input
python-debtcollector @ 1.19.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pbr' should probably be a native input
python-coveralls @ 1.11.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-coverage' should probably be a native input
python-conda @ 4.8.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
python-clf @ 0.5.7inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-nose' should probably be a native input
python-breathe @ 4.22.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
python-breathe @ 4.22.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
presentty @ 0.2.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
perl-extutils-pkgconfig @ 1.16inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'pkg-config' should probably be a native input
osm-gps-map @ 1.1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
openfoam @ 4.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
opencascade-occt @ 7.3.0p3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'doxygen' should probably be a native input
octave-cli @ 6.1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'texinfo' should probably be a native input
octave @ 6.1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'texinfo' should probably be a native input
notifymuch @ 0.1-1.9d4aaf5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
newick-utils @ 1.6-1.da121155inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
newick-utils @ 1.6-1.da121155inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'bison' should probably be a native input
mig @ 1.8inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
mia @ 2.4.6inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'doxygen' should probably be a native input
mate-polkit @ 1.24.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
mailutils @ 3.10inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
lxqt @ 0.15.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'desktop-file-utils' should probably be a native input
lua5.2-lgi @ 0.9.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
lua5.1-lgi @ 0.9.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
lua-lgi @ 0.9.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
lollypop @ 1.4.6inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libvirt-glib @ 3.0.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libtool @ 2.4.6inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
libringclient @ 20200710.1.6bd18d2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
libreoffice @

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libpeas @ 1.28.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libmypaint @ 1.6.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libmediaart @ 1.9.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libgee @ 0.20.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libdazzle @ 3.37.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
libchamplain @ 0.12.16inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'glib:bin' should probably be a native input
keybinder-3.0 @ 0.3.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
kdelibs4support @ 5.70.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
kconfigwidgets @ 5.70.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
ibus-anthy @ 1.5.9inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
guile3.0-mailutils @ 3.10inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
guile3.0-gi @ 0.3.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
guile2.2-mailutils @ 3.10inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
guile2.2-gi @ 0.3.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
guile-gi @ 0.3.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
gtkspell3 @ 3.0.10inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
gramps @ 5.1.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
gobject-introspection @ 1.62.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'bison' should probably be a native input
gobject-introspection @ 1.62.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
go-github-com-wtolson-go-taglib @ 0.0.0-0.6e68349inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'pkg-config' should probably be a native input
gnome-tweaks @ 3.34.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect @ 33inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'glib:bin' should probably be a native input
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel @ 38inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'glib:bin' should probably be a native input
gnome-contacts @ 3.34inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
gnome @ 3.34.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'desktop-file-utils' should probably be a native input
gjs @ 1.58.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
gexiv2 @ 0.12.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
geoclue @ 2.5.7inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'glib:bin' should probably be a native input
g-golf @ 0.1.0-839.ef83010inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
flex @ 2.6.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'bison' should probably be a native input
flex @ 2.6.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
fifengine @ 0.4.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'swig' should probably be a native input
eolie @ 0.9.101inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
electron-cash @ 4.2.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
drumstick @ 2.0.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
dico @ 2.10inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
d-feet @ 0.3.14inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
conda @ 4.8.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
clipper @ 2.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
cinnamon-desktop @ 3.4.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
cheese @ 3.38.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
cgit @ 1.2.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'groff' should probably be a native input
cgit @ 1.2.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
bison @ 3.6.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
bison @ 3.6.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
bison @ 3.5.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
bison @ 3.5.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
bison @ 3.0.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'flex' should probably be a native input
bison @ 3.0.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
beets @ 1.4.9inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
awesome @ 4.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
astroid @ 0.15inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
aseba @ 1.6.0-0.3b35de8inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'qttools' should probably be a native input
389-ds-base @

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-pytest' should probably be a native input
tensorflow @ 1.9.0inputs-should-not-be-input

Identify inputs that shouldn't be inputs at all

'python-setuptools' should probably not be an input at all
python-sphinx-copybutton @ 0.2.6inputs-should-not-be-input

Identify inputs that shouldn't be inputs at all

'python-setuptools' should probably not be an input at all
poezio @ 0.13.1inputs-should-not-be-input

Identify inputs that shouldn't be inputs at all

'python-setuptools' should probably not be an input at all
gajim @ 1.2.2inputs-should-not-be-input

Identify inputs that shouldn't be inputs at all

'python-setuptools' should probably not be an input at all
texlive-latex-hyperref @ 6.84a2source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
tegola @ 0.7.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
sqlcipher @ 3.4.2source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
sorcer @ 1.1.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
rdmd @ 2.077.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
python2-mapnik @ 3.0.16source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
mongodb @ 3.4.10source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-xmlunit-matchers @ 2.5.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-xmlunit-legacy @ 2.5.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-xmlunit @ 2.5.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-xerial-core @ 2.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-stringtemplate @ 4.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-stax2-api @ 4.0.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-powermock-reflect @ 1.7.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-powermock-modules-junit4-common @ 1.7.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-powermock-modules-junit4 @ 1.7.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-powermock-core @ 1.7.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-powermock-api-support @ 1.7.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-powermock-api-easymock @ 1.7.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-plexus-archiver @ 4.2.2source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-pax-tinybundles @ 2.1.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-spi @ 4.11.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-junit @ 4.11.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core @ 4.11.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-util-property @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-util @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-store @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-spi @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-monitors @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-lang @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-ops4j-base-io @ 1.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-native-access-platform @ 4.5.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-native-access @ 4.5.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-mvel2 @ 2.3.1source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-microemulator-cldc @ 2.0.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-mail @ 1.6.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-logback-core @ 1.2.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-logback-classic @ 1.2.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-lmax-disruptor @ 3.3.7source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-usocket-nc @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-usocket-jna @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-sshagent @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-pageant @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-jsch @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-core @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jsch-agentproxy-connector-factory @ 0.0.8source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-joda-time @ 2.9.9source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-joda-convert @ 1.9.2source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jline @ 2.14.5source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jline @ 1.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jboss-jms-api-spec @ 2.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jboss-interceptors-api-spec @ 1.2source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jboss-el-api-spec @ 3.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jansi-native @ 1.7source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-jansi @ 1.16source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-hawtjni @ 1.15source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-gson @ 2.8.2source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-fasterxml-jackson-modules-base-mrbean @ 2.9.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-fasterxml-jackson-modules-base-jaxb @ 2.9.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-fasterxml-jackson-dataformat-yaml @ 2.9.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-fasterxml-jackson-databind @ 2.9.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-fasterxml-jackson-core @ 2.9.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-fasterxml-jackson-annotations @ 2.9.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-xml @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-xml @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-webapp @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-webapp @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-util @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-util @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-servlet @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-servlet @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-server @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-server @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-security @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-security @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-jmx @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-jmx @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-io @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-io @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-http @ 9.4.6source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-eclipse-jetty-http @ 9.2.22source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-datanucleus-javax-persistence @ 2.2.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-cdi-api @ 2.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-aqute-libg @ 3.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-aqute-bndlib @ 3.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
java-aqute-bnd-annotation @ 3.5.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
infiniband-diags @ 2.0.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
imposm3 @ 0.6.0-alpha.4source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
flatbuffers @ 1.10.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
arpack-ng @ 3.3.0source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
netdde @

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create i686-gnu derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'i686-gnu'
linux-libre-riscv64-generic @ 5.10.11derivation

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create riscv64-linux derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'riscv64-linux'
linux-libre-bpf @ 5.10.11derivation

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create riscv64-linux derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'riscv64-linux'
linux-libre @ 5.4.93derivation

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create riscv64-linux derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'riscv64-linux'
linux-libre @ 5.10.11derivation

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create riscv64-linux derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'riscv64-linux'
hurd @ 0.9-1.91a5167derivation

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create i686-gnu derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'i686-gnu'
gnumach @ 1.8-1.097f9cfderivation

Report failure to compile a package to a derivation

failed to create i686-gnu derivation: could not find bootstrap binary 'tar' for system 'i686-gnu'
xorg-server-xwayland @ 1.20.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
x86-energy-perf-policy @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
util-linux-with-udev @ 2.35.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
u-boot-qemu-riscv64-smode @ 2020.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
turbostat @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
tmon @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
tigervnc-server @ 1.11.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
scotch32 @ 6.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
racket-minimal @ 7.9patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
quickswitch-i3 @ 2.2-1.ed692b1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
qemu-minimal @ 5.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-unittest2 @ 1.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-renpy @ 7.3.5patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-pyqt @ 5.14.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-pygpgme @ 0.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-pydot @ 1.4.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-pycrypto @ 2.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-minimal @ 2.7.17patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2-libxml2 @ 2.9.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python2 @ 2.7.17patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-testtools-bootstrap @ 2.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit @ 5.14.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-pyqt @ 5.14.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-pyportmidi @ 217patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-pygpgme @ 0.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-next @ 3.9.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-minimal @ 3.8.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-mailman-hyperkitty @ 1.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
python-debug @ 3.8.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
pt-scotch32 @ 6.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
pt-scotch @ 6.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
proot-static @ 5.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
plasma-framework @ 5.70.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

plasma-framework-fix-KF5PlasmaMacros.cmake.patch: file name is too long
pjproject-jami @ 2.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
perl-parent @ 5.30.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
perl-base @ 5.30.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
perf @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
pandoc @ 2.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
owncloud-client @

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
openssh-sans-x @ 8.4p1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
openmpi-thread-multiple @ 4.0.5patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
nsis-i686 @ 3.05patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
netcdf-parallel-openmpi @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mumps-openmpi @ 5.2.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mumps-metis-openmpi @ 5.2.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mumps-metis @ 5.2.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mongodb @ 3.4.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

mongodb-support-unknown-linux-distributions.patch: file name is too long
mkbootimg @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads @ 7.0.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mingw-w64-x86_64 @ 7.0.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mingw-w64-i686-winpthreads @ 7.0.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mingw-w64-i686 @ 7.0.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mesa-opencl-icd @ 20.1.9patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mesa-opencl @ 20.1.9patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
mesa-headers @ 20.1.9patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-settings-builder @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-settings-builder @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-settings @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-settings @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-resolver-provider @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-repository-metadata @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-repository-metadata @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-plugin-api @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-plugin-api @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-model-builder @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-model-builder @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-model @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-model @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-enforcer-rules @ 3.0.0-M3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-enforcer-plugin @ 3.0.0-M3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-embedder @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-compat @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-compat @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-builder-support @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-artifact @ 3.6.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-artifact @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
maven-aether-provider @ 3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-riscv64-generic @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-mips64el-fuloong2e @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-headers @ 5.4.93patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-headers @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-headers @ 4.9.253patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-headers @ 4.4.253patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-headers @ 4.19.171patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-headers @ 4.14.217patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-bpf @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm64-generic @ 5.4.93patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm64-generic @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-veyron @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus @ 4.19.171patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus @ 4.14.217patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 5.4.93patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 4.19.171patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 4.14.217patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre @ 5.4.93patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre @ 4.9.253patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre @ 4.4.253patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre @ 4.19.171patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
linux-libre @ 4.14.217patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libstdc++-doc @ 9.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libstdc++-doc @ 5.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libmhash @

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libiberty @ 7.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libgeotiff @ 1.5.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

libgeotiff-adapt-test-script-for-proj-6.2.patch: file name is too long
libgccjit @ 9.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libchop @ 0.5.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
libcanberra-gtk2 @ 0.30patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
kodi-wayland @ 18.8patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
jfsutils-static @ 1.1.15patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4-runtime-annotations @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4-runtime-annotations @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr-code-too-large.patch: file name is too long
java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4-runtime @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4-runtime @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr-code-too-large.patch: file name is too long
java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4 @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr4 @ 4.7.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

java-tunnelvisionlabs-antlr-code-too-large.patch: file name is too long
java-powermock-reflect @ 1.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-powermock-modules-junit4-common @ 1.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-powermock-modules-junit4 @ 1.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-powermock-core @ 1.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-powermock-api-support @ 1.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-powermock-api-easymock @ 1.7.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-openmpi @ 4.0.5patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-openjfx-media @ 8.202patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-openjfx-graphics @ 8.202patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-openjfx-base @ 8.202patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
java-apache-ivy @ 2.4.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

java-apache-ivy-port-to-latest-bouncycastle.patch: file name is too long
java-antlr4-runtime @ 4.8patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
ijs @ 9.52patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
idutils @ 4.6patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
icu4c-build-root @ 66.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
http-parser @ 2.9.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
hplip-minimal @ 3.20.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
hdf5-parallel-openmpi @ 1.10.7patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
hdf4-alt @ 4.2.14patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-rsvg @ 2.18.1-0.05c6a2fpatch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-readline @ 3.0.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-present @ 0.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-mailutils @ 3.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-gnutls @ 3.6.12patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-gdbm-ffi @ 20120209.fa1d5b6patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile3.0-fibers @ 1.0.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-rsvg @ 2.18.1-0.05c6a2fpatch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-readline @ 2.2.7patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-present @ 0.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-mailutils @ 3.10patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-gnutls @ 3.6.12patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-gdbm-ffi @ 20120209.fa1d5b6patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.2-fibers @ 1.0.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.0-gnutls @ 3.6.12patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile2.0-gdbm-ffi @ 20120209.fa1d5b6patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile-static-stripped-tarball @ 2.0.14patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile-static-stripped @ 3.0.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile-static-stripped @ 2.0.14patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile-readline @ 3.0.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
guile-next @ 3.0.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gtk+ @ 3.24.23patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gtk+ @ 2.24.32patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
grub-minimal @ 2.04patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
grub-hybrid @ 2.04patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
grub-efi @ 2.04patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
grantleetheme @ 20.04.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gobject-introspection @ 1.62.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

gobject-introspection-absolute-shlib-path.patch: file name is too long
gnutls-dane @ 3.6.15patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
glibc-locales-2.29 @ 2.29patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
glibc-locales @ 2.31patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
glibc-hurd-headers @ 2.31patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
ghostscript-with-x @ 9.52patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
ghostscript-with-cups @ 9.52patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gdb-arm-none-eabi @ 9.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gccgo @ 4.9.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 9.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 8.4.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 7.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 6.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 5.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 4.9.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 4.8.5patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc++ @ 10.2.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 9.3.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 8.4.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 7.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 6.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 5.5.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 4.9.4patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 4.8.5patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
gcc-objc @ 10.2.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
freefall @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
fastboot @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
enlightenment-wayland @ 0.24.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-xwidgets @ 27.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-wide-int @ 27.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-undohist-el @ 0-1.d2239a5patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-no-x-toolkit @ 27.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-no-x @ 27.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-next @ 28.0.50-0.2ea3466patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-minimal @ 27.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-exwm-no-x-toolkit @ 0.24patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-erlang @ 23.2.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-cmake-mode @ 3.19.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-clang-rename @ 9.0.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-clang-format @ 9.0.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
emacs-beancount @ 2.2.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
dune-istl-openmpi @ 2.7.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
dsfmt @ 2.2.3patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
debops @ 1.1.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

debops-constants-for-external-program-names.patch: file name is too long
crawl-tiles @ 0.26.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
cpupower @ 5.10.11patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
coreutils-minimal @ 8.32patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
clang-runtime @ 3.9.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
clang-runtime @ 3.9.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

clang-runtime-3.9-libsanitizer-mode-field.patch: file name is too long
clang-runtime @ 3.8.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
clang-runtime @ 3.8.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

clang-runtime-3.8-libsanitizer-mode-field.patch: file name is too long
clang-runtime @ 3.7.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
clang-runtime @ 3.7.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

clang-runtime-3.8-libsanitizer-mode-field.patch: file name is too long
clang-runtime @ 3.5.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
clang-runtime @ 3.5.2patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

clang-runtime-3.5-libsanitizer-mode-field.patch: file name is too long
boost-with-python3 @ 1.72.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
boost-static @ 1.72.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
boost-python2 @ 1.72.0patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
binutils-gold @ 2.34patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
bash-static @ 5.0.16patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
bash-minimal @ 5.0.16patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
antlr4 @ 4.8patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
android-libziparchive @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
android-libutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
android-libsparse @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
android-liblog @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
android-libcutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
adb @ 7.1.2_r36patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
tuxpaint @ 0.9.23patch-headers

Validate patch headers

tuxpaint-stamps-path.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
tcsh @ 6.22.02patch-headers

Validate patch headers

tcsh-fix-autotest.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
symmetrica @ 2.0patch-headers

Validate patch headers

symmetrica-bruch.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
steghide @ 0.5.1patch-headers

Validate patch headers

steghide-fixes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
sdl-pango @ 0.1.2patch-headers

Validate patch headers

sdl-pango-header-guard.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
python2-unittest2 @ 1.1.0patch-headers

Validate patch headers

python-unittest2-remove-argparse.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
python-unittest2 @ 1.1.0patch-headers

Validate patch headers

python-unittest2-remove-argparse.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
pinball @ 0.3.1patch-headers

Validate patch headers

pinball-const-fix.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
pinball @ 0.3.1patch-headers

Validate patch headers

pinball-system-ltdl.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
ocaml-dose3 @ 5.0.1patch-headers

Validate patch headers

ocaml-dose3-dont-make-printconf.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05patch-headers

Validate patch headers

nsis-env-passthru.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
nsis-i686 @ 3.05patch-headers

Validate patch headers

nsis-env-passthru.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
netsurf @ 3.10patch-headers

Validate patch headers

netsurf-message-timestamp.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
netcdf-parallel-openmpi @ 4.7.4patch-headers

Validate patch headers

netcdf-date-time.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
netcdf @ 4.7.4patch-headers

Validate patch headers

netcdf-date-time.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
mono @

Validate patch headers

mono-mdoc-timestamping.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
mkbootimg @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
mkbootimg @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
mkbootimg @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
mkbootimg @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
lsh @ 2.1patch-headers

Validate patch headers

lsh-fix-x11-forwarding.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
libmhash @

Validate patch headers

libmhash-hmac-fix-uaf.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
hdf5 @ 1.8.21patch-headers

Validate patch headers

hdf5-1.8-mpi-deprecations.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
gzdoom @ 4.3.2patch-headers

Validate patch headers

gzdoom-find-system-libgme.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
gobject-introspection @ 1.62.0patch-headers

Validate patch headers

gobject-introspection-girepository.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
gajim @ 1.2.2patch-headers

Validate patch headers

gajim-honour-GAJIM_PLUGIN_PATH.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
fastboot @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
fastboot @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
fastboot @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
fastboot @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
cyrus-sasl @ 2.1.27patch-headers

Validate patch headers

cyrus-sasl-ac-try-run-fix.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
bsd-games @ 2.17.0patch-headers

Validate patch headers

bsd-games-gamescreen.h.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
aws-checksums @ 0.1.10patch-headers

Validate patch headers

aws-checksums-cmake-prefix.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
aws-c-event-stream @ 0.1.6patch-headers

Validate patch headers

aws-c-event-stream-cmake-prefix.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
apr @ 1.6.5patch-headers

Validate patch headers

apr-skip-getservbyname-test.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libziparchive @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libziparchive @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libziparchive @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libziparchive @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libsparse @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libsparse @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libsparse @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libsparse @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-liblog @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-liblog @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-liblog @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-liblog @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libcutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libcutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libcutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
android-libcutils @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
aegis @ 4.24patch-headers

Validate patch headers

aegis-perl-tempdir2.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
adb @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-remove-damaging-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
adb @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libutils-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
adb @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

adb-add-libraries.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
adb @ 7.1.2_r36patch-headers

Validate patch headers

libziparchive-add-includes.patch: patch lacks comment and upstream status
zita-resampler @ 1.6.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3665 is way too long (93 characters)
zeitgeist @ 1.0.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 751, column 18
zeitgeist @ 1.0.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 754, column 18
zathura-pdf-poppler @ 0.3.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 609 is way too long (107 characters)
zathura-djvu @ 0.2.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 523 is way too long (93 characters)
xygrib @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1186 is way too long (95 characters)
xproto @ 7.0.31formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4988 is way too long (91 characters)
xpra @ 4.0.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 6332, column 0
xmlrpc-c @ 1.43.08formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2263 is way too long (91 characters)
xftwidth @ 20170402formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1652, column 0
xftwidth @ 20170402formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1653, column 0
xftwidth @ 20170402formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1655, column 0
xftwidth @ 20170402formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1656, column 0
xfce4-clipman-plugin @ 1.6.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 499 is way too long (91 characters)
xf86-video-intel @ 2.99.917-17.ad5540fformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3025 is way too long (91 characters)
xen @ 4.14.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
wireless-tools @ 30.pre9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3621 is way too long (104 characters)
wicd @ 1.7.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 109 is way too long (95 characters)
vorbis-tools @ 1.4.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 323
vmpk @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2580 is way too long (91 characters)
virt-manager @ 2.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
vim-full @ 8.2.2067formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 218 is way too long (94 characters)
varnish @ 6.5.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5913 is way too long (91 characters)
vamp @ 2.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3143 is way too long (94 characters)
util-linux @ 2.35.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1529 is way too long (91 characters)
upower @ 0.99.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5266 is way too long (110 characters)
unbound @ 1.13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 686
unbound @ 1.13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 722
u-boot-wandboard @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-vexpress-ca9x4 @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-tools @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 538 is way too long (91 characters)
u-boot-tools @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 560 is way too long (97 characters)
u-boot-sifive-fu540 @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-rockpro64-rk3399 @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 904 is way too long (91 characters)
u-boot-rockpro64-rk3399 @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 905 is way too long (102 characters)
u-boot-qemu-riscv64 @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-pinebook @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 760 is way too long (127 characters)
u-boot-pine64-plus @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
u-boot-pine64-lts @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
u-boot-nintendo-nes-classic-edition @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-mx6cuboxi @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-malta @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-cubietruck @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-cubieboard @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-bananapi-m2-ultra @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-am335x-evm @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-am335x-boneblack @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 711 is way too long (95 characters)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-micro @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime2 @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime @ 2020.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (93 characters)
tumbler @ 4.16.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
tigervnc-server @ 1.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 178 is way too long (102 characters)
tigervnc-server @ 1.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 181 is way too long (102 characters)
tigervnc-server @ 1.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 190, column 0
texlive-ruhyphen @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2357 is way too long (92 characters)
texlive-ruhyphen @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2360 is way too long (93 characters)
texlive-latex-pgf @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 6708 is way too long (98 characters)
texlive-latex-l3packages @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3014 is way too long (91 characters)
texlive-latex-l3packages @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
texlive-latex-base @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2468, column 22
texlive-hyph-utf8 @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2179 is way too long (108 characters)
texlive-hyph-utf8 @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2180 is way too long (108 characters)
texlive-hyph-utf8 @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2181 is way too long (95 characters)
texlive-amsfonts @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1143 is way too long (94 characters)
texlive-amsfonts @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1168 is way too long (93 characters)
texlive-amsfonts @ 51265formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1170 is way too long (91 characters)
tensorflow @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1503 is way too long (92 characters)
tensorflow @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1606 is way too long (91 characters)
tensorflow @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1693 is way too long (137 characters)
tensorflow @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1694 is way too long (131 characters)
tensorflow @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1695 is way too long (137 characters)
telepathy-glib @ 0.24.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 876 is way too long (92 characters)
symmetrica @ 2.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1409 is way too long (100 characters)
superlu-dist @ 6.4.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3053 is way too long (92 characters)
superlu-dist @ 6.4.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3073, column 0
superlu-dist @ 6.4.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3074, column 0
sundials-openmpi @ 3.1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5116, column 0
straw-viewer @ 0.1.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 1039
solfege @ 3.22.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1711 is way too long (92 characters)
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 293, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 295, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 298, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 299, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 308, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 309, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 310, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 311, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 312, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 313, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 314, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 316, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 317, column 0
slim @ 1.3.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 318, column 0
slepc-openmpi @ 3.11.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2647, column 0
slepc-complex-openmpi @ 3.11.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2663 is way too long (92 characters)
sky @ 1.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9688 is way too long (118 characters)
shogun @ 6.1.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 521 is way too long (91 characters)
serf @ 1.3.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1864 is way too long (92 characters)
sdsl-lite @ 2.1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 237 is way too long (145 characters)
sdl-mixer @ 1.2.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 260 is way too long (92 characters)
sdl-image @ 1.2.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 223 is way too long (91 characters)
sdl-gfx @ 2.0.26formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 213 is way too long (106 characters)
scalapack @ 2.0.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 909, column 0
rust-winit @ 0.20.0-alpha6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2217 is way too long (114 characters)
rust-bitstream-io @ 0.8.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3776 is way too long (111 characters)
rust-bitstream-io @ 0.8.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3778 is way too long (111 characters)
rust-async-compression @ 0.3.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2016 is way too long (92 characters)
rust-actix-derive @ 0.5.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
rust @ 1.47.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1336 is way too long (98 characters)
rust @ 1.47.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1342 is way too long (91 characters)
rust @ 1.26.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 788 is way too long (94 characters)
rust @ 1.25.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 749 is way too long (91 characters)
ruby-iruby @ 0.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 505 is way too long (112 characters)
ruby-asciidoctor-pdf @ 1.5.3-1.d257440formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1737 is way too long (99 characters)
rosegarden @ 20.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4669 is way too long (94 characters)
rosegarden @ 20.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
ri-li @ 2.0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9784 is way too long (100 characters)
restinio @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3347 is way too long (105 characters)
restinio @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3361 is way too long (95 characters)
restbed @ 4.6-1.6eb385fformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3322 is way too long (92 characters)
raspi-arm64-chainloader @ 0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 211 is way too long (139 characters)
raspi-arm64-chainloader @ 0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 224 is way too long (97 characters)
raspi-arm-chainloader @ 0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 131 is way too long (129 characters)
raspi-arm-chainloader @ 0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 137 is way too long (102 characters)
r-unifiedwmwqpcr @ 1.26.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 7431 is way too long (92 characters)
r-squarem @ 2021.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3402 is way too long (91 characters)
r-shiny @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1367 is way too long (92 characters)
r-monocle @ 2.18.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3160 is way too long (101 characters)
r-lumi @ 2.42.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3580 is way too long (95 characters)
r-hsmmsinglecell @ 1.2.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 972 is way too long (95 characters)
r-haplo-stats @ 1.8.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 14769 is way too long (103 characters)
r-genomicinteractions @ 1.24.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2380 is way too long (92 characters)
r-gamlss-dist @ 5.1-7formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 13349 is way too long (91 characters)
r-flexdashboard @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15968 is way too long (96 characters)
r-flexdashboard @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15982 is way too long (96 characters)
r-flexdashboard @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15989 is way too long (117 characters)
r-flexdashboard @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15996 is way too long (100 characters)
r-colourpicker @ 1.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 13458 is way too long (94 characters)
r-bsgenome-dmelanogaster-ucsc-dm3-masked @ 1.3.99formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 220 is way too long (95 characters)
r-abps @ 0.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 8647 is way too long (93 characters)
queen-it @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9584 is way too long (184 characters)
queen-it @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9585 is way too long (205 characters)
queen-fr @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9584 is way too long (184 characters)
queen-fr @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9585 is way too long (205 characters)
queen-de @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9584 is way too long (184 characters)
queen-de @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9585 is way too long (205 characters)
queen @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9584 is way too long (184 characters)
queen @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9585 is way too long (205 characters)
qtserialport @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1027 is way too long (115 characters)
qtsensors @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 885 is way too long (97 characters)
qtremoteobjects @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1451 is way too long (94 characters)
qtmultimedia @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 925 is way too long (96 characters)
qtbase @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 461 is way too long (96 characters)
qtbase @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 588 is way too long (97 characters)
qtbase @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 593 is way too long (94 characters)
qtbase @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 595 is way too long (94 characters)
qemu @ 5.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 152 is way too long (91 characters)
qemu @ 5.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 156 is way too long (109 characters)
qemu @ 5.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 158 is way too long (103 characters)
python2-pygobject @ 3.34.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 803 is way too long (95 characters)
python2-libmpsse @ 1.4.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1132 is way too long (96 characters)
python2-fastlmm @ 0.2.21formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1133 is way too long (92 characters)
python2 @ 2.7.17formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 181 is way too long (99 characters)
python2 @ 2.7.17formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 290 is way too long (98 characters)
python-rpy2 @ 3.3.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5722 is way too long (104 characters)
python-rpy2 @ 3.3.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5729 is way too long (104 characters)
python-pyqt @ 5.14.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1990 is way too long (105 characters)
python-mailman-hyperkitty @ 1.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3341 is way too long (168 characters)
python-libmpsse @ 1.4.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1099 is way too long (94 characters)
python @ 3.8.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 480 is way too long (93 characters)
pypy3 @ 7.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 862 is way too long (91 characters)
pyconfigure @ 0.2.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 603 is way too long (92 characters)
pth @ 2.0.7formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 42
pt-scotch32 @ 6.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3271, column 0
pt-scotch @ 6.1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3249, column 0
proj.4 @ 4.9.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 535 is way too long (92 characters)
presentty @ 0.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 45 is way too long (117 characters)
plymouth @ 0.9.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1927 is way too long (91 characters)
plasma-framework @ 5.70.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3396 is way too long (93 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 188 is way too long (93 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 189 is way too long (93 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 197 is way too long (91 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 205 is way too long (93 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 227 is way too long (92 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 228 is way too long (96 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 233 is way too long (96 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 275 is way too long (91 characters)
php @ 7.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 288 is way too long (92 characters)
petsc @ 3.11.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
perl-test2-plugin-nowarnings @ 0.06formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 106 is way too long (92 characters)
perl-sys-cpu @ 0.61formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9382 is way too long (97 characters)
perftest @ 4.4-0.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5623 is way too long (98 characters)
patchwork @ 3.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
papi @ 5.5.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
p4est @ 2.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3335, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 506, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 507, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 508, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 509, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 510, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 511, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 512, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 513, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 514, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 516, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 517, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 518, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 519, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 520, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 522, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 523, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 524, column 0
openssl @ 1.0.2uformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 525, column 0
openmpi @ 4.0.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 264 is way too long (94 characters)
openmpi @ 4.0.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 266 is way too long (96 characters)
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2384, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2385, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2386, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2387, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2388, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2389, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2390, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2391, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2392, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2397, column 0
openjdk @ 14.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2398, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2342, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2343, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2344, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2345, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2346, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2347, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2348, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2349, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2350, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2351, column 0
openjdk @ 13.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2352, column 0
openfoam @ 4.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 132 is way too long (109 characters)
openfoam @ 4.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 146 is way too long (91 characters)
opencv @ 3.4.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 396 is way too long (132 characters)
omnitux @ 1.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 581 is way too long (99 characters)
ocaml4.07-sedlex @ 2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2319 is way too long (97 characters)
ocaml-dose3 @ 5.0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 349 is way too long (92 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 65 is way too long (115 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 66 is way too long (112 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 80 is way too long (112 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 94 is way too long (92 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 104 is way too long (97 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 108 is way too long (122 characters)
nsis-x86_64 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 118 is way too long (114 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 65 is way too long (115 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 66 is way too long (112 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 80 is way too long (112 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 94 is way too long (92 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 104 is way too long (97 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 108 is way too long (122 characters)
nsis-i686 @ 3.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 118 is way too long (114 characters)
nginx-accept-language-module @ 0.0.0-1.2f69842formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 531 is way too long (92 characters)
netpbm @ 10.78.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 86 is way too long (127 characters)
ncurses @ 6.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 165
ncurses @ 6.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 179 is way too long (94 characters)
ncbi-vdb @ 2.10.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 6162, column 26
musl-cross @ 0.1-3.a8a6649formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 152 is way too long (92 characters)
mumps-openmpi @ 5.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 2892, column 0
mumps @ 5.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2806 is way too long (94 characters)
mrustc @ 0.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 178 is way too long (123 characters)
mongodb @ 3.4.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 775 is way too long (99 characters)
mkvtoolnix @ 52.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 908 is way too long (96 characters)
minizip @ 1.2.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 159 is way too long (115 characters)
mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads @ 7.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 90 is way too long (91 characters)
mingw-w64-x86_64 @ 7.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 90 is way too long (91 characters)
mingw-w64-i686-winpthreads @ 7.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 90 is way too long (91 characters)
mingw-w64-i686 @ 7.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 90 is way too long (91 characters)
mesa @ 20.1.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 299 is way too long (120 characters)
mergerfs @ 2.31.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
maven-wagon-http @ 3.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 901 is way too long (105 characters)
maven-wagon-http @ 3.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 906 is way too long (138 characters)
maven-wagon-http @ 3.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 907 is way too long (129 characters)
maven-wagon-file @ 3.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 738 is way too long (125 characters)
maven-surefire-plugin @ 3.0.0-M4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3607 is way too long (113 characters)
maven-surefire-plugin @ 3.0.0-M4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3608 is way too long (111 characters)
maven-shared-utils @ 3.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 583 is way too long (109 characters)
maven-resolver-transport-wagon @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 255 is way too long (91 characters)
maven-resolver-transport-wagon @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 270 is way too long (106 characters)
maven-resolver-transport-wagon @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 284 is way too long (102 characters)
maven-resolver-impl @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 201 is way too long (92 characters)
maven-resolver-impl @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 210 is way too long (92 characters)
maven-resolver-impl @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 218 is way too long (95 characters)
maven-resolver-impl @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 221 is way too long (93 characters)
maven-resolver-connector-basic @ 1.3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 165 is way too long (99 characters)
maven-embedder @ 3.6.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1638 is way too long (110 characters)
mate-panel @ 1.24.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 669 is way too long (92 characters)
mate-menus @ 1.24.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 509 is way too long (91 characters)
malcontent @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 252 is way too long (91 characters)
lxqt-session @ 0.15.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 860 is way too long (92 characters)
lxqt-session @ 0.15.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 867 is way too long (100 characters)
lxqt-session @ 0.15.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 885 is way too long (98 characters)
lxqt-connman-applet @ 0.15.0-0.8a6cc14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1360, column 0
lxqt-connman-applet @ 0.15.0-0.8a6cc14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1361, column 0
lxqt-connman-applet @ 0.15.0-0.8a6cc14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1362, column 0
lxqt-connman-applet @ 0.15.0-0.8a6cc14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1363, column 0
lxqt-connman-applet @ 0.15.0-0.8a6cc14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1364, column 0
lxqt-connman-applet @ 0.15.0-0.8a6cc14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1366, column 0
lxde-common @ 0.99.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
lure-it @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9485 is way too long (93 characters)
lure-fr @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9485 is way too long (93 characters)
lure-es @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9485 is way too long (93 characters)
lure-de @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9485 is way too long (93 characters)
lure @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9485 is way too long (93 characters)
lua-tablepool @ 0.01formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1020 is way too long (100 characters)
lua-resty-signal @ 0.02formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 985 is way too long (104 characters)
lua-resty-signal @ 0.02formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 986 is way too long (93 characters)
lua-resty-signal @ 0.02formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 987 is way too long (123 characters)
lua-resty-signal @ 0.02formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 988 is way too long (112 characters)
lua-resty-shell @ 0.03formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1052 is way too long (100 characters)
lua-resty-shell @ 0.03formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1054 is way too long (119 characters)
lua-resty-shell @ 0.03formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1055 is way too long (108 characters)
lua-resty-lrucache @ 0.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 945 is way too long (100 characters)
lua-resty-lrucache @ 0.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 947 is way too long (119 characters)
lua-resty-lrucache @ 0.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 948 is way too long (108 characters)
lua-resty-core @ 0.1.18formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 910 is way too long (95 characters)
love-nuklear @ v2.6-1.fef4e00formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 751
localed @ 241formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 713 is way too long (96 characters)
linux-pam @ 1.4.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
linux-libre-riscv64-generic @ 5.10.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-mips64el-fuloong2e @ 5.10.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm64-generic @ 5.4.93formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm64-generic @ 5.10.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus @ 5.10.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus @ 4.19.171formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-omap2plus @ 4.14.217formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 5.4.93formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 5.10.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 4.19.171formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre-arm-generic @ 4.14.217formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre @ 5.4.93formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre @ 5.10.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre @ 4.9.253formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre @ 4.4.253formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre @ 4.19.171formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
linux-libre @ 4.14.217formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 817 is way too long (117 characters)
libsoup @ 2.72.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4722 is way too long (128 characters)
libsoup @ 2.72.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
libsigsegv @ 2.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 48 is way too long (133 characters)
libsigrok @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 211 is way too long (101 characters)
libsigrok @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 212 is way too long (92 characters)
libsecp256k1 @ 20200615-1.dbd41dbformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1055 is way too long (106 characters)
librsvg @ 2.50.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3397 is way too long (104 characters)
libringclient @ 20200710.1.6bd18d2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 502 is way too long (105 characters)
librime @ 1.6.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 328 is way too long (93 characters)
libosinfo @ 1.7.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 944 is way too long (106 characters)
libnfs @ 3.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
libjxr @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 520 is way too long (95 characters)
libextractor @ 1.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 128 is way too long (140 characters)
libdaemon @ 0.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 35 is way too long (147 characters)
libdaemon @ 0.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
libblockdev @ 2.25formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 248, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 249, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 250, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 251, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 252, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 253, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 254, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 255, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 256, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 259, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 260, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 262, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 263, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 264, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 265, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 266, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 268, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 269, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 270, column 0
libarchive @ 3.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 271, column 0
ldc @ 1.10.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
ldc @ 0.17.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 130 is way too long (98 characters)
kuserfeedback @ 1.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
krona-tools @ 2.7formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 1160
kpackage @ 5.70.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1928 is way too long (106 characters)
kio @ 5.70.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2767 is way too long (113 characters)
kimageformats @ 5.70.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1790 is way too long (103 characters)
kget @ 20.04.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
kdbusaddons @ 5.70.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 647 is way too long (107 characters)
kcmutils @ 5.70.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2239 is way too long (113 characters)
julia @ 1.5.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 301 is way too long (107 characters)
julia @ 1.5.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 303 is way too long (106 characters)
js-mathjax @ 2.7.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 150 is way too long (91 characters)
js-filesaver @ 1.3.8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 534 is way too long (99 characters)
jose @ 10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 37 is way too long (92 characters)
jimtcl @ 0.80formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
java-xom @ 127formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 1913
java-testng @ 6.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 10591 is way too long (91 characters)
java-surefire-booter @ 3.0.0-M4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3271 is way too long (107 characters)
java-sisu-build-api @ 0.0.7formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4851 is way too long (98 characters)
java-plexus-sec-dispatcher @ 1.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4728 is way too long (107 characters)
java-plexus-compiler-javac @ 2.8.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4609 is way too long (95 characters)
java-picard @ 2.3.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4099 is way too long (104 characters)
java-picard @ 2.10.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4158 is way too long (104 characters)
java-picard @ 2.10.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4188 is way too long (91 characters)
java-picard @ 1.113formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4245 is way too long (96 characters)
java-picard @ 1.113formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4246 is way too long (117 characters)
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-spi @ 4.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9552 is way too long (92 characters)
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-spi @ 4.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9556 is way too long (98 characters)
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-spi @ 4.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9560 is way too long (99 characters)
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-spi @ 4.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9561 is way too long (91 characters)
java-ops4j-pax-exam-core-spi @ 4.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9564 is way too long (100 characters)
java-ops4j-base-lang @ 1.5.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9248 is way too long (110 characters)
java-openjfx-base @ 8.202formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2611 is way too long (111 characters)
java-openjfx-base @ 8.202formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2626 is way too long (99 characters)
java-openchart2 @ 1.4.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12251 is way too long (92 characters)
java-native-access @ 4.5.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12431 is way too long (91 characters)
java-logback-classic @ 1.2.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 13010 is way too long (102 characters)
java-joda-time @ 2.9.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 11922 is way too long (92 characters)
java-jnacl @ 0.1.0-2.094e819formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 10668 is way too long (93 characters)
java-jnacl @ 0.1.0-2.094e819formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 10678 is way too long (92 characters)
java-jgit @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 13113 is way too long (93 characters)
java-jbzip2 @ 0.9.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 274 is way too long (92 characters)
java-hawtjni @ 1.15formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 11578 is way too long (92 characters)
java-hamcrest-core @ 1.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3740 is way too long (112 characters)
java-geronimo-xbean-reflect @ 4.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 11360 is way too long (92 characters)
java-geronimo-xbean-bundleutils @ 4.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 11475 is way too long (122 characters)
java-fasterxml-jackson-dataformat-yaml @ 2.9.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9878 is way too long (104 characters)
java-fasterxml-jackson-dataformat-xml @ 2.9.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9993 is way too long (98 characters)
java-fasterxml-jackson-databind @ 2.9.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9710 is way too long (96 characters)
java-fasterxml-jackson-core @ 2.9.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9659 is way too long (93 characters)
java-eclipse-text @ 3.6.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 7272, column 20
java-eclipse-text @ 3.6.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 7273, column 20
java-eclipse-sisu-plexus @ 0.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12827 is way too long (104 characters)
java-eclipse-sisu-plexus @ 0.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12834 is way too long (95 characters)
java-eclipse-jdt-core @ 3.16.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 7332 is way too long (98 characters)
java-commons-jxpath @ 1.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 6047 is way too long (93 characters)
java-commons-httpclient @ 3.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12293 is way too long (91 characters)
java-commons-exec @ 1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5815 is way too long (91 characters)
java-aqute-bndlib @ 3.5.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9433 is way too long (91 characters)
java-apache-ivy @ 2.4.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12651 is way too long (101 characters)
jami @ 20200710.1.6bd18d2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 536 is way too long (92 characters)
ir @ 1.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 1914
idris @ 1.3.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 104 is way too long (93 characters)
icedtea @ 3.7.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1785 is way too long (109 characters)
icedtea @ 2.6.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1275 is way too long (102 characters)
icedtea @ 2.6.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1456 is way too long (100 characters)
icedove @ 78.7.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1337 is way too long (98 characters)
icedove @ 78.7.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1492 is way too long (105 characters)
icedove @ 78.7.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1494 is way too long (102 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1003 is way too long (102 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1095 is way too long (139 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1101 is way too long (95 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1145 is way too long (94 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1147 is way too long (95 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1160 is way too long (98 characters)
icecat @ 78.7.0-guix0-preview1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1289 is way too long (92 characters)
hypre-openmpi @ 2.15.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 4545, column 0
hyperledger-iroha @ 1.1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 169 is way too long (105 characters)
help2man @ 1.47.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
hdf-java @ 3.3.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1299 is way too long (92 characters)
gx-go @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 186 is way too long (91 characters)
gx-go @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 191 is way too long (91 characters)
gx-go @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 196 is way too long (91 characters)
gx-go @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 197 is way too long (99 characters)
gx-go @ 1.9.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 198 is way too long (91 characters)
gx @ 0.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 126 is way too long (91 characters)
gx @ 0.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 131 is way too long (91 characters)
gx @ 0.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 136 is way too long (91 characters)
gx @ 0.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 137 is way too long (99 characters)
gx @ 0.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 138 is way too long (91 characters)
gx @ 0.14.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 145 is way too long (91 characters)
guile2.2-readline @ 2.2.7formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 384 is way too long (94 characters)
guile-wm @ 1.0-1.f3c7b3bformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 128 is way too long (92 characters)
guile-sdl @ 0.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 607 is way too long (111 characters)
guile-readline @ 3.0.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 384 is way too long (94 characters)
guile-for-guile-emacs @ 2.1.2-1.15ca784formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 496 is way too long (96 characters)
guile-for-guile-emacs @ 2.1.2-1.15ca784formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

trailing white space on line 500
guile-dbi @ 2.1.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1438 is way too long (94 characters)
guile @ 2.0.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 188 is way too long (94 characters)
guile @ 2.0.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 191 is way too long (93 characters)
gtklick @ 0.6.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1146 is way too long (94 characters)
gtk+ @ 2.24.32formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 813, column 0
gtk+ @ 2.24.32formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 814, column 0
gtk+ @ 2.24.32formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 815, column 0
google-brotli @ 1.0.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1955 is way too long (94 characters) @ 1.6.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 679 is way too long (91 characters)
go-github-com-rogpeppe-go-internal @ 1.6.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 6301 is way too long (101 characters)
go-github-com-multiformats-go-multiaddr-net @ 1.6.3-0.1cb9a0eformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3477 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-multiformats-go-multiaddr-net @ 1.6.3-0.1cb9a0eformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3478 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-multiformats-go-multiaddr @ 1.3.0-0.fe1c46fformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3434 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-mitchellh-go-homedir @ 1.0.0-0.ae18d6bformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3321 is way too long (95 characters)
go-github-com-mattn-go-shellwords @ 1.0.5-1.2444a32formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
go-github-com-libp2p-go-libp2p-peer @ 2.3.8-0.993d742formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3226 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-libp2p-go-libp2p-metrics @ 2.1.6-0.a10ff6eformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3282 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-libp2p-go-libp2p-metrics @ 2.1.6-0.a10ff6eformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3285 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-api @ 1.3.1-0.dafc2a1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 81 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-api @ 1.3.1-0.dafc2a1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 82 is way too long (91 characters)
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-api @ 1.3.1-0.dafc2a1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 85 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-api @ 1.3.1-0.dafc2a1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 88 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-api @ 1.3.1-0.dafc2a1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 89 is way too long (101 characters)
go-github-com-ipfs-go-ipfs-api @ 1.3.1-0.dafc2a1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 95 is way too long (93 characters)
go-github-com-gorilla-context @ 0.0.0-0.08b5f42formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1675 is way too long (164 characters)
go-github-com-davecgh-go-spew @ 1.1.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2889 is way too long (129 characters)
gnome-keyring @ 3.34.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2456 is way too long (91 characters)
gnome-initial-setup @ 3.32.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1396 is way too long (91 characters)
gmp @ 6.2.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 82 is way too long (96 characters)
glusterfs @ 7.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
glibc @ 2.31formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 810 is way too long (98 characters)
glade @ 3.36.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3099 is way too long (91 characters)
git-crypt @ 0.6.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 783 is way too long (91 characters)
gimp-resynthesizer @ 2.0.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 498 is way too long (107 characters)
giac @ 1.6.0-47formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 364 is way too long (95 characters)
ghc-xdg-basedir @ 0.2.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15244 is way too long (93 characters)
ghc-vector @

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
ghc-th-orphans @ 0.13.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 13517 is way too long (92 characters)
ghc-system-filepath @ 0.4.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 13004 is way too long (250 characters)
ghc-hxt-unicode @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1486 is way too long (91 characters)
ghc-base-unicode-symbols @ 0.2.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 955 is way too long (101 characters)
ghc @ 8.6.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 591 is way too long (91 characters)
geany @ 1.37.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
gdm @ 3.34.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 8094 is way too long (103 characters)
gcompris @ 17.05formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 135 is way too long (96 characters)
gaupol @ 1.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4530 is way too long (95 characters)
gap @ 4.11.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1172 is way too long (98 characters)
freeorion @ 0.4.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9869 is way too long (92 characters)
freedink-engine @ 109.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3082, column 0
freedink-engine @ 109.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3083, column 0
freedink-engine @ 109.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3084, column 0
freedink-engine @ 109.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3085, column 0
freedink-engine @ 109.6formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 3086, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5143, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5144, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5145, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5146, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5148, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5155, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5156, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5157, column 0
fmit @ 1.2.14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 5158, column 0
flite @ 2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 90 is way too long (419 characters)
fdroidserver @ 1.1.9formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 940 is way too long (106 characters)
fc-host-tools @ 14formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1223 is way too long (122 characters)
fastboot @ 7.1.2_r36formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 700 is way too long (105 characters)
faad2 @ 2.8.8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1660 is way too long (95 characters)
extra-cmake-modules @ 5.70.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 112 is way too long (91 characters)
emacs-telega @ 0.7.1-1.1d28dc2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 24472 is way too long (99 characters)
emacs-telega @ 0.7.1-1.1d28dc2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 24494, column 0
emacs-telega @ 0.7.1-1.1d28dc2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 24495, column 0
emacs-telega @ 0.7.1-1.1d28dc2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 24498, column 0
emacs-telega @ 0.7.1-1.1d28dc2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 24502, column 0
emacs-sqlite @ 1.0-0.dad42b8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 4552, column 0
emacs-sqlite @ 1.0-0.dad42b8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 4553, column 0
emacs-powershell @ 0.3-0.d1b3f95formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 14107, column 0
emacs-powershell @ 0.3-0.d1b3f95formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 14108, column 0
emacs-org @ 9.4.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
emacs-mit-scheme-doc @ 20140203formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 5930 is way too long (94 characters)
emacs-gtk-look @ 29formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 20407 is way too long (94 characters)
emacs-exwm @ 0.24formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 12424 is way too long (96 characters)
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12768, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12769, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12772, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12773, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12785, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12786, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12787, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12788, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12789, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12790, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12791, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12792, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12793, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12794, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12795, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12796, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12797, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12798, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12799, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12800, column 0
emacs-ert-runner @ 0.8.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12801, column 0
emacs-dash-docs @ 1.4.0-2.dafc8fcformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 22803 is way too long (91 characters)
elixir @ 1.11.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 76 is way too long (97 characters)
elixir @ 1.11.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 77 is way too long (99 characters)
einstein @ 2.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 4617 is way too long (96 characters)
eigen @ 3.3.8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 1043, column 0
eid-mw @ 5.0.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 156 is way too long (97 characters)
eid-mw @ 5.0.11formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
efitools @ 1.9.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 215 is way too long (113 characters)
drumstick @ 2.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 2533 is way too long (91 characters)
drascula @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9382 is way too long (93 characters)
drascula @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 9386 is way too long (93 characters)
docker @ 19.03.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 350 is way too long (95 characters)
docker @ 19.03.12formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 386 is way too long (93 characters)
dmraid @ 1.0.0.rc16-3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 825 is way too long (91 characters)
discrover @ 1.6.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3002 is way too long (91 characters)
diffoscope @ 164formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 129 is way too long (102 characters)
dejagnu @ 1.6.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 60 is way too long (91 characters)
cryptsetup-static @ 2.3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 102 is way too long (93 characters)
crda @ 3.18formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 3728 is way too long (100 characters)
containerd @ 1.2.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 214 is way too long (105 characters)
clapack @ 3.2.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 871 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 9.0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 8.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 7.0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 6.0.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 3.9.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 3.8.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 3.7.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 3.6.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 3.5.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 11.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
clang @ 10.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
childsplay @ 3.4formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 490 is way too long (92 characters)
chez-srfi @ 1.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 246 is way too long (91 characters)
calibre @ 4.18.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 247 is way too long (93 characters)
busybox @ 1.32.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 93 is way too long (92 characters)
btanks @ 0.9.8083formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 8402 is way too long (99 characters)
btanks @ 0.9.8083formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 8427, column 18
btanks @ 0.9.8083formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 8428, column 17
blasr-libcpp @ 5.3.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 607 is way too long (95 characters)
bitcoin-unlimited @

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1438 is way too long (91 characters)
bazaar @ 2.7.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 154 is way too long (93 characters)
axoloti-runtime @ 1.0.12-2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 196 is way too long (96 characters)
axoloti-patcher-next @ 2.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 414 is way too long (94 characters)
axoloti-patcher-next @ 2.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 560 is way too long (93 characters)
axoloti-patcher-next @ 2.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 573 is way too long (103 characters)
audacity @ 2.4.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
atril @ 1.22.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 744 is way too long (92 characters)
at-spi2-core @ 2.34.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 659 is way too long (97 characters)
arm-trusted-firmware-rk3328 @ 2.3formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
appstream-glib @ 0.7.18formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1037 is way too long (93 characters)
antlr4 @ 4.8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 8305 is way too long (96 characters)
antlr4 @ 4.8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 8379 is way too long (100 characters)
android-safe-iop @ 7.1.2_r36formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 435 is way too long (95 characters)
android-libutils @ 7.1.2_r36formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 642 is way too long (114 characters)
android-libcutils @ 7.1.2_r36formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 277, column 20
adb @ 7.1.2_r36formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 366 is way too long (91 characters)
adb @ 7.1.2_r36formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 385 is way too long (97 characters)
abseil-cpp @ 20200225.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 622 is way too long (116 characters)
abseil-cpp @ 20200225.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 623 is way too long (144 characters)
abc @ 0.0-1.5ae4b97formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 95 is way too long (95 characters)
ipset @ 7.10formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 7790 is way too long (91 characters)
fcitx5-gtk @ 5.0.3inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'gobject-introspection' should probably be a native input
samblaster @ 0.1.24description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 263
r-seqlogo @ 1.56.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-rtracklayer @ 1.50.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-demultiplex @ 1.0.2-1.6e2a142description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
r-bseqsc @ 1.0-1.fef3f3edescription

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 395
r-biomart @ 2.46.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pyfit-sne @ 1.0.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
variant-tools @ 3.1.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
python-velocyto @ 0.17.17inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
python-bbknn @ 1.3.6inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-cython' should probably be a native input
multiqc @ 1.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-nose' should probably be a native input
python-pygenometracks @ 3.3profile-collisions

Report collisions that would occur due to propagated inputs

propagated inputs python-distlib@0.3.1 and python-distlib@0.3.0 collide
vcflib @ 1.0.2formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15222 is way too long (92 characters)
salmon @ 0.13.1formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 11772 is way too long (99 characters)
phast @ 1.5formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 15477, column 30
fastahack @ 1.0.0formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 15109 is way too long (91 characters)
dropseq-tools @ 1.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12339, column 0
dropseq-tools @ 1.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

tabulation on line 12351, column 0
missfits @ 2.8.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 268
xplanet @ 1.3.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

xplanet-1.3.1-libdisplay_DisplayOutput.cpp.patch: file name is too long
xplanet @ 1.3.1patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

xplanet-1.3.1-xpUtil-Add2017LeapSecond.cpp.patch: file name is too long
qucs-s @ 0.0.21inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'libtool' should probably be a native input
qucs @ 0.0.19-0.b4f27d9inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'libtool' should probably be a native input
lepton-eda @ 1.9.13-20201211inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
geda-gaf @ 1.10.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'm4' should probably be a native input
freehdl @ 0.0.8inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'pkg-config' should probably be a native input
freehdl @ 0.0.8inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'libtool' should probably be a native input
qucs-s @ 0.0.21source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
librecad @ 2.1.3source-unstable-tarball

Check for autogenerated tarballs

the source URI should not be an autogenerated tarball
emacs-scad-mode @ 2019.05patch-file-names

Validate file names and availability of patches

file names of patches should start with the package name
meshlab @ 2020.06formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
fritzing @ 0.9.3bformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 670 is way too long (91 characters)
fritzing @ 0.9.3bformatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 671 is way too long (99 characters)
freehdl @ 0.0.8formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

line 1897 is way too long (104 characters)
wine64-staging @ 5.13inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'autoconf' should probably be a native input
wine-staging @ 5.13inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'autoconf' should probably be a native input
wine64-staging @ 5.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
wine-staging @ 5.13formatting

Look for formatting issues in the source

parentheses feel lonely, move to the previous or next line
python2-rst.linker @ 1.11description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-q @ 2.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-pytest-subtesthack @ 0.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 106
python2-pyaml @ 18.11.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-html2text @ 2019.8.11description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-flexmock @ 0.10.4description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-editor @ 1.0.4description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-dukpy @ 0.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-dnspython @ 1.16.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-dbus @ 1.2.16description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python2-argcomplete @ 1.11.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-rst.linker @ 1.11description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-q @ 2.6description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pywinrm @ 0.4.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pytest-subtesthack @ 0.1.1description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 106
python-pyquery @ 1.2.17description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pypandoc @ 1.5description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pyaml @ 18.11.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-py3status @ 3.21description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-pikepdf @ 2.5.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-jinja2-time @ 0.2.0description

Validate package descriptions

use @code or similar ornament instead of quotes
python-html2text @ 2020.1.16description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-flexmock @ 0.10.4description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-eliot @ 1.12.0description

Validate package descriptions

sentences in description should be followed by two spaces; possible infraction at 153
python-dukpy @ 0.3description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-dnspython @ 2.0.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-dnspython @ 1.16.0description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-argcomplete @ 1.11.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
python-arcp @ 0.2.1description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
ptpython2 @ 3.0.5description

Validate package descriptions

description should start with an upper-case letter or digit
snakemake @ 5.7.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-docutils' should probably be a native input
python2-xopen @ 0.5.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-setuptools-scm' should probably be a native input
python2-sure @ 1.4.11inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-mock' should probably be a native input
python2-setuptools-scm-git-archive @ 1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-setuptools-scm' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-warnings @ 0.2.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-subtesthack @ 0.1.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-catchlog @ 1.2.2inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-capturelog @ 0.7inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pytest-cache @ 1.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-pytest' should probably be a native input
python2-pkgconfig @ 1.3.1inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'pkg-config' should probably be a native input
python2-numpydoc @ 0.8.0inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python-sphinx' should probably be a native input
python2-nosexcover @ 1.0.11inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-coverage' should probably be a native input
python2-nosexcover @ 1.0.11inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-nose' should probably be a native input
python2-nose-timer @ 0.7.5inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs

'python2-nose' should probably be a native input
python2-matplotlib @ 2.2.4inputs-should-be-native

Identify inputs that should be native inputs